CIS Newsletter
No. 223
April 2008
CIS Newsletter celebrates 20 years & still going strong!
Bringing news to over 145 countries in the CIS Network!
- Editorial - Meeting and training session of CIS Members in London, 10-11 September 2008 - all are welcome...
- News from around the World - Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Europe, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Korea, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, UK and the USA
- OSHE websites to explore
- Diary of Events
Dear CIS Colleagues
Spring - my favourite season is almost here in the Northern Hemisphere, - I say almost - because as I write this newsletter it is snowing and a white world is appearing. Beautiful to look at of course!
One of the main ingredients of the success of the CIS network is that people are able to keep in touch with each other by telephone, letter or email - either on a one - to- one basis or in small groups. We help each other in so many different ways.
One of the ways to spread your news is to send some information to me for the CIS Newsletter that is shared with many others across the world. It goes to people in over 145 countries. The newsletter items can be put into your own newsletters or websites.
Safework and CIS HQ are really busy with the events in Korea and are not now able to support a Regional meeting that was voted for at last year's annual meeting in Dusseldorf, Germany.
However a group of CIS members do wish to meet up on 10-11 September 2008, in Central London, UK and are organising a Meeting of the CIS Members' Network. Everyone is very welcome.
A number of members have already indicated that they will be attending - please let me know as soon as possible if you intend to come this meeting.
The aim of this 2-day meeting that will include a training session on organizing campaigns, events and publicity for CIS Centres so that ideas can be shared and either used collectively or individually in each country. The main message for this 50th anniversary is raise the profile of Occupational safety and health information worldwide and especially the role of the CIS Centres. The programme will include an exchange of information from members.
See below for full details.
Everyone is invited - we each are paying our own travel, accommodation and meals as we always do. CIS network should benefit from this meeting enormously.
As we welcome new members into our CIS family of members, the year ahead is already looking very busy for CIS network - the ILO Congress and CIS Annual meeting in Korea... see below for details.
As mentioned in the January 2008 edition of this Newsletter - a very important date is ahead of us - the celebration of the 50th Anniversary in 2009 of the formation of CIS! We need to plan for this important - please start to think about this major event and how news of CIS and its activities can be broadcasted around the World. We will not get such a chance for another 50 years!!!!!
Ideas, news items are always welcomed for inclusion in the future editions of this Newsletter. It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world. Take advantage of free publicity! Remember you can see CIS Newsletter on the web site where back issues are stored now for over 6 years.
Some of you may have changed your email number and addresses in recent months, please let CIS Headquarters know your new email/address and also let me know as well - otherwise you will not get the CIS Newsletter or other news.
Remember >>>>
Use the CIS Logo on your web site and publications!
Remember the motto of all publicity people ... tell them, tell them and tell them again... so take every opportunity to give publicity to "Health and Safety at work"...
Thriving in 2008... Keep promoting and telling the World at large that CIS and its network exists!
Don't forget to promote 28 April 2008 - World Day for Safety and Health at Work! The theme for the 2008 World Day for Safety and Health at Work organized by the International Labour Office (ILO) on 28 April 2008 is Managing Risk in the Work Environment. Slogan: My life, my work, my safe work. For details and emblem go to
Will you be Surviving in 2008?... perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!
All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues.
Sheila Pantry, OBE
Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd, 85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829
Please consider the environment before printing this Newsletter
Feel free to use this Newsletter on your own web site/pages/e-news
Important Latest News from CIS Members
Meeting and training course for CIS Members will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, 10 and 11 September 2008 at the Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, Central London
The aim of the meeting is to enable CIS members to:
- update each other on current activities;
- exchange and discuss the latest worldwide information developments and services and to see if there are any lessons to be learned that can be incorporated in CIS Members' own services
- have a training session on publicity and promotion campaigns on OSH Information
The Draft Agenda
The following draft agenda is a first stab of what we can/want do - but please do send in other topics...
- What we should be doing to celebrate the CIS 50th anniversary in 2009 collectively and in our own countries
- Share best promotion and publicity practices in each of our countries - examples of successes
- Build on ideas that we have discussed over the years and which are captured in the report I wrote that can be accessed on
- Use of the 50th anniversary of CIS to make people worldwide aware of the available validated and authoritative health and safety information centres, services, guidance and advice that CIS network members hold or have access to.
- Have an updating exchange of news from those attending
- Any other business topics
Everyone is invited - we each are paying our own travel, accommodation and meals as we always do when attending CIS Meetings. CIS network MEMBERS should benefit from this meeting enormously.
Please note that you will NOT receive any official invitation from CIS HQ because this meeting is an informal meeting, organised by CIS members for CIS Members.
A number of members have already indicated that they wish to attend this meeting.
If you are attending this September 2008 meeting please send your name, organisation, address and all up-to-date contact details including email number to:
Sheila Pantry, OBE, BA, FCLIP
Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd, 85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829
Hotel accommodation prices are being sorted and will be sent to all delegates and published in the next editions of the CIS Newsletter.
The location of the meeting is central London and easy access from all airports - Heathrow, Gatwick, London City, Stanstead and the new St. Pancras International Train Station. See Details of travel to the Imperial Hotel will be forward to delegates.
News from CIS HQ
Annick Virot writes:
INRS, France
I have been on a mission to the INRS in Paris for the Information Day on Multimedia and the web. It was very interesting and I was amazed by the wealth and quality of information which is available in French from the website.
- CIS Members are reminded that they can get a free subscription to the monthly INRS
Newsletter. I am including the link to the last issue. You will in particular find
information on this Training and Information Day.
In addition, INRS has prepared many news products and dossiers on subjects such as: road safety, stress, psychosocial factors, addictions (including alcohol and substance abuse). A new CD-ROM is also available on risks in interim workers and on a retrospective concerning 60 years of film production by INRS.
INRS also offers e-learning courses on various subjects including on how to implement prevention at the enterprise level, how to better perform in committees on occupational safety and health, and acquiring basic knowledge on Prevention at the enterprise level.
Further information is available at - The 2008 World Day for Safety and Health at Work:
See website for Report, Poster, bookmark and postcard:
The backpage of the report includes promotional material on the 2008 Seoul World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, including on the Safety and Health Summit. - The 2008 World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, Korea
The Preliminary programme is being prepared and translated. It should be released soon on the website and in print format.
More important news from Geneva
The 46th annual Meeting of CIS National, Collaborating and Regional Centres, to be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on Sunday 29 June 2008.
You should have received the following letter...
Dear Colleagues,
It is a pleasure to invite you to the 46th annual Meeting of CIS National, Collaborating and Regional Centres, to be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on Sunday 29 June 2008, in conjunction with the XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work.
The Meeting will take place from 9:00 am till 4:30 pm, leaving sufficient time for participants to attend the formal Opening Ceremony of the World Congress at 5:00 pm on the same day. The location of the CIS Meeting will be in Room 403 of the COEX Convention Centre.
The provisional agenda of the CIS annual Meeting is as follows:
- Opening
- Election of a chairperson
- Adoption of the agenda
- Adoption of the report of the 2007 Meeting
- Report on CIS activities and accomplishments since the 2007 Meeting
- Proposed activities in 2008-2009
- Report on Centres activities and accomplishments since the 2007 Meeting
- General discussion of current issues affecting the CIS Centres network
- Preparations for the 50th anniversary Meeting in Geneva, planned for 2009
- Close
The Meeting will be held in English. There will be no simultaneous interpretation into other languages.
Because the CIS Meeting will be held within the Congress location, participants will be asked to pay a registration fee for the Congress. Details of how to register can be found on the Congress web site. Payment of this registration fee will, naturally, enable you to participate in all Congress activities and attend the trade show.
The Congress organizers have kindly agreed to offer a reduction of 50% in the registration fee for up to two participants per CIS Centre. If this possibility does not appear on the Congress web site, please get in touch with the organizers directly.
Other information concerning the World Congress can be found at
If you intend to attend the CIS Meeting, please inform the CIS Secretariat by sending an e-mail to:
Alternatively, you can send it by mail to: International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS), International Labour Office, 4, route des Morillons, CH-1211 Genève 22, Switzerland
Yours sincerely,
Dr Sameera Al-Tuwaijri
Director, SafeWork
Mr Gábor Sándi
Coordinator, CIS
Chers collègues,
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la 46ème réunion annuelle des Centres nationaux, de collaboration et régionaux du CIS, devant avoir lieu à Séoul, République de Corée, le samedi 29 juin 2008, dans le cadre du XVIIIème Congrès mondial sur la sécurité et la santé au travail.
Cette réunion se tiendra au Centre des Congrès COEX. Elle débutera à 9h00 et se terminera à 16h30 pour permettre aux participants d'assister à la cérémonie d'ouverture du Congrès mondial à 17h00 ce même jour.
L'ordre du jour provisoire de la réunion annuelle du CIS est le suivant:
- Ouverture
- Election d'une présidente ou d'un président
- Adoption de l'ordre du jour
- Adoption du rapport de la réunion de 2007
- Rapport sur les activités et les réalisations du CIS depuis la réunion de 2007
- Activités proposées pour 2008-2009
- Rapport sur les activités et réalisations des Centres depuis la réunion de 2007
- Discussion générale relative aux questions générales affectant le réseau des Centres CIS
- Préparatifs pour la réunion marquant le 50ème anniversaire du CIS prévue pour 2009
- Clôture
Cette réunion aura lieu en anglais et aucune interprétation simultanée dans d'autres langues n'est prévue, sauf si le nombre des participants ne comprenant pas l'anglais le justifie.
Comme la réunion du CIS sera organisée sur le site du Congrès, les participants devront payer des droits d'inscription. Des précisions relatives à l'inscription sont disponibles. L'acquittement des droits d'inscription permet d'accéder à toutes les activités du Congrès, y compris à la réception de bienvenue, à la soirée nationale, aux visites techniques, ainsi qu'à la foire commerciale.
Les organisateurs de Congrès ont aimablement proposé d'offrir une réduction de 50% des frais d'inscription pour deux participants, au maximum, par Centre. Si cette possibilité n'est pas accessible sur le site du Congrès au moment de votre inscription, prière de vous adresser directement aux organisateurs.
Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le Congrès mondial, prière de consulter le site:
Si vous avez l'intention d'assister à la réunion du CIS, veuillez en informer le Secrétariat du CIS en envoyant un courriel à:
Vous pouvez également nous aviser par voie postale à l'adresse suivante: Centre international d'informations de sécurité et de santé au travail (CIS), Bureau international du Travail, 4, route des Morillons, CH-1211 Genève 22, Suisse
Espérant sincèrement vous accueillir à Séoul, nous vous adressons, avec nos remerciements pour votre collaboration, nos meilleures salutations.
Dr Sameera Al-Tuwaijri
Directrice, SafeWork
Gábor Sándi
Coordinateur, CIS
Estimado Colega:
Tenemos el placer de invitarle a la 46a Reunión anual de los Centros Nacionales, Colaboradores y Regionales del CIS, que tendrá lugar en Seúl, República de Corea, el domingo 29 de junio de 2008, en el marco del XVIII Congreso Mundial de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo.
La Reunión comenzará a las 9h00 de la mañana y finalizará a las 4h30 de la tarde de manera que los participantes puedan asistir a la ceremonia de apertura del Congreso a las 5h00 de la tarde del mismo día. La Reunión del CIS se celebrará en el Centro de Convenciones COEX en la sala 403.
La agenda provisional de la Reunión anual del CIS es la siguiente:
Por la mañana
- Apertura
- Elección del presidente
- Adopción de la agenda
- Adopción del informe de la reunión de 2007
- Informe de las actividades y logros del CIS desde la reunión de 2007
- Actividades previstas en 2008-2009
- Informe de las actividades y logros de los Centros CIS desde la reunión de 2007
Por la tarde
- Discusión general de cuestiones que afectan a la red de Centros CIS
- Preparación de la reunión del 50o aniversario del CIS en Ginebra en 2009
- Clausura
La Reunión se desarrollará en inglés no siendo posible contar con interpretación en otros idiomas.
Puesto que la Reunión del CIS se llevará a cabo en el lugar del Congreso, cada participante estará obligado a costear los gastos propios de inscripción al mismo. En el sitio Web del Congreso encontrará información sobre este particular ( La inscripción al Congreso permite, evidentemente, participar en todas las actividades relacionadas con el mismo.
Los organizadores del Congreso ofrecen a los Centros CIS una reducción del 50 por ciento del coste de inscripción, hasta un máximo de dos participantes por Centro. Si esta posibilidad no estuviera indicada en el sitio Web del Congreso, le rogamos que se dirija directamente a los organizadores..
Si tuviera la intención de participar en la Reunión del CIS de este año, le rogamos que nos lo comunique enviando un mensaje por correo electrónico al Secretariado del CIS en Ginebra ( o por correo postal a la siguiente dirección: Centro internacional de información sobre seguridad y salud en el trabajo (CIS), Oficina Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), 4, route des Morillons, CH-1211 Genève 22, Suiza
Dr Sameera Al-Tuwaijri
Directora, SafeWork
Sr. Gábor Sándi
Coordinador, CIS
New Book
Before Their Time: The World of Child Labour by David L. Parker
In spite of treaties and international conventions addressing the economic exploitation of children, the control of child labour remains elusive. It is estimated that over 320 million children are working worldwide, most in hazardous conditions. These heart-wrenching portraits are a call to action for all of us to be aware of this complex and tragic problem.
David Parker produces beautiful books. Exquisite black and white photographs give his award-winning publications the quality and feel of the best coffee table books. But his elegant, intimate work exposes a dark world of exploitation. A doctor and acclaimed advocate for the rights of children, he documents the daily work undertaken worldwide by over 300 million under the age of 16, from textile workers, to brick makers, sex workers to soldiers. Parker's latest book, 'Before their time: The world of child labor', has extraordinary scope, both geographically and occupationally. Children clean elephant stables in India and search for conch shells in the tangled roots of Nicaragua's mangrove swamps. Tiny Bolivian children mine tin in dust and darkness. Garbage picking seems to occupy the waking hours of kids from Mexico to Indonesia - anywhere poverty looms large. In his foreword to the book, US senator Tom Harkin notes: 'Parker depicts these children in their full humanity. Because his photographs make us identify with the children, we realise our responsibility to act.' More people should see this book. More people need to act.
Before their time: The world of child labor. David Parker. ISBN 978 1 59372 024 7. The Quantuck Lane Press. £22.99. WW Norton and Company Ltd.
News from around the World
News from Belgium
FERMA's Fourth European Risk Management Benchmarking Survey Begins
The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA), in cooperation with sponsors Axa Corporate Solutions and Ernst & Young, is conducting a fourth risk management benchmarking inquiry this spring. The results will be announced at the FERMA seminar, which will take place in Brussels on 30 September-1 October 2008.
The survey, which has been conducted every other year since 2002, asks risk managers belonging to national associations that are members of FERMA to respond to about 30 questions on risk management policy and practices, support and relationships, risks and objectives, communications and insurance.
Risk manager members of associations from 15 countries will be eligible to respond to the questionnaires which will be distributed in March. This is three more countries than participated the last time the survey took place in 2004, thanks to the associations have joined FERMA since then: Bulgaria's BRIMA, Finland's FinnRiMa and POLRISK from Poland.
FERMA President, Marie-Gemma Dequae urges risk managers to take part in the survey which will be conducted by an independent third party organisation. "The more risk managers who participate, the more useful the responses will be for them to benchmark against their own situations," she said. "I would like to reassure them that their confidentiality is protected. The survey is conducted by an independent third party organisation, and we do not see the identity of those who respond, only the total figures."
The FERMA seminar, a biennial event which alternates with the larger FERMA Forum, has been extended this year to take place over one and a half days. It is a risk manager's only event and free for them to attend. The afternoon of 30 September will be devoted to European issues, such as the environmental liability directive and competition in commercial insurance, with which FERMA is involved. The survey results will be presented on 1 October with copies provided free to risk managers in the member associations.
Federation of European Risk Management Associations, Federation Europeenne de Risk Management, Avenue Louis Gribaumont, 1, B - 1150 Brussels, Belgium | Tel:+ 32-2-761.94.32 | Fax:+ 32-2-771.87.20 | Email: |
News from Canada
Third ICOH International Conference on Psychosocial Factors at Work, From knowledge to action, 1 - 4 September 2008 - Hotel LOEWS Le Concorde Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
For those who have an interest in psychosocial factors at work, or who have never been to Quebec City, Canada, and would like the opportunity to go there for an occupational medical meeting, there will be an ICOH conference on this topic coming this fall. Information is provided below. The languages for the conference will be English and French.
Please consider becoming a member of the International Commission on Occupational Health. ICOH is an international not for profit, non-political, multidisciplinary scientific organization whose purpose is to foster scientific progress, knowledge and development of occupational health and related subjects on an international basis. See the ICOH website at or contact me directly for membership information.
Topics to be covered:
- Preventive interventions
- Disability management and Return to work
- Psychological harassment at work
- Public policies on mental health at work
Conference organized by: Prof Renée Bourbonnais and Prof Michel Vézina from Laval University and Québec Public Health Institute Supported by: International Commission on Occupational Health, Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors Institut de Recherche Robert-Sauvé en Santé et en Sécurité du Travail, Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux du Québec
News from Canada - CCOHS
Planning for Pandemic Key to Minimizing Impact
To help companies understand the risks and protect their staff and operations, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has launched two e-courses on pandemic influenza. Pandemic Awareness and Pandemic Planning offer practical, step-by-step information to help workplaces plan and prepare for the impact of such a crisis.
Pandemic Awareness is a free, 20-minute introductory course that describes what a pandemic is, how an influenza virus spreads, and the impact a pandemic may have on workplaces, families and communities. This e-course also outlines the importance of preparing for a pandemic. It describes what could happen, and what people should expect. Most importantly, the course describes how people and companies can proactively try to avert a crisis by staying as influenza-free as possible.
Pandemic Planning expands on information in the Awareness course by providing more details on how workplaces can plan for a pandemic, the employee absences it would cause, and why it's important to prepare. In addition, it explains how to take action on both an individual and organization level. The course outlines how having a business continuity plan will reduce the impact of a pandemic on both the employees and organization. The course also describes ways to slow the spread of influenza.
Course participants will learn tips on how to prepare for a flu pandemic at work, at home and in the community, and where to find further information. Everyone in the workplace including managers and supervisors can benefit from these e-courses.
As with all CCOHS e-courses, participants can contact CCOHS subject specialists to ask specific questions that may arise. There are quizzes throughout and a certificate of completion is issued upon passing the exam for the Pandemic Planning course. CCOHS courses are unique in that they are developed by experts in the field, and reviewed by representatives from labour, employers and government to ensure the content and approach are unbiased and credible. Courses are available in English and French.
Pricing and registration information is available on the CCOHS website:
Contact: Eleanor Westwood, Manager of Communications, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety | Tel: +1 905 572-2981, Ext. 4408 | Email: |
News from Finland
Cochrane Occupational Health (COHF) web pages have been revamped
Irja Laamanen, Finland writes:
Take a look at and please give us your feedback if you can think of ways they could still be improved.
Cochrane Occupational Health Team hae added New Bulletins to COHF site. There are now three bulletins available. News Bulletin disseminates information on the Field's activities and on current research in Evidence-Based Medicine in occupational health and safety.
Presently the newsletter is sent out to our e-mail list three times a year in simple e-mail form. The topics range from theoretical issues we wish to discuss to important events and updates about the products and services we provide (e.g. free research database, training, etc.).
If you wish to notify your colleagues in the field who also receive our newsletter about important matters (e.g. conferences, publications, job vacancies, etc.) please submit your items to the editor and include "COHF Newsletter" on the subject line. All past issues have also been posted here.
Comments to
News from France
EHESP - Master of Public Health in France
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP) - The French School of Public Health will open in September 2008 the first Master of Public Health in France completely multidisciplinary and delivered in English, in Paris.
Accreditation is pending from the French Ministry of Higher Education. The final answer should be known before April 15th, and the course should start on September 1st, 2008, for both Year 1 and Year 2 students.
In accord with the missions of the School, the MPH will be taught by instructors from a wide range of French and international universities and research bodies. It aims at training professionals to be capable to identify the health problems of a population in a global approach, in a coherent manner, by calling upon a wide range of disciplinary approaches.
Students and professionals can apply to this Master if they have at least a Bachelors degree in the following disciplines: economics, political sciences, management, social sciences, law, medicine, pharmacy, biology, veterinary or dentistry schools, engineering schools and a wide variety of scientific subjects.
Students may also start directly in second year if they have already completed a first year master course (M1) or equivalent. More information is available on the website
Please disseminate this information to teachers, partners and students.
Nélia FAHLOUN, Assistant - Master of Public Health, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique - French School of Public Health | Tel: +33 2 99 02 26 91 | Fax: +33 2 99 02 26 95 | Email : |
News from Germany
The Healthy Skin Campaign
Skin care is an area for which the motto "the more, the better" does not necessarily hold true. On the contrary: people with sensitive skin may do lasting damage to it by using certain skin creams excessively. The experts of the Healthy Skin Campaign run by the German health and accident insurance institutions draw attention to this fact.
The products, which frequently contain preservatives and odourants, may cause stubborn papules and reddening, primarily around the mouth but also over the rest of the face. This is particularly likely when a facial cream is used which is unsuitable for the skin type in question. A narrow area around the lips is generally unaffected. The skin swells somewhat, reddens and burns.
The sufferers: women in high-visibility professions
Perioral dermatitis is also known in Germany as the "stewardess's disease", since it primarily affects young women in high-visibility occupations. Sufferers are aged between 20 and 50 and have a well-groomed appearance. Female sales, trade fair or service personnel are affected, as well as stewardesses; the disease is in no way exclusive to a particular profession. Anyone who persistently treats their skin with different creams and cosmetic products when not at work is equally likely to be affected.
Causes and tips for treatment
"Perioral dermatitis probably occurs when the skin's normal microflora - 'domestic bacteria', one might say" - are disturbed, creating an environment in which pathogenic microorganisms are able to multiply," say Professor Nana Schürer and Professor Swen Malte John, dermatologists in Osnabrück. Inappropriate skin-care measures lead to an imbalance between the metabolism of the skin and that of the "domestic bacteria". The skin frequently regains its condition as soon as this equilibrium is restored, say the skin experts. Their recommendation is therefore: good advice on skin care is important!
The Healthy Skin Campaign is being run jointly by the German statutory health and accident insurance institutions. Altogether, some 120 health and accident insurance institutions are campaigning under the motto: "Your skin. The most important 2m2 in your life", with the aim of protecting the largest organ in the human body. The goal of the campaign is: "Healthy skin - fewer cases of skin disease."
For further information on the Healthy Skin Campaign, visit
Gregor Doepke, DGUV Communications | Tel.: +49 30 288763-760 | Fax: +49 30 288763-771 | Email:
News from Greece
4th International Conference "Prevention of Occupational Accident in a Changing Work Environment" that will be held 30 September - 3 October 2008 in Crete, Greece, (CRETA MARIS Hotel and Conference Centre),
News from Ireland
Eurofound celebrates International Women's Day 2008: Equal opportunities in Europe's workplaces still not reality
Efforts to ensure equal opportunities for women and men in Europe's labour markets will have limited results unless the support for formal care is increased, as women will no longer necessarily be available to assume the unpaid role of informal carer. To mark International Women's Day on Saturday 8 March 2008, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) is highlighting its recent research and work on women and equality issues.
More women are working in paid employment and while men may work long working weeks in their paid jobs, Eurofound's research reveals that women work even longer weekly hours as a result of shouldering the greater part of domestic responsibilities in addition to paid employment. Across Europe, four out of five women (80%) do housework every day, as against 40% of men.
The Foundation's research spans over a number of issues and perspectives related to women in society and in work, ranging from work-life balance to quality of work, family matters, women and violence at work, gender and career development, equal opportunities between women and men, the gender pay gap and working time arrangements including parental leave.
All Foundation's research reports, information sheets, résumés, and detailed analytical reports can be downloaded free of charge from Eurofound's website.
For more information go to
For further information, contact Måns Mårtensson, Press Officer, Eurofound, on telephone +353-1-204 3124 or mobile +353-876-593 507 or email
News from Korea
XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in COEX, Seoul, Korea - 29 June to 2 July, 2008
Korea Occupational Safety and Health Organization (KOSHA) in cooperation with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) will host XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in COEX, Seoul, Korea from June 29 to July 2, 2008. The World Congress is the biggest event in the area of safety and health where experts share information and knowledge on occupational safety and health.
On this meaningful occasion, for the first time in its history, Safety and Health Summit will be held as a part of the World Congress. Representative of the ILO, ministers responsible for safety and health, global business leaders, high-level representatives from employers' and employees' organizations as well as from leading occupational safety and health organizations will participate in the Summit at which they will adopt the "Seoul Declaration", recognizing safety and health as a means to a basic human right and to economic growth and development.
At the same time, the World Congress will offer opportunities to access the latest information and best practices in the realm of safety and health through a wide range of programs such as Technical Sessions, Regional Meetings, Symposia, Speakers' Corner, Poster Sessions and International Safety and Health Exhibition.
Meanwhile, with regard to registration, Early Bird Registration will remain open until February 28, 2008. This advance registration provides registrants with a better opportunity to join the World Congress and delight in specialists' seasoned experiences and state-of-the-art technologies at a discounted rate.
Lastly, I would like to appreciate you for your passionate efforts to prioritize safety at work, and I am looking forward to seeing you in this auspicious World Congress.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Lee, Joon-Won
Secretary General / Ph.D., PSE, CPLA
Secretariat for XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency, 34-4 Gusan-dong, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, Korea | Tel : +82-32-5100-636 | Fax : +82-32-502-7199 | Email: |
News from Russia
The ILO Sub-regional office in Moscow has developed an occupational safety and health (OSH) strategy to assist the countries in the region.
The main components are:
- awareness raising and increased commitment, of which the 28 April - World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April is the most prominent
- information dissemination and knowledge management for the practical improvement of working conditions; the Virtual Academy of SafeWork is disseminating over 20 000 pages of translated and regional information.
- training and capacity building; the office is working with several ministries, the social partners, universities and training centres for local capacity building. Presently, training material on Social partnership in OSH at enterprise level and Economic costs of poor working conditions are developed.
- developing a national and enterprise level OSH management system, based on the ILO Guidelines on OSH management systems (ILO OSH 2001) with the long term aim to create a safety culture.
More in SRO Moscow OSH strategy [PDF, 80KB]
SRO Moscow works closely with the Virtual Academy of Safework to present translated OSH material for Russian speaking specialists.
The Virtual Academy displays, among others, the ILO OSH Encyclopaedia, ILO Codes of Practices, chemical safety cards and a multitude of other material.
The Russian OSH information system can also be found through the same portal.
News from Spain
European Risk Observatory: New biological threats in European working environment
In its new report the European Risk Observatory identifies emerging biological risks that are most likely to affect workers in the EU. Farmers, healthcare workers or people in evolving industries such as waste treatment are particularly concerned. Communicable diseases such as SARS, avian flu or Dengue are of increasing concern. Despite existing European law, knowledge is still limited and in many workplaces biological risks are poorly assessed and prevented. The report emphasises the importance of taking a global and multidisciplinary approach involving occupational safety and health, public health, environmental protection and food safety.
"Biological risks often remain underestimated although they may be very harmful for EU workers in literally any sector", says Jukka Takala, Director of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work of which the European Risk Observatory (ERO) is an integral part. "The challenge is to identify them quickly as they appear and analyse the consequences they might have on people's health and to work out policies and procedures to minimise their spread." The ERO expert forecast identifies new and increasing biological risks related to occupational safety and stresses the importance of considering all collective responsibilities and means of control, both inside and outside the workplace.
Communicable diseases threaten EU workers
It is estimated that 320,000 workers worldwide die every year of communicable diseases caused by viral, bacterial, insect or animal related biological hazards. Although most fatalities occur in developing countries, some 5,000 workers fall victim in the EU. Women are more likely to be concerned than men as they typically work in occupations that involve more biohazards and exposure.
The most emerging risks relate to global epidemics with new contagious pathogens, e.g. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), avian flu and Ebola, and re-emerging ones such as cholera and yellow fever. Given the speed and volume of international traffic and trade, these substances may spread around the globe within a few hours and start a new pandemic.
Industries with highest risk
As many of these diseases jump the species barrier from animals to humans, workers in contact with livestock are particularly at risk. Other pathogens such as tuberculosis have become resistant to known drugs and can result in severe infections in healthcare workers.
Complex exposure situations are found in new industries such as waste treatment where workers come in contact with a variety of airborne micro organisms and organic compounds. Moulds can spread in any indoor workplace due to poorly maintained air-conditioning and can cause asthma and allergies.
Second report on emerging risks
The ERO report is the second of a series dedicated to emerging risks. The results of this forecast, together with the three complementary works on physical, chemical and psychosocial risks, are only the first steps in a process of debate and consolidation that forms part of the work programme of the Agency.
Further reading: Download the reports on emerging risks free of charge
- Factsheet on emerging biological risks:
- Expert forecast on emerging biological risks related to occupational safety and health:
- Expert forecast on emerging physical risks related to occupational safety and health:
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Gran Via 33, E-48009 Bilbao, Spain | Tel: + 34 94 479 4360 | Fax: + 34 94 479 4383
News from Switzerland
Smart women, right decisions: a recipe for decent work
More and more women are entering the labour markets around the world, according to a new report published by the ILO to coincide with International Women's Day. However, women continue to bear the brunt when it comes to vulnerable employment. Investing in decent work for women is not only right, but smart, says the ILO. Here are two stories that prove so.
Michaela Walsh still remembers how some businessmen would laugh at her when she talked about offering micro loans to people as a way of alleviating poverty.
"I had bankers tell me that it wouldn't be relevant in the banking world, that it would never be profitable business", recalls Ms Walsh, who started out her career as an intern in Merrill Lynch in the United States before becoming the first woman manager of the company.
Ms Walsh stuck to her idea and in 1976 was one of the founding members of Women's World Banking (WWB), New York, an initiative which provides small loans and other financial services to poor women entrepreneurs around the world.
"This was long before anybody started talking about microfinance", says Ms Walsh.
Today, WWB and its network of members provide support, advice, training and information to about 9 million poor entrepreneurs around the world, 70 per cent of them women. Not only that, microfinance is increasingly being provided by sustainable institutions.
The Women's World Banking is good example of how investing in decent work for women is not just right, but smart - the theme of this year's International Women's Day.
The Global Employment Trends for Women 2008 report shows that in 2007, 1.2 billion women around the world worked, almost 200 million or 18.4 per cent more than ten years ago.
But the report also highlights that the share of vulnerable employment, although decreasing from 56.1 to 51.7 between 1997 and 2007, continues to be higher for women than for men, especially in the world's poorest regions.
"Increased labour force participation of women has great potential as a contribution to economic development, but only if the jobs in which women are engaged are decent", says the report. "The model to aim for is one in which women are able to contribute to growth and, at the same time, profit from this growth as participants in labour markets, keeping in mind that the one does not automatically follow from the other."
This is something Ms Rupa Manel Silva, founder of the Women's Bank in Sri Lanka, can relate to.
She was one of five siblings born to a rural family who dreamed of sending all of their children to university. But the death of her father sent the family into deep economic crisis.
"My mother considered giving us marriage as a means of easing her burdens. I received a proposal from Colombo. I married in 1978 and went to live in the capital. I was 19 years of age at the time", recalls Ms Silva.
"When a woman has no other opportunity to engage in some social activity other than contacts with the people around her, she is invariably confined to the kitchen", adds Ms Silva, who despite these constraints started collaborating with the National Housing Development Authority (NHDA) to carry out development projects where she lived.
Due to her leadership skills, she was soon encouraged to set up a small women's banking team, a type of organization that already existed in Sri Lanka.
"Though I did not devote serious attention at the start to the women's banking team, I soon realised that I was undertaking a long journey with them", recalls Ms Silva.
The idea of these teams was simple: to encourage poor women to begin saving regularly, no matter how little, to establish a basis for loans. The pooled amount was given each time to a different member of the group to start a project.
Over time, these small financial enterprises grew in size and quantity and became a bank. Its founder and leader was that same woman who years before had been given in marriage and confined to a kitchen.
Employment can take many forms, but as Ms Silva likes to stress, "if women are treated fairly and with respect, and are given the chance to take decisions and be responsible for their actions, then decent work becomes a reality".
Ms Silva and Ms Walsh joined Agnes Jongerius, President of the Trade Union Confederation of the Netherlands (FNV) and Vice-President of the International Trade Union Confederation, and Evelyn Oputu, Managing Director and CEO of the Bank of Industry, Nigeria, at a roundtable discussion on investing in women's decent work, which the ILO hosted on 7th March 2008 at its Geneva headquarters.
Decent work is at the core of the ILO's agenda. In the words of its Director-General, Juan Somavía: "The primary goal of the ILO today is to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity".
A goal which is not only right, but smart.
News from the UK
British Library Document Supply new website
The British library has announced the launch of their new Document Supply website
British Library press release, 1 February 2008
News from the UK
ARCA Issues New Guidance on Encapsulation of Asbestos Containing Materials.
ARCA, Asbestos Removal Contractors Association, committed to promoting the growth and image of the UK's asbestos abatement industry have published a new set of recommended guidelines for Encapsulation of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM).
Following the revised asbestos regulations issued by the HSE, the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 the licensing requirements regarding work involving encapsulation of asbestos containing materials changed very slightly and in order to reflect this legislative change an update of ARCA's recommended guidelines for this type of work was required.
The guidance note gives guidance on the considerations for the use and methods for encapsulating ACM once a decision has been made to encapsulate as part of an overall management asbestos management plan.
Encapsulation can be defined as the application of an impervious material, which is secured over or around an ACM, and is designed to prevent the release of fibres under foreseeable conditions, such as vibration, impact and age degradation. Encapsulation should maintain the beneficial properties of the original asbestos application and maintain it in a safe condition.
Encapsulation of ACM is classed as work with asbestos and is therefore subject to the requirements of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 (CAR). This guidance note gives practical advice on how to comply with the requirements of the regulations.
The guidance note deals specifically with
- Asbestos licensing requirements for encapsulation work
- When encapsulation is appropriate
- Methods of encapsulating ACM
- Typical methods of application of liquid encapsulants
- Insurance requirements
A copy of the guidelines can be downloaded at
News from the UK
HSE launches web guidance to help the construction industry manage occupational health risks
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) launched a new web site based tool to help contractors understand and manage occupational health risks more effectively. The tool is called the Construction Occupational Health Management Essentials (COHME for short).
News from the USA
Communicating Results-Driven NIOSH Research
The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is partnering with
the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the American Institute of Physics
(AIP) to provide content for AIP's Discoveries and Breakthroughs in Science video
news service. Three segments showcasing NIOSH projects are available for viewing at the
external links below.
- NIOSH research to develop a cooling suit to reduce fire fighters' risk of heat stress
- NIOSH's unique mine roof simulator for understanding and addressing the forces that cause mine roof collapse
- NIOSH research to develop a system for monitoring fire fighters' vital signs
AIHA to Host Ergonomics Symposium
The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Ergonomics Committee will sponsor the
"Ergonomics Symposium: Making a Business Case for Ergonomics (and Other Safety and Health
Programs) on June 1, 2008, at the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition
(AIHce) in Minneapolis, MN. This symposium will demonstrate the development of the
business case of ergonomics using economic criteria. More information on the Symposium can
be found at
or by contacting Samantha Seigmam at
CPWR Releases 4th Edition of The Construction Chart Book
The Center for Construction Research and Training, known as CPWR, released the 4th edition
of The Construction Chart Book: The U.S. Construction Industry and Its Workers.
This new version of the Chart Book presents the most complete data available on the
construction industry, including new data not presented in previous editions, and includes
a special emphasis on Hispanic workers. More information about the Chart Book can be found
or by calling 301-578-8500.
National Safety Council to Host April Webinar
The National Safety Council will host a webinar titled "Forward Thinking Safety and Health
Issues to Keep Baby Boomers on the Job" featuring Dr. Greg Wagner, Senior Advisor to the
NIOSH Director, and Dr. Michael Silverstein from the University of Washington. The webinar
will be on April 2, 2008 from 10 - 11AM CDT.
Expanding Our Understanding of the Psychosocial Work Environment
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2008-104
Protecting Poultry Workers from Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2008-113
NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation
Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities Sector: Evaluation of exposure to H.
NIOSH responded to a union request at a post office to evaluate concerns about possible
exposure to Histoplasma capsulatum, a fungus that causes histoplasmosis through exposure
to pigeon droppings. NIOSH investigators found no specific occupational or environmental
exposures that explained the workers' symptoms, and determined that the potential for
employees to contract histoplasmosis was low. Investigators recommended that managers
continue to ensure that measures are in place to prevent animals from entering the
ventilation system and that regular housecleaning activities are performed to reduce
particulate matter in the building. Investigators also recommended that employees report
any concerns they have to management.
The final report is available at
News from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Protection of domestic workers: the ITUC supports proposed ILO Convention
Already grouping over one hundred million workers worldwide, the largely female domestic labour force is continuing to grow in line with the rising demand for these services. Whilst contributing to improving the quality of life and living standards of others, domestic workers themselves remain confined within an invisible and very poorly protected segment of the labour market. Although a vital link in the economic chain, they are often deprived of their basic rights and confronted with exploitation and ill-treatment.
Calling on its affiliates to rally to the cause, the International Trade Union Organisation is urging the countries represented on the ILO Governing Body to support the proposal to draw up an International Convention specifically to protect domestic workers.
Excessive working hours, low wages, inadequate or no social security, sexual harassment, physical abuse, unscrupulous employment agencies, no trade union rights, forced labour... the inventory of abuses drawn up in the document to be submitted to the members of the ILO Governing Body, which will meet in Geneva from 6 to 20 March, highlights the cruel lack of decent work among this category of particularly vulnerable workers, often excluded from national labour legislations and, until now, ignored by international law.
"For the international trade union movement, ensuring better protection for domestic workers is one of the keys to promoting decent work, which is at the heart of our action," declared Guy Ryder, General Secretary of the ITUC.
The ITUC has published several testimonies regarding the organisation of domestic workers, which can be read at:
- (South Africa)
- (Hong Kong)
- (Trinidad and Tobago)
Also see the video on domestic workers released by ILO-ACTRAV (in French), at:
The ITUC represents 168 million workers in 155 countries and territories and has 311 national affiliates. Website:
Make my Day... Please send some News - Your Editor
OSHE web sites to explore...
Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.
Health and safety BELGIUM
Prevent - Institute for Occupational Safety and Health contains a wide range of
information and activities.
Public Health Agency of Canada CANADA
Canada's Public Health Agency is a valuable and unique source for information on healthy
living, disease and injury prevention.
Health and safety CANADA
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety provides useful information about CCOHS
and its' services and products. Has Frequently Asked Questions and subject listings on a
range of topics. Lists other related health and safety sites on the web as well as
information on Internet tools and searchers. This site also provides links to the ILO/CIS
home page and the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work.
Health and Safety CHILE
Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile offers a range of services, including the Information
Services that is also the International Labour Office Health and Safety Information (CIS)
Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme CHAS UK
Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme CHAS aims to assess applicant companies'
health and safety performance so that clients know that they meet an acceptable standard.
Website offers full details of the scheme with Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Section for
members, contractors and designers' section.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DEFRA: Airport Noise
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DEFRA website of a series of maps
showing noise around 18 major airports in England.
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RoSPA: Statistics
UK Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) home and leisure accident web
pages. For the first time home and leisure accident data is available for you to search
independently. Data is provided for the years 2000 to 2002, taken from a representative
sample of hospital attendances around the UK. National estimated figures are given.
Contact details for further information.
Department for Transport (DfT): Road Safety UK
The UK Department for Transport website for road safety practitioners. Includes articles,
circulars, Transport Notes, papers e.g. Road Safety Good Practice Guide.
Department for Transport (DfT): Road Safety: Highway code UK
UK Department for Transport (DfT) Highway Code on the website has been adapted for online
use from the Department for Transport's current printed version of the Highway Code. In
any proceedings, whether civil or criminal, only the Department for Transport's current
printed version of the Code should be relied upon.
Health and Safety Executive HSE Construction Occupational Health Management
Essentials COHME UK
The UK Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) web site based tool to help contractors
understand and manage occupational health risks more effectively. The tool is called the
Construction Occupational Health Management Essentials (COHME for short) that describes a
framework to manage occupational health risks in general. COHME is intended to assist
clients, designers and contractors and deals with 7 priority risks: Hand-arm vibration;
Musculo-skeletal disorders; Dermatitis; Noise; Stress; Respiratory disease; and Asbestos.
Health and Safety Executive HSE First Aid UK
The UK Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) web site on first aid provision in the
workplace. Gives details on advice basic first aid as well as a range of HSE advice sheets
covering specific situations such as electric shock. Includes a Frequently Asked Question
(FAQ) Section as well as legal requirements for both trainees and trainers.
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health: Safestartup UK
UK Institution of Occupational Safety and Health Safestartup website contains basic
information on how to comply with Health, Safety and Environmental regulations for
start-up companies and small businesses.
Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service UK
Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service website contains detailed fire information advice
for the community. Safety information covers the home and workplace, with a schools
programme also available.
Diary of Events
If you have a seminar, conference or exhibition that you would like to promote - please send details to your Editor. Also look in
You may also be inspired to organise something similar in your country
And don't forget the 28 April 2008 - World Day for Safety and Health at Work
9-12 April 2008 - 8th International Conference - ICOH Scientific Committee on
Education and Training
Organised by the Healthy Working Lives Research Group, University of Glasgow on behalf of
ICOH's Scientific Committee on Education and Training
Glasgow, Scotland
Contact: Mrs Asha Costigan (Administrator), Healthy Working Lives Research Group, Public
Health and Health Policy, University of Glasgow, 1 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow G12 8RZ,
United Kingdom | Tel: +44 (0)141 330 3719 | Fax: +44 (0)141 330 4038 | Email:
Mrs Asha Costigan |
13-16 April 2008 - American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC).Organized by the
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM)
New York, USA
Contact: ACOEM Headquarters, 25 Northwest Point Blvd, Suite 700, Elk Grove Village, IL
60007, United States | Tel: +847 818 1800 | Fax: +847 818 9265 | Email: |
21-23 April 2008 - INNO.08
Collaboration between the National Research Council Canada (NRC-CNRC), NanoQuébec, ADRIQ
and the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST).
25 April 2008 - International Conference - Occupational and Environmental Cancer
University of Stirling, Scotland
Contact: Secretariat | Tel: +44 (0)1786 466337 | Email:
28-30 April 2008 - USHA Annual Conference 2008
The Cumberland Hotel Park Lane London, UK
4-6 June 2008 - The III International Conference on Health and Safety at Work
Bilbao, Spain
Contact: Technical Office: Pool Bureau Alda. Mazarredo, 39 2ºC, 48009 Bilbao, Spain | Tel:
+34 94 423 52 11 | Fax: +34 94 423 04 87 | Email:
9-13 June 2008 - 20th International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational
Health (EPICOH-2008) (9-11 June) and 10th International Symposium on Neurobehavioural
Methods and Effects in Environmental and Occupational Health (NEUREOH-2008) (11-13 June)
Organised by the Central American Institute for Studies on Toxic Substances, Universidad
Nacional (IRET-UNA), Heredia, Costa Rica, in collaboration with the International
Commission of Occupational Health (ICOH).
Costa Rica
Contact: Jennifer Crowe, MPH - Conference Secretary, EPICOH-NEUREOH 2008, | RET PO Box 86
- 3000, Heredia, Costa Rica | Tel: (+506) 853-5957 (+506) 277-3429 | Fax: (+506) 277-3583
| Email:
and |
14-17 July 2008 - 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and
Jointly organized with the 12th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced
Manufacturing (HAAMAHA).
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Contact: Mr. Waldemar Karwowski, University of Central Florida, United States | Email: |
17-22 August 2008 - 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Organized by the Technical University of Denmark, in collaboration with several
international and national institutions
Copenhagen, Denmark
Contact: Snejezana Skocajic, Conference secretary, International Centre for Indoor
Environment and Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering,
Nils Koppels Allé, Building 402, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark | Tel: (+45) 45 25 40 07
| Fax: (+45) 45 93 21 66 | Email:
26-28 August 2008 - NOSHCON 2008: 47th International Conference & Exhibition on
Occupational Risk Management
KwaZulu-Natal, Drakensberg, South Africa
Contact: Beatrix Oberholzer | Tel: +27 (0) 12 683
0200 |
30 September - 3 October 2008 - 4th International Conference: Prevention of
Occupational Accident in a Changing Work Environment
Organized by the Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (ELINYAE) and
supported by the International Labour Office (ILO), the European Agency for Safety and
Health at Work and the European Network of Safety & Health Professional Organisations
Contact: Conference secretariat, Heliotopos Conferences, 28 Ypsilantou str. GR-172 36,
Dafni, Athens, Greece | Tel: +30 210 9730697 | Fax: +30 210 9767208 | Email: |
22-24 October 2008 - 3rd Annual Conference on Industrial Safety / Andean Congress on
Safety and Health at Work. Organized by MCE Consultores Asociados and the Andean Community
of Nations (CAN)
Lima, Peru
Contact: Tel: +51 1 483 2134 | Email:
27-31 October 2008 5th International Congress on Woman, Work and Health: Towards
decent and healthy jobs for women
Organised by Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ), the Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana (UAM), the civil association Iniciativa Ciudadana y Desarrollo Social
(INCIDE Social A.C.), El Colegio de Sonora, the Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y
Desarrollo, A.C. and Zanzana, Conocimiento y Expresión A.C. and sponsored by the
International Labour Organization (ILO).
Zacatecas City, Mexico
Contact: Email: contactowwh08@zanzana-ac.or
7-10 March 2009 FDIC MiddleEast Conference and Exhibition
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
27-30 September 2009 - 5th International Conference on Work Environment and
Cardiovascular Diseases
Organized by the ICOH Scientific Committee of Cardiology in Occupational Health and the
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (NIOM).
Cracow, Poland
Contact: Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, 8 Teresy St., 91-384 Lodz, Poland |
Tel: +48-42-6314 903 | Fax: +48-42-6568 331 | Email:
Make my Day... Please send some News - Your Editor