CIS Newsletter
No. 248
May 2010
CIS Newsletter celebrates 22 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!
- Editorial
- 28 April 2010 World Day of Safety and Health
- CIS Annual Meeting 2010 in Beijing, China
- News, Events from around the World - Australia, Belgium, Canada, Europe, Finland, Germany, Japan, Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, UK, and USA to name a few!
- Do you know where a listing of OSH institutions can be found? Here is the answer...
- OSHE websites to explore
- Diary of Events
The WHO Network of Collaborating Centre Connection (CCC) e-newsletter:
ILO CIS Network Newsletters:
The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the
International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety
Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE from the UK. The CIS Newsletter
is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from
Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds
the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.
Greetings to all Readers
Sending out the May 2010 edition of the CIS Newsletter on this very important date - the 28 April 2010 World Day of Safety and Health.
Hope the events in your country to commemorate the day are a huge success.
Don't forget to continuously promote CIS and the Network!
The slogan for the World Day in 2010 is Securing the future: emerging risks and new patterns of prevention in a changing world of work
The CIS Newsletter this month contains a range of information received from many parts of the OSH World - for which many thanks, including details of the CIS Annual Meeting 2010 in China.
If you are planning any publications, conferences, seminars or training courses, then please send your details to me so that we can share your efforts with others. Don't forget to send me your latest news! It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world.
Any views you have on CIS and its work send into CIS HQ.
Keep up your Publicity... tell them, tell them and tell them again...
Remember that CIS Newsletters electronic archive going back nearly 7 years is available on
Thanks for the publications, emails and news - these are always gratefully received.
Will you be Surviving in 2010? ... Perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!
Use the CIS Logo on your web site and publications!
All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues
Sheila Pantry, OBE
Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd,
85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829
28 April 2010 - World Day for Safety and Health at Work
Events will be taking place worldwide - check out in your own country.
From the International Labour Office
2010 Theme: Emerging risks and new patterns of prevention in a changing world of work. World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an international annual campaign to promote safe, healthy and decent work.
The annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April 2010 promotes the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally. It is an awareness-raising campaign intended to focus international attention on the magnitude of the problem and on how promoting and creating a safety and health culture can help reduce the number of work-related deaths and injuries.
You are invited to join the ILO and other organisations around the world in promoting this important day.
World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an international campaign to promote safe, healthy, and decent work. This year, as in previous years, tripartite events will be taking place worldwide, and a number of products are available from this web page to support those efforts. You are invited to join us in promoting this important day.
People everywhere are exposed to safety and health risks from their work. The ILO estimates that some 6,000 workers die each day worldwide as a result of work-related accidents or illness. And occupationally related deaths appear to be on the rise. Moreover, each year there are an estimated 270 million non-fatal work-related accidents (each resulting in at least three days' absence from work) as well as 160 million new cases of work-related diseases. The total cost of such accidents and ill health have been estimated by the ILO to equal 4 per cent of global GDP, or more than 20 times the global amount of official development assistance.
Occupational safety and health is of worldwide concern to governments, employers, workers and their families. While some industries are inherently more hazardous than others, groups such as migrant or other marginalized workers are often more at risk of experiencing work-related accidents.
For more information the theme, please visit the ILO webpages
World Day for Safety and Health... news from other countries...
This year the "Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho" have in association with ILO developed a Web page dedicated to National Day for Safety and Health 28 April 2010, with all the information and promotional products, as well as the ILO report regarding the Day in the Portuguese language.
We invite you to visit and further promote our Web site
Best wishes
Maria José Liberato
Centre CIS Portugal
Launch of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign on Safe Maintenance on 28 April 2010
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) next Healthy Workplaces Campaign will focus on the importance of safe maintenance in European workplaces, and draw attention to the risks when it is not carried out properly.
It is officially launched on 28 April 2010 and supports a wide range of activities at both the European and national level.
Campaign Guide (in English only)
In 2010, the UK will, for the first time, officially recognise Workers Memorial Day to commemorate the thousands of people who have died, been seriously injured or made ill through their work.
There have been an increasing number of commemorative events in the UK in recent years as Workers Memorial Day has become a focal point for bereaved families, unions, campaign organisations and local authorities among others. As more people have become involved in these events, there has been growing support for formal recognition of the Day.
The first UK official Workers' Memorial Day is to be marked with a new website dedicated to thousands of people who never returned home from work.
Wednesday, April 28, will give the UK's workforce a chance to reflect on the many people who are killed, seriously injured or made ill while doing their job.
To raise awareness of this significant occasion, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) National Occupational Safety and Health Committee (NOSHC) initiated the creation of an online hub, designed to provide detailed information about dozens of memorial sites across the UK.
Compiled by health and safety information expert Sheila Pantry OBE, the regularly updated electronic guide includes locations of everything from plaques to pillars, as well as photographs, details of temporary commemorative sites, links to other sources and a diary of events.
Among the many permanent memorials listed are those dedicated to victims of disasters at the Piper Alpha oilrig near Aberdeen, the Flixborough chemical plant in Lincolnshire and the Senghenydd mine in Wales.
Yet for every catastrophe involving multiple fatalities, there are hundreds more accidents for which there is no memorial and which can only be remembered quietly by grieving families, colleagues and employers.
To see the new web site go to:
News from CIS in Geneva
48th annual Meeting of CIS National, Collaborating and Regional Centres
Dear CIS network members,
Following last year's CIS 50th anniversary meeting, it is a pleasure to invite you to the 48th annual Meeting of CIS National, Collaborating and Regional Centres, to be held in conjunction with the 5th China International Forum on Work Safety in Beijing, China. The CIS Meeting will take place at the Intercontinental Beijing Beichen Hotel on Monday, 30 August 2010, from 9 am till 6 pm.
The 5th China International Forum on Safety at Work will take place after the CIS Meeting, on 31 August - 2 September 2010. More information on this Meeting can be found here:
We encourage all participants of the CIS Meeting to register for and attend the 5th China Forum, an important OSH meeting with strong international participation.
We shall send you an official invitation to the CIS Meeting in the near future together with a Provisional Agenda and detailed information on accommodation and travel arrangements.
If you intend to attend the CIS Meeting, please inform the CIS Secretariat by sending an e-mail to:
Alternatively, you can send it by mail to the address indicated below:
International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS), Secretariat, International Labour Office (ILO), 4, route des Morillons, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland.
Hoping to see you all in August,
Yours sincerely,
Gábor Sándi
21 April 2010
Madame, Monsieur,
Chers collègues du CIS,
Suite à notre réunion en octobre 2009 célébrant le cinquantenaire du CIS, nous sommes très heureux de vous inviter à la 48e réunion des Centres régionaux, nationaux et de collaboration, qui aura lieu conjointement avec le 5me Forum international chinois sur la sécurité au travail (5th China International Forum on Safety at Work), à Pékin, en Chine. La réunion du CIS aura lieu dans l'International Beijing Beichen Hotel, le lundi 30 août 2010, de 9h à 18h.
Le 5me Forum international chinois sur la sécurité au travail se tiendra après la réunion du CIS, du 31 août au 2 septembre 2010. Pour davantage d'informations sur cette réunion, nous vous prions d'accéder au lien suivant:
Nous encourageons tous les participants de la réunion du CIS de s'enregistrer et d'assister au Forum, qui est une réunion importante d'une envergure internationale.
Nous allons bientôt vous envoyer une invitation officielle à la réunion du CIS, avec un ordre de jour provisoire et des informations détaillées sur les arrangements de voyage et d'hébergement.
Pour confirmer votre intention d'assister à la réunion du CIS, je vous prie d'envoyer un courriel au sécrétariat du CIS à l'adresse suivante:
Si vous préferez nous contacter par courrier régulier, notre adresse postale est:
Centre international d'informations de sécurité et de santé au travail (CIS), Bureau international du Travail (BIT) 4, route des Morillons, CH-1211 Genève 22, Suisse.
En espérant avoir le plaisir de tous vous voir en août,
Avec mes meilleures salutations,
Gábor Sándi,
Coordinateur du CIS
Le 21 avril 2010
Estimada Señora:
Estimado Señor:
Estimados colegas del CIS:
Tras nuestra reunión anual del pasado mes de octubre, en la que celebramos el 50 aniversario del CIS, tenemos el placer de informarle de que la reunión de este año de los Centros nacionales, regionales y de colaboración del CIS se desarrollará en el marco del 5 Foro Internacional de China sobre Seguridad en el Trabajo (5th China International Forum on Safety at Work, en Pekín, China. Está previsto que la reunión del CIS tenga lugar en el hotel International Beijing Beichen el lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010, de 9h a 18h.
El 5 Foro Internacional de China sobre Seguridad en el Trabajo se celebrará del martes, 31 de agosto al jueves, 2 de setiembre. Animamos a los participantes de la reunión del CIS a que asistan al Foro, dado que es una reunión importante con gran participación internacional.
En las próximas semanas le enviaremos una invitación oficial para la reunión del CIS de este año con información detallada.
En caso de contemplar la posibilidad de asistir a la reunión del CIS, le pedimos de que nos informe por e-mail a la siguiente dirección:
Si no pudiera utilizar e-mail, nuestra dirección postal es:
Centro Internacional de Información sobre Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (CIS), Oficina International del Trabajo (OIT) 4, route des Morillons, CH-1211 Genève 22, Suiza.
Esperamos poder contar con su presencia en la reunión de este año y le enviamos un atento saludo.
Gábor Sándi,
Coordinador del CIS
21 de abril de 2010
News from around the World...
News from Australia
Emergency Management Terms Thesaurus
All those interested in thesaurus connected with the OSH world will be interested in the following.
The Australian Emergency Management Institute has produced the Australian Emergency Management Terms Thesaurus which provides a list of terms commonly used across the emergency management sector.
The thesaurus includes terms likely to be used by the sector, but not those relating to specific areas of particular emergency services.
The thesaurus includes preferred terms, non-preferred terms, related terms and scope notes where available. The Thesaurus is maintained by EMA Library, in consultation with subject matter experts.
News from Belgium
Better Regulation: a critical assessment
Laurent Vogel, ETUI
Eric Van den Abeele, University of Mons-Hainaut
Published by the ETUI, 2010, 72 pages
ETUI dismantles the "Better Regulation" house of cards
The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) published a report on the European Commission's "Better Regulation" programme in late March. The Commission is promising that scrapping or revising a number of directives will save businesses around 40 billion Euros by reducing the "administrative formalities" they impose. In Better Regulation: a critical assessment, Laurent Vogel and Eric Van den Abeele reveal the agenda within the agenda.
More information on ETUI web site:
Contact: Laurent Vogel,
Better regulation: perspectives critiques
Laurent Vogel, ETUI
Eric Van den Abeele, université de Mons-Hainaut
Editions ETUI, 2010, 80 pages
L'ETUI démonte le meccano "Meilleure réglementation"
L'Institut syndical européen (ETUI) a publié fin mars un rapport consacré au programme de la Commission européenne pour "une meilleure réglementation". La Commission souhaite supprimer ou réviser certaines directives, et promet aux entreprises des économies de l'ordre de 40 milliards d'euros grâce à la réduction des "formalités administratives" imposées par ces législations. Dans Better Regulation: perspectives critiques, Laurent Vogel et Eric Van den Abeele dévoilent le dessous des cartes.
Pour plus d'informations:
Contact: Laurent Vogel,
ETUI, 5 bd du Roi Albert II, 1210 Bruxelles | |
News from Canada
CCOHS advice on How to secure your portable ladder
Before you mount that portable ladder learn that precautions you must take to secure it and avoid becoming an injury statistic. Falls from portable ladders are a common cause of workplace injuries often because the ladder is not used properly. Follow these 10 tips to secure your ladder and be safe on the climb.
- Rest the top of the ladder against a solid surface that can withstand the load.
- Attach a ladder stay across the back of a ladder where a surface cannot stand the load. Extend the stay across a window for firm support against the building walls or window frame.
- Guard or fence off the area around a ladder erected in an area where persons have access.
- Secure the ladder firmly at the top to prevent it from slipping sideways or the foot from slipping outwards.
- Station a person at the foot of a ladder when it is not possible to tie at the top or secure it at the foot. This is effective only for ladders up to 5 m (16 ft.) long.
- Ensure that the person at the foot of the ladder faces the ladder with a hand on each side rail and one foot resting on the bottom rung.
- Attach hooks on top of ladder rails where the ladder is to be used at a constant height.
- Do not rest a ladder on any rung. Only the side rails are designed for this purpose.
- Secure the base of a ladder to prevent accidental movement. Securing a ladder at the foot does not prevent a side slip at the top.
- Use ladders equipped with non-slip feet. Otherwise nail a cleat to the floor or anchor the feet or bottom of the side rails.
Learn about the ladder safety course from CCOHS.
Learn more ladder safety tips from OSH Answers.
News from Europe
Reviewing the Working Time Directive (first-phase consultation of the social partners at European Union level under Article 154 of the TFEU) see (COM(2010) 106) 24/03/10
News from Germany
Up and Down, Up and Down
The aim of this brochure from the Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) is literally to get you jumping to your feet. And not only while you're reading it, but several times a day. Why? Quite simply because we all spend too much time sitting. In our free time, at work, during training - modern man has neglected his talent for standing and has got used to the sitting position (at work as well). This has become possible thanks not least to computers and similar devices which have tied many people permanently to their desks. In former times it was still necessary to move around a bit in the office - fetching a file, taking some documents into the next office - but now all that's required for most jobs is a mouse click. This development makes things comfortable for us, but it doesn't do much for our health. In fact our whole organism needs movement to stay healthy in the long run.
Something that is ignored in the daily routine of many people. And that's why around 8 % of those who work at the computer screen day after day suffer from a range of different health disorders, from sore eyes and tense shoulders through to back problems. None of this is any good, for the individual, for the company or for the economy. What we should look for is dynamic solutions which really get us moving. As often as possible, as regularly as possible and whenever possible also at work (in the office).
The brochure will show you how to do this. It follows on from the previous brochure "The ups and downs of sitting - Sitting at work and elsewhere", which was devoted to the subject of sitting in all its forms. Some of the topics dealt with in this brochure will be repeated briefly here for those readers who are unfamiliar with "The ups and downs of sitting". But the focus is on the "dynamic office", in other words basic information is given on how to design t he office workplace by appropriate work organisation and with "Dynamic" furniture to make it more motion-friendly.
News from Germany
The latest edition of KANBRIEF no. 1/10 presents New KAN studies
KAN - Kommission Arbeitsschutz und Normung's latest edition of KANBrief No. 1/10 has recently been published. KAN endeavours to exert influence upon standardization activity at the earliest possible opportunity. For this purpose, it commissions studies and expert reports in the run-up to standardisation activity proper that provides guidance during subsequent technical work.
This latest issue of KANBrief contains amongst other items information on
- Safety of Machinery
- Is agriculture machinery on the home straight?
- CEN guide to preparing service standards
- A partner of KAN: the Institute for Applied Occupational Ergonomics and more... see for yourself...
KANBRIEF is available on the web
KANBRIEF is published quarterly.
Contact: Werner Sterk, Alte Heerstr. 111. D-53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany | Tel: +49 (0) 2241 231 3463 | Fax: +49 (0) 2241 231 3464 | Email: |
News from Japan
JISHA's Annual report and Activities 2009
The latest Annual report from the Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA) shows a range of activities undertaken, including:
- Assistance to small and medium sized enterprises
- Technical Services
- Research and surveys
- Promotion of Safety and Health education
- Ensuring Health and Promoting comfortable workplaces
- Production and Distribution of Publications
- International cooperation
- Japan Bioassay Research Centre
For copies of the English language version of the 2009 JISHA Annual Report contact: JISHA, (ILO-CIS National Centre in Japan), 5-35-1 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan | Tel/Fax +81 3 3454 4596 | Email: |
20-22 October 2010 1st International Conference on Accident Prevention (ICAP2010): Accident Prevention through the Implementation of the Seoul Declaration on Safety and Health at Work
Call for abstracts
Westin Chosun Hotel, Busan, Korea
Organized by
- Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA)
- Korean Society of Safety (KOSOS)
Sponsored by
International Commission on Occupational Health - Scientific Committee on Accident Prevention (ICOH SCAP)
Subjects and Topics
The Symposium will include plenary and parallel sessions that will cover fundamental aspects, technical approaches and the related topics in:
- Accident prevention policies and strategies
- Safety and health management system
- Risk assessment and management
- Accident prevention involving machineries
- Accident prevention involving electricity
- Fire and explosion accident prevention
- Construction accident prevention
- Traffic accident prevention
- Ergonomics and systems safety
- Trips, falls and crush accidents prevention
- OSH training
- Loss management
- Safety culture
- Occupational accident analysis and statistics
- Seoul Declaration on Safety and Health at Work
- Other excellent examples of safety management
Submission of Abstract
Abstracts must be submitted by uploading at the website: NO LATER THAN JUNE 30, 2010. Submit abstract with an email address and a full mailing address of the author to be contacted.
Important Deadlines
- June 30, 2010: Submission of abstracts
- July 31, 2010: Notification of acceptance
- Aug. 31, 2010: Submission of full papers
Contact Information
Contact: 34-4 Gusan-dong Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, 403-711 | Tel: +82-32-5100-636 or 742 | Fax: +82-32-502-7199 | E-mail: | website:
News from Spain
The Healthy Workplaces Film Award is returning again for its second year! EU-OSHA continues the cooperation with the DOK Leipzig Festival in 2010. The award honours the best documentary on work-related topics focusing on the human being in a changing world of work and has a prize of € 8,000.00 available for this year's winner. Filmmakers, producers and distributors are invited to submit their latest productions.
For all films that were finalised before 1 May 2010, the submission deadline is 31 May 2010. All other films have to be submitted until 10 July 2010.
We are looking forward to receiving your films!
More information on the entry formula:
News from the USA
Three new Health Hazard Evaluation reports from the US NIOSH
- Evaluation of Heat and Carbon Monoxide Exposures to Border Protection Officers at Ports of Entry
- Evaluation of Magnetic Field Exposures to Office Employees From an Electrical Transformer
- Evaluation of Potential Exposures at an Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide Processing Plant
Read about these recent releases and access the full HHE reports:
NIOSH Field Effort to Assess Chemical Exposure Risks to Gas and Oil Workers NIOSH Publication No. 2010-130
The goals of this NIOSH field effort include:
- identifying processes and activities where chemical exposures could occur;
- characterizing potential exposures to vapors, gases, particulates and fumes (e.g. solvents, diesel particulate, crystalline silica, acids, metals, aldehydes, and possibly other chemicals identified during the study);
- depending on results of the field effort, recommending safe work practices and/or proposing and evaluating exposure controls (to include engineering controls, substitution, and personal protective equipment).
Diaries and Calendars at the ready...
Just Announced! National Occupational Injury Research Symposium 2011
The National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS) 2011 is scheduled for October 18-20, 2011, in Morgantown, West Virginia.
NOIRS is the only national symposium focusing solely on occupational traumatic injury research and prevention.
Please check the NOIRS Web site for future updates and additional information.
Did you know?
Where to find a database of OSH Institutions?
Answer: There is a list of Institutions available from a link on the SafeWork/CIS website.
This database contains the names of OSH institutions around the world, together with their internet and contact details, and - where possible - a description of their mission and principal activities. It is available online for:
- browsing by country
- searching by various criteria
The Institutions belong to several categories, including those devoted to one or several of the following activities:
- research into the prevalence, causes and prevention of occupational hazards,
- information on and documentation of such hazards,
- compensation of occupational accidents and diseases and rehabilitation of their victims,
- training of OSH specialists and personnel,
- development of preventive equipment and materials,
- labour inspection.
Where only a subdivision of a larger entity is dedicated to OSH matters, we have tried to limit the listing to that subdivision.
The collection of data is based on the collaborative efforts of CIS and its Regional, National and Collaborating Centres.
Please send all suggestions for additions, modifications and deletions to
Australia Emergency Management Institute (AEMI) is a centre of excellence for knowledge and skills development in the national emergency management sector. As part of the Attorney-General's Department, AEMI provides a range of education, training, professional development, information, research and community awareness services to the nation and region. AEMI is located at Mount Macedon in Victoria and was opened in 1956 as the Australian Civil Defence School.
Since then, AEMI has had a significant role in building the capacity and professionalism of the emergency management sector in Australia. The Institute continues to focus on improving knowledge and development in the emergency management sector. It supports broader national security capability development efforts to build community resilience to disaster. Courses offered at AEMI include nationally accredited training courses and professional development programmes.
AEMI also hosts a range of workshops based on the national research and innovation agenda agreed by the National Emergency Management Committee.
European Commission Joint Research Council Institute for Environmental and Sustainability website includes Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) designed to help businesses and consumers assess the environmental impact of products and service and seeks to identify possible improvements to goods and services in the form of lower environmental impacts and reduced use of resources across all life cycle stages.
This begins with raw material extraction and conversion, then manufacture and distribution, through to use and/or consumption. It ends with re-use, recycling of materials, energy recovery and ultimate disposal.
The key aim of Life Cycle Thinking is to avoid burden shifting. This means minimising impacts at one stage of the life cycle, or in a geographic region, or in a particular impact category, while helping to avoid increases elsewhere. For example, saving energy during the use phase of a product, while not increasing the amount of material needed to provide it.
Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to fostering the development of a disaster resilient Canada by preparing small business, non-profit organisations, and the Disaster Management professional.
International Safety Quality Environment Association (ISQM) is a registered non-profit making organisation. The association is fully international with members from across the world including UK, USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, India, Middle East, Far East, and South America, who have joined together to ensure that the three main key areas of management Safety, Quality and Environment are being raised and improved worldwide.
The Association is both free, and non-profit making, contributing to the enhancement of safety quality and environmental management on a true global scale. ISQEM have established five key main areas of interest that are connected with the Association's aims and objectives:
- Consultation and sharing of professional knowledge between members and other interested parties.
- Sharing of documents and publications.
- Conducting conferences and seminars on an international basis.
- Training and development within the Safety Quality and Environmental Fields and
- Improvement of the working environment and advancement of quality and safety within the workplace.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) brings together the governments of countries committed to democracy and the market economy from around the world.
The OECD provides a setting where governments compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and coordinate domestic and international policies. Information covers risks on human health and the environment posed by chemicals is determined by chemical-specific hazard properties and the amount of exposure to chemicals.
OECD assists member countries developing in and harmonising methods for assessing such risks. Includes information on preparedness for and response to chemical accidents.
HSE Books is the source of priced and non-priced printed and multimedia products published by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
HSE is the authoritative body in Great Britain for issues relating to health and safety in the workplace.
This website provides online search and ordering facilities and is updated daily. You can also order by telephone, fax, e-mail or post.
The April issue of LIFELINES ONLINE (Vol. VI, No. 11) is available at the LHSFNA website. These are the headlines:
- Message from the Co-Chairmen (Spring, 2010): Congress, President Enact Health Care Reform
- Critique Slams Work Zone Safety Oversight
- Latino Worker Safety in OSHA's Spotlight
- Keep an Eye on Your Eyes
- Ontario Workers Exposed to Nuclear Radiation
- Penta Prioritizes Safety
- Take a Pass on (Some) Salt
- First Aid for the Workplace
- Costly Toll of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Alcohol Abuse Threatens Job Security
- Workers' Memorial Day 2010
To view the stories see:
Also, please note that back issues of LIFELINES ONLINE -- as well as their print magazine, LIFELINES -- are posted for online viewing. The LIFELINES ONLINE archive and LIFELINES archive are fully searchable, so you can find the articles that relate to your topic of interest.
OSHE web sites to explore...
We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we continue to look at a variety of websites from the UK.
Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.
If we do not have your web site listed please send it to me
Action on Violence UK
Action on Violence provides best practice examples of violence reduction initiatives.
Aimed at those working in the field of violence prevention and reduction, highlights what
works when tackling violence and provides ideas for local solutions to raise awareness
about the problems of violence, alcohol and the use of weapons.
Aerosol Society UK
The Aerosol Society UK gives details regarding aerosols and its history and also links. A
recent event held by the Aerosol Society was on "Transport of Bioaerosols".
Alcohol Concern UK
The UK Alcohol Concern is the national agency on alcohol misuse. The site contains
information about the work of Alcohol Concern, fact sheets, publications, news plus links
to useful sites.
Alcoholics Anonymous AA UK
Alcoholics Anonymous details of their activities and contact addresses around the UK.
Andrea Adams Trust UK
Andrea Adams Trust is the world's first non-political, non-profit making charity operating
as the focus for the diverse and complex problems caused by bullying behaviour in the
Arson Control Forum - ACF UK
The Arson Control Forum offers as a one-stop shop to help police, fire officers and others
to keep up to date with news and developments in the fight against deliberate
fire-setting. This UK Government sponsored initiative is a multi-agency partnership.
Arson Prevention Bureau UK
Contains research, statistics, press releases, publications, bureau publications and
Arthritis Care UK
Arthritis Care in the UK is the biggest voluntary organisation dedicated to supporting
people with arthritis has been in 2007 going for 60 years. Nine million Britons, including
12,000 children, currently live with arthritis, the country's biggest single cause of
physical disability, and, as the population ages, that figure can only rise. By 2025, the
number of over-85s is predicted to have mushroomed by two-thirds, placing the health
service under unprecedented strain. The web site covers a wide range of information.
Asbestos Building Inspectors Certification Scheme (ABICS) UK
Asbestos Building Inspectors Certification Scheme (ABICS) has been set up by the
Faculty of Occupational Hygiene (FOH). FOH is the British professional body for
occupational hygienists, who are expert on control of risks to health at work. For many
years FOH, and its predecessor the British Institute of Occupational Hygienists (BIOH) has
been setting syllabuses and exams for training courses on various hazards, including those
from asbestos in buildings. FOH is now part of the British Occupational Hygiene Society,
founded in 1953 to bring together those concerned with health risks resulting from work.
Asbestos Removal Contractors Association UK
Asbestos Removal Contractors Association of specialist contractors is committed to the
safe removal of asbestos and other hazardous materials. News, list of members around the
UK and links.
Asbestos Risk Management Newsletter UK
Asbestos information including details of the Asbestos Campaign and other current and
planned developments.
Asbestos Support Groups Forum UK
The Asbestos Support Groups Forum is open to all groups who share the same aim and
objectives; whilst striving to highlight the plight of those affected by an asbestos
related disease. If you would like to affiliate your asbestos support group with the Forum
and require further information contact:
Ask a Librarian UK
Ask a Librarian brings the resources of the UK public libraries to your desktop. You can
email a factual question and enquiries are dealt with as soon as possible, normally within
1-3 weeks.
Association of British Insurers UK
Promotes a continuing programme for the prevention and control of arson, includes press
releases, briefing materials, statistical service, guides, consumer advice and
information, also associated web sites.
Association Group Management UK
Links to specialist organisations and trade association in the UK building and
construction industry. Also contains services, clients and other contacts.
Association of Insurance and Risk Managers AIRMIC UK
Association of Insurance and Risk Managers AIRMIC activities include campaigns,
conferences, events, meetings, research, training, publications, including some on
workplace rehabilitation - AIRMIC and the CBI (Confederation of British Industries) are
working together to promote the greater use of workplace rehabilitation by UK employers.
Links to other organisations
The Association of Occupational Health Nurse Practitioners UK
The Association of Occupational Health Nurse Practitioners was founded in 1992 to increase
representation and raise the profile of occupational health nurses. Site contains details
on the aims of the organisation, Board, Membership, events, publications, news and links.
Make my day... please send your news items to your Editor!
Diary of Events
These events may inspire you and your organisation to offer similar type of events.
If you have a seminar, conference or exhibition that you would like to promote - please send details to your Editor.
Also look in that is constantly being updated.
5-7 July 2010 - The Interflam 2010: 12th International Conference on Fire Science and
East Midlands Conference Centre - University of Nottingham, UK
Contact: Interflam Secretariat, Interscience Communications Ltd West Yard House, Guildford
Grove, Greenwich, London, SE10 8JT, UK | Tel: +44 (0) 208 692 5050 | Fax: +44 (0) 208 692
5155 | Email:
2-page Abstract (min 600 words) will be required for review by 1st November 2009. One
author per technical paper will be entitled to register for the conference at a highly
subsidised rate. For further information visit:
Readers may also like to take a free trial of FIREINF
29 August 2010 - PREMUS 2010: 7th International Conference on Prevention of
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders
Angers, France
Contact: Tel: + 33 (0) 2 41 35 78 39 | Email:
29 August - 2 September 2010 - Call for papers for ECCE-7/CHISA 2010
19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010 and the 7th
European Congress of Chemical Engineering ECCE-7
Prague, Czech Republic
6-9 September 2010 - First International course on of work environment and productivity
- second week (for first week see 7-10 March 2010)
Organised by NIVA and Prevent
Prevent Academy for Working Life, Leuven, Belgium
Contact: Prevent Academy for Working Life, rue Gachardstraat 88, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
| Email: | Fax: +32 2 643 44
For NIVA: Zsuzsanna Renkó-Michelsén, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A FI-0050 Helsinki, Finland |
Tel: +58 0 474 498 | Fax: +58 0 474 497 | Email:
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE
16 September 2010 - 4th Europlatform conference: renting smart
Hotel Eurostars Madrid Tower, Madrid, Spain
Contact: International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) and its official magazine
Access International, Murray Pollok, managing editor of Access International
| Email: | | More information is at
21 September 2010 - Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
ERA Technology, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7SA, UK
Contact: Katie Taylor, Events Organiser, ERA Technology Cobham Technical Services, Cleeve
Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SA, UK | Tel: +44 (0)1372 367 439 | Fax: +44 (0)1372 367
009 | Email: or |
21-24 September 2010 - Safety 2010 - The 10th International Conference on Injury
Prevention and Safety Promotion
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London, UK.
Contact: Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 5th Floor, Kingsway
House, Hatton Garden Liverpool L3 2AJ, UK | Tel: +44 (0) 151 231 4384 | Email: |
28 September - 2 October 2010 - 8th International Scientific Conference of the
International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA)
Definition of occupational hygiene methods and tools; current occupational hazards related
to new emerging technologies
Rome, Italy
Organized by the Italian federate member (Associazione Italiana degli Igienisti
Industriali (AIDII)) and co-organized by the Italian Workers' Compensation Authority
(Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro (INAIL)) and the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Prevention (Istituto Superiore per la
Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro (ISPESL))
Contact: Koinè Eventi, Via Fontane 24, 25133 Brescia BS, Italy | Tel: +39 030 20 02 844 |
Fax: +39 030 20 96 783 | Email: |
Please Do Not Forget... Make my day... please send your news items to your Editor!