CIS Newsletter
No. 254
November 2010
CIS Newsletter celebrates 22 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!
The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE from the UK. The CIS Newsletter is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.
- Editorial
- CIS Regional Meeting in London 23-24 November 2010
- Hamisi Kitumbo - Tanzania dies
- More News from Geneva
- Did you know?
- News, Events and ideas from around the World including Belgium, Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, Macedonia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, UK, and USA to name a few!
- OSHE websites to explore
- Diary of Events
The WHO Network of Collaborating Centre Connection (CCC) e-newsletter:
ILO CIS Network Newsletters:
On 23-24 November 2010 the REGIONAL MEETING OF CIS NATIONAL AND COLLABORATING CENTRES IN EUROPEAN AND CENTRAL ASIAN COUNTRIES will be held in London. Members have been sent an invitation by Gabor Sandi from the CIS HQ. See details below in the newsletter. This is a very important meeting - see the agenda below.
It is with great sadness that CIS members received the news that Mr. Hamisi Kitumbo from the CIS Tanzanian National Centre had died on 13th October 2010.
See below tributes received from CIS members around the world.
As usual the CIS Newsletter this month contains a roundup of information received from many parts of the OSH World - for which many thanks.
If you are planning any publications, conferences, seminars or training courses, then please send your details to me so that we can share your efforts with others. Don't forget to send me your latest news! It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world.
Remember that whilst there is so much occupational safety and health information around the world not all will be trustworthy. Make sure that any information that you use is validated and authoritative and up-to-date.
Don't forget to continuously promote CIS and the Network!
Even adding the CIS logo on the front page of your website would be a good first start. (Checked recently and only a few CIS Centres websites have the logo or links to CIS website).
Please do add the CIS logo on all your publications.
Any views you have on CIS and its work please send into CIS HQ - to Gabor Sandi and Seiji Machida
Keep up your Publicity... tell them, tell them and tell them again... see ideas in
Remember that CIS Newsletters electronic archive going back nearly 7 years is available on
Thanks again for the publications, emails and news - these are always gratefully received.
Will you be Surviving in 2011?... perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!
All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues
Sheila Pantry, OBE
Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd,
85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829
Invitation to the Regional Meeting of CIS National and Collaborating Centres in European and Central Asian Countries
London, 23-24 Nov. 2010 (Tuesday-Wednesday)
It is with great pleasure that CIS invites its National and Collaborating Centres in the European and Central Asian region to a Regional Meeting, to be held in London on 23-24 November 2010.
A provisional agenda of the Meeting is at the end of this invitation.
The Meeting will be held in the Senate Room (9th floor) of the Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, in the prestigious Bloomsbury area of London, close to the British Museum, Oxford Street and Covent Garden. The Russell Square underground station of the Piccadilly Line is just around the corner - this is the Tube line from Heathrow Airport. Do take the lifts at Russell Square Tube Station - it is NOT recommended to walk up the 175 steps!!!
The Meeting will be in English only.
NB There will be no presentations on the activities of CIS Centres.
If you wish to attend the Meeting, please send a confirmatory e-mail to
If you need a printed invitation mailed to you by post, or sent to you by fax, please let us know in your confirmatory E-mail. Naturally, we shall need your postal address or fax number for this.
Sheila Pantry, Editor of the CIS Newsletter, has arranged a special room rate of GBP £ 80.00 and GBP £ 107.00 for a double room for those participants of this Meeting who wish to stay in the Imperial Hotel.
A special price has also been arranged for the Imperial Hotel Executive (double or twin) rooms, at the rate of GBP 127.00 per night.
All these rooms at the Imperial Hotel include a full English breakfast in the Imperial Restaurant.
In order to reserve a room in the Imperial Room at these rates, please contact the Imperial Hotel directly either by sending an e-mail to, telephoning at (00-44) 207-278-7871 or accessing the hotel web site at
If you take one of these options, please specify that your reservation is for the Imperial Hotel and mention that it is "in connection with the Imperial Hotel Senate Room Health and Safety Conference and Sheila Pantry booking".
You will also have to supply dates of arrival and checking out, specify whether single or double, and use your credit card to validate the reservation.
Note that there are many other hotels in the same area, many less expensive and some owned by the Imperial Hotels group (see the same web site), but there are no special prices negotiated for these hotels.
For general information on visiting London, there are many internet sites devoted to accommodation and travel in London, for example:
Sheila Pantry has also kindly offered to organize a visit to the British Library on the afternoon of Monday, 22 November 2010 to hear about the services and the OSH collections.
Although strictly speaking this visit is not part of the CIS Meeting, we encourage all participants to take advantage of this opportunity to visit one of the top libraries of the world that holds a splendid collection of occupational safety and health information e.g. journals, reports, conference proceedings etc.
If interested, please get in touch with Sheila directly, through her E-mail address at
We look forward to your presence in London.
Gábor Sándi
CIS Coordinator
Provisional Agenda for the Regional Meeting of European and Central Asian CIS Centres, London, 23-24 November 2010
- Formalities
- Report on the Beijing meeting
- Report on CIS activities
- Report on CIS Centres network activities and on the result of the survey
- Demonstration of the new input system into CISDOC
- Discussion in view of concrete proposals for improving the maintenance of the CISDOC database (including contributions to the database by Centres)
- Presentation on OSH databases in general, by Sheila Pantry
- Discussion on changes in the CIS network, in view of the Recommendations of the 2008 London Meeting - full report:
- Report on current Encyclopaedia activity
- Closure
For your information, the invitation talks about centres in the European and Central Asian region. This includes, in addition to the European countries, Israel, Turkey, Georgia, the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.
HAMISI KITUMBO, TANZANIA - a life remembered
Dear Colleagues,
Over the weekend we have received a telephone call informing us that Mr. Kitumbo from our Tanzanian National Centre had passed away. Mr. Hamisi Kitumbo attended many CIS meetings and many of you had a chance to meet him and appreciate him.
