CIS Newsletter

No. 234
March 2009

CIS Newsletter celebrates 21 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!


  1. Editorial
  2. FOCUS on your publicity efforts ... some suggestions
  3. News and OSH Briefs from around the World - Algeria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Korea, Kuwait, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the USA
  4. OSHE websites to explore
  5. Diary of Events

The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE. The CIS Newsletter is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.


Dear CIS Colleagues

As we move into March 2009 there are signs of the Spring Season emerging in the Northern Hemisphere - which is a lovely season to enjoy. Importantly we have news of when the CIS AGM 2009 Meeting will take place - see below for details, but in these turbulent and financial restricted times perhaps you need to make sure that some budget is earmarked so that you can attend this special meeting in Geneva that will be held during the week 19-23 October 2009

Thanks for all the publications, emails and news - these are always gratefully received and are used as soon as possible.

50th Anniversary of CIS on the Agenda

The Year ahead is already looking very busy as we plan for the 50th Anniversary in 2009 of the formation of the CIS Network. No doubt you are thinking about this major event and how news of CIS and its activities can be broadcasted around the World. We will not get such a chance for another 50 years!!! I will, in these newsletters, put some notes regarding my recollections of 30 years of being associated with the CIS Network and its activities. It is a wonderful network of people willing to help others in so many ways.


Reminder please...


I am collecting information together to produce a Special Edition of the CIS Newsletter that will be published in June 2009.

If anyone would like to contribute a piece to this Special Edition it will be most welcomed.

If you have any special memories of meetings, conferences, training workshops held over the years I will be pleased to receive your contribution. CIS means so many things to many people... it is a unique network!

I need the information by Mid May 2009 please!

I have already been in touch with a number of people who have worked in the CIS Network over the years and it looks as if we will have a very interesting Special Edition.


Make my day ... please send your news items to your Editor!

Remember... Publicity... tell them, tell them and tell them again...

You know I welcome ideas for inclusion in the future editions of this Newsletter. Let me know if there are any areas you would wish to see covered in future. It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world. Take advantage of free publicity! Remember you can see CIS Newsletter on the web site where back issues are stored.

Some of you may have changed your email number and addresses in recent months, please let CIS Headquarters know your new email/address and also let me know as well - otherwise you will not get the CIS Newsletter or other news.

Remember >>>>

Use the CIS Logo on your web site and publications!

Thriving in 2009... Keep promoting and telling the World at large that CIS and its network exists! And start preparations for 28 April 2009 - World Day for Safety and Health at Work!

Remember that your News in the CIS Newsletter goes to over 154 countries and gets re-used in other magazines and websites. Also there are many people who are not CIS Members who receive the CIS Newsletters. And through its presence on the web many people are getting to know more about the CIS Network. So with many thousands of web hits per month... send your news to me and get even more publicity for your Information services!

I keep asking the question... Will you be Surviving in 2009?... perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!

All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues.

Sheila Pantry, OBE

Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd, 85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829

News from Geneva

Dates of the CIS Centres Annual Meeting - Geneva, 19-23 October 2009

Annick Virot writes:

This is to inform you that the CIS Centres Annual Meeting will take place in GVA during the above mentioned week. We will meet next week to organize the event.

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the CIS Network

How to achieve a publicity, promotion and creating a communications strategy for your CIS Centres

To help CIS Network and the individual centres the following detailed guidelines may help. It is suggested that the CIS Centres discuss this with their managements to see what actions (and any financial support) can be undertaken within the next twelve months.

Regard the 50th Anniversary as the first major step to Rebranding, Relaunching and Revitalising your CIS Centre.


Types of promotional activity

In order to establish the CIS Centre as a resource within the community you will need to promote the various activities in which it will be involved and the services and benefits which it can provide. Some of these are virtually cost-free whilst others involve some expense, and for some you will need help from other experts.

In the sections below we look at the following activities:

Publicity packages

Let's look at each of these in more detail.


Advertising in journals

In the Centre's plan of work you may need to have part of the budget funds allocated to advertising costs if free publicity is not an option. We shall look below at the ways to place advertisements in cost effective ways. You should aim to make use of journals produced in the locality or covering the subject area in which the Centre is promoting itself. Select a size that will have the necessary impact in comparison to other advertisements, but allow you to keep within budgetary limits. Space is sold either as a fraction of a page (full, half, quarter, etc) or as column centimetres. The advertising manager of each publication will be able to provide a rate card showing charges and copy dates, and a number of journals publish this information in their advertisement pages. If a multi-publication campaign is envisaged, an advertising agency may be able to save you time and money by having suitable contacts and by advising on ways to reach your audience in the most effective ways. .

Advertising in your own publications

Your own publications provide you with an opportunity to advertise your centre and its services. Every publication that is issued from the CIS Centre should include

Promotion through Press Releases

Why do this?

Your Centre should aim to remain in the public eye by continuous promotion of its role and services. Press releases allow you to issue regular updates with details of the Centre's current activities. The editors of trade and technical publications are always anxious to have up to date news on new developments: for example,

What goes into a press release?

Each press release must contain:

The main body of the text must be written succinctly and contain the main points of the message in the first paragraph as this will be quoted exactly in the journals etc. This information is usually contained in one or two pages. If there are a number of pages, e.g. statistics, then these can be added as an annex.

The press release is aimed initially at editors/media, and many releases have a separate part "Notes for Editors" to provide additional background information and more details. Be brief and to-the point - remember these are busy people and you are dependent on their good will. You are also competing with many other press releases received daily by the editor.

Consider the type of publication you are writing for. There are a number of books about journalistic style that will guide you. Keep the ideas simple and straightforward, and write for the layman unless you are sure that the audience will understand any technical or specialist issues. Compare the styles used by publications such as your house journal (if you work in a corporate organisation), your local newspaper, specialist publications for the library and information profession, and the "red top" tabloids and the "heavy" newspapers (what were until recently the broadsheets).

Any initials or acronyms used in the press release should be spelt out in detail - particularly for editors of journals/media who may wish to expand on the details given.

Who should receive press releases?

As we suggested above, editors of relevant journals, newspapers, and newsletters should all receive copies of press releases. It would be useful to compile a list of the editors of key publications in your area with their names, telephone, fax and web and email numbers, so that labels for envelopes can easily be made and the press releases are then sent out efficiently. Radio and TV news and feature programmes may also want to run a story about your service so their news desk editors should also be sent your press releases. Specialist publications may wish to receive press releases only on their specialist subjects, so arrangements should be made for them in this case. You should also send your press releases to local associations, societies and other organizations who may want to make use of your services. A press release will provide the editors of their publications with the opportunity to describe your services with an eye to their members' interests, and to use the contact details you provide to ask for further details that their members may want to know.

Another way of promotion is to make the press releases available on your web site. There is a lot of interest in sites that email news releases to people who have registered their wish to receive up-to-date information, and providing this service helps you to target your news to an audience you know is receptive. Look at centres web sites for example

Writing Articles

Editors of newspapers and the media in general are keen to receive articles describing Centre activities, publications and services. Every Centre should "cultivate" editors who may provide opportunities for free publicity.

Although the trade press is an increasingly professional business, and even newsletters of professional interest groups are written to an incredibly high standard, there is still room for "inspired" articles that tell the profession about your achievements. Contact the editor of the journal or newsletter that covers your field to see if they or a reporter will come to talk to you. You may need to insist that you see the copy for comment, especially if you work in an organization that has a press office which needs to vet copy about your company or community before it appears in print. But most editors are happy to allow this provided that you do not take away their editorial independence (so limit the "party line" that you press).

General publications may also be willing to take copy from you, if it is tailored to their audience. Local newspapers may pick up on your Centre's achievements from other sources and call on you if they become aware that something newsworthy has happened in your organization. If some good fortune comes your way why not practice your "lift speech" - the one that explains in 45 seconds (the time between the ground floor and the management floor in the lift) what is so special and important about your Centre, so that you can convince a journalist that you have a story worth telling to a wider audience.

RSS newsfeeds

Usually provide news headlines and links to the corresponding reports on a website. They present this in a simple XML file. An RSS newsfeed reader is required to read these headlines. Alternatively, some web browsers, such as Firefox, can display RSS headlines as bookmarks.

An example is the newsfeed for the OSH WORLD news page:

This feed is displayed automatically on the home page along with the first seven entries of the ILO newsfeed:

More information about RSS can be found at:

The latest RSS 2.0 Specification is available at:

There is a RSS validator for you to check your newsfeeds:

Organising visits to the Centre

Information Centres are still a place of mystery to many potentials users so a chance to see behind the scenes is welcome. It gives you a chance to explain to users and potential users what goes on, and what services are available. Many surveys show that people love their libraries and are great supporters of them - but they don't use all the services available and base their views on just the services they use. Think how much more enthusiastic people will be if they know about all your services and which ones are useful to them! Visits to the Centre (open days or regular visits at a given time each week) provide you with a way to approach users.

As an example, one Information Centre announced in an article in its in-house journal that it would be hosting visits in order to make information seekers, both internally within the organization and externally, aware of the range of information produced and stored at the Centre. Interested groups of potential visitors included specialists, students, various associations, and Trade Union representatives as well as many others. (We look below at how to organize seminars and training courses).

Participating in Conferences/Seminars/Exhibitions

One well-tried way of making individuals and organizations aware of the existence of the Centre is for the Head of the Centre to be available as a public speaker. The Head of centre may need to attend a course on public speaking, which will show how to prepare and deliver a talk, organize notes, produce a PowerPoint presentation, operate a projector as well as how to answer questions from the audience. Alternatively a number of films and videos are available on public speaking (although you learn a great deal by just doing it!) Many conferences are run in parallel with an exhibition. Every opportunity should be taken to use the opportunity that such exhibitions offer to advertise the Centre services. Even if the exhibition is run by a major conference organizer, there is often a joint stand for the use of smaller organizations where literature can be left and where the job of running the stand is shared between the exhibitors rather than you having to provide someone to spend the whole of the exhibition time there.

Public Speaking

You don't have to be a gifted orator in order to give an effective talk to either a small informal group, or a large public gathering. There is a difference between lecturing and public speaking, where you have to be able to hold an audience. The principal requirements are a sound knowledge of the subject, self-confidence and some practical experience of giving a talk. A number of texts exist on the subject, but here are our tips.

Speakers' appearance, voice, dress and mannerisms will be the focal point for the audience. Audiences react to appearance and their reactions can condition their minds to accept or reject the talk before the speaker even starts.

Tell your audience what subject(s) are to be covered, and what are the main points to be covered. Then cover all these points and conclude with a summary of main points. This all sounds very simple and mechanical, but it isn't. Remember that unless you say your key messages three times they are unlikely to be remembered.

Use visual aids correctly. Do not talk to the screen but talk to the audience!

Tell the audience that you will provide handouts after the talk but be careful if you give them out first. Unless it's important that the audience can write additional notes, be aware that they will spend their time reading the notes and not listening to you.

Decide if questions will be answered during or at the end of the talk, and tell the audience at the beginning of the talk.

Finally, if you are going to include a demonstration of a service, make sure that the person doing it is competent! Don't underestimate either your audience's intelligence or skills. One of us remembers an occasion when a demonstrator tried to bluff his way through a demonstration to a senior manager without knowing that she had previously been a computing consultant! The result was of course embarrassing for all concerned, but it detracted from the message that was being put across about the professionalism of the Centre.


A variety of types of publication offer opportunities to say more about your centre.

Free leaflets and posters

As the range of services develops there will be opportunities for the staff to produce leaflets on a range of subjects for issue free of charge to information seekers, such as

These leaflets should also be aimed at target groups such as young workers, schools and vocational training colleges etc. These could be made available on the CIS website.

Leaflets describing the work of the Centre

These leaflets can be produced in-house or sent to a printing service to be issued as a glossy brochure. Discuss the number of copies to be printed, remembering that it is usually cheaper to have longer print-runs made in an order than having to have shorter, repeat orders. Typically, an Information Centre brochure will give:

Leaflets describing specific work

Issuing leaflets about specific work. You could produce similar looking small leaflets about each activity. Users may find that a document of perhaps four to six pages in length will explain everything to them, although leaflets can equally be on one side of an A4 sheet and may be more effective for your audience if you can make them this succinct. Aimed at giving the main points on a subject, they are usually written by experts to inform the users about individual services, so one might describe legislation available from the Centre, and another the range of online services available to the users.

Centres should start producing information sheets as early as possible in their existence as they are a proven, cost-effective way of improving the dissemination of practical information, and also function as an advertisement.

Many Information Centres will willingly send packs of their own leaflets to other Centres, or at least do not mind if you visit them and collect samples of their publicity. Do ask and save yourself valuable time and money. There are no prizes for reinventing the wheel!

Leaflets or promotional leaflets on CIS annual topic for 28 April ILO Safety and Health at Work Day

This topic is decided each year is promoted as part of the ILO Safety and Health at Work Day that is held each year on 28 April. This will also give CIS an identity of its own.

Things to consider when compiling a brochure

Publicity packages

These are typically produced in a folder containing examples of the Centre's Newsletter, details of the Centre itself and some of the small leaflets described above. As a next step, detail taken from the leaflets could be used to compile a useful composite promotional leaflet for the Centre. The brochure would give the name, address, telephone, fax, web and email numbers, and also state the aims and objectives, the services, publications and opening times. It could be updated with loose-leaf sheets about specific future events.

You can give out these brochures on a number of occasions:

If you have any suggestions or ideas please sent to your Editor for inclusion in future CIS Newsletters.

News from Australia

Australia's National Review into model occupational health and safety laws; second report to the workplace relations ministers' council

This report is the second of the two reports that were required to provide under the terms of reference for the National Review of Model OHS Laws. The first report focused on the priority areas in clause 12 of our terms of reference, being:

The second report addresses the areas in clause 13 of our terms of reference:

Taken together, the reports discuss and make recommendations for the optimal content of a model OHS Act. The first report contains Parts 1 to 5. The second report contains Parts 6 to 12.

The authors have sought to facilitate access to the content of the reports by including at the start of each report a summary of its findings and a table of recommendations that indicates where each recommendation is to be found in the report concerned.

The final report of Australia's review to develop a national approach to OHS through a model OHS law was released mid February 2009. As it is the latest OHS legislative review, it is certainly worth a look.

National Review into model occupational health and safety laws; second report to the workplace relations ministers' council
January 2009, 475 pages

The 470-page report is available for download.

News from Canada

Improving Nanoparticle Risk Management

The very first guide in Québec to deal with managing the risks associated with synthetic nanoparticles has just been published. It is a best practices guide published jointly by the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST), the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) and NanoQuébec. The guide sets out a prevention strategy appropriate to the workers and researchers who use, manufacture or synthesize nanoparticles.

A practical approach

The authors of the guide note that the level of knowledge on health and safety risks related specifically to nanoparticles is still very limited. For one thing, the toxic effects linked to the ability of these particles to pass through various biological barriers, disperse in the organism and accumulate in certain organs and within cells have only been partially documented. While we know that nanoparticles can be more toxic than their equivalent larger-scale chemical counterparts, current knowledge nevertheless allows us to manage the risks, even when the levels of toxicity and exposure are uncertain. Designed for companies, researchers and other stakeholders concerned about the effects of nanotechnologies, the guide describes the current state of knowledge in the field and makes recommendations to encourage taking responsibility for and controlling its risk factors so as to prevent employment injuries. The guide ascertains the health, safety and environmental risks of nanotechnologies, suggests an approach for evaluating and controlling these risks, documents current practices at the international level and specifies which factors should form part of an institutional prevention program.

Research opportunities

It should be recalled that the IRSST and NanoQuébec had called on Québec researchers to submit proposals to advance knowledge in the field of prevention and effective management of the risks associated with nanoparticles. The projects submitted employed an approach based on eliminating risks at source. Those selected will we published.

For more details or to download the report:

Source: Communications Division, IRSST | Tel: + 1 514 288 1551 | Fax: + 1 514 288 0998 | Email:

More News from Canada

CCOHS Website to Help Young Workers be Safe on the Job

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has launched a new version of its young workers website, Young Workers Zone. This upgraded, redesigned website is a resource for young workers, parents, teachers and employers that includes a collection of information and tools from organizations across Canada.

Designed to help young workers stay healthy and safe at work, this website provides the tools they need when venturing out into the work force. According to the Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC), in 2007, every day, more than 40 workers under the age of 19 and 92 workers between the ages of 20 to 24 were injured on the job across Canada.

"We created the Young Workers Zone to provide a one stop source of educational tools and resources where young workers can learn how to stay safe at work," said Dr. P.K. Abeytunga, CCOHS Vice President and Director General. "We also wanted to equip their teachers and employers with the tools and resources they need to reduce and, ultimately, eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses. We hope this website will encourage and enable young workers to educate themselves about workplace health and safety."

The Young Workers Zone is dedicated to providing young workers, their parents, teachers and employers with free and easy access to a comprehensive collection of credible resources in Canada for keeping teenagers safe on the job. This website has the answers to questions young workers commonly have about their jobs, while emphasizing the importance of safety. Parents, teachers and employers will also find helpful tips to help spread awareness of workplace health and safety.

The Young Workers Zone can be found at

Contact: Eleanor Westwood, Manager - Communications, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), Canada | Tel: +1 905 572-2981, Ext. 4408 | Email: |

More News from Canada

Canada: World's first nanotech law due

The Canadian government is planning to release the world's first national regulation requiring companies to detail their use of engineered nanomaterials, reports say. The information gathered under the requirement, which it is thought will be published in February, will be used to evaluate the risks of engineered nanomaterials and will help the development of appropriate safety measures to protect human health and the environment.

Andrew Maynard, a nanotech safety expert from the US-based Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN), commented: 'People and the environment are being increasingly exposed to new nanomaterials. Yet governments lack information on the type, quantity and possible risks of nanoscale materials being manufactured and used in products today. This is information that is vital to ensuring the safe use of nanotechnology.' Maynard, PEN's chief science adviser, added: 'This decision by Canada - to establish the world's first national mandatory nanoscale materials reporting programme for companies - is an important step toward ensuring that nanotechnology regulation is driven by accurate information and high-quality science.'

Canada's action comes after a series of international reports highlighted major deficiencies in the health and safety oversight and control of nanotechnologies (Risks 387). Unions in the UK, USA, Australia and Holland have called for the precautionary principle to be applied to nanotech use while uncertainty remains on the potential health effects.

NEP news report.

More News from Canada

LATEST ISSUE - INFO IRSST (Electronic newsletter from the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail)

Pleasant reading!

Jacques Millette, Communications Director, IRSST, 505, De Maisonneuve blvd. West, Montréal (Québec), Canada H3A 3C2 | Email: |

News from Denmark

USE2009: Understanding Small Enterprises - a healthy working life in a healthy business
International conference 20-23 October 2009 in Elsinore (Helsingør), Denmark

The goal of the cross-disciplinary conference 'Understanding Small Enterprises' is to be a platform for sharing scientific knowledge and experiences about small enterprises.
This is essential in order to develop policies and activities that can support owners and employees in small enterprises.

USE2009 is a unique opportunity to develop networks and facilitate future research, and we therefore invite researchers and scientists from different fields interested in small enterprises - the business aspects as well as the quality of the working life and working environment - to participate. Furthermore, a special conference stream is planned for practitioners and professionals.

CALL FOR PAPERS - see pamphlet

DEADLINE for submission of abstract: 1 March 2009 (see instructions)

Organisers: Centre for Research in Production, Management, and Work Environment in Small Enterprises, Denmark |

News from Geneva

The Tripartite Meeting of Experts on the Revision of the List of Occupational Diseases (Recommendation No. 194) due to take place in Geneva, from 27-30 October 2009

The agenda of the Meeting, as determined by the Governing Body, is as follows:

"To complete the work accomplished by the Meeting of Experts on Updating the List of Occupational Diseases (13-20 December 2005), on the basis of the common ground about the scope and contents of the revised List of Occupational Diseases achieved through the tripartite consultations conducted by the Office, further to the request made by the Governing Body at its 295th Session in March 2006.

To access Recommendation No 194 concerning the List of Occupational Diseases and the Recording and Notification of Occupational Accidents and Diseases, 2002, please see:

News from the ILO

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 28 April 2009

World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an international campaign to promote safe, healthy, and decent work. This year, as in previous years, tripartite events will be taking place worldwide.

It is time to start your publicity efforts to promote this event.

Usually a number of products are available from the ILO web page to support these efforts, although at the time of writing there is only 2008 information available on

You are invited to join in promoting this important day.


New book: Lawsuit! Reducing the Risk of Product Liability for Manufacturers by Randall L Goodden

Addressing product liability concerns and laws both in the U.S. and internationally, this book helps manufacturers and engineers develop and implement proactive processes that can reduce liability concerns and potential lawsuits. It discusses preventive measures in the engineering, development, and manufacturing of products and explains the procedures and processes manufacturers must have in place to reduce the likelihood of liability as well as to provide the best defense in case of a lawsuit. Across the USA and throughout the world, there is a growing demand for safer, more reliable, and higher quality products. Recalls of unsafe products have set new records in the USA and in other countries, and many of the recalls were followed by lawsuits against those same manufacturers, distributors and importers that have now admitted to having defects in their products and designs. This book explains in detail the key issues management teams need to understand as well as the procedures and process manufacturing corporations must have in place and practice every day in order to help prevent or avoid the possibilities of a product liability lawsuit, as well as having the best defences in place in the event of an unavoidable lawsuit. This is a premier resource for engineers, manufacturers, risk managers, and others concerned about product liability.

Contents include:

The author Randall L. Goodden is recognized around the world as a leading expert and author on product safety and product liability prevention. Through his public and in-house seminars around the world, he has taught product safety and product liability prevention to thousands of manufacturing executives. For more than twenty-five years, Randall Goodden has worked as a Director and then Corporate Vice President in charge of Quality & Product Reliability, New Product Development, Field Services, and Litigation Management for a large international manufacturing corporation. He is the President of Goodden Enterprises, LLC and the founder and Chairman of the International Product Safety & Liability Prevention Association.

Lawsuit! Reducing the Risk of Product Liability for Manufacturers
by Randall L Goodden
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009; 359 pages; ISBN 978 0 470 17797 6,descCd-description.html


Why waste time chasing around the Internet for quality safety and health information? Save time and money by taking OSH UPDATE!

You may have had access to OSH-ROM for many years and will now know that it has ceased publication. OSH-ROM was created by Sheila Pantry OBE who subsequently, in 2004 produced OSH UPDATE.

OSH UPDATE - produced by Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd now has 19 databases containing validated and authoritative worldwide information on all aspects of health and safety at work.

OSH UPDATE - arguably one of the best collections of full text and bibliographic health and safety information, is continuously updated as new data is published. It has user-friendly powerful software and the lowest priced collection of occupational safety and health (OSH) information.

During 2008, over 50,000 new records containing 4,715 URL links to full text including 842 full text documents were added.


Send your request at

Contact: Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK | Tel: +44 (0) 1909 771024 | Fax: +44 (0) 1909 772829 | Email:
Websites | | | |


New Book: Inherently Safer Chemical Process - a Life Cycle Approach by the Center for Chemical Process Safety, New York

Inherently Safer Chemical Processes presents a holistic approach to making the development, manufacture, and use of chemicals safer. It discusses strategies for substituting more benign chemicals at the development stage, minimizing risk in the transportation of chemicals, using safer processing methods at the manufacturing stage, and decommissioning a manufacturing plant. Since the publication of the original concept book in 1996, there have been many developments on the concept of inherent safety. This new (second) edition provides the latest knowledge so that engineers can derive maximum benefit from inherent safety. The book is dedicated to Trevor Kletz who is considered by many to have created the concept of inherent safety. Chemical plants worldwide are safer because of his influence, his writings and his teachings.

The chapters cover the following:

  1. Objectives, Intended Audience, scope of this Book and History of Inherent Safety.
  2. The Concept of Inherent Safety.
  3. The Role of Inherently Safer Concepts in Process Risk. Management.
  4. Inherently Safer Strategies.
  5. Life Cycle Stages.
  6. Human Factors.
  7. Inherent Safety and Security.
  8. Implementing Inherently Safer Design.
  9. Inherently Safer Design Conflicts.
  10. Inherently Safer Design Regulatory Initiatives.
  11. Worked Examples and Case Studies.
  12. Future Initiatives.

The Appendices contain Checklists, Glossary, References, Chapter References.

In addition there are references on the key literature in Inherent Safety, additional reading and an Index.

Inherently Safer Chemical Process: a Life Cycle Approach
Center for Chemical Process Safety, New York
January 2009; 411 pages; ISBN 978 0471 77892 9,descCd-tableOfContents.html



You are reminded that the following BULLETINS are available...

ILO CIS Bulletin on-line

For many years, CIS's most visible product was its bibliographic Bulletin called Safety and Health at Work. We stopped printing this Bulletin at the end of the 2003 publication year, and we are now pleased to offer its virtual equivalent as one of our electronic products available through the Internet. Each virtual Bulletin contains the latest additions to the CISDOC database, organized in the same CIS number order as the printed Bulletin used to be. No index is necessary, as every Internet browser has an inbuilt Find or Search function.

Four Virtual Bulletins for 2008 are now available:

News from Korea

Promotion of the Seoul Declaration on Safety and Health at Work

The 2008 Seoul Declaration on Safety and Health at Work, unanimously adopted by 46 influential leaders, is proving to be a very powerful tool. It is being widely promoted and used for political support by all those concerned in advancing occupational safety and health and those who have to implement them.

The Declaration emphasizes that the right to a safe and healthy working environment should be considered as a fundamental human right and it encourages governments to consider the ratification of the ILO Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (N°187) as a priority. A review progress will be performed during the XIXth World Congress on Safety and Health at Work due to take place in Istanbul in 2011.

For easier reference, the declaration is now available in a variety of languages to meet the needs of the international community: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Urdu.

News from the UK

Welcome IOSH as a new CIS Collaborating Centre in the United Kingdom!

CIS is pleased to announce that in January 2009 the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) from the United Kingdom became a new CIS Collaborating Centre. Based in Wigston, Leicestershire (England), IOSH is one of Europe's leading professional organizations in the field of occupational safety and health. It has over 34,000 members worldwide, including 13,000 Chartered Safety and Health Practitioners.

The Institution was founded in 1945 and is an independent, not-for-profit organization that sets professional standards, supports and develops members and provides authoritative advice and guidance on health and safety issues. IOSH is formally recognised by the ILO as an international non-governmental organization.

Recently, IOSH graciously made a financial contribution to the project preparing the 5th edition of the ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety.

If you would like to know more about IOSH, please consult its website:

ILO European Regional Meeting calls for coordinated response to economic crisis

The 8th European Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization (ILO) concluded here today with calls for a coordinated effort to maintain employment and restore economic growth amid "the most serious economic crisis to hit Europe for 60 years".

Delegates said it was vital to ensure that "coordinated stimulus packages are designed to expand aggregate demand, avoid deflationary spirals and maintain employment and decent work opportunities" and that "reformed finance markets supply the capital needed by sustainable enterprises for productive investment and decent work".

Representatives of governments, workers and employers from European and Central Asian member States of the ILO also called for protection for the most vulnerable members of the population so that they do not become separated from the labour market or become working poor and stressed "the urgent need for effective social dialogue and collective bargaining due to the gravity of the crisis".

They urged "greater policy coherence at national, regional and global levels" as a way to "avoid protectionism in all its forms, which can only exacerbate the effects of the crisis in the longer term".

ILO Constituents also pledged to "remain extremely vigilant of the risks of a resurgence of political reactions to rising unemployment and social exclusion in the form of race and religious hatred, discrimination against immigrants or ethnic minorities, victimization of union representatives and protectionist economic policies that would aggravate the crisis".

"This time it was not 'business as usual'", said Petra Ulshoefer, Director of the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia of the ILO in her closing statement. "Consensus and solidarity are needed now more than ever. Despite the great diversity of country situations, many similarities have become evident in the approaches of governments to tackle the crisis. We have seen a strong consensus among constituents of all countries that the Decent Work agenda is guiding the way towards mitigating the social impacts of the crisis".

In the conclusions, government, worker and employer delegates said that "the severity of the economic crisis is affecting a large number of workers on the labour market, including many who had secure jobs... Until more normal conditions return to credit markets, the threat of wage cuts, further lay-offs and rising unemployment will remain".

The conclusions of the meeting also stressed that fundamental principles and rights at work should be safeguarded, international labour standards promoted, skills development and training increased and institutions for social dialogue fully utilized. They also stated that fundamental principles and rights at work are "an important defence against the risk that recession may lead to an increase in worker exploitation".

"We should also stimulate close cooperation at the regional level, through European institutions, UN agencies and regional networks of governments and employers' and workers' organizations," Ms Ulshoefer said. "And we must not forget that the European and Central Asian region must play a leading role in fostering policy coherence at the global level, without losing sight of the need to forge a sustainable development path".

The meeting also called for the increased participation of constituents in Decent Work Country Programmes, which have become a valuable means for the ILO and its constituents in the region to develop integrated approaches to the implementation of the Decent Work agenda.

The ILO European and Central Asian member States meet every four years to forge policies and set priorities for the area.

News from Kuwait

ASSE of Kuwait is proud to announce their forthcoming Annual Conference, "Moving to Sky" March 2008

Having your say is the most powerful gift anyone can be given. Occupational Safety and Health experts around the world want to embrace this gift. There are many experts who thirst for a connection with experts outside their borders and have something to say about: occupational health, industrial hygiene, training the next generation of professionals; the future of their work after their work is done and the future of the world. That opportunity can be given to them only by the 5th Edition of the ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety because of the International Labour Office (ILO) unique situation in the world.

At the "Conference Curtain Raiser Meet/Technical Meet/Special General Body Meeting" that was held 13 January 2009, the ASSE - Kuwait Chapter took a path-breaking lead in the development of the 5th edition. With generous support from both ASSE Kuwait and IOSH of the United Kingdom, ASSE members in Kuwait facilitated meetings with Universities, Research Institutions, local companies, Government bodies and other Professional societies. ASSE members learned"

How you could be a part of this noble mission?

According to the 5th Edition's Coordinator, Ilise L Feitshans JD and ScM there was an exciting give-and-take that started with a simple goal: to brief the members about ongoing development of the 5th Edition ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, and the ILO program SAFEWORK.

Due to the energetic background efforts of the ASSE Members and staff, it was possible to reach hundreds of people. Things changed rapidly, therefore, when Feitshans encountered high level staff who had used the 4th edition as part of their training, for example, in Occupational Medicine in Calcutta. Feitshans quickly realized that the experts she needed were right in front of her! Some of them "had paragraphs popping right out of their heads" as they asked questions during presentations and engaged their colleagues in small debates about specific narrow but important topics of safety and health, within their realm of expertise.

Consequently, the agenda has been updated for her second visit-and there is time for registration to attend the conference too!

As planned, Feitshans will address the Plenary Session of "Moving to Sky" by explaining the connection that links the Ten Thousand Expert Network for the 5th Edition and how the 5th Edition operationalises ILO's SAFEWORK theme for the World Day of Occupational Safety and Health (April 28 2009).

Additonally, time will be set aside before and after the ASSE Conference, in order to allow local experts to explore in detail their interest in preparing actual text for the articles and chapters of the 5th Edition. Subject to peer review, the text discussed in these informal meetings may be used in the web launch sampler.

Participants in the March meeting will have the opportunity to attend a short briefing on writing for the 5th Edition, as a first-time experiment. 5th edition staff will be available to provide:

  1. A short description of writing technique for anyone who wants to write for the 5th edition during the PDC days of the conference, "Moving to Sky".
  2. An open door policy of an hour or two for anyone who wants one on one comments on actual text drafts before the plenary speeches.
  3. A follow up open door policy for one on one feedback on revised drafts, a few days later.

From the standpoint of the 5th edition, this unique opportunity afforded by Kuwait ASSE will further development and refinement of the prototype outlines.

For the potential authors and editors, it will enable them to have feedback and sharpen writing skill. "Remember that every sentence needs both: a subject and a predicate, and no sentence should exceed five text lines"

*** NOTE: There is no guarantee that any of the text in these drafts will be used in the scheduled beta test and subsequent web launch in 2009. Promising text will be submitted for Peer Review with a view to posting accurate, well written standalone articles for the sampler.

Do you know of experts in your nation or another country who should be included in the 5th edition ILO Encyclopaedia's Ten Thousand Expert Network?

There are many talented and highly qualified experts from nations that are not represented in any of the previous editions of the ILO Encyclopaedia. The IOSH grant enables 5th Edition staff to travel to the nations where those experts live and work in order to find them, so that: a) they will know about the project; b) they can have their questions answered in detail and c) they can be reassured that their work will be considered and reviewed with a view towards publication in the 5th edition.

Thanks to IOSH, for providing funds for the recruitment of local experts and young professionals in nations not represented in previous editions of the Encyclopaedia!

For further information contact: Executive (Chapter Operations), American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), ASSE Kuwait Chapter, PO Box 4047, Safat-13041, Kuwait | Tel: 2445588 Ext 311 Fax: 2428148 | Email: |

News from the UK

Working safely and healthily in Great Britain from overseas

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authorities are responsible for enforcing health and safety legislation in Great Britain (GB). The law provides protection for overseas workers whether they are working here legally or not.

This website will help overseas workers and their employers understand their roles and responsibilities under British health and safety law.

If you are working here from overseas, this website will help you:

If you are an employer, this website will help you find out about:

Other languages

Parts of this site are available in other languages. Please select your preferred language.

Health and safety advice for workers and employers

Roles and responsibilities under British health and safety law.

News from the UK

NEBOSH's New International Diploma is available around the World

The World Trade Centre in Dubai was the apt setting for the launch of the NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety. Around 80 safety professionals, course providers and business leaders attended the launch reception.

NEBOSH Chief Executive; Teresa Budworth explained to the assembled dignitaries: "NEBOSH's aim is to promote competency in health and safety. We are sure that our new International Diploma will become the qualification of choice for safety professionals worldwide.

Courses are already offered in the UAE, Singapore, Ireland and the UK, with distance learning providers making the qualification accessible to aspiring safety professionals anywhere in the world."

Mr Abdul Raham Jawahery, General Manager of Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) in Bahrain, and NEBOSH Ambassador urged those attending to ensure that safety retained its importance in the present economic downturn: He said "Cutting spending on health and safety is a false economy. In difficult times it becomes more important to control the losses arising from accidents at work."

He went on to pledge his company's commitment to investing in the safety competence of its Managers and safety team.

Julia Whiting, Communications Co-ordinator, NEBOSH, Dominus Way, Meridian Business Park, LEICESTER LE19 1QW | Tel: 0116 263 4724 | Fax: 0116 282 4000 | Email: |

News from the USA

ASSE's 7th Annual "Safety-on-the-Job" Poster Contest

American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) is urging its members' children to pickup their crayons and enter its 7th annual kids "Safety- on- the- Job" poster contest. The contest is open to children 5-14 with top prizes to be awarded to those in each of the five age groups that best illustrate being safe on the job. ASSE members and chapters can also sponsor schools, community organisations or children from their workplace in the contest, which is aimed at educating children on the importance of safety and health at work and better acquainting them with the job their parents do as occupational safety, health and environment practitioners.

Children in five age groups -

  1. ages 5-6
  2. ages 7-8
  3. ages 9-10
  4. ages 11-12
  5. ages 13-14

are invited to create and submit posters no larger than 11 x 14 that best illustrate being safe at work. The first winner in each group receives a $ 1,000 savings bond, the second place winner receives a $500 savings bond and the third place winner receives a $200 savings bond. Winners will be invited, to attend the ASSE poster contest award ceremony which is going to be held in Washington, D.C. USA.

The poster contest winners will be announced the first week of March 2009. The winning poster in each age group will be featured on the ASSE North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH) 2009 poster distributed worldwide. NAOSH Week runs from May 4-10, 2009 and is a tool to ASSE uses to promote the importance of occupational safety, health and the environment in everyone's lives.

The poster contest entry form and rules can be found at

All the members are requested to encourage your kids, grandchildren, nieces and nephews to participate in this Poster Competition.

More News from USA

Report from PCIH conference in November 2008 in Tampa, Florida, USA on the overall failure of corporate social responsibility programs to improve health and safety conditions in global supply chains

Garrett Brown writes...

I thought you might be interested in the keynote presentation at the Professional Conference in Industrial Hygiene (PCIH) conference AIHA Academy of Industrial Hygiene in November 2008 in Tampa, Florida, USA on the overall failure of corporate social responsibility programs to improve health and safety conditions in global supply chains, and the need to incorporate informed, empowered and active workers in plant-level OHS programs to achieve significant, sustainable improvements in working conditions.

The title of my talk - please forgive the self-promotion here - was "Genuine Worker Participation - An Indispensable Key to Effective Global OHS"

The audience was 350 "senior industrial hygiene decision-makers" at the 2008 Professional Conference on Industrial Hygiene on 10 November 2008.

The full text is posted at website of the Maquildora Health & Safety Support Network:

The power point presentation and resource flyer posted at website of the American Industrial Hygiene Association:

More News from USA

Registration for the National Safety Council's Robert W Campbell Award 2009

Every year, the Robert W. Campbell Award Programme Committee of the National Safety Council (United States) invites worldwide organizations to participate in its international competition.

This prestigious award is granted to organizations that have achieved excellence in business and have integrated safety, health and environmental management at work within their business operations systems. Organizations have to demonstrate how measurable achievement in safety, health and environmental management is linked to productivity and profitability.

Winners will be announced at the NSC's 2009 Congress & Expo. Award winners serve as the basis for case studies that are used worldwide for instruction in leading-edge safety, environmental and health management systems.

The deadline for registration is June 30, 2009. Other information about the award and submission requirements is available on the website of the Committee.

The National Safety Council is a CIS Collaborating Centre. In 2005, it hosted the XVIIth Congress on Occupational Safety and Health in Orlando.

News from USA NIOSH

NIOSH Study Examines Safety, Health Implications of Fire Fighters' Boots
NIOSH scientists are conducting research to understand the physiological and biomechanical effects of boot weight on male and female fire fighters. The preliminary findings from the study suggest that fire fighters adjust their walking patterns and postures when wearing heavy firefighter boots.
For more information, go to

New and Upcoming in Nanotechnology
NIOSH invites you to stay current with developments in strategic research on the occupational health and safety implications and applications of nanotechnology. New resources, publications, and partnerships are highlighted regularly in NIOSH's "Nanotechnology Spotlights" on the nanotechnology topic page,

New Health Hazard Evaluation Report Available
The HHE Program evaluated potential health hazards at a vehicle repair shop. Investigators recommended that the shop continue to use brake shoes and pads that do not contain asbestos, and discontinue use of brake cleaners that contain tetrachloroethylene. Investigators also recommended that connections between exhaust pipes and exhaust hoses be tightened and vehicular exhaust hoses be connected to exterior windows for proper ventilation. Employees were encouraged to clean skin with mild soap and water and apply moisturizing lotion to protect skin.

More reports and videos...

The Work-Related Lung Disease Surveillance Report, 2007
The Work-Related Lung Disease (WoRLD) Surveillance Report 2007 provides information on various work-related respiratory diseases and associated exposures in the United States. The report describes where these diseases are occurring, who is affected, how frequently they occur, and temporal trends.

Take Pride in Your Job: Fall Protection - Video
This video is designed to be used in pre-shift or weekly safety meetings to raise awareness of fall injuries in the oil and gas extraction industry and to provide information about the use, proper fit, and inspection of fall protection (running time:10 minutes).

Take Pride in Your Job: Seat Belts - Video
This video is designed to be used in pre-shift or weekly safety meetings to raise awareness of motor vehicle injuries in this industry and to provide information about the importance of buckling-up (running time: 11 minutes).

The following mining communication products are now available:

Technology News 534 - QuickFit Earplug Test Device
Provides information on the QuickFit earplug test device.

Ergonomics and Risk Factor Awareness Training for Miners
The overall objective of Ergonomics and Risk Factor Awareness Training is to help reduce injuries and illnesses resulting from exposures to risk factors. Specifically, this training will increase awareness of risk factors and encourage miners to take action to report and reduce their exposures to risk factors.

The following communication products are now available en Español

Fact Sheet - Fatal Injuries among Landscape Services Workers (Spanish)
(Hoja informativa: Lesiones mortales en trabajadores de servicios de jardinería)

Control of Hazardous Dust During Tuckpointing (Spanish)
(Control del polvo peligroso que se genera durante los procesos de reparación de mortero)

Workplace Solution - Personal Protective Equipment for Health Care Workers Who Work with Hazardous Drugs (Spanish)
(Equipo de protección individual para trabajadores del sector de la salud que manipulan medicamentos peligrosos)

To order NIOSH publications, CDs, and videos go to:

Order up to 18 titles. Order limits are listed for each document. If you need additional information, please contact Sherri Diana at or by calling Tel: +1 513-533-8471

New Topic Pages available en Español

Three NIOSH topic pages are now available en Español:


Fire Protection of The Built Heritage Conference

Grampian Fire and Rescue Service, in partnership with Historic Scotland are hosting a one-day conference to raise awareness of the devastating effect of fire on the built heritage and provide an understanding of preventative measures. The FREE event will take place in Elphinstone Hall, Old Aberdeen on Tuesday 5th May 2009.

Topics that will be presented include:

The conference is suitable for Local Authority Fire and Rescue Service managers, Local Authority Building Control Officers and planners, historic building owners and managers, Governmental and Non-Governmental agencies involved in the management of the built heritage and professional bodies with an interest in the built heritage.

For further information, and to register an interest in attending, visit the conference website.

Conference is free of charge.

OSHE web sites to explore...

We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we look at some based websites.

Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.

Last month we looked at German websites and have received the following information from Stefan Boltz giving the latest news on HVBG...

The HVBG no longer exists. It has merged with the BUK to become the DGUV ( Likewise the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health BGIA can no longer be reached via but via

Diary of Events

If you have a seminar, conference or exhibition that you would like to promote - please send details to your Editor. Also look in

6-7 April 2009 - Fire 2009 - Flammability and combustibility in building materials conference
Chicago Marriott Downtown, Chicago, USA
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of FIREINF

5 May 2009 - Fire Protection of the Built Heritage Conference
Elphinstone Hall, Old Aberdeen, Scotland
Contact: Historic Scotland and Grampian Fire and Rescue Service (conference is free of charge)

11-14 May 2009 - International Firex Show
NEC, Birmingham, UK

11-14 May 2009 - Fire and rescue Show 2009
NEC, Birmingham, UK

11-14 May 2009 - Occupational hazards and reproductive health (4902)
SPA Hotel, Naantali, Finland
Contact: Gunilla Rasi, NIVA Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A 00250 Helsinki, FINLAND | Tel: +358 30 474 2498 | Fax: +358 30 474 2497 | Email: |

13 May 2009 - Mind the Gap: Keeping up-to-date in fire information 2009: Fire Information Group UK (FIGUK) Conference. Essential one-day conference for all those involved in Information in fire and fire related topics. Benefit from the expertise of specialist speakers
Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London, UK
Contact: Sheila Pantry, FIGUK | Tel: +44 (0)1909 771024 |
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of FIREINF

25-26 May, 25-29 May 2009 - Nordic Summer Symposium: Does size matter? Benefits and consequences of hospital mergers (4903)
Nordic School of Public Health, Sweden
Contact: Gunilla Rasi, NIVA Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A 00250 Helsinki, FINLAND | Tel: +358 30 474 2498 | Fax: +358 30 474 2497 | Email: |

25-28 May 2009 - inFIRE Conference 2009 "From Research to Practice: Role of the Fire Library"
Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Contact: Mike Culhane, Head, Library/Internet Services, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada Building M-20, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0R6 | Fax: +1 613-952-7671 | Email: |

26-28 May 2009 - 3rd Algeria Fire Safety and Security Expo: AFSS Expo 2009
Palais des Expositions dAlger, Algiers, Algeria
Contact: New-fields Exhibitions 1101, Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 600 South, Washington, USA | Tel: +1 (202) 3706620

30 May - 4 June 2009 - American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada