This page lists, in reverse date order, all the published Focus articles.
- Grenfell Tower Inquiry publishes Phase 2 report (September 2024)
- Exploring the gender dimension of telework: implications for occupational safety and health (March 2024)
- Next steps for the Research Excellence Framework (January 2024)
- Clocks going back – time for a home fire safety check (October 2023)
- 2.5 million adults in UK economically inactive due to long-term ill health (September 2023)
- ILO’S 111th Annual Conference 5-16 June 2023 (June 2023)
- Registration of High-rise residential buildings in England from 12 April 2023 (May 2023)
- A Focus on the Occupational Safety and Health of Women in Mining (April 2023)
- Tackling the productivity challenge (March 2023)
- Firefighters and cancer in the USA (February 2023)
- Top HSE scientist honoured by the King (January 2023)
- 46th ILO Governing Body 2022 – The world needs a new social contract says ILO Director-General (December 2022)
- International Safety Awards 2023 (November 2022)
- International Mental Health Day - 10 October 2022 (October 2022)
- Home and garden safety checklists (September 2022)
- Teaching our history (August 2022)
- UK RoSPA hails ILO’s incorporation of safety and health as a fundamental workers’ right (July 2022)
- UK HSE Chair – We need to continue to build on our strong expertise and experience to address future challenges (June 2022)
- Ventilation in the workplace (May 2022)
- World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2022: Act together to build a positive safety and health culture (April 2022)
- Estimating population burdens of occupational disease (March 2022)
- Your post-Covid-19 OSHWORLD (February 2022)
- Global Call to Action for a human-centred recovery from the COVID-19 crisis that is inclusive, sustainable and resilient (January 2022)
- Saving the Planet: Looking Beyond Lockdown (December 2021)
- COP26: 31 October – 12 November 2021, Glasgow, Scotland (November 2021)
- Expansion of the ‘grey fleet’, gig economy and new technology prompts the UK Health and Safety Executive to update guidance on driving and riding for work (October 2021)
- International Day of Peace – 21 September 2021 (September 2021)
- Inequality, rising poverty and fewer decent jobs: Long-term COVID-19 scarring (August 2021)
- Hydrogen and the UK’s decarbonisation activities (July 2021)
- World Health Day 2021: Building a fairer, healthier world (June 2021)
- UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Annual Science Review 2021 (May 2021)
- World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021: Anticipate, prepare and respond to crises – Invest Now in Resilient Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Systems (April 2021)
- Important March 2021 dates to note and that may change your lives (March 2021)
- World Sleep Day and the Workplace – 19 March 2021 (February 2021)
- Self-determination? by Roger Bibbings (January 2021)
- Looking Beyond Lockdown (December 2020)
- COVID-19 transmission – up in the air (November 2020)
- RoSPA Health and Safety Awards 2021 launched (October 2020)
- Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health goes full open access (September 2020)
- Supporting smokers to quit can help tackle surge in poor mental health (August 2020)
- UK Workplace fatality figures released for 2019/20 (July 2020)
- Getting back to work: the new normal (June 2020)
- Time to re-assess your health, safety and fire information sources (May 2020)
- World Health Day, 7 April 2020 and World Immunisation Week, 24-30 April 2020 (April 2020)
- Divergence or continued alignment? by Roger Bibbings (March 2020)
- Smokers with mental health conditions who successfully quit smoking call on health professionals to do more to help others do the same (February 2020)
- Celebrating 100 years: ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work – A human-centred agenda needed for a decent future of work (January 2020)
- Prevalence of Problematic Smartphone Usage (PSU) and associated mental health outcomes amongst children and young people: A systematic review, meta-analysis and GRADE of the evidence (December 2019)
- The future’s bright: new approach empowers young people to enjoy healthy working lives (November 2019)
- Bookmarks from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) (October 2019)
- RESILIENCE – the Power to Succeed! International Stress Awareness Week and Conference: 3-8 November 2019 (September 2019)
- Robot destroys hospital bugs and gains the IERA Award 2019 (August 2019)
- New ILO Convention 190 to combat violence and harassment at work (July 2019)
- World Day Against Child Labour, 12 June 2019 (June 2019)
- May Day 2019: The time has come for a New Social Contract (May 2019)
- RoSPA calls for permanent British Summer Time in wake of European Parliament vote (April 2019)
- Press for Progress! International Women’s Day 2019 (March 2019)
- UK Government bans combustible materials on high-rise homes (February 2019)
- Be prepared for the future – Learn from the Past (January 2019)
- How much did you learn about health and safety in 2018? Knowing what you do not know! (December 2018)
- Poland’s Poster Competition 2018: The Office (November 2018)
- World Day for Decent Work, 7 October 2018 (October 2018)
- Celebrations of the 100th Anniversary of the Polish Social Policy (September 2018)
- Post Grenfell Fire: Modern Methods of Construction (August 2018)
- Don’t let safety and health take a holiday this year (July 2018)
- The ILO – A century of advancing social justice and promoting decent work (June 2018)
- UK Grenfell Tower Fire report (May 2018)
- Press for Progress! International Women’s Day 2018 (March 2018)
- The UK Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) and Improving air quality (February 2018)
- Who would vote for health and safety? (January 2018)
- Robots and workplaces (December 2017)
- Knowing what you do not know! (November 2017)
- SIGNS OF WORK - Photography and Film Contest (October 2017)
- The Journey to Vision Zero: 21st World Congress on Safety and Health at Work (September 2017)
- News from Poland: Poster Competition 2017 (August 2017)
- Free White Paper on Risk of Impairment from Cannabis (July 2017)
- Making the occupational health business case: Lessons from the US (June 2017)
- Aggression and bullying in workplaces leads to people leaving organisations with subsequent loss of corporate knowledge (May 2017)
- Mental Health for Health and Safety Professionals Conference on 11 May 2017 (April 2017)
- World Hearing Day (March 2017)
- Batteries that put out their own fires (February 2017)
- Helping Great Britain work well in 2017 (January 2017)
- Learn from the Past – Be prepared for the future (December 2016)
- New US Publications on Staying Safe at Work Available (November 2016)
- 2016–17 Campaign: Healthy Workplaces for All Ages (October 2016)
- Annals of Work Exposures and Health and invitation to submit articles (September 2016)
- US CDC awards $60 million to help states and territories battle Zika (August 2016)
- The Future of Work (July 2016)
- World No Tobacco Day on 31 May 2016: Get ready for plain packaging (June 2016)
- International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) May Day Statement 2016 (May 2016)
- 28 April 2016 – World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 2016)
- New Challenges could disrupt working time stability in Europe (March 2016)
- Leap Year 29 February 2016! Calling all the World’s managers, directors and workers to propose to each other and agree to make all workplaces Safer and Healthier this year! (February 2016)
- Resolve to help Britain work well in 2016 (January 2016)
- Do it right the first time … with help YOU and your organisation can keep up with this fast moving Occupational Health, Safety and Fire information world (December 2015)
- Health and Safety: Is Britain going backwards? (November 2015)
- October is Women’s Health Month (October 2015)
- Train and keep young workers, safe and healthy (September 2015)
- London’s most dangerous hour for fires revealed by London Fire Brigade (August 2015)
- The UK Health and Safety Executive launches new workplace health expert committee (July 2015)
- WHO calls for action against illicit tobacco trade on World No Tobacco Day 2015 (June 2015)
- Women’s Leadership (May 2015)
- 28 April 2015 – World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 2015)
- Occupational Exposures to new drycleaning solvents (March 2015)
- The Costs of Poor Design and Failure to Test (February 2015)
- UK HSE calls for New Year resolution on health and safety blame game (January 2015)
- Why do we find it so hard to learn lessons from incidents and accidents? (December 2014)
- Risks and challenges ahead – New and emerging occupational safety and health (OSH) trends (November 2014)
- The business case for safety and health: Cost-benefit analyses of interventions in small and medium-sized enterprises (October 2014)
- “Quam artem exerceas?” = “What kind of work do you do?” (September 2014)
- Keeping young workers, safe and healthy (August 2014)
- The UK celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (July 2014)
- Preventing Occupational Disease (June 2014)
- Looking back and learning for the future: History of Occupational Health and Safety website launched (May 2014)
- NIOSH announces the Disaster Science Research Initiative to Enhance Responder Safety and Health (April 2014)
- Are you working healthily in your workplace? (March 2014)
- World Cancer Day 2014 (February 2014)
- Women in Science (January 2014)
- US NIOSH Current Strategies for Engineering Controls in Nanomaterial Production and Downstream Handling Processes (December 2013)
- Tributes to safety pioneer Professor Trevor Kletz (November 2013)
- BS ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information technology, Security techniques, Information security management systems, Requirements (October 2013)
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) launches the health and safety leadership resources pack (September 2013)
- Public Health Response to a Changing Climate (August 2013)
- "Mind the Gap" seminar held in London on 19 June 2013 by the Fire Information Group (FIG UK) to celebrate 25 years of fire information cooperation (July 2013)
- Learning about and understanding the reasons for health, safety and fire research – very important steps to achieving Healthy and Safe workplaces (June 2013)
- Building Workers' Power: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) May Day Statement 2013 (May 2013)
- 28 April 2013 – World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 2013)
- New study finds crucial gaps and lack of transparency in occupational safety and health sustainability reporting (March 2013)
- Climate Change Affecting All Regions in Europe reports a recent European Environment Agency Study (February 2013)
- The importance of exercise at work: Useful exercises that can easily be done at your desk (January 2013)
- Fires cost lives and livelihoods – keep your fire information up-to-date with FIREINF! (December 2012)
- Atlas of health and climate launches new collaboration between public health and meteorological communities (November 2012)
- How good is your leadership in occupational safety and health? (October 2012)
- Happy 90th Birthday, Professor Trevor Kletz (September 2012)
- Do you know what occupational health and safety information you need to do your job? (August 2012)
- The risks of the very small (July 2012)
- Guy Ryder is the New Director General at the ILO, Geneva (June 2012)
- Work smarter not harder – try OSH UPDATE. Are you using it? If not, why not? (May 2012)
- 28 April 2012 – International Day of Safety and Health (April 2012)
- Work-life balance: have you got it right? (March 2012)
- Prevention is the cornerstone of the European approach to occupational safety and health (OSH): Innovative solutions help (February 2012)
- Show Stress Who's Boss! (January 2012)
- Safety First. Polish technical solutions (December 2011)
- Workplace Health Without Borders (November 2011)
- 7 October 2011 World Day for Decent Work – Unions Worldwide Mobilise for Decent Work (October 2011)
- Thoughts from Dr Jukka Takala as he leaves the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) on 15 September 2011 (September 2011)
- Global travel safety alert from interactive driving systems: minimising the risks of jet-lag and road safety (August 2011)
- One for the road... A new European-wide service has been launched to help managers of small businesses deal with employees whose drink or drug intake is affecting their work (July 2011)
- Enhancing the well-being of miners (June 2011)
- EU-OSHA announces 10th European Good Practice Awards on World Day for Safety and Health at Work (May 2011)
- 28 April 2011 – World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 2011)
- "An obituary: ICI's contribution to process safety and why it came to an end" by Trevor A. Kletz (March 2011)
- Workplace Violence and Harassment: A European Picture (February 2011)
- The future of health and safety from the UK Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) perspective by Judith Hackitt, CEO HSE (January 2011)
- Keep your fire information up-to-date with FIREINF! (December 2010)
- Common Sense Common Safety (November 2010)
- High Reliability (October 2010)
- Keeping workers – especially young workers, safe and healthy (September 2010)
- Mainstreaming OSH into business management (August 2010)
- Wishing you a safe and healthy holiday (July 2010)
- Survey points to lower 'risk intelligence', says UK IOSH health and safety leader (June 2010)
- Transforming the culture of workplace health and safety and learn to "steal with pride" (May 2010)
- 28 April 2010 – World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 2010)
- Sick note to fit note – helping people stay in work (March 2010)
- Don't oversimplify accidents, by Roger Bibbings, RoSPA (February 2010)
- New Strategy for Health and Safety in Great Britain in the 21st Century. Speech given at the Hawkesmere Croner 5th Annual Health and Safety Agenda Conference by Judith Hackitt CBE, HSE Chair on 10 December 2009 (January 2010)
- Timely fire information available in FIREINF! (December 2009)
- Stress Awareness Day (November 2009)
- Fit for work? Musculoskeletal Disorders in the European Workforce (October 2009)
- Promoting quality at work: information for safe, healthy and productive jobs (September 2009)
- Health and safety in hard times: EU-OSHA Director Jukka Takala advises to think carefully before cutting back on investment in OSH (August 2009)
- Research and Health and Safety (July 2009)
- CIS celebrates: 50 years anniversary (June 2009)
- European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) (May 2009)
- European workers face new and increasing health risks from hazardous substances (April 2009)
- Two reports from the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work warning about dangers in the workplace (March 2009)
- Jobs the Missing Link and Training must continue including OSH training (February 2009)
- Economic Dimension of Occupational Safety and Health and Cochrane Occupational Health Field (January 2009)
- A healthy return – good practice guide to rehabilitating people at work (December 2008)
- UK Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) urges firms not to ignore safety during recession (November 2008)
- Keeping up with research in health, hygiene, safety and fire (October 2008)
- FIRE information collection adds more databases... FIREINF – the world's premier collection of fire information that is focused and affordable just gets better and better (September 2008)
- Health and safety research – a very important step to achieving Healthy and Safe workplaces (August 2008)
- Healthy workplaces – a top priority in Europe: Reducing accidents and diseases by better assessing workplace risks (July 2008)
- 12 June 2008 – The World Day against Child Labour (June 2008)
- Trade unions demand good occupational health for all workers (May 2008)
- Cutting deaths, injuries and ill-health in construction (April 2008)
- 'Shattered Lives' could affect you, says the UK Health and Safety Executive (March 2008)
- Ensuring a healthy workforce... are you taking action? Many opportunities to listen and learn (February 2008)
- European Foundation's European Working Conditions Survey and Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: Back to work report (January 2008)
- Risk Observatory: New biological threats in European working environment (December 2007)
- UK Directors take Leadership on Health and Safety Guidance (November 2007)
- Ageing workforces around the world (October 2007)
- Train, train and train again... keep up-to-date and invest in new training courses (September 2007)
- Preparedness and emergency services (August 2007)
- Increasing Awareness and Knowledge of Occupational Cancer (July 2007)
- Smarter Working Campaign – changes in working practices (June 2007)
- Decent work for all (May 2007)
- Preventing occupational cancer... and 28 April 2007 World Day for Safety and Health (April 2007)
- Working with asbestos (March 2007)
- EUROHSE 2007 Conference – Spring into OSH (February 2007)
- The costs and benefits of active case management and rehabilitation for musculoskeletal disorders (January 2007)
- New ILO report says HIV-AIDS epidemic costing more than 1 million new jobs per year... and that the workplace should become major entry point for prevention and access to treatment (December 2006)
- Save our young people at work (November 2006)
- If you think health and safety is expensive try having an accident! So train, train, train at EurOhse2006 Masterclasses! (October 2006)
- News from around the World (September 2006)
- The UK National WiseUp2Work Day will be held on Wednesday 30 August 2006 – National Day to focus on reducing Carnage (August 2006)
- European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2006 – Safe Start (July 2006)
- Promoting OSH... International Labour Organisation (ILO) 2006 Conference discussion on "A new instrument establishing a promotional framework in the area of occupational safety and health" (June 2006)
- Latest trends on occupational safety at international conference and ILO-ACTRAV releases new posters – Strengthens Ratification of OHS Instruments" (May 2006)
- Facing Violence at work and 10 years on – The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (April 2006)
- 28 April 2006 – World Day for Safety and Health at Work – Theme: Decent Work – Safe Work – HIV-AIDS at Work and Grab your camera... Calling all young film and video makers! (March 2006)
- Questioning performance – the director's essential guide to health, safety and the environment and Watch your step in construction (February 2006)
- The Blame Machine: Why Human Error Causes Accidents and Enhancing Occupational Safety and Health (January 2006)
- Workplace violence: issues, trends and strategies (December 2005)
- Better business, safer staff – Go chartered! (November 2005)
- European Campaign for Safety and Health at Work 2006 – young people... start planning now (October 2005)
- Environment and Waste – are you up-to-date? (September 2005)
- Work is essential for good health (August 2005)
- EurOhse2005 conference: creating a winning OSH culture – time to book you place! (July 2005)
- The International Labour Office (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) call for the need for a preventative safety culture worldwide (June 2005)
- Corporate Manslaughter: The UK Draft Bill 2005 (May 2005)
- Want to keep up-to-date in health, safety, hygiene, road safety, water safety and many more topics? (April 2005)
- Environmental information: New directive giving the public better access takes effect (March 2005)
- Horizon Scanning – monitoring future health and safety in the workplace (February 2005)
- Control Banding – Threat or Benefit? (January 2005)
- Good Security Practice... time to do your risk assessment (December 2004)
- New Approaches to Musculoskeletal Health at Work (November 2004)
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Occupational Safety and Health (October 2004)
- Have you made your Booking for the FSE2004 – Food Safety in Europe Conference? (September 2004)
- EurOhse2004: helping you to keep ahead with health, safety, fire and construction standards (August 2004)
- European Commission and World Health Organisation join forces to accelerate the fight against poverty and work (July 2004)
- The 10th International Conference on Occupational Respiratory Diseases (10th ICORD) (June 2004)
- Successful prevention of risks during construction – Good Practice Awards 2004 (May 2004)
- 28 April ILO World Day Safety and Health at Work: Creating and sustaining a safety and health culture (April 2004)
- Commission and EEA make public extensive information about industrial pollution in your neighbourhood (March 2004)
- Fire information for everyone (February 2004)
- Managing Occupational Road Risk (MORR) as a Mainstream Health and Safety Issue (January 2004)
- Corporate Manslaughter: The Proposed offence of Corporate Killing and the potential impact in the EU (December 2003)
- The NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health (pilot) (November 2003)
- Principles of health and safety at work: back to basics (October 2003)
- More information sources on dangerous substances – European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2003 (September 2003)
- Communicating information about dangerous substances – European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2003 (August 2003)
- EUROSHE 2003 Conference: tomorrow's workplace – Aiming for a healthier and safer European Workplace (July 2003)
- First pan-European campaign to combat risks of dangerous substances at work: President of European Parliament and EC Commissioner put weight behind campaign (June 2003)
- Safework – ILO's Global Programme on Safety, Health and the Environment and the ILO Health and Safety Information Network (ILO-CIS) (May 2003)
- The Set-Up-To-Fail Syndrome: How Good Managers Cause Great People to Fail ..... and cause undue Stress (April 2003)
- Introducing the International Association of Labour Inspection (March 2003)
- Occupational Safety and Health monitoring systems in Europe and other countries (February 2003)
- EOHSE2003 Conference – aiming for a Healthier and Safer European Workscene (January 2003)
- Fire information from worldwide sources (December 2002)
- Asbestos legislation developments in the UK (November 2002)
- An Overview on European Union Legislation on Health and Safety at Work (October 2002)
- Stress Out? You are not alone... (September 2002)
- Knowledge Gaps and Research Directions in the Changing World of Work and the Safety and Health of People (August 2002)
- Work-related fatalities reach 2 million annually (July 2002)
- OSH-ROM ... the road to quality health, safety, hygiene information (June 2002)
- Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (May 2002)
- Inside... the European Environment Agency (April 2002)
- FIRE WORLDWIDE: an expanding information source (March 2002)
- Stress and mental health – one man's story (February 2002)
- Undertaking risk assessments to tackle work-related stress (January 2002)
- Evacuation drill (October 2001)
- Record it or lose it... ensuring that Fire Service history is kept (September 2001)
- 'If it can happen...!' (August 2001)
- An Overview on European Union (EU) Legislation on Health and Safety at Work (July 2001)
- Quieting your construction sites (June 2001)
- Magic mineral to killer dust: the UK Trades Union Congress figures reveal 18,000 deaths from asbestos in four years (May 2001)
- Advancing education in all aspects of Health and Safety at Work: National Health and Safety Groups in the UK (April 2001)
- Reaching those in need: the Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service (March 2001)
- Occupational safety and health services in Uganda: constrained by limited resources (February 2001)
- Notify, record, investigate and compensate to prevent work-related accidents and diseases (January 2001)
- Bedazzled, bewitched or bewildered? Keep it simple! (December 2000)
- Setting the standard: what is involved in achieving ISO 14001, the quality standard for environmental management systems (November 2000)
- Safety Regulation as a trade barrier: WTO accepts France's Asbestos ban (October 2000)
- Health and safety trends: European-wide survey results 2000 (September 2000)
- Safety Training for the Construction Industry in Hong Kong (August 2000)
- Are you a good neighbour? (July 2000)
- Safety and labour relations: where is the link? (June 2000)
- An injury to one... (May 2000)
- Fire protection and prevention (April 2000)
- Environmental Policy Developments and Manufacturing: Part 2 (March 2000)
- Environmental Policy Developments and Manufacturing: Part 1 (February 2000)
- Club Zero: a New Approach to Improving OHS Management (January 2000)
- Workplace Compensation in South Africa (December 1999)
- Making Safety Data Sheets (November 1999)
- Behavioural Safety: a Proven Weapon in the War on Workplace Accidents? (October 1999)
- Are Your Leisure and Sports Activities and Facilities Safe and Healthy? (September 1999)
- Lucky for some (opportunities in training and information in occupational safety health and the environment (August 1999)
- Costs of Job-Related Injuries and Diseases (July 1999)
- Working Safely and Healthily with Chemicals and Hazardous Substances (June 1999)
- ILO Says Over 1 Million Work-Related Fatalities a Year Workplace Hazards Evolving as Technologies Develop (May 1999)
- Research into OSH is Altering All Our Lives (April 1999)
- The Overseas Development Agenda and Occupational Safety and Health (March 1999)
- Food Safety Is So Important For All of Us (February 1999)
- Sports and leisure: How Safe and Healthy are Your Activities? (January 1999)
- Plants and the Indoor Environment (December 1998)
- Training Young People in Health, Safety and Fire Awareness (November 1998)
- UK Moves Forward with Chrysotile Ban Proposal (October 1998)
- Seeing and Hearing for Yourself: Keeping One Step Ahead in the Health, Safety, Chemicals, Fire and Environment Information World (September 1998)
- Environment Plus CD-ROM: Helping to Meet Your ISO 14001 Information Requirement (August 1998)
- Your Office Health and Safety (July 1998)
- Sport and Leisure Health & Safety (June 1998)
- Fire Information Worldwide (May 1998)
- Does EU Legislation on Asbestos Remain Adequate? (April 1998)
- Women, Work and Health (March 1998)
- Sport and Leisure Health & Safety Plus CD (February 1998)
- Occupational Asthma (January 1998)
- Woodworking Can Damage Your Health (December 1997)
- Garages Can Damage Your Health (November 1997)
- Oil, Gas and Energy Health and Safety Information (October 1997)
- Health (September 1997)
- Asbestos Can Kill (August 1997)
- Health & Safety On-board Ships (July 1997)
- Forecasting Trends in the OSH World (June 1997)
- Did You Lighten Your Load? (May 1997)
- Health & Safety Priorities in Meat Processing Industry (April 1997)
- Health and Safety in Schools (March 1997)
- Skin Diseases (February 1997)
- Agriculture: the Killing Fields (January 1997)
- Food Safety (December 1996)
- Ergonomic Checkpoints (November 1996)
- Slips, Trips and Falls (October 1996)
- Chemicals and Hazardous Substances (September 1996)
- RSI (August 1996)
- OSH Networking in Europe and Internationally (July 1996)