We thought we should let you know about this sad news.
His memory as a very dedicated professional and as a friend will remain.
The CIS Team, Geneva
Short Biography by Joshua Matiko
The late Engineer Hamisi Iddi Kitumbo was born on 12th January 1952 at Kahama, Tanzania. He graduated his Masters degree in Electrical Engineering in 1983 from University of Ukraine. He also studied his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) at University of Dar es Salaam and he graduated in 2009.
He was appointed Chief Inspector in 1993 and he was responsible for Safety and Health at workplaces in Tanzania, working for Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA) which is under the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Youth Development.
Engineer Kitumbo participated in many CIS Annual Meetings, workshops and conferences as regards to safety and health, including world congresses on Occupational Health and Safety held in Madrid, Spain; Saw Paulo, Brazil; Orlando, USA; Seoul South Korea,.
He also underwent training in Psychosocial issues (SOLVE) held in Arusha, Tanzania and at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center, Hollywood, MD in USA conducted in partnership with the ILO.
Engineer Kitumbo has also made several publications on OHS issues including that one of strategies for Prevention/Minimizing Electrical Accidents in Tanzania, Proceedings of the East African Regional Symposium on National Strategies for presenting Occupational Health and Safety Hazards, Harare Zimbabwe 3 - 6 December, 1990.
He died on 13th October 2010.
Tributes from friends around the world
Dear Friends
It is with great sadness that I hear this news about Hamisi Kitumbo - who will be long remembered as a great supporter of the CIS Network and also a great OSH worker trying to make improvements in all workplaces saying "A Safe and Healthy Workplace is a Wealthy Workplace" see
He also talked about his beautiful country on many occasions, and always made so many valuable contributions at our meetings. We shall miss his presence and great sense of humour in our future meetings.
We send our sincere and deepest condolences to Hamisi's family and colleagues.
Sheila Pantry, UK
CIS Newsletter Editor
Dear Friends of CIS
Is always sad to receive this kind of news about a colleague. As some of you have said - the memory of this friend will remain with us.
Lic. Silvia A. Giordano
Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo. Buenos Aires. Argentina | Tel.: 54 11 4321 3500,
Interno 1344
I am really sad to learn of the passing on of Mr. Kitumbo. A dedicated professional who was willing to share his expertise. I personally learnt a lot from him and will certainly miss his warm-heartedness, guidance and presence at CIS meetings.
May his dear soul rest in peace.
Mary Muchengeti
Information Officer, African Regional Labour Administration Centre, P. O. Box 6097,
Harare, Zimbabwe | |
Dear CIS family
We All share the grief of losing Mr. Kitumbo from CIS National Centre, Tanzania who was with us in the last meeting 48 CIS Centers in Beijing-China, and really was a good man and efficient and gave a good talk that contributed to the success of the meeting.
May his dear soul rest in peace.
Best regards.
From Mr. Moftah Ali Grbah
General Manager of High Centre of Occupational Safety and Health - LIBYA
Dear CIS Family,
I had the honour of visiting Mr. Kitumbo in his office in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania as well as interacting with him within the CIS network and always found him to be dedicated to his cause. A competent practitioner, a noble leader, a patriot, a loving family man.
Mr. Kitumbo has left a high benchmark for his colleagues to follow and to emulate.
Our sincerest condolences to the family
Asante sana Mzee, safari njema to Janaat.
Thank you Elder, a good trip to janaat
Prof. NM Sultan G. C.
former National Advisor of St Vincent and the Grenadines
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This is indeed unwelcome news. I have met Mr. Kitumbo in the CIS meetings framework and
was impressed with his dedication and enthusiasm.
My condolences to his family.
He will be missed.
Israel Shreibman, Deputy Director
IIOSH - Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene, Tel Aviv , P.O. Box 1122, ISRAEL 61010 | Tel: 5266432 - 3 972 + | |
Dear Friends
Mr Hamisi Kitumbo - is he not with us any more!? This is such sad and depressing news. He has passed away... Unbelievable... With HIS passion to live?
His deep knowledge on OSH, his sense of humour, his sympathetic, smiling face was always like being in the company of a really good friend.
He was so interested in life, in new events all over the world, he travelled quite a lot, meeting and talking with new people and old good friends... In June we met him in Geneva in the International CIS Centre. In August we met him and had interesting discussions at the CIS Meeting in China.
Mr Hamisi Kitumbo, Chief Inspector of Factories in Ministry of Labour, Tanzania, with a long experience of important work, was really a good man and a good specialist. I have known him for ages, seeing him on many CIS Centres Meetings and always had so interesting chats. His ideas were judicious and just wise. His personality was really unique. He was such a warm, pleasant person and talking with him was really something...
Personally, I am very, very sorry to lose so active and nice CIS Friend. We will keep Him in our memories. We also convey our deepest condolences to Hamisi's family, friends and colleagues
Barbara Szczepanowska
and all team of Polish National CIS Centre, Central Institute for Labour Protection National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) Warsaw | |
Dear CIS family,
We are all saddened by the sudden passing away of Hamisi, a great man who showed warmth and professionalism during our interaction in Beijing. He will greatly be missed by the CIS family. Our hearts are with his family during this trying time.
Our sincerest condolences may his soul rest in peace.
Kind regards
Angel H. Mzoneli
Head: Information Services, National Health Laboratory Service, National Institute for Occupational Health, Johannesburg, South Africa | Office: 011 712 6557 | Fax: 011 712 6545 | Cell: 082 84 11663 | Email: | |
More News from the ILO CIS
Dear Colleagues of the English speaking CIS Centres (National, Collaborating and Regional Centres):
Please find on our site: the Report of the 48th Annual Meeting of the CIS Centres held in Beijing (China) on 30 August 2010, just before the 5th China International Forum on Work Safety (31 August - 2 Sept. 2010).
You can find links to the list of participants, the agenda of the meeting and copies of presentations made at the Meeting, at:
Reports of the activities of Centres that have been submitted to us can be found here:
Best regards.
Secrétariat CIS Centres
Marie-Josée Charliot
Date: 20.10.2010
Chers collègues des Centres CIS nationaux, régionaux et de collaboration francophones,
Le CIS a le plaisir de vous annoncer que le rapport de la 48ème réunion annuelle des Centres CIS est maintenant disponible sur notre site:
La réunion s'est tenue à Pékin (Chine) le 30 août 2010, immédiatement avant le 5ème Forum international sur la sécurité au travail (31 août - 2 septembre 2010).
Les liens à la liste des participants, l'ordre du jour de la réunion et le texte des présentations faites à cette occasion, sont disponibles à ladresse suivante:
Vous pouvez aussi consulter les rapports d'activité des centres qui nous sont parvenus à ladresse suivante:
Cordiales salutations.
Secrétariat CIS Centres
Marie-Josée Charliot
Date: 20.10.2010
A todos los Centros CIS hispanohablantes
Estimados colegas:
El CIS tiene el agrado de informarles de que el informe en inglés de la 48 Reunión Anual de los Centros CIS está disponible en nuestro sitio web:
La reunión tuvo lugar en Pekín (China) el 30 de agosto de 2010, un día antes del V Foro internacional sobre seguridad en el trabajo (31 agosto - 2 septiembre 2010).
La lista de los participantes de la reunión, así como el orden de día y las copias de las presentaciones, están disponibles igualmente en nuestro sitio web:
Pueden consultar asimismo en nuestro sitio web los informes recibidos sobre las actividades de los Centros CIS:
Secretariado de los Centros CIS
Marie-Josée Charliot
Fecha: 20.10.2010
Did you know?
CIS has new home page
Alter your favourite bookmark to the new CIS homepage:
Latest additions to the CISDOC database appear in the ILO-CIS Bulletin entitled Safety and Health at Work
This online periodical continues the numerical sequence and classification scheme of its printed predecessor (published 1973-2003).
CISDOC Database
What CIS has done since the 50th anniversary meeting
The presentation of Mr. Gábor Sándi, CIS coordinator, at the 48th Annual Meeting of ILO-CIS Centres. The presentation provides an overview of the CIS history and its current activities.
The New CIS bibliographic database (CISDOC)
The presentation of Mr. Gábor Sándi, CIS coordinator, at the 48th Annual Meeting of ILO-CIS Centres. The presentation outlines the sources, analysis, results, abstract formats, and document archiving formats of the new CISDOC.
News from around the World...
Chile miners rescued
On the occasion of the successful rescue of the 33 trapped Chilean miners, the Director-General of the ILO, Juan Somavia (himself from Chile) said in a statement that one way of honouring the bravery of these 33 miners would be for Chile - and for Chilean society as a whole - to become a world leader in occupational safety and health.
He also stated that perhaps one of the most significant contributions of the 33 Chilean miners is to have made the whole world much more conscious of the need to ensure more safety, more protection, more prevention, more decent work, with the most urgent attention being given to work done in dangerous conditions.
We invite you to join the ILO in celebrating the rescue of the 33 miners by stressing the importance of OSH in your country and by ensuring that Safety and Health at Work remains a core concern and a basic human right.
Please disseminate as widely as possible the statement by the ILO Director-General, the associated ILO press release and the two video messages to which we provide the following links:
News from Belgium
PEROSH seminar "Research in Action. Removing the gap between research and practical prevention".
The seminar will take place on 25 November 2010 (13:30 - 17:45) in Brussels and will invite leading European researchers and policy makers to discuss the major drivers and policy challenges to progress and ensure the ongoing interaction between working life research and practical prevention.
The quality of future work and workplaces will be crucial in ensuring a healthy, competitive and productive society with a high level of social progress. As has been stated in the EU2020 Strategy, the ambition for Europe is to lead as a knowledge based and inclusive society. To understand the complexity of today's world of work and to remain resilient, a multidisciplinary approach and successful association of academic knowledge and practical implementation will be necessary.
Through the presentation of strong case examples (noise, musculoskeletal disorders, return to work, mental health), the seminar will look into the possibilities for improving the interaction and communication between the different stakeholders. Moreover, it will consider the possibilities for improvement of the efficiency and cost-benefit of OSH interventions at workplace level via evidence-based research.
Please note that registration is free but places are limited and reservation is needed. Please register before 12 November via the PEROSH website:
We would appreciate if you could forward the invitation to colleagues potentially interested in participating in the Seminar.
Further information on the programme: or contact Nele Roskams, +32 2 643 44 62,
Looking forward to welcoming you at the seminar.
Best regards,
Nele Roskams
European Affairs Coordinator, Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (PEROSH), c/o Prevent, Rue Gachard 88/4, B-1050 Brussels | Tel: +32 (0)2 643 44 62 | Fax: +32 (0)2 643 44 40 | |
News from Canada
Save Your Skin
You're covered in it and weighing about eight pounds, skin is the largest organ in our bodies. It's versatile, insulating, strong, waterproof - and it has to last a lifetime. Unfortunately people working in environments where they are exposed to chemicals and other harmful substances are at risk for skin diseases.
For more information click onto the CCOHS website:
News from Germany
"2nd Strategy Conference: Five Pillars - Strategies on Safety and Health at Work"
3-4 February 2011, DGUV Academy Dresden, Germany
A key outcome of the 1st Strategy Conference in January 2009 was the call for better coordination between international and national strategies on safety and health at work.
The 2nd Strategy Conference will offer international experts and high-level policymakers the opportunity to explore how the various international strategies can be better linked with one another and how implementation at the national level can be better coordinated. The common goal of the conference organisers is to promote a worldwide prevention culture.
The first day will focus on five core issues (pillars) common to the various international and European strategies on safety and health. International experts will discuss how important these core issues are for their strategy. National experts will give examples of how these core issues can be strategically implemented in their home countries. At the end of the first day, the delegates will sign the Seoul Declaration, to explicitly express their commitment to a worldwide prevention culture
The second day will examine instruments and examples for the development, monitoring and evaluation of strategies. The discussion will be initiated with a report on the mid-term review of the Community Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2007-2012. Representatives of the European Commission, social partners, governmental representatives and other policy makers will discuss how the strategies and their implementation should proceed in the future. The outcome of the conference will be an action plan that sets out the necessary milestones and instruments for the development of a prevention culture at international, national and company levels.
The conference is being held by the DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) International Social Security Association (ISSA) European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) and the International Association of Labour Inspection (IALI).
To improve coordination between the various international and European strategies on safety and health at work, to present instruments with which to coordinate implementation at international, national and company levels, to produce an action plan that sets out the necessary milestones and instruments for the development of a worldwide prevention culture.
News from Macedonia
Recent events in Macedonia
Below you will find links for two important events that have taken place in Macedonia, in the organization of the Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association.
Risk Assessment in Macedonia
Below is the link to the article about the newest thing in Macedonia. Finally, there are companies in Macedonia with license to conduct Risk assessment, measurement, trainings etc...
Ljupco Kocovski, ILO/CIS center coordinator, Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association, 29 Noemvri 50, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia | Tel/fax: ++ 389 (0)2 2774 868 | Cell: ++389 (0)75 432 051 |
News from The Netherlands
New URL for website Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW)
Starting in 2010, the Dutch national government will communicate via a single website: The various ministries will be added to the website in stages. From October 2010, all information from the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) can be found at this website at
The URL for the English information of the Dutch national government is Information in other languages is also available at the website.
The labour and social security-related information of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in English can still be found at; the Polish information is available at
Project for combining the various inspectorates of the Ministry of SZW
Recently a project was started to integrate the activities of the inspectorates of the Ministry into one Inspectorate SZW. This involves the Labour Inspectorate, the Inspectorate Work and Income (IWI) and the Social Intelligence and Investigation Service (SIOD that fights criminality in the field of social security). The implementation of the Inspectorate is planned for 2011.
At the moment these inspectorates all have their own website, where they provide information on their activities.
- The Labour Inspectorate:
- IWI:
News from Poland
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE): interesting latest number
We would like to remind you that The Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) in Warsaw, Poland, which plays the role of the Polish National CIS Centre since 1960 - publishes an English-language scientific quarterly the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE).
The journal JOSE contains information on results of research studies from various countries as well as reviews of books, and information about seminars and conferences organised in Poland and abroad.
The journal maintains its high quality by having all submissions reviewed by members of the International Editorial Board (50 members from 22 countries). Chief editor is Danuta Koradecka, CIOP-PIB, Warsaw, co-editors are: Waldemar Karwowski, Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA as well as Jukka Takala, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Bilbao, Spain. Managing editor is Roman Broszkiewicz, CIOP-PIB.
This journal is published in cooperation with The International Ergonomics Association IEA, and is recognized by The International Labour Organization ILO.
JOSE is supported by The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland.
What is very important to many OSH specialists, JOSE is a delayed Open Access journal with articles more than 2 years old available free of charge. Its impact factor is 0.407.
It is abstracted or indexed in many international information sources , e.g. by Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition; Social Sciences Citation Index®; Social Scisearch® of Thomson Reuters; Ergonomics Abstracts and Ergonomics Abstracts Online; CISDOC of International CIS Centre (CIS-ILO) as well as in Safety and Health at Work - ILO-CIS Bulletin; OSH UPDATE; MEDLINE®; Elsevier Bibliographic Database Scopus; INRS-BIBLIO; Chemical Abstracts; Health and Safety Science Abstracts; Index Copernicus.
ESENER Seminar in Poland during the XIII Conference of Safe Work Leader's Forum
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has started one of its most important initiatives to date - the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER).
It is a Europe-wide survey, asking managers and workers' health and safety representatives about how health and safety risks are managed at their workplace, with a particular focus on the newer "psychological risks", such as work-related stress, violence and harassment. This survey aims to assist workplaces in 31 countries to deal more effectively with health and safety. The aim is also to promote the health and well-being of employees. This survey involves about 36,000 interviews all over Europe and its results give cross-national comparable information, which could be useful over several years. Policy makers could use them for the design and implementation of new policies in OSH.
The first results from the survey have been already published and it is possible to view detailed results from the survey e.g. by country, size class or sector. The summary of the report is produced in all official EU languages.
Information of this survey is available also at:
In Poland on 25 October 2010, in Katowice the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) organized the ESENER Seminar: "New and emerging psychological risks in the work environment".
It was organized during the XIII Conference of Safe Work Leader's Forum. Among others the overview of ESENER results in the aspect of EU and Poland was presented by dr Eusebio Rial Gonzales from EU-OSHA. Magdalena Warszewska-Makuch from CIOP-PIB presented an estimation of mobbing problems in Polish enterprises and Paweł Rozowski from Polish National Labour Inspectorate discussed the possibilities of measuring stress and gave an overview of the results of preventative actions carried out by National Labour Inspection in Poland.
Opening the Seminar, leading up the discussion and presenting conclusions was Wiktor M. Zawieska, deputy director of CIOP-PIB.
After the Seminar there was a ceremony presenting diplomas to winners of the Polish edition of Good Practice Award.
Polish National CIS Centre
Barbara Szczepanowska
News from Spain
Economic incentives pay dividends for workplace safety and health
Newly published research by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) suggests that economic incentive schemes encouraging companies to invest in risk prevention are a cost-effective option for governments looking to cut the numbers of work-related accidents and illnesses. The EU-OSHA report on economic incentives was launched at a conference of the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) 'Health, Work and Social Responsibility' in Rome on 29 September 2010.
Many EU Member States already offer various kinds of financial reward for businesses that invest in keeping their employees safe. These rewards range from lower insurance premiums, state subsidies and grants, through to tax breaks, and preferential terms for bank loans for the best-performing businesses.
Three out of 14 case studies highlighted in the project provided sufficient data to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. All three resulted in a positive payout ratio, ranging from 1.01 - 4.81 Euros return for every Euro invested. Quantitative criteria covered accident rates, sick leave, and general improvement in working conditions.
For example, an incentive scheme introduced in the German butchery sector in 2002 led to a 28% fall in reportable accidents over the following six years compared to a 16% fall in the sector as a whole. In total numbers this means there were about 1000 fewer accidents per year in incentivised companies.
According to EU-OSHA Director Jukka Takala, "our economic incentives project has already encouraged different EU Member States to learn from each other, and exchange good practice in designing incentive schemes. All in all, the report shows that economic incentives can be effective in all Member States, regardless of wide differences in terms of their social security and accident insurance systems."
As a result of the project, the Italian workers' compensation authority INAIL has developed a new incentive scheme which takes into account the experiences and good practice of other countries and therefore is based on the best available international knowledge. With a budget of over 60 million Euros the INAIL scheme is particularly targeting small and medium-sized enterprises and, according to expert estimations, could lead to a benefit of 180 million Euros at society level.
The new EU-OSHA report reflects a growing interest in economic incentives, as a means of motivating organisations to invest in occupational health and safety. There is increasing recognition that enforcement of regulations is not enough on its own, if the EU is to reach the target of a 25% reduction in workplace accidents, set out in its Community Strategy on Health and Safety.
The EU-OSHA report includes a review of existing research on economic incentives, an overview of government policy in the different EU Member States regarding reward schemes, and a collection of case studies giving details of how incentives have been used, in different European countries and across a wide range of sectors. The report evaluates the effectiveness of different incentive schemes, and identifies a number of success factors.
The report and a factsheet in 22 languages are available from the new web portal giving information on economic incentives:
- 'Economic incentives to improve occupational safety and health: a review from the European perspective' - Full report:
- Factsheet: (available in 22 languages)
- 'Economic incentives' at a glance:
News from the UK
RoSPA's Roger Bibbings receives IOSH Lifetime Achievement Award
Roger Bibbings, RoSPA's occupational safety adviser, has been presented with a lifetime achievement award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to saving lives and reducing injuries at work over nearly four decades.
He received the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health's Lifetime Achievement Award at the Safety Health Practitioner (SHP) IOSH Awards 2010 in London.
A career in health and safety spanning 38 years began when Roger became a research assistant at the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers in 1972.
Prior to joining the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents in 1994, he was health and safety adviser at the Trades Union Congress for 17 years, working closely with the Health and Safety Commission and Executive and with the European Commission (DGV) as a member of the "Luxembourg" Committee. He served on subject and industry advisory committees, covering issues from toxic substances, construction, rubber and railways to the NHS, offshore safety and education. After the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, he focused on nuclear safety and radiological protection for two years, visiting the site and other European facilities to inform policy.
At RoSPA, Roger advises on all matters associated with occupational risk, championing a balanced approach, and ensures the safety charity remains at the forefront of national developments to reduce deaths, injuries and ill health at work. He is secretary of RoSPA's National Occupational Safety and Health Committee. He is also secretary of Safety Groups UK.
In 1990, Roger received an MBE for services to occupational safety and health and he received the IOSH President's Distinguished Service Certificate in 2006. He is a Chartered Fellow of IOSH.
Roger said: "I am highly flattered to be named this year's winner. Safety is all about people working together - so when individuals are singled out for recognition and thanks, it is crucial to understand their contribution as part of a much bigger team.
"Progress achieved over the last three decades in health and safety cannot be taken for granted, and we remain vulnerable to both external sceptics and zealots alike. However, IOSH, among other organisations, is a key bulwark in the defence of the carefully crafted and balanced system we have built for protecting workers and others at risk. I am proud to still be a brick in that fortification."
Tom Mullarkey, RoSPA chief executive, said: "Roger's approach has always been to seek the objective truth and describe it. His ideas are at the forefront of industry thinking and it is this thought leadership which has made him stand out from the crowd, for many years. Everyone at RoSPA is pleased and delighted at this marvellous recognition of his achievements."
John Holden, president of IOSH, the chartered body for health and safety professionals, said: "There is no doubt that Roger Bibbings has made a significant difference to the safety of the working lives of people across the UK. His hands-on approach has earned him the utmost respect from his peers and his passion and enthusiasm for his industry have made such a huge impact on UK health and safety that it must be recognised."
NEBOSH backs calls for international oil and gas safety standard
Health and safety examinations body NEBOSH is backing calls for a stringent set of international safety standards for the oil and gas industry.
NEBOSH said it was time to consider whether the worldwide oil and gas industry ought to be governed by a regime similar to that operated by the UN backed International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to cover nuclear safety.
Hilary Ross, a partner at national law firm Bond Pearce, recently called for an international safety standard for oil and gas in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. She recommended using the UK and Norwegian safety regimes as a model for other countries to follow. Both the UK and Norway raised safety standards considerably following the Piper Alpha oil rig explosion in the North Sea in 1988.
NEBOSH Chief Executive, Teresa Budworth, commented: "The stakes are too high in oil and gas to depend on inconsistent and varying safety standards. The Deepwater Horizon incident cost the lives of eleven workers and the full extent of the subsequent environmental disaster remains unknown. Only time will reveal the true impact of the biggest oil spill ever to have hit the US."
Teresa went on to say: "Everyone is aware that the nuclear industry presents a huge potential threat to life and the environment. Here, the IAEA sets and promotes international safety standards and helps countries, and the industry, prepare for and respond to emergencies.
"A global benchmark for safety should also be set for the oil and gas industry, to be followed wherever it operates. There needs to be a debate about who does this, and how, but the UN's IAEA model is perhaps something that should be looked at for oil and gas."
NEBOSH has begun to play its part in raising health and safety standards in the industry through its new NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety.
The qualification focuses on safety management systems, helping those working in the industry to fulfil their workplace safety responsibilities both onshore and offshore. NEBOSH recommends that anyone taking this specialist qualification already has an underpinning knowledge of safety issues, and may have already studied for one of its other certificate or diploma level qualifications, such as the NEBOSH International General Certificate.
Further information about NEBOSH courses can be found at
Hilary Ross will be discussing the development of an international safety standard for oil and gas at an event later this year in Aberdeen, which is being organised by Oil & Gas IQ. More information can be found here:
Further information about Bond Pearce can be found at
News from the USA
NIOSH Reports and news
Deepwater Horizon Response Available
The sixth report in a series of interim reports from the NIOSH health hazard evaluation of Deepwater Horizon response workers was issued September 13. To read the full report and view updates on this health hazard evaluation, visit:
The fifth National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS) will be held on October 18-20, 2011, at the Waterfront Hotel in Morgantown, West Virginia
NOIRS 2011 is a national forum for the presentation of the latest findings and methods in occupational injury research. Abstracts of 300 words or less are invited across all industry sectors in areas that include, but are not limited to, motor vehicle safety; fall prevention; workplace violence; machine safety; business case/economics of injury; work hours, fatigue, sleep; safety culture and work injury; injury surveillance; intervention evaluation; risk factor identification; research to practice; injury prevention technology and innovation; and high risk and vulnerable worker groups. For further information or to submit an abstract: or contact Jim Collins at
Alaska Health Department Reports NIOSH Air Crash Findings
A September 22 State of Alaska Epidemiology Bulletin from the state Department of Health and Social Services reports latest statistics by NIOSH on civilian aircraft crashes in the state, factors likely associated with crashes, and recommendations for ongoing efforts to prevent crashes.
NIOSH Establishes Nanotechnology Research Partnership
NIOSH and a university-based nanotechnology research center announced a formal agreement on September 22 to provide companies with practical research and guidance to promote occupational health and safety in nanotechnology.
NIOSH Workshop on Indium and Occupational Lung Disease
In September the NIOSH Division of Respiratory Disease Studies sponsored an international indium workshop in Morgantown, West Virginia, that brought together experienced clinicians, epidemiologists, industrial hygienists, and occupational public health practitioners from countries where indium is processed or used in order to better understand and address the emerging occupational health issue of indium-related lung disease.
Workshop participants (1) reviewed the clinical characteristics, pathological features, and radiological findings of all cases of lung disease reported to date; (2) discussed current best practices for disease prevention and monitoring; and (3) identified outstanding questions and research needs to guide future studies. For more information on NIOSH's research, see the March 2010 issue of eNews.
Health Hazard Evaluations (HHE) New Report Available: Crystalline Silica and Isocyanate Exposures During Parking Garage Repair
The HHE Program responded to a request to determine if employees were adequately protected against silica and methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) (MDI) exposures during parking garage repair. HHE Program investigators found that employees were overexposed to crystalline silica while jackhammering and sandblasting and therefore recommended that the use of respirators and eye protection be required during these tasks. NIOSH recommended that managers explore possible engineering controls to reduce dust levels while jackhammering and sandblasting. Investigators also determined that employees may be exposed to MDI through skin contact and should wear butyl rubber gloves when mixing compounds to minimize exposures.
New publications
Environmental Medicine
Ayres, Jon; Harrison, Roy; Nichols, Gordon; Maynard, Robert; Editors
Hodder Arnold, July 2010, 736 pages
ISBN 139780340946565
ISBN-10: 0340946563
This book reviews the current state of knowledge on the health effects of environmental exposures has been published. Modelled on the classic occupational medicine textbook, Hunter's Diseases of Occupations, Environmental Medicine comprises 63 chapters, 50 of which make up the book's core entitled Health Effects. This covers a broad range of environmental exposures, both natural and man-made, and includes chemical, microbiological, physical, radiation and radiological exposures. It also examines human health effects related to volcanoes, air travel, air quality, contaminated land, vector borne diseases, animal disposal and accidental or deliberate environmental contamination. The contributors are a mixture of national and international experts in their fields, including many from the HPA.
Although methods for determining the health impacts are different for chronic exposures
to chemicals and more acute infectious diseases, having these brought together in a single
book provides some perspective on the range of factors influencing health and where
changes in climate, population size, technology, food supply, development and a variety of
interventions may take human health in the future. The book is aimed at doctors,
scientists and environmental health professionals involved in health protection. It should
also be of value to undergraduates in courses addressing aspects of environmental science,
in particular departments of public health, environmental health and occupational health.
The book is written from a developed world perspective but with the problems of the
developing world well represented.
Airport Airside Safety Induction DVD
UK Institution of Occupational Health, 2010
A training DVD launched to help cut the number of injuries among baggage handlers and other airside workers. Launched at RAF Hendon Museum by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the Airport Airside Safety Induction DVD will be offered to airport operators, airlines, baggage handling agents and other airline service providers nationwide.
IOSH's Aviation and Aerospace Group commissioned the film to help workers, in particular new or temporary staff, become more 'risk savvy' about potential hazards airside. There were more than 1,600 airside accidents in the UK in 2007/08, according to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) figures. Airside areas at airports are potentially hazardous places for any worker who has not had the proper training and advice. The DVD, commissioned by IOSH as part of its research and development fund, is the first of its kind and has drawn praise from the HSE and Civil Aviation Authority. IOSH teamed up with East Midlands Airport-based operator bmi to film the DVD, which includes advice on safety passes, aircraft and hazards to look out for when refuelling. Bmi health, safety and environmental manager Keith Merrie, an IOSH member, said:"Bmi welcome this DVD with open arms. As one of the UK's leading airlines, we endeavour to ensure all staff are fully aware of the hazards of working at airside. "IOSH's airside safety DVD will be used as part of our rigorous health and safety training strategy, with the aim of making staff more risk savvy and thus reducing the likelihood of accidents at airside."
