CIS Newsletter
No. 258
March 2011
CIS Newsletter celebrates 23 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!
The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE from the UK. The CIS Newsletter is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.
- Editorial and Farewell to Gábor Sándi
- Invitation to the 49th Annual Meeting of CIS Centres
- News about the Encyclopaedia on Occupational health and safety
- News from the WHO Network of Collaborating Centres in Occupational Health
- CIS HQ News including news for 28 April 2011 World OSH Day
- New Major Accidents and Incidents database for OSH UPDATE
- News, Events and ideas from around the World including Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and USA to name a few!
- STAY SAFE... learn what NOT TO DO! (1 & 2)
- OSHE websites to explore
- Diary of Events
CIS Members' links:
- The WHO Network of Collaborating Centre Connection (CCC) e-newsletter:
- ILO CIS Network Newsletters:
Dear Colleagues
You will have received an invitation from Gábor Sándi at CIS HQ to attend the 49th Annual Meeting of CIS Centres to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, on Sunday, 11 September 2011, in conjunction with the XIX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work.
There are more details below for your information. If you are going to attend the CIS Meeting, please inform the CIS Secretariat by sending an e-mail to:
25 February 2011 is Gábor's final day at CIS HQ - in last month's CIS Newsletter I added an appreciation of his work whilst at CIS. We wish him and his wife Barbara well in their new life back in Canada.
I am still making BIG PLEA to find out where all the missing people from CIS Centres are now... we need to know when people are leaving their jobs and very importantly who is going to take over!!! PLEASE HELP!
The Encyclopaedia News from Editor Professor Jeanne Stellman is also seeking your help again... See below. Please help Jeanne as much as you can.
There is much to look forward to in our OSH World in 2011!
Roman Litvyakov was appointed on a short term contract in the position of Senior Information Specialist, and he is busy already on a number of activities - see below for details from him.
Meanwhile, as usual the CIS Newsletter contains a roundup of information received from many parts of the OSH World - for which many thanks.
Good News about the New database on Major Hazard Accidents and Incidents will be launched in February 2011 and included in OSH UPDATE - thus making 20 database.
Please send your News: Whatever you are planning - any publications, conferences, seminars or training courses, then please send the details to me so that we can share your efforts with others. Don't forget to send me your latest news! It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world.
Remember that whilst there is so much occupational safety and health information around the world not all will be trustworthy. Make sure that any information that you use is validated and authoritative and up-to-date.
Don't forget to continuously promote CIS and the Network!
Do add the CIS logo on the front page of your website would be a good first start. (Checked recently and only a few CIS Centres websites have the logo or links to CIS website).
Please do add the CIS logo on all your publications.
Any views you have on CIS and its work please send into CIS HQ - to Roman Litvyakov and Seiji Machida
Will you be Surviving in 2011?... perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!
All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues.
Sheila Pantry, OBE
Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd,
85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829
Invitation to the 49th Annual Meeting of CIS Centres
It is a pleasure to invite you to the 49th annual Meeting of CIS National, Collaborating and Regional Centres, to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, on Sunday, 11 September 2011, in conjunction with the XIX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work.
The Meeting will take place from 9:00 am till 3:30 pm, leaving sufficient time for participants to attend the formal Opening Ceremony of the World Congress, which will take place at 4:00 pm on the same day. The name and location of the meeting room at the Heliac Convention Centre will be communicated to you as soon as the organizers let us know these details. Sources of information about hotels in Istanbul, World Congress registration matters and visa procedures for Turkey can be found on the website of the Congress at:
The provisional agenda of the CIS annual Meeting is as follows:
Morning Session
- Opening
- Election of a chairperson
- Adoption of the agenda
- Adoption of the report of the 2010 meeting
- Report on CIS activities and accomplishments since the 2010 meeting
- Report on the activities of the CIS Centres Network since the 2010 meeting
- Proposed activities in 2012-2013
- Summary of reports from CIS Centres
Afternoon Session
- General discussion on issues affecting the CIS Centres network
- Working groups to share good practice
The Meeting will be held in English. There will be no individual presentations on the activities of CIS Centres.
Because the CIS Meeting will be held within the Congress location, participants will be asked to pay the registration fee for the Congress.
Payment of this registration fee will, naturally, enable you to participate in all Congress activities and attend the International Safety and Health Exhibition.
Registration will begin 30 minutes before the opening of the meeting. There will be two sessions with a one-hour lunch break in between. There will also be a short coffee break during the morning session. As the meeting will end early to permit participants to attend the World Congress's opening session and reception, no afternoon break is foreseen.
If you intend to attend the CIS Meeting, please inform the CIS Secretariat by sending an e-mail to:
Alternatively, you can send it by mail to:
International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS)
International Labour Office (ILO)
4, route des Morillons
CH-1211 Genève 22
Yours sincerely,
Gábor Sándi
Coordinator of CIS
Geneva, 17.02.2011
(Sent by CIS Centres Secretariat, Marie-Josée Charliot)
News from Geneva
Roman Litvyakov, CIS Senior Information Specialist writes:
There are various developments that will be of interest to CIS Members:
- the new version of the CISDOC database should be ready and available ONLINE at the end of June 2011;
- the new database of the International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC) is being created. ICSC provide essential health and safety information on chemicals. The primary aim of the Cards is to promote the safe use of chemicals in the workplace and the main target users are therefore workers and those responsible for health and safety in the workplace. Currently awaiting for the final decision from WHO who has to approve the new cards. The new database should be available on the CIS Website in this year;
- the new edition of the Encyclopaedia is progressing.
See also below for news from the Editor Jeanne Stellman. Jeanne will visit Geneva in April to discuss future steps;
- Jukka Takala visited ILO 21 February 2011; he had a meeting with Assane Diop, Francois Eyraud (the new director of PROTRAV) and Seiji Machida. I had a separate meeting with Jukka. EU Agency have started the project on OSH WIKI.
- The co-operation of the OSH WIKI team and ILO Encyclopaedia team has been agreed. It gives very good opportunities for the updating of the Encyclopaedia in the future.
- I have started to reorganise the CIS Website, and to create an improved structure for the time being. The CIS (and CIS related) news are going to be on the TOP of the home page. I see the CIS homepage as the portal. So, I want to see all the HOT information on the TOP and information resources after that. The navigation system will be also slightly changed to make information more logical.
New Director of ILO Labour Protection Department, Social Protection Sector (PROTRAV)
François Eyraud has been appointed Director of the Labour Protection Department (PROTRAV), International Labour Organisation, with effect from February 2011.
CIS is part of the Labour Protection Department.
Prior to this he was Director of ILO International Training Centre in Turin since 2006. Prior to this, he held a range of senior positions within the ILO, including Director of the Programme on Conditions of Work and as Principal Technical Advisor on Industrial Relations. Prior to that he worked at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS, France) and as visiting researcher at Cornell and Berkeley Universities in the USA. Mr. Eyraud holds a Doctorate in Economics from the Economics Faculty of the University of Aix Marseille II (France) and has published extensively.
1980 |
Doctorat d'État ès Sciences Économiques |
1975 |
Diplôme d'études supérieures - Faculté des Sciences Économiques |
1971 |
Maîtrise - Faculté des Sciences Économiques |
2003 |
Directeur du Programme des conditions de travail et d'emploi du BIT. |
1999 - 2003 |
Chef du service de Recrutement et des carrières du BIT. |
1997 - 1998 |
Conseiller technique principal en relations professionnelles au BIT. |
1994 - 1996 |
Directeur du bureau du BIT à Madagascar pour l'océan indien. |
1998 - 1993 |
Conseiller technique en relations professionnelles et rémunérations au BIT. |
1985 - 1988 |
Chargé de recherche principal - Centre national de la recherché scientifique (CNRS). |
1985 - 1986 |
Chercheur - visiteur à Cornell University et Berkely University. |
1980 - 1985 |
Attaché de recherche (CNRS). |
1977 - 1988 |
Professeur associé - Université d'Aix-en-Provence (France), Faculté d'Économie. |
1979 - 1980 |
Expert en relations professionnelles et salaires pour le BIT à l'Ile Maurice. |
1978 - 1979 |
Visiting fellow à Warwick University (Grande-Bretagne) dans l'Industrial Relations Research Unit. |
1976 - 1980 |
Chargé d'études - Centre d'étude et de recherche sur l'emploi et la qualification (CEREQ - France). |
Latest News about the Encyclopaedia on Occupational health and safety: the story continues...
Since the last CIS Newsletter Jeanne has heard from a small number of people. So if you are still interested in testing the Encyclopaedia beta-version website it is not too late.
Please let Jeanne Stellman Email: know if you wish to test it and comment on it.
Editor Jeanne Stellmann asks the following:
- The Encyclopaedia beta-version website is almost ready for testing so some volunteers are needed. Please let Jeanne Stellman Email: know if you wish to test it and comment on it.
- The Encyclopaedia database is being updated. If you were a contributor or reviewer to the 4th edition of the Encyclopaedia, Jeanne will be interested to hear from you about your current contact details including your email addresses and affiliations so that you can be apprised of revision efforts and informed when the new website is up-and-running.
- A major area in which CIS members can make a vital contribution is to propose links to resources and references. Jeanne would very much like the Encyclopaedia entries to have the most relevant and up-to-date links possible. When the website is ready for viewing, CIS Newsletter will post the URL so that users can provide feedback on links and resources.
News from the WHO Network of Collaborating Centres in Occupational Health
The Network of Collaborating Centres in Occupational Health currently includes 74 government, research and academic institutions from 40 countries, and three non-governmental organizations (ICOH, IOHA and IEA) in the CC Directory We want to welcome the institutes that have joined us very recently and have contributed their first projects into the Network 2009-2012 Workplan:
- Canada: Occupational Health and Safety Research Institute Robert-Sauvé (IRSST)
- China: Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC)
- Grenada: Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, St. George's University
- Mexico: Occupational Health Research Institute (IISO), University of Guadalajara
- Turkey: Ministry of Labour and Social Security Occupational Health and Safety Institute (ISGÜM)
- United Arab Emirates: Department of Community Medicine, United Arab Emirates University
Update on The Network 2009-2012 Workplan
The December 2010 edition of the Network 2009-2012 Work Plan has been posted on the WHO website. It consists of 300 individual projects organized into 5 GPA objectives and 15 priority areas agreed by the Network. Five documents constitute the Workplan and can be viewed on the website:
- Summary of GPA Priorities (key 2 page document showing priorities, deliverables, leadership)
- Summary of Project Titles (easy to see projects contributing to each priority area)
- Grid showing projects of each Collaborating Centre (easy way to check your CC projects)
- Compendium of Project Descriptions (473 pages containing detailed project descriptions)
- Facilitating Project Document (administrative document listing project titles and anticipated 2012 products)
The projects are managed by the GPA Managers and initiative leaders, in cooperation with the WHO occupational health staff in Geneva and regional offices. Deliverables for the year 2012 have been identified by the project leaders for the majority of the projects. Over the next few months there will be a focus on collecting key products, indicators of success, and examples of impact to demonstrate the successes of the 2009-2012 Workplan.
Count down to The 2011 World Day for Safety and Health at Work 28 April 2011
Are you making your preparations... there is little time left in the countdown now to 28 April 2011!
Since 2003, the International Labour Organization (ILO) observes the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on the 28 of April. The theme for the 2011 World Day is:
- OSH management system: A tool for continual improvement
- Système de gestion de la SST: un outil pour une amélioration continue
- Sistema de gestión de la SST: una herramienta para la mejora continua
A brochure and promotional products are being prepared to commemorate this event. Further information will be available soon at:
MHAID: New database on Major Accidents and Incidents is being added into OSH UPDATE!
Essential occupational health and safety information source! OSH UPDATE is here to help - easy to use and very subscription friendly - why pay more?
OSH UPDATE - arguably one of the world's best collections of full text and bibliographic health and safety information is continuously updated as new data is published
- OSH UPDATE currently has 19 databases containing validated and authoritative worldwide information on ALL aspects of health and safety at work from around the work including CISDOC database
- New database on Major Hazard Accidents and Incidents will be launched in February 2011 and included in OSH UPDATE - thus making 20 database
- Contain over 815,000 records containing thousands of links to full text documents containing guidance, advice, research results, standards etc on all aspects of worked related health and safety.
- It has user-friendly powerful software that takes you direct to the documents and information that you are seeking.
- Is the lowest priced collection in the world of occupational safety and health (OSH) information.
- Will help you keep up-to-date easy and cheaply.
- Used by organisations worldwide from government departments, research laboratories, private companies, institutions, associations to individual consultants.
Don't make health and safety decisions without consulting the world's authoritative and validated guidance and advice that is found within OSH UPDATE.
Send your request at
News from around the World
News from the European Chemicals Agency
ECHA's Sixth Stakeholders' Day on 17-18 May 2011
The European Chemicals Agency will organise its Sixth Stakeholders' Day on 17-18 May 2011, in Helsinki. The event is being planned for two consecutive days:
- 17 May - Training sessions
- 18 May - Plenary discussions
The annual Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF) will follow ECHA's Stakeholders' Day and, as in previous years, participants to the Stakeholders' Day are entitled to a reduced attendance fee for the HCF.
Further information about both events is available below.
ECHA's Stakeholders' Day:
Third Global Helsinki Chemicals Forum on 19-20 May 2011:
News from Australia
Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists Inc 29th Annual conference and exhibition, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia, 3 - 11 December 2011
The annual conference of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists is the premier annual event for Occupational Hygienists throughout Australia. The conference aims to promote the science and practice of addressing health hazards in the workplace. The conference brings together researchers, practitioners, regulators, new hygienists, and those working on the periphery of occupational hygiene to discuss issues that affect health at work.
The theme for AIOH2011 is:
Looking Forward Looking Back: Reflecting on the journey so far, while striving toward the elimination of occupational illness.
The conference will be held in the capital city of Queensland, Brisbane, at the new Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre boutique conference complex - located in the heart of Brisbane's South Bank cultural precinct.
Further information and to register your interest in attending, exhibiting or sponsorship:
News from Canada
Identify and Work Safely Around Chemical Hazards in the Office
In an office environment, chemicals can come in the form of cleaners, paints, flammable aerosols, gas cylinders, etc. - which all have their own unique set of hazards. Because people who work in office environments must understand how to identify and deal with these hazards, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has developed a new e-course.
WHMIS for Office Environments explains common chemical hazards found in office buildings and provides workers in office environments with the core knowledge needed to meet legislated Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) education requirements. This course includes case studies with discussion summaries and other examples to illustrate the concepts, as well as practical tools such as sample forms and checklists. Quizzes throughout the course and an exam are also included to help measure and encourage learning.
WHMIS for Office Environments is available for anyone who works in an office building, including workers, supervisors, managers, building operations personnel and cleaning/custodial staff.
CCOHS courses are unique in that they are reviewed by expert representatives from labour, employers and government to ensure the content and approach are unbiased and credible. All CCOHS e-learning courses are available in English and French.
For more information on WHMIS for Office Environments, please visit the CCOHS website:
A Guide to Challenging Return-to-Work Situations
Some injured workers can face challenges in return to work situations that result in long-term workers' compensation claims. To provide insight to these challenges and offer practical solutions to prevent these problems, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has partnered with the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) to present A Guide to Challenging Return-To-Work Situations.
In this webinar, Dr. Ellen MacEachen will present the findings of an IWH study which involved in-depth interviews with injured workers, service providers, insurers and workplace personnel, and led to the development of a practical guide called Red Flags/Green Lights: A Guide to Identifying and Solving Return-to-Work Problems. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, February 16, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. EST, and registrants qualify for certification maintenance points from the American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH), Canadian Registered Board of Occupational Hygienists (CRBOH) and the Ontario Kinesiology Association (OKA).
Dr. MacEachen is a scientist at the Institute for Work & Health. She is also an assistant professor in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. Dr. MacEachen is also an occupational health social scientist specializing in qualitative methods, and is currently president of the Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health.
More information on this webinar and registration can be found on the CCOHS website.
For both the above items contact:
Eleanor Westwood, Manager - Communications, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) | +1 (905) 572-2981, ext. 4408 | E-mail: |
Wendy Stewart, Communications Officer, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) | +1 (905) 572-2981, ext. 4443 | E-mail: |
News from Germany
18 to 21 October 2011 - A+A in Düsseldorf, Germany
18 to 21 October 2011 will see the A+A in Düsseldorf, the leading international event for Safety, Security and Health at Work (Trade Fair + Congress), ring in the "home stretch" in view of the highly ambitious aims pursued by the European Union for the period 2007 to 2012. With its Community Strategy on Health and Safety at the Workplace the EU aims to reduce the number of occupational accidents by 25% by 2012. There are still around 4 million accidents occurring at the workplace across Europe every year.
Against this background experts from the areas of occupational safety and workplace security management are anxiously looking forward to A+A. The event is the central meeting point for market leaders in this field and for national and international institutions and at the same time Europe's largest discussion forum for safe and healthy workplaces.
Even during the economic and financial crisis the A+A held every two years achieved record figures - recently boasting over 1,500 exhibitors from 62 nations and to the tune of 56,000 trade visitors and 5,000 congress delegates. Underlining this outstanding position, Joachim Schäfer, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf, said: "No other sectoral event offers such a complete overview of the latest products and services and provides so much impetus through the expert exchange among specialists as the global No. 1 fair in this field, the A+A."
A. Martin-Ulf Koch, Manager Press Department, G2-PR/ Presseabteilung - Press Department, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Stockumer Kirchstr. 61, 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany | Tel: +49 (0) 211/4560-444 | Fax: +49 (0) 211/4560-8548 | |
News from Germany and Poland
A+A 2011 with partner country Poland - a high-potential market - Young, innovative companies from Germany can benefit from funding programme
Poland is the "logical" partner country for this year's A+A: "Everyone is anxious to see what impulses will be generated by Polish Working Conditions Across Borders."
In addition to a joint stand organised by Polish exhibitors and the visit of a high-ranking political delegation, an information and discussion event on the Polish market for personal protective equipment has also been planned as a fixture for the supporting programme of A+A 2011.
News from Japan
JISHA's Annual report and Activities 2010
Akiko Taguchi, Director, International Affairs Center JISHA writes:
The latest Annual report - 2010 from the Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA) shows a range of activities undertaken, including:
- Proactive development of programs relating to risk assessment and OSHMS
- Assistance to small and medium sized enterprises
- Technical Services
- Research and surveys
- Promotion of Safety and Health education
- Ensuring Health and Promoting comfortable workplaces
- Production and Distribution of Publications
- National events and campaigns
- International cooperation
- Japan Bioassay Research Centre
For copies of the English language version of the 2010 JISHA Annual Report contact: JISHA, (ILO-CIS National Centre in Japan), 5-35-1 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan | Tel/Fax +81 3 3454 4596 | Email: |
News from the UK
Jonathan Gorvin writes:
As some of you are aware, I have left the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) in the UK on 11 February 2011 to join the Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales (ICAEW) as International Affairs Manager.
I would like to take this opportunity to note what a privilege it has been working with such a dedicated group of professionals. It has been humbling to see so many devoted to protecting the lives of others, and I hope that you will continue to work hard doing so in the future.
Should you ever wish to contact me, I am available on LinkedIn and other social networking sites, or by email:
We wish Jonathan every success in his new job!
News from the USA
The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) announces its Third "International Certificate Program in Occupational Health Practice" for health professionals (doctors and nurses) worldwide who work in companies and organizations in developing countries or remote areas and do not have a formal academic training in OSH. The programme starts in Sept 2011.
- It is 100% online and no travels are required
- Focuses on practical and evidence-based occupational health interventions
- Teaching is in English but assignments can be sent back in five languages: English, French, German, Spanish and (limited) in Arabic.
- Instructors are an international group of faculty with overseas experience
- Teaching is instructor-led with individual feedback for an intensive learning experience
- Courses can be taken individually
- Discount options for institutions/companies with multiple participants are available
The Program offers three courses during a nine month period (about 340 total hours):
- Foundations in Occupational Health, Hygiene and Safety Practice (10 weeks) Sep - Nov 2011
- Clinical Occupational Medicine and Medical Surveillance (8 weeks) Jan - Mar 2012
- Management in Occupational Health, Hygiene and Safety Programs(8 weeks) Apr - May 2012
Participants come from companies and organizations around the world, for instance from China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan, Nigeria, Botswana, Kenya, South Africa, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, or Chile.
Details available at, programme brochure at:
Contact: Norbert Wagner MD PhD, Director, International Program in Occupational Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) | Email: | Web:
News from the USA
The Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts Lowell has just released, Lessons Learned: Solutions for Workplace Safety and Health
Illustrated with remarkable, poignant photographs by the renowned labour photojournalist Earl Dotter, the report describes six case studies of occupational health and safety failures in industries with varied worker populations and hazards. In each of the case studies there are examples of when we knew of harm to workers, but did not act; and when we knew that federal programs and policies to alleviate such harm were not working, but did not change directions.
The six case studies (each of which can be downloaded separately) include:
- Case Study 1: Floor finishers, lacquer sealers, and fires: safer product alternatives are the solution.
- Case Study 2: When my job breaks my back: shouldering the burden of work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
- Case Study 3: The poison that smells like butter: diacetyl and popcorn workers' lung disease.
- Case Study 4: Injuries are not accidents: construction will be safe when it's designed to be safe.
- Case Study 5: Regulating methylene chloride: a cautionary tale about setting health standards one chemical at a time.
- Case Study 6: Safe food from safe workplaces: protecting meat and poultry processing worker.
Using lessons learned from the case studies, the report outlines seven high-priority strategies that could have important impacts on making workplaces and communities safer and healthier. The reforms include policy changes within the traditional boundaries of OSHA, such as support for a Workplace Injury and illness Prevention Program. In addition, the report recommends more fundamental changes involving reforms in other agencies and organizations that co-optimize goals of worker health, community health and economic prosperity, such as strengthening expertise in occupational and environmental health medicine and surveillance to better ensure workers' lives are protected, promoting "Prevention through Design" to make jobs, products and materials inherently safer, as well as comprehensive chemicals policy reform.
The report concludes that more regulations or more inspectors alone will not solve the complex and overlapping failures of our existing worker and community health protections. A broader package of reforms is necessary if we are to accomplish the goals of the Occupational Safety and Health Act to "assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions."
With this report, we hope we are providing front-line advocates with compelling stories showing how the US system to protect workers is broken as well as feasible steps forward.
Please let us know how our future research and outreach on this report can be supportive of your efforts.
The full report and executive summary can be downloaded from the Lowell Center website:
David Kriebel, Joel Tickner, Molly Jacobs, Pia Markkanen, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, University of Massachusetts Lowell
News from the ILO and EU
ILO and EU to launch new project on improving safety and health at work
Responding to a pressing need to improve the safety and health of workers, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Union are launching a new project aimed at reducing occupational accidents and diseases in six countries in Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Moldova), Africa (Zambia and Malawi) and Central America (Honduras and Nicaragua).
The new project - called Improving safety and health at work through a decent work agenda - will play a part in a more inclusive and productive society by seeking to advance safety and health at work through a systematic approach engaging commitment on the highest political level.
"The project will include sensitization activities to convince government officials to include occupational health and safety concerns as part of national development plans, to stimulate high level decision makers at government level to allocate funds for occupational safety and health and, more generally speaking, to encourage stakeholders to take the necessary steps to improve occupational safety and health", said Mr Seiji Machida, director of SafeWork, the ILO's Programme on safety and Health at work and the environment.
One the main activities will be to support the national tripartite constituents in developing national OSH action plans based on the needs and gaps in these countries. Seminars for national policy-makers will be held to sensitize them on OSH and push for high level support at the national level.
Two key products will be developed as an integral part of the project: a methodology to determine more accurately the number of occupational accidents and work-related diseases in each country, as well a practical tool to enable countries to make their own calculations of the costs of not improving OSH conditions.
"Knowing the scope of the problem and extent of work related accidents, diseases and fatalities that occur daily will help advocate for action to mitigate these tragedies. The methodologies and tools will help quantify the concern, and call for an informed need to prevent work related catastrophes", Mr Machida said.
Other activities include - depending on the local context - training of OSH inspectors and awareness-raising campaigns in conjunction with the annual World Day on Safety and Health at Work and the EU Safety and Health at Work week. This will involve the development of tools such as brochures, newsletters, promotional items, public events and visits, audiovisual and multimedia presentations targeting also the general public. A specific website displaying updated information on the project will be created.
"Good practices and lessons learned in the six countries involved will certainly be very useful to further spread the advocacy messages on OSH in other parts of the world. They will be the subject of a final report which will be published for the benefit of other countries and to promote a systematic approach to national occupational health and safety developments", says Mr Bouratsis, Director of Thematic Operations in European Commission EuropeAid Cooperation Office.
In addition, the ILO and European Commission will organize a global conference to disseminate guidance on OSH programmes and exchange good practices, including the findings of country programmes.
Finally, advocacy tools developed by the project will be promoted by ILO SafeWork through its on-line CIS database and information service. Findings will also be endorsed by both the ILO and EU regional networks.
The countries covered involved were chosen based on the priorities identified in the decent work country programmes (DWCPs) of these countries, and the willingness expressed by the constituents to participate in the implementation of the project to ensure successful results and improvement in OSH.
Safety and health at work remains a major global concern, making such an advocacy project a much needed tool to save lives. Some 2.31 million people die around the world every year as a result of their work. This means that 6,500 workers die every day of the year from work-related accidents or illnesses. Of these, some 1,000 people go out to work in the morning or evening and simply don't return home because they die in occupational accidents.
News from the ILO and UK Cardiff University join forces to promote decent work and sector-specific standards and instruments
The International Labour Organization and the Cardiff University, through its Cardiff Business School, have signed an agreement to collaborate in the promotion and advancement of the social and labour dimension in the industrial, services and maritime sectors.
The ILO's Sectoral Activities Department and the Cardiff Business School will work together to promote decent work and sector-specific standards and instruments, make use of sectoral training materials, as well as to develop new sector-specific research and tools. The agreement will enable information exchange and allow the ILO and the Cardiff University to engage in consultations and to undertake joint programmes on relevant key issues in the different industrial, services and maritime sectors.
Furthermore, the respective ILO and Cardiff University websites will be linked to foster the sharing of data and information sources, including libraries.
This agreement is one of the first in the establishment of an institutional network, on sectoral issues, comprising of specialised universities, institutions linked to the social partners at the sectoral level, research networks and academics. The network will aim to enhance the capacity of the Office to provide technical assistance at sectoral level and to gather and disseminate specific sectoral information in a targeted manner, while expanding the outreach of the decent work agenda.
The agreement was signed by Ms. Elizabeth Tinoco, Director of the Sectoral Activities Department, on behalf of the ILO and by Professor George Boyne, Dean of Cardiff Business School, on behalf of the Cardiff University. The signing ceremony, which took place on 14 January 2011, was attended by Mr. Michael Henriques from the Director General's Office, a representative from the Office of the Legal Adviser and sectoral specialists.
STAY SAFE... learn what NOT TO DO! (1)
CSB Releases New Safety Video "Deadly Practices" Focuses on ConAgra and Kleen Energy Explosions to Show Hazards of Gas Releases
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) has released a new safety video depicting two major accidents caused by the intentional release of flammable fuel gas near work areas, one year after the Kleen Energy explosion. The fifteen-minute long video focuses on two accidents investigated by the CSB. On 9 June 2009, an explosion at the ConAgra Slim Jim plant near Garner, North Carolina, USA fatally injured four workers and injured 67 others; and on 7 February 2010, an explosion at the Kleen Energy natural gas powered electric generating plant under construction in Middletown, Connecticut, USA killed six workers and injured at least 50 others.
The two incidents involved the intentional release of flammable natural gas into work areas, putting workers and nearby communities at risk of fires and explosions. At the Kleen Energy facility workers were conducting a "gas blow," a procedure that forced natural gas at high volume and pressure through newly-installed piping to remove debris. The gas was vented to the atmosphere, where it accumulated, came in contact with an ignition source and exploded. At the ConAgra facility workers were purging a pipe feeding gas to an industrial heater. During the purging operation, gas was allowed to flow through the pipe and exit through an open valve inside the utility room where the water heater was located. Flammable gas accumulated inside the building and eventually found an ignition source.
Entitled "Deadly Practices," the video includes animations that show the hazards of releasing gas into areas where it can accumulate, ignite, and kill or injure workers or members of the public. The video is available online at and on the CSB's YouTube channel.
In the video CSB Chairperson Rafael Moure-Eraso says, "The deadly accidents at Kleen Energy and ConAgra were entirely preventable. At the Chemical Safety Board, it is our hope that standards will be put in place that will require these safer practices, which we believe will save lives."
As a result of the CSB's investigation the board released urgent recommendations aimed at preventing future tragedies. The CSB recommended that OSHA promulgate regulations that address fuel gas safety for both construction and general industry.
In the video, Don Holmstrom, the CSB's Lead Investigator into both of these incidents, speaks to a key recommendation on cleaning piping at power plants: "The CSB believes that the use of flammable natural gas in gas blows is inherently unsafe and alternate methods should be used."
In September 2010 the Governor of Connecticut issued an executive order banning the use of natural gas blows during power plant construction in the state. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Code Council are taking action to ban the use of natural gas for cleaning and purging pipes.
The CSB's safety videos are provided free of charge and can be requested at The CSB is an independent federal agency charged with investigating serious chemical accidents.
For more information, contact Public Affairs Specialist Hillary Cohen at 202.261.3601, cell 202.446.8094, or Sandy Gilmour, 202.261.7614, cell 202.251.5496.
STAY SAFE... learn what NOT TO DO! (2)
CCPS Process Safety Bulletin - Understand the Reactivity of your Heat Transfer Fluid!
When thinking about chemical reaction hazards in your plant, remember to consider possible reaction between heat transfer fluids and your process materials in case of a leak in a heat exchanger, condenser, reboiler, reactor jacket or coil, or other heat transfer equipment.
The Beacon is usually published in the following languages: Afrikaans, Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Marathi, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese.
The Beacon:
Archived Beacon:
News from the USA
Musicians and others who experience loud music in their workplace are typically overlooked in terms of occupational safety and health
Recent studies at nightclubs show that all employees (waiters, bartenders, DJs, etc,) were exposed to noise levels above internationally recommended limits and were at a higher risk of early hearing loss and tinnitus. A new term, music-induced hearing loss, has been coined to reflect this growing condition. Read about innovative prevention efforts designed specifically for musicians and others in the music industry on the NIOSH Science blog
USA: Laws are good for jobs and safety
Workplace health and safety regulations don't only save lives, they benefit the economy, the USA's top safety official has said. David Michaels, assistant secretary of labor for the US Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), said in a 15 February statement: 'Despite concerns about the effect of regulation on American business, there is clear evidence that OSHA's commonsense regulations have made working conditions in this country today far safer than 40 years ago when the agency was created, while at the same time protecting American jobs. The truth is that OSHA standards don't kill jobs. They stop jobs from killing workers. OSHA standards don't just prevent worker injuries and illnesses. They also drive technological innovation, making industries more competitive.'
Speaking ahead of a Republican-driven formal government committee hearing 'Investigating OSHA's regulatory agenda and its impact on job creation', Dr Michaels said: 'Many OSHA standards cost little and easily can be adopted by employers with nominal effect on the bottom line. OSHA, by law and by practice, always looks at both the overall cost of compliance with a proposed regulation and at the expected benefits. The evidence shows that OSHA generally overestimates the cost of its standards. Congress' Office of Technology Assessment, comparing the predicted and actual costs of eight OSHA regulations, found that in almost all cases 'industries that were most affected achieved compliance straightforwardly, and largely avoided the destructive economic effects' that they feared.' He concluded 'OSHA's job isn't over. More than 3 million workers in America are injured every year. Every day 12 workers die on the job. OSHA's commonsense regulations are helping to drive these numbers down and, at the same time, helping American businesses modernise and compete in the global economy.'
- OSHA news release
- The Pump Handle
- Center for Progress Reform blog
- EHS Today
- Dangerous li(v)es - why safety regulations are essential in the UK
News from the USA
NIOSH Construction website
Construction workers and employers build our roads, houses, and workplaces and repair and maintain our nation's physical infrastructure. Construction includes building new structures, renovations involving additions, alterations, or maintenance, and repair of buildings or engineering projects such as highways or utility systems. The NIOSH Construction Program provides national and world leadership to prevent work-related illness, injury, disability, and death by systematically gathering information, conducting targeted scientific research, and translating the knowledge gained into products, solutions and services tailored to meet construction needs. In collaboration with industry and labor partners and stakeholders, including OSHA, we are dedicated to improving safety and health conditions for all construction workers.
In 2008, there were 969 fatal on-the-job injuries to construction workers - more than in any other single industry sector and nearly one out of every five work-related deaths in the U.S. that year (19%). Construction is a large, dynamic, and complex industry sector valued at around $1 trillion.
Construction worksites are organizationally complex multi-employer sites and present numerous health and safety challenges.
The website covers a wide range of topics from abrasive blasting to young workers!
Work Smarter don't work harder producing information leaflets
CCOHS offer a range of Posters
Hang these large, eye-catching posters at your workplace to help spread important health & safety messages. All posters are 16" x 25" and double-sided (English/French). CCOHS is continually adding new posters in an effort to promote awareness of existing and emerging workplace safety issues.
If you have any posters that you would like to inform Members of the CIS Network the please send me information to
News from Portugal
European Campaign on Risk Assessment in the Use of Dangerous Substances: Summing Up Conference
On 3 and 4 March 2011, an international conference will be held in Lisbon, Portugal to show the results of the European Campaign and to share experiences on good practices from several Member States.
A web page has been developed:
We invite you to visit and disseminate our Web site.
Maria José Liberato
Centre CIS Portugal
OSHE web sites to explore...
We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we look at a variety of websites from the USA.
Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.
This collection of authoritative and validated organisations' websites are listed first alphabetically under country name and then alphabetically under the first word of the organisation. The subject index expands the information of these websites, especially where there are many important sources of information which may not be apparent from a first look at a particular web site.
If we do not have your web site listed or if you have a favourite site which should be included in this list please email details to:
ASTM International USA
ASTM International is the new name of the former American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM), which specialises in developing technical standards for worldwide use.
Extensive web site giving standards, publications including the Standardization News,
consultant directory, meetings, events and training courses.
Automatic Fire Alarm Association USA
The US Automatic Fire Alarm Association was formed in 1953 and is the only national trade
association exclusively dedicated to representing the automatic fire detection and fire
alarm systems industry. The membership is made up of all segments of industry
(manufacturers, distributors, state and regional associations, users, AHJs, engineers, and
Back Pain Information Sources USA
With back pain the cause of many days lost from work, this is a useful source of
information for those seeking to understand the problem and find solutions. Covers common
causes, conservative treatments, diagnostic studies, surgical treatments, the anatomy and
much more.
Better Hearing Institute USA
The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) is a not-for-profit corporation that educates the
public about the neglected problem of hearing loss and what can be done about it. Founded
in 1973, it works to erase the stigma and end the embarrassment that prevents millions of
people from seeking help for hearing loss, show the negative consequences of untreated
hearing loss for millions of Americans, and promotes treatment and demonstrate that this
is a national problem that can be solved.
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute USA
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute gives information and advice about the wearing of helmets
for cyclists of all ages, including different types and strengths of helmets which should
be worn.
Building and Fire Research Laboratory USA
Contains details of the work of the Laboratory, what's new, conferences, standards,
activities, products and services, research and the Fire Research Information Services.
Burn Institute USA
Gives details for burn prevention information, burn cure research and survivor support
organisations, programmes, training and other links.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome CTS USA
Contains a wide range of information, including basic information sheets explaining CTS,
Newsletters, free magazines. There are links to other sites of interest and related topics
such as back injuries, disabilities and disorders, including Support Groups, resources,
Health Professionals, equipment, treatments, cures and diagnosis.
Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN) USA
The Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN) is a National Science
Foundation (NSF) funded centre at Rice University USA. Aiming to transform nanoscience
into a field with the impact of a modern-day polymer science, CBEN focuses on research at
the interface between "dry" nanomaterials and aqueous media such as biology and the
environment, developing the nanoscience workforce of the future, and transferring
discoveries to industry. Scientific, public, and governmental interest in the health and
environmental effects of nanomaterials has grown significantly since 2003. This web page
is designed to provide a set of resources to help those interested keep up to date on this
Center for Chemical Process Safety CCPS USA
Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) is a not-for-profit, corporate membership
organization within American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) that identifies and
addresses process safety needs within the chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum
industries. CCPS brings together manufacturers, government agencies, consultants, academia
and insurers to lead the way in improving industrial process safety.
Center for Disease Control CDC USA
Center for Disease Control is the main US Government Center, aims, publications advice and
guidance and links to other government departments and agencies.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Avian Influenza USA
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Avian Influenza webpage provides background information
about avian influenza, including recent outbreaks, the viruses, and the risk to human
Centers for Disease Control: Bioaerosols USA
The US Centers for Disease Control Search engine brings together a number of bioaerosol
references. The site also has links to other sites including the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Biological Diseases and Agents
The US National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site gives a listing of
Category A, B and C and descriptions. Links to other relevant sources.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Coping with a Disaster or Traumatic
Event USA
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advice on coping with a disaster or
traumatic event. The effects of a disaster, terrorist attack, or other public health
emergency can be long-lasting, and the resulting trauma can reverberate even with those
not directly affected by the disaster. The information provides general strategies for
promoting mental health and resilience. These strategies were developed by various
organizations based on experiences in prior disasters.
Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC): Earthquakes USA
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control advice on surviving an earthquake and
reducing its health impact requires preparation, planning, and practice. Far in advance,
you can gather emergency supplies, identify and reduce possible hazards in your home, and
practice what to do during and after an earthquake. Learning what actions to take can help
you and your family to remain safe and healthy in the event of an earthquake.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Floods USA
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) information on floods. During a flood
and its aftermath, there are some basic facts to remember that will help protect your
personal health and safety. Key facts about hurricane and flood recovery, food and water
safety, cleanup, sanitation and hygiene, when the power goes out, carbon monoxide
poisoning; animals and insects, re-entering your flooded home, cleanup of flood water,
mould after a disaster, precautions and electrical hazards. Worker safety after a flood.
Links to other information.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Wildfires smoke USA
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) information on smoke from wildfires -
a mixture of gases and fine particles from burning trees and other plant materials. Smoke
can hurt your eyes, irritate your respiratory system, and worsen chronic heart and lung
diseases. Know whether you are at risk and protect yourself.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Worker safety during fire cleanup
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Worker safety during fire cleanup.
Workers face hazards even after fires are extinguished. In addition to a smoldering or new
fire, dangers include: electrical hazards, carbon monoxide poisoning, musculoskeletal
hazards, heavy equipment, extreme heat and cold, unstable structures, hazardous materials,
fire, confined spaces, worker fatigue and respiratory hazards. Workers and volunteers
should be advised of and should follow proper safety precautions.
Diary of Events
These events may inspire you to create similar training courses and conferences/seminars in your own country.
These are taken from the OSHWORLD Diary of Events see which is intended as a guide to the wide range of Health, Safety, Fire, Chemical, Environment events, conferences, seminars, training courses and other related activities worldwide. It is updated during the first week of the month, and includes validated Internet links to further information. If you cannot attend these events the organisers are usually willing to let you have papers and other information, if you contact them.
25-27 May 2011 - EuroFire 2011
L'École Militaire, Paris, France
Contact: Carole Franks, Conference Director, Interscience Communications Ltd West Yard
House, Guildford Grove, Greenwich, London SE10 8JT, UK | Tel: +44 (0)208 692 5050 | Email: |
30 May - 1 June 2011 - The EuroNanoForum 2011 (ENF 2011)
Budapest, Hungary
31 May - 3 June 2011 - 7th WasteTech Exhibition and the alongside ISWA Conference:
Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal: Leading Edge Technologies
Moscow, Russia
Contact: Exhibition Manager, Ekaterina Mareeva - Email: | Conference Manager, Natalia Konovalova - Email: | Tel: ++ 7 495 225 59 86 |
June 2011
2-5 June 2011 - The 39th MEDICHEM meeting, MEDICHEM 2011
Heidelberg, Germany
Contact: Bob Orford, MD, ICOH National Secretary for USA |
6-10 June 2011 - Radiation Safety Officer Training for Laboratory Professionals
Harvard, USA
6-10 June 2011 - Principles and Practice of Fire Modelling
Greenwich Maritime Campus, London, UK
Contact: Mrs F Barkshire, Fire Safety Engineering Group, University of Greenwich,
Greenwich Maritime Campus, Old Royal Naval College, Queen Mary Building, Greenwich SE10
9LS, UK | Tel: +44 (020) 8331 8706 | Fax: +44(020) 8331 8925 | Email: |
20-22 June 2011 - OH&S Forum 2011: International Forum on Occupational Health and
Safety: Policies, Profiles and Services
Hanasaari Cultural Centre, Espoo, Finland
Contact: TAVI Congress Bureau, Tavicon Ltd, Finland | Email: |
24-30 July 2011 - 19th International Conference On Composites Or Nano Engineering
Shanghai, China
August 2011
15-19 August 2011 - Radiological Emergency Planning: Terrorism, Security, and
Boston, MA, USA
September 2011
7-9 September 2011 - EPICOH 2011 - 22nd International Conference on Epidemiology in
Occupational Health
Oxford, UK
11-15 September 2011 - XIXth World Congress on Safety and Health at Work
Note: Organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Social
Security Association (ISSA) and the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Information: (Venue) Haliç Congress Centre, Istanbul, Turkey | Phone: (+90) 312 215 80 86
| Fax: (+90) 312 215 50 27 | Email: |
11-15 September 2011 - Participation at the International Film and Multimedia Festival
on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) will take place during the XIX World Congress on
OSH in Istanbul
Invitation to submit an entry has been extended to 28 February 2011
Istanbul, Turkey
Contact: Veronique De Broeck, Secretary General, ISSA, Information Section, Prevent,
Gachardstraat 88, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium | Tel: +32 2 643 44 92 | Fax: +32 2 643 44 40 |
Email: |
You can use the online entry form at