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Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd


Focus Archive

News from Poland: Poster Competition 2017

August 2017

On the threshold of adult life, everyone faces the challenge of taking up work. This is connected with stress concerning one’s own expectations from oneself, as well as those of the employer. When choosing their first job, young people usually focus on financial conditions, and not working conditions. Not only do they lack experience, but also knowledge, competence and sometimes physical and psychological maturity. At the same time, they do not lack self-confidence, which, paired with susceptibility to influences, may lead to risky behaviours in the working environment.

Employers do not usually see it as necessary to supervise young workers in a particular way, or to provide enough instruction or training. But statistical data signal the importance of the problem of young workers’ safety, indicating that it is mostly the young people with little experience at their workstations who suffer from accidents.

Therefore, the Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute in Poland has organised this year’s edition of Poster Competition under the title “Safe from the Start”. It meets the need of making the young workers aware of the importance of their pro-safe attitude, and employers – of necessary care about their young personnel.

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