The Airport Airside Safety Induction DVD has been filmed as a generic health and safety
DVD providing basic health and safety advise to all those who work at airside. Sponsors of
the DVD are Connaught, BALPA and Günzburger Steigtechnik.
Notes The DVD is available free of charge directly from IOSH's Aviation and Aerospace
Group. To request a FREE copy of the DVD (for those who work in the industry) e-mail
Safety critical systems handbook: a straightforward guide to functional safety, IEC 61508 (2010 edition) and related standards, including process IEC 61511 and Machinery IEC 62061 and ISO 13849
Smith, David J.; Simpson, Kenneth G. L.
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2010
ISBN: 9780080967813
Electrical, electronic and programmable electronic systems increasingly carry out
safety functions to guard workers and the public against injury or death and the
environment against pollution. The international functional safety standard IEC 61508 was
revised in 2010 and this is the first comprehensive guide available to the revised
standard. As Functional Safety is applicable to many industries, this book will have a
wide readership beyond the chemical and process sector, including oil and gas, power
generation, nuclear, aircraft, and automotive industries, plus project, instrumentation,
design, and control engineers
IEC 61508; Electrical, Electronic and Programmable Electronic Systems
Process risk and reliability management: operational integrity management
Sutton, Ian
Oxford, UK: Burlington, MA: William Andrew Publishing, 2010, 1st edition, 856 pages
ISBN: 1437778054; ISBN: 9781437778052
In the last twenty years considerable progress has been made in process safety, particularly in regard to regulatory compliance. Many companies are now looking to go beyond mere compliance; they are expanding their process safety management (PSM) programs to improve performance not just in safety, but also in environmental compliance, quality control and overall profitability. Techniques and principles are illustrated with numerous examples from chemical plants, refineries, transportation, pipelines and offshore oil and gas. This book helps executives, managers and technical professionals achieve not only their current PSM goals, but also to make the transition to a broader operational integrity strategy. The book focuses on the energy and process industries- from refineries, to pipelines, chemical plants, transportation, alternative energy and offshore facilities. The techniques described in the book can also be applied to a wide range of non-process industries. The book is both thorough and practical. It discusses theoretical principles in a wide variety of areas such as management of change, risk analysis and incident investigation, and then goes on to show how these principles work in practice, either in the design office or in an operating facility.
More News from the USA
The October issue of LIFELINES ONLINE (Vol. VII, No. 5) is available at the LHSFNA website. These are the headlines:
- Message from the Co-Chairmen (Fall 2010)
- Fall Prevention Special Section
- It Only Takes a Second...
- Taking Fall Prevention to a Higher Level
- Falls Take Heavy Toll in Construction
- 15 Things Supervisors Can Do to Prevent Falls
- Inspection, Good Housekeeping Key to Home Fall Safety
- Fall Prevention Online Resources
- Drug Testing: DOT Amends Final Rule, Ecstasy Added
- New Health Care Regulations Take Effect
- Your Health Care: Don't be Shy about Speaking Up
- One-Two Punch of the Toothbrush: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Heart
- Guide Targets Tobacco Use among Laborers
- Managing Sandwich Generation Stress
- Key Cog in OSHA Enforcement, Whistleblowers Need Protection
- Flu Season's around the Corner: Are You Ready?
- Health Care Reform Updates
To view the stories and access our website, click
Also, please note that back issues of LIFELINES ONLINE -- as well as our print magazine, LIFELINES -- are posted for online viewing. The LIFELINES ONLINE archive and LIFELINES archive are fully searchable, so you can find the articles that relate to your topic of interest.
As always, we look forward to your feedback and comments on our website and LIFELINES ONLINE.
Steve Clark, Communications Manager, Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America, 905 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006
OSHE web sites to explore...
We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we continue to look at a variety of websites from the UK.
Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.
If we do not have your web site listed please send it to me
International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) UK
The IIRSM is a professional body for health and safety practitioners. It was created to
advance professional standards in accident prevention and occupational health throughout
the world.
Membership is open to all individuals who have an interest in occupational health, safety
and risk management. The Institute was established in 1975 and is a non-profit making body
registered with the Charity Commissioners. It has over 6500 individual members in the UK,
Eire, the Channel Islands and in over 60 other countries throughout the world. The IIRSM
is administered by a secretariat reporting to the Board of Governors and in partnership
with the British Safety Council.
International Labour Office ILO London Office UK
International Labour Office London Office covers information especially for the UK and
Ireland, Projects, Newsletter, publications, ILO Conventions, and links.
International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organisations - INSHPO
International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organisations - INSHPO. Members
include: American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), America Canadian Society of Safety
Engineering, Canada Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention (IFAP), Australia
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), UK Institution of Occupational
Safety and Health Management (IOSHM), Mauritius Safety Institute of Australia (SIA),
Australia. Membership of INSHPO is open to generalist professional safety and health
practitioner organisations throughout the world, but it is not open to individual
International Occupational Hygiene Association IOHA UK
International Occupational Hygiene Association conducts a wide range of activities to
promote and develop occupational hygiene worldwide. From its creation in 1987 the IOHA has
grown to more than twenty member organisations, representing over 20,000 occupational
hygienists worldwide. Promotes the exchange of information.
International Stress Management Association ISMA UK
International Stress Management Association gives general information about stress and
related topics. Details of services provided by ISMA members plus some articles about
stress. There is a list of links to other major worldwide organisations providing advice
and guidance.
Intumescent Fire Seals Association UK
Provides information to architects, services engineers, building control officers, fire
officers and all concerned with safe building design and construction. Publishes technical
information sheets and the IFSA Code.
Jarmin: Repetitive Strain Injury UK
Web site produced by staff member at the Manchester Metropolitan University contains a
list of links to useful information about repetitive strain injury (RSI), The RSI
Association, The Typing Injury Frequently Asked Questions, exercises and RSI exercises and
The Lancet: Medical podcasts UK
The Lancet offers audio summaries featured in the prestigious medical journal the Lancet
are available as podcasts. Editorial staff discussing the highlights from the week's
issue, and usually include at least one interview with the study author of a key paper.
Also produced is a monthly audio summary for The Lancet Infectious Diseases and The Lancet
Latex Allergy Support Group UK
UK Latex Allergy Support Group (LASG) is a voluntary self-help organisation founded in
1996, with 300+ members. The aims of the Group are to raise awareness of latex allergy,
provide support for those affected, and promote the safe and appropriate use of latex
products and equipment. An advisory panel provides advice on medical and technological
issues. The Latex Allergy Support Group (LASG) has three aims: To raise awareness of latex
allergy amongst the general public and, in particular, healthcare workers. To provide a
national support network for those affected by latex allergy. To push for investigation
into the increased incidences of the allergy, the identification of "at risk" groups and
the prevention of unnecessary contact with known sensitising agents.
London Hazards Centre UK
London Hazards Centre is a resource for Londoners fighting health and safety hazards in
their workplace and community, but can be for others seeking health and safety
information. Handbooks, fact sheets, online resources are updated regularly.
Manage Your Time UK
Manage Your Time offers practical advice and tips on managing time better, in order to cut
down on stress. Topics covered include stress management, planning, dealing with change,
communication, delegation, decision-making and improving team efficiency.
Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) UK
Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) UK was set up following the Stewart
Report of the Independent Expert Group work to look into the possible health impacts of
mobile telecommunications. Funded by industry and the Government gives details of research
National Back Exchange UK
UK National Back Exchange is a multidisciplinary group for those with an interest in back
care and prevention of work related musculoskeletal problems. It aims to promote the
exchange of information and ideas on back care, develop and promote common standards of
training in safer handling, promote initiatives and act as a forum for providing
evaluation and audit of current practice in all matters associated with back care, to
lobby employers to provide back care advisory services to reduce work related back
problems and to provide support and advice for members.
National Eczema Society UK
UK National Eczema Society is strengthening resources for health and safety managers and
officers managing employees with work-related contact dermatitis. Services include advice,
guidance, publications and Helpline information service for people affected by eczema. The
National Eczema Week aims to raise the profile of the condition and the Society so that
more people with eczema know how to access help, information and support.
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health NEBOSH UK
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health NEBOSH extensive information
source containing where to study, publications, newsletter, FAQs, and links to other
relevant organisations' web sites.
National Fire Sprinkler Network UK
National Fire Sprinkler Network was formed in 1998 and remains free from commercial
interest. The Network view the development and increase in the application of fire
sprinkler technology as an enhancement of the public good. In recent years has launched a
number of successful sprinkler campaigns, and are particularly proud of the campaign on
large, single-storey superstores. Since January 1st 2000 all such buildings with a
compartment size of over 2000 square metres have to be fitted with sprinklers for life
safety purposes. Site offers details of publications, events, press releases and links.
Please Do Not Forget... Make my day... please send your news items to your Editor!
Diary of Events
These events may inspire you and your organisation to offer similar type of events.
If you have a seminar, conference or exhibition that you would like to promote - please send details to your Editor.
Keep on training staff - this is essential to ensure safe and healthy workplaces.
Also look in that is constantly being updated.
16 November 2010 - Industrial Hygienists' Ethical Dilemmas: Basic Principles and
Resolution Strategies - Webinar
Contact: American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 1330 Kemper
Meadow Dr., Cincinnati OH 45240, USA | Tel: +1 513-742-2020 | Fax: +1 713-742-3355 |
Email: |
16-18 November 2010 - Nanosafe 2010 Conference
Minatec, Grenoble, France
3-4 February 2011 - 2nd Strategy Conference: Five Pillars - Strategies on Safety and
Health at Work
DGUV Academy Dresden, Germany
Contact: DGUV Academy Dresden, Germany |
10-11 February 2011 - Musculoskeletal Disorders and Chronic Pain: Evidence-based
Approaches for Clinical Care, Disability Prevention and Claims Management
Los Angeles, California, USA
Contact: Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability, 204 - 916 West Broadway
Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K7 Canada | Tel: +1 604-684-4148 or 1-800-872-3105 | Fax: +1
604-684-6247 | Email: |
7-11 March 2011 - 7th International course on safety research (6005) - Part 2 (5 days).
NB Part 1 is held on 7-11 June 2010
Hotel Urku, Kangasala, Finland
Contact: NIVA, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A 00250
Helsinki, Finland | Tel: +358 30 4741 | Fax: +358 30 474 2497 | Email: |
13-16 March 2011 - 7th Global Congress on Process Safety
Chicago, IL, USA
13-16 March 2011 - Protex Event (Fire, Safety and Protection)
Jeddah Centre for Forums & Events, Saudi Arabia
18-23 March 2012 - 30th International Congress on Occupational Health
Monterrey, Mexico
Contact: Bob Orford MD, ICOH National Secretary for USA, International Commission on
Occupational Health (ICOH) | |
21-26 March 2011 - Fire Department Instructors Conference
Indian Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, USA
4-8 April 2011 - Gas, Vapour and Dust Explosion Hazards, Protection, Mitigation and
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Contact: University of Leeds | Tel: +44 (0)113 343 2494/8104 | Email: |
5-7 April 2011 - Occupational Hygiene 2011
The Holiday Inn, Stratford upon Avon
Contact: Louise Hall | Email: