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International Full Text Collection
- HSE Guidance and Advice Leaflets
- HSE Local Authority Circulars
- HSE Research Reports
- HSE Contract Research Reports
- HSENI (The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland) Publications
- BSRIA Publications
- ATEX (Explosive Atmospheres) Guidelines
- European Union Guidance
- UK Trades Union Congress (TUC) Guidance
- US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publications
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Publications
- EuroWorkSafe Publications
- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Publications
- World Health Organization (WHO) Publications
- International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Publications
- Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board (MIIB) Publications
- European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Publications
- Aylesbury Town Council Publications
- US Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Publications
- Occupational and Environmental Cancer Prevention Conference 2008 Presentations
- Prevention Today / Prevenzione Oggi Journal Articles
- Health Council of the Netherlands Publications
- Advisory Committee for Roofsafety Publications
- Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Publications
- European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
- The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) Publications
- Commonwealth of Australia / Safe Work Australia Publications
- European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Publications
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Publications
- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Publications
- U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) Publications
- European Safety Reliability and Data Association (ESReDA) Publications
- Industry Committee for Emergency Lighting (ICEL) Publications
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Publications
- Perry Scott Nash Publications
- United States Fire Administration (USFA) Publications
- The Work Foundation Publications
- Care Quality Commission Publications
- Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) Publications
- European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) Publications
- International Labour Organisation (ILO) Publications
- US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Publications
- American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Publications
- African Newsletter on Occupational Safety and Health
- Asian-Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety
- Barents Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety
- International Risk Governance Council Publications
- Croner Occupational Hygiene Magazine - Website review
- Health Protection Scotland Publications
- Safe Work Australia Publications
- European Environment Agency Publications
- European Journal of Epidemiology
- British United Provident Association (Bupa) Publications
- Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Publications
- Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) Publications
- UK Petroleum Industry Association Ltd (UKPIA) Publications
- Institute for Work & Health (IWH) Publications
- Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA) Publications
- Scottish Government Publications
- Sentencing Council Publications
- UK Statistics Authority Publications
- US National Wildlife Federation Publications
- British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) Publications
- Fire Industry Association (FIA) Publications
- Fire Protection Association (FPA) Publications
- Interactive Driving Systems Publications
- Peter Wagner and Associates Publications
- Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile (CUT) Publications
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Publications
- SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden Publications
- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Publications
- Royal College of Physicians Publications
- European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) Publications
- BP Publications
- All-Party Parliamentary Group on Occupational Safety and Health Publications
- All-Party Parliamentary Group on Working at Height
- Christian Michelsen Research (CMR) Publications
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands (RIVM) Publications
- Unison Scotland Publications
- Lowell Center for Sustainable Production Publications
- Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health
- environmental-expert.com Publications
- John M. Campbell Publications
- British Approvals for Fire Equipment (BAFE) Publications
- UK Engineering Council Publications
- London Fire Brigade Publications
- Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (PEROSH) Publications
- UK Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) Publications
- Environmental Health Perspectives Articles
- International Atomic Energy Agency Publications
- National Water Safety Forum Publications
- Safety Assessment Federation (SAFed) Publications
- Associazione Italiana Di Ingegneria Chimica (Italian Association of Chemical Engineering) Publications
- International Social Security Association (ISSA) Publications
- Southwest Research and Information Center (US) Publications
- Reuters Articles
- Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Publications
- Cardiff University Publications
- Centre for Mental Health Publications
- Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC) Publications
- Prefabricated Access Suppliers' and Manufacturers' Association (PASMA) Publications
- Royal College of Nursing Publications
- Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) Publications
- Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Publications
- House of Commons Publications
- Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Publications
- Electrical Safety First / The Electrical Safety Council (ESC) Publications
- International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) Publications
- The Institute of Risk Management Publications
- Finland Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) Publications
- Fire Risk Assessment Competency Council Publications
- Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA) Publications
- International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) Publications
- Occupational Medicine Journal Articles
- The Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors (SLIC) Publications
- Association of British Insurers (ABI) Publications
- Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) Publications
- International Federation of Journalists Publications
- British Journal of Cancer Articles
- BMC International Health and Human Rights Articles
- Milbank Quarterly Articles
- Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Publications
- European Process Safety Centre Publications
- European Forum Publications
- Peter Waterhouse Publications
- Belgian Safe Work Information Center (BeSWIC) Publications
- British Glass Manufacturers' Confederation Publications
- British Retail Consortium (BRC) Publications
- Farming and Countryside Education (FACE) Publications
- Oil and Gas UK Publications
- The Royal Academy of Engineering Publications
- Hillsborough Independent Panel Publications
- The Lancet Articles
- The UK NanoSafety Partnership Group (UKNSPG) Publications
- Centre for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment (CIWCE) Publications
- Chartered Management Institute Publications
- London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority Publications
- National Federation of Roofing Contractors Publications
- Fire Risk Management Articles
- Journal of Controlled Release Articles
- New Zealand Royal Commission Publications
- RSA Insurance Group Publications
- Sustainability Articles
- British Institute of Radiology (BIR) Publications
- British Occupational Health Research Foundation (BOHRF) Publications
- Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) Publications
- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) Publications
- Nordic Expert Group for Criteria Documentation Publications
- WRAP - The Waste and Resources Action Programme Publications
- Fire and Rescue Service Monthly Bulletins
- Fire and Rescue Service Immediate Bulletins
- Fire Service Circulars
- Dear Chief Officer Letters
- Fire Technology Journal Articles
- French Ministry of Sustainable Development Publications
- Fire and Rescue Service Newsletters
- Fire Safety Development Group Publications
- Institute of Fire Protection Officers (IFPO) Publications
- Injury Prevention Journal
- Local Government Association (LGA) Publications
- Fire and Rescue Service Manual
- US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Publications
- National Policing Improvement Agency Publications
- Scottish Courts Publications
- Skills for Justice Publications
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Publications
- World Fire Statistics
- South East of England Regional Wildfire Group and Home Counties Operational Wildfire Group Publications
- British Standards Institution (BSI) Publications
- California Department of Public Health Publications
- University of Canterbury, New Zealand Publications
- Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA) Publications
- International Committee for the Prevention and Extinction of Fire (CTIF) Publications
- English Heritage Publications
- Explosives Industry Group (EIG) Publications
- Fire Information Group (FIG) Publications
- Public Concern at Work (PCaW) Publications
- Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Publications
- Cochrane Occupational Safety and Health Group Publications
- Environmental Health Journal Articles
- Ergonomics Journal Articles
- Kommission Arbeitsschutz und Normung (KAN) Publications
- British Medical Association (BMA) Publications
- Emergency Planning College Publications
- Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) Publications
- The King's Fund Publications
- Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety Publications
- Quarries National Joint Advisory Committee (QNJAC) Publications
- RoSPA Publications
- Safety and Health at Work Journal Articles
- European Helicopter Safety Team (EHEST) Publications
- European Industrial Gases Association Publications
- International Longevity Centre UK Publications
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine Articles
- Step Change in Safety Publications
- University of Sussex Publications
- Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (Usdaw) Publications
- Hazards Magazine Articles
- Harvard Business School Publications
- Human Rights Watch Publications
- International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) Publications
- Mind Publications
- The Annals of Occupational Hygiene Articles
- Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Publications
- Door and Hardware Federation (DHF) Publications
- Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM) Publications
- International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Publications
- National Farmers Union (NFU) Publications
- National Health Service Employers Publications
- PLOS ONE Articles
- University of Stirling Publications
- UK Chemicals Stakeholder Forum (UKCSF) Publications
- Safety Management Articles
- New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy Articles
- International Journal of Health Services Articles
- Port Skills and Safety (PSS) Publications
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Publications
- Centre for Mental Health Publications
- Fire and Burn Prevention News
- G9 Offshore Wind Health and Safety Association Publications
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers Publications
- UK Forest Industry Safety Accord (FISA) Publications
- University of Exeter, UK Publications
- British Pyrotechnists Association (BPA) Publications
- Business in the Community (BITC) Publications
- Engage for Success Publications
- Waste Industry Safety and Health Forum (WISH) Publications
- British Medical Journal Articles
- Specialist Access Engineering and Maintenance Association (SAEMA) Publications
- The Government Office for Science Publications
- ASHRAE Transactions Publications
- Construction Plant-hire Association (CPA) Publications
- Green America Publications
- International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) Publications
- RenewableUK Publications
- National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Publications
- Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
- Toxicology Articles
- Canadian Cancer Society Publications
- Cancer Council Victoria Publications
- High Court of Australia Publications
- British Cycling Federation Publications
- Fire Brigades Union Publications
- National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) Publications
- Fire Sector Federation Publications
- National Research Council of Canada (NRC) Publications
- Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Publications
- US Center for Environmental Health Publications
- Contour Design Company Ltd Publications
- Genome Biology Articles
- University of Surrey Publications
- Journal of Hygiene Articles
- The Risk and Regulation Advisory Council (RRAC) Publications
- Health and Safety at Work Articles
- National Audit Office
- United Nations
- Unite Union
- US National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (National COSH)
- Campbell Institute, National Safety Council Publications
- Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Articles
- RAND Corporation Publications
- Institute for Employment Studies
- American Journal of Epidemiology Articles
- European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) Publications
- BRE Global Publications
- EEF - The Manufacturers' Organisation Publications
- Disability Rights UK Publications
- Fall Arrest Safety Equipment Training (FASET) Publications
- Mineral Products Association Publications
- Prospect Publications
- The Sleep Council Publications
- Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) Publications
- International Fire Protection Articles
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Publications
- Social History of Medicine Articles
- British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) Publications
- British Tinnitus Association (BTA) Publications
- Demos Publications
- Education Policy Institute (EPI) Publications
- Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behavior Articles
- Higher Educational Occupational Physicians / Practitioners (HEOPS) Publications
- Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) Publications
- UCL Institute of Health Equity (IHE) Publications
- Journal of Fire Sciences Articles
- Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) Publications
- The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) Publications
- Investors in People Publications
- Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Publications
- Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science Articles
- Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Articles Publications
- Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Publications
- Gas Industry Safety Group (GISG) Publications
- GMB Trade Union Publications
- Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publications
- Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) Publications
- European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Publications
- European Biosafety Network Publications
- Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) Publications
- The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) Publications
- Smoking in Britain Publications
- Chemical Industries Association (CIA)
- Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)
- Action on Hearing Loss Publications
- Arthritis Research UK Publications
- Circulation Articles
- The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Articles
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Articles
- University of Salford Publications
- University College London (UCL) Publications
- University of Lund Publications
- International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE) Publications
- Broadcasting, Entertainment, Communications and Theatre Union (BECTU) Publications
- National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) Publications
- Obesity Reviews Articles
- Resolution Foundation Publications
- Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Publications
- Gas Safe Register Publications
- Hintsa Performance Publications
- Liebscher & Bracht Publications
- Centre for Ageing Better
- London Assembly
- Heart Journal
- National Maritime Occupational Health and Safety Committee
- International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
- Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
- Mental Health Foundation
- Society of Occupational Medicine
- Federation of Small Businesses
- Freight Transport Association
- European Cockpit Association
- Monash University
- Shelter
- All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health (APPG)
- ASTM Standardization News
- City Mental Health Alliance (CMHA)
- Driving for Better Business
- Combat Stress
- Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service
- The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House
- The Royal Society
- Global Wind Organisation
- A Culture Of Safety Alliance (ACOS)
- European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
- Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI)
- Safety Science Journal
- The University of Edinburgh
- Nottingham Trent University
- Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England
- National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
- Trends in Hearing Journal
- Cold Chain Federation
- Council of Global Unions
- Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Intumescent Fire Seals Association (IFSA)
- International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF)
- IndustriALL Global Union
- Institute of Medicine
- Social Indicators Research
- Work Rights Centre (WoRC)
- B&CE
- International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations
- PsyArXiv Preprints
- Inside Housing Magazine
- National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC)
- UK Fire
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
- University of Glasgow
- International Ban Asbestos Secretariat
- University of Cambridge
- City, University of London
- WorkSafe New Zealand
- College of Policing
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control
- Environment International
- Harvard Business Review
- International Journal of Nursing Studies
- Journal of Sleep Research
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Fire Australia
- Fire Investigation
- Fire Magazine
- London South Bank University
- Off-highway Plant and Equipment Research Centre (OPERC)
- Process Safety and Environmental Protection
- Forestry Commission
- New Scientist
- Chartered Insurance Institute (CII)
- Education Support
- General Medical Council
- Temporary Works Forum (TWf)
- AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
- Birmingham City University
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Farm Safety Foundation
- Sleep Apnoea Trust Association (SATA)
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- University of Leeds
- Institute for the Future of Work
- Maternity Action
- British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS)
- Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures UK (CROSS-UK)
- Her Majesty's Government (UK) Publications
- UK Home Office Publications
- Public Health England Publications
- Trading Standards Institute Publications
- Transport for London (TfL) Publications
- UK Department for Transport (DfT) Publications
- UK Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publications
- Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Publications
- Advisory Committee on Pesticides Publications
- Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) Publications
- Ministry of Justice, UK Publications
- Department of Health / Health Protection Agency, UK Publications
- Environment Agency Publications
- Ministry of Defence (MOD) Publications
- UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) Publications
- UK Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) Publications
- The Coal Authority Publications
- Sellafield Ltd Publications
- Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) Publications
- UK Cabinet Office Publications
- UK Government publications
HSE Guidance and Advice Leaflets
- The Absolutely Essential Health and Safety Toolkit for the Smaller Construction Contractor INDG344 (rev)
- Active Substance Approvals - July 2017
- Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP): Work plan for 2009/2010
- Agriculture: Your Health Carry Card IACL102
- Agriculture: Vehicle Repair
- The Approved List of biological agents: Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens MISC208
- Are you involved in a diving project at work? A brief guide to complying with health and safety law INDG266 (rev2)
- Are you making the best use of lifting and handling aids? INDG398
- Asbestos dust kills - Keep your mask on INDG255 (rev1)
- Asbestos - Asbestos cement
- Asbestos - Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB)
- Asbestos - Floor tiles, textiles and composites
- Asbestos - Frequently Asked Questions
- Asbestos - Lagging and insulation
- Asbestos - Loose fill asbestos
- Asbestos - Managing and working with asbestos
- Asbestos - Sprayed coatings
- Asbestos - Textured coatings
- Asbestos - Why is asbestos dangerous?
- Asbestos in CLASP and Other System Buildings: Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006
- Asbestos Management - Checklist for Schools
- Assessment of Repetitive Tasks of the upper limbs (the ART tool) INDG438
- Avoiding the risk of infection when working with poultry that is suspected of having highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)
- Back pain in the workplace: prevention and management INDG333
- Bakers - time to clear the air! Flour dust can cause asthma
- Basic advice on first aid at work INDG347 (rev2)
- Benzene and you INDG329
- Beryllium and you: Working with beryllium - are you at risk? INDG311(rev1)
- Better alarm handling Chemicals Sheet No 6
- Biological Monitoring in the Workplace INDG245
- The Buncefield Major Incident, 11 December 2005: Ten years on - A report by the COMAH Strategic Forum
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods Manual
- Case study: Warwickshire Oil Storage Ltd (WOSL) - Introducing a competency management system
- Chainsaws at Work INDG317 (rev2)
- Change to Contact Details for Pesticides Applicant Enquiries to the Health and Safety Executive's Chemicals Regulation Division
- Chemical manufacture and storage - The European Commission's New Chemical Strategy (REACH)
- Chemical reaction hazards and the risk of thermal runaway INDG254 (rev1)
- Choosing a welding set? Make sure you can handle it INDG390 (rev1)
- Chromium and you INDG346
- Clearing the air: A simple guide to buying and using local exhaust ventilation (LEV) INDG408
- Competent Authority Guidance on Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)
- Consulting and involving your workers - Health and safety representatives
- Consulting employees on health and safety at work: A brief guide to the law: An overview of employers' duties to consult with their employees on health and safety matters
- Control back-pain risks from whole-body vibration INDG242 (rev1)
- Control of exposure to silica dust: A guide for employees INDG463
- The control of fire-water run-off from CIMAH sites to prevent environmental damage Guidance Note EH 70
- Control the risks from hand-arm vibration INDG175 (rev2)
- Controlling health risks from rosin (colophony)-based solder flux fume INDG249
- Controlling health risks from the use of UV tanning equipment INDG209
- Controlling isocyanate exposure in spray booths and spray rooms
- COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Tips to identify and reduce the risks
- Criteria document for Land Use Planning cases of serious public safety concern
- Cyanide poisoning: Recommendations on first aid treatment for employers and first aiders
- Directors' responsibilities for health and safety 07/01
- Dispensing petrol: Assessing and controlling the risk of fire and explosion at sites where petrol is stored and dispensed as a fuel
- Do you know how to work safely with PCBs? MS(A)19
- Do You Use MbOCA? MS(A)21
- DON'T MIX IT! - A guide for employers on alcohol at work IND(G)240L
- Drive away bad backs - Advice for mobile machine operators and drivers INDG404
- Driving at work: Managing work-related road safety INDG382 (rev1)
- Diving at Work Regulations 1997: List of Approved Diving Qualifications dated 18th March 2015
- DRUG MISUSE AT WORK - a guide for employers INDG91 (rev2)
- Dusty Cargoes: Reducing risk to workers
- Workplace exposure limits: Containing the list of workplace exposure limits for use with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended) EH40/2005
- Electrical safety and you INDG231
- Electrical safety at places of entertainment GS50
- Electrical safety for entertainers INDG247 (rev1)
- Electrical switchgear and safety: A concise guide for users INDG372
- Emergency isolation of process plant in the chemical industry Chemicals Sheet No 2
- Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969: A guide for employers
- Enforcement of Regulations on the Storage of Explosives: Advisory Guidance for Local Authority, Fire Service and Police Staff
- Ergonomic Considerations for Designing and Selecting Conveyor Belt Systems
- Example risk assessments: Approaches for small businesses
- Falls from windows or balconies in health and social care HSIS5
- Farm Safety Partnership Scotland
- Farmer's lung
- Farmwise - your essential guide to health and safety in agriculture MISC165
- Fee for intervention: What you need to know HSE48
- Fire and explosion - How safe is your workplace? 12/02
- Fire precautions in the clothing and textile industries
- First aid at work: Your questions answered INDG214 (rev2)
- Frequently asked questions on first aid
- Gamekeeping and deer farming: A guide to safe working INDG177(rev2)
- Gas appliances: Get them checked - Keep them safe INDG238
- Gas safety during the coronavirus outbreak
- Getting specialist help with health and safety INDG420 (rev1)
- Manual Handling at Work: A Brief Guide INDG143 (rev3)
- Glove Trial Fact Sheet for Local Authority Inspectors: Wearing Disposable Gloves for Hairdressing
- Glutaraldehyde and you IAC64 (rev 1)
- Guidance and information on escape from mines
- Guidance and Information on the role and design of safe havens in arrangements for escape from mines MINE08
- Guidance for Employers on the Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations (AOR) 2010
- Guidance on the application of Fee for Intervention (FFI) HSE47
- Guidance on International Safeguards and Nuclear Material Accountancy at Nuclear sites in the UK
- Guidance on respiratory protective equipment (RPE) fit testing INDG479 (rev1)
- Guidance on the safe use of Vacuum Lifting Equipment (Vacuum Lifting Tubes and Attachments)
- A guide for new and expectant mothers who work INDG373
- A guide to health and safety regulation in Great Britain HSE49
- Hand-arm vibration: A guide for employees INDG296 (rev2)
- Hand-arm vibration in the cast stone industry: reducing the risk MISC493
- Handling newspaper and magazine bundles INDG470
- The Health and Safety Executive and you 2000 edition
- The Health and Safety Executive - working with employers 2000 edition
- Health and safety for disabled workers and people who work with them
- Health and safety in catering: A training aid for tutors WEB19
- Health and Safety Law: What you need to know
- Health and safety made simple: The basics for your business
- Health and safety made simple: The basics for your business INDG449
- Health and Safety regulation: a short guide HSC13 (rev1)
- Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013: Guidance for employers and employees HSIS7
- Health and safety training - What you need to know INDG345
- The health effects of hand-arm vibration at work: Advice for employers
- Health surveillance for Hand-arm vibration syndrome
- Health surveillance for HAV (hand-arm vibration): Guidance for Occupational Health Professionals
- Health surveillance for those exposed to respirable crystalline silica (RCS): Guidance for occupational health professionals
- Health Surveillance: Is health surveillance required in my workplace?
- Health Surveillance: Set up and design health surveillance according to need
- Health Surveillance: What is health surveillance?
- Height safe - Absolutely essential health and safety information for people who Work at height
- The HIGH 5 - Five ways to reduce risk on site INDG384
- Hints and tips for shift workers
- How to reduce exposure to dioxins in aluminium recycling INDG 377
- How to tackle work-related stress: A guide for employers on making the Management Standards work INDG430
- How we work together - Collaboration in the high hazard sector: A guide to joint industry, regulator and union groups that work in the high hazard process sectors
- Human factors: Fatigue and shift work
- The Idiot's Guide to CHIP INDG350
- Incident-reporting in schools (accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences) Education Information Sheet No 1 (rev1)
- Infection risks to new and expectant mothers in the workplace: A guide for employers
- Infections at work: Ill health caused by exposure to microorganisms during work activities
- Inspecting fall arrest equipment made from webbing or rope INDG367
- Inspection of Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Systems at COMAH Establishments (Operational Delivery Guide)
- Is it EXPLOSIVE? 02/02
- Is your mask protecting you? INDG460
- Keep children SAFE on the farm INDG340
- Keep Your Top On 10/98
- Landlords - A guide to landlords' duties: Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 as amended INDG285
- Latex and You INDG320
- Lead and You - A guide to working safely with lead INDG305
- Leading Health and Safety at Work - Leadership Actions for Directors and Board Members INDG417
- Legionnaires' disease - A brief guide for dutyholders INDG458
- Legionnaires' disease - A guide for employers IAC27 (rev 2)
- Legionnaires' disease - Controlling the risks associated with using spa baths
- Legionnaires' disease - Essential information for providers of residential accommodation INDG376
- Leptospirosis: Are you at risk? INDG84 (rev1)
- Letter to LAs: Management of asbestos in system built schools
- Lift-truck training: Advice for employers INDG462
- The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: Case studies
- Look after your hands in the kitchen MISC762
- Maintaining portable electric equipment in low-risk environments INDG236 (rev2)
- Managing asbestos in buildings: A brief guide INDG223 (rev5)
- Managing health and safety - Five steps to success INDG275
- Managing health and safety in forestry INDG294 (rev1)
- Managing Risk - The hazards that can destroy your business: A guide to leadership in process safety
- Managing sickness absence and return to work in small businesses INDG399
- Managing upper limb disorders in the workplace: A brief guide INDG171 (rev2)
- Managing violence in licensed and retail premises: toolkit
- Managing work-related violence in licensed and retail premises INDG423
- Manual handling assessment charts (the MAC tool) INDG383 (rev2)
- Manual handling solutions for farms AS23 (rev3)
- Manual handling solutions in woodworking INDG318
- Manual handling: What you need to know as a busy builder
- Material Change to a Safety Case: Offshore Information Sheet No. 3/2011
- The medical examination and assessment of commercial divers MA1 (rev4)
- Migrant Workers - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Need building work done? A short guide for clients on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 INDG411 (rev1)
- Need help on health and safety? INDG322
- New Explosives Controls - Do They Affect You? 8/91
- New to the job: Six steps to protect new starters
- Nickel and you: Working with nickel - are you at risk? INDG351(rev1)
- Nickel and its inorganic compounds: Health hazards and precautionary measures EH60
- Noise at Work: A brief guide to controlling the risks INDG362 (rev2)
- Noise - music and entertainment: Focussing on advice for amplified live music, simple practical steps you can take
- Occupational Health Risk Management in Construction: A guide to the key issues of occupational health provision
- Officewise INDG173
- Offshore priority work areas - 2008/09
- Organisational culture: Why is organisational culture important?
- Oxygen use in the workplace: Fire and explosion hazards INDG459
- Ozone: Health hazards and control measures EH38
- Passport schemes for health, safety and the environment: a good practice guide INDG381
- Permit-to-work systems INDG98 (rev 3)
- Pesticides - Use them safely INDG257
- Plant Protection Products Containing Glyphosate and the Co-Formulant POE-Tallowamine
- Portable appliance testing (PAT) FAQs: Electrical safety at work
- Power take-offs and power take-off drive shafts
- Pressure Systems: A Brief Guide to Safety INDG261 (rev2)
- Preventing accidents to children on farms INDG472
- Preventing contact dermatitis and urticaria at work INDG233
- Preventing falls from boom-type mobile elevating work platforms MISC614
- Preventing falls from fragile roofs in agriculture Agriculture Information Sheet No 32
- Preventing falls from vehicles - Advice for workers INDG413
- Preventing ill health when handling chemicals
- Preventing slip and trip incidents in the education sector Education Information Sheet No 2 (EDIS2)
- Preventing slips and trips at work INDG225 (rev1)
- Probable asbestos dust concentrations at construction processes EH 35
- Protect your hearing or lose it! INDG363 (rev1)
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
- PSLG Principles of Process Safety Leadership
- A quick guide to health and safety in ports INDG446
- REACH - Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF) No. 17
- READ THE LABEL - How to find out if chemicals are dangerous INDG352
- Reduce risks - cut costs 03/02
- Reducing manual handling risks in carpet retail INDG439
- Reducing ill health and accidents in motor vehicle repair INDG356(rev1)
- Reducing operator exposure to fumes and smoke from coke ovens
- Regulation of health and safety at work HSE51
- Reporting accidents and incidents at work: A brief guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) INDG453
- Reporting accidents and incidents at work: A brief guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) INDG453 (rev1) (draft)
- Respiratory sensitisers and COSHH - BREATHE FREELY INDG95 (rev2)
- Restarting workplace pressure systems safely during the coronavirus outbreak
- Retrofitting of roll-over protective structures, restraining systems and their attachment points to mobile work equipment MISC 175
- RIDDOR Explained HSE31 (rev1) Reprinted
- Risk assessment: A brief guide to controlling risks in the workplace INDG163
- Risk assessment of pushing and pulling (RAPP) tool INDG478
- Risk management of carbon nanotubes
- Roof repair work: What you need to know as a busy builder
- Running a small construction site? What you need to know as a busy builder
- Safe Collection of Woodwaste: Prevention of Fire and Explosion 10/99
- Safe erection, use and dismantling of falsework Construction Information Sheet No 56
- The safe operation of ski slopes INDG371
- Safe to Breathe: Dust and fume control in the rubber industry IACL95
- Safe use of ladders and stepladders: A brief guide INDG455
- Safe use of ladders and stepladders: An employers' guide INDG402
- Safe use of skip loaders: Advice for workers INDG378 (rev1)
- Safe working with bales in agriculture INDG125 (rev3)
- Safe working with flammable substances 2/02
- Safety Alert: A-Belco Group, Hadar range of ATEX Lighting products
- Safety Alert: Catastrophic failure of a pipework clamp connector
- Safety Alert: Catastrophic failure of silo - bolted conical bottom section
- Safety Alert: Catastrophic rupture of dead-leg pipe-work
- Safety Alert: Certain Types of Pool Hall Lighting Systems on Runners
- Safety Alert: Change in Enforcement Expectations for Mild Steel Welding Fume
- Safety Alert: Deadly explosions during cutting of drums and containers
- Safety Alert: Deterioration and failure of cold / frozen food store ceilings
- Safety Alert: Electrolytic Chlorination Units (Electrolysis) in Marine Ballast Treatment Systems
- Safety Alert: Extendable Scaffolding Loading Bay Gate - use of cable ties to secure loose mesh and unsafe means of operation
- Safety Alert: Failure of a foot valve actuator on an LPG road tanker to operate on demand at low temperatures created by a loss of containment
- Safety Alert: 'Norfolk Range' large wheeled dry powder fire extinguishers manufactured before 2009 by UK Fire International Ltd
- Safety Alert: Offshore Crane Safety Systems
- Safety Alert: Operators of COMAH oil/fuel storage sites and others storing hazardous substances in large tanks
- Safety Alert: Overturns of JLG 500RTS scissor lifts
- Safety Alert: Platform Lifts (vertical lifting platforms or lifts for people with impaired mobility)
- Safety Alert: Preventing catastrophic failure of luffing jib tower cranes in high winds
- Safety Alert: Safety notice to act as a reminder of the phenomenon of condensate induced water hammer
- Safety Alert: Some Ergonomic Issues of DP Vessel Controls
- Safety Alert: Use of chain flail/non-standard cutting attachments on brush cutters
- Safety Alert: Use of gas-fired oven cleaning equipment inside vehicles
- Safety Alert: Use of ICAR Capacitors in uninterruptable power supply (UPS) systems
- Safety Notice: Avoiding trapping/crushing injuries to people in the platform of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs)
- Safety Notice: 'False' engagement of tipping hooks on 'builders' skips
- Safety Notice: Handling and storage of large sheet stone slabs - Safety Notice
- Safety Notice: Liquid metal embrittlement by mercury in the refining and allied process industries
- Safety Notice: Powered perimeter gates
- Safety Notice: Preventing entrapment in plastics rotational moulding ovens where there is whole body access
- Safety Notice: Provision of key clinical information on laboratory specimen request forms
- Safety Notice: Risks associated with working on or near lamp columns with non-standard roots during excavation works
- Safety Notice: Risks to pedestrians from crushing zones on electrically powered gates
- Safety Notice: Risks to pedestrians from crushing zones on electrically powered gates - 2
- Safety Notice: Risks to Service users known to self-hoist and transfer using ceiling track hoists
- Safety Notice: Storage tank external floating roof - the importance of inspection and maintenance to retain buoyancy of the roof structure
- Safety Notice: Use of Barrier Glands in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres to meet IEC 60079:14 2013 (Edition 5)
- Safety Notice: Use of Mobile Phone "Expert XP-Ex-1" in potentially explosive atmospheres
- Safety Notice: Vertical lifting platforms or lifts for people with impaired mobility - potential falls from height risks to employees and members of the public from over-riding door locking safety devices
- Safety Notice: Warning to offshore industry on possible failure of fire resistant composite deck gratings
- Safety Notice: Withdrawal of the (UN 0349) 1.4S classification for DynaEnergetics HMX 165 Octocord from the List of Classified Explosives and Fireworks
- Safety during tyre inflation in motor vehicle repair INDG433
- Safety in electrical testing at work - General guidance INDG354
- Safety in isocyanate paint spraying INDG388 (rev2)
- Safety in window cleaning using portable ladders MISC613
- Safety in window cleaning using rope access techniques MISC612
- Safety in window cleaning using suspended and powered access equipment MISC611
- Safety policies in the education sector
- School trips and outdoor learning activities: Tackling the health and safety myths
- Sealability of microbiological containment level 3 and 4 facilities
- Selecting a first-aid training provider: A guide for employers GEIS3
- The selection and use of flammable gas detectors
- The selection, management and use of mobile elevating work platforms GEIS6
- Sheep dipping - Advice for farmers and others involved in dipping sheep
- Silica Dust and You MSA15 (rev1)
- Slips and trips in the health services Health Services Sheet No 2
- SMART paint spraying: How to control health and safety risks INDG473
- Smoke and vapour effects used in entertainment 6/96
- Solder fume and you: An employee's guide INDG248
- Solvents Construction Information Sheet No 27 (revision 2)
- Stating your business INDG324
- Storage of flammable liquids in process areas, workrooms, laboratories and similar working areas
- Storing and Handling Ammonium Nitrate INDG230
- Storing and selling fireworks safely: Advice for anyone selling fireworks INDG407
- Striking the balance between operational and health and safety duties in the Fire and Rescue Service
- Striking the balance between operational and health and safety duties in the Police Service: An explanatory note
- Sun Protection advice for employers of outdoor workers 04/01
- Supervising for safety in woodworking
- Supplying new machinery: A short guide to the law and your responsibilities when supplying machinery for use at work INDG270 (rev2)
- Support disabled workers and workers with long-term health conditions in work
- Tackling Occupational Disease - Current activity and future plans
- Tackling work-related stress using the Management Standards approach: A step-by-step workbook
- Take care with Acetylene INDG327
- Take care with Oxygen HSE8 (rev2)
- Talking Toolkit: Preventing work-related stress in schools
- Talking toolkit: Support disabled workers and workers with long-term health conditions in work
- Technical note - Workplace injury and work-related illness survey modules of the Labour Force Survey: Background and methods
- Telescopic materials handlers (telehandlers)
- Thorough examination and testing of lifts: Simple guidance for lift owners INDG339(rev1)
- Time to clear the air! A workers' pocket guide to local exhaust ventilation (LEV) INDG409
- Time to clear the air! Protect your lungs when using cut-off saws MISC830
- A toolbox talk on leaning ladder and stepladder safety INDG403
- Top tips for ladder and stepladder safety INDG405
- Topic Inspection Pack: Hand-Arm Vibration
- Tractor action: a step-by-step guide to using tractors safety INDG185 (rev1)
- Understanding ergonomics at work INDG90 (rev2)
- Use lift trucks safely: Advice for operators INDG457
- Using access equipment safely in building maintenance
- Using a Class H vacuum cleaner for asbestos: Equipment and method sheet
- Using contractors: A brief guide INDG368(rev1)
- Using cut-off saws: A guide to protecting your lungs INDG461
- VDU workstation checklist: Checklist for safety representatives
- Vaccination of laboratory workers handling vaccinia and related poxviruses infectious for humans
- Veterinary medicines - Safe use by farmers and other animal handlers
- Violence at Work - a guide for employers INDG69 (rev)
- Violence in the education sector
- Watch Your Back - Avoiding Backstrain in Timber Handling and Chainsaw Work INDG145
- Welfare facilities: What you need to know as a busy builder
- The Well Managed Organisation - Guidelines for Boards
- What is the issue over copper ionisation in legionella control?
- What steps should I take to manage access to large waste and recycling bins?
- What to expect when a Workplace Contact Officer calls WCOVL 100
- The Work at height Access and Information Toolkit (WAIT)
- Work Equipment and Machinery - Instructions
- Work Equipment and Machinery - New Machinery
- Work with asbestos cement EH 36
- Work with asbestos cement EH 36 (Revised)
- Work with asbestos insulating board EH 37
- Working at Height: A brief guide INDG401 (rev2)
- Working safely with ionising radiation: Guidelines for expectant or breastfeeding mothers INDG334(rev1)
- Workplace exposure limits: Containing the list of workplace exposure limits for use with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended) EH40/2005
- Work-related stress - A short guide INDG281 rev1
- Work-related stress, mental health, and Working Minds - The HSE Podcast
- Work-related violence case studies - Other health professionals: Environment inspectors
- Work-related violence case studies - Public transport: Customer Service Officer
- Work-related violence case studies - Security and protective services: Police officers
- Work-related violence - Lone workers
- Working on Roofs INDG284
- Working Safely with Acetylene INDG327
- Working safely with agricultural machinery INDG241 (rev1)
- Working safely with metalworking fluids: A guide for employees INDG365 (rev1)
- Working with solvents: A guide to safe working practices INDG273 (rev1)
- Working with Asbestos in Buildings INDG289
- Working with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus
- Working with substances hazardous to health: What you need to know about COSHH - INDG136 (rev4)
- Working with VDUs INDG36 (rev2)
- Workplace health, safety and welfare: A short guide for managers INDG244 (rev2)
- Workplace transport safety: An overview INDG199 (rev1)
- Written Schemes of Examination: Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 INDG178 (rev2)
- Your health, your safety: A guide for workers HSE27E (rev1)
- HSE Reports
- Agriculture, forestry and fishing statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Agriculture, forestry and fishing statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Anonymised Summary and Analysis of Feedback for HFO Consultative Document CD262
- Asbestos-related disease statistics, Great Britain 2023
- Buncefield: Why did it happen? The underlying causes of the explosion and fire at the Buncefield oil storage depot, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire on 11 December 2005
- Building Safety Regulator Strategic Plan 2023-26
- Case Study: Scottish Power - Power generation company gets to grips with process safety
- Construction statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Construction statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Control and management of hazardous substances in semiconductor manufacturers in Great Britain in 2009
- Cross Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report 2012/13
- Cross Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report 2013/14
- Cross Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report 2014/15
- Cross Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report 2015/16
- Cross Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report 2016/17
- Cross Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report 2017/18
- Cross Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report Autumn 2018 to Autumn 2019
- Cross Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report Autumn 2019 to Autumn 2020
- Cross-Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report Autumn 2020 to Autumn 2021
- Cross-Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report Autumn 2021 to Autumn 2022
- Cross-Government Group on Gas Safety and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness: Annual Report Autumn 2022 to Autumn 2023
- Education statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Education statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Exposure to lead in Great Britain, 2022
- Fee for Intervention (FFI) - The First Eighteen Month's Experience
- Health and Safety Commission Business Plan 2007/08
- Health and Safety Commission Annual Report and the Health and Safety Commission/Executive Accounts 2001/02
- Health and Safety Commission Annual Report and the Health and Safety Commission/Executive Accounts 2002/03
- Health and Safety Commission Annual Report and the Health and Safety Commission/Executive Accounts 2003/04
- Health and Safety Commission Annual Report and the Health and Safety Commission/Executive Accounts 2004/05
- Health and Safety Commission Annual Report and the Health and Safety Commission/Executive Accounts 2005/06
- Health and Safety Commission Annual Report and the Health and Safety Commission/Executive Accounts 2006/07
- Health and Safety Commission Annual Report and the Health and Safety Commission/Executive Accounts 2007/08
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2010/11
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2013/14
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2014/15
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2015/16
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2017/18
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Report and Accounts 2022/23
- Health and Safety Executive (HSE) response to the IChemE report 'An independent review of HSE methodology for assessing societal risk'
- Health effects of particles produced for nanotechnologies
- HSE Business Plan 2017/18
- HSE Business Plan 2018/19
- HSE Business Plan 2019/20
- HSE Business Plan 2020/21
- HSE Business Plan 2021/22
- HSE Business Plan 2022/23
- HSE Foresight Annual Report 2016
- HSE Foresight Annual Report 2017/18
- HSE Foresight Annual Report 2019
- HSE Foresight Annual Report 2020
- HSE Science and Evidence Plan 2016-2017
- HSE Science and Evidence Strategy 2016 - 2020
- HSE Summary Science Plan 2012-2015
- HSE Annual Science Review 2016
- HSE Annual Science Review 2017
- HSE Annual Science Review 2018
- HSE Annual Science Review 2019
- HSE Annual Science Review 2020
- HSE Annual Science Review 2021
- HSE Annual Science Review 2022
- HSE Annual Science Review 2023
- HSE Annual Science Review 2024
- HSE's Corporate Plan for Internal Health and Safety for 2009/10
- HSE's Corporate Plan for Internal Health and Safety for 2015/16
- HSE's Science and Evidence Delivery Plan 2017-2018
- HSE's Science and Evidence Delivery Plan 2018-2019
- HSE's Science and Evidence Delivery Plan 2019-2020
- HSE's Science and Evidence Delivery Plan 2020-2023
- HSE's Science and Evidence Delivery Plan 2021-2024
- Human health and social work activities statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Human health and social work activities statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- An independent review of HSE methodology for assessing societal risk: Prepared by the Institution of Chemical Engineers for the Interdepartmental Task Group on Societal Risk January 2006
- Inspection Findings: Asbestos management in Local Authority school system buildings 2009/10
- Key Programme 3 - Asset Integrity: A review of industry's progress. A report by the Offshore Division of HSE's Hazardous Installations Directorate
- Key Programme 4 (KP4) Ageing and life extension: An interim report by the Offshore Division of HSE's Hazardous Installations Directorate
- Managing asbestos in schools outside local authority control: Results of survey
- Managing asbestos in system built schools
- Manufacturing statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Manufacturing statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Mesothelioma statistics for Great Britain, 2021
- Mesothelioma statistics for Great Britain, 2023
- Occupational Cancer statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Occupational Cancer statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Occupational Lung Disease statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Occupational Lung Disease statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Pesticide Incidents Report - Field Operations Directorate investigations: 1 April 2010 - 31 March 2011
- Pesticide Incidents Report - Field Operations Directorate investigations: 1 April 2011 - 31 March 2012
- Pesticide Incidents Report - Field Operations Directorate investigations: 1 April 2012 - 31 March 2013
- Post Implementation Review of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - S.I. 2012/632
- Protecting people and places: HSE strategy 2022 to 2032
- Psychosocial Working Conditions in Britain in 2007
- Psychosocial Working Conditions in Britain in 2008
- Public administration and defence; compulsory social security statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Public administration and defence; compulsory social security statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Questionnaire survey on asbestos management in local authority system built schools - Alphabetical list of responses
- A review of high-cost chemical/petrochemical accidents since Flixborough 1974
- Review of the adequacy of current regulatory regimes to secure effective regulation of nanoparticles created by nanotechnology: The regulations covered by HSE
- Risks from handling explosives in ports
- Safe use of belt conveyors in mines: Topic report
- Safety and environmental standards for fuel storage sites: Final report
- Science Report 2014
- Science Report 2015
- Self-reported work-related illness and workplace injuries in 2007/08: Results from the Labour Force Survey
- Silicosis and coal workers' pneumoconiosis statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Silicosis and coal workers' pneumoconiosis statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Societal Risk and the consideration of technical and policy issues
- Statistics on fatal injuries in the workplace 2011/12: Full-year details and technical notes
- Transportation and storage statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Transportation and storage statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Trends in workplace injury and the impact of the economic cycle
- UK Offshore Public Transport Helicopter Safety Record (1976 - 2002)
- The use of Nanomaterials in UK Universities: An overview of occupational health and safety
- Violence at work 2012/13: Findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales
- Waste statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Waste statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Fatal injuries arising from accidents at work in Great Britain 2017
- Workplace fatal injuries in Great Britain 2018
- Workplace fatal injuries in Great Britain 2020
- Workplace fatal injuries in Great Britain 2021
- Workplace fatal injuries in Great Britain 2022
- Work-related fatal injuries in Great Britain, 2023
- Work-related Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Work-related Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Work-related musculoskeletal disorders statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Work-related musculoskeletal disorders statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Work-related skin disease statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Work-related skin disease statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Work-related stress, anxiety or depression statistics in Great Britain, 2022
- Work-related stress, depression or anxiety statistics in Great Britain, 2023
- Work-related deaths: A protocol for liaison (England and Wales)
- Work-related deaths: A protocol for liaison (Scotland)
- HSE - Health and Safety Newsletter
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 29
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 30
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 31
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 32
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 33
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 34
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 35
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 36
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 37
- Health and Safety Newsletter - Issue 38
- Memorandum of Understanding
- HSE Speeches
- HSE Offshore Information Sheets
- HSE Statistics
- Health and Safety Statistics Highlights 2001/02
- Health and Safety Statistics Highlights 2002/03
- Health and Safety Statistics Highlights 2003/04
- Health and Safety Statistics 2004/05
- Health and Safety Statistics 2005/06
- Health and Safety Statistics 2006/07
- Health and Safety Statistics 2007/08
- Health and Safety Statistics 2008/09
- Health and Safety Executive Statistics 2009/10
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Statistics Report 2010/11
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Statistics Report 2011/12
- Health and Safety Executive Annual Statistics Report for Great Britain 2012/13
- Health and Safety Statistics Annual Report for Great Britain 2013/14
- Health and Safety Statistics Annual Report for Great Britain 2014/15
- Health and safety at work: Summary statistics for Great Britain 2016
- Health and safety at work: Summary statistics for Great Britain 2017
- Health and safety at work: Summary statistics for Great Britain 2018
- Health and safety at work: Summary statistics for Great Britain 2019
- Health and safety at work: Summary statistics for Great Britain 2020
- Health and safety at work: Summary statistics for Great Britain 2021
- Health and safety at work: Summary statistics for Great Britain 2022
- Health and safety at work: Summary statistics for Great Britain 2023
- HSE Offshore Statistics
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2013/2014
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2014/2015
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2015
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2016
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2017
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2018
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2019
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2020
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2021
- Annual Offshore Statistics and Regulatory Activity Report 2022
- Offshore Hydrocarbon Releases Statistics and Analysis, 2002
- Offshore Injury, Ill Health and Incident Statistics 2004/2005
- Offshore Injury, Ill Health and Incident Statistics 2005/2006
- Offshore Injury, Ill Health and Incident Statistics 2006/2007
- Offshore Injury, Ill Health and Incident Statistics 2007/2008
- Offshore Injury, Ill Health and Incident Statistics 2008/2009
- Offshore Injury, Ill Health and Incident Statistics 2009/2010
- Offshore Injury, Ill Health and Incident Statistics 2010/2011
- Offshore Injury, Ill Health and Incident Statistics 2011/2012
- Offshore Injury, Ill Health and Incident Statistics 2012/2013
- Offshore Safety Statistics Bulletin 2006/2007: Fatal and Major Injuries to Offshore Workers
- Offshore Safety Statistics Bulletin 2007/2008: Fatal and major injuries to offshore workers
- Offshore Safety Statistics Bulletin 2008/2009: Fatal and major injuries to offshore workers
- Offshore Safety Statistics Bulletin 2009/2010: Fatal and major injuries to offshore workers
- Offshore Safety Statistics Bulletin 2010/2011: Fatal and major injuries to offshore workers
- Offshore Safety Statistics Bulletin 2011/2012: Fatal and major injuries to offshore workers
- Health and Safety Regulation
- Falls From Vehicles - Information sheets
- Falls From Vehicles - Case studies
- 3663 First for Foodservice - Reduction in accidents thanks to vehicle changes
- Balfour Beatty and Billingtons join forces for safer sites
- Balfour Beatty saves time and increases safety
- Bovis Lend Lease and William Hare Ltd working together
- Milbank Trucks reduce the risks of falls from vehicles
- Morrisons make it safer for their drivers and fitters
- MultiServ reduce the risk of slips and trips
- Shanks Waste Management Ltd - Footwear changes lead to reduction in ankle injuries
- Shepherd Group's solution to working at height
- Travis Perkins - building safer deliveries - Reduction in accidents thanks to vehicle changes
- Warburtons change vehicles to reduce accidents
- Wickes makes home improvements - Reduction in accidents thanks to vehicle changes
- Managing competence for safety-related systems
- Plastics Processing Sheet - Case studies
- Controlling fume during plastics processing PPIS13
- Fire and explosion risks from pentane in expandable polystyrene (EPS) PPIS1
- How to reduce hand knife injuries PPIS12
- Reducing the risk of fire or explosion during the manufacture of fibre-reinforced plastic products PPIS15
- Safety at blow moulding machines PPIS5
- Safety at compression moulding machines PPIS9
- Safety at extruder lines PPIS7
- Safety at granulators PPIS10
- Safety at injection moulding machines PPIS4
- Safety at thermoforming machines PPIS6
- Safety at window frame manufacturing machines PPIS8
- Safety requirements for plastic sheet and film winders PPIS11
- Styrene control in fibre-reinforced plastics contact moulding PPIS14
- HSE Agriculture Information Sheets (AIS)
- Cattle and public access in England and Wales: Advice for farmers, landowners and other livestock keepers AIS17EW (rev1)
- Controlling grain dust on farms
- Gassing of rabbits and vertebrate pests AIS22
- Guidance on storing pesticides for farmers and other professional users AIS16
- Handling and housing cattle
- Operator seat restraints for tractors and mobile work equipment in agriculture and forestry
- Power-fed mobile wood chippers: Operator protection at infeed chutes AIS38
- Preventing or controlling ill health from animal contact at visitor attractions
- Safe use of big round balers AIS4
- Safe use of combine harvesters
- Safe use of potato harvesters
- Safe use of rotary flail hedge cutters AIS21
- HSE Medical Guidance Notes
- Asbestos MS 13
- Handling cytotoxic drugs in isolators in NHS pharmacies MS37
- Medical aspects of occupational skin disease
- Offshore first-aid qualifications: A guide for training organisations approved under the Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (First-Aid) Regulations 1989 MS38
- Offshore medic qualifications: A guide for training organisations approved under the Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (First-Aid) Regulations 1989 MS39
- HSE Catering Information Sheets (CAIS)
- Gas safety in catering and hospitality CAIS23 (rev1)
- Maintenance priorities in catering CAIS12
- Managing risk in catering and hospitality: Your responsibilities CAIS25
- Preventing back pain and other aches and pains to kitchen and food service staff CAIS24
- Preventing exposure to carbon monoxide from use of solid fuel appliances in commercial kitchens CAIS26
- Preventing slips and trips in kitchens and food service CAIS6
- Safe use of cleaning chemicals in the hospitality industry Catering Information Sheet No 22
- Safety during emptying and cleaning of fryers CAIS17
- Ventilation in catering kitchens CAIS10
- HSE Construction Information Sheets (CIS)
- Construction Dust - CIS36 (Revision 2)
- Construction dust: What you need to know as a busy builder CIS78
- Construction fire safety - CIS51
- Construction Phase Plan (CDM 2015): What you need to know as a busy builder CIS80
- Construction site transport safety: Safe use of site dumpers CIS52 (Revision 1)
- Old lead paint: What you need to know as a busy builder CIS79
- Preventing injury during plasterboard handling: What you need to know as a busy builder CIS76
- Preventing injury from handling heavy blocks: What you need to know as a busy builder CIS77
- HSE Diving Information Sheets (DVIS)
- Bell run and lock-out times, and bell run times in relation to habitats DVIS7
- Cleaning of diving equipment DVIS12
- Differential pressure hazards in diving DVIS13
- Diver's breathing gas standard and the frequency of examination and tests DVIS9
- Diving cylinders: Guidance on internal corrosion, fitting valves and filling DVIS10
- Diving in benign conditions, and in pools, tanks, aquariums and helicopter underwater escape training DVIS8
- Exposure limits for air diving operations DVIS5
- The noise exposure of working divers: Guidance on the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 DVIS14
- HSE Docks Information Sheets (DIS)
- HSE Engineering Information Sheets (EIS)
- Asphyxiation hazards in welding and allied processes EIS45
- Control of exposure to triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC) in coating powders EIS15 (rev2)
- Exposure to cadmium in silver soldering or brazing EIS31
- Liquid dye penetrants containing CI Solvent Red 164: Safe use in detecting flaws or cracks in metal EIS46
- Pneumonia vaccination for employees exposed to welding and metal fume EIS44
- The use of emery cloth on metalworking lathes EIS2
- HSE Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances (MDHS)
- General methods for sampling and gravimetric analysis of respirable, thoracic and inhalable aerosols MDHS14/4
- Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances: Organic isocyanates in air
- Organic isocyanates in air: Laboratory method with derivatisation in situ either on treated glass fibre filters or in solution using impingers with a treated back-up filter in series, followed by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis MDHS25/4
- Asbestos fibres in air - Determination of personal exposure by the European Reference version of the membrane filter method (MDHS 39)
- Determination of rubber process dust and rubber fume (measured as cyclohexane-soluble material) in air: Laboratory method using sample collection on filters, gravimetric determination and soxhlet extraction MDHS47/3
- Hexavalent chromium in chromium plating mists: Colorimetric field method using 1,5-diphenylcarbazide and spectrophotometry or colour comparator MDHS52/4
- 1,3-Butadiene in air: Laboratory method using pumped samplers, thermal desorption and gas chromatography MDHS53/2
- Hydrogen cyanide in air: Laboratory method using ion-selective electrode MDHS56/3
- Acrylamide in air: Laboratory method using an impinger and analysis by high performance liquid chromatography MDHS57/2
- Machine-made fibres: Airborne number concentration and classification by phase contrast light microscopy MDHS59/2
- Aromatic carboxylic acid anhydrides in air: Laboratory method using glass fibre filter with sorbent back-up tube and liquid chromatography MDHS62/2
- 1,3-Butadiene in air: Laboratory method using diffusive samplers, thermal desorption and gas chromatography MDHS63/2
- Volatile organic compounds in air: Laboratory method using pumped solid sorbent tubes, thermal desorption and gas chromatography MDHS72
- Aromatic amines in air and on surfaces: Laboratory method using pumped acid coated filters, moistened swabs and HPLC MDHS75/2
- Peroxodisulphate salts in air: Laboratory method using sample collection on filters and analysis by ion chromatography MDHS79/2
- The dust lamp: A simple tool for observing the presence of airborne particles MDHS82/2
- Resin acids in rosin (colophony) solder flux fume: Laboratory method using gas chromatography MDHS83/3
- HSE Woodworking Information Sheets (WIS)
- Four-sided moulding machine: Safe working practices WIS40 (Revision 1)
- Noise reduction at band re-saws WIS4
- Occupational hygiene and health surveillance at industrial treatment plants WIS29 (rev1)
- Reducing noise at woodworking machines WIS13
- Retrofitting woodworking machine brakes WIS38
- Routers and machining centres: Safe working practices WIS22
- Stacking round timber, sawn timber and board materials: Safe working practices WIS2
- Tooling for use with hand-fed woodworking machines WIS37
- Veneer guillotines: Safe working practices WIS20
- HSE COSHH Essentials for Woodworkers
- Advice for managers WD0
- Bandsaw WD1
- Circular bench saw WD2
- Cross-cut saw WD3
- Vertical spindle moulder WD4
- Overhead and CNC routers WD5
- Sanding machines - hand held (portable belt, disc and orbital) WD7
- Wall saw WD10
- Surface planer WD11
- Fixed sanding machines (narrow belt) WD12
- Fixed sanding machines (disc) WD13
- Fixed sanding machines (drum/bobbin) WD14
- Chop saw WD15
- Suction hose attachment for cleaning WD17
- HSE Plant and Machinery series
- HSE Waste and Recycling Industry Publications
- Compaction equipment: Managing user and public safety Waste 08 (rev1)
- Designing and operating material recovery facilities (MRFs) safely Waste 13 (rev1)
- Health and hazardous substances in waste and recycling WASTE27
- Health and safety training: Guidelines for the waste management and recycling industry
- Managing health and safety in civic amenity sites
- Managing offensive / hygiene waste safely WASTE 22 (rev1)
- Petrol recovery from end-of-life vehicles WASTE10
- Safe transport in the waste and recycling industry WASTE09
- Safe waste and recycling collection services WASTE23
- Storing hazardous wastes at household waste recycling centres
- Waste and recycling vehicles in street collection
- Chemical and Downstream Oil Industry Forum (CDOIF)
- Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks
- Environmental Risk Tolerability for COMAH Establishments
- Functional Safety Management of Installed Safety Instrumented Systems
- Human Factors Review of Procedures
- Leak Detection
- Preparing for a Flood: Guidance and Best Practice
- Process Safety Leadership Group - Other Products in Scope
- Supplement to Guideline 'Environmental Risk Tolerability for COMAH Establishments' - Complex Site Example
- Supplement to Guideline 'Environmental Risk Tolerability for COMAH Establishments' - Frequently Asked Questions
- Supplement to Guideline 'Environmental Risk Tolerability for COMAH Establishments' - Storage Terminal Example
- Terminal Loading Operations Hazard Awareness
- The Use of External Contractors in the Management of Ageing Plant
- HSE Management Standards for Tackling Work Related Stress
- Action plan
- An Example of a Stress Policy
- Are You Doing Enough?
- How to Organise and Run Focus Groups
- HSE Analysis Tool User Manual
- HSE Indicator Tool for Work Related Stress
- HSE Indicator Tool User Manual
- The Management Standards
- Overview: The Management Standards and the 5 Steps to Risk Assessment
- Securing Management Commitment
- Step 1 - Identify the hazards
- Step 2 - Decide who might be harmed and how
- Step 3 - Evaluate the risk and take action
- Step 4 - Record your findings
- Step 5 - Monitor and review
- HSE/AFAG Forestry and Arboriculture Safety Leaflets
- Aerial tree rescue AFAG402
- Application of pesticides by hand-held equipment AFAG202
- All-terrain vehicles AFAG702
- ATV quad bikes AFAG701
- Basic chainsaw felling and manual takedown AFAG302
- Chainsaw clearance of windblow AFAG306
- Chainsaw cross-cutting and manual stacking AFAG304
- Chainsaw felling of large trees AFAG307
- Chainsaw snedding AFAG303
- Clearing saw AFAG203
- Electricity at work: Forestry and arboriculture AFAG804
- Emergency planning AFAG802
- Excavators in tree work AFAG704
- Extraction by cable crane AFAG504
- Extraction by forwarder AFAG503
- Extraction by horse AFAG506
- Extraction by skidder AFAG502
- Fencing AFAG104
- Flails and mulchers in tree work AFAG204
- Hand-held power posthole borer AFAG105
- Hand tool weeding, brashing and pruning AFAG201
- Mobile circular saw bench AFAG601
- Mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) for tree work AFAG403
- Mobile peeling machine AFAG602
- Mechanical harvesting AFAG603
- Mechanical roadside processing AFAG605
- Mobile stump grinders AFAG606
- Planting AFAG103
- Pre-planting spraying of container-grown seedlings AFAG102
- Top-handled chainsaws AFAG308 (rev1)
- Tractor units in tree work AFAG501
- Training and certification AFAG805
- Tree climbing operations AFAG401
- Use of winches in directional felling and takedown AFAG310
- Using petrol-driven chainsaws AFAG301
- Wood chippers AFAG604 (rev1)
- Asbestos Essentials
- Equipment and method sheets
- Risk assessments and plans of work EM0
- What to do if you discover or accidentally disturb asbestos during your work EM1
- Information, instruction and training EM2
- Building and dismantling a mini-enclosure EM3
- Using a Class H vacuum cleaner for asbestos EM4
- Wetting asbestos materials EM5
- Personal Protective Equipment (including RPE) EM6
- Using damp rags to clean surfaces of minor asbestos contamination EM7
- Personal Decontamination EM8
- Disposal of asbestos waste EM9
- Statement of cleanliness after textured coating removal EM10
- Work with asbestos cement (AC) (non-licensed)
- Drilling holes in asbestos cement (AC) and other highly bonded materials A9
- Cleaning debris from gutters on an asbestos cement (AC) roof A10
- Removing asbestos cement (AC) debris A11
- Cleaning weathered asbestos cement (AC) roofing and cladding A12
- Repairing damaged asbestos cement (AC) A13
- Removing asbestos cement (AC) sheets, gutters etc and dismantling a small AC structure A14
- Removing an asbestos cement (AC) or reinforced plastic product, e.g. tank, duct, water cistern A15
- Painting asbestos cement (AC) products A16
- Replacing an asbestos cement (AC) flue or duct A35
- Removing an asbestos cement (AC) panel outside, beside or beneath a window A36
- Working with textured coatings (TC) containing asbestos (non-licensed)
- Strictly controlled minor work on Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB)
- Drilling holes in asbestos insulating board (AIB) A1
- Removing a single (screwed-in) asbestos insulating board (AIB) ceiling tile A2
- Removing a door with asbestos insulating board (AIB) fireproofing A3
- Removing a single asbestos insulation board (AIB) panel, less than 1 m2, fixed with nails or screws A4
- Cleaning light fittings attached to asbestos insulating board (AIB) A5
- Repairing minor damage to asbestos insulating board (AIB) A6
- Painting undamaged asbestos insulating board (AIB) A7
- Safe work with undamaged asbestos materials
- Removal and replacement of other asbestos containing materials
- Removing asbestos paper linings A17
- Removing asbestos friction linings A18
- Removing an asbestos fire blanket A19
- Removing asbestos-containing bituminous products, such as roofing felt, gutter linings or damp-proof courses A21
- Removing metal cladding lined with asbestos-containing bitumen A22
- Removing asbestos-containing floor tiles and mastic A23
- Removing flexible asbestos textile duct connectors (gaiters) A24
- Removing compressed asbestos fibre (CAF) gaskets and asbestos rope seals A25
- Removing an asbestos-containing 'arc shield' from electrical switchgear A30
- Removing a single asbestos-containing gas or electric heater A31
- Replacing an asbestos-containing part in a 'period' domestic appliance A32
- Replacing an asbestos-containing fuse box or a single fuse assembly A33
- Removing asbestos-containing mastic, sealant, beading, filler, putty or fixing A37
- Fly-tipped waste
- Equipment and method sheets
- HSE Operational Circulars
- HSE Operational Guidance
- Agriculture Sector Work Plan 2019-20: Inspection of farms with beef and dairy cattle
- Agriculture Sector Work Plan 2019-20: Inspection of farms with beef and dairy cattle (Inspection in conjunction with Agriculture Compliance Events. Follow-up evaluation inspection of 2018/2019 ACE premises)
- Agriculture Sector Work Plan 2020/21: Inspection of farms with beef and dairy cattle, inspection in conjunction with Agriculture Compliance Events. Follow-up evaluation inspection of 2019/2020 ACE visits
- Agriculture Sector Work Plan 2022/23: inspection of farms with beef and dairy cattle; inspection in conjunction with Agriculture Compliance Events; evaluation inspection of 2021/2022 ACE visits; inspection of management of risk from overhead powerlines on farms; and a programme of forestry inspections
- Arrangements for drilling notifications and enforcement at onshore borehole sites
- Asbestos Regulation 7 plans of work - purpose and core principles
- Assessing the use and effectiveness of acoustic warning signals
- Civil Proceedings in England and Wales
- COMAH Competent Authority process for exempting a local authority from the requirement to prepare an external emergency plan under the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015
- Construction Dust: Inspection and Enforcement Guidance
- Construction - Welfare standards
- Control of Legionella: Inspection of evaporative cooling systems and investigation of outbreaks, clusters and single cases of Legionnaires' disease
- Cyber Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS)
- Dealing with Asbestos Contamination Incidents/Events
- Downstream gas events handling and investigation procedures
- Enforcement of Pesticide Legislation
- Hand-arm vibration: Inspection and Enforcement Guidance
- Inspection of the management of risk from Violence and Aggression and Musculoskeletal Disorders in Healthcare 2021-2022 (incorporating assessment of measures to control COVID-19 risks)
- Inspection of Violence and Aggression and Musculoskeletal Disorders in Healthcare 2019-2020
- Managing fire risk during cladding and insulation removal and replacement on tall buildings - guidance for inspectors
- Manufacturing Sector Work Plan 2018-19: Musculoskeletal Disorders in Food Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Sector Work Plan 2019-20: Musculoskeletal Disorders in Food and Drink Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Sector Work Plan 2019-20: Occupational Lung Disease (OLD) caused by asthmagens, carcinogens and Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS), in manufacturing industries
- Manufacturing Sector Work Plan 2021-22: Impact Evaluation Inspections - Occupational lung disease (OLD) caused by wood dust in manufacturing industries
- Manufacturing Sector Work Plan 2021-22: Occupational Lung Disease (OLD) caused by Asthmagens and Carcinogens, in the Fabricated Metal Sector
- Manufacturing Sector Work Plan 2022-23: Occupational lung disease (OLD) caused by wood dust in wood working and furniture making industries
- Moving and Handling Construction Materials
- National Fairground Inspection Team (NFIT) Sector Workplan 2019/20
- National Fairground Inspection Team (NFIT) Sector Workplan 2021/2022
- National Fairground Inspection Team (NFIT) Sector Workplan 2022/2023
- Obtaining Criminal Records, Disciplinary Records and Adverse Judicial Findings
- Onshore decommissioning and dismantling of offshore installations - Intervention planning
- The Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996
- Preventing or controlling ill health from animal contact at animal visitor attractions - Guidance on inspection and enforcement
- Structural safety: Action by inspectors including liaison with local authorities
- Tackling labour abuse - joint working and intelligence sharing
- Transport and Public Services UNIT; Work Plan 2019-20: Proactive inspections to assess the management of asbestos in buildings
- Transport and Public Services Unit - Work Plan 2022-23: Inspections to assess the management of asbestos in school buildings
- Understanding onshore oil and gas well notifications
- The Victim Personal Statement (VPS) scheme
- Waste & Recycling Sector Workplan 2022-23: Targeted Inspections
- Worker consultation - enforcement of Regulations
- HSE G Series
- Safety in the use of abrasive wheels HSG17
- Safety advice for bulk chlorine installations HSG28
- Health and safety in roof work HSG33
- Lighting at work HSG38
- Compressed Air Safety HSG39
- Safe handling of chlorine from drums and cylinders HSG40
- Avoiding danger from underground services HSG47
- Reducing error and influencing behaviour HSG48
- Storage of flammable liquids in containers HSG51
- Respiratory protective equipment at work: A practical guide HSG53
- Seating at work HSG57
- Upper limb disorders in the workplace HSG60
- Health surveillance at work HSG61
- Managing for health and safety HSG65
- Chemical warehousing: The storage of packaged dangerous substances HSG71
- Control of respirable crystalline silica in quarries HSG73
- Warehousing and storage: A guide to health and safety HSG76
- Dangerous goods in cargo transport units: Packing and carriage for transport by sea HSG78
- Electricity at work: Safe working practices HSG85
- Safety in the remote diagnosis of manufacturing plant and equipment HSG87
- The law on VDUs: An easy guide. Making sure your office complies with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (as amended in 2002) HSG90
- Safe use and storage of cellular plastics HSG92
- The radiation safety of lasers used for display purposes HSG95
- A step by step guide to COSHH assessment HSG97
- The cost to Britain of workplace accidents and work-related ill health in 1995/96 HSG101
- Safe handling of combustible dusts: Precautions against explosions HSG103
- Maintaining portable electrical equipment HSG107
- Control of noise in quarries HSG109
- Health and safety at motor sport events: A guide for employers and organisers HSG112
- Lift trucks in potentially flammable atmospheres HSG113
- Working together on firework displays: A guide to safety for firework display organisers and operators HSG123
- Giving your own firework display: How to run and fire it safely HSG124
- Health and Safety in Engineering Workshops HSG129
- Energetic and spontaneously combustible substances: Identification and safe handling HSG131
- How to deal with sick building syndrome: Guidance for employers, building owners and building managers HSG132
- Preventing violence to retail staff HSG133
- Storage and handling of industrial nitrocellulose HSG135
- A guide to workplace transport safety HSG136
- Health risk management: A practical guide for managers in small and medium-sized enterprises HSG137
- The safe use of compressed gases in welding, flame cutting and allied processes HSG139
- Safe use and handling of flammable liquids HSG140
- Electrical safety on construction sites HSG141
- Designing and operating safe chemical reaction processes HSG143
- The safe use of vehicles on construction sites: A guide for clients, designers, contractors, managers and workers involved with construction transport HSG144
- Health and safety in construction HSG150
- Protecting the public: Your next move HSG151
- Managing crowds safely: A guide for organisers at events and venues HSG154
- Flame arresters: Preventing the spread of fires and explosions in equipment that contains flammable gases and vapours HSG158
- Managing contractors: A guide for employers HSG159
- Formula for health and safety: Guidance for small and medium-sized firms in the chemical industry HSG166
- Biological monitoring in the workplace: A guide to its practical application to chemical exposure HSG167
- Fire safety in construction HSG168
- Vibration Solutions: Practical ways to reduce the risk of hand-arm vibration injury HSG170
- Health and safety in sawmilling HSG172
- Monitoring strategies for toxic substances HSG173
- Fairgrounds and amusement parks: Guidance on safe practice HSG175
- Anthrax: Safe working and the prevention of infection HSG174
- Storage of flammable liquids in tanks HSG176
- The spraying of flammable liquids HSG178
- Managing health and safety in Dockwork HSG177
- Managing health and safety in swimming pools HSG179
- Application of electro-sensitive protective equipment using light curtains and light beam devices to machinery HSG180
- The bulk transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between ship and shore HSG186
- Control of diesel engine exhaust emissions in the workplace HSG187
- Preparing Safety Reports: Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 HSG190
- Emergency planning for major accidents: Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH) HSG191
- The event safety guide: A guide to health, safety and welfare at music and similar events HSG195
- Moving food and drink: Manual handling solutions for the food and drink industries HSG196
- A task manual for building, maintenance and allied trades on non-licensed asbestos work HSG210
- Controlling exposure to stone dust HSG201
- Aircraft turnround: A guide for airport and aerodrome operators, airlines and service providers on achieving control, co-operation and co-ordination HSG209
- Involving employees in health and safety: Forming partnerships in the chemical industry HSG217
- Managing health and safety in zoos HSG219
- Health and safety in care homes HSG220
- Technical guidance on the safe use of lifting equipment offshore HSG221
- The regulatory requirements for medical exposure to ionising radiation: An employer's overview HSG223
- A comprehensive guide to managing asbestos in premises HSG227
- CHIP for everyone: Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009 (CHIP) HSG228
- Work-related violence case studies: Managing the risk in smaller businesses HSG229
- Keeping electrical switchgear safe HSG230
- Sound solutions for the food and drink industries: Reducing noise in food and drink manufacturing HSG232
- A baker's dozen: Thirteen essentials for health and safety in bakeries HSG233
- Caring for cleaners: Guidance and case studies on how to prevent musculoskeletal disorders HSG234
- Bulk storage of acids: Guidance on the storage of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid in tanks HSG235
- Power presses: Maintenance and thorough examination HSG236
- Out of Control: Why control systems go wrong and how to prevent failure HSG238
- Managing health and safety at recreational dive sites HSG240
- Remotely operated shutoff valves (ROSOVs) for emergency isolation of hazardous substances HSG244
- Investigating accidents and incidents: A workbook for employers, unions, safety representatives and safety professionals HSG245
- Safety in the storage and handling of steel and other metal stock
- Asbestos: The licensed contractors' guide HSG247
- Asbestos: The Analysts' Guide HSG248
- Managing sickness absence and return to work: An employers' and managers' guide HSG249
- Guidance on permit-to-work systems: A guide for the petroleum, chemical and allied industries HSG250
- Fumigation: Health and safety guidance for employers and technicians carrying out fumigation operations HSG251
- A recipe for safety: Health and safety in food and drink manufacture HSG252
- The safe isolation of plant and equipment HSG253
- Developing process safety indicators: A step-by-step guide for chemical and major hazard industries HSG254
- Managing shiftwork: Health and safety guidance HSG256
- Occupational health services in higher and further education HSG257
- Controlling airborne contaminants at work: A guide to local exhaust ventilation (LEV) HSG258
- Sound advice: Control of noise at work in music and entertainment HSG260
- Health and safety in motor vehicle repair and associated industries HSG261
- Managing skin exposure risks at work HSG262
- Involving your workforce in health and safety: Guidance for all workplaces HSG263
- Asbestos: The survey guide HSG264
- The health and safety toolbox: How to control risks at work HSG268
- Farmwise: Your essential guide to health and safety in agriculture HSG270
- Using Nanomaterials at Work: Including carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and other biopersistent high aspect ratio nanomaterials (HARNs) HSG272
- Legionnaires' disease: Technical guidance - Part 1: The control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems HSG274
- Legionnaires' disease: Technical guidance - Part 2: The control of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems HSG274
- Legionnaires' disease: Technical guidance - Part 3: The control of legionella bacteria in other risk systems HSG274
- Isocyanate paint spraying: Safely managing spray booths and rooms HSG276
- Making paper safely: Managing safety in the papermaking process HSG279
- Guidance for licence holders on the containment and control of specified animal pathogens HSG280
- Electromagnetic fields at work: A guide to the Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016 HSG281
- The control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems HSG282
- Managing infection risks when handling the deceased: Guidance for the mortuary, post-mortem room and funeral premises, and during exhumation HSG283
- HSE L Series
- Approved Classification and Labelling Guide. Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009 (CHIP 4) L131
- Approved tank requirements: The provisions for bottom loading and vapour recovery systems of mobile containers carrying petrol. Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Regulations 1996. Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Regulations 1996 L93
- The Coal Mines (Owner's Operating Rules) Regulations 1993 - Guidance on Regulations L47
- Commercial Diving Projects Inland / Inshore: Diving at Work Regulations 1997 L104
- Commercial Diving Projects Offshore: Diving at Work Regulations 1997 L103
- The compilation of safety data sheets L130
- Managing health and safety in construction: Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. Guidance on Regulations L153
- Consulting workers on health and safety: Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 (as amended) and Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 (as amended) L146
- Control of lead at work L132
- Control of substances hazardous to health: The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended) - Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L5 (Sixth edition)
- Control of substances hazardous to health in the production of pottery. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994. The Control of Lead at Work Regulations 1998. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 L60
- Controlling noise at work. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 L108
- Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres: Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 - Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L138
- Design, construction and installation of gas service pipes. Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996 L81
- Media Diving Projects: Diving at Work Regulations 1997 L106
- Explosives Regulations 2014: Guidance on Regulations - Safety Provisions L150
- Explosives Regulations 2014: Security Provisions - Guidance on Regulations L151
- First Aid at Mines: Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 - Approved Code of Practice L43
- First Aid at Work: The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 - Guidance on Regulations L74
- The Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2014 - Guidance on Regulations L29
- Guidance from the Licensing Authority on the Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 2004. The Activity Centres (Young Persons' Safety) Act 1995 L77
- The Mines Regulations 2014: Guidance on Regulations L149
- A guide to the Borehole Sites and Operations Regulations 1995 L72
- The Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 2015. Guidance on Regulations L111
- A guide to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 - Guidance on Regulations L80
- A guide to the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2000 L29
- A guide to the integrity, workplace environment and miscellaneous aspects of the Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc) Regulations 1996 - Guidance on Regulations L85
- A guide to the Offshore Installations and Pipelines Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995 - Guidance on Regulations L70
- A guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 L30
- A guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Representatives and Safety Committees) Regulations 1989 - Guidance on Regulations L110
- A guide to the Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996 - Guidance on Regulations L82
- The guide to the Placing on the Market and Supervision of Transfers of Explosives Regulations 1993 (POMSTER): Placing on the market and supervision of transfers of explosives Regulations 1993 - Guidance on Regulations L66
- A guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 L73
- A guide to the well aspects of the Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc) Regulations 1996 L84
- Hand-arm vibration. The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005. Guidance on Regulations L140
- Health and safety at quarries: Quarries Regulations 1999 - Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L118
- Health care and first aid on offshore installations and pipeline works: Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (First-Aid) Regulations 1989 - Approved Code of Practice and guidance L123
- Legionnaires' disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems L8
- Management of health and safety at work. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 L21
- Managing and Working with Asbestos: Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L143
- Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992: Guidance on Regulations L23
- Manufacture and Storage of Explosives: Manufacture and Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005 - Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L139
- The Offshore Installations (Offshore Safety Directive) (Safety Case etc) Regulations 2015. Guidance on Regulations L154
- Personal protective equipment at work. The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (as amended). Guidance on Regulations L25
- Prevention of fire and explosion, and emergency response on offshore installations: Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations 1995 - Approved Code of Practice and guidance L65
- The Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019 - Approved Code of Practice and guidance L126
- Recreational Diving Projects: Diving at Work Regulations 1997 L105
- Rider-operated lift trucks: Operator training and safe use L117
- Safe use of lifting equipment: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 L113
- Safe Use of Power Presses: Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (as applied to power presses) L112
- Safe Use of Woodworking Machinery: Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (as applied to woodworking machinery) L114
- Safe Use of Work Equipment: Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 L22
- Safe work in confined spaces: Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 L101
- Safety in Docks - Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L148
- Safety in the installation and use of gas systems and appliances. Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 as amended L56
- Safety of Pressure Systems: Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 L122
- Safety signs and signals: The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. Guidance on Regulations L64
- Scientific and Archaeological Diving Projects: Diving at Work Regulations 1997 L107
- Unloading petrol from road tankers: Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 L133
- Whole-body vibration L141
- Work with display screen equipment: Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 as amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002. Guidance on Regulations L26
- Work with ionising radiation: Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 - Approved Code of Practice and guidance L121
- Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare: Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 - Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L24
HSE Local Authority Circulars
- Access equipment
- Asbestos
- Electrical equipment
- Electricity
- Emergency procedures
- Enforcement
- Choice of appropriate enforcement procedure - LAC Number: 22/1
- Guidance for other people to accompany enforcement officers on site - LAC Number: 22/2 (rev1)
- Guidance on the appointment of Local Authority Inspectors to enforce the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 - LAC Number: 22/8
- LA Enforcement in premises in which they may have an interest - LAC Number: 22/10
- Incident Selection Criteria Guidance - LAC Number: 22/13 (rev1)
- Health and Safety Commission Enforcement Policy Statement (Revised January 2002) Further Guidance - LAC Number: 22/17
- Formal Cautions - HSE Guidance - LAC Number: 22/19
- Enforcing Authority
- Fire and Explosions
- Lifting Machinery
- Lifts
- Motor vehicle repair
- Occupational health
- Priority planning
- Protective equipment
- Slips, trips and falls
- Standards
- Transport
- Violence
- Work equipment
- Working Time
HSE Research Reports
- Human factors integration: Implementation in the onshore and offshore industries RR001
- Psychosocial aspects of work and health in the North Sea oil and gas industry: Summaries of reports published 1996 - 2001 RR002
- Investigation of shedding of slings from crane hooks - Phase 2 RR003
- Dermal exposure resulting from liquid contamination RR004
- The chronic health effects of exposure to biological agents: A systematic literature review RR006
- Manual handling in food/drink industries: Injury rate v weight of unit loads lifted RR007
- The development of a practical heat stress assessment methodology for use in UK industry RR008
- Safety of roll containers RR009
- How the Courts are interpreting HSE guidance and health and safety regulations: An exploratory study of Court Judgments in personal injury claims for WRULDs RR010
- Preliminary assessment of Linux for safety related systems RR011
- Dealing with differences of expert opinion RR012
- Hazard assessment of well operations from vessels RR013
- Ways for SMEs to assess and control risks from hazardous substances: Report of an international workshop held on 26 & 27 November 2001 RR014
- Mesoscale dynamics in the Faroese Channels RR015
- Guidelines for use of statistics for analysis of sample inspection of corrosion RR016
- Neuro-behavioural impairment after neurological decompression illness RR017
- Management of work related road safety RR018
- Sensitivity of jack-up reliability to wave-in-deck calculation RR019
- The contribution of individual factors to driving behaviour: Implications for managing work-related road safety RR020
- Investigation of numerical anomalies associated with Transco pipeline upgrade RR021
- Occupational lung disease in ferrous foundry workers RR022
- Flueless gas fires - concentration of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide, and particulate level produced in use RR023
- Review of existing supporting scientific knowledge to underpin standards of good practice for key work-related stressors - Phase 1 RR024
- Application of QRA in operational safety issues RR025
- Noise levels and noise exposure of workers in pubs and clubs - A review of the literature RR026
- Dioxin exposure from work related activities RR027
- Behavioural studies of people's attitudes to wearing hearing protection and how these might be changed RR028
- Proposal for requirements for low complexity safety related systems RR029
- Development of the ANALOX Hyper-Gas Diving Bell Monitor RR030
- Development of design guidance for neoprene-lined clamps for offshore application - Phase II RR031
- A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 2000/2001 RR032
- Evaluation report on OTO 1999/092 Human factors assessment of safety critical tasks RR033
- Understanding and responding to societal concerns RR034
- Taking account of societal concerns about risk: Framing the problem RR035
- Report on a second study of pipeline accidents using the Health and Safety Executive's risk assessment programs MISHAP and PIPERS RR036
- Impact of changes to T&R 5-5A on jack-up system reliability levels RR037
- Review of workplace control measures to reduce risks arising from the movement of vehicles: Phase 1 and Phase 2 RR038
- The cost effective use of fibre reinforced composites offshore RR039
- Fire risk assessment for workplaces containing flammable substances RR 040
- Analysis of impact of proposed changes to separation distances for Mode A registered premises holding HT4 fireworks RR041
- Evaluating the effectiveness of the Health and Safety Executive's Health and Safety Climate Survey Tool RR042
- Development of a training simulator for offshore crane operators RR043
- The role of managerial leadership in determining workplace safety outcomes RR044
- Ergonomics of using a mouse or other non-keyboard input device RR045
- Measuring the Health and Safety Executive's Field Operations Division inspection effectiveness RR046
- Analysis of accident statistics for floating monohull and fixed installations RR047
- A review of Norwegian offshore based search and rescue helicopter operations RR048
- Review of the Jack-Ups: Safety in Transit (JSIT) technical working group RR049
- Main changes between the 2001 and 2003 editions of the regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID) RR050
- PTO shaftguards: Development of strength tests for tractor/machine 'interface' standards RR051
- Audit of the Health and Safety Executive's Openness Procedures and Practices: Volumes I, II and III RR052
- Ship/platform collision incident database (2001) RR053
- Mutual misconceptions between designers and operators of hazardous installations RR054
- Public dialogue on train protection RR055
- Appraisal of pipeline surveillance by high resolution satellite: Volumes I, II and III RR056
- Effects of prescribed medication on performance in the working population RR057
- Decommissioning offshore concrete platforms RR058
- Factoring the human into safety: Translating research into practice - Benchmarking human and organisational factors in offshore safety - Volume 1 (of 3) RR059
- Factoring the human into safety: Translating research into practice - The development and evaluation of a human factors accident and near miss reporting form for the offshore oil industry - Volume 2 (of 3) RR060
- Factoring the human into safety: Translating research into practice - Crew Resource Management Training for Offshore Operations - Volume 3 (of 3) RR061
- Factoring the human into safety: Translating research into practice - Executive Summary for Volume 1, 2 and 3 RR062
- Source term modelling of releases within building complexes RR064
- Development of a methodology for the assessment of human factors issues relative to trips, slips and fall accidents in the offshore industries RR065
- Train Protection - Review of economic aspects of the work of the ERTMS Programme Team RR066
- Train Protection - Technical review of the ERTMS Programme Team report RR067
- Cancer risk following exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): A meta-analysis RR068
- Evaluation of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 and the approved code of practice and guidance RR069
- Analysis of compensation claims related to health and safety issues RR070
- Friction in temporary works RR071
- Effective communication of chemical hazard and risk information using a multimedia safety data sheet RR072
- Transport fatal accidents and FN-curves: 1967-2001 RR073
- Measurement of limiting oxygen concentration in sewage sludge drying plants RR075
- Machinery and rotating equipment integrity inspection guidance notes RR076
- The security of cross loaded round timber RR077
- Isolation and auto-balancing techniques for portable machines RR078
- An assessment of skin sensitisation by the use of epoxy resin in the construction industry RR079
- Automatic data capture opportunities for health and safety in industry RR080
- Development of human factors methods and associated standards for major hazard industries RR081
- Margins of safety in FPSO hull strength RR083
- Effects of flashfires on building occupants RR 084
- Reactor pressure relief of fluids containing suspended solids RR085
- Competence assessment for the hazardous industries RR086
- System-based calibration of North West European annex environmental load factors for the ISO fixed steel offshore structures code 19902 RR087
- Component-based calibration of North West European annex environmental load factors for the ISO fixed steel offshore structures code 19902 RR088
- A critical review of post Piper-Alpha developments in explosion science for the Offshore Industry RR089
- Re-evaluation of fatigue curves for flush-ground girth welds RR090
- Safety report regime - evaluating the impact on new entrants to COMAH RR092
- Effective design of workplace risk communications RR093
- Technical performance measures for North Sea jacket structures RR094
- Accident statistics for floating offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980 - 2001 RR095
- Accident statistics for fixed offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980 - 2001 RR096
- The principles of good manual handling: Achieving a consensus RR097
- Transport at work: Rollover of lorries transporting paper reels RR098
- The use of castors on racks in the food processing industry RR099
- Perceptions of and trust in the Health and Safety Executive as a risk regulator RR100
- Pile group tension cyclic loading: Field test programme at Kinnegar N. Ireland RR101
- Nonlinear analysis of stainless steel corrugated panels under blast loading: A numerical study RR102
- Review of the performance of high strength steels used offshore RR105
- Job retention and vocational rehabilitation: The development and evaluation of a conceptual framework RR106
- Development of internal company standards of good management practice and a task-based risk assessment tool for offshore work-related stressors RR107
- The performance capabilities of crews of daughter craft involved in offshore operations in the oil and gas industries RR108
- Identification of industry sectors in which employers perceive their business operates RR109
- Farm Child UK RR110
- Report on trends in shuttle tanker incidents 1998-2001 RR111
- Contractorisation - Aspects of health and safety in the supply chain RR112
- Operational safety of FPSOs shuttle tanker collision risk summary report RR113
- Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 4 - Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome - Underlying causes and risk control in the construction industry RR114
- Erosion in elbows in hydrocarbon production systems: Review document RR115
- Falls from height - Prevention and risk control effectiveness RR116
- Development of a method to assess biologically relevant dermal exposure RR117
- The influence of non-linear material behaviour on strong vibration effects due to explosion loading RR118
- Benchmarking the competent person in manufacturing and engineering sectors RR121
- Cellular aspects of occupational asthma: Immunological studies in isocyanate exposed subjects RR122
- Use and effectiveness of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPS) for tree work RR123
- Pulse pressure testing of 1/4 scale blast wall panels with connections RR124
- Evaluation of the implementation of the use of work equipment directive and the amending directive to the use of work equipment directive in the UK RR125
- A comparison of oxygen decompression tables for use in compressed air work RR126
- Measurement and modelling of combustion products from flueless gas appliances RR127
- The safety implications for offshore maintenance of using proprietary management/scheduling software RR128
- Review of external stress corrosion cracking of 22%Cr duplex stainless steel: Phase 1 - Operational data acquisition RR129
- Occupational and environmental exposure to bioaerosols from composts and potential health effects - A critical review of published data RR130
- Long-term testing of composite through-thickness properties RR131
- Shift work and breast cancer: A critical review of the epidemiological evidence RR132
- Beacons of excellence in stress prevention RR133
- The provision of health and safety information in the annual reports, websites and other publicly available documents produced by the UK's top companies and a sample of government departments, agencies, local authorities and NHS trusts RR134
- Health and safety responsibilities of company directors and management board members RR135
- Evaluation and further development of the EASE model 2.0 RR136
- Best practice in rehabilitating employees following absence due to work-related stress RR138
- Sample analysis of construction accidents reported to HSE RR139
- Evaluation of HSC's ACOP and Guidance "Legionnaires disease: Control of legionella bacteria in water systems" (L8) RR140
- Risk assessment of inhaled particles using a physiologically based mechanistic model RR141
- Development of a method for the in vitro identification of contact allergens RR142
- Review of the risk assessment of buoyancy loss (RABL) project RR143
- The Worker Safety Advisors (WSA) pilot RR144
- Reaction Inhibition in the Control of Exothermic Runaway RR145
- Analysis and Design of Profiled Blast Walls RR146
- The case for CDM: better safer design - a pilot study RR148
- The promotion of human factors in the onshore and offshore hazardous industries RR149
- Cultural influences on health and safety attitudes and behaviour in small businesses RR150
- Good practice and pitfalls in risk assessment RR 151
- Assessment of benefits of fire compartmentation in chemical warehouses RR 152
- Stability and support of sides of mine roadways RR153
- In vitro determinants of particulate toxicity: The dose-metric for poorly soluble dusts RR154
- Dose constraints for comforters and carers RR155
- Causal factors in construction accidents RR156
- The effect of adjacent buildings and topographical features on the wind pressure field around buildings RR157
- The development of risk reduction strategies for the prevention of dermatitis in the UK printing industry RR158
- Attitudes to safety culture among professional divers and offshore workers RR159
- Deeper learning for safer diving: Using video scenarios to develop professional expertise in the application of the Diving at Work Regulations 1997 RR161
- Assessment of valve failures in the offshore oil and gas sector RR162
- A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 2001/02 RR163
- Questionnaire predictors of asthma and occupational asthma RR164
- Continued appraisal of domestic CO alarms RR165
- An appraisal of existing seismic hazard estimates for the UK Continental Shelf RR166
- The extent of use of health and safety requirements as a false excuse for not employing sick or disabled persons RR167
- Occupation and mental health: Secondary analyses of the ONS Psychiatric Morbidity Survey of Great Britain RR168
- Psychosocial risk factors in call centres: An evaluation of work design and well-being RR169
- Cognitive Factors' Influence on the Expression and Reporting of Work-Related Stress RR170
- Human Factors in Decompression Sickness in Compressed Air Workers in the United Kingdom 1986-2000: A Case-Control Study and Analysis using the HSE Decompression Database RR171
- The role of occupational exposure limits in the health and safety systems of EU Member States RR172
- The development of a knowledge based system to deliver health and safety information to designers in the construction industry RR173
- Costs of compliance with health and safety regulations in SME's RR174
- Field studies of the effectiveness of concrete repairs - Phase 1 Report: Desk study and literature review RR175
- Review of structural modelling of deep water jack up structures RR177
- The application of BS EN 61508 to industrial boiler installations: Report 1 - Hardware reliability aspects CI/03/23 RR178
- Learning from incidents involving E/E/PE systems: Part 1 - Review of methods and industry practice RR179
- Use of self-rescuers in hot and humid mines RR180
- Learning from incidents involving E/E/PE systems: Part 2 - Recommended scheme RR181
- Learning from incidents involving E/E/PE systems: Part 3 - Guidance examples and rationale RR182
- Lifting incident review 1998 - 2003 RR183
- Field studies of the effectiveness of concrete repairs - Phase 3 Report: Inspection of sites, sampling and testing at selected repair sites RR184
- Field studies of the effectiveness of concrete repairs - Phase 3a Report: An investigation of the performance of repairs and cathodic protection (CP) systems at the Dartford West Tunnel RR185
- Field studies of the effectiveness of concrete repairs - Phase 4 Report: Analysis of the effectiveness of concrete repairs and project findings RR186
- An evaluation of the Lifeskills - Learning for Living programme RR187
- Survey of compliance with Employers' Liability Compulsory Insurance (ELCI) Act 1969 RR188
- Rate of ammonia production in the electrolysis of silver nitrate solutions RR189
- Inter-individual variability in the interpretation of biological monitoring guidance values RR190
- Integrity of Repaired Welds (Phase 1) - Deliverable 5 Summary Report RR191
- Evaluation of The Railways (Safety Case) Regulations RR192
- The scale and impact of illegal drug use by workers RR193
- Human factors assessment model validation study RR194
- Review of methods for demonstrating redundancy in dynamic positioning systems for the offshore industry RR195
- Building an evidence base for the Health and Safety Commission Strategy to 2010 and beyond: A literature review of interventions to improve health and safety compliance RR196
- HSC strategy to 2010 and beyond - consultations with hard to reach groups RR197
- TEMPSC Structural Design Basis Determination. Part 1 - Input Data Capture and Review RR198
- TEMPSC Structural Design Basis Determination. Part 2 - Design Events and Failure Capabilities RR199
- TEMPSC Structural Design Basis Determination. Part 3 - Event Levels and Safety Margins RR200
- Recidivist risk takers who work at height RR201
- Psychosocial aspects of work and health in the North Sea oil and gas industry: A survey of FPSO installations and comparison with platforms and drilling rigs RR202
- Distributed cognition models for human factors failures in operating and design processes RR203
- Health and safety in refurbishment involving demolition and structural instability RR204
- Evaluating the performance and effectiveness of ladder stability devices RR205
- Review of low cycle fatigue resistance RR207
- The effects of dynamic loading on structural integrity assessments RR208
- Further development of the usability and validity of the Quick Exposure Check (QEC) RR211
- Practical solutions to noise problems in agriculture RR212
- Human factors guidance for selecting appropriate maintenance strategies for safety in the offshore oil and gas industry RR213
- YO-YO diving and the risk of decompression illness RR214
- The challenge of managing upper limb disorders - how can health professionals become more effective? RR215
- A methodology for the assignment of safety integrity levels (SILs) to safety-related control functions implemented by safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems of machines RR216
- The development of a health and safety management index for use by business, investors, employees, the regulator and other stakeholders RR217
- Peer review of analysis of specialist group reports on causes of construction accidents RR218
- Design and integrity management of mobile installation moorings RR219
- Ship collision and capacity of brace members of fixed steel offshore platforms RR220
- Review of the occupational health and safety of Britain's ethnic minorities RR221
- Tests for the ignition and flame spread of clothing fabrics subjected to angle grinder sparks: Results from ten generic fabrics and variants RR222
- Mathematical modelling of the stability of passenger carrying tandem seat all terrain vehicle (ATV) RR223
- Growth of through-wall fatigue cracks in brace members RR224
- FPSO response to fast transient dynamic events RR225
- Development of a method for the determination of on-site ignition probabilities RR226
- Review of the risks associated with pushing and pulling heavy loads RR228
- Safe application of mine roadway support systems RR229
- Coal mine roadway support system handbook RR229a
- Co-ordinated investigation into the possible long term health effects of diving at work RR230
- Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 1 - Summary report RR231
- Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 2 - RIDDOR Accident Data Analysis Tool RR232
- Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 3 - Construction transport accidents Underlying causes and risk control RR233
- Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 5 - Falls from height: Underlying causes and risk control in the construction industry RR234
- Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 6 - Generic model for health and safety in construction RR235
- Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 7 - Analysis of HSE Mechanisms RR236
- Maintenance system assessment: Guidance document RR237
- A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 2002/03 RR238
- Improving the 'reach' of health and safety information dissemination using ICT RR239
- Mapping health and safety standards in the UK waste industry RR240
- Rock reinforcement and testing RR241
- The evaluation of occupational health advice in primary health care RR242
- Summative assessment supported by the Internet: the Professional Diver Competency Theory Assessment System (DCTAS) RR243
- Excursion tables in saturation diving - decompression implications of current UK practice RR244
- Stress redistribution in platform substructures due to primary member damage and its effect on structural reliability RR245
- Effect of platform robustness on inspection planning RR246
- Competencies of occupational physicians: The customer's perspective RR247
- Novel mobile and portable methods for detecting rock failure RR248
- The development of case studies that demonstrate the business benefit of effective management of occupational health and safety RR249
- Active pendulation control system (APCS) RR250
- Structural deterioration of tractor safety cabs with age RR251
- Controlling and monitoring exposure to diesel engine exhaust emissions in non-coal mines RR252
- Piping systems integrity: Management review RR253
- The profile of patients' occupational health in primary care RR254
- Evaluation of CFD to predict smoke movement in complex enclosed spaces RR255
- Investigating the relationship between simulated depth, cognitive function and metacognitive awareness RR256
- Occupational health and SMEs: Focused intervention strategies RR257
- Preliminary investigation into the fall-arresting effectiveness of ladder safety hoops RR258
- Occupational health and safety enforcement strategies to promote concordance in the hospitality industry RR259
- Evaluation of the small firms allowance scheme RR260
- Structural Reliability Framework for FPSOs/FSUs RR261
- Health and safety of homeworkers: Good practice case studies RR262
- Integrated Gateways: Planning out health and safety risk RR263
- Safety and performance enhancement in drilling operations by human factors intervention (SPEDOHFI) RR264
- Further update of cancer incidence and cancer mortality in a cohort of semiconductor workers RR265
- A review of criteria concerning design, selection, installation, use, maintenance and training aspects of temporarily-installed horizontal lifelines RR266
- Implications of the Physical Agents (Vibration) Directive for SMEs RR267
- Developing a prototype decision aid for determining the risk of work systems at height when using temporary access systems RR268
- Defining the extent and source of manual handling problems in agricultural and horticultural enterprises RR269
- Evaluation of the impact of Field Operations Directorate interventions RR270
- Recruiting safe employees for safety-critical roles RR271
- Load security investigation RR272
- The role of work stress and psychological factors in the development of musculoskeletal disorders RR273
- Nanoparticles: An occupational hygiene review RR274
- Identification and management of risk in undergraduate construction courses (Supplementary report - April 2004) RR275
- Safe sites: Driver's perceptions RR276
- Demonstration project on risk assessment of space frame platforms exposed to random wave loading RR278
- Evaluation of reducing risks, protecting people RR279
- Real time evaluation of health and safety management in the National Health Service RR280
- Investigations into concerns about BS EN 12874: 2001 flame arresters - Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use RR281
- The scale and impact of psychotropic medication use by workers RR282
- Development of an intermediate societal risk methodology: An investigation of FN curve representation RR283
- Risk perception in relation to musculoskeletal disorders RR284
- Protection of piping systems subject to fires and explosions RR 285
- Risk implications in site characterisation and analysis for offshore engineering and design RR286
- Combined effects of occupational health hazards RR287
- Development of a ventilator test procedure to take account of external wind conditions RR288
- Guidelines for jack-up rigs with particular reference to foundation integrity RR289
- Evaluation and further development of the HELA national training co-ordination website RR290
- Development of theoretical model for simulating FLT overturn: Rate of steering response - Fixed geometry vehicle RR291
- Different types of supervision and the impact on safety in the chemical and allied industries RR292
- Feasibility study to compare steel and adhesive/composite-based emergency repair methods for damaged hulls RR293
- Recommended practice for the rapid inspection of small bore connectors using radiography RR294
- Case study: Establishing the business case for investing in stress prevention activities and evaluating their impact on sickness absence levels RR295
- Obstacles preventing worker involvement in health and safety RR296
- A National Population Data Base for Major Accident Hazard Modelling RR297
- Chloride stress corrosion cracking of duplex stainless steels in the absence of oxygen: Phase two - Electrochemical monitoring of SCC RR298
- Evaluation of CEN ultrasonic testing standards for in-service inspection RR299
- Development of a field method for the assessment of the effectiveness of barrier creams in preventing skin irritation reactions RR300
- Replacement of Radiography by Ultrasonic Inspection RR301
- A technical guide to the selection and use of fall prevention and arrest equipment RR302
- Dynamic tensile properties of thin sheet materials RR303
- Safety implications of European risk based inspection and maintenance methodology RR304
- Health and well-being in the offshore environment: The management of personal health RR305
- Investigating practices in communication and information exchange amongst CDM duty-holders RR306
- Use and operation of daughter craft in the UKCS RR307
- Ethnicity, work characteristics, stress and health RR308
- International review of the literature relating to the benefits of limbering up exercises at work RR309
- Managing health at work - recording and monitoring information on sickness absence including work relatedness RR 310
- An occupational hygiene assessment of the use and control of isocyanates in the UK RR311
- Benchmarking employee supervisory processes in the chemical industry RR312
- Evaluation of manual handling tasks involving the use of carry chairs by UK ambulance personnel RR314
- Measuring the effectiveness of competency - based education and training programmes in changing the manual handling behaviour of healthcare staff RR315
- Musculo-skeletal disorders, mental health and the work environment RR316
- Evaluation of the risk education website for secondary-aged students RR317
- Effect of shift schedule on offshore shiftworkers' circadian rhythms and health RR318
- Safer foundations by design RR319
- Elastomers for fluid containment in offshore oil and gas production: Guidelines and review RR320
- Whole-body vibration on agricultural vehicles: evaluation of emission and estimated exposure levels RR321
- Performance of organic vapour filters: Effects of discontinuous and multiple vapour exposures RR322
- Obstacles to recovery from musculoskeletal disorders in industry RR323
- Wave slap loading on FPSO bows RR324
- Cost effective structural monitoring - An acoustic method, phase II RR325
- Cost effective structural monitoring - An acoustic method, phase IIb RR326
- Workplace transport problems data collecting and mining: Sixth report covering number and nature of calls handled from 1 August to 31st October 2004 RR327
- Acoustic monitoring of the hulls of Floating Production Storage and Offloading facilities (FPSOs) for corrosion and damage RR328
- A co-ordinated approach to metocean activities on the UK continental shelf RR330
- Generic review of Offshore Division research in structural integrity 2000 RR331
- A response to the CCA report - 'Making companies safe: What works?' RR332
- An experimental investigation of bund wall overtopping and dynamic pressures on the bund wall following catastrophic failure of a storage vessel RR333
- An evidence based evaluation of how best to secure compliance with health and safety law RR334
- Further development of a corporate health and safety performance management index for use by business, investors, employees, the regulator and other stakeholders: validating the index RR335
- Trojan horse construction site safety messages RR336
- The effects of thermal environments on the risks associated with manual handling RR337
- Measurement and analysis of magnetic fields from welding processes RR338
- Promoting health and safety as a key goal of the Corporate Social Responsibility agenda RR339
- Computer model for the design and validation of directed water deluge systems for the protection of plant containing pressurised flammable materials against fire RR340
- Breathing performance of 'Octopus' demand diving regulator systems RR341
- Revision of body size criteria in standards - Protecting people who work at height RR342
- Impact evaluation of the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 1999 RR343
- The effect of multiple member failure on the risk of gross collapse over typical inspection intervals RR344
- Investigation of a measurement technique to determine the apparent source size for light emitting diodes RR345
- Public protection consultation study RR346
- Review of the role of response forecasting in decision-making for weather-sensitive offshore operations RR347
- Report on UKCS DP shuttle tanker incidents 1998 - August 2004 RR348
- Evaluation of field and laboratory effectiveness of whole body coveralls RR351
- Supply chain issues for offshore accidents in the Southern North Sea RR352
- Enhancing chemical risk control for reducing exposure in the workplace through advanced risk messaging techniques RR35
- Evaluation of HSE's farm self assessment software RR355
- New perspectives on falls from height - Identifying high profile areas for intervention RR356
- Findings of an expert panel engaged to conduct a scoping study on survival design of floating production storage and offloading vessels against extreme metocean conditions RR357
- HSE survey of first aid training organisations RR358
- Level crossings: Summary of findings and key human factors issues RR359
- Provision of public assurance that major hazards are properly controlled - HSE's role RR360
- Development of an interactive toolkit for Safe Site as part of the workplace transport priority programme RR361
- Farmers, Farm Workers and Work-Related Stress RR362
- The role and effectiveness of safety representatives in influencing workplace health and safety RR363
- Offshore sickbay consultations in relation to age, job factors, and self-reported health RR364
- Development and validation of the HMRI safety culture inspection toolkit RR365
- Making an impact on SME compliance behaviour: An evaluation of the effect of interventions upon compliance with health and safety legislation in small and medium sized enterprises RR366
- A review of safety culture and safety climate literature for the development of the safety culture inspection toolkit RR367
- Evaluation of FOD's Topic Based Inspection RR368
- Research to improve guidance on separation distance for the multi-energy method (RIGOS) RR369
- Baseline incidence of ill health in agriculture in Great Britain RR370
- Improving the performance of rescue craft used for rescue and recovery in support of the oil and gas industry RR371
- Derivation of baseline data for incidence of skin disease amongst printers RR372
- Development of statistical approaches to the handling and analysing of large occupational data sets RR373
- Evaluating the effectiveness of legislation, technology and working methods for reducing occupational exposure in the foundry industry RR374
- Evaluation of the slips and trips roadshow seminars for government departments and the insurance industry RR375
- Health and well-being in the offshore environment: The role of the organisational support RR376
- Evaluation of whole-body vibration exposures in British industry RR377
- Containment of GM plant viruses being developed as gene technology vectors RR378
- A staged approach to reducing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace RR379
- Effective management of upper limb disorders by general practitioners and trainee occupational physicians RR380
- Constructing Better Health: Report of baseline employer survey RR381
- Identifying human factors associated with slip and trip accidents RR382
- Feasibility study into the establishment of a retrospective cohort study of workers in the British semiconductor industry RR384
- Adequacy of external dosimetry methods and suitability of personal dosemeters for workplace radiation fields RR385
- Trends and context to rates of workplace injury RR386
- Stability RR387
- The public provision of health and safety information by UK top companies and major public bodies for 2004/2005 RR388
- Attitudes, opinions and experiences of attendees at the ISMAUK stress workshops 2004 RR389
- Further investigation of possible musculoskeletal and cognitive deficit due to welding in divers identified in the ELTHI diving study RR390
- Evaluation of the HELA Training Co-ordination portal's ability to support communication and knowledge sharing between LA and HSE safety enforcement teams RR391
- Wave mapping in UK waters RR392
- Development of a SME version of the corporate health and safety performance index RR393
- Development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure the central nervous system response to chronic back pain RR394
- Ten year follow-up study of MR imaging of the lumbar spine RR395
- Research into the behavioural aspects of slips and trip accidents and incidents - Part 1: Literature review RR396
- An evaluation of current legislative requirements for verification of elements critical to the safety of offshore installations RR397
- Review of key human factors involved in workplace transport accidents RR398
- Improved early pain management for musculoskeletal disorders RR399
- Whole-body vibration on construction, mining and quarrying machines: Evaluation of emission and estimated exposure levels RR400
- The properties of extreme waves RR401
- Natural ventilation of offshore modules RR402
- Perceptions of the cost implications of health and safety failures RR 403
- Pulse pressure testing of 1/4 scale blast wall panels with connections: Phase II RR404
- Design, materials and connections for blast-loaded structures RR405
- Seatbelt performance in quarry vehicle incidents: Final Report RR406
- Genetic variation in susceptibility to chronic effects of organophosphate exposure RR408
- High pressure, high temperature developments in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf RR409
- Occupational health and safety support systems for small and medium sized enterprises: A Literature Review RR410
- Testing and standards for rock reinforcement consumables RR411
- Investigation of design options for the Workplace Health and Safety Survey RR413
- Health and safety responsibilities of company directors and management board members: 2001, 2003 and 2005 surveys - Final report RR414
- Weather safety in the North West approaches: An implementation test using satellite data in assessing wave energy dynamics RR415
- Information to accompany patients undergoing nuclear medicine procedures RR416
- Measuring the effect of health and safety advisers and roving safety representatives in agriculture RR417
- Local authority health and safety enforcement officer's perceptions of their support, information and training needs (SITNA) RR418
- Evidence base for identifying potential failures in the specification, use and maintenance of PPE at work RR419
- The demographics of children living and/or working on farms in Great Britain RR420
- Organisational dynamics and safety culture in UK train operating companies RR421
- Developing guidelines for the selection of designers and contractors under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 RR422
- Exploring the influences of farming women and families on worker health and safety RR423
- Performance of diving equipment RR424
- Modelling the PSA1 indicator RR425
- A methodology to prioritise substances for possible further development of Acute Exposure Threshold Levels (AETLs) RR426
- Moisture levels in compressed breathing air RR427
- Aircraft turnround: the impact of HSG209 and emerging good practice RR428
- Structural Reliability Framework for floating production, storage and offloading vessels/floating surface units: Phase II RR429
- Offshore gas turbines (and major driven equipment) integrity and inspection guidance notes RR430
- A business case for the Management Standards for stress RR431
- Operator roll-over protection on small vehicles RR432
- Safety implications of TOFD for in-manufacture inspections RR433
- Axial fatigue tests on wire rope slings used for offshore containers RR434
- Improved simplified response methods to blast loading RR435
- Formal risk identification in professional SCUBA (FRIPS) RR436
- The underlying causes of falls from vehicles associated with slip and trip hazards on steps and floors RR437
- Routes of referral for occupational asthma: A national study RR438
- A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 2003/04: Produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG within Great Britain RR439
- Violence and aggression management training for trainers and managers: A national evaluation of the training provision in healthcare settings RR440
- An analysis of the significant causes of fatal and major injuries in construction in Scotland RR443
- Floating production system: JIP FPS mooring integrity RR444
- An evaluation of chemical disinfecting agents used in endoscopy suites in the NHS RR445
- The development of a fatigue / risk index for shiftworkers RR 446
- Fast rescue craft recovery by installation crane: Phase 2 study RR447
- Complex and contentious risk based decision-making in the field of health, safety and the environment - Comparative analysis of two UK examples RR448
- Defining a case of work-related stress RR449
- Case studies that identify and exemplify boards of directors who provide leadership and direction on occupational health and safety RR450
- Directors' responsibilities for health and safety: the findings of two peer reviews of published research RR451
- Development of an IIG/HSE e-learning health and safety risk education package for engineering undergraduates RR452
- The risk to third parties from bored tunnelling in soft ground RR453
- Probability of Detection (PoD) curves: Derivation, applications and limitations RR454
- Fork lift truck validation and trials RR456
- Specification of a Mathematical Model of a Water Reactive Pool based upon REACTPOOL RR457
- The global perspective in addressing construction risks RR458
- Use of 3D Seismic data as a substitute for high-resolution seismic surveys for site investigation RR459
- Trends in inhalation exposure: Mid 1980s till present RR460
- Comparison of the Hatfield and alternative UK rails using models to assess the effect of residual stress on crack growth from rolling contact fatigue RR461
- Client/contractor relationships in managing health and safety on projects RR462
- Avoiding structural collapses in refurbishment: A decision support system RR463
- Identifying and evaluating the social and psychological impact of workplace accidents and ill-health incidents on employees RR464
- The commercial case for applying CDM: Case studies RR467
- Nonlinear potential flow forcing: The ringing of concrete gravity based structures - A summary report RR468
- Lay conceptualisations of occupational disease RR469
- Coal mine dust as a benchmark for standards for other poorly soluble dusts: Partial Position Report RR470
- A literature review of the effects of environment microclimatic conditions on the slip potential for flooring RR471
- Review of issues associated with the stability of semi-submersibles RR473
- The true cost of occupational asthma in Great Britain RR 474
- The development of a 'female' form manikin as part of a test facility to assess the fire protection afforded by personal protective equipment RR475
- An evaluation of the five steps to risk assessment RR476
- Review of the level of accuracy required and means of demonstrating that accuracy for approval of dosimetry services by the Health and Safety Executive RR477
- Evaluating the stability requirements for mounting and dismounting from the top of leaning ladders RR478
- Temporary threshold shifts as indicators of hand-arm vibration exposure RR479
- The use of mass media interventions for health care messages about back pain: What do members of the public think? RR480
- Recommended practice for magnetic flux leakage inspection of atmospheric storage tank floors RR481
- Further development of an IIG/HSE e-learning health and safety risk education package for engineering undergraduates RR482
- Survey of tools and resources available to employers to manage, record and monitor sickness absence RR483
- Response spectra for explosion resistant design and assessment RR484
- Elastomeric seals for rapid gas decompression applications in high-pressure services RR485
- Assessing the effectiveness of the manual handling assessment chart (MAC) and supporting website RR486
- Evaluation of performance deterioration in compacted strand wire ropes RR487
- Investigation of the links between psychological ill-health, stress and safety RR 488
- Structural strengthening of offshore topsides structures as part of explosion risk reduction methods RR489
- Further development of health and safety performance management index. For use by business, investors, employees, the regulator and other stakeholders RR 490
- Cost benefit studies that support tackling musculoskeletal disorders RR491
- Standard unmanned testing procedures for open-circuit 'Octopus' systems RR492
- The costs and benefits of active case management and rehabilitation for musculoskeletal disorders RR493
- The significance of stress redistribution effects on structural reliability of deepwater jackets RR494
- Violence management training: The development of effective trainers in the delivery of violence management training in healthcare settings RR495
- Isocyanate exposure, emission and control in small motor vehicle repair premises using spray rooms: Phase 1 RR496
- A study of the slip characteristics of applied epoxy resin flooring and thin coat epoxy base materials RR497
- Development of a modelling tool for pesticide spray drift - Phase 1: Data gathering and feasibility testing RR498
- Case studies that identify and exemplify Boards of Directors who provide leadership and direction on occupational health and safety RR499
- Manual handling incidents database: A compilation and analysis of offshore industry reports RR500
- Triggers for non-specific symptoms in the workplace: Individual differences, stress and environmental (odour and sound) factors RR 501
- Migrant workers in England and Wales: An assessment of migrant worker health and safety risks RR502
- An inventory of fibres to classify their potential hazard and risk RR 503
- Six SME case studies that demonstrate the business benefit of effective management of occupational health and safety RR504
- Trojan horse health and safety messaging: An assessment of the long-term and behavioural impact on construction site operatives RR505
- Defining best practice in corporate occupational health and safety governance RR506
- Scoping study determining the potential of engaging stakeholders in the food supply chain to support and influence farmers to promote health and safety RR507
- Evaluation into the success of occupational health and safety regulators and organisations use of expert systems RR 508
- Plant ageing: Management of equipment containing hazardous fluids or pressure RR 509
- Health and safety management and business economic performance: An econometric study RR510
- Revised land use planning arrangements around large scale petroleum depots RR 511
- Review of significance of societal risk for proposed revision to land use planning arrangements for large scale petroleum storage sites RR 512
- The assessment of different metrics of the concentration of nano (ultrafine) particles in existing and new industries RR513
- Overview of collision detection in the UKCS RR514
- Study of the public reporting of occupational health and safety performance in 2005 by UK businesses with over 250 employees RR 515
- An investigation of approaches to worker engagement RR 516
- Measurement of noise levels that staff are exposed to at live music events RR517
- An analysis of the prevalence and distribution of stress in the construction industry RR518
- Evaluation of EPS and enforcement action RR519
- Damage modelling of large and small scale composite panels subjected to a low velocity impact RR520
- First evaluation of the impact of the work at height regulations. First evaluation of the removal of the 'two metre rule' RR 521
- Knowledge of workplace transport hazards amongst British businesses RR523
- A review of the design review process for fairground rides RR524
- Use of chemical protective gloves to control dermal exposures in the uv lithographic printing sub-sector RR525
- Assessment of fire and explosion risks in coating mixing operations RR 526
- Fluid structure interaction effects on and dynamic response of pressure vessels and tanks subjected to dynamic loading RR527
- An investigation of reporting of workplace accidents under RIDDOR using the Merseyside Accident Information Model RR528
- A study of the slip characteristics of natural and man-made stone flooring materials RR529
- AWARE: Investigation of the early warning detection system through pilot and large-scale tests RR530
- A pilot study into improving sickness absence recording in National Health Service acute trusts RR531
- Ramp testing pre-engineered wood floors RR533
- A study of the slip characteristics of metal flooring materials RR534
- International comparison of health and safety responsibilities of company directors RR535
- Evidence based evaluation of the scale of disproportionate decisions on risk assessment and management RR536
- The suitability of HSE's risk assessment process and management standards for use in SMEs RR537
- Improving the effectiveness of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 RR538
- Products evolved during hot gas welding of fluoropolymers RR539
- The HSE Grain Dust Study - workers' exposure to grain dust contaminants, immunological and clinical response RR540
- Valuation of health and safety benefits: Dread risks RR541
- A review of carbon monoxide incident information, for 2004/05, produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG, within Great Britain RR542
- Development of a working model of how human factors, safety management systems and wider organisational issues fit together RR543
- Whole-body vibration on self-propelled forage harvesters: Evaluation of emission and estimated daily exposure levels RR544
- A staged approach to reducing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace: A long term follow-up RR545
- Real time monitoring and environmental fate of oxides of nitrogen in the construction industry RR546
- A study of the characteristics of cementitious surface toppings and applied concrete RR547
- 'Watch your step' - A promotional campaign including workplace inspections RR548
- An examination of novel roughness parameters to be used in conjunction with the HSE slips assessment tool (SAT) RR549
- Time to treatment for decompression illness RR 550
- Inadvertent ingestion exposure in the workplace RR 551
- Exploration of the affect of litigation culture on the attribution and reporting of slip and trip accidents RR 552
- Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work: Identifying and developing the management behaviours necessary to implement the HSE Management Standards RR 553
- Evaluation of the mechanical condition of agricultural vehicles RR554
- Health and safety in public sector construction procurement RR556
- Evaluation of the HSE slips and trips roadshows RR557
- Taking risks with asbestos: What influences the behaviour of maintenance workers? RR558
- Cascading messages through others: The effect on awareness of, and compliance with the Duty to Manage Asbestos Regulations RR 559
- Better Display Screen Equipment (DSE) work-related ill health data RR 561
- Evaluating the feasibility of developing assessment charts for high risk pushing and pulling operations RR 562
- Watch Your Step campaign evaluation: Qualitative research RR 563
- Fire performance of composite IBCs RR 564
- Accident statistics for fixed offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980-2005 RR566
- Accident statistics for floating offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980-2005 RR567
- Measurement of acoustic spectra from liquid leaks RR568
- Analysis of ERRV trials data from ERRVA and Seacroft RR569
- Assessment of electromagnetic fields around magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment RR570
- HSE 'Height Aware' campaign evaluation RR572
- Risk assessment and process planning for bariatric patient handling pathways RR573
- Joint study of UK medical secondary care provision for occupational lung disease RR575
- Correlation between vibration emission and vibration during real use: Nibblers and shears RR576
- The causative factors of dermatitis among workers exposed to metalworking fluids RR577
- Health and safety in the small to medium-sized enterprise: Psychosocial opportunities for intervention RR578
- Passenger behaviour on amusement rides: Field study report RR579
- Using soft people skills to improve worker involvement in health and safety RR580
- HSE Better Backs 2006: Worker involvement evaluation: Research with Unite Amicus safety representatives RR581
- Managing sickness absence in the police service: A review of current practices RR582
- Manual handling training: Investigation of current practices and development of guidelines RR583
- Occupational health standards in the construction industry RR584
- The cost of non-injury accidents: Scoping study RR585
- An evaluation of the local authority programme joint authorisation pilot project: Transfer of enforcement responsibilities in the motor vehicle repair and dry-cleaning sectors RR586
- DISPOSE: Large scale experiments for void fraction measurement during venting RR587
- Testing the effectiveness of the streamlined national well being programme at managing work-related stress in schools RR588
- Work and Enterprise Panel 2: Business survey RR589
- Correlation between vibration emission and vibration during real use: Polishers and sanders RR590
- Correlation between vibration emission and vibration during real use: Fastener driving tools RR591
- Assessment of the benefits to the offshore industry from new technology and operating practices used in the shipping industry for managing collision risk RR592
- A survey of changes in the volume and composition of claims for damages for occupational injury or ill health resulting from the Management of Health and Safety at Work and Fire Precautions (Workplace) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 RR593
- Social support and musculoskeletal disorders: Literature review and data analysis RR594
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain RR595
- Management of upper limb disorders and the biopsychosocial model RR596
- A survey of the use and effectiveness of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 as a legal sanction against directors convicted of health and safety offences RR597
- Evaluation of Doppler monitoring for the control of hyperbaric exposure in tunnelling RR598
- Overview of TEMPSC performance standards RR599
- HSE futures scenario building: The future of health and safety in 2017 RR600
- Irritancy and sensitisation RR601
- Assessment of gas detection strategies for offshore HVAC ducts based on CFD modelling RR602
- Evaluating methods of training of mineworkers for hot inspired air when wearing self-rescuers RR603
- Noise emission data for hand-held concrete breakers RR604
- An appraisal of underground gas storage technologies and incidents, for the development of risk assessment methodology RR605
- Scoping calculations for releases from potential UK underground gas storage facilities RR606
- International comparison of (a) techniques used by state bodies to obtain compliance with health and safety law and accountability for administrative and criminal offences and (b) sentences for criminal offences RR607
- Estimating the prevalence and incidence of pesticide-related illness presented to General Practitioners in Great Britain RR608
- Collecting, transfer, treatment and processing household waste and recyclables RR609
- The nature, causes and consequences of harm in emotionally-demanding occupations RR610
- Treatment of feed water for steam boilers using magnetic devices - Phase 3: Experimental Programme RR611
- Whole-body vibration and ergonomics toolkit: Phase 1 RR612
- Whole-body vibration and ergonomics of driving occupations. Phase 2: Port vehicles RR613
- Articulated dumper truck rollover RR614
- Spontaneous ignition of hydrogen: Literature Review RR615
- Collaboration of results from industry round-robin on engineering critical assessment evaluations RR616
- Programme for the assessment of NDT in industry. PANI 3 RR617
- Noise emissions and exposure from mobile woodchippers RR618
- Evaluating the protection afforded by surgical masks against influenza bioaerosols: Gross protection of surgical masks compared to filtering facepiece respirators RR619
- Review of targeted initiatives in the manufacturing sector RR620
- Wave mapping in UK waters: Supporting document RR621
- Evaluation of the success in Great Britain of the Directive on minimum safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment: A comparative assessment of the 1997 and 2007 evaluations RR622
- Occupational asthma, respiratory issues and dermatitis in hairdressers and nail bars: A London Boroughs' initiative RR623
- Further measurements of fibre concentrations in CLASP construction buildings RR624
- Noise emission from fastener driving tools RR625
- Feasibility of carrying out an ergonomics intervention study to prevent the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders RR626
- Health and safety in nail bars RR627
- Evaluation of the success in Great Britain of the Directive on minimum safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment RR628
- Extension of the dense gas dispersion model DRIFT to include buoyant lift-off and buoyant rise RR629
- Area classification for secondary releases from low pressure natural gas systems RR630
- Attendance management in the Fire and Rescue Service: Managing sickness absence and managing and supporting attendance RR632
- Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work: Identifying and developing the management behaviours necessary to implement the HSE Management Standards: Phase Two RR633
- A review of carbon monoxide incident information, for 2005/06, produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG, within Great Britain RR634
- Effect of tubing type on gas detector sampling systems RR635
- Whole-body vibration of ground-preparation activities in forestry RR636
- Optimising hazard management by workforce engagement and supervision RR637
- The determinants of compliance with laws and regulations with special reference to health and safety: A literature review RR638
- An empirical analysis of the effect of health on aggregate income and individual labour market outcomes in the UK RR639
- Third party Major Accident Hazard Pipeline (MAHP) infringement: A case study RR640
- Tracking research for HSE's workplace transport programme 'struck by' initiative RR641
- Improved generic strategies and methods for reliability-based structural integrity assessment: Summary report RR642
- Assessing and modelling the uncertainty in fatigue crack growth in structural steels RR643
- Attention, awareness and occupational stress RR644
- Measurement of alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates at low concentrations: Further work RR645
- Field validation of improved sampling methods for airborne cyanoacrylates RR646
- Musculoskeletal disorders in podiatry and chiropody professionals: Reducing the risk RR647
- The effects of transformational leadership on employees' absenteeism in four UK public sector organisations RR648
- Assessment uncertainties relating to electromagnetic fields (EMF) measurement and computation RR649
- Glass recycling: Noise exposure from simulated roadside collection of recyclable glass - Follow-up measurements RR651
- Implementation of Worklife Support's Well-Being Programme in the local authority-controlled education sector RR652
- Novel slip characteristics of conglomerate tiles RR653
- What works in delivering improved health and safety outcomes: A review of the existing evidence RR654
- Exposure to dust and bioaerosols in poultry farming: Summary of observations and data RR655
- Physiological safety of airfed suit use during nuclear decommissioning - Literature Review RR658
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of non-destructive testing screening methods for in-service inspection RR659
- Behaviour change and worker engagement practices within the construction sector RR660
- Parental occupational chemical exposures and childhood cancer RR661
- Load security on curtain sided lorries RR662
- Falls from vehicles - Campaign evaluation RR663
- Musicians' hearing protection - A review RR664
- The influence of posture and environmental temperature on the diagnostic ability of finger systolic blood pressure RR665
- Data mining in a HAVS referral population RR666
- Upper limb disability and exposure to hand-arm vibration in selected industries RR667
- Evaluation of current rigging and dismantling practices used in arboriculture RR668
- Epidemiological evidence for the effectiveness of the noise at work regulations RR669
- Kirklees Better Health at Work project: Final report RR670
- Failure rates for underground gas storage - Significance for land use planning assessments RR671
- Offshore hydrocarbon releases 2001-2008 RR672
- The feasibility of comparing sickness absence surveys and the Labour Force Survey RR673
- Reducing the risks associated with the manual handling of air passenger baggage for narrow bodied aircraft: Literature review update RR674
- Musculoskeletal ill-health risks for airport baggage handlers: Report on a stakeholder project at East Midlands Airport RR675
- Review of technical issues relating to foundations and geotechnics for offshore installations in the UKCS RR 676
- Analysis of CTI Foundry Dataset RR 677
- Updating and improving the National Population Database to National Population Database 2 RR 678
- Review of human reliability assessment methods RR 679
- Local authorities and HSE in partnership: An evaluation RR 680
- Accidents in the transport industry: An analysis of available data in respect of load shift incidents RR 681
- Development of fire protection measures for vessels containing reactive chemicals RR 682
- Effective control of gas shielded arc welding fume RR 683
- Structural integrity management framework for fixed jacket structures RR 684
- Structural integrity monitoring: Review and appraisal of current technologies for offshore applications RR 685
- Lessons learned from the Large Organisations Partnership Pilot (LOPP) RR 686
- Developing the management standards approach within the context of common health problems in the workplace: A Delphi Study RR 687
- Silica baseline survey RR 689
- Managing sickness absence and return to work: Trial and assessment of a sickness absence recording tool RR 690
- Improving the reliability of estimates of migrant worker numbers and their relative risk of workplace injury and illness RR 691
- Assessing the cumulative economic impacts of health and safety regulations: Scoping study RR 692
- Organisational responses to the HSE management standards for work-related stress: Progress of the Sector Implementation Plan - Phase 1 RR 693
- Managing stress and sickness absence: Progress of the Sector Implementation Plan - Phase 2 RR 694
- Evaluation of guidance for directors and board members RR 695
- Occupational, domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks in Britain: A case-control study RR 696
- In-service assessment of agricultural trailer and trailed appliance braking system condition and performance: The Agricultural Trailer Braking Study RR 697
- A literature review of effective management of the risk of violence in licensed and retail premises arising from crime and disorder RR 698
- Engaging arboriculture clients: Safety and Health Awareness Days (SHADs) RR 699
- Understanding and influencing farmers' attitudes RR 700
- Update to mapping health and safety standards in the UK waste industry RR 701
- Integrating risk concepts into undergraduate engineering courses RR 702
- Societal Risk: Initial briefing to Societal Risk Technical Advisory Group RR 703
- Patterns of non-fatal accidents in agriculture and the food supply chain RR 704
- Feedback on the noise and hand arm vibration worker involvement pilot project RR 705
- Lower limb musculoskeletal disorders: Scoping work to help inform advice and research planning RR 706
- Development of an assessment tool for repetitive tasks of the upper limbs (ART) RR 707
- Evidence-based review of the current guidance on first aid measures for suspension trauma RR 708
- Influences on safe/unsafe practices - Farmers' perspectives RR 709
- Assessment of the applicability of Dewar tests for screening hazardous waste treatment RR 710
- A review of the literature published since 2004 with potential relevance in the diagnosis of HAVS RR 711
- The value of the WEST monofilaments in detecting neurosensory deficit caused by hand-arm vibration exposure RR 712
- Good jobs RR713
- Evaluation of product documentation provided by suppliers of hand held power tools RR 714
- Installation permitting guidance for hydrogen and fuel cell stationary applications: UK version RR 715
- A review of Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) analyses of overfill of fuel storage tanks RR 716
- Evaluation of EN 60745 test codes: BS EN 60745-2-3:2007 angle grinders RR 717
- Buncefield Explosion Mechanism - Phase 1: Volumes 1 and 2 RR 718
- Report of qualitative research amongst 'hard to reach' small construction site operators RR 719
- Real world use and performance of hearing protection RR 720
- An exploratory study of occupational health risks for beauty therapists who carry out massage and spray tanning treatments RR 721
- Identification of microbial contamination in body wax samples RR 722
- Safety Schemes in Procurement Competence Forum (SSIP-C Forum) RR 723
- The usefulness of Critical Incident Technique (CIT) in eliciting plant competencies - A Pilot Study RR 724
- MALDI/TOF/MS analysis of isocyanates and other hazardous workplace chemicals RR 725
- A study of Pendulum slider dimensions for use on profiled surfaces RR726
- Market surveillance of custom-moulded earplugs RR727
- Projection of mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain RR728
- Establishing the requirements for internal examination of high hazard process plant RR729
- The Asbestos Survey: Mortality among asbestos workers 1971-2005 RR730
- Slip and trip workshops for NHS staff: A survey and case study evaluation RR731
- Development of a more accurate assessment of roughness parameters for flooring RR732
- In visor testing RR733
- Leading indicators for assessing reduction in risk of long latency diseases RR734
- Review of diver noise exposure RR735
- Comparing subsurface migration of LPG with natural gas RR736
- COSHH and current practice: Improving the usefulness of guidance for dutyholders RR737
- Accident statistics for offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) 1990-2007 RR738
- Testing of ISO-compliant extreme water level calculations using raw wave data RR739
- A Monte Carlo approach to joint probability of wave, tide and surge in extreme water level calculations RR740
- A comparison of extreme water level dependant on data source and technique RR741
- An automated system for indicating spray clearance times of MVR spray booths and rooms RR742
- Exercises to reduce musculoskeletal discomfort for people doing a range of static and repetitive work RR743
- How management behaviours associated with successful health and safety performance relate to those associated with success in other domains RR744
- A scoping study assessing the relationship between disability and health and safety RR745
- Review of occupational hygiene reports on suitability of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) RR746
- Assessment of slips safety information/literature provided by flooring and footwear suppliers RR747
- Analysis of inspection reports from Asset Integrity Key Programme 3 RR748
- Comparison of risks from carbon dioxide and natural gas pipelines RR749
- Review of sickness absence data in the waste and recycling industry RR750
- Behavioural economics - A review of the literature and proposals for further research in the context of workplace health and safety RR752
- A further study of the influence of dry contaminants on pedestrian slips RR753
- Evaluation of EN 60745 series of test codes - BS EN 60745-2-11: 2003 reciprocating saws RR754
- Validation of the Shallow Water model "SPLOT" against experimental data on bund overtopping RR755
- Risk leadership and organisational type RR756
- Real-time measurement of nitrogen monoxide in tunnels and its oxidation rate in diluted diesel exhaust RR757
- Repositioning human factors: Identifying barriers to understanding human factors in prevention of major accidents among key decision makers and managers in the industries concerned RR758
- Application of performance indicators in the explosives sectors RR759
- Mechanical integrity management of bulk storage tanks: Review of standards RR760
- Differential pressure hazards in diving RR761
- Diving helmet impact testing to EN397 RR762
- The development of a web-enabled framework for probabilistic exposure assessments RR763
- Electric profiling beds in residential and nursing homes: Manual handling and service user benefits RR764
- Whole-body vibration and ergonomics of driving occupations - Road haulage industry RR766
- Whole-body vibration and ergonomics of driving occupations - Ports industry RR767
- A review of the current state of knowledge on tinnitus in relation to noise exposure and hearing loss RR768
- Hazards of liquid hydrogen: Position paper RR769
- A small survey of exposure to stainless steel welding fume RR770
- Identifying the incidence of electricity-related accidents in Great Britain RR771
- Offshore working time in relation to performance, health and safety: A review of current practice and evidence RR772
- Feasibility of using urinary biomarkers to identify occupational musculoskeletal disorders of the lower limbs RR773
- An investigation into the performance of the PipeTech computer code in calculating Isle of Grain pipeline blowdown tests RR774
- Prospective cohort study of sheep dip exposure and 'dipper's flu' RR775
- Assessing the effectiveness of the Workplace Transport Route Map RR776
- A review of workplace transport safety and HSE commissioned work on manual handling and delivery of goods RR777
- Feasibility of storybuilder software tool for major hazards intelligence RR778
- Review of FLACS version 9.0: Dispersion modelling capabilities RR779
- Fire and explosion properties of nanopowders RR782
- Evaluation of the duty to manage asbestos RR783
- Improving health and safety: An analysis of HSE's risk communication in the 21st century RR785
- Bioaerosol emissions from waste composting and the potential for workers' exposure RR786
- Developing understanding of target audiences: Local exhaust ventilation RR787
- Doppler monitoring of compressed air workers: Belfast sewer project RR788
- LNG source term models for hazard analysis: A review of the state-of-the-art and an approach to model assessment RR789
- A review of the management of crowd safety at outdoor street/special events RR790
- Decontamination of agricultural sprayers RR792
- Footwear and modifications to goods vehicles in the UK road haulage sector: A survey of goods vehicle drivers RR793
- Vibration measurements on torque multipliers RR794
- Triaxial measurements of the performance of anti-vibration gloves RR795
- Moving Goods Safely 3: Evaluation report RR796
- Investigation of potential exposure to carcinogens and respiratory sensitisers during thermal processing of plastics RR797
- Factors influencing the implementation of RPE programmes in the workplace RR798
- Ageing and work-related musculoskeletal disorders: A review of the recent literature RR799
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Overview report RR800
- A study of the effect of modifying the European Standard mechanical slip resistance test for footwear RR801
- Determining current health and safety practices, awareness of HSE initiatives and economic trends in relation to isocyanate paint use in the motor vehicle repair sector RR802
- How best to communicate health and safety messages to young learners in vocational education and training RR803
- Plastic containers for flammable liquids/hazardous areas: Electrostatic risks RR804
- The Great Britain Asbestos Survey 1971-2005: Mortality of workers listed on the Great Britain Asbestosis or Mesothelioma Registers RR805
- Further development of a tool for the assessment of repetitive tasks (ART) (March 2008 - March 2010) RR808
- Healthy workplaces Milton Keynes pilot: Evaluation findings RR809
- Health surveillance - a time for change? Workshop proceedings 07/08 July 2009 RR810
- A literature review of the health and safety risks associated with major sporting events: Learning lessons for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games RR811
- An investigation into the use of plasterboard manual handling aids in the GB construction industry and factors helping and hindering the practicability of their application RR812
- Review of CHaSPI RR813
- Evaluation of the simplified lifting operations and lifting equipment leaflet (LOLER) RR814
- Second evaluation of guidance for directors and board members RR815
- Director Leadership Behaviour Research RR816
- Circumstances under which government guidance impacts on the actions of directors of corporate bodies: A Rapid Evidence Assessment RR817
- Follow up evaluation of HSE's web based Work-Related Violence Toolkit RR818
- A small survey of exposure to rubber process dust, rubber fume and N-nitrosamines RR819
- Tower crane incidents worldwide RR820
- Gathering intelligence from referrals to HSL for hand-arm vibration syndrome RR821
- Safety in the design, construction and use of bulk tipping containers RR822
- Plant Ageing Study: Phase 1 Report RR823
- Assessment of inward leakage tests for air fed suits RR824
- Testing of high flow rate respirable samplers to assess the technical feasibility of measuring 0.05 mg.m-3 respirable crystalline silica RR825
- UK impact assessment of the proposed biocides regulation RR826
- Health surveillance in silica exposed workers RR827
- Occupational exposure to MbOCA (4,4'-methylene-bis-ortho-chloroaniline) and isocyanates in polyurethane manufacture RR828
- Current control standards for tasks with high exposure to grain dust RR829
- A study to investigate ways to reduce the dustiness of bakery ingredients and exposure to allergens RR830
- Evaluation of tensioned and non-tensioned long tendon reinforcement in UK deep mining conditions RR831
- An update of the literature on age and employment RR832
- The joint effect of asbestos exposure and smoking on the risk of lung cancer mortality for asbestos workers (1971-2005) RR833
- Preventing catastrophic events in construction RR834
- Evaluation of safety nets by experiment RR835
- Perception and understanding of how local exhaust ventilation (LEV) works and how effective it is: Phase 2 RR836
- Risk assessment of manual handling involving variable loads and/or variable frequencies: Literature review and proposed V-MAC assessment tool RR838
- A study of current working practices for refrigeration field service engineers RR839
- Optimum test conditions and variability of otoacoustic emission testing in individuals with normal hearing RR840
- Research to explore how medium sized organisations understand occupational health issues and manage health risks RR841
- Identifying the incidence of electricity-related accidents in Great Britain - An update (1996/97 to 2008/09p) RR842
- Achieving change using the supply chain model in construction RR843
- An assessment of the level of compliance with the statutory duty to obtain insurance under the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969: Final Report RR844
- Evaluation of Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007: Pilot study RR845
- Research into the effectiveness of safety bar devices fitted to satellite arm bale wrapping machines RR846
- Domestic carbon monoxide alarms: Long-term reliability and use scoping study RR847
- Health and safety in public sector construction procurement: A follow-up study RR848
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Predicting the future burden of occupational cancer - Methodology RR849
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Bone cancer and thyroid cancer RR850
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Cancer of the brain and central nervous system RR851
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Breast cancer RR852
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Cervical cancer RR853
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Kidney cancer RR854
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Cancer of the larynx RR855
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Leukaemia RR856
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Liver cancer RR857
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Lung cancer RR858
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Lymphohaematopoietic cancer RR859
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Melanoma RR860
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Mesothelioma RR861
- Safe transport of roll cages RR862
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Nasopharynx/Pharynx RR863
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma RR864
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Bladder cancer RR865
- Influencing dutyholders behaviour regarding the management of noise risks RR866
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Multiple myeloma RR867
- Evaluation of EN 60745 test codes - BS EN 60745-2-6: 2003+A2: 2009 concerning the vibration of hand-held electric hammers RR868
- Improving the diagnostic criteria for work-related upper limb disorders for use in prevention and patient care RR869
- Good control practice for workers' exposure to gases in landfill: Sampling and measurement report RR870
- Assessment of manual operations and emergency procedures for closed circuit rebreathers RR871
- Identification of instrumented level detection and measurement systems used with Buncefield in-scope substances RR872
- Beryllium: A review of the health effects and the evidence for screening or surveillance in workers exposed to beryllium RR873
- Other respiratory diseases review RR874
- Occupational eosinophilic cough conditions RR875
- Mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain: The revised risk and two-stage clonal expansion models RR876
- A commentary on routes to competence in the construction sector RR877
- Levels of respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica at construction sites RR878
- Evaluation of EN 60745 test codes: BS EN 60745-2-1 2003 (inc. amendment no 1) - Particular requirements for drills and impact drills RR879
- Development of a web-based Leadership and Worker Engagement (LWE) Toolkit for small and medium enterprises in construction RR880
- Investigation of the parameters that influence the effectiveness of a bench top partial enclosure RR881
- Hazards arising from the conveyance and use of gas from Non-Conventional Sources (NCS) RR882
- Vulnerability of oil contaminated fire retardant overalls RR883
- Hand-arm vibration of horticultural machinery: Part 1 RR884
- Assessment of current guidance in relation to Safe Carriageway Crossing (CIS53) on high speed roads RR885
- Development of suitable safety performance indicators for level 4 bio-containment facilities: Phase 2 RR886
- Changes in shift work patterns over the last ten years (1999 to 2009) RR887
- HSE/Ofgem: 10 year review of the Iron Mains Replacement Programme RR888
- Investigation of slip resistance and the hygienic cleaning of floors in hospital settings RR889
- Load security on rigid-sided lorries RR893
- Hand-arm vibration of horticultural machinery: Part 2 RR894
- Development of the people first toolkit for construction small and medium sized enterprises RR895
- Leadership and worker involvement on the Olympic Park RR896
- The costs to Britain of workplace injuries and work-related ill health in 2006/07 - Workplace fatalities and self reports RR897
- Identifying and describing databases relevant to health and safety at work RR898
- High reliability organisations: A review of the literature RR899
- Visualisation and control of solder fume exposure - A quantitative assessment of LEV effectiveness RR900
- Prospective evaluation of the 1991 NIOSH Lifting Equation RR901
- Chloride stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steel - Assessing susceptibility and structural integrity RR902
- Review on the validity and reliability of self-reported work-related illness RR903
- Mists created by the use of compressed airlines for the removal of metalworking fluids - Assessment of the possible exposure health risks RR904
- Collision and injury criteria when working with collaborative robots RR906
- Vapour cloud formation: Experiments and modelling RR908
- Safety performance indicators in the explosives sector: Development of a worked example RR909
- Survival of Legionella pneumophila in metalworking fluids RR910
- Management of ageing: A framework for nuclear chemical facilities RR912
- Linking HSE activities to health and safety outcomes: A feasibility study RR913
- An evaluation of the efficacy of safer sharps devices: Systematic review RR914
- The major accident failure rates project: Concept phase RR915
- Risk assessment for VCE scenario in an aerosol warehouse RR916
- The effect of wind loading on the jib of a luffing tower crane RR917
- Mine fire detector: Combined smoke and NOx/CO sensors RR918
- Human factors that lead to non-compliance with standard operating procedures RR919
- Evaluation of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 RR920
- Occupational Health Provision on the Olympic Park and Athletes' Village: Final report RR921
- Evidence for exposure and harmful effects of diathermy plumes (surgical smoke): Evidence based literature review RR922
- Investigation of relationship between saturated vapour concentration and real exposure to vapour RR923
- Load security on double-deck trailers RR924
- Healthy design, creative safety: Approaches to health and safety teaching and learning in undergraduate schools of architecture RR925
- On-tool controls to reduce exposure to respirable dusts in the construction industry: A review RR926
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Methodology RR927
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Non-melanoma skin cancer RR928
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Oesophageal cancer RR929
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Ovarian cancer RR930
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Overview report RR931
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Pancreatic cancer RR932
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Sinonasal cancer RR933
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Soft tissue sarcoma RR934
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Stomach cancer RR935
- Buncefield investigation: Liquid flow and vapour production RR936
- Flammable vapour cloud risks from tank overfilling incidents RR937
- Residual stress measurements and modelling RR938
- An investigation into mechanical aids and automation for reducing the risks of repetitive handling tasks involving the upper limbs RR939
- Suitability of Slider 55 rubber for use as a standardised slider material for the simulation of barefoot pedestrians RR940
- London 2012: The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 - Dutyholder roles and impact RR941
- Safety culture on the Olympic Park RR942
- Development of analytical methods for low molecular weight isocyanates in workplace air: Part 2 - Isocyanic Acid and Methyl Isocyanate RR943
- Synthetic biology: A review of the technology, and current and future needs from the regulatory framework in Great Britain RR944
- Potential for leaks of LPG from underground pipes into caravans and park homes RR945
- Age related changes and safety critical work: Identification of tools and a review of the literature RR946
- Investigation of techniques to discriminate between TDI and TDA exposures in biological samples RR947
- Uptake and quality of health surveillance for hand-arm vibration and noise exposure: A telephone based survey among dutyholders RR948
- Investigation of determinants of dermal exposure to enable development of a Dermal Advanced REACH Tool (DART) RR949
- Preliminary fire testing of composite offshore pedestrian gratings RR950
- Optimisation of the mechanical slip resistance test for footwear used in EN ISO 13287: 2007 - Follow on study RR951
- A review of the literature on effective leadership behaviours for safety RR952
- Analysis of the correlates of self-reported work related illness in the Labour Force Survey RR953
- A comparative analysis of self-reported and medically certified incidence data on work-related illness RR954
- Pre-conditioning for success: Characteristics and factors ensuring a safe build for the Olympic Park RR955
- The Pesticide Users Health Study: An analysis of cancer incidence (1987-2004) RR956
- The Pesticide Users' Health Study: Survey of pesticide usage RR957
- The Pesticide Users' Health Study: An analysis of mortality (1987-2005) RR958
- Application of a testing regime for offshore fire dampers RR959
- Mobile elevated work platforms - Phase 3 RR960
- Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) incident analysis RR961
- Survey of noise emission and risk information supplied with a range of work machinery RR962
- Exposure to hexavalent chromium, nickel and cadmium compounds in the electroplating industry RR963
- Evaluation of the HSE worker involvement training courses: Final report RR964
- An investigation into the effects of potential changes in concrete properties when aged and weathered on hand arm vibration emission magnitudes RR965
- Current practice in health surveillance for noise RR966
- The effectiveness of BS EN ISO 28927-9: 2009 concerning the vibration emission of scaling hammers and needle scalers RR967
- Study and development of a methodology for the estimation of the risk and harm to persons from wind turbines RR968
- Evaluation of proficiency in health surveillance for hand-arm vibration post Faculty of Occupational Medicine accredited training courses RR969
- Follow-up and assessment of self reports of work-related illness in the Labour Force Survey RR970
- A survey of exposure to enzymes in cleaning solutions used to clean endoscopes RR972
- Review of alarm setting for toxic gas and oxygen detectors RR973
- Identifying the human factors associated with the defeating of interlocks on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines RR974
- Assessment of subjective and objective measurement systems of earplug attenuation on an individual RR975
- Hydraulic injection injury RR976
- Occupational Hygiene implications of processing waste at Materials Recycling Facilities (MRFs): Exposure to bioaerosol and dust RR977
- Access equipment for construction work at height in residential properties RR978
- Reproductive hazards literature search: Summary RR979
- Generation of flammable mists from high flashpoint fluids: Literature review RR980
- Accuracy of photo-ionisation detectors at high concentrations of volatile organic compounds RR981
- Real time measurement of dichloromethane containing mixtures RR982
- Assessment of exposure to carcinogens and asthmagens in the contract import, processing and repackaging industries RR983
- Research to explore the effect of post 'Common Sense, Common Safety' amendment to RIDDOR Regulation 3(2) on Health and Safety Standards in Great Britain RR984
- Modelling of liquid hydrogen spills RR985
- Releases of unignited liquid hydrogen RR986
- Ignited releases of liquid hydrogen RR987
- Ventilation of enclosures for removal of asbestos containing materials RR988
- The use of infra-red (tympanic) temperature as a guide to signs of heat stress in industry RR989
- Retrofit anti-vibration devices: A study of their effectiveness and influence on hand-arm vibration exposure RR990
- Response of small-scale blackpowder storage in partitioned wooden boxes to external fire RR991
- Technical input on ventilation effectiveness for area classification guidance EI15 RR993
- Non destructive techniques for analysis of Diesel engine exhaust emissions (DEEE) on filters RR994
- Human Factors review of gas self-isolation and restoration field trial RR995
- Review of self-isolation and restoration risk assessment models RR996
- Modelling smoke and gas ingress into offshore temporary refuges RR997
- Further work for the development of an inspection tool for risk assessment of pushing and pulling force exertion RR998
- Evaluation of the pushing and pulling operations risk assessment tool by duty holders RR999
- Inadvertent operation of controls in excavator plant - insight, analysis and recommendations for prevention by design RR1000
- Flammable mists from accidental hydrocarbon releases offshore RR1001
- Review of standards for thermal protection PPE in the explosives industry RR1002
- Further development of the Variable MAC (VMAC) tool RR1003
- Factors in the design of order picking systems that influence manual handling practices RR1004
- Work aggravated asthma: A review of reviews RR1005
- Literature review: Barriers to the application of Ergonomics/Human Factors in engineering design RR1006
- A review of the data on efficacy of hand cleaning products in industrial use as alternatives to hand washing RR1007
- National survey of the burden of sickness absence in the waste and recycling industry RR1008
- Standardisation of the measurement of capture efficiency of on-gun extraction for welding RR1010
- Pilot project to research the need to update HSE on the occupational health risks in the woodworking industry RR1011
- Process evaluation of the Long Latency Health Risks Division (LLHRD) vocational training interventions RR1012
- Research to determine the incidence, prevalence and relative risk of ill health due to chemical exposure in the chemical and downstream oil industry sector RR1013
- Reducing the risk of kick injury during the shackling and sticking of cattle in abattoirs RR1014
- Assessment of the safety features of adapted plastic fuel container spouts RR1015
- Insight into procurement of construction by private clients RR1016
- Understanding how to improve the management of exposure to wood dust amongst construction sub-contractors and manufacturing SMEs - Literature review RR1017
- Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) in the welding environment RR1018
- The occupational hygiene implications of the use of diacetyl in the food flavouring and fragrance industries RR1021
- Reliable corrosion inhibition in the oil and gas industry RR1023
- Validation of the HSE Manual handling Assessment Charts as predictors of work-related low back pain RR1026
- Ventilation of vehicles used for carriage of acetylene RR1027
- Further validation of the ACE instantaneous source model RR1028
- Review of fit test pass criteria for Filtering Facepieces Class 3 (FFP3) Respirators RR1029
- Assessment of the arm locking systems of two-post vehicle lifts RR1030
- An exploration of the current effectiveness of worker engagement practices in the quarry industry RR1031
- Review of the event tree structure and ignition probabilities used in HSE's pipeline risk assessment code MISHAP RR1034
- Update of pipeline failure rates for land use planning assessments RR1035
- Rewriting the PIPIN code to use a Monte Carlo solution approach RR1036
- Science updates to HSE's PIPeline INtegrity model (PIPIN) RR1037
- Data updates to HSE's PIPeline INtegrity model (PIPIN) RR1038
- Summary of the rewrite of HSE's PIPeline INtegrity (PIPIN) model RR1039
- Rewriting MISHAP: The development of MISHAP12 RR1040
- The influence of gypsum in animal slurry systems on the generation of hydrogen sulphide RR1041
- Exposure to carcinogens in surface engineering: Supplementary report RR1042
- Endotoxin in metal working fluid (MWF) mist RR1043
- Consultation on monitoring of water-miscible metalworking fluid (MWF) mists RR1044
- Development of a Health Risk Management Maturity Index (HeRMMIn) as a Performance Leading Indicator within the Construction industry RR1045
- Corrosion and cleaning of offshore deluge systems RR1046
- Injecting hydrogen into the gas network - a literature search RR1047
- Assessment of design and leadership during legacy transformation of the Olympic Park following London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games RR1051
- The effect of wearer stubble on the protection given by Filtering Facepieces Class 3 (FFP3) and Half Masks RR1052
- Developing an intervention toolbox for common health problems in the workplace RR1053
- Evaluation of trends in RIDDOR reportable injury data reported to HSE by dutyholders pre- and post- change to over-7-day reporting RR1054
- Modelling the economic impacts of an accident at major hazard sites RR1055
- Critical analysis of safety related design of powered gates RR1056
- Supervisor and team leader competencies in roadside waste and recycling collection RR1057
- A test method for assessing the performance of oil mist detectors RR1059
- A critical review of evidence related to hand-arm vibration syndrome and the extent of exposure to vibration RR1060
- Employers' perceptions of the health and safety of young workers RR1061
- Health and safety in schools - exploring the perceptions of HSE's communications to promote and support sensible risk management RR1062
- Research to explore the effect of traditional farming Safety and Health Awareness Days (SHADs) on farmer behaviour RR1063
- Investigation into exposure when the visor of air fed RPE is raised during spraying RR1064
- The use and non-use of seat belts in the operation of forward tipping dumpers RR1066
- Case studies to demonstrate the practical application of the Leadership and Worker Involvement Toolkit (LWIT) RR1067
- Summary of work undertaken to assess workplace exposure and control measures during the manufacture and handling of engineered nanomaterials RR1068
- Establishing direct and contributory factors to the uncontrolled movement of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) during coupling and uncoupling RR1069
- Investigations into the immediate and underlying causes of failures of offshore riser emergency shutdown valves RR1072
- The provision of breathing gas to divers in emergency situations RR1073
- Costs to Britain of Work-Related Cancer RR1074
- Benefits of data management and data trending in the UK Continental Shelf oil and gas industry RR1075
- Spontaneous ignition of gas turbine lubricants at temperatures below their standard auto-ignition temperatures RR1076
- Safe storage of wood pellet and wood chip fuel RR1077
- The use of vehicle structure in load securing on heavy goods vehicles RR1078
- Access to and work on flatbed vehicles RR1079
- A study of the generic safety-integrity requirements of fairground rides RR1080
- Review of small wind turbine construction instructions and specifically for structural supports and foundations RR1081
- The effectiveness of HSE's regulatory approach: The construction example RR1082
- Risks to respiratory health in the grain industry RR1083
- Forklift truck reverse sensor systems assessment RR1084
- Exploring the human and physical factors associated with telescopic handler overturning RR1085
- Noise risk as described in instructions supplied with printing machinery RR1086
- Market surveillance of FFP3 disposable respirators RR1087
- Multi-site delivery issues for heavy goods vehicles RR1088
- Leadership and worker engagement in the ports industry RR1089
- Mooring Integrity for Floating Offshore Installations Joint Industry Project: Phase 2 summary RR1090
- Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) inspection of long term mooring systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2 RR1091
- Practical method for calculating mooring chain wear for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2 RR1092
- An assessment of proof load effect on the fatigue life of mooring chain for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2 RR1093
- Microbiologically influenced corrosion of mooring systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2 RR1094
- Guidelines for monitoring the service and behaviour of mooring systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2 RR1095
- The effect of wear and corrosion of steel components on the integrity of mooring systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2 RR1096
- Mooring failure detection systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2 RR1097
- Degradation of mooring chains of floating offshore installations: chain measurement, estimation of wear, corrosion rates, and their effect on break load. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2 RR1098
- Review of consequence model evaluation protocols for major hazards under the EU SAPHEDRA platform RR1099
- Evaluation of the DRIFT gas dispersion model version 3.6.4 RR1100
- Modelling the dispersion of vapour from pools of toxic liquids using DRIFT 3 RR1101
- Control of noise risk in the printing industry RR1102
- The Prospective Investigation of Pesticide Applicators' Health (PIPAH) Study: Background, rationale and design RR1103
- Occupational health and extended working lives in the transport sector RR1104
- The microbiology of paper mill process waters RR1105
- Dutyholder evidence - Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (Post Implementation Review) RR1106
- Area classification for oil mists - final report of a Joint Industry Project RR1107
- Liquid classification for flammable mists RR1108
- Experimental investigation of oil mist explosion hazards (Phase 1) RR1109
- Experimental investigation of oil mist explosion hazards (Phase 2) RR1110
- CFD modelling of oil mists for area classification RR1111
- Summary of evidence - solvent-based hydrophobic coatings and risks for acute respiratory toxicity RR1112
- Review of Vapour Cloud Explosion Incidents RR1113
- Offshore accident and failure frequency data sources - review and recommendations RR1114
- Exposure to substances hazardous to health in foundries RR1115
- A critical review of the standard methods used to determine emission sound pressure level, peak sound pressure level and sound power level as required by Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC RR1116
- A literature review of evidence on cleaning products and occupational risks for asthma RR1117
- Legionella control in evaporative cooling systems: Underlying causes of breaches in health and safety compliance RR1118
- The Prospective Investigation of Pesticide Applicators' Health (PIPAH) Study: Baseline volunteer cohort RR1119
- A review of the applicability of the jet fire resistance test method to severe release scenarios RR1120
- Overview of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects at HSE's Buxton Laboratory RR1121
- The Deepwater Horizon incident: fire and explosion issues RR1122
- Fixed flammable gas detector systems on offshore installations: Optimisation and assessment of effectiveness RR1123
- Hazardous substances at work survey: An analysis of respondents' experiences and views of COSHH, CLAW and DSEAR RR1124
- Hazardous substances at work: findings from focus groups assessing operational staff's, dutyholders' and consultants' perceptions of COSHH, CLAW and DSEAR RR1125
- In-cab air filtration in plant vehicles to control exposure to hazardous dust: Quarry industry example RR1126
- Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013, Post Implementation Review: Research with healthcare employers, managers and employees RR1127
- Common human factors underlying worker fatalities in the waste and recycling industry RR1128
- Buncefield investigation: Dispersion of the vapour cloud RR1129
- The National Population Database: Overview and developments RR1130
- Manual handling risks to midwives associated with birthing pools: Literature review and incident analysis RR1132
- Maintaining the integrity of process plant susceptible to high temperature hydrogen attack. Part 1: Analysis of non-destructive testing techniques RR1133
- Maintaining the integrity of process plant susceptible to high temperature hydrogen attack. Part 2: Factors affecting carbon steels RR1134
- Summary of the evidence on the effectiveness of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training in the workplace RR1135
- Stakeholder evidence to inform the development of HSE's Health and Work Strategy RR1136
- A health risk assessment of working in hypoxic atmospheres RR1137
- Validation of a measurement method for diacetyl using sorbent tubes and thermal desorption RR1138
- Uptake and quality of health surveillance for occupational asthma in the woodworking, baking and motor vehicle repair sectors RR1139
- Update of aircraft crash rates used by HSE in assessing hazards from chemical, process and other major hazard installations RR1140
- Comparative analysis of manual handling practices in kerbside collection of recyclable waste RR1141
- Assessment of exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) and benchmarking of exposure controls during manual splitting and dressing of slate RR1142
- Understanding the health and safety implications of the gig economy RR1143
- Measurements of burning rate and radiative heat transfer for pools of ethanol and cask-strength whisky RR1144
- Evidence review of the effectiveness of soft landing systems for preventing injury from falls when working at height RR1145
- Measuring and controlling emissions from polymer filament desktop 3D printers RR1146
- Evaluation of existing PPE worn by NHS staff for assessment of a patient with a suspected high consequence infectious disease RR1147
- Market surveillance of eye-protectors for lasers or intense pulsed light in the cosmetic industry RR1148
- Monitoring metal working fluid mist using particle counters: Summary of a technical workshop RR1149
- Review of window restrictors used in health and social care RR1150
- Dust and bioaerosol exposure at municipal waste handling sites RR1151
- An ergonomics study of the minimum space requirement for removal of Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB) ceiling tiles RR1152
- Vessel collision threat detection for offshore oil and gas installations RR1153
- Ship/Platform Collision Incident Database (2015) for offshore oil and gas installations RR1154
- Visibility risk zone method to evaluate operator visibility for earth-moving machinery RR1156
- Application of a risk-based method to evaluate operator visibility from an hydraulic excavator RR1157
- Application of a risk-based method to evaluate operator visibility from a large rigid frame dumper truck RR1158
- International Association for Hydrogen Safety 'Research Priorities Workshop', September 2018, Buxton, UK RR1159
- The response of large pressure vessels in the process industries to excess pressure: Literature review RR1161
- Standard test codes for the declaration of vibration emission: A review of research carried out by the Health and Safety Executive RR1162
- The effectiveness of British Standard BS EN ISO 28927-11: 2001 concerning the vibration emission of stone hammers RR1163
- The effectiveness of British Standard BS EN ISO 28927-10: 2011 concerning the vibration emission of percussive drills, hammers and breakers RR1164
- Gas dispersion model DRIFT 3.6.14: Evaluation and assessment RR1165
- Gas dispersion model DRIFT 3.6.14: Modelling the dispersion of flashing instantaneous releases of toxic substances RR1166
- Gas dispersion model DRIFT 3.6.14: Modelling the dispersion of continuous releases of toxic pressure-liquefied gases RR1167
- Gas dispersion model DRIFT 3.6.14: Modelling the dispersion of flammable vapour RR1168
- Hydrogen in the natural gas distribution network: Preliminary analysis of gas release and dispersion behaviour RR1169
- High Rise Residential Buildings: Preliminary Serious Incident Scenarios and Potential Control Measures RR1170
- Metalworking fluid and use of compressed airguns in machining: Expert workshop RR1171
- Mechanical assessment of tower crane slewing brakes RR1172
- Forestry wood chippers: Suitability of measurement procedures used to provide the manufacturer's and supplier's noise advice to purchasers and users RR1173
- Jack Rabbit II Chlorine Release Experiments: HSE scientific contribution and main findings RR1174
- Underground storage of explosives in mines: Modelling blast effects RR1175
- Asbestos exposures to workers in the licensed asbestos removal industry RR1176
- Risk control for small pressure vessels: Café boilers, bench-top autoclaves, and model steam engines RR1177
- Freight containers: Potential worker exposure to hazardous atmospheres at ports and distribution centres RR1178
- Temporary refuges on offshore installations: Modelling the time taken for heat impairment of workers RR1179
- Secondary Guarding on Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs): Appraisal of the level of protection offered RR1180
- Preliminary Fire Testing of Composite Pipe Repairs RR1181
- Hand-arm vibration and noise emissions of battery powered tools compared with equivalent traditionally powered tools RR1182
- Chainsaws noise information from suppliers: Usefulness for tool selection and risk assessment to protect workers RR1183
- Evaluation of exposure controls used in electrolytic nickel plating RR1184
- Fireball mathematical models and experimental data: A literature review RR1185
- Failure rates for above ground major accident hazard pipelines outside above ground installations RR1186
- Jet fire mathematical models for failure of pipelines carrying flammable substances: Part 1 - Literature Review RR1187
- Jet fire mathematical modelling for failure of pipelines carrying flammable substances: Part 2 - Model Performance RR1188
- Modelling flashing liquid releases for hazardous area classification including LPG and ammonia RR1189
- Factors Affecting the Severity of Vapour Cloud Explosions - Flame Propagation from Hinging Enclosures RR1190
- Fluorescence Microscopy to measure asbestos in air and lung samples: Evaluation of a commercially available method RR1191
- Industrial Cleaning: Exposure to Dust Hazardous to Health RR1192
- Static concrete mixer cleaning: Establishing alternative methods for control of harmful noise and hand-arm vibration exposures RR1193
- Fit testing of CE marked ear loop respirators RR1194
- Exposure to Metal Powders in Additive Manufacturing RR1195
- Radiation calculations for fireball and jet fire models: A literature review RR1196
- Implementation of the Principal Designer Role within CDM 2015 RR1198
- Ensuring improved isocyanate exposure assessment to better protect health RR1199
- Evidence on the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on work-related musculoskeletal disorders: Evidence summary to 29 April 2021 RR1200
- Decontamination and re-use of FFP3 respirators RR1201
- Respirable crystalline silica exposure during demolition activity RR1202
- Reviewing and updating the evidence base on the hazards and risks for musculoskeletal disorder symptoms and visual problems regulated by the Display Screen Equipment Regulations RR1205
HSE Contract Research Reports
- Handbook on ground control at small coal mines CRR 264/2000
- Work related factors and ill health: The Whitehall II Study CRR 266/2000
- Characteristics of people working with chemical products in small firms CRR 278/2000
- Feasibility of developing a prototype decision aid for initial medical assessment of work related upper limb disorders CRR 279/2000
- Development and Evaluation of Diagnostic Support Aids for Upper Limb Disorders CRR 280/2000
- Workplace injuries and workforce trends CRR 281/2001
- Quantified Risk Assessment of Aircraft Fuelling Operations CRR 288/2000
- Stability Characteristics of Three and Four Wheeled Vehicles. Simulations Of Three And Four Wheeled Vehicles CRR 289/2000
- Managing post incident reactions in the police service CRR 290/2000
- Report on a study of international pipeline accidents CRR 294/2000
- Industrial use of safety-related expert systems CRR 296/2000
- Efficacy of water spray protection against butane jet fires impinging on Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) storage tanks CRR 298/2000
- Pilot study: the effect of cannabis based medicine on cognitive performance CRR 300/2000
- Health and safety of portable display screen equipment CRR 304/2000
- Sheeting and unsheeting of non-tipper lorries: A health and safety scoping study CRR 305/2000
- Health & Safety in the Agricultural Engineering Design Process CRR 306/2000
- The prevalence of occupational dermatitis amongst printers in the Midlands CRR 307/2000
- An evaluation of the Safety Information Centre approach in providing health and safety advice to small firms CRR 308/2000
- Development of a Health and Safety Performance Measurement Tool CRR 309/2000
- The effectiveness of lap straps as seat restraints on tractors in the event of overturning CRR 310/2000
- The scale of occupational stress: A further analysis of the impact of demographic factors and type of job CRR 311/2000
- Evaluation of alternative training provision for local authority health and safety enforcement officers CRR 312/2000
- Construction health and safety for the new Millennium CRR 313/2000
- Valuation of benefits of health and safety control: Follow-up study CRR 315/2001
- The performance of UK purchased side lever knapsack sprayers when subjected to the test methods proposed by ISO CD 19932-1 CRR 316/2001
- Stakeholder participation methods: Scoping study CRR 317/2001
- Application of correlations to quantify the source strength of vapour cloud explosions in realistic situations. Final report for the project: 'GAMES' CRR 318/2001
- Detection of leaks in seals of fan pressurised central heating boilers CRR 319/2001
- The impact of trade union education and training in health and safety on the workplace activity of health and safety representatives CRR 321/2001
- Baseline measurements for the evaluation of the work-related stress campaign CRR 322/2001
- PTO shaft guards: Alignment of standard quality control in testing and manufacture CRR 323/2001
- Effects of secondary containment on source term modelling CRR 324/2001
- Root causes analysis: Literature review CRR 325/2001
- Effective design and management of firedamp drainage CRR 326/2001
- Industrial use of safety-related artificial neural networks CRR 327/2001
- Development of a multiskilling life cycle model CRR 328/2001
- Social amplification of risk: The media and the public CRR 329/2001
- Development of an information-based approach to self-regulation of health and safety in small firms CRR 330/2001
- The impact of social amplification of risk on risk communication CRR 332/2001
- Whole-body vibration and shock: A literature review. Extension of a study of overtravel of seat suspensions CRR 333/2001
- Speed and rolling stock of trains in fatal accidents on Britain's mainline railways CRR 334/2001
- Use of seating to control exposures to whole-body vibration CRR 335/2001
- Justifying the use of software of uncertain pedigree (SOUP) in safety-related applications CRR 336/2001
- Methods for assessing the safety integrity of safety-related software of uncertain pedigree (SOUP) CRR 337/2001
- Calculation of input data importances for toxic release risk assessments: Gastar and Crunch CRR 338/2001
- Availability, quality and standards of training for woodworking operators and supervisors CRR 339/2001
- Frequencies of diseases presenting to General Practitioners according to patients' occupation CRR 340/2001
- A model to predict build-up of carbon monoxide from a faulty appliance in a single room CRR 341/2001
- Environmental modelling of antifoulants CRR 342/2001
- Damage to human hearing by airborne sound of very high frequency or ultrasonic frequency CRR 343/2001
- Accident investigation - The drivers, methods and outcomes CRR 344/2001
- Performance indicators for the assessment of emergency preparedness in major accident hazards CRR 345/2001
- Second Evaluation of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992) and Guidance CRR 346/2001
- Evaluating the new flexible and trade partnerships within HELA's Lead Authority Partnership Scheme: One year on CRR 347/2001
- Assessing the safety of staffing arrangements for process operations in the chemical and allied industries CRR 348/2001
- Thoracic sampling of fibres CRR 349/2001
- In vitro dermal absorption of liquids CRR 350/2001
- Employers' and employees' response to HSE's Guidance on Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) CRR 351/2001
- CFD simulation and detailed chemical modelling of alkane autoignition near a heated metal surface CRR 352/2001
- The health and safety information needs of the business support network CRR 353/2001
- Survey of explosives stores and impact of proposed changes to separation distances CRR 354/2001
- The validity and interpretation of neurobehavioural data obtained in studies to investigate the neurotoxic effects of occupational exposure to mixtures of organic solvents CRR 355/2001
- A critical review of psychosocial hazard measures CRR 356/2001
- Evaluation of the European Week for Safety and Health 2000 CRR 357/2001
- Improving the safety of workers in the vicinity of mobile plant CRR 358/2001
- Modelling of dense gas dispersion in tunnels CRR 359/2001
- Joint industry project on carbon monoxide issues: Long-term reliability of domestic CO alarms CRR 360/2001
- Occupational exposure to noise and hearing difficulties in Great Britain CRR 361/2001
- Investigation into the safety related aspects of coast control on pedestrian operated industrial trucks CRR 362/2001
- Best practice for risk based inspection as a part of plant integrity management CRR 363/2001
- Industrial rope access - Investigation into items of personal protective equipment CRR 364/2001
- An intervention using a self-help guide to improve the coping behaviour of nightshift workers and its evaluation CRR 365/2001
- New requirements for the transport of explosives by road - A comparison of GB Explosives Transport Regulations and ADR 2001 CRR 366/2001
- Quantifying risk amplification processes: A multi-level approach CRR 367/2002
- Falls of ground risks in coal mines face roadways CRR 368/2001
- Performance tests for stranded ground reinforcement in mines CRR 370/2001
- Symptom-reporting following occupational exposure to organophosphate pesticides in sheep dip CRR 371/2001
- An assessment of measures in use for gas pipelines to mitigate against damage caused by third party activity CRR 372/2001
- Proposed framework for addressing human factors in IEC 61508 CRR 373/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 1996/7 produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG within Great Britain CRR 374/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 1997/8 produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG within Great Britain CRR 375/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 1998/9 produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG within Great Britain CRR 376/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: Review of the emergency response process related to CO/fumes incidents CRR 377/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: A market survey of portable carbon monoxide detection equipment CRR 378/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: Experiments to study the effect of ventilator size and location on the operation of open-flued gas boilers when operated within a compartment CRR 379/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: Experimental work to study the interaction between air extraction equipment and open-flued appliances - Phase 1 CRR 380/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: Experimental work to study the interaction between air extraction equipment and open-flued appliances - Phase 2 CRR 381/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: The siting of domestic CO alarms: An analysis of full scale vitiation tests CRR 382/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: An analysis of full scale data to assess factors affecting vitiation associated with gas appliances CRR 383/2001
- Joint Industry Programme on carbon monoxide issues: Vitiation studies of an open-flued central heating boiler operated in compartments CRR 384/2001
- The impact of the HSC/E: A review CRR 385/2001
- Reducing carbon monoxide incidents CRR 386/2001
- Improving health and safety in construction - Phase 1: Data collection, review and structuring CRR 387/2001
- Fume emissions from resistance welding through adhesives and sealants CRR 388/2001
- Working with local intermediaries: An evaluation of HSE's Field Operations Directorate pilot project CRR 389/2001
- The effectiveness of labelling of pesticides CRR 390/2001
- Identification and management of risk in undergraduate construction courses CRR 392/2001
- Effective Teamworking: Reducing the Psychosocial Risks CRR 393/2001
- Investigation into aspects of falsework CRR 394/2001
- Assessment of aprons for protection against drop forging projectiles CRR 395/2001
- A model for jet dispersion in a congested environment CRR 396/2001
- Doses to the embryo/fetus and neonate from intakes of radionuclides by the mother CRR 397/2001 (Part 1)
- Doses to the embryo/fetus and neonate from intakes of radionuclides by the mother CRR 397/2001 (Part 2)
- Probabilistic methods: Uses and abuses in structural integrity CRR 398/2001
- Development of the local lymph node assay for risk assessment of chemicals and formulations CRR 399/2001
- Development of a methodology to design and evaluate effective risk messages: Electroplating case study CRR 400/2002
- Examination of the role of signal transduction and oxidative stress in mineral fibre-induced cell proliferation CRR 401/2002
- Safe working methods with top-handled chainsaws CRR 402/2001
- Flashing liquid jets and two-phase dispersion: A review CRR 403/2002
- Risk perception leading to risk taking behaviour amongst farmers in England and Wales CRR 404/2002
- A series of experiments to study the spreading of liquid pools with different bund arrangements CRR 405/2002
- Assessment of methods to detect leaks in the casing of room sealed appliances CRR 406/2002 (Main Report)
- Assessment of methods to detect leaks in the casing of room sealed appliances CRR 406/2002 (Appendix C)
- Fire safety testing of conveyor belts CRR 407/2002
- Safety implications of industrial uses of internet technology CRR 408/2002
- The influence of preconditioning on performance of side lever and compression knapsack sprayers when subjected to the test methods proposed by ISO DIS 19932-1 CRR 409/2002
- The derivation and use of population data for major hazard accident modelling CRR 410/2002
- Analysis and evaluation of different types of test surrogate employed in the dynamic performance testing of fall-arrest equipment CRR 411/2002
- A survey of UK approaches to sharing good practice in health and safety risk management CRR 412/2002
- Whole-body vibration: Initial evaluation of emissions originating from modern agricultural tractors CRR 413/2002
- Occupational safety and health in Czech Republic CRR 414/2002
- Sensory and autonomic function and ultrasound nerve imaging in RSI patients and keyboard workers CRR 417/2002
- Ergonomics evaluation into the safety of stepladders: Literature and standards review - Phase 1 CRR 418/2002
- Developing advisory software to comply with IEC-61508 CRR 419/2002
- Expanding HSE's ability to communicate with small firms: A targeted approach CRR 420/2002
- Work, inequality and musculoskeletal health CRR 421/2002
- Work environment, alcohol consumption and ill-health: The Whitehall II Study CRR 422/2002
- Ergonomics evaluation into the safety of stepladders: User profile and dynamic testing: Phase 2 CRR 423/2002
- A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 1999/2000 - Produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG within Great Britain CRR 424/2002
- Methods for optimising the effectiveness of roll-over protective systems CRR 425/2002
- Playgrounds - risks, benefits and choices CRR 426/2002
- Understanding the risks of stress: A cognitive approach CRR 427/2002
- Principles for proof testing of safety instrumented systems in the chemical industry CRR 428/2002
- Thorough examination and inspection of particular items of lifting equipment CRR 429/2002
- Strategies to promote safe behaviour as part of a health and safety management system CRR 430/2002
- Human factors aspects of remote operation in process plants CRR 432/2002
- Gas release attenuation within buildings; effects of temperature and stratification CRR 433/2002
- COSHH essentials: Survey of firms purchasing this guidance CRR 434/2002
- Interventions to control stress at work in hospital staff CRR 435/2002
- Changing business behaviour - would bearing the true cost of poor health and safety performance make a difference? CRR 436/2002
- Guard interlocking for PTO driven machinery CRR 437/2002
- Guard interlocking for self-propelled harvesting machinery CRR 438/2002
- Exposure to pesticide residues on agricultural spraying equipment CRR 440/2002
- The future health and safety implications of global positioning satellite and machine automation CRR 442/2002
- Perceptions of health and safety in Malta CRR 444/2002
- Survey of Use of Occupational Health Support CRR 445/2002
- A study of the provision of health and safety information in the annual reports of the top UK companies CRR 446/2002
- Mapping health hazards and risks across aspects of the construction process CRR 447/2002
- Mines rescue arrangements: Future options CRR 448/2002
- Air quality measurements in commercial kitchens CRR 449/2002
- Evaluation of an expert system for the interpretation of serial peak expiratory flow measurements in the diagnosis of occupational asthma in a field trial - The grain dust study CRR 450/2002
- Harness suspension: review and evaluation of existing information CRR 451/2002
- The effectiveness and impact of the PABIAC initiative in reducing accidents in the paper industry CRR 452/2002
HSENI (The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland) Publications
- Agriculture and the Public Roads
- Avoid Harm on the Farm: Farm Safety - A Children's Guide
- Building a new farm building or renovating an existing farm building? Then you need to know about health and safety law
- Contractors licensed for work with asbestos insulation or asbestos coating
- Coping with the Pressures of Farming
- Currently Approved Organisations - HSENI's First Aid Approval Division
- Electrical Safety - Make It Your Priority!
- Example Risk Assessment for a Hairdressing Salon
- Farm Safety Action Plan April 2020 - March 2023
- Five Steps to Risk Assessment
- Handling with Care: A practical guide to the prevention and management of musculoskeletal disorders in the healthcare sector
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2013/14
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2014/15
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2015/16
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2016/17
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2017/18
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2018/19
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2019/20
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2020/21
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2021/22
- HSENI Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2022/23
- HSENI Corporate Plan 2018 - 2023
- HSENI Corporate Plan 2023 - 2028
- Keeping Pedestrians Safe in the Workplace
- Mental Well-being: Addressing mental well-being in the workplace
- Mental Well-being at Work: Working at home
- The Mines Regulations 2014 - Guidance on Regulations (L149): Note for Northern Ireland readers
- Radon Information Leaflet
- REACH restriction of hazardous substances in tattoo inks and permanent make-up
- Reversing Vehicles in the Workplace
- RIDDOR (NI) '97: Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997
- Safe Driving in the Workplace
- Safe Parking in the Workplace
- Safe use of emery cloth
- Safety Around Calving Time
- Safety in Hairdressers - Information Sheet
- Separating pedestrians and vehicles in the workplace: Risk Assessment
- Separating pedestrians and vehicles in the workplace: A simple guide to keep Pedestrians and Drivers safe
- Talking Toolkit: Preventing work-related stress
- Tips for Purchasing Occupational Health Services
- Tractor Power Take-Off (PTO) Guard Safety
- Using Tractors Safely: A Step-by-Step Safety Guide
- Using telehandlers in agriculture
- What to expect when a Health and Safety Inspector calls: A brief guide for businesses, employees and their representatives
- Working Safely with Slurry
BSRIA Publications
- Acoustic Cameras
- At a Glance - Wellbeing
- Building Regulations
- Fire Risk Assessment - Catering Extract Ventilation
- Green Building and Sustainability
- Indoor Air Quality
- Indoor Environmental Quality and Net Zero
- Legionella at a glance
- Noise in the Built Environment
- Refrigerants in Building Services
ATEX (Explosive Atmospheres) Guidelines
European Union Publications
- Adapting to climate change in Europe - options for EU action
- Alcohol, Work and Productivity: Scientific Opinion of the Science Group of the European Alcohol and Health Forum
- Chemical Accidents (Seveso II) - Review of the Directive
- Collection of Transport Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods
- Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on endocrine disruptors and the draft Commission acts setting out scientific criteria for their determination in the context of the EU legislation on plant protection products and biocidal products
- European Best Practice Guidelines on Cargo Securing for Road Transport
- The European Maritime Safety Agency - At a glance
- Guidance on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the potential risks related to nanomaterials at work: Guidance for employers and health and safety practitioners
- Guide to application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
- Handbook for the introduction of Building Information Modelling by the European Public Sector
- Health and safety at work is everybody's business: Practical guidance for employers
- Implementation of the Ambient Air Quality Directive
- The increasing use of portable computing and communication devices and its impact on the health of European Union (EU) workers
- Key findings and recommendations on Reporting and learning systems for patient safety incidents across Europe
- LYNCEUS - People localisation for safe ship evacuation during emergency
- The mental health of workers in the digital era: How recent technical innovation and its pace affects the mental well-being of workers
- Non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2013/35/EU - Electromagnetic Fields - Volume 1: Practical Guide
- Non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2013/35/EU - Electromagnetic Fields - Volume 2: Case Studies
- Non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2013/35/EU - Electromagnetic Fields - Guide for SMEs
- An overview of the Trans-European Transport Network - Briefing
- The platform economy and precarious work
- REACH in brief
- Report on the implementation of the obligations under the Convention on Nuclear Safety - 5th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties
- Risk Management Capability Assessment Guidelines
UK Trades Union Congress (TUC) Guidance
- Asbestos in Schools: What teachers, support staff, governors and heads need to know about the hidden killer within our schools
- Autism in the workplace
- Behavioural Safety: A briefing for workplace representatives
- A Better Recovery: Learning the lessons of the corona crisis to create a stronger, fairer economy
- Bullied at work? Don't suffer in silence
- Bullying at Work - Guidance for Safety Representatives
- Cancer in the Workplace: A Workbook for Union Representatives
- Combatting racist abuse in the workplace: A TUC guide to protecting migrant and Black and Minority Ethnic workers from violence, harassment and abuse
- The Compensation Myth
- The Cost of Being Out at Work: LGBT+ workers' experiences of harassment and discrimination
- COVID-19 Coronavirus - Guidance to unions
- Disabled workers' access to flexible working as a reasonable adjustment
- Ensuring smokefree workplaces: A TUC guide for trade union activists
- Epilepsy in the Workplace: A TUC guide
- EU membership and health and safety: The benefits for UK workers
- Exposure to Chickenpox in the Workplace
- Extending working lives: How to support older workers
- The Facts about Facility Time for Union Reps
- Fatigue: An introduction for union health and safety representatives
- Fire Safety: A TUC guide for trade union activists
- Fit for Work Assessments: Guidance for union representatives
- Focus on health and safety: Trade union trends survey - TUC biennial survey of safety reps 2016
- Focus on health and safety: TUC biennial survey of safety representatives 2018
- Gender checklist on occupational safety and health
- Go Green at Work: A handbook for union green representatives
- Good practice in workplace mental health: Report of the TUC Seminar
- Guide to basic rights and contracts
- Guide to dismissal, redundancy and grievance
- Guide to Equality and discrimination
- Guide to family-friendly work
- Guide to health, safety and wellbeing
- Guide to learning, skills and training
- Guide to organising and bargaining
- Guide to pay, holiday and working hours
- Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome
- A Hard Day's Night: The effect of night shift work on work/life balance
- Health and Safety Inspections: Why all workplaces need to be inspected regularly
- The health and safety of older workers: A guide for workplace representatives
- Health is Everyone's Business: TUC submission to the Department of Work and Pensions and the Department of Health and Social Care consultation
- Health, Safety & Racism in the workplace: A study of Black workers' experiences
- How gender sensitive is health and safety management in your workplace?
- Insecure work: Special edition of the TUC's Jobs and recovery monitor
- Institute for Apprenticeships: TUC Submission to the Consultation on the Draft Strategic Guidance for the Institute for Apprenticeships
- Know Your Rights - Leave and pay for mothers
- Know Your Rights - Working time, breaks and holidays
- Leave and pay for fathers and partners
- Meningitis in the workplace
- Mental Health Conditions
- New and expectant mothers at work
- Occupational hygiene explained: A guide for union health and safety representatives
- Promoting Health at Work: Guidance for Safety Representatives
- Protecting Health and Safety after Brexit: A TUC briefing
- REACH - A briefing for Safety Representatives
- Rebuilding after recession: A plan for jobs
- Reporting work-related violence
- Responding to harmful work-related stress: Guidance for union representatives on making complaints to the HSE or Local Authority enforcement agencies
- The return of the long hours culture - After a decade of progress long hours are creeping back
- RIDDOR, Covid and underreporting
- A safe return to the workplace: The union approach to keeping workers safe as the UK Government eases restrictions following the third lockdown
- Safety and Migrant Workers: A TUC guide for trade union activists
- Statistics - How to find them and use them. Guidance for health and safety representatives
- Sexual harassment of disabled women in the workplace
- Still just a bit of banter? Sexual harassment in the workplace in 2016
- Tackling workplace stress using the HSE Stress Management Standards: TUC and HSE guidance for health and safety representatives
- Toxic, Corrosive and Hazardous: The Government's Record on Health and Safety
- Trade Union Health and Safety Reps Survey 2022-2023
- TUC shale gas briefing: Fracking and workers' health and safety issues
- The Union Effect: How unions make a difference to health and safety
- Vulnerable Workers
- Women and the Union Safety Rep role: Findings from focus groups, July - October 2022
- Women's health and the workplace: TUC response to call for evidence on a women's health strategy
- Work and well-being: A trade union resource
- Workers' voice in corporate governance: A European perspective
- Working in a Noisy Environment
- Working with Asbestos
- Working with sewage
- Working with substances that cause skin problems
- Young workers are most at risk from job losses due to the coronavirus crisis
- Your rights as an apprentice
US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publications
- Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: Managing the Health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered Nanomaterials
- CAP the Noise to save your Hearing!
- Commercial Roofer Died When Struck By a Falling Load of Palletized Roofing Material
- Current Status, Knowledge Gaps, and Research Needs Pertaining to Firefighter Radio Communication Systems
- Divers Beware: Training Dives Present Serious Hazards to Fire Fighters No. 2004-152
- Effects of Heat and Flames on Harness Straps of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus January 22, 1990
- Electrical Safety: Safety and Health for Electrical Trades - Student Manual
- Environmental Control for Tuberculosis: Basic Upper-Room Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Guidelines for Healthcare Settings
- Evaluation of Chemotherapy Drug Exposure in an Outpatient Infusion Center
- Evaluation of Isocyanate Exposure during Polyurethane Foam Application and Silica Exposure during Rock Dusting at an Underground Coal Mine
- Exploding Flashlights: are they a serious threat to worker safety? June 1997
- Explosion Hazards from Methane Emissions Related to Geologic Features in Coal Mines
- Explosions and Fires in Aluminum Oxygen Regulators
- Exposures of Helicopter Pilots and Gunners to Firearm Noise and Lead During Gunnery Target Training Exercises
- Fire Fighter Deaths from Tanker Truck Rollovers December 2001
- Fire Fighters Exposed to Electrical Hazards During Wildland Fire Operations January 2002
- Fire Fighting Hazards During Propane Tank Fires June 1999
- Guidance for Protecting Building Environments from Airborne Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Attacks No. 2002-139
- Health Hazard Evaluation of Deepwater Horizon Response Workers: Interim Report 6
- Health Hazard Evaluation Report - June 1994
- Health Hazard Evaluation Report - May 2001
- Healthcare and Social Assistance Sector - Evaluation of noise levels
- Improper Set-up of Aerial Ladders with a Locking Waterway May Put Fire Fighters at Risk
- Lessons Learned from the Deepwater Horizon Response
- Making a Splash: Three Fishermen Saved by Personal Flotation Devices
- Manufacturing Sector - Evaluation of exposure to metalworking fluids (MWFs)
- MSA SCBA Breathing tube alert June 12, 1998
- Nail Gun Safety: A Guide for Construction Contractors
- NIOSH Deepwater Horizon Roster Summary Report
- NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator Instruction and Training Guide
- NIOSH to approve self-contained respirators for emergency workers in terrorist attacks January 14, 2002
- Occupational Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers
- Oxygen Regulator Fires Resulting from Incorrect Use of CGA 870 Seals
- PPE CASE Notes - Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluation Notes: Firefighter SCBA Facepiece Sizing Issues
- Preventing Deaths and Injuries to Fire Fighters during Live-Fire Training in Acquired Structures
- Preventing Deaths and Injuries of Fire Fighters Working Above Fire-Damaged Floors
- Preventing Fire Fighter Fatalities Due to Heart Attacks and Other Sudden Cardiovascular Events
- Preventing Injuries and Deaths of Fire Fighters September 1994
- Preventing Injuries and Deaths of Fire Fighters due to Structural Collapse August 1999
- Preventing Injuries and Deaths of Fire Fighters due to Truss System Failures No. 2005-132
- Preventing Worker Injuries and Deaths from Traffic-Related Motor Vehicle Crashes July 1998
- Progress Toward Safe Nanotechnology in the Workplace. A Report from the NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Center
- Progress Toward Safe Nanotechnology in the Workplace: A Report from the NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Center - Project Updates for 2007 and 2008
- Promoting Health and Preventing Disease and Injury Through Workplace Tobacco Policies
- Protecting Emergency Responders - Volume 3: Safety Management in Disaster and Terrorism Response No. 2004-144
- Qualitative Risk Characterization and Management of Occupational Hazards: Control Banding (CB)
- Safety Advisory on Sudden Neck Failures of Luxfer DOT-E 7235 4500 PSI Hoop Wrapped Aluminum Cylinders April 30, 1993
- Safety Advisory on The Potential for Sudden Failures of Fiberglass-wrapped Composite Aluminum Cylinders Following Exposure to Acidic Chemical Cleaning Agents July 30, 1996
- Services Sector - Evaluation of work stress
- Suggested Guidance for Supervisors at Disaster Rescue Sites
- Traffic Hazards to Fire Fighters While Working Along Roadways June 2001
- Using Naloxone to Reverse Opioid Overdose in the Workplace: Information for Employers and Workers
- Work-Related Cancer
- Worldwide Occupational Road Safety (WORS) Review Project
- Your Safety 1st - Railroad Crossing Safety for Emergency Responders No. 2003-121
- NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation Reports
- After Conducting Fire Suppression Duties at a Structure Fire, Captain Collapses in Incident Scene Rehabilitation - Kansas F2007-33
- After Working Three Consecutive 24-Hour Shifts and Fighting an Extensive Structure, a 47-Year Old Career LT Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Physical Fitness Training - California F2007-22
- Airport Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death While On Duty - South Carolina F2005-18
- Assistant Chief Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Response to Boat Fire - Wisconsin F2004-42
- Basement Fire Claims the Life of Volunteer Fire Fighter - Massachusetts F2004-02
- Captain Suffers an Acute Aortic Dissection After Responding to Two Alarms and Subsequently Dies Due to Hemopericardium - Pennsylvania F2005-16
- Captain Suffers Pulmonary Embolism During Response to a Medical Call and Later Dies - New York F2005-33
- Captain Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Physical Fitness Evaluation - Alabama F2007-15
- Career Airport Fire Apparatus Operator Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death At His Station After Exercising - Georgia F2006-20
- Career Battalion Chief and Career Master Fire Fighter Die and Twenty-Nine Career Fire Fighters are Injured during a Five Alarm Church Fire - Pennsylvania F2004-17
- Career Battalion Chief Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death at His Desk - Kansas F2006-12
- Career Captain Dies After Running Out of Air at a Residential Structure Fire - Michigan F2005-05
- A Career Captain Dies and a Fire Fighter/Driver is Seriously Injured When Two Fire Trucks Collide at an Intersection - Connecticut F2007-17
- Career Captain Dies from Complications of a Drowning Incident due to a Combination of Exhaustion, Hypothermia and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning During Surf Rescue Training - Washington F2006-14
- Career Captain Electrocuted at the Scene of a Residential Structure Fire - California F2005-07
- Career Engineer Dies and Fire Fighter Injured After Falling Through Floor While Conducting a Primary Search at a Residential Structure Fire - Wisconsin F2006-26
- Career Federal Fire Fighter Dies from Injuries Sustained at Prescribed Burn - Arizona F2003-25
- Career Fire Captain Dies When Trapped by Partial Roof Collapse in a Vacant House Fire - Texas F2005-09
- Career Fire Captain Electrocuted After Contacting Overhead Powerline From the Platform of an Elevating Platform Fire Apparatus - Pennsylvania F2008-01
- Career Fire Fighter Dies After Falling From Tailboard and Being Backed Over by Engine - California F2005-01
- Career Fire Fighter Dies and Captain is Injured During a Civilian Rescue Attempt at a Residential Structure Fire - Georgia F2007-16
- Career Fire Fighter Dies and Chief is Injured When Struck by 130-Foot Awning that Collapses during a Commercial Building Fire - Texas F2007-01
- Career Fire Fighter Dies and Two Career Captains are Injured While Fighting Night Club Arson Fire - Texas F2004-14
- Career Fire Fighter Dies and Two Career Fire Fighters Injured in a Flashover During a House Fire - Ohio F2003-12
- Career Fire Fighter Dies From Injuries Sustained In Fall From Apparatus - Massachusetts F2004-19
- Career Fire Fighter Dies in Fall from Roof at Apartment Building Fire - New York F2007-19
- Career Fire Fighter Dies in Residential Row House Structure Fire - Maryland F2006-28
- Career Fire Fighter Dies in Wind Driven Residential Structure Fire - Virginia F2007-12
- Career Fire Fighter Dies of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning after Becoming Lost While Searching for the Seat of a Fire in Warehouse - New York F2004-04
- Career Fire Fighter Dies When Backed Over While Spotting an Apparatus - New Jersey F2009-10
- Career Fire Fighter Dies When Trapped by Collapsed Canopy during a Two Alarm Attached Garage Fire - Pennsylvania F2007-08
- Career Fire Fighter Dies While Exiting Residential Basement Fire - New York F2005-04
- Career Fire Fighter Drowns While Conducting Training Dive - New Hampshire F2004-36
- Career Fire Fighter-Emergency Medical Technician Dies and Paramedic is Injured in a Three-Vehicle Collision - Nebraska F2003-33
- Career Fire Fighter/EMT Dies in Ambulance Crash - Florida F2005-12
- Career Fire Fighter Fatally Injured In Fall From Apparatus - Texas F2005-15
- Career Fire Fighter Fatally Injured When Struck in the Head by the Boom of an Aerial Platform - Louisiana F2008-33
- Career Fire Fighter Injured during Rapid Fire Progression in an Abandoned Structure Dies Six Days Later - Georgia F2007-02
- Career Fire Fighter Killed While Riding Manlift to Assess a Silo Fire - Missouri F2005-34
- Career Fire Fighter Suffers Cardiac Arrest and Dies While Conducting Overhaul Operations at a Structure Fire - Missouri F2008-18
- A Career Fire Fighter was Killed and a Career Captain was Severely Injured During a Wildland-Urban Interface Operation - California F2003-36
- Career Helitack Fire Fighter Dies in Burnover During an Initial Attack at a Wildland Fire Operation - California F2004-40
- Career Lieutenant and Career Fire Fighter Die and Four Career Fire Fighters are Seriously Injured during a Three Alarm Apartment Fire - New York F2005-03
- Career Lieutenant Dies in Residential Structure Fire - Colorado F2006-19
- Career Lieutenant Killed and Fire Fighter Injured By Gunfire While Responding To Medical Assistance Call - Kentucky F2004-11
- Career Lieutenant Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death at His Home After Finishing His Shift - Tennessee F2006-21
- Career Lieutenant Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death at His Station After Making Multiple Runs During the Day - Tennessee F2006-04
- Career Officer Injured During a Live Fire Evolution at a Training Academy Dies Two Days Later - Pennsylvania F2005-31
- Career Probationary Fire Fighter and Captain Die as a Result of Rapid Fire Progression in a Wind-Driven Residential Structure Fire - Texas F2009-11
- Career Probationary Fire Fighter Dies While Participating in a Live-Fire Training Evolution at an Acquired Structure - Maryland F2007-09
- Deputy Chief Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Responding to Two Incidents - North Carolina F2007-06
- Deputy Fire Chief Suffers Sudden Cardiac Arrest About One Hour After Conducting a Fire Prevention Inspection - California F2008-31
- District Chief Dies After Suffering a Heart Attack - Texas F2004-01
- Driver-Operator Dies Due to a Stroke While Driving a Fire Engine to an Alarm - Tennessee F2005-17
- Engineer Suffers Fatal Heart Attack at Scene of Residential Fire - Michigan F2008-15
- Engineer Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Responding to Three Emergency Calls and Performing Physical Fitness Training - Arizona F2007-20
- Fire Apparatus Driver Operator Experiences Chest Pain While Exercising at Fire Station and Dies Three Days Later due to a Pulmonary Embolus - Maryland F2009-14
- Fire Apparatus Operator Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Responding to Twelve Calls - Georgia F2006-16
- Fire Captain Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death during a Live-Fire Training Exercise - North Carolina F2003-27
- Fire Chief Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Strenuous Training Drill - New York F2007-36
- Fire Chief Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death at Home After Performing Apparatus Maintenance and Conducting Training - Texas F2005-25
- Fire Chief Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death While Returning to the Fire Station After a Structure Fire - Georgia F2005-11
- Fire Chief Suffers Sudden Death During Training - Alabama F2006-01
- Fire Fighter Collapses and Dies During Exercise Training at His Fire Station - Missouri F2000-40
- Fire Fighter Collapses and Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Responding to a Vehicle Fire - Kentucky F2004-30
- Fire Fighter Dies after being Ejected from a Pumper in a Single Vehicle Rollover Crash - New York F2008-25
- Fire Fighter Dies After Performing Overhaul at a Fire in a Three-Story Dwelling - Pennsylvania F2006-09
- Fire Fighter Dies After Performing Ventilation at a Fire in a Two-Story Dwelling - Pennsylvania F2003-38
- Fire Fighter Dies After Responding to a Call - New York F2005-24
- Fire Fighter Dies During the Night After Responding to a Structure Fire - Pennsylvania F2007-04
- Fire Fighter-Driver-Engineer Suffers Heart Attack and Dies at the End of his 24-hour Shift - Hawaii F2004-09
- Fire Fighter-Emergency Medical Technician Dies During the Night at Fire Station - Arizona F2005-20
- Fire Fighter-Emergency Medical Technician Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Multiple Emergency Responses - Massachusetts F2008-23
- Fire Fighter-Emergency Medical Technician Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Overhaul - New York F2008-13
- Fire Fighter-Emergency Medical Technician Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Physical Fitness Training - Nevada F2007-21
- Fire Fighter-Paramedic Dies After Performing Physical Fitness Training - Florida F2004-12
- Fire Fighter Suffers Cardiac Death Following Structural Fire Suppression - Kansas F2010-02
- Fire Fighter Suffers a Heart Attack After Responding to a Rubbish Fire at a Two-Story Apartment Building - New York F2003-35
- Fire Fighter Suffers a Heart Attack and Dies After Completing Work Capacity Test - Idaho F2007-34
- Fire Fighter Suffers a Heart Attack and Dies Several Hours After Assisting at a Structure Fire - Illinois F2007-13
- Fire Fighter Suffers Heart Attack During Firefighting Operation and Dies Forty Days Later - Georgia F2006-17
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Emergency Recall - Massachusetts F2004-08
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Repacking a Hose Load on a Fire Engine - New Jersey F2004-45
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Responding to a Water Rescue Call - Pennsylvania F2006-29
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Responding to Two Calls - Kansas F2007-38
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Extrication Demonstration - Virginia F2007-03
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Fire Fighting Operations - California F2006-03
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Physical Fitness Training - New Jersey F2005-30
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Physical Fitness Training - North Carolina F2007-10
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Rural Water Supply Training - Illinois F2009-01
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death in Parking Lot of Fire Station - Tennessee F2003-39
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death While Performing Work Capacity Test - California F2004-28
- Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Death at Fire at his Residence - Florida F2002-22
- Fire Fighter-Technician Suffers Cardiac Death 6 Hours after Responding to Several Emergency Calls F2007-23
- Fire Fighter Trainee Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Maze Training - Virginia F2009-02
- Fire Fighter Trainee Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Physical Fitness Training - Florida F2006-23
- Fire Fighters Suffers Fatal Pulmonary Embolism after Knee Surgery for a Work-related Injury - North Carolina F2004-13
- Floor Collapse at Commercial Structure Fire Claims the Lives of One Career Lieutenant and One Career Fire Fighter - New York F2006-27
- Forest Ranger-Fire Fighter Drowned After Catastrophic Blow-out of Right Front Tire - Florida F2004-15
- Four Career Fire Fighters Injured While Providing Interior Exposure Protection at a Row House Fire - District of Columbia F2007-35
- Junior Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies and Three Volunteer Fire Fighters are Injured in a Tanker Crash - Alabama F2006-25
- Junior Volunteer Fire Fighter is Killed While Responding to a Brush Fire with an Intoxicated Driver - Wyoming F2003-20
- Lieutenant Suffers a Fatal Cardiac Event After Completing Live Fire Training - Wisconsin F2009-16
- Lieutenant Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death at Scene of a Brush Fire - Missouri F2010-01
- Lieutenant Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death at the Scene of a Structure Fire - South Carolina F2005-14
- Live-Fire Exercise in Mobile Flashover Training Simulator Injures Five Career Fire Fighters - Maine F2003-41
- Live-Fire Training Exercise Claims the Life of One Recruit Fire Fighter and Injures Four Others - Florida F2003-28
- Nine Career Fire Fighters Die in Rapid Fire Progression at Commercial Furniture Showroom - South Carolina F2007-18
- One Career Fire Fighter Dies and Two are Injured in Apparatus Crash - California F2005-28
- One Part-time Fire Fighter Dies and Another Is Seriously Injured When Two Fire Engines Collide at an Intersection While Responding to a Fire - Illinois F2004-43
- One Probationary Career Firefighter Dies and Four Career Firefighters are Injured at a Two - Alarm Residential Structure Fire - Texas F2005-02
- One Volunteer Lieutenant Dies and a Volunteer Fire Fighter is Seriously Injured in a Motor Vehicle Rollover Incident While En-route to a Trailer Fire - North Carolina F2003-30
- Nine Fire Fighters from a Combination Department Injured in an Explosion at a Restaurant Fire - Colorado F2008-03
- Paid On Call Fire Fighter Suffers a Fatal Cardiac Event Just After Completing Two Hose Training Drills - Wisconsin F2008-19
- Probationary Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Maze Drill - Connecticut F2004-38
- Recruit Fire Fighter Suffers Heat Stroke during Physical Fitness Training and Dies Nine Days Later - Florida F2005-26
- Reserve Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death While Working on a Fuel Reduction Crew - Arizona F2005-19
- Residential Basement Fire Claims the Life of Career Lieutenant - Pennsylvania F2004-05
- Sergeant Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death During Training - Kentucky F2005-32
- Two Career Fire Fighters Die after Falling From Elevated Aerial Platform - Texas F2009-06
- Two Career Fire Fighters Die While Making Initial Attack on a Restaurant Fire - Massachusetts F2007-32
- Two Career Fire Fighters Seriously Injured during Swiftwater Rescue Training at a Low-Head Dam - Ohio F2007-11
- Two Fire Fighters Die and Eight Fire Fighters are Injured from a Silo Explosion at a Lumber Company - Ohio F2003-32
- Two Volunteer Fire Fighters Die in a Tanker Rollover - North Carolina F2007-25
- Volunteer Assistant Chief Killed When Struck by Tractor-Trailer While Operating at a Motor Vehicle Crash - North Carolina F2008-17
- Volunteer Chief Dies and Two Fire Fighters Are Injured by a Collapsing Church Facade - Tennessee F2004-37
- Volunteer Deputy Fire Chief Dies after Falling Through Floor Hole in Residential Structure during Fire Attack - Indiana F2006-24
- Volunteer Deputy Fire Chief Dies When Struck by Motorized Water Monitor that "Launched" Off Aerial Ladder Truck - Pennsylvania F2008-12
- Volunteer Fire Chief and Fire Fighter Killed When a Wildland Engine Plummeted From a Fire-Damaged Wooden Bridge Into a Dry Creek Bed - Colorado F2008-14
- Volunteer Fire Chief Dies from Injuries Received when Privately Owned Vehicle Crashes into Bay Door Pinning him Against Fire Tanker - Wisconsin F2008-27
- Volunteer Fire Chief Dies From Injuries Sustained During a Tanker Rollover - Utah F2005-27
- Volunteer Fire Chief Killed when Buried by Brick Parapet Wall Collapse - Texas F2008-21
- Volunteer Fire Fighter and Trapped Resident Die and a Volunteer Lieutenant is Injured following a Duplex Fire - Pennsylvania F2008-06
- A Volunteer Fire Fighter and Volunteer Assistant Lieutenant Die After a Smoke Explosion at a Town House Complex - Wyoming F2005-13
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies After Being Struck by a Shackle on a Recoiling Tow Rope - South Dakota F2006-22
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies After Falling Through Floor Supported by Engineered Wooden-I Beams at Residential Structure Fire - Tennessee F2007-07
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies after Suffering a Head Injury While Operating a Platform Aerial Ladder - Rhode Island F2009-18
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies After Ten-Foot Fall From Engine - Ohio F2007-27
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies in a Tanker Crash - Louisiana F2008-10
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies in Tanker Rollover Crash - Texas F2006-06
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies While Lost in Residential Structure Fire - Alabama F2008-34
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies While Performing Exterior Fire Suppression at a Large Machine Shed Fire - Illinois F2008-20
- Volunteer Fire Fighter/Emergency Medical Technician Suffers Sudden Death 2 Hours After Completing Vehicle Extrication Training - New York F2007-05
- Volunteer Fire Fighter is Killed and Another Volunteer Fire Fighter is Injured at a Wildland/Urban Interface Fire - Oklahoma F2006-10
- Volunteer Fire Fighter / Rescue Diver Dies in Training Incident at a Quarry - Pennsylvania F2005-29
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Sitting in his Parked Vehicle Warning Oncoming Traffic of a Motor Vehicle Incident was Struck and Killed by a Tractor-Trailer - Montana F2009-03
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Battling a Structure Fire - New York F2004-32
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Suffers Cardiac Death the Morning After Emergency Medical Technician Training - North Carolina F2005-22
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Suffers Heart Attack While Battling Structure Fire and Dies 6 Days Later - New York F2004-31
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death About 50 Minutes After Fighting A Grass Fire - Kansas F2006-13
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death Approximately 18 Hours After Responding to an Incident - Kentucky F2007-14
- Volunteer Fire Lieutenant Killed While Fighting a Basement Fire - Pennsylvania F2008-08
- Volunteer Lieutenant and a Fire Fighter Die While Combating a Mobile Home Fire - West Virginia F2009-07
- Volunteer Lieutenant Dies After Falling From A Bridge While Attending To A Motor Vehicle Crash - Arkansas F2007-31
- A Volunteer Mutual Aid Captain and Fire Fighter Die in a Remodeled Residential Structure Fire - Texas F2007-29
- A Volunteer Mutual Aid Fire Fighter Dies in a Floor Collapse in a Residential Basement Fire - Illinois F2008-26
- Wildland Fire Fighter Suffers Sudden Cardiac Death After Performing Mop-Up-Overhaul Operations at Two Wildland Fires - Florida F2005-21
- NIOSH eNews
- NIOSH eNews - May 2003
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- NIOSH eNews - August 2024
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Publications
- Advancing the Nation's Health: A Guide to Public Health Research Needs, 2006-2015
- Asthma Among Employed Adults, by Industry and Occupation - 21 States, 2013
- Coccidioidomycosis Outbreak Among Workers Constructing a Solar Power Farm - Monterey County, California, 2016-2017
- Contact Lens Wearer Demographics and Risk Behaviors for Contact Lens-Related Eye Infections - United States, 2014
- Extreme cold: a prevention guide to promote your own health and safety
- Fact Sheet - Preventing Chain Saw Injuries During Tree Removal After a Disaster
- Fire Deaths and Injuries: Fact Sheet
- Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
- Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Updated Tables, February 2015
- Health Threat from Wildfire Smoke
- Helmet use among motorcyclists who died in crashes and economic cost savings associated with state motorcycle helmet laws - United States, 2008-2010
- Indoor Air Quality at Nine Large-Hub Airports With and Without Designated Smoking Areas - United States, October - November 2012
- Interim Guidance on Antiviral Recommendations for Patients with Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection and Their Close Contacts
- Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Healthcare Settings
- Occupational Mercury Exposure at a Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Facility - Wisconsin, 2017
- Occupational Patterns in Unintentional and Undetermined Drug-Involved and Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths - United States, 2007-2012
- Reductions in Smoking Show Promise for Reducing Home Fire Deaths - Press Release
- Teens behind the wheel: Graduated Driver Licensing (Number of Teen Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes Drops, CDC Study Finds)
- Wildfire Smoke and COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions and Resources for Air Resource Advisors and Other Environmental Health Professionals
- CDC Health Alert Network (HAN)
- Hot Tub Displays and Legionella Risk - Guidance for Environmental and Public Health Practitioners
- Influenza Season Continues with an Increase in Influenza A(H3N2) Activity
- Nationwide Shortage of Tuberculin Skin Test Antigens: CDC Recommendations for Patient Care and Public Health Practice
- Severe Pulmonary Disease Associated with Using E-Cigarette Products
- Third Case of Rifampin/Penicillin-Resistant Strain of RB51 Brucella from Consuming Raw Milk
- Update: Outbreak of Life-threatening Coagulopathy Associated with Synthetic Cannabinoids Use
- Update: Widespread Outbreaks of Hepatitis A among People Who Use Drugs and People Experiencing Homelessness across the United States
EuroWorkSafe Publications
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Publications
- Absence from work: Executive summary
- Absence from work: Report
- Access to care services: Early childhood education and care, healthcare and long-term care
- Active inclusion of young people with disabilities or health problems
- After Restructuring: Labour markets, working conditions and life satisfaction - Executive summary
- After Restructuring: Labour markets, working conditions and life satisfaction - Full Report
- Annual activity report of the Authorising Officer for the year 2011
- Annual review of working conditions in the EU 2006-2007
- Annual review of working life 2017
- Back to the future: Policy pointers from platform work scenarios
- Barriers to employment of displaced Ukrainians
- Burnout in the workplace: A review of data and policy responses in the EU
- Capacity building for effective social dialogue in the European Union
- Casual work: Characteristics and implications - Research Report
- Casual work: Characteristics and implications - Executive Summary
- Challenges and prospects in the EU: Quality of life and public services - Report
- Challenges and prospects in the EU: Quality of life and public services - Executive Summary
- Consolidated annual activity report of the Authorising Officer for the year 2015
- Consolidated annual activity report of the Authorising Officer for the year 2017
- Consolidated annual activity report of the Authorising Officer for the year 2018
- Consolidated annual activity report 2019
- Consolidated annual activity report 2020
- Consolidated annual activity report 2021
- Consolidated annual activity report 2022
- Consolidated annual activity report 2023
- Cooperatives and social enterprises: Work and employment in selected countries
- COVID-19: Implications for employment and working life - Report
- COVID-19: Implications for employment and working life - Executive Summary
- The COVID-19 recovery needs a green, social, digitally skilled Europe
- Developments in collectively agreed working time 2014
- The digital age: Implications of automation, digitisation and platforms for work and employment
- Ethical digitalisation at work: From theory to practice - Report
- Ethical digitalisation at work: From theory to practice - Executive Summary
- Ethics in the digital workplace: Anticipating and managing the impact of change
- Eurofound Yearbook 2009: Living and working in Europe
- Eurofound Yearbook 2010: Living and working in Europe
- Eurofound Yearbook 2015: Living and working in Europe
- Eurofound Yearbook 2011: Living and working in Europe
- Eurofound Yearbook 2012: Living and working in Europe
- Eurofound Yearbook 2013: Living and working in Europe
- Eurofound Yearbook 2014: Living and working in Europe
- Eurofound yearbook 2015: Living and working in Europe
- Eurofound yearbook 2016: Living and working in Europe
- Eurofound yearbook 2017: Living and working in Europe
- European Company Survey 2019 - Workplace practices unlocking employee potential
- European Quality of Life Survey 2016 - Executive Summary
- European Quality of Life Survey 2016 - Overview Report
- Exploring the diversity of NEETs - Report
- Exploring the diversity of NEETs - Executive summary
- Exploring self-employment in the European Union - Research Report
- Exploring self-employment in the European Union - Executive Summary
- Extending flexicurity - The potential of short-time working schemes: European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) Annual Report 2010
- Extending working lives through flexible retirement schemes: Partial retirement - Report
- Extending working lives through flexible retirement schemes: Partial retirement - Executive summary
- Female entrepreneurship: Public and private funding
- Fifth European Working Conditions Survey: Executive summary
- Fifth European Working Conditions Survey: Overview report
- First findings: Sixth European Working Conditions Survey - Résumé
- Fostering skills use for sustained business performance: Evidence from the European Company Survey
- Foundation Findings: Physical and psychological violence at the workplace 2010
- Foundation Findings: Physical and psychological violence at the workplace 2013
- Foundation Findings: Work-life balance - Solving the dilemma
- Foundation Focus - Issue 9 - Work and health: A difficult relationship?
- The future of manufacturing in Europe
- Future of manufacturing in Europe - Technology scenario: Employment implications of radical automation
- Future of manufacturing in Europe - Reshoring in Europe: Overview 2015-2018
- Game-changing technologies: Transforming production and employment in Europe
- Gender equality at work - Research Report
- Gender equality at work - Executive Summary
- Household composition and well-being
- How to use the surge in teleworking as a real chance to include people with disabilities
- Hybrid work in Europe: Concept and practice
- Impact of COVID-19 on young people in the EU - Research Report
- Impact of COVID-19 on young people in the EU - Executive Summary
- Industrial relations and working conditions developments in Europe 2013
- Industrial relations practices related to psychosocial constraints at work in the steel sector
- Initiatives to improve conditions for platform workers: Aims, methods, strengths and weaknesses
- Intergenerational inequalities: How to close the gaps?
- The involvement of social partners in national policymaking - Research Report
- Job quality of COVID-19 pandemic essential workers
- Job quality side of climate change
- Keeping older workers engaged: Policies, practices and mechanisms
- Labour market change: Trends and policy approaches towards flexibilisation - Report
- Labour market change: Trends and policy approaches towards flexibilisation - Executive Summary
- Living and working in Europe 2020
- Living and working in Europe 2021
- Living and working in Europe 2022
- Living and working in Europe 2023
- Living, working and COVID-19
- Living, working and COVID-19 in the European Union and 10 EU neighbouring countries
- Living, working and COVID-19 (Update April 2021): Mental health and trust decline across EU as pandemic enters another year
- Managing Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Minimum wages in 2019: Annual review
- Minimum wages in 2021: Annual review
- Minimum wages in 2021: Most countries settle for cautious increase
- A more equal Europe? Convergence and the European Pillar of Social Rights
- New topics, new tools and innovative practices adopted by the social partners - Report
- New topics, new tools and innovative practices adopted by the social partners - Executive summary
- Programme of work 2008: Annual management plan
- Programming document 2017-2020: Work programme 2019
- Programming document 2017-2020: Work programme 2020
- Programming document 2021-2024: Work programme 2022
- Programming document 2021-2024: Work programme 2023
- Programming document 2021-2024: Work programme 2024
- Promoting uptake of parental and paternity leave among fathers in the European Union
- Psychosocial risks to workers' well-being: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
- Quality of health and care services in the EU
- Reinventing business models in a pandemic: Necessity is the mother of invention
- Reactivate: Employment opportunities for economically inactive people - Research Report
- Reactivate: Employment opportunities for economically inactive people - Executive Summary
- Regulation of labour market intermediaries and the role of social partners in preventing trafficking of labour - Executive summary
- Regulation of labour market intermediaries and the role of social partners in preventing trafficking of labour - Report
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Banking sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Commerce sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Contract catering sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Education sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Hotels, restaurants and café (HORECA) sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: ICT-telecommunications sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Industrial cleaning sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Inland water transport sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Insurance sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Metal sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Paper sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Private security sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Sea fisheries sector
- Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Steel sector
- Revisions to the European working time directive: recent Eurofound research - Background paper
- Right to disconnect: Implementation and impact at company level
- The rise in telework: Impact on working conditions and regulations - Report
- The rise in telework: Impact on working conditions and regulations - Executive Summary
- Role of social partners in tackling discrimination at work
- Second European Quality of Life Survey - First Findings: Résumé
- Second European Quality of Life Survey: Overview
- Self-employment in the EU: Job quality and developments in social protection
- Seniority-based entitlements: Extent, policy debates and research
- Shifts in the job structure in Europe during the Great Recession
- Striking a balance: Reconciling work and life in the EU - Research Report
- Striking a balance: Reconciling work and life in the EU - Executive Summary
- Sustainable work and the ageing workforce: A report based on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey
- Sustainable work throughout the life course: National policies and strategies - Report
- Sustainable work throughout the life course: National policies and strategies - Executive summary
- Tackling labour shortages in EU Member States - Research Report
- Tackling labour shortages in EU Member States - Executive Summary
- Telework and ICT-based mobile work: Flexible working in the digital age
- Telework in the EU: Regulatory frameworks and recent updates - Research Report
- Telework in the EU: Regulatory frameworks and recent updates - Executive Summary
- Tentative growth in trust shows COVID-19 has not yet torn the social fabric of Europe
- Third European Quality of Life Survey - Quality of life in Europe: Impacts of the crisis - Executive Summary
- Third European Quality of Life Survey - Quality of life in Europe: Impacts of the crisis - Full Report
- Towards the future of Europe: Social factors shaping optimism and pessimism among citizens - Research Report
- Towards the future of Europe: Social factors shaping optimism and pessimism among citizens - Summary
- The transition to a climate-neutral economy: Exploring the socioeconomic impacts
- The transition to a climate-neutral economy: Exploring the socioeconomic impacts - Executive Summary
- Upward convergence in the EU: Definition, measurement and trends
- Upward convergence in gender equality: How close is the Union of equality?
- Upward convergence in working conditions - Report
- Upward convergence in working conditions - Executive Summary
- Use of alcohol and drugs at the workplace: Executive summary
- Use of alcohol and drugs at the workplace: Report
- What do Europeans do at work? A task-based analysis: European Jobs Monitor 2016 - Report
- What do Europeans do at work? A task-based analysis: European Jobs Monitor 2016 - Executive summary
- Women in management: Underrepresented and overstretched?
- Work organisation and innovation
- Working conditions and sustainable work: An analysis using the job quality framework - Report
- Working conditions and sustainable work: An analysis using the job quality framework - Executive Summary
- Working conditions of workers of different ages: European Working Conditions Survey 2015 - Research Report
- Working conditions of workers of different ages: European Working Conditions Survey 2015 - Executive Summary
- Working conditions in a global perspective - Research Report
- Working conditions in a global perspective - Executive Summary
- Working conditions in the retail sector: Executive summary
- Working conditions in the retail sector: Report
- Working conditions in the time of COVID-19: Implications for the future - Report
- Working conditions in the time of COVID-19: Implications for the future - Executive Summary
- Working time in 2021-2022
- Working time patterns for sustainable work - Research Report
- Working time patterns for sustainable work - Executive Summary
- Yearbook 2015-2018: Living and working in Europe
World Health Organization (WHO) Publications
- Building Healthy and Equitable Workplaces for Women and Men: A Resource for Employers and Worker Representatives
- Climate Change and Human Health - Risks and Responses: Summary
- Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region
- Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region - Executive Summary
- European Facts and the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015
- Gender, Work and Health
- Global Status Report on Road Safety 2013: Supporting a Decade of Action
- Guide to Ship Sanitation: International Health Regulations
- Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality
- Hand Hygiene in Outpatient and Home-based Care and Long-term Care Facilities
- Healthy workplaces: A model for action for employers, workers, policy-makers and practitioners
- International minimum requirements for health protection in the workplace
- Management of physical health conditions in adults with severe mental disorders
- Nanotechnology and Human Health: Scientific Evidence and Risk Governance
- Preventing injuries and violence: a guide for ministries of health
- Preventing suicide: A global imperative
- Raising Awareness of Stress at Work in Developing Countries - A modern hazard in a traditional working environment. Advice to employers and worker representatives
- School environment: Policies and current status
- Strategies to reduce the harmful use of alcohol: Draft global strategy
- WHO Director-General Keynote Address at the World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 18 March 2015
- WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: dampness and mould
- WHO Handbook on Indoor Radon: A Public Health Perspective
- WHO World Health Assembly (WHA) 2005: International Health Regulations (IHR)
- World Report on Disability 2011
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Publications
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board (MIIB) Publications
- Buncefield investigation board - Statement on publication of second report
- Buncefield investigation board - Statement on publication of third progress report
- The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report
- The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report
- The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report
- Buncefield Major Incident Investigation - Initial Report
- Buncefield Major Incident Investigation - Initial Report - Covering Letter
- Control of Major Accident Hazards Directive - Major Accident: Short Report
- Explosion Mechanism - Advisory Group Report
- Explosion Mechanism - Advisory Group Report: A note from the Chairman, Lord Newton, on behalf of the Board
- The Final Report of the Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board - Volume 1
- The Final Report of the Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board - Volume 2a
- The Final Report of the Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board - Volume 2b
- Illustrative Model of a risk based land use planning system around petroleum storage sites
- MIIB cover note to Buncefield investigation progress report
- Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites
- Recommendations on the emergency preparedness for, response to and recovery from incidents
- Recommendations on land use planning and the control of societal risk around major hazard sites
- Safety and environmental standards for fuel storage sites - Buncefield Standards Task Group (BSTG) Final report
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Publications
- 2014 CMR Report
- Annual Report 2019
- Annual Report 2020
- Annual Report 2021
- Annual Report 2022
- Chemical safety in your business: Introduction for SMEs
- CMR substances from Annex VI of the CLP Regulation registered under REACH and/or notified under CLP: A first screening - Report 2012
- eGuide 1 - Safety data sheets and exposure scenarios: Advice for recipients
- Evaluation under REACH - Progress Report 2013
- Guidance for implementation of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals
- Guidance in a Nutshell - Compilation of safety data sheets
- Guidance on the Biocidal Products Regulation: Volume III Human Health - Part B Risk Assessment
- How downstream users can handle exposure scenarios - Practical Guide 13
- How to comply with REACH Restriction 71, guideline for users of NMP (1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone)
- Literature study on the uses and risks of nanomaterials as pigments in the European Union
- Practical Guide on Biocidal Products Regulation
- The Public Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory: Factsheet
- Questions and Answers on Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures
- REACH - Guidance for downstream users
- REACH - Guidance for identification and naming of substances under REACH and CLP
- REACH - Guidance on intermediates
- REACH - Guidance for monomers and polymers
- REACH - Guidance for the preparation of an Annex XV dossier for restrictions
- REACH - Guidance for the preparation of an Annex XV dossier on the identification of substances of very high concern
- REACH - Guidance on data sharing
- REACH - Guidance on registration
- REACH - Guidance on requirements for substances in articles
- REACH - Guidance on the Application of the CLP Criteria
- REACH - Guidance on the preparation of an application for authorisation
- REACH - Guidance on the preparation of dossiers for harmonised classification and labelling
- REACH - Guidance on the preparation of socio-economic analysis as part of an application for authorisation
- REACH - Guidance on Scientific Research and Development (SR&D) and Product and Process Oriented Research and Development (PPORD)
- REACH - How to notify substances to the Classification and Labelling Inventory
- REACH - Introductory Guidance on the CLP Regulation
- Report on the operation of REACH and CLP 2021
- Technical Questions and Answers on C&L (Classification and Labelling) Notifications
- Practical Guides
- How to report in vitro data
- How to report weight of evidence
- How to report robust study summaries
- How to report data waiving
- How to report (Q)SARs
- How to report read-across and categories
- How to notify substances to the Classification and Labelling Inventory
- How to report changes in identity of legal entities
- How to avoid unnecessary testing on animals
- How to communicate with ECHA in dossier evaluation
- How to prepare toxicological summaries in IUCLID and how to derive DNELs
- How to undertake a qualitative human health assessment and document it in a chemical safety report
- How to assess whether a substance is used as an intermediate under strictly controlled conditions and how to report the information for the intermediate registration in IUCLID
- How to prepare a downstream user chemical safety report
- ECHA Newsletter
- ECHA Newsletter - July / August 2008
- ECHA Newsletter - September / October 2008
- ECHA Newsletter - November / December 2008
- ECHA Newsletter - January / February 2009
- ECHA Newsletter - March / April 2009
- ECHA Newsletter - May / June 2009
- ECHA Newsletter - July / August 2009
- ECHA Newsletter - September / October 2009
- ECHA Newsletter - November / December 2009
- ECHA Newsletter - January / February 2010
- ECHA Newsletter - April 2010
- ECHA Newsletter - June 2010
- ECHA Newsletter - August 2010
- ECHA Newsletter - October 2010
- ECHA Newsletter - December 2010
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2011
- ECHA Newsletter - April 2011
- ECHA Newsletter - June 2011
- ECHA Newsletter - August 2011
- ECHA Newsletter - October 2011
- ECHA Newsletter - December 2011
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2012
- ECHA Newsletter - April 2012
- ECHA Newsletter - June 2012
- ECHA Newsletter - August 2012
- ECHA Newsletter - October 2012
- ECHA Newsletter - December 2012
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2013
- ECHA Newsletter - April 2013
- ECHA Newsletter - June 2013
- ECHA Newsletter - August 2013
- ECHA Newsletter - October 2013
- ECHA Newsletter - December 2013
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2014
- ECHA Newsletter - April 2014
- ECHA Newsletter - June 2014
- ECHA Newsletter - August 2014
- ECHA Newsletter - October 2014
- ECHA Newsletter - December 2014
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2015
- ECHA Newsletter - April 2015
- ECHA Newsletter - June 2015
- ECHA Newsletter - September 2015
- ECHA Newsletter - November 2015
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2016
- ECHA Newsletter - May 2016
- ECHA Newsletter - September 2016
- ECHA Newsletter - November 2016
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2017
- ECHA Newsletter - May 2017
- ECHA Newsletter - September 2017
- ECHA Newsletter - November 2017
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2018
- ECHA Newsletter - May 2018
- ECHA Newsletter - September 2018
- ECHA Newsletter - November 2018
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2019
- ECHA Newsletter - May 2019
- ECHA Newsletter - September 2019
- ECHA Newsletter - November 2019
- ECHA Newsletter - February 2020
- ECHA Newsletter - May 2020
- ECHA Newsletter - September 2020
Aylesbury Town Council Publications
US Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Publications
- Communication in Risk Situations: Responding to the Communication Challenges Posed by Bioterrorism and Emerging Infectious Diseases
- A Summary of Four After-Action Reports on Hurricane Katrina
Occupational and Environmental Cancer Prevention Conference Presentations (University of Stirling, Scotland, 25 April 2008)
- Avoidable Occupational and Environmental Causes of Cancer
- Occupational Cancer in France and its prevention
- Toxics Use Reduction: What it is and How it Works
- Estimating occupational and environmental cancer burdens in Australia
- Establishing Evidence for Early Action to Prevent Cancer: Values Choices and the Precautionary Principle
- Occupational cancer: a challenge for the European workers movement
- Cancer exposure databases in Finland
- Successful International Campaigns on Cancer Prevention: Asbestos Case Study
- Occupational Cancer Prevention and WHO: The WHO Global Plan of Action on Workers' Health
- GMB Approach to Occupational Cancer
- Occupational Cancer in Construction and Timber Trades
- A UK perspective on occupational cancer. What's gone wrong, why and how we can improve prevention.
- Occupational Cancer: workers' clinic experience
- An International Environmental NGO Assessment of Environmental Cancers and their Prevention
- Recommendations to governments and institutions for action on cancer prevention in Canada
- Prevention and Occupational Cancer: The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work's activities
- German OELs for Carcinogens: Proposal for a Preventive Approach Supported by the Trade Unions
Prevention Today / Prevenzione Oggi Journal Articles
- Abatement of asbestos in rolling stock: assessing the concentration of airborne fibres for the clearance certificate
- Allergy incidence in the agricultural sectors of viticulture and olive-growing
- Analytical method to assess occupational inhalation exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Assessment of exposure to chemical agents in infill material for artificial turf soccer pitches: development and implementation of a survey protocol
- Assessment of occupational exposure to benzene and biological agents in fuel tank farms
- Assessment of risks associated with the manual handling of loads in the fruit-growing and horticulture sectors
- Biofuel production: current situation and future prospects
- The biological risk from hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV): specific prevention and health surveillance in the hospital environment in the light of Italian Legislative Decree 81/08
- Biological risks in workplaces: research priorities for risk assessment
- Biomechanical overload of the upper limbs. The experience of the Fabriano Occupational Prevention and Safety Service: workers at risk, risk communication and results
- Chemical-mineralogical Characterisation of Greenstone from San Mango D'Aquino
- Company safety in the wine industry of the region of Campania: Strategic and operational aspects
- Concerted Action as an effective approach in applying the provisions of Legislative Decree 626/94 on Musculoskeletal Risks and Disorders in Dairies producing Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese: The Experience of Reggio Emilia
- Considerations on laboratory methodologies to determine the IgG and IgM in serum of workers exposed to Lyme disease
- Contaminated sites: assessment of the metabolism, growth and genetic characterization of wild-type microbial strains able to degrade naphthalene
- Corporate culture and company health policies as success factors. Why invest in corporate culture based on partnership and company health policies?
- Creating a European research area on occupational safety and health: a winning challenge? interview with Kai Savolainen
- Differences in particle size distributions collected by two wood dust samplers: preliminary findings
- DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of allergen-encoding genes from airborne moulds and yeasts
- Ecotoxicological quality of textiles: interlaboratory study on the determination of heavy metals in textiles
- The European Campaign on Maintenance and Occupational Safety and Health
- The European campaign on risk assessment: A new concept for a successful model
- European week, the largest annual awareness campaign for a safer, healthier working environment, addresses the fundamental role of the EU in promoting safety at work
- Experimental analysis to validate the non-destructive method of "liquid penetrants on hot surfaces"
- Exposure assessment of carcinogenic metals (Cr, As) in steel foundry workers and in the general population in Taranto (Italy)
- Exposure to biomechanical overload of the upper limbs: occupational risk assessment in poultry processing plants
- Exposure to respirable dusts in calcareous quarries: measurement of crystalline silica concentrations
- Focus: Matrix Effect in the determination of occupational biomarkers in urine by HPLC-MS/MS
- Health and safety policies from the point of view of the European Trade Union: an interview with Laurent Vogel
- The human factor in risk assessment: Methodological comparison between human reliability analysis techniques
- Human resource management in organizational change and the issue of mobbing: an Italian experience
- Hybrid analysis of the reliability and functional safety of complex safety systems: an application example based on remote control communication networks
- Implementation and testing of a low-cost system to measure noise exposure inside personal protective equipment
- Industrial waste management: environmental and economic impact of waste produced by major accident hazard industries
- Instrumental neutron activation analysis, a powerful instrument in determining environmental pollution: theory and applications
- International Information Exchange on Health and Safety at Work
- The International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre, The First 50 Years: An Interview with Sheila Pantry
- Investigation into the causes of accidents among seafarers
- ISPESL register of workers exposed to carcinogens: a survey
- The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission: 50 years of European research
- Lighten the load - A European campaign on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
- Lightning risk to photovoltaic power generating systems
- Methods for the analysis and remediation of contaminated sites
- Molecular phylogenetic analysis in ecogenotoxicological studies
- Monitoring and recording occupational exposure to asbestos: legislation, tools and results
- Monitoring safety and health conditions in the workplace: a pilot survey in a regional context, the Veneto region, Italy
- Mycorrhizal fungi in ecotoxicological studies: soil impact of fungicides, insecticides and herbicides
- The Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised (NAQ-R) In Italy
- Nitrogen oxides abatement systems in thermoelectric power plants: Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
- Noise-related risks in the workplace: ISPESL register of exposed workers as a preventive measure
- Occupational cancer registry: The ISPESL experience
- Occupational safety and health research: the European context and funding schemes
- Perception of safety issues and investments in safety management in small- and medium-sized enterprises: a survey in the Lecco area
- Pilot project for the development of a culture of health and safety in schools in a specific area of Italy
- Policy measures of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces for Occupational injury prevention plans
- Preliminary assessment of material for beach nourishment in port areas
- Probability-type performance analysis of fire protection systems
- Professional qualifications of safety actors in Italy, Europe and the United States of America
- Quality assessment of training courses for the qualification to purchase and use pesticides in agriculture
- Quality of swimming pool water and health of employees
- REACH: Opportunities for the protection of workers' health
- The reconstruction of the causes and dynamics of work-related injuries using the model "We learn by our mistakes"
- Risk assessment in industrial plants through the Analytic Hierarchy Process
- Risk assessment of exposure to mechanical vibrations: comparison between field measurements and use of databases
- The role of national and international networks for the safeguarding of workers' health and safety
- The role of the general practitioner in promoting workers' health
- SAFE START! A European campaign dedicated to young people and young workers to ensure a safe and healthy start to their working lives
- Safe use of chemical products: REACH regulation. The new European legislation to protect human health and the environment
- Study of a selection of man-made organic fibres
- Survey into the health and safety conditions perceived by temporary workers
- Sustainability and social security in a changing labour market: interview with Hans-Horst Konkolewsky (Secretary General of the International Social Security Association ISSA)
- Systematic comparison between risks associated with road transport and occupational activities
- Teachers' efficacy: promoting job commitment and job satisfaction
- Telemedicine systems: methods for safety and quality of service analysis of systems connected via a communication network
- TNFa Polymorphism and susceptibility to contact dermatitis in hairdressers
- Tool for assessing the risk of mobbing in organizational environments: the "Val.Mob." scale
- Tuberculosis biological risk in the workplace: legislative aspects, specific prophylaxis, new perspectives and management criticalities
- Use of electron microscopy to characterize multi-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized by chemical vapour deposition
- Women and work from the viewpoint of public institutions through a qualitative and quantitative analysis of documents on the Web
- Workers' active participation in the prevention of psychosocial hazards in the credit sector: a key priority for becoming a socially responsible business
Health Council of the Netherlands Publications
- Hexachlorophene: Evaluation of the effects on reproduction, recommendation for classification
- Methotrexate: Evaluation of the effects on reproduction, recommendation for classification
- N-fluoren-2-ylacetamide: Evaluation of the effects on reproduction, recommendation for classification
- Occupational exposure to organic solvents: effects on human reproduction
- Standing, kneeling and squatting work: Executive summary
Advisory Committee for Roofsafety Publications
- Guidance Note for competence and general fitness requirements to work on roofs: Covering Inspection, New Build, Maintenance, Repair and Refurbishment Work (Black Book)
- Guidance Note for Safe Working on Fragile Roofs or roofs with fragile elements: Covering the Designing, Planning and carrying out of Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Refurbishment Work (Green Book)
- Practical methods of providing edge protection for working on roofs: Covering the Designing, Planning and carrying out of Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Refurbishment Work (Purple Book)
- Recommended best practice for use of safety nets for roofwork (Blue Book)
- Recommended practice for use of horizontal safety systems in roofwork (Magenta Book)
- Recommended practice for work on profiled sheeted roofs (Orange Book)
- Selecting a Competent Roofing Contractor
- Test for Non-Fragility of Large Element Roofing Assemblies, Accessories and Ancillary Products (Red Book)
- Testing of roof anchors on roof systems (being Part 2 of the Magenta Book)
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Publications
- Assessing the risk to healthcare workers of hospital-acquired infection from patients infected with aerosol-transmissible pathogens - Research Report
- Assessing the risk to healthcare workers of hospital-acquired infection from patients infected with aerosol-transmissible pathogens - Research Summary
- Barriers to and facilitators of return to work after sick leave in workers with common mental disorders: Perspectives of workers, mental health professionals, occupational health professionals, general physicians and managers - Research report
- Barriers to and facilitators of return to work after sick leave in workers with common mental disorders: Perspectives of workers, mental health professionals, occupational health professionals, general physicians and managers - Research summary
- Building safely by design: Using digital design models to improve planning for safe construction - Full Report
- Building safely by design: Using digital design models to improve planning for safe construction - Research Summary
- Building Sound Foundations: Notes of guidance on managing safety rules and procedures
- The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: Cutaneous malignant melanoma and occupational exposure to solar radiation - Research Report
- Business risk management: Getting health and safety firmly on the agenda
- The changing landscape of OSH regulation in the UK
- The changing legitimacy of health and safety at work, 1960-2015
- Checking the checklist: The effect of training on the application and effectiveness of checklist-based risk management - Research Report
- Coaching to engage: An introductory guide
- Construction site evacuation safety: Evacuation strategies for tall construction sites - Research Report
- Construction site evacuation safety: Evacuation strategies for tall construction sites - Research Summary
- Consultancy - good practice guide: Practical guidance on working as a competent health and safety consultant
- Coping in the classroom: An occupational health risk for teachers - Project summary
- Divergent thinking: Embracing neurodiversity at work
- The effectiveness of training in promoting a positive OSH culture - Research Report
- The effects of shift work on health - Research summary
- Engagement of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in occupational safety and health: "Project know-how"
- Experiences of arrangements for health, safety and welfare in the global container terminal industry: Report
- Experiences of arrangements for health, safety and welfare in the global container terminal industry: Research summary
- Exploring health and safety practitioners' training needs in workplace health issues - Full Report
- Exploring health and safety practitioners' training needs in workplace health issues - Project Summary
- Fatal collisions on the road and safety and health - Research Report
- Fatal collisions on the road and safety and health - Research Summary
- Getting help with health and safety: Practical guidance on working with a consultant
- Getting the best from the fit note: Investigating the use of the statement of fitness for work - Research Report
- Getting the best from the fit note - Research Summary
- Getting the message? Guidance on communication
- Hairdresser: Straightforward information and practical tips to help you sort health and safety
- Health and safety in a shifting landscape: Programme report
- The health, safety and health promotion needs of older workers: An evidence-based review and guidance - Full Report
- The health, safety and health promotion needs of older workers: Building an evidence base for a diverse workforce - Summary Report
- A healthy return: Good practice guide to rehabilitating people at work
- Home office, mobile office: Managing remote working
- Immersive virtual worlds: Multi-sensory virtual environments for health and safety training - Research Report
- Immersive virtual worlds: Multi-sensory virtual environments for health and safety training - Research Summary
- The impact of health and safety management on organisations and their staff - Full Report
- The impact of health and safety management on organisations and their staff - Research Summary
- Improving designers' knowledge of hazards: Development of a mixed-media digital tool to improve how designers learn about preventing hazards in their designs - Research Report
- Improving designers' knowledge of hazards: Development of a mixed-media digital tool to improve how designers learn about preventing hazards in their designs - Summary Report
- The Invisible Killer: Electrical safety in the food and drink industry - Electricians' Quiz
- Irish workplace behaviour study - Research Report
- Irish workplace behaviour study - Research Summary
- Learning the lessons: How to respond to deaths at work and other serious incidents
- The limits of influence: The role of supply chains in influencing health and safety management in two sectors - Report
- The limits of influence: The role of supply chains in influencing health and safety management in two sectors - Research Summary
- Löstedt review of health and safety legislation: The results of a survey of IOSH members' views
- Longitudinal study of the effects of shift work on health: Analyses of VISAT (ageing, health and work) data - Research Report
- Looking for higher standards: Behavioural safety - improving performance
- Management of safety rules and procedures: A review of the literature - Report
- Managing safety in outsourced relationships - Research Report
- Managing safety in outsourced relationships - Research Summary
- Managing the safety, health and security of mobile workers: An occupational safety and health practitioner's guide
- Managing your people safely: A report on the importance of health and safety training for managers
- MENtal health first aid in The wORkplace (MENTOR): A feasibility study - Research Report
- MENtal health first aid in The wORkplace (MENTOR): A feasibility study - Summary Review
- Mind the Gap: IOSH Research Workshop - Summary Paper
- Move more: Investigating the impact of behaviour change techniques on break taking behaviour at work - Research Report
- Move more: Encouraging postural breaks - behaviour change in the office - Research Summary
- Nanotechnology in construction and demolition: What we know, what we don't - Research Report
- Nanotechnology in construction and demolition: Guidance for industry
- New Directions: IOSH research workshop 11-12 September 2006 - Summary paper
- Networks of influence: Practising safety leadership in low hazard environments
- Nudging construction workers towards better sun safety behaviour - Research Report
- Nudging construction workers towards better sun safety behaviour - Research Summary
- Occupational Cancer: Malignant Melanoma - Research Summary
- Occupational health management in the workplace: A guide to the key issues of occupational health provision
- Occupational safety and health considerations of returning to work after cancer - Research Report
- Occupational safety and health considerations of returning to work after cancer - Summary Report
- Occupational safety and health in networked organisations: Management of OSH in networked systems of production or service delivery - Studies in healthcare, construction and logistics
- Out of sight, out of mind? Research into the occupational safety and health of distributed workers - Report
- Out of sight, out of mind? Managing distributed workers' occupational safety and health - Research summary
- Post-retirement age workers and health and safety - Research Report
- Post-retirement age workers and health and safety - Summary Report
- Preventing work-related upper limb disorders in hand-intensive healthcare occupations - Research Report
- Preventing work-related upper limb disorders in hand-intensive healthcare occupations - Research Summary
- Promoting active safety leadership: Factors affecting the supervision of safety - Research Summary
- Promoting active safety leadership: Identifying the individual and organisational antecedents of active safety leadership in construction supervisors
- Promoting mental health at work
- Reliable industrial measurement of body temperature: The use of infrared thermometry of tympanic temperature to determine core body temperature in industrial conditions - Full Report
- Reliable industrial measurement of body temperature: The use of infrared thermometry of tympanic temperature to determine core body temperature in industrial conditions - Research Summary
- Responsible Research: Managing health and safety in research - Guidance for the not-for-profit sector
- Return to work trajectories among employees with mental health problems: Insights from longitudinal sickness absence data and a multi-stakeholder expert meeting - Report
- Return to work trajectories among employees with mental health problems: Insights from longitudinal sickness absence data and a multi-stakeholder expert meeting - Summary
- A review of the impact of shift work on occupational cancer - Research Report
- A review of the impact of shift work on occupational cancer - Research Summary
- The role and effects of representing miners in arrangements for safety and health in coal mining: A global study - Volume 1: A comparative analysis of findings from five countries
- The role and effects of representing miners in arrangements for safety and health in coal mining: A global study - Volume 2: Case studies in five countries
- The role and effects of representing miners in arrangements for safety and health in coal mining: A global study - Research Summary
- The role of health problems and drug treatments in accidental injury at work - Research Report
- The role of health problems and drug treatments in accidental injury at work - Report Summary
- A safe place in the sun: The impact of a sun safety DVD in the UK construction sector - Research Summary
- Safety culture, advice and performance: The associations between safety culture and safety performance, health and wellbeing at an individual level, and safety culture, competent occupational safety and health advice, and safety performance at a corporate level - Full Report
- Safety culture, advice and performance: The associations between safety culture and safety performance, health and wellbeing at an individual level, and safety culture, competent occupational safety and health advice, and safety performance at a corporate level - Research Summary
- Safety without borders: Keeping your staff healthy and safe abroad
- Seafarers' mental health and wellbeing - Research Report
- Seafarers' mental health and wellbeing - Research Summary
- Setting standards in health and safety: Raising performance through training and competence development
- Slips and trips: Baseline survey of IOSH members
- Slips and trips: Survey of IOSH members - wave 2 results and comparison with wave 1
- Slips, trips and falls: Practitioner awareness of the HSE's Slips and Trips Priority Programme
- Sound Foundations: Managing safety rules and procedures - Research summary
- Sun safety in construction: Evaluation of a sun safety intervention for the UK construction sector - Research Report
- Superior safety performance: OSH personnel and safety performance in construction - Full Report
- Superior safety performance: OSH personnel and safety performance in construction - Research Summary
- Systems in focus: Guidance on occupational safety and health management systems (OSHMS)
- Tackling modern slavery together: The roles of governments, employers, professionals and the public
- Talk the talk - walk the walk: An evaluation of Olympic Park safety initiatives and communication - Report
- Talk the talk - walk the walk: An evaluation of Olympic Park safety initiatives and communication - Research Summary
- Teaching health and safety in undergraduate engineering courses: Project summary
- Unacceptable behaviour, health and wellbeing at work: A cross-lagged longitudinal study - Report
- Unacceptable behaviour, health and wellbeing at work - Research Summary
- Understanding the role of supply chains in influencing health and safety at work - Full Report
- Understanding the role of supply chains in influencing health and safety at work - Research Summary
- Using pictures in training: The impact of pictorial OSH training on migrant worker behaviour and competence - Report
- Using pictures in training: The impact of pictorial OSH training on migrant worker behaviour and competence - Research Summary
- What is a good job? The relationship between work/working and improved health and wellbeing - Report
- What is a good job? The relationship between work/working and improved health and wellbeing - Research Summary
- What practitioners do: A survey of UK Registered Safety Practitioners to determine their roles and tasks
- Work-related road safety: A review of the evidence for interventions - Research Summary
- Work-related road safety: A systematic review of the literature on the effectiveness of interventions - Literature Review Report
- Work-related road safety: A systematic review of the literature on the effectiveness of interventions - Project Report
- Working voices: An epidemiological study of occupational voice demands and their impact on the call centre industry
- Working well: Guidance on promoting health and wellbeing at work
- Blueprint Technical Resources
- Introduction to business continuity: Understand
- Introduction to chemical hazards: Understand
- Introduction to community impact: Understand
- Introduction to continuous improvement: Understand
- Introduction to ethical business practices: Understand
- Introduction to external visitors, suppliers and contractors: Understand
- Introduction to health and safety auditing: Understand
- Introduction to health and safety competence: Understand
- Introduction to health and safety policy development: Understand
- Introduction to horizon scanning: Understand
- Introduction to incident management: Understand
- Introduction to mental health: Understand
- Introduction to musculoskeletal disorders: Understand
- Introduction to occupational health: Understand
- Introduction to occupational safety and health management systems: Understand
- Introduction to organisational culture: Understand
- Introduction to OSH governance: Understand
- Introduction to performance management: Understand
- Introduction to psychosocial hazards: Understand
- Introduction to quality management: Understand
- Introduction to rehabilitation and return to work: Understand
- Introduction to responsiveness to change in the modern workplace: Understand
- Introduction to risk assessment: Understand
- Introduction to risk management: Understand
- Introduction to sustainability and human capital: Understand
- Introduction to the principles of health and safety and other legislative frameworks: Understand
- Introduction to vulnerable workers: Understand
- Introduction to welfare: Understand
- Introduction to wellbeing: Understand
- Introduction to work equipment: Understand
- Introduction to working at height: Understand
- Introduction to workplace transport: Understand
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
- The art of preventive health and safety in Europe
- The asbestos lie: The past and present of an industrial catastrophe
- Benchmarking Working Europe 2015
- Benchmarking Working Europe 2016
- Benchmarking Working Europe 2017
- Benchmarking Working Europe 2018
- Benchmarking Working Europe 2019
- Benchmarking Working Europe 2020 - Covid-19 and the world of work: The impact of a pandemic
- Betwixt and between: Integrating refugees into the EU labour market
- Blockchain in the world of work: Hype or hope?
- Carcinogens that should be subject to binding limits on workers' exposure
- A case for an EU directive addressing work-related psychological risks: An eastern European perspective
- The cost of occupational cancer in the EU-28 - Report
- The cost of occupational cancer in the EU-28 - Executive Summary
- Creative labour in the era of Covid-19: The case of freelancers
- Electromagnetic fields in working life: A guide to risk assessment
- Endocrine disruptors: An occupational risk in need of recognition
- Epigenetics and chemical risk management in the workplace
- The European pillar of social rights: Critical legal analysis and proposals
- European trade unionism: From crisis to renewal?
- European Works Councils and SE Works Councils in 2015. Facts and figures
- Exposure to psychosocial risk factors in the gig economy: A systematic review
- Firefighters: Feeling the heat
- Gender inequality in performance-related pay: A gap in the EU equal pay agenda
- A global struggle: Worker protest in the platform economy
- Health care reforms and the crisis
- Heatwaves as an occupational hazard: The impact of heat and heatwaves on workers' health, safety and wellbeing and on social inequalities
- How to organise your communications network
- Labour in the age of AI: Why regulation is needed to protect workers
- Musculoskeletal disorders: A major challenge for occupational risk prevention in Europe
- Musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial factors at work
- Nano governance: How should the EU implement nanomaterial traceability?
- Nanomaterials and workplace health and safety: What are the issues for workers?
- Non-standard workers and the self-employed in the EU: Social protection during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Occupational safety and health in 2040 - Four scenarios: How will the next generation in Europe deal with occupational safety and health issues?
- The outsourcing challenge: Organizing workers across fragmented production networks
- Participation rights in practice: what are the power bases of worker representatives at the board?
- Preventing work cancers: A workplace health priority
- Psychosocial risks in Europe: National examples as inspiration for a future directive
- Reducing the numbers of occupational victims requires an alternative prevention policy
- Reprotoxins that should be subject to limit values for workers' exposure
- Reshaping the Work-Life Balance Directive with Covid-19 lessons in mind
- Securing compliance: Some lessons for EU strategy on occupational health and safety
- Sickness benefits in the EU: Making sense of diversity
- Social policy in the European Union: State of play 2015
- Teleworking in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic: Enabling conditions for a successful transition
- Tools for effective trade union verbal communication
- Towards a social-ecological transition: Solidarity in the age of environmental challenge
- Trade Unions and Transnational Projects: A Guide to Managing European Projects
- TTIP: Fast track to deregulation and lower health and safety protection for EU workers
- Wage bargaining under the new European Economic Governance: Alternative strategies for inclusive growth
- The why and how of working time reduction
- Women and occupational diseases: The case of Belgium
- Work, health and Covid-19: A literature review
- Working on digital labour platforms: A trade union guide for trainers on crowd-, app- and platform-based work
- Working under pressure: Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe's public sector since the crisis
- Working Papers
- Addressing burnout in organisations: A literature review
- Better Regulation: A bureaucratic simplification with a political agenda
- Beyond the CEE 'black box': Crisis and industrial relations in the new EU member states
- Cancer risks in the workplace: better regulation, stronger protection
- Digital labour platforms and migrant workers: Analysing migrants' working conditions and (over)representation in platform work in Europe
- Eliminating occupational cancer in Europe and globally
- European multinational companies and trade unions in eastern and east-central Europe
- The European sectoral social dialogue: An uneven record of achievement?
- Free movement of labour in Europe: A solution for better labour allocation?
- Friday on my mind - Working time in the manufacturing sector
- A gender perspective on older workers' employment and working conditions
- The Janus face of the 'New Ways of Work': Rise, risks and regulation of nomadic work
- Job quality and digitalisation
- Legislative implementation of European social partner agreements: Challenges and debates
- Pensions and the green transition: Policy and political issues at stake
- The platform economy and social law: Key issues in comparative perspective
- The platform economy in Europe: Results from the second ETUI Internet and Platform Work Survey
- The public-private sector pay debate in Europe
- Social protection for atypical workers during the pandemic: Measures, policy debates and trade union involvement in eight member states
- Towards workers' environmental rights: An analysis of EU labour and environmental law
- Trade union membership retention and workplace representation in Europe
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): A controversial agreement and dangerous for workers
- The TTIP's impact: Bringing in the missing issue
- Why have some countries become more unemployed than others? An investigation of changes in unemployment in EU member states since 2008
- Working conditions in Europe: The role of global value chains and advanced digital production-driven technological specialisation
- Working time reforms in times of crisis
- Newsletter of the Health and Safety Department of the ETUI-REHS
- HesaMag No. 1 - Nanotechnologies: Hopes and uncertainties around a new revolution
- HesaMag No. 2 - Cleaning up: Workers under pressure
- HesaMag No. 3 - Social inequalities in health: The impact of work
- HesaMag No. 4 - Restructurings, Working Conditions and Health
- HesaMag No. 5 - Paying the price for putting in the hours
- HesaMag No. 6 - Discounting the workers: Conditions in the retail sector
- HesaMag No. 7 - Standardization: What roles for the unions?
- HesaMag No. 8 - Chemical hazards: State of play 6 years into REACH
- HesaMag No. 9 - Waste and recycling: Workers at risk
- HesaMag No. 10 - Occupational health services in need of emergency care
- HesaMag No. 11 - The nursing world at tipping point
- HesaMag No. 12 - Women at work: In search of recognition
- HesaMag No. 13 - Construction workers at the mercy of social dumping
- HesaMag No. 14 - Labour Inspection: A public service in crisis
- HesaMag No. 15 - Journalism, an increasingly precarious profession
- HesaMag No. 16 - The future of work in the digital era
- HesaMag No. 17 - All that glitters is not gold: The dark side of the beauty industry
- HesaMag No. 18 - Work-related cancer: Emerging from obscurity
- HesaMag No. 19 - Working behind bars
- HesaMag No. 20 - Migrant workers in Fortress Europe
- HesaMag No. 21 - The real work of art
- HesaMag No. 22 - Occupational health in the courts
- HesaMag No. 23 - Workers in the food chain
- HesaMag No. 24 - Workplaces in a pandemic
- HesaMag No. 25 - Workers on the route
- HesaMag No. 26 - Psychosocial risks: A mounting crisis
- HesaMag No. 27 - Time to act on asbestos
- HesaMag No. 28 - Workers and the climate challenge
The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) Publications
- IPAF Guidance for Second Party Inspection Bodies: Periodic In-Service Inspection/Thorough Examination of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs)
- Safety tips for the use of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) in the tree care industry
- Statement of Best Practices of General Training and Familiarization for Aerial Work Platform Equipment
Commonwealth of Australia / Safe Work Australia Publications
- Amusement devices information sheet for annual inspection and records
- Amusement devices information sheet for inflatable devices
- Amusement devices information sheet for operators
- Analysis of ABS Work-related injuries survey data, 2021-22
- Asbestos Exposure and Compliance Study of Construction and Maintenance Workers
- Asbestos Exposure and Compliance Study of Construction and Maintenance Workers: Follow-up Report
- Asbestos registers at the workplace
- Australian and other standards - Information sheet
- Australian Work Exposures Study (AWES): Asthmagens
- The Australian Work Exposure Study (AWES): Carcinogen exposures in the construction industry
- Australian Work Health and Safety (WHS) Strategy 2023-2033
- Australian Work Health and Safety (WHS) Strategy 2023-2033: Baseline report on targets
- Australian Work Health and Safety (WHS) Strategy 2023-2033: About the data
- Australian Workers' Compensation Statistics 2018-19
- Australian Workers' Compensation Statistics 2019-20
- Australian Workers' Compensation Statistics 2020-21
- Australian workers' dermal exposures to wet work and chemicals and the causes and characteristics of occupational skin disease: A summary of the findings and policy implications of three research reports
- Australian workers' understanding of workers' compensation systems and their communication preferences
- The Australian Workplace Barometer: Report on Psychosocial Safety Climate and Worker Health in Australia
- The Bariatric Journey in Australia: Ambulance Case Study
- The Bariatric Journey in Australia: Fire Case Study
- The Bariatric Journey in Australia: Funeral Case Study
- The Bariatric Journey in Australia: Hospital Case Study
- Benchmarking of exposures to wood dust and formaldehyde in selected industries in Australia
- Benchmarking of Noise Exposures in Selected South Australian workplaces - Part of a Stakeholder Compliance Campaign
- The Blue Book: Guidelines for the control of infectious diseases
- Brief Review on Health Effects of Laser Printer Emissions Measured as Particles
- Bullying and harassment in Australian workplaces: Results from the Australian Workplace Barometer Project 2014/2015
- Changes to chemical classifications and labelling under GHS 7
- Changes to labelling for agricultural and veterinary (AgVet) chemicals - Policy Statement
- Changes to workplace chemical laws in Australia - transition to GHS 7
- Classifying hazardous chemicals - National guide
- Collecting surveillance data on risks for occupational contact dermatitis
- Comparative Performance Monitoring Report 23: Entitlements under Workers' Compensation
- Comparison of workers' compensation arrangements in Australia and New Zealand 2016
- Comparison of Workers' Compensation Arrangements in Australia and New Zealand 2021
- Comparative Performance Monitoring Report 23: Work Health and Safety Compliance and Enforcement
- Comparative Performance Monitoring Report 23: Work Health and Safety Performance
- Comparative Performance Monitoring Report 23: Workers' Compensation Disputes
- Comparative Performance Monitoring Report 23: Workers' Compensation Funding
- Comparative Performance Monitoring Report 23: Workers' Compensation Premiums
- Comparison of workers' compensation arrangements in Australia and New Zealand 2017
- Comparison of workers' compensation arrangements in Australia and New Zealand 2018
- Comparison of workers' compensation arrangements in Australia and New Zealand 2019
- Compressed Air and Air Receiver - Information Sheet
- Controlling Risks Associated with Electroplating
- COVID-19 and Safe Work Australia data
- Dealing with Workplace Bullying: A Worker's Guide
- Deemed diseases in Australia
- Decision Regulation Impact Statement: Prohibition on the use of engineered stone
- Developing a return to work plan: Guide and template
- Developing Workplace Detection and Measurement Techniques for Carbon Nanotubes
- Disability and Employment in the Australian Labour Market - Final Report
- Durability of carbon nanotubes and their potential to cause inflammation
- Engineered Nanomaterials: Evidence on the Effectiveness of Workplace Controls to Prevent Exposure
- Engineered Nanomaterials: Feasibility of establishing exposure standards and using control banding in Australia
- Engineered Nanomaterials: Investigating substitution and modification options to reduce potential hazards
- Engineered Nanomaterials: A review of the toxicology and health hazards
- Engineered stone prohibition: Guidance for PCBUs
- An Evaluation of MSDS and Labels associated with the use of Engineered Nanomaterials
- Exploring dust exposure in the stone industry - Insights Report
- Exploring the experience of family farmers - Insights Report
- General Construction Induction (White card) Training - Guidance for RTO proposals for connected real-time delivery
- General Guide for Managing the Risks of Machinery in Rural Workplaces
- General Guide for Split Rims
- Guidance on the Classification of Hazardous Chemicals under the WHS Regulations: Implementation of the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)
- Guidance on the Interpretation of Workplace Exposure Standards for Airborne Contaminants
- Guide for amusement devices
- Guide for Major Hazard Facilities - Developing a Safety Case Outline
- Guide for Major Hazard Facilities - Emergency Plans
- Guide for Major Hazard Facilities - Notification and Determination
- Guide for Major Hazard Facilities - Providing Information to the Community
- Guide for Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying
- Guide on exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR)
- Guide to handling isocyanates
- Guide to handling refractory ceramic fibres
- Guide to identifying and handling low density asbestos fibre board (LDB)
- Guide to inspecting the workplace
- Guide to managing risk in construction: Concrete pumping
- Guide to managing risk in construction: Prefabricated Concrete
- Guide to managing the risks of elevating work platforms
- Guide to Managing Risks of Exposure to Carcinogens in the Workplace
- Guide to Managing Risks of Exposure to Diesel Exhaust in the Workplace
- Guide to managing risks of industrial rope access systems
- Guide to Managing Risks of Tree Trimming and Removal Work
- Guide to managing risks in cattle handling
- Guide to the Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act
- Guide to the Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations
- Hazard Surveillance: Residual Chemicals in Shipping Containers
- Hazardous Chemical Register Template
- Hazardous Chemicals - Example of a Site Plan
- Hazardous Chemicals - Example of a Manifest
- The health and safety duty of an officer
- The Health of Nations: The Value of a Statistical Life
- Healthy Lungs at Work
- High Risk Work Licensing for Bridge and Gantry Cranes - Information Sheet
- High Risk Work Licensing for Dogging - Information Sheet
- High Risk Work Licensing for Vehicle Loading Cranes - Information Sheet
- Identifying and assessing the risks of bushfires at work - using fire danger ratings and warnings
- Implementation and Effectiveness of the European Directive Relating to Vibration in the Workplace
- Information sheet for businesses using, handling or storing agricultural and veterinary (AgVet) chemicals
- Information sheet for manufacturers and importers of agricultural and veterinary (AgVet) chemicals
- Inspecting and maintaining Elevating Work Platforms - Guidance material
- Labour hire: Duties of persons conducting a business or undertaking
- Lacrosse Building Fire: 673 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Melbourne, Australia on 25 November 2014
- Managing psychosocial hazards at work
- Managing the relationship with an injured or ill worker during return to work: A guide for supervisors in small and medium businesses
- Managing risks in the food delivery industry - Food outlets
- Managing risks in the food delivery industry - Platforms
- Managing Risks of Diesel Exhaust Exposure in the Workplace - Information Sheet
- Managing risks of exposure to solvents in the workplace - Information Sheet
- Managing risks of storing chemicals in the workplace
- Managing the risks of working in heat
- Manual handling risks associated with the care, treatment and transportation of bariatric (severely obese) patients in Australia
- Manufacturers and importers of workplace hazardous chemicals - transition to GHS 7
- Measurement Framework: Measuring the success of the National Return to Work Strategy 2020-2030
- Measuring and reporting on work health and safety
- Measuring respirable crystalline silica: Report into the effectiveness of sampling and analysis of respirable crystalline silica at a workplace exposure standard eight hour time weighted average of 0.02 mg/m3
- Methodology for the Measurement Framework - Rationale and technical details underpinning the Measurement Framework
- Mindfulness of work health and safety in the workplace - Report
- Mindfulness of work health and safety in the workplace - Research Brief
- Motivations, Attitudes, Perceptions and Skills: Pathways to Safe Work
- Motivations, Attitudes, Perceptions and Skills: What they said about work health and safety in 2010
- Nanoparticles from Printer Emissions in Workplace Environments
- National code of practice for the prevention of falls in housing construction
- National Exemption Framework: Guide for applicants for exemptions
- National Return to Work Survey 2018: Headline Measures Report
- National Return to Work Survey 2018: Summary Report
- National Return to Work Survey 2021 - Headline Measures Report
- National Return to Work Survey 2021 - Methodological Report
- National Return to Work Survey 2021 - Summary Report
- National Review into model occupational health and safety laws: Second report to the Workplace Relations Ministers' Council
- New Advisory Notation Proposal: Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health - Accessory document to Recommending health-based workplace exposure standards and notations
- Non-threshold based genotoxic carcinogens: Accessory document to Recommending health-based workplace exposure standards and notations
- Occupational Contact Dermatitis: A review of 18 years of data from an occupational dermatology clinic in Australia
- Occupational Exposures of Australian Nurses
- Occupational Exposures of Australian Nurses: Methodology Report
- Occupational Health and Safety risk factors for rural and metropolitan nurses: Comparative results from a national nurses survey
- Occupational lung diseases in Australia 2006-2019
- Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Australia: Overcoming barriers to effective noise control and hearing loss prevention
- Online abuse in the workplace - Information for employers
- Online abuse in the workplace - Information for workers
- Overweight and obesity: Implications for workplace health and safety and workers' compensation
- Perceived levels of management safety empowerment and justice among Australian employers
- Placard and manifest requirements under the model WHS Regulations
- Planning Safer Communities: Land Use Planning for Natural Hazards
- Preventing workplace sexual harassment - National guidance material
- Preventing workplace violence and aggression - National guidance material
- Prevention of vehicle roll-aways and safe immobilisation
- Principles of Good Work Design: A work health and safety handbook
- Prohibition of engineered stone: Literature review and gap analysis
- Psychological response to injury: Research to support workers' psychological responses to injury and successful return to work
- Psychosocial safety climate and better productivity in Australian workplaces: Costs, productivity, presenteeism, absenteeism
- Return to Work Survey 2016 - Summary Research Report (Australia and New Zealand)
- Return to Work Survey, 2016, Headline Measures Report, Australia and New Zealand
- Return to work: A comparison of psychological and physical injury claims - Analysis of the Return to Work Survey results
- A Review of Key Characteristics that Determine the Efficacy of OHS Instruments
- Review of the model Work Health and Safety laws - Final report
- Review of the model Work Health and Safety laws - Public consultation summary
- The role of psychosocial work factors in the decision to retire early
- Safer, healthier, wealthier: The economic value of reducing work-related injuries and illnesses - Summary report
- Safer, healthier, wealthier: The economic value of reducing work-related injuries and illnesses - Technical report
- Safe Work Australia Annual Report 2022-23
- Sedentary Work: Evidence on an Emergent Work Health and Safety Issue
- Selection of hazardous chemicals to be considered for addition to or removal from the workplace exposure standards list
- Selection of sources for workplace exposure standards, notations and supporting data
- Sexual and gender-based harassment
- Short Term Exposure Limit for Respirable Crystalline Silica
- Sizing Up Australia: How contemporary is the anthropometric data Australian designers use?
- Solar ultraviolet radiation - Managing the risks
- Something to Think About - Motivations, Attitudes, Perceptions and Skills in Work Health and Safety
- Sources of work health and safety information in Australian workplaces - Report
- Sources of work health and safety information in Australian workplaces - Research Brief
- Stigma towards injured or ill workers: Research on the causes and impact of stigma in workplaces, and approaches to creating positive workplace cultures that support return to work
- Storage of swimming pool chemicals
- Summary of Workers' Compensation Scheme Developments in Australia and New Zealand - 1st Edition: September 2018 to September 2020
- Summary of Workers' Compensation Scheme Developments in Australia and New Zealand 2022
- Suppliers and users of workplace hazardous chemicals - transition to GHS 7
- SWA Deemed Diseases List Recommendations for amendments to 2015 List
- Taking Action: A best practice framework for the management of psychological claims in the Australian workers' compensation sector
- Tower cranes
- Transport industry: Synthesis of research findings - Report
- Transport Industry: Synthesis of research findings - Research Brief
- Updating the GHS under the model WHS laws - Consultation Summary
- WES Methodology: Criteria for the selection of hazardous chemicals to be considered for addition to or removal from the workplace exposure standards list
- WES Methodology: Criteria for the selection of sources for workplace exposure standards, notations and supporting data
- WES Methodology: Recommending health-based workplace exposure standards and notations
- What does an officer need to do? - Information Sheet
- Who is an officer?
- WHS duties in a contractual chain
- Work Health and Safety Laws and Volunteers
- Work Productivity Loss in Young Workers - Report
- Work Productivity Loss in Young Workers - Research Brief
- Worker Representation and Participation Guide
- Workers' Compensation Coverage in Australia
- Working from home - PCBU information sheet
- Working from home - Worker information sheet
- Working safely in Australia - Information sheet
- Working with silica and silica containing products
- Workplace exposure limits for airborne contaminants
- Workplace health and safety, business productivity and sustainability
- Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Australia
- Work-related psychological health and safety: A systematic approach to meeting your duties
- Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities, Australia 2019
- Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities, Australia 2020
- Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities, Australia 2021
- Codes of Practice
- Code of Practice - Abrasive Blasting
- Code of Practice - Confined Spaces
- Code of Practice - Construction Work
- Code of Practice - Demolition Work
- Code of Practice - Excavation work
- Code of Practice - First Aid in the Workplace
- Code of Practice - Hazardous Manual Tasks
- Code of Practice - How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the Workplace
- Code of Practice - How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks
- Code of Practice - How to Safely Remove Asbestos
- Code of Practice - Labelling of Workplace Hazardous Chemicals
- Code of Practice - Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace
- Code of Practice - Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work
- Code of Practice - Managing risks of hazardous chemicals in the workplace
- Code of Practice - Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces
- Code of Practice - Managing the Risks of Plant in the Workplace
- Code of Practice - Managing the Work Environment and Facilities
- Code of Practice - Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals
- Code of Practice - Preventing Falls in Housing Construction
- Code of Practice - Safe Design of Structures
- Code of Practice - Spray Painting and Powder Coating
- Code of Practice - Welding Processes
- Code of Practice - Work Health and Safety Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance (NHEWS) Survey: 2008 Results
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance: Chemical exposure and the provision of chemical exposure control measures in Australian workplaces
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance: Exposure to Biological Hazards and the Provision of Controls Against Biological Hazards in Australian Workplaces
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance: Exposure to Biomechanical Demands, Pain and Fatigue Symptoms and the Provision of Controls in Australian Workplaces
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance: Exposure to direct sunlight and the provision of sun exposure controls in Australian workplaces
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance: Exposure to dust, gases, vapours, smoke and fumes and the provision of controls for these airborne hazards in Australian workplaces
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance: Exposure to vibration and the provision of vibration control measures in Australian workplaces
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance: Noise exposure and the provision of noise control measures in Australian workplaces
- National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance: Wet Work Exposure and the Provision of Wet Work Control Measures in Australian Workplaces
- Health monitoring
- Guide for 4,4'-methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA)
- Guide for acrylonitrile
- Guide for antimony
- Guide for arsenic (inorganic)
- Guide for asbestos
- Guide for benzene
- Guide for beryllium
- Guide for butanone (methyl ethyl ketone, MEK)
- Guide for cadmium
- Guide for carbon disulfide
- Guide for chromium (inorganic)
- Guide for cobalt
- Guide for creosote
- Guide for crystalline silica
- Guide for cyclophosphamide
- Guide for ethyl benzene
- Guide for fluorides
- Guide for isocyanates
- Guide for lead (inorganic)
- Guide for mercury (inorganic)
- Guide for MIBK (4-methylpentan-2-one, methyl isobutyl ketone)
- Guide for nickel
- Guide for organophosphate pesticides
- Guide for pentachlorophenol (PCP)
- Guide for persons conducting a business or undertaking
- Guide for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Guide for registered medical practitioners
- Guide for styrene
- Guide for tetrachloroethylene
- Guide for thallium
- Guide for toluene
- Guide for trichloroethylene
- Guide for uranium
- Guide for vinyl chloride
- Guide for xylene
- Workplace Vibration
- Guide to Managing Risks of Exposure to Hand-Arm Vibration in Workplaces
- Guide to Managing Risks of Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration in Workplaces
- Guide to Measuring and Assessing Workplace Exposure to Hand-Arm Vibration
- Guide to Measuring and Assessing Workplace Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration
- Hand-Arm Vibration - Information Sheet
- Whole-Body Vibration - Information Sheet
- Workplace Amusement Devices
- Cranes
- Bridge and Gantry Cranes - Information Sheet
- Crane-Lifted Work Boxes - Information Sheet
- General Guide for Cranes
- Guide to Inspecting and Maintaining Cranes
- Guide to Mobile Cranes
- Guide to Tower Cranes
- Quick-Hitches for Earthmoving Machinery - Information Sheet
- Using other powered mobile plant as a crane - Information Sheet
- Vehicle Loading Cranes - Information Sheet
- Vessel-Mounted Cranes - Information Sheet
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Publications
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Publications
- COVID-19 rapid guideline: Managing the long-term effects of COVID-19
- Long-term sickness absence and incapacity for work: Quick reference guide
- Managing long-term sickness absence and incapacity for work
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Publications
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) Publications
- Allied Terminals, Inc. - Catastrophic Tank Collapse (Two Serious Injuries, Community Evacuation) Investigation Report
- Bayer CropScience, LP Pesticide Chemical Runaway Reaction Pressure Vessel Explosion on 28 August 2008: Investigation Report
- Bethlehem Steel Corporation Steel Manufacturing Incident on 2 February 2001: Investigation Report
- Bethune Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Methanol Tank Explosion and Fire on 11 January 2006: Investigation report
- BLSR Operating, Ltd. Vapor Cloud Deflagration and Fire on 13 January 2003: Investigation Report
- BP Amoco Polymers, Inc. Thermal Decomposition Incident on 13 March 2001: Investigation Report
- BP Texas City Refinery Explosion and Fire on 23 March 2005: Investigation Report
- Case Study - Explosion at Biochemical Facility: Liquid Nitric Oxide Release
- Case Study - The Explosion at Concept Sciences: Hazards of Hydroxylamine
- Case Study - Fire and Explosion: Hazards of Benzoyl Peroxide
- Case Study - Fire at Formosa Plastics Corporation: Evaluating Process Hazards
- Case Study - Giant Industries' Ciniza Oil Refinery Fire and Explosion on 8 April 2004
- Case Study - Polyethylene Wax Processing Facility Explosion and Fire
- Chemical Safety Board (CSB) Strategic Plan 2012-2016
- Combustible Dust Hazard Study: Investigation Report
- CTA Acoustics, Inc. Combustible Dust Fire and Explosions on 20 February 2003: Investigation Report
- DPC Enterprises, L. P. Chlorine Release on 14 August 2002: Investigation Report
- First Chemical Corporation Explosion and Fire on 13 October 2002: Investigation Report
- Formosa Plastics Corp. Vinyl Chloride Monomer Explosion on 23 April 2004: Investigation Report
- Hayes Lemmerz International-Huntington, Inc. Aluminum Dust Explosion on 29 October 2003: Investigation Report
- Hazard Investigation: Improving Reactive Hazard Management
- Herrig Brothers Feather Creek Farm Propane Tank Explosion on 9 April 1998: Investigation Report
- Honeywell International, Inc. Chlorine Release, Contaminated Antimony Pentachloride Exposure, Hydrogen Fluoride Release in July and August 2003: Investigation Report
- Key Lessons for Preventing Hydraulic Shock in Industrial Refrigeration Systems: Anhydrous Ammonia Release at Millard Refrigerated Services, Inc.
- Morton International, Inc. Chemical Manufacturing Incident on 8 April 1998: Investigation Report
- Motiva Enterprises LLC Refinery Incident on 17 July 2001: Investigation Report
- Safety Bulletin - Dangers of Propylene Cylinders in High Temperatures
- Safety Bulletin - Dangers of Purging Gas Piping into Buildings
- Safety Bulletin - Hazards of Nitrogen Asphyxiation
- Safety Bulletin - Management of Change
- Safety Bulletin - Positive Material Verification: Prevent Errors during Alloy Steel Systems Maintenance
- Sierra Chemical Company Explosives Manufacturing Incident on 7 January 1998: Investigation Report
- Sonat Exploration Company Catastrophic Vessel Overpressurization on 4 March 1998: Investigation Report
- Sugar Dust Explosion and Fire at Imperial Sugar Company, Port Wentworth, Georgia, USA on 7 February 2008 (14 Killed, 36 Injured) - Investigation Report
- Third Coast Industries Petroleum Products Facility Incident on 1 May 2002: Investigation Report
- Tosco Avon Refinery Fire Incident on 23 February 1999: Investigation Report
- Union Carbide Corporation Nitrogen Asphyxiation on 27 March 1998: Summary Report
- West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Dust Explosion on January 29, 2003: Investigation Report
- Drilling Rig Explosion and Fire at the Macondo Well - Deepwater Horizon Rig (20 April 2010) - Investigation Report
- Executive Summary
- Volume 1: Macondo-specific incident events; Relevant background on deepwater drilling and temporary abandonment
- Volume 2: Technical findings on the Deepwater Horizon blowout preventer (BOP) with an emphasis on the effective management of safety critical elements
- Volume 3: Human, Organizational, and Safety System Factors of the Macondo Blowout
- Volume 4: Regulatory Oversight of U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Operations: A Call for More Robust and Proactive Requirements
European Safety Reliability and Data Association (ESReDA) Publications
Industry Committee for Emergency Lighting (ICEL) Publications
- Checklist for Emergency Lighting
- Emergency Lighting Central Power Supply Systems Standard and Registration Scheme
- Emergency Lighting Design Guide
- Emergency Lighting - Risk Assessment Guide
- ICEL Report for the LIF Annual Report 2008
- The ICEL Scheme of Product and Authenticated Photometric Data Registration for Emergency Lighting Luminaires and Conversion Modules
- Requirements for the Re-Engineering of Luminaires for Emergency Lighting Use
- Scheme of Registration of Battery Cell(s) and Batteries for Emergency Lighting Use
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Publications
- Advanced Materials: Working Description
- Comparison of Guidance on Selection of Skin Protective Equipment and Respirators for use in the Workplace: Manufactured Nanomaterials
- Corporate governance for process safety: Guidance for senior leaders in high hazard industries
- Current development/activities on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials
- Developments in Delegations on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials - Tour de Table
- Emission Assessment for Identification of Sources and Release of Airborne Manufactured Nanomaterials in the Workplace: Compilation of Existing Guidance
- Evaluation of Tools and Models for Assessing Occupational and Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials - Part I: Compilation of tools/models and analysis for further evaluation
- Evaluation of Tools and Models for Assessing Occupational and Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials - Part II: Performance testing results of tools/models for occupational exposure
- Evaluation of Tools and Models for Assessing Occupational and Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials - Part III: Performance testing results of tools/models for consumer exposure
- Evaluation of Tools and Models Used for Assessing Environmental Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials; Functional Assessment and Statistical Analysis of Nano-Specific Environmental Exposure Tools and Models
- Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials
- OECD Guidance for Characterising Hydrocarbon Solvents for Assessment Purposes
- Report of an OECD Workshop on Exposure Assessment and Exposure Mitigation: Manufactured Nanomaterials
- Sustainability and Safe and Sustainable by Design: Working Descriptions for the Safer Innovation Approach
Perry Scott Nash Publications
United States Fire Administration (USFA) Publications
- Emergency Vehicle Visibility and Conspicuity Study
- Fire Departments and Maritime Interface Area Preparedness: Special Report
The Work Foundation Publications
- Body and Soul: Exploring the connection between physical and mental health conditions
- The changing contours of fairness: Can we match individual and organisational perspectives?
- The changing workplace: Enabling disability-inclusive hybrid working
- Could a bad Brexit deal reduce workers' rights across Europe? Estimating the risks of a 'race to the bottom'
- Don't Stop Me Now: Supporting young people with chronic conditions from education to employment
- Downturn in workers' mental and financial wellbeing during Covid-19: Hardest hit are those that can least afford it
- Fit For Work? Musculoskeletal Disorders in the European Workforce
- Fit For Work UK: 'My plan for life' guide
- Fluctuating Conditions, Fluctuating Support: Improving organisational resilience to fluctuating conditions in the workforce
- A guide for Health Care Professionals to have Conversations on Work with People with Multiple Sclerosis: Why and how should HCPs talk to people with MS about work?
- Health and wellbeing at work: A survey of employees, 2014
- Healthy, working economies: Improving the health and wellbeing of the working age population locally
- Investing in a workforce fit for the future: Challenges for the UK government
- Is welfare to work, working well? Improving employment rates for people with disabilities and long-term conditions
- Living long, working well: Supporting older workers with health conditions to remain active at work
- The Looking Glass: Mental health in the UK film, TV and cinema industry
- Making hybrid inclusive - A guide for employers
- Making hybrid inclusive - Key priorities for policymakers
- Men's mental health and work: The case for a gendered approach to policy
- Migraine's impact on employment in Europe: What can be done to improve work outcomes for people with migraine?
- More than "women's issues": Women's reproductive and gynaecological health and work
- Multiple Sclerosis and Employment in Europe: Literature Summary
- Peer support for employment: A review of the evidence
- Ready to Work? Meeting the Employment and Career Aspirations of People with Multiple Sclerosis
- Symptoms of depression and their effects on employment
- Working Well: Promoting job and career opportunities for those with IBD
- Working with HIV
Care Quality Commission Publications
- Care Quality Commission Annual report and accounts 2015/16
- IR(ME)R annual report 2016: CQC's enforcement of the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000
- Working together to prevent and control infections: A study of the arrangements for infection prevention and control between hospitals and care homes
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) Publications
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2014/15
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2015/16
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2017-18
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23
- Acas Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24
- The Acas framework for effective leadership
- Acas Workplace Trends 2016
- Building back: Making working lives better
- Bullying and harassment at work: A guide for employees
- Bullying and harassment at work: A guide for managers and employers
- Conducting workplace investigations
- Discipline and grievances at work: The Acas guide
- Disability discrimination: Key points for the workplace
- Estimating the costs of workplace conflict
- Fairness, justice and capability - repositioning conflict management
- Flexibility in the Workplace: Implications of flexible work arrangements for individuals, teams and organisations
- Flexible working and work-life balance
- Flexible working for parents returning to work: Maintaining career development
- The future of health and wellbeing in the workplace
- Gender Identity: Terminology
- Health, work and wellbeing
- Homeworking - a guide for employers and employees
- Hybrid working: Advice for employers on how to consider, discuss and introduce hybrid working
- Improvement required? A mixed-methods study of employers' use of performance management systems
- The Management of Mental Health at Work
- Managing bereavement in the workplace - a good practice guide
- Managing people - Help and advice for employers and employees
- Managing workplace conflict: The changing role of HR
- Neurodiversity at work
- Older workers and the generalisation game
- Parity and integration? The new challenge for mental health at work
- Promoting positive mental health in the workplace
- Seeking better solutions: Tackling bullying and ill-treatment in Britain's workplaces
- Sex discrimination: Key points for the workplace
- Sexual harassment in the British workplace. We all know it's wrong, so why is it so difficult to stop?
- Strategies for Effectively Managing Email at Work
- Stress and anxiety at work: Personal or cultural?
- Stress at work
- Supporting trans employees in the workplace
- Working safely during coronavirus
European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) Publications
- The Business Case for Managing Road Risk at Work
- ETSC interview with Suckling Transport
- ETSC interview with Fredsø Vognmandsforretning
- ETSC interview with DB Schenker
- Fit for Road Safety: From Risk Assessment to Training
- Fitness to drive
- How can In-vehicle Safety Equipment improve road safety at work?
- Making Taxis Safer: Managing road risks for taxi drivers, their passengers and other road users
- Managing grey fleet safety: A short guide for companies whose staff drive their own cars for work
- Managing the Road Risk of Van Fleets
- Managing young drivers at work
- Reducing road risk at work through procurement: Integrating safety requirements in the transport sector supply chain
- Road Safety at Work Zones
- Tackling Fatigue: EU Social Rules and Heavy Goods Vehicle Drivers
- Tapping the potential for reducing work-related road deaths and injuries
- Using telematics in professional vehicle fleets
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Publications
- A 5 step guide for employers, workers and their representatives on conducting workplace risk assessments
- Action against child labour 2008-2009: IPEC Progress and Future Priorities
- Addressing gender-based violence and harassment in a work health and safety framework
- Arab States Employment and Social Outlook - Trends 2024: Promoting social justice through a just transition
- Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2022: Rethinking sectoral strategies for a human-centred future of work
- Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2024: Promoting decent work and social justice to manage ageing societies
- ASEAN in Transformation: How technology is changing jobs and enterprises
- Assessment of occupational safety and health qualification systems at national level: A practical guide to support countries in the assessment and further improvement of their national OSH qualification system
- Building Safety: International digital training package in occupational safety and health for the construction industry
- A call for safer and healthier working environments
- Can better working conditions improve the performance of SMEs? An international literature review
- Care at work: Investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work - Report
- Care at work: Investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work - Executive summary
- Care work and care jobs for the future of decent work - Report
- Care work and care jobs for the future of decent work - Executive Summary
- Chemicals and climate change in the world of work: Impacts for occupational safety and health
- Children in hazardous work: What we know, what we need to do
- CIS: Fifty years of history
- Code of Practice on Safety and Health in Agriculture
- Collective Agreements: Extending Labour Protection
- Conducting Occupational Safety and Health Inspections in Agricultural Undertakings: A guide for labour inspectors
- COVID-19 and its impact on working conditions in the meat processing sector
- COVID-19 and the port sector
- COVID-19: Occupational health and safety for health workers
- Criteria for Use in Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency: General Safety Guide
- Developing a National GHS Implementation Strategy: A Guidance Document to support implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)
- Digital labour platforms and the future of work: Towards decent work in the online world
- Emerging risks and new patterns of prevention in a changing world of work
- Ending child labour, forced labour and human trafficking in global supply chains
- Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
- Ergonomic Checkpoints in Agriculture: Practical and easy-to-implement solutions for improving safety, health and working conditions in agriculture
- Experiences of violence and harassment at work: A global first survey
- Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts: A global review
- Exposure to lead in the world of work: Impacts for occupational safety and health
- Exposure to mercury in the world of work: A review of the evidence and key priority actions
- Fire Risk Management
- The future of diversity
- The gender pay gap in the health and care sector: A global analysis in the time of COVID-19
- The GHS in the world of work: Mapping synergies between ILO Instruments and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)
- Global child labour developments: Measuring trends from 2004 to 2008
- Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022: Investing in transforming futures for young people
- Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage - Report
- Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage - Executive summary
- The global impact of e-waste: Addressing the challenge
- Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health: Conclusions adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 91st Session, 2003
- Global Wage Report 2018/19: What lies behind gender pay gaps
- Global Wage Report 2022-23: The impact of inflation and COVID-19 on wages and purchasing power - Report
- Global Wage Report 2022-23: The impact of inflation and COVID-19 on wages and purchasing power - Executive Summary
- Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces - Report
- Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces - Executive summary
- Guidance on occupational safety and health for domestic workers and employers to prevent and mitigate COVID-19
- Guide for the mainstreaming of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in vocational training programmes
- A Guide to Selected Labour Inspection Systems (with special reference to OSH)
- Guidelines for the use of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses (Revised Edition 2011)
- Guidelines on general principles of labour inspection
- Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems - ILO-OSH 2001
- Hazardous exposures to plastics in the world of work
- Heat and OSH Policy Brief: Best practices in the GCC region and beyond
- Implementing the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work: An education and training manual
- An ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work
- ILO Framework for Action on Chemicals and Waste
- ILO Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers: Results and Methodology - Report
- ILO Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers: Results and Methodology - Executive Summary
- ILO global estimates on migrant workers: Results and methodology (Special focus on migrant domestic workers)
- The ILO Global HIV Discrimination in the World of Work survey
- ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. Eighth edition: Updated estimates and analysis
- ILO Monitor on the world of work. Ninth edition
- ILO tools and resources for labor health and safety in recovery and reconstruction following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami
- Impact of COVID-19 on the construction sector
- The impact of HIV and AIDS on the world of work: Global estimates
- Implementation Guide for SCORE Training
- International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)
- Internships, Employability and the Search for Decent Work Experience
- Joint WHO-ILO-UNAIDS policy guidelines on improving health workers' access to HIV and TB prevention, treatment, care and support services
- Key principles underlying sanctioning procedures applicable to occupational safety and health violations
- Labour inspection in Europe: Undeclared work, migration, trafficking
- Labour Provisions in G7 Trade Agreements: A Comparative Perspective
- Living and working conditions in inland navigation in Europe
- Making decent work a reality for domestic workers: Progress and prospects ten years after the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189) - Report
- Making decent work a reality for domestic workers: Progress and prospects ten years after the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189) - Executive summary
- Managing chemical risk in the agriculture sector: Application booklet
- Maternity Protection in SMEs: An International Review
- Meeting of Experts on Violence against Women and Men in the World of Work: Background paper for discussion at the Meeting of Experts on Violence against Women and Men in the World of Work (3-6 October 2016)
- Migrant workers in the international hotel industry
- More than a billion reasons: The urgent need to build universal social protection for children - Second ILO-UNICEF joint report on social protection for children
- Moving towards Decent work for Domestic workers: An Overview of the ILO's work
- Multiple Case Study on Six Regional Occupational Health and Safety Networks
- The New World of Work: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Partners and Labour Institution
- Occupational safety and health professionals at the workplace level: A review of qualification systems and regulatory approaches in selected countries - Report
- Occupational safety and health professionals at the workplace level: A review of qualification systems and regulatory approaches in selected countries - Executive Summary
- Optimize the collection and use of OSH data: A contribution to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 8
- OSH Management System: A tool for continual improvement
- Participatory Action-Oriented Training
- Plan of action (2010-2016) to achieve widespread ratification and effective implementation of the occupational safety and health instruments (Convention No. 155, its 2002 Protocol and Convention No. 187)
- Plan Safe, Plan Healthy: Guidelines for Developing National Programmes on Occupational Safety and Health
- Preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work through occupational safety and health measures
- Preventing and mitigating COVID-19 at work
- Prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 in the informal economy through safety and health: An action-oriented tool for supporting street and market vendors
- Principles and guidelines for human factors/ergonomics (HFE) design and management of work systems
- Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour
- Promoting Safety and Health in a Green Economy
- Protecting workers: Occupational safety and health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Radiation protection of workers
- Research on occupational safety and health for migrant workers in five Asia and the Pacific countries: Australia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand
- The road to decent work for domestic workers
- Safety and Health at the Heart of the Future of Work: Building on 100 years of experience
- Safety and Health at the Heart of the Future of Work: A Compilation of Think Pieces
- Safety + Health For All Strategy - Phase II (2021-2025)
- Safety and Health in the Use of Chemicals at Work
- Stress prevention at work checkpoints: Practical improvements for stress prevention in the workplace
- Supporting companies' occupational safety and health performance: A guide for Employers and Business Membership Organizations on OSH advocacy and services
- Technical guidelines on biological hazards in the working environment
- Time to Act for SDG 8: Integrating Decent Work, Sustained Growth and Environmental Integrity
- Training Package on Workplace Risk Assessment and Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
- Transformative change and SDG 8: The critical role of collective capabilities and societal learning
- Understanding patterns of structural discrimination against migrant and other workers in some countries of South and West Asia
- WARM: Work Adjustment for Recycling and Managing Waste
- Women at Work Trends 2016
- Working anytime, anywhere: The effects on the world of work
- Working on a warmer planet: The impact of heat stress on labour productivity and decent work - Report
- Working on a warmer planet: The impact of heat stress on labour productivity and decent work - Executive summary
- Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World
- Workplace Stress: A collective challenge
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2015: The changing nature of jobs
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2015: Trends
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2016: Transforming jobs to end poverty
- World Employment Social Outlook 2018: Trends - Report
- World Employment Social Outlook 2018: Trends - Executive Summary
- World Employment Social Outlook 2018: Greening with jobs
- World Employment Social Outlook 2019: Trends - Report
- World Employment Social Outlook 2019: Trends - Executive Summary
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2020: Trends - Report
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2020: Trends - Executive Summary
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2021: The role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work - Report
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2021: The role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work - Executive Summary
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2021: Trends - Report
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2021: Trends - Executive summary
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2022 - Report
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2022 - Executive Summary
- World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023 - Report
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023 - Executive Summary
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2024 - Report
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2024 - Executive Summary
- World of Work Report 2013: Repairing the economic and social fabric - Summary
- World of Work Report 2013: Repairing the economic and social fabric - Report
- World Report on Child Labour 2015: Paving the way to decent work for young people
- World Social Protection Report 2020-22: Social protection at the crossroads - in pursuit of a better future
- XIX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work - ILO Introductory Report: Global Trends and Challenges on Occupational Safety and Health: Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 September 2011
- ILO Research Papers
- Beggar or prosper-thy-neighbour? The international spillovers of labour cost
- Corporate social responsibility in international trade and investment agreements: Implications for states, business and workers
- Decomposing income inequality into factor income components: Evidence from selected G20 countries
- Digitalization and structural labour market problems: The case of Germany
- The future of work: The meaning and value of work in Europe
- Global supply chain dynamics and labour governance: Implications for social upgrading
- Labour market reforms in the Euro area: A DSGE approach
- Linking jobs in global supply chains to demand
- Working Papers
- Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes and Policy Responses
- Effects of digitalization on the human centricity of social security administration and services
- The impact of Covid-19 on South African migrant wage workers and the self-employed
- The impact of extreme weather on temporary work absence
- Occupational Safety and Health, Frontline Workers, and the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S.
- OSH and the COVID-19 pandemic: A legal analysis
- Public Employment Programmes in the Care Economy: The Case of South Africa
- Turning up the heat: Exploring potential links between climate change and gender-based violence and harassment in the garment sector
- World of Work Magazine
- World of Work Magazine No. 62 - Better Business: Multinationals and Decent Work
- World of Work Magazine No. 63 - Decent work = Safe work: Occupational safety and health at work
- World of Work Magazine No. 64 - The ILO at 90: Working for social justice
- World of Work Magazine No. 65 - Gender equality at the heart of decent work
- World of Work Magazine No. 66 - Stemming the crisis: World leaders forge "Global Jobs Pact"
- World of Work Magazine No. 67 - Responding to the crisis: Building a "social floor"
- World of Work Magazine No. 68 - Decent work for domestic workers
- World of Work Magazine No. 69 - The fight against child labour: Moving into a higher gear
- World of Work Magazine No. 70 - Promoting a recovery focused on jobs
- World of Work Magazine No. 71 - World Parliament of Labour turns 100
- World of Work Magazine No. 72 - Fighting discrimination at work: Progress at risk
- World of Work Magazine No. 73 - A double-dip in employment?
- World of Work Magazine No. 74 - Giving Youth a better start
- World of Work Magazine - Special 2013 issue
- World of Work Magazine - Special 2014 issue: Migrant workers are not a commodity
- World of Work Magazine - Special 2015 issue: The Future of Work - From driver to transport manager
- World of Work Magazine - Special 2016 issue: Working Out of Poverty
- World of Work Magazine - Special 2017 issue: Migration Should be a Choice
- World of Work Magazine - Special 2018 Issue: Violence at Work
- World of Work Magazine - 2019 Centenary Special: Working for peace and social justice
US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Publications
- Aerial Lift Fall Protection Over Water in Shipyards - Quick Card
- Aerial Lifts - Factsheet
- Aerial Lifts: Protect Yourself - Quick Card
- Asbestos - Factsheet
- Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry
- Cadmium
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Factsheet
- Chain Saw Safety - Quick Card
- Cleaning and Decontamination of Ebola on Surfaces
- Confined Space Safety on Commercial Fishing Vessels - Factsheet
- Emergency Preparedness for Farmworkers
- Fall Prevention Training Guide: A Lesson Plan for Employers
- Firefighting Precautions at Facilities with Combustible Dust
- Hazard Alert: Combustible Dust Explosions - Factsheet
- The Importance of Root Cause Analysis During Incident Investigation
- Interim Guidance for Protecting Workers from Occupational Exposure to Zika Virus
- Is 911 your Confined Space Rescue Plan?
- Lightning Safety When Working Outdoors
- Longshoring in Marine Terminals: Preventing Semi-Tractor Driver Injuries during Container Lifting Operations
- Ladder Jack Scaffolds: Supported Scaffolds
- OSHA Inspections
- OSHA's Crystalline Silica Rule: Construction
- OSHA's Crystalline Silica Rule: General Industry and Maritime
- Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- Protect Yourself: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Quick Card
- Protecting Workers from Asbestos Hazards - Factsheet
- Protecting Workers from Combustible Dust Explosion Hazards
- Protecting Workers Who Use Cleaning Chemicals
- PSM Covered Chemical Facilities National Emphasis Program
- Safe Handling, Treatment, Transport and Disposal of Ebola-Contaminated Waste
- Small Business Guide for Ethylene Oxide
- The Use of Metrics in Process Safety Management (PSM) facilities
- Workers' Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica: Final Rule Overview
- Working Safely with Chain Saws - Factsheet
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Publications
- Nanomaterial Product Stewardship: National Security Implications of Export-import Activities
- Research Needs in Respiratory Protection - White Paper
African Newsletter on Occupational Safety and Health
- Accident prevention - a safe workplace (April 2009)
- Age management including young workers (September 2015)
- Chemical Safety (December 2014)
- Climate Change (December 2011)
- Construction (December 2013)
- Creating health and safety culture (May 2006)
- Diversity in the world of work (July 2014)
- Economics in Occupational Health and Safety (May 2012)
- Health Care Workers (April 2010)
- Health Promotion at Work (April 2013)
- A healthy and safe workplace (August 2004)
- Healthy Workplaces - Managing Stress (April 2014)
- Infectious diseases (April 2015)
- Informal sector including small-scale enterprises (April 2003)
- Information Society and Transfer of Technology (August 2011)
- Injury and disease reporting systems (December 2010)
- Mining (April 2011)
- Nanotechnology (December 2012)
- New emerging risks (December 2009)
- Planning of occupational health and safety activities (August 2009)
- Prevention Culture (August 2013)
- Risk assessment at workplaces (August 2010)
- Small-scale enterprises and informal sector (September 2012)
- Training in occupational health and safety (December 2015)
- Women and work (December 2008)
Asian-Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety
- Ageing and work (April 2014)
- Asbestos-related Diseases (November 2014)
- Climate Change (May 2011)
- Economics in occupational health and safety (October 2012)
- Equality (December 2013)
- Health Promotion at Work (April 2013)
- Healthy and Safe Workplaces (April 2009)
- Infectious diseases (September 2015)
- Maritime Sector (September 2011)
- Migrant workers (May 2012)
- Nanotechnology (December 2012)
- New Emerging Risks (December 2009)
- Networking (April 2015)
- Occupational Health and Safety Training (May 2010)
- Occupational Health Services (September 2009)
- Occupational Health Services and Primary Health Care (December 2014)
- OSH Profiles (December 2011)
- Textile sector (December 2015)
- Transport Industry (September 2013)
- Women and Work (December 2008)
Barents Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety
- Active Ageing
- Arctic work
- Construction Industry
- Economic Analysis in OH&S
- Health Promotion at Work
- Improving Health at Workplace
- Information and service work
- Migrant Workers
- Musculoskeletal disorders and return to work
- Nanotechnology
- Networks of OH&S
- Occupational Health Services (OHS)
- OSH Profiles
- Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases
- Psychological workload and return to work
- Psychosocial factors of work
- Risk Assessment
- Safety and Health in Road Transport
- Small-scale Enterprises
- Training of occupational health (OH) personnel
- Transport Industry
- Women and Work
International Risk Governance Council Publications
Croner Occupational Hygiene Magazine - Website review
- Surfing the Internet for occupational hygiene information - Issue 6
- Searching for chemical and related information: Website review - Issue 26
- Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) and back pain: Website Review - Issue 28
- Even pigs can make you deaf: combating noise at work: Website review - Issue 29
- Breathing can be bad for you... checking indoor air quality information sources: Website review - Issue 30
- Organophosphates and waterborne microbial diseases: Website review - Issue 31
- Global news: keeping up-to-date by using e-newsletters, journals and bulletins: Website review - Issue 32
- Working smarter... and keeping one-step ahead - new and revamped sites to explore: Website review - Issue 33
- UV-curable acrylates and Working Time Regulations: Website review - Issue 34
- Asbestos: magic mineral to killer dust... information sources on the web: Website review - Issue 37
- Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) - some major information sources on the web: Website review - Issue 38
Health Protection Scotland Publications
European Environment Agency Publications
- Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990 - 2008 and inventory report 2010: Submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat
- Aviation and shipping - impacts on Europe's environment: TERM 2017
- The European environment - state and outlook 2020: Knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe
- Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2011: Aggregated data reported by companies on the production, import and export of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the European Union - Summary
- Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2017: Data reported by companies on the production, import, export and destruction of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the European Union, 2007-2016
- Managing exposure to noise in Europe
- Monitoring CO2 emissions from new passenger cars and vans in 2016
- Monitoring progress of Europe's transport sector towards its environment, health and climate objectives
European Journal of Epidemiology
British United Provident Association (Bupa) Publications
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Publications
- Keeping cool in a heatwave: Top tips for facilities managers
- Keeping cool in a heatwave: Top tips for building users
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) Publications
- CIEH National Guidance for Outdoor and Mobile Catering
- HHSRS - 11 years on: Results of a survey of environmental health practitioners working in housing
- Shale gas and fracking: Examining the evidence
UK Petroleum Industry Association Ltd (UKPIA) Publications
Institute for Work & Health (IWH) Publications
- Neck Pain Evidence Summary
- What OHS workplace interventions are effective in the prevention of upper extremity MSDs?
- What workplace interventions help workers with MSDs, pain and mental health conditions return to work?
Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA) Publications
- Introduction to the JISHA's surveys on the Risk-Assessment/OSHMS disseminated situation and measures to be taken for their promotion
- JISHA Annual Report 2010
- JISHA Annual Report 2011
- JISHA Annual Report 2012
- JISHA Annual Report 2013
- JISHA Annual Report 2014
- JISHA Annual Report 2015
- JISHA Annual Report 2016
- JISHA Annual Report 2017
- JISHA Annual Report 2018
- JISHA Annual Report 2019
- JISHA Annual Report 2020
- JISHA Annual Report 2021 / 2022
Scottish Government Publications
- Fire and Rescue Services Statistics, Scotland 2010-11
- Fire and Rescue Services Statistics, Scotland 2011-12
- Fire and Rescue Services Statistics, Scotland 2013-14
- Fire and Rescue Statistics, Scotland, 2014-15
- Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics, Scotland, 2015-16
- Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics (Scotland) 2016-17
- Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics (Scotland) 2017-18
- Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics (Scotland) 2018-19
- Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics (Scotland) 2019-20
- Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics (Scotland) 2020-21
- Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics (Scotland) 2021-22
- Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics (Scotland) 2022-23
- Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics, Scotland, 2015-16
- Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics, Scotland, 2016-17
- Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics, Scotland, 2017-18
- Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics, Scotland, 2018-19
- Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics (Scotland) 2019-20
- Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics (Scotland) 2020-21
- Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics (Scotland) 2021-22
- Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics (Scotland) 2022-23
- Fire Investigation Report: Glasgow School of Art, Mackintosh Building - 23 May 2014
- Fires in purpose-built flats, Scotland, April 2009 to March 2017: An ad hoc statistical release
- Practical fire safety guidance for small bed and breakfast and self-catering premises
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Annual Performance Review 2019-2020
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Annual Performance Review 2020-2021
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Annual Performance Review 2021-2022
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Climate Change Response Plan 2045
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics, Scotland, 2013-14
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Health and Safety Annual Report 2019/20
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Health and Safety Annual Report 2020/21
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Health and Safety Annual Report 2021/22
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Mental Health Strategy 2020-2023
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Plan 2019-22
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Plan 2019-22 Review Report
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Plan 2022-2025
- Scottish Historic Buildings National Fire Database - Annual Report 2007-08
- Scottish Historic Buildings National Fire Database - Annual Report 2008-09
Sentencing Council Publications
- Corporate Manslaughter and Health and Safety Offences Causing Death: Definitive Guideline
- Health and Safety Offences, Corporate Manslaughter and Food Safety and Hygiene Offences: Definitive Guideline
UK Statistics Authority Publications
US National Wildlife Federation Publications
British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) Publications
- Automatic Fire Sprinkler Yearbook 2017/2018
- The Fire Risks of Purpose-Built Blocks of Flats: An Exploration of Official Fire Incident Data in England - Interim Research Findings
- Fire Sprinklers: Greater London Review 2018-2021
- Safer High-rise Living: The Callow Mount Sprinkler Retrofit Project
- Sheffield Low Rise Sprinkler Installation: A report into a major retrofit project
- Sprinkler Saves UK Annual Review 2021/2022
- Sprinkler Saves UK Annual Review 2022/2023
- Sprinkler Saves UK Annual Review 2023/2024
- Sprinklers for Safer Living: The Benefits of Automatic Fire Suppression Systems in Residential Care Premise
- Sprinkler Yearbook 2015/16
- Use and Benefits of Incorporating Sprinklers in Buildings and Structures: An Ove Arup Report
- Using water mist systems in buildings and structures: A guide to compliant applications
- Sprinkler Focus / BAFSA Focus
- Sprinkler Focus 1 - July 2009
- Sprinkler Focus 5 - April 2011
- Sprinkler Focus 9 - November 2012
- Sprinkler Focus 10 - May 2013
- Sprinkler Focus 11 - November 2013
- Sprinkler Focus 12 - May 2014
- Sprinkler Focus 13 - November 2014
- Sprinkler Focus 14 - March 2015
- Sprinkler Focus 15 - August 2015
- Sprinkler Focus 16 - December 2015
- Sprinkler Focus 17 - March 2016
- Sprinkler Focus 18 - July 2016
- Sprinkler Focus 19 - May 2017
- Sprinkler Focus - November 2017
- Sprinkler Focus - May 2018
- Sprinkler Focus - November 2018
- Sprinkler Focus - May 2019
- Sprinkler Focus - November 2019
- Sprinkler Focus - May 2020
- Sprinkler Focus - November 2020
- BAFSA Focus - June 2021
- BAFSA Focus - November 2021
- BAFSA Focus - May 2022
- BAFSA Focus - November 2022
- BAFSA Focus - May 2023
- BAFSA Focus - November 2023
- BAFSA Focus - Spring 2024
- BAFSA Information File (BIF)
- BIF No. 1 - Sprinklers in Schools
- BIF No. 2 - Fire Sprinkler Systems in Dwellings
- BIF No. 3 - Use of automatic fire suppression systems in heritage buildings
- BIF No. 4 - Sprinkler Systems in Retail Premises
- BIF No. 5 - Sprinklers in Warehouses
- BIF No. 6A - General Sprinkler FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- BIF No. 6B - Industrial and Commercial Sprinkler Systems FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- BIF No. 6C - Residential and Domestic Systems FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- BIF No. 7 - Sprinklers in Hotels
- BIF No. 8A - Flexible Connectors for Sprinkler Systems
- BIF No. 8B - Pumps and Pumphouses for Industrial and Commercial Installations
- BIF No. 8C - Sprinkler Heads
- BIF No. 8D - Fire sprinkler systems and the use of CPVC plastic piping
- BIF No. 8E - Steel tubes and fittings for sprinklers
- BIF No. 8F - Water storage tanks for sprinkler systems: Designed to BS EN 12845, BS 9251, NFPA and FM
- BIF No. 9 - Water mist systems for protection of buildings
- BIF No. 10 - Retrofitting Sprinkler Systems
- BIF No. 10A - Sprinklers in Car Parks
- BIF No. 11 - Sprinklers and the Fire and Rescue Service
- BIF No. 12 - BAFSA and its Members
- BIF No. 13 - Sprinklers: Water Supplies
- BIF No. 14 - Fire Sprinkler Systems in Care Homes
- BIF No. 15 - Types of Sprinkler Systems
- BIF No. 16A - Sprinklers: Maintenance of Domestic and Residential Systems
- BIF No. 16B - Sprinkler System Maintenance to BS EN 12845
- BIF No. 17 - Sprinklers and Healthcare Premises
- BIF No. 18 - Fire Sprinkler Systems in Timber Framed Buildings
- BIF No. 19 - Sprinkler Reliability
- BIF No. 20 - Third Party Certification
- BIF No. 21 - Wet and Dry Risers Designed to BS 9990
- BIF No. 22 - Biodiesel Fuel and Sprinkler Pumps
- BIF No. 23 - Fire Sprinkler Systems in Student Accommodation
- BIF No. 24 - Training and Qualifications in the Sprinkler Industry
- BIF No. 25 - Fire Suppression Systems for the Waste Management Industry
- BIF No. 26 - Sprinklers and the Insurance Industry
- BIF No. 27 - Sprinklers: A Guide for Owners and Occupiers
- BIF No. 29 - Non-compliant automatic fire suppression systems in residential and domestic premises
Fire Industry Association (FIA) Publications
- The 2023 revision of BS 5306-8. Specifics regarding the provision of extinguishers for fires involving electrical equipment
- Block Plans for Foam Installations
- Block Plans for Watermist Installations
- CE marking under the Construction Products Directive and the Construction Products Regulation
- Code of Practice for Indirect Fire Extinguishing (IFE) Pre-Engineered Systems for Unoccupied Cabinet / Enclosure Protection
- Code of Practice for the Maintenance of Mobile Fire Extinguishers Manufactured to BS EN 1866
- Code of Practice for the Provision of Premises Information Boxes in Residential Buildings
- Code of Practice for the Selection, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Fire Blankets Manufactured to BS EN 1869
- Connecting Fire Detection and Alarm system (FD&A) to an ARC via a security alarm
- Discrepancies between standards for marine and land based fixed gaseous fire extinguishing systems
- Effect of High Airflow and Aisle Containment on Clean Agent System Performance in Data Centers
- Environmental Guidance - Legislative overview
- Farms and Similar Agricultural Facilities
- F-Gas Certification
- FIA Guidance Document - BS 8629:2019
- FIA Guidance on Clean Agent Extended Discharge
- FIA Guide to the Building (Amendment) Regulations 2018
- FIA Guide to Regulation 7(2) to 7(4) of the Building Regulations
- The FIA's Fire Fighting Suppliers and Their Role in Fire and Rescue Evolution
- Fire Alarm Management Systems (FAMS)
- Fire Detection and Alarm Systems in domestic buildings with thatched roofs
- Fire Detection in High Airflow Environments Including Electronic Equipment Installations
- Fire Industry Association (FIA) Annual Report 2020
- Fire Industry Association (FIA) Annual Report 2021
- Fixed Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Systems - System actuation considerations
- Guidance Document on Fire Safety Signs and Notices
- Guidance for Specifiers of Control and Indicating Equipment
- Guidance Note for an Introduction to Vehicle Fire Suppression - Part 1: Industrial Vehicle and Equipment Firefighting Systems
- Guidance on the end user's responsibilities to organise good Planned Preventative Maintenance as required under the CFOA Policy on False Alarm Management
- Guidance on fire alarm routing connections to an ARC and relevant standards
- Guidance on Fire Procedures During the COVID 19 Pandemic
- Guidance on installation of vibrating tactile devices
- Guidance on the Issue of Cladding and External Wall Construction in Fire Risk Assessments for Multi-Occupied Residential Premises
- Guidance on Safe Investigation of Fire Alarm Signals in Scotland
- Guidance on the use of fire detection in rooms intended for sleeping
- A Guide for Selecting Flat Entrance Doorsets
- Guide to Fire Detection and Fire Alarms in Houses Converted to Flats
- Guideline to BS5306-10: 2019 - "Colour coding to indicate the extinguishing medium contained in portable fire extinguishers"
- Guideline to the contents and use of block plans
- The Internet of Things
- Ionisation Chamber Smoke Detectors and The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009
- Market Conditions Review - Wave 11
- Marking of New/Refurbished equipment in relation to pressure equipment regulations
- Minister of State for Security response to FIA
- Overview of the changes to BS 5839-6 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings: Code of practice for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of fire detection and fire alarm systems in domestic premises
- Painting of Fire-Resistant Cables
- Passenger Transport - Railway Rolling Stock
- Portable Fire Extinguishers under the ADR
- Proportionality and risk when carrying out FRAEWs to PAS 9980
- Raising the Bar - Competence for Building a Safer Future
- Recycled Halocarbon Extinguishing Agents
- The Role of Fire Alarms in the Internet of Things
- Servitization of the manufacturing industry and its impact on standardization
- Smoke Alarms for Boats
- Some Key Differences Between Fire & Security Wireless Product Standards
- The Status of PAS 79-2 & LGA Fire safety in purpose-built blocks of flats guide
- UNECE Regulation 107
- Use of fire alarm systems for lockdown (specifically in schools)
- Use of foam assisted (non-aspirated) sprinkler system with Class B hazards
- The use of maintenance free connections
- User Responsibilities: Fire detection and fire alarm systems
Fire Protection Association (FPA) Publications
- Fire Engineering Guide for Property Protection and Business Resilience
- Fire Prevention on Construction Sites: The Joint Code of Practice on the Protection from Fire of Construction Sites and Buildings Undergoing Renovation
- Fire Safety Assessment Test for External Cladding Systems RISC 501
- Fires in Thatched Properties with Wood-Burning Stoves
- A general guide to Building Regulations and Information Provision IG3
- Green and Living Walls as External Cladding: A Joint Guide to Managing Risk
- Low oxygen atmospheres and the risk control of associated health hazards HS1
- A Question of Protection
- Sprinkler System Service and Maintenance: Guidance, Records and Checklists
- Active Fire Protection Guide
- Suppression and Extinguishing Systems Series Overview AFPG-01
- Watermist AFPG-02
- Novec TM 1230 AFPG-04
- Argonite / IG 55 AFPG-05
- Nitrogen / IG 100 AFPG-06
- FM200 AFPG-07
- HFC-125 AFPG-08
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2) AFPG-09
- Oxygen Reduction Systems AFPG-10
- Condensed Aerosol Extinguishing Systems AFPG-11
- Migration of foam-enhanced fixed sprinkler and drencher systems to use fluorine-free alternatives AFPG-12
- Sprinkler Systems for Property Protection AFPG-13
- Sprinkler Systems for Life Safety in Domestic and Residential Buildings AFPG-14
- Wet Chemical Kitchen Fire Protection Systems AFPG-15
- Migration of NOVEC 1230 and HFC Gaseous Extinguishing Agents to Environmentally Acceptable Alternatives AFPG-16
- Fixed Dry Chemical Fire Protection Systems AFPG-17
- Water and Water/Foam Deluge (Sprayer) Systems AFPG-18
- Water Foam Monitors AFPG-19
- Commercial Detection Systems Series Overview AFPG-30
- Detection Systems: Aspirating Smoke Detection AFPG-31
- Detection Systems: Point Detectors AFPG-32
- Detection Systems: Linear Heat Detection AFPG-33
- Detection Systems: Video Fire Detection Systems AFPG-34
- Detection Systems: IR Array Fire Detection Systems AFPG-35
- Detection Systems: Optical Beam Detection AFPG-36
- Building Design Management (BDM)
- A to Z of Essential Principles for the protection of buildings BDM01
- Fire risk minimisation guidance for the food industry BDM09 (Second edition)
- Insurer requirements for the implementation of fire safety engineering solutions BDM12
- Fire safety engineering: A guide for insurers BDM13
- Fire in timber frame buildings: A review of fire statistics from the UK and the USA BDM14
- Need to Know Guides
- Risk Control Briefing Notes
- Security Series
- Electronic security systems: Guidance on keyholder selection and duties S6
- Guidance for the protection of premises against attacks using vehicles (ram raids) S10
- Guidance for specifiers of Video Surveillance Systems (VSS) in security applications S23
- Intruder alarm systems: Ten-step guide for purchasers S34
- Security guidance for fog devices S7
- Security of emergency exit doors in non-residential premises S11
- Loss Prevention Recommendations
- Arson prevention: The protection of premises from deliberate fire raising RC48
- Fire protection of laboratories RC5
- Fire safety at recycling centres RC54
- Fire safety of unattended processes RC42
- Fire safety in agricultural and horticultural premises RC10
- Fire safety in the electroplating industry RC45
- Fire safety in warehouses RC18
- Fixed heating equipment burning waste fuel RC4
- Protection of buildings against lightning strike RC35
- Recommendations for electrical safety in the event of fire RC67
- Recommendations for fire safety for waste solvent recovery plants RC52
- Recommendations for fire safety in catering establishments RC68
- Recommendations for fire safety in the electronics manufacturing industry RC40
- Recommendations for fire safety in the storage, handling and use of flammable and highly flammable liquids RC55
- Recommendations for fire safety in the storage, handling and use of highly flammable and flammable liquids: Storage in containers other than external fixed tanks RC56
- Recommendations for fire safety in the storage, handling and use of highly flammable and flammable liquids: Storage in external fixed tanks RC57
- Recommendations for fire safety in the use of lift trucks RC11
- Recommendations for fire safety in the use of thermal oxidation plant RC53
- Recommendations for fire safety when charging electric vehicles RC59
- Recommendations for fire safety with 3D printing RC65
- Recommendations for fire safety with food smoking processes RC60
- Recommendations for fire safety with PV panel installations: The Joint Code of Practice for fire safety with photovoltaic panel installations, with focus on commercial rooftop mounted systems RC62
- Recommendations for fire safety with small biomass installations RC64
- Recommendations for hazard classification of heating appliances RC27
- Recommendations for minimising the impact of legionella in firefighting systems RC63
- Recommendations for oil-fired heating installations RC9
- Recommendations for sourcing fire safety products and services RC66
- Recommendations for the control of fire hazards arising from electrical lighting RC37
- Recommendations for the management of fire detection and alarm systems in the workplace RC47
- Recommendations for the prevention and control of dust explosions RC12
- Recommendations for the selection and risk management of portable accommodation units RC33
- Recommendations for the storage of aerosol products RC19
- Recommendations for the storage, handling and use of acetylene cylinders RC49
- Recommendations for the storage, use and handling of common industrial gases in cylinders RC8
- Recommendations for the use of portable heaters in the workplace RC15
- Recommendations for thermal fluid heating systems RC26
- Recommendations regarding smoking at work RC51
- Risk control for hot work RC7
- LPC Technical Briefing Notes for Insurers
- LPC Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Installations
Interactive Driving Systems Publications
Peter Wagner and Associates Publications
Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile (CUT) Publications
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Publications
- Computer Simulations of Airflow and Radon Transport in Four Large Buildings
- CONTAM88 Building Input Files for Multi-Zone Airflow and Contaminant Dispersal Modeling
- NIST Study on Charleston Furniture Store Fire Calls for National Safety Improvements
- Testing of Portable Radios in a Fire Fighting Environment
SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden Publications
- Bus fires in Sweden 2005 - 2013
- Effective Firefighting Operations in Road Tunnels
- Method for testing the suppression performance of fire suppression systems installed in engine compartments of buses and coaches
- SP Tunnel and Underground Safety Centre
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Publications
- Absence Management 2015: Annual Survey Report
- Absence Management 2016: Annual Survey Report
- CIPD Good Work Index 2020 (UK Working Lives Survey) - Report
- CIPD Good Work Index 2020 (UK Working Lives Survey) - Summary Report
- CIPD Good Work Index 2021 (UK Working Lives Survey) - Survey Report
- CIPD Good Work Index 2021 (UK Working Lives Survey) - Research Report
- CIPD Good Work Index 2022 (UK Working Lives Survey) - Survey Report
- CIPD Good Work Index 2022 (UK Working Lives Survey) - Executive Report
- CIPD Good Work Index 2023 (UK Working Lives Survey) - Survey report
- CIPD Good Work Index 2023 (UK Working Lives Survey) - Summary report and practical guidance
- COVID-19 vaccination: Guide for employers
- Employer focus on working parents: Parental leave and pay and childcare policies
- Flexible working: Lessons from the pandemic - Report
- Flexible working: Lessons from the pandemic - Case studies
- Health and Well-Being at Work: Survey report 2018
- Health and Well-Being at Work: Survey report 2019
- Health and Well-Being at Work: Survey report 2020
- Health and Well-being at Work: Survey report 2021
- Health and Well-being at Work: Survey report 2022
- Health and wellbeing at work: Survey report 2023
- Managing and supporting mental health at work: Disclosure tools for managers
- Mental wellbeing and digital work: An evidence review - Evidence summary
- Mental wellbeing and digital work: An evidence review - Scientific summary
- Neurodiversity at work
- Occupational Health
- People managers' guide to mental health
- Preventing stress: Promoting positive manager behaviour [Phase 3]
- Preventing stress: Promoting positive manager behaviour - Phase 4: How do organisations implement the findings in practice?
- Purposeful leadership: What is it, what causes it, and does it matter?
- Smoking at Work
- UK Working Lives: The CIPD Job Quality Index - Survey Report 2018
- UK Working Lives: The CIPD Job Quality Index 2019 - Survey Report
- UK Working Lives: The CIPD Job Quality Index 2019 - Executive Summary
- Understanding older workers: Analysis and recommendations to support longer and more fulfilling working lives
- Understanding older workers in Scotland: Analysis and recommendations to support longer and more fulfilling working lives
- An update on flexible and hybrid working practices - Report
- An update on flexible and hybrid working practices - Case studies
- What should an effective sick pay system look like?
- Work-related stress: What the law says
Royal College of Physicians Publications
- Dermatitis - Occupational aspects of management: A national guideline
- Every breath we take: The lifelong impact of air pollution - Report of a working party
- Good Occupational Medical Practice
- Pregnancy: Occupational Aspects of Management - Concise Guidance
European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) Publications
BP Publications
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Occupational Safety and Health Publications
- Health and safety and the Health and Safety Executive: What the spending cuts will mean - Report and recommendations
- Occupational medical workforce crisis: The need for action to keep the UK workforce healthy
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Working at Height
Christian Michelsen Research (CMR) Publications
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands (RIVM) Publications
Unison Scotland Publications
- Building stress: Overworked, stressed and stuck in the office
- Keeping safe in the workplace: A guide for social work practitioners
Lowell Center for Sustainable Production Publications
Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health
- 1st place, PREMUS best paper competition: workplace and individual factors in wrist tendinosis among blue-collar workers - the San Francisco study
- The 18th Collegium Ramazzini statement: The global health dimensions of asbestos and asbestos-related diseases
- The achievements and challenges of occupational health research: Looking back and ahead
- The acute effects of working time patterns on fatigue and sleep quality using daily measurements of 6195 observations among 223 shift workers
- Acute myocardial infarction in relation to physical activities at work: A nationwide follow-up study based on job-exposure matrices
- Adding more years to the work careers of an aging workforce - what works?
- Addressing long-term sickness absence: Moving beyond disease, illness and work-related factors for effective prevention
- The adequacy of workplace accommodation and the incidence of permanent employment separations after a disabling work injury or illness
- Adult social position and sick leave: the mediating effect of physical workload
- Advancing mediation analysis in occupational health research
- Adverse effects of psychosocial work factors on blood pressure: Systematic review of studies on demand-control-support and effort-reward imbalance models
- Air pollution exposure and adverse pregnancy outcomes in a large UK birth cohort: Use of a novel spatio-temporal modelling technique
- Although a valuable method in occupational epidemiology, job-exposure matrices are no magic fix
- Aluminum dust exposure and risk of neurodegenerative diseases in a cohort of male miners in Ontario, Canada
- Analytical strategies to determine whether job strain is an important risk factor for occurrence of low-back pain
- Application of two job indices for general occupational demands in a pooled analysis of case-control studies on lung cancer
- Applying two general population job exposure matrices to predict incident carpal tunnel syndrome: A cross-national approach to improve estimation of workplace physical exposures
- Are professional drivers less sleepy than non-professional drivers?
- Are resident handlings in eldercare wards associated with musculoskeletal pain and sickness absence among the workers? A prospective study based on onsite observations
- Are work organization interventions effective in preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders? A systematic review of the literature
- Asbestos, asbestosis, and cancer, the Helsinki criteria for diagnosis and attribution 2014: recommendations
- Asbestos and disease - a public health success story?
- Asbestos in toys: An exemplary case
- The asbestos-asbestosis exposure-response relationship: A cohort study of the general working population
- Association between ambient noise exposure, hearing acuity, and risk of acute occupational injury
- Association between asbestos exposure and pericardial and tunica vaginalis testis malignant mesothelioma: A case-control study and epidemiological remarks
- Association between demand-control model components and blood pressure in the ELSA-Brasil study: Exploring heterogeneity using quantile regression analyses
- The association between long working hours and health: A systematic review of epidemiological evidence
- Association between occupational lifting and day-to-day change in low-back pain intensity based on company records and text messages
- Association between rotating night shift work and carotid intima-media thickness among Chinese steelworkers: A cross-sectional survey
- The association between the use of shift schedule evaluation tool with ergonomics recommendations and occupational injuries: A 4-year prospective cohort study among healthcare workers
- Association of changes in work shifts and shift intensity with change in fatigue and disturbed sleep: A within-subject study
- The association of job fatigue with mental disorders among bus drivers
- Association of long working hours with accidents and suicide mortality in Korea
- Association of managerial position with cardiovascular risk factors: A fixed-effects analysis for Japanese employees
- Association of objectively measured lifting load with low-back pain, stress, and fatigue: A prospective cohort study
- Association of occupational heat exposure and colorectal cancer in the MCC-Spain study
- Association of persistent pain with the incidence of chronic conditions following a disabling work-related injury
- Associations between an international COVID-19 job exposure matrix and SARS-CoV-2 infection among 2 million workers in Denmark
- Associations between precarious employment trajectories and mental health among older workers in Germany: Vertical and horizontal inequalities
- Associations between shift type, sleep, mood, and diet in a group of shift working nurses
- Associations between shift work and use of prescribed medications for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia: A prospective cohort study
- Associations between single and combined occupational mechanical exposures and surgery for subacromial impingement syndrome: A nationwide Danish cohort study
- Associations between work-related factors and specific disorders of the shoulder - A systematic review of the literature
- Associations of combining paid work and family care with gender-specific differences in depressive symptoms among older workers and the role of work characteristics
- Associations of employment sector and occupational exposures with full and part-time sickness absence: Random and fixed effects analyses on panel data
- Associations of objectively measured sitting and standing with low-back pain intensity: A 6-month follow-up of construction and healthcare workers
- Associations of traffic noise with self-rated health and psychotropic medication use
- Associations of work activities requiring pinch or hand grip or exposure to hand-arm vibration with finger and wrist osteoarthritis: A meta-analysis
- Associations of working conditions and chronic low-grade inflammation among employees: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- The associations of working hour characteristics with short sickness absence among part- and full-time retail workers
- Authors' reply: Calculation of population attributable risk should to be based on robust estimates
- Authors' response: Mezei et al's "Comments on a recent case-control study of malignant mesothelioma of the pericardium and the tunica vaginalis testis"
- Authors' response: Occupation and SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among workers during the first pandemic wave in Germany: Potential for bias
- Avoid yelling "stop thief!" and work disability prevention due to an occupational disease
- Beliefs about back pain predict the recovery rate over 52 consecutive weeks
- The benefits of paid employment among persons with common mental health problems: Evidence for the selection and causation mechanism
- Between-occupation differences in work-related COVID-19 mitigation strategies over time: Analysis of the Virus Watch Cohort in England and Wales
- Bi-directional relation between effort-reward imbalance and risk of neck-shoulder pain: Assessment of mediation through depressive symptoms using occupational longitudinal data
- Binding occupational exposure limits for carcinogens in the EU - good or bad?
- Book Review: "Occupational Health Psychology" and "Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology: Global Perspectives on Research and Practice, Volume 1"
- Book Review: "Unhealthy Work - Causes, Consequences, and Cures"
- Breast cancer among Danish women occupationally exposed to diesel exhaust and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1964-2016
- Breast cancer and exposure to aircraft, road, and railway noise: A case-control study based on health insurance records
- Breast cancer specialists' perspective on their role in their patients' return to work: A qualitative study
- Burden of idiopathic inflammatory rheumatic diseases in occupational healthcare: Increased absenteeism and healthcare resource utilization
- Burned out cognition - cognitive functioning of burnout patients before and after a period with psychological treatment
- The burnout enigma solved?
- Can beliefs about musculoskeletal pain and work be changed at the national level? Prospective evaluation of the Danish national Job & Body campaign
- Can illegitimate job tasks be reduced by a participatory organizational-level workplace intervention? Results of a cluster randomized controlled trial in Danish pre-schools
- Can psychosocial risk factors mediate the association between precarious employment and mental health problems in Sweden? Results from a register-based study
- Can we distinguish the roles of demographic and temporal changes in the incidence and prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders? A systematic review
- Cancer incidence among a large cohort of female Danish registered nurses
- Cancer incidence in sites potentially related to occupational exposures: 58 years of follow-up of firefighters in the Norwegian Fire Departments Cohort
- Cancer-related changes and low-to-moderate exposure to welding fumes: A longitudinal study
- Cancer risks in a population-based study of agricultural workers: Results from the Taiwan's Farmers and Health Cohort study
- The capability set for work: development and validation of a new questionnaire
- Carpal tunnel syndrome and manual work: The OCTOPUS cohort, results of a ten-year longitudinal study
- A case-crossover study of heat exposure and injury risk among outdoor construction workers in Washington State
- Causal inference and evidence-based recommendations in occupational health and safety research
- Change in economic difficulties and physical and mental functioning: Evidence from British and Finnish employee cohorts
- Change in employment status and its causal effect on suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms: A marginal structural model with machine learning algorithms
- Changes in health among 45-64-year-old Dutch persons before, during and after becoming unemployed or employed: A seven year follow-up study
- Changes in melatonin and sex steroid hormone production among men as a result of rotating night shift work - the HORMONIT study
- Changes in occupational well-being during COVID-19: The impact of age, gender, education, living alone, and telework in a Finnish four-wave population sample
- Changes in precarious employment in the United States: A longitudinal analysis
- Changes in self-reported sleep and cognitive failures: A randomized controlled trial of a stress management intervention
- Changes in working conditions and physical health functioning among midlife and ageing employees
- Changes in working life expectancy with disability in the Netherlands, 1992-2016
- Characteristics of the Million Women Study participants who have and have not worked at night
- Characteristics of working hours and the risk of occupational injuries among hospital employees: A case-crossover study
- Chromosomal damage among medical staff occupationally exposed to volatile anesthetics, antineoplastic drugs, and formaldehyde
- Chronic disorders, work-unit leadership quality and long-term sickness absence among 33 025 public hospital employees
- Circulatory disease mortality among male medical radiation workers in South Korea, 1996-2019
- Climate emergency and decent work
- Clustering of job strain, effort-reward imbalance, and organizational injustice and the risk of work disability: A cohort study
- A cohort study of retinal detachment among Swedish construction workers
- Combined ergonomic exposures and development of musculoskeletal pain in the general working population: A prospective cohort study
- Combined psychosocial work factors and risk of long-term sickness absence in the general working population: Prospective cohort with register follow-up among 69 371 workers
- Commentary triggered by the Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis Consortium study of job strain and myocardial infarction risk
- Comparison of two different methods for performing combination analysis of force and posture risk factors in an epidemiological study
- Comprehensive profiles of psychological and social work factors as predictors of site-specific and multi-site pain
- Content and quality of workplace guidelines developed to prevent mental health problems: Results from a systematic review
- Contribution of comorbid conditions to the association between diabetes and disability pensions: a population-based nationwide cohort study
- The contribution of employer characteristics to continued employment of employees with residual work capacity: Evidence from register data in The Netherlands
- The contribution of health to educational inequalities in exit from paid employment in five European regions
- The contribution of overweight, obesity, and lack of physical activity to exit from paid employment: A meta-analysis
- Correction of bias in self-reported sitting time among office workers - a study based on compositional data analysis
- Cost and cost-effectiveness of the 'Stand and Move at Work' multicomponent intervention to reduce workplace sedentary time and cardiometabolic risk
- Cost-efficient assessment of biomechanical exposure in occupational groups, exemplified by posture observation and inclinometry
- Could we have better occupational health guidelines, please?
- The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic: Consequences for occupational health
- COVID-19 mortality across occupations and secondary risks for elderly individuals in the household: A population register-based study
- The COVID-19 pandemic: One year later - an occupational perspective
- COVID-19-related hospital admission in spouses of partners in at-risk occupations
- Critical reflections on the currently leading definition of sustainable employability
- Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Danish consensus version of the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale
- Cumulative occupational mechanical exposures during working life and risk of sickness absence and disability pension: Prospective cohort study
- Current state of knowledge on the health effects of engineered nanomaterials in workers: A systematic review of human studies and epidemiological investigations
- The Danish national return-to-work program - aims, content, and design of the process and effect evaluation
- The Danish Psychosocial Work Environment Questionnaire (DPQ): Development, content, reliability and validity
- Decades of workplace health promotion research: Marginal gains or a bright future ahead
- The deterioration of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak: A population-based cohort study of workers in Japan
- Developing a cost-estimation model for work-related stress: An absence-based estimation using data from two Italian case studies
- Developing guidelines for good practice in the economic evaluation of occupational safety and health interventions
- Developing register-based measures for assessment of working time patterns for epidemiologic studies
- Development and evaluation of the gender-specific CONSTANCES job exposure matrix for physical risk factors in France
- Development and validation of a work-related risk score for upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders in a French working population
- Differential impact of working hours on unmet medical needs by income level: A longitudinal study of Korean workers
- The differentiated roles of health in the transition from work to retirement - conceptual and methodological challenges and avenues for future research
- Disability pension due to musculoskeletal diagnoses: Importance of work-related factors in a prospective cohort study of Finnish twins
- Do gender and psychosocial job stressors modify the relationship between disability and sickness absence: An investigation using 12 waves of a longitudinal cohort
- Do influence at work and possibilities for development mitigate the impact of job demands for workers with and without depression
- Do obesity and sleep problems cluster in the workplace? A multivariate, multilevel study
- Do resources buffer the prospective association of psychosocial work stress with depression? Longitudinal evidence from ageing workers
- Do work factors modify the association between chronic health problems and sickness absence among older employees?
- Do working conditions explain the increased risks of disability pension among men and women with low education? A follow-up of Swedish cohorts
- Does a change to an occupation with a lower physical workload reduce the risk of disability pension? A cohort study of employed men and women in Sweden
- Does a history of physical exposures at work affect hand-grip strength in midlife? A retrospective cohort study in Denmark
- Does age modify the association between physical work demands and deterioration of self-rated general health?
- Does age modify the association between psychosocial factors at work and deterioration of self-rated health?
- Does country of resettlement influence the risk of labor market marginalization among refugees? A cohort study in Sweden and Norway
- Does exposure to bullying behaviors at the workplace contribute to later suicidal ideation? A three-wave longitudinal study
- Does higher energy intake explain weight gain and increased metabolic risks among shift workers?
- Does human resource primacy moderate the impact of psychological distress on subsequent risk for disability retirement?
- Does increasing physical activity reduce the excess risk of work disability among overweight individuals?
- Does objectively measured daily duration of forward bending predict development and aggravation of low-back pain? A prospective study
- Does occupational forward bending of the back increase long-term sickness absence risk? A 4-year prospective register-based study using device-measured compositional data analysis
- Does occupational lifting affect the risk of hypertension? Cross-sectional and prospective associations in the Copenhagen City Heart Study
- Does paid vacation leave protect against depression among working Americans? A national longitudinal fixed effects analysis
- Dose-response relation between perceived physical exertion during healthcare work and risk of long-term sickness absence
- Duration and intensity of occupational lifting and risk of long-term sickness absence: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up among 45 000 workers
- Dust exposure and the impact on hospital readmission of farming and wood industry workers for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Dysregulation of markers of oxidative stress and DNA damage among nail technicians despite low exposure to volatile organic compounds
- Dysuria, heat stress, and muscle injury among Nicaraguan sugarcane workers at risk for Mesoamerican nephropathy
- Early part-time sick leave results in considerable savings in social security costs at national level: An analysis based on a quasi-experiment in Finland
- Eating and shift work - effects on habits, metabolism and performance
- The economic dimension of occupational safety and health
- Economic evaluation of a participatory return-to-work intervention for temporary agency and unemployed workers sick-listed due to musculoskeletal disorders
- Economic evaluation of a randomized controlled trial of an intervention to reduce office workers' sitting time: The "Stand Up Victoria" trial
- Economic evaluation of return-to-work interventions for mental disorder-related sickness absence: two years follow-up of a randomized clinical trial
- Economic evaluations of occupational health interventions from a corporate perspective - a systematic review of methodological quality
- Economic evaluations in occupational health: What brings the best bang for the buck?
- Economic incentives as a policy tool to promote safety and health at work
- Editorial: How should methods for return to work be evaluated?
- Education and pandemic SARS-CoV-2 infections in the German working population - the mediating role of working from home
- Educational differences in duration of working life and loss of paid employment: Working life expectancy in The Netherlands
- Educational differences in trajectories of self-rated health before, during, and after entering or leaving paid employment in the European workforce
- The effect of a night shift nap on post-night shift performance, sleepiness, mood, and first recovery sleep: A randomized crossover trial
- Effect of a participatory organizational-level occupational health intervention on short-term sickness absence: A cluster randomized controlled trial
- The effect of ill health and socioeconomic status on labor force exit and re-employment: A prospective study with ten years follow-up in the Netherlands
- Effect of long work hours and shift work on high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels among Korean workers
- Effect of job maintenance training program for employees with chronic disease - A randomized controlled trial on self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and fatigue
- The effect of overcommitment and reward on muscle activity, posture, and forces in the arm-wrist-hand region - A field study among computer workers
- Effect of retirement on self-rated oral health and dental services use: Longitudinal fixed-effects instrumental variable study in 31 countries
- The effect of strengthening health literacy in nursing homes on employee pain and consequences of pain - a stepped-wedge intervention trial
- Effect of systematic ergonomic hazard identification and control implementation on musculoskeletal disorder and injury risk
- Effect of the Danish return-to-work program on long-term sickness absence: Results from a randomized controlled trial in three municipalities
- The effect of training for a participatory ergonomic intervention on physical exertion and musculoskeletal pain among childcare workers (the TOY project) - a wait-list cluster-randomized controlled trial
- Effect of vitamin D deficiency on metabolic syndrome among Korean shift workers
- Effect of welding fumes on the cardiovascular system: A six-year longitudinal study
- The effect of work-related sustained trapezius muscle activity on the development of neck and shoulder pain among young adults
- The effectiveness of a construction worksite prevention program on work ability, health, and sick leave: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial
- Effectiveness of adding a workplace intervention to an inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation program: A randomized clinical trial
- Effectiveness of an exposure-based return-to-work program for workers on sick leave due to common mental disorders: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
- Effectiveness of a Goldilocks Work intervention in childcare workers - A cluster-randomized controlled trial
- The effectiveness of implementing the Guideline for the Prevention of Mental Ill-health Problems at the Workplace on health-outcomes, organizational and social risk factors: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Swedish schools
- Effectiveness of 'motivational interviewing' on sick leave: A randomized controlled trial in a social insurance setting
- Effectiveness of occupational e-mental health interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
- The effectiveness of participatory ergonomics to prevent low-back and neck pain - results of a cluster randomized controlled trial
- Effectiveness of a participatory physical and psychosocial intervention to balance the demands and resources of industrial workers: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
- Effectiveness of psychological and educational interventions for the prevention of depression in the workplace: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Effectiveness of a return-to-work program for workers without an employment contract, sick-listed due to common mental disorders
- Effectiveness of training in guideline-oriented biopsychosocial management of low-back pain in occupational health services - a cluster randomized controlled trial
- Effectiveness of a worksite lifestyle intervention on vitality, work engagement, productivity, and sick leave: Results of a randomized controlled trial
- Effectiveness of very early workplace interventions to reduce sickness absence: A systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis
- The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation: A propensity score matched analysis using nationwide register data
- The effectiveness of workplace health promotion interventions on physical and mental health outcomes - a systematic review of reviews
- Effects of an active break and postural shift intervention on preventing neck and low-back pain among high-risk office workers: A 3-arm cluster-randomized controlled trial
- The effects of bright light treatment on subjective and objective sleepiness during three consecutive night shifts among hospital nurses - a counter-balanced placebo-controlled crossover study
- Effects of changes in early retirement policies on labor force participation: The differential effects for vulnerable groups
- Effects of graded return-to-work: A propensity-score-matched analysis
- Effects of leisure-time and occupational physical activities on 20-year incidence of acute myocardial infarction: mediation and interaction
- Effects of the Labor Inspection Authority's regulatory tools on physician-certified sick leave and employee health in Norwegian home-care services - a cluster randomized controlled trial
- The effects of a national, voluntary agreement for a more inclusive working life on work participation following long-term sickness absence: A Norwegian cohort study
- Effects of a participatory work stress prevention approach for employees in primary education: Results of a quasi-experimental study
- The effects of rest breaks, work shift start time, and sleep on the onset of severe injury among workers in the People's Republic of China
- The effects of shift work on body weight change - A systematic review of longitudinal studies
- The effects of sleep duration on the incidence of cardiovascular events among middle-aged male workers in Japan
- The effects of the number of consecutive night shifts on sleep duration and quality
- Effects of workplace measures against COVID-19 on psychological distress of full-time employees: A 12-month prospective study in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Effects on musculoskeletal pain from "Take a Stand!" - a cluster-randomized controlled trial reducing sitting time among office workers
- Efficacy of an indicated prevention strategy on sickness absence and termination of the employment contract: A 5-year follow-up study
- Efficacy of intermittent exposure to bright light for treating maladaptation to night work on a counterclockwise shift work rotation
- Efficacy of an internet-based problem-solving training for teachers: Results of a randomized controlled trial
- Effort-reward imbalance as a risk factor for disability pension: The Finnish Public Sector Study
- Effort-reward imbalance at work and risk of depressive disorders. A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
- Emotional demands at work and risk of hospital-treated depressive disorder in up to 1.6 million Danish employees: A prospective nationwide register-based cohort study
- Environmental noise and breast cancer risk?
- Epidemics of asbestos-related diseases - something old, something new
- Ergonomic interventions and prevention - a need for better understanding of implementation
- Estimating population burdens of occupational disease
- Estimation of life expectancies and loss-of-life expectancies for workers with permanent occupational disabilities of the extremities - a 21-year follow-up study
- Ethical value conflicts in healthcare and their effects on nurses' health, turnover intent, team effectiveness, and patient safety: A longitudinal questionnaire study
- Evaluating effectiveness of an integrated return-to-work and vocational rehabilitation program on work disability duration in the construction sector
- Evaluation of an mHealth intervention aiming to improve health-related behavior and sleep and reduce fatigue among airline pilots
- Evaluation of the measurement properties of self-reported health-related work-functioning instruments among workers with common mental disorders
- Evaluation of occupational health interventions using a randomized controlled trial: Challenges and alternative research designs
- Exercise to reduce work-related fatigue among employees: a randomized controlled trial
- Exposure-response relationships for the ACGIH threshold limit value for hand-activity level: Results from a pooled data study of carpal tunnel syndrome
- Explaining educational differences in sickness absence: a population-based follow-up study
- Exploring multidimensional operationalizations of precarious employment in Swedish register data - a typological approach and a summative score approach
- Exploring the relationship between job characteristics and infection: Application of a COVID-19 job exposure matrix to SARS-CoV-2 infection data in the United Kingdom
- Exposure to loud noise and risk of vestibular schwannoma: Results from the INTERPHONE international case-control study
- Exposure to psychosocial job strain during pregnancy and odds of asthma and atopic dermatitis among 7-year old children - a prospective cohort study
- Exposure to psychosocial work strain and changes in smoking behavior during pregnancy - a longitudinal study within the Danish National Birth Cohort
- Exposure to a SARS-CoV-2 infection at work: Development of an international job exposure matrix (COVID-19-JEM)
- Exposure to workplace violence and threats and risk of depression: A prospective study
- Face-to-face information combined with a booklet versus a booklet alone for treatment of mild low-back pain: a randomized controlled trial
- Factors influencing the transferability of occupational safety and health economic incentive schemes between different countries
- Farmers' mental health: A longitudinal sibling comparison - the HUNT study, Norway
- Fate of abstracts presented at an International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) congress - followed by publication in peer-reviewed journals?
- Fifty years of research in the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
- Fitness, work, and leisure-time physical activity and ischaemic heart disease and all-cause mortality among men with pre-existing cardiovascular disease
- For better or worse? Changing shift schedules and the risk of work injury among men and women
- The future of Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health in the era of open science
- Gastrointestinal disorders among shift workers
- Gender-based harassment in Swedish workplaces and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality: A prospective cohort study
- Gender-specific association between night-work exposure and type-2 diabetes: Results from longitudinal study of adult health, ELSA-Brasil
- The global health and economic impact of low-back pain attributable to occupational ergonomic factors in the working-age population by age, sex, geography in 2019
- Global-, regional- and country-level estimates of the work-related burden of diseases and accidents in 2019
- Global, regional and national burden of disease attributable to 19 selected occupational risk factors for 183 countries, 2000-2016: A systematic analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury
- Glyphosate use and associations with non-Hodgkin lymphoma major histological sub-types: Findings from the North American Pooled Project
- Ground reaction force as a factor responsible for the topography of injuries in professional dance. An analysis of three dance styles: Classical dance, modern dance, and folk dance
- Group-based healthy lifestyle workplace interventions for shift workers: A systematic review
- Harmonized definition of occupational burnout: A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries
- Health and prolonging working lives: An advisory report of the Health Council of The Netherlands
- Health correlates of workplace bullying: a 3-wave prospective follow-up study
- Health economic evaluations of interventions to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behavior at the workplace: A systematic review
- Health risk behaviors and morbidity among hospital staff - comparison across hospital ward medical specialties in a study of 21 Finnish hospitals
- Health-related interventions among night shift workers: A critical review of the literature
- Health-related effects of early part-time sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders: A randomized controlled trial
- Healthcare workers' SARS-CoV-2 infection rates during the second wave of the pandemic: Follow-up study
- Heart rate during work and heart rate variability during the following night: a day-by-day investigation on the physical activity paradox among blue-collar workers
- Heavy work and disability pension - a long term follow-up of Swedish construction workers
- Heme oxygenase 1 polymorphism, occupational vapor, gas, dust, and fume exposure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a Danish population-based study
- Higher unemployment and higher work-related traumatic fatality: trends and associations from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, 2007-2018
- Hip osteoarthritis and occupational mechanical exposures: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- A history of the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
- How can we break the vicious circle between poor health and exit from paid employment?
- How do retirement dynamics influence mental well-being in later life? A 10-year panel study
- How do we know if monetary incentives are effective and efficient for controlling health and safety risks at work?
- How does accelerometry-measured arm elevation at work influence prospective risk of long-term sickness absence?
- How effective are interventions in optimizing workplace mental health and well-being? A scoping review of reviews and evidence map
- How effective are organizational-level interventions in improving the psychosocial work environment, health, and retention of workers? A systematic overview of systematic reviews
- How leadership behaviors influence the effects of job predictability and perceived employability on employee mental health - a multilevel, prospective study
- How qualitative studies can strengthen occupational health research
- How to assess severe burnout? Cutoff points for the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) based on three European samples
- How to become a successful researcher: Tips for early career researchers
- How to improve intervention research on the psychosocial work environment?
- How to schedule night shift work in order to reduce health and safety risks
- Identifying return-to-work trajectories using sequence analysis in a cohort of workers with work-related musculoskeletal disorders
- Illegitimate tasks associated with higher cortisol levels among male employees when subjective health is relatively low: An intra-individual analysis
- Impact of anxiety and depression disorders on sustained return to work after work-related musculoskeletal strain or sprain: A gender stratified cohort study
- The impact of co-morbid mental and physical disorders on presenteeism
- The impact of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on the short-term association between in-vehicle particulate pollutants and the respiratory health of Parisian taxi drivers
- Impact of employment and income support interventions on the health of young adults with episodic disability: Findings from a systematic review
- The impact of employment on mental healthcare use among people with disability: Distinguishing between part- and full-time employment
- Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: An interrupted time series analysis
- The impact of junior doctors' worktime arrangements on their fatigue and well-being
- The impact of leisure-time physical activity and occupational physical activity on sickness absence. A prospective study among people with physically demanding jobs
- The impact of a meal, snack, or not eating during the night shift on simulated driving performance post-shift
- The impact of national guidelines covering moving and handling of people on injury rates and related costs
- The impact of occupational exposures on infection rates during the COVID-19 pandemic: A test-negative design study with register data of 207 034 Dutch workers
- The impact of office design on medically certified sickness absence
- The impact of reduced worktime on sleep and perceived stress - a group randomized intervention study using diary data
- The impact of vocational rehabilitation on employment outcomes: A regression discontinuity approach
- The impact of workplace ergonomics and neck-specific exercise versus ergonomics and health promotion interventions on office worker productivity: A cluster-randomized trial
- Impaired kidney function among young healthcare workers with long working hours and night work
- Implementation of the Danish return-to-work program: Process evaluation of a trial in 21 Danish municipalities
- The importance of extended working hours for work-related injuries
- The importance of occupation in the development of the COVID-19 pandemic
- The importance of preventing work-related disability
- Improving safety climate through a communication and recognition program for construction: A mixed-methods study
- Increasing evidence of physical loads as risk factors for specific shoulder disorders
- Increasing labor force participation in older age requires investments in work ability
- The indispensable whole of work and population health: How the working life exposome can advance empirical research, policy, and action
- Individual placement and support for young adults at risk of early work disability (the SEED trial). A randomized controlled trial
- Industry mobility and disability benefits in heavy manual jobs: A cohort study of Swedish construction workers
- Infection and death by COVID-19 in a cohort of healthcare workers in Mexico
- The influence of and change in procedural justice on self-rated health trajectories: Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health results
- The influence of chronic diseases and multimorbidity on entering paid employment among unemployed persons - a longitudinal register-based study
- The influence of chronic diseases and poor working conditions in working life expectancy across educational levels among older employees in the Netherlands
- Influence of errors in job codes on job exposure matrix-based exposure assessment in the register-based occupational cohort DOC*X
- The influence of multiple occupational exposures on absence from work in pregnancy: A prospective cohort study
- The influence of occupational class and physical workload on working life expectancy among older employees
- The influence of onset of disease on exit from paid employment among workers in The Netherlands: A longitudinal register-based study with 9 years follow-up
- The influence of poor health on competing exit routes from paid employment among older workers in 11 European countries
- Informal employment, precariousness, and decent work: From research to preventive action
- Inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation reduces sickness absence among individuals with musculoskeletal and common mental health disorders: A randomized clinical trial
- Integrating evidence in disability evaluation by social insurance physicians
- Integrating a life course perspective in work environment and health research: Empirical challenges and interdisciplinary opportunities
- Integrating vocational rehabilitation and mental healthcare to improve the return-to-work process for people on sick leave with stress-related disorders: results from a randomized trial
- Intensive longitudinal study of newly graduated nurses' quick returns and self-rated stress
- Interaction of night shift work with polymorphism in melatonin receptor 1B gene on incident stroke
- Internet- and mobile-based stress management for employees with adherence-focused guidance: Efficacy and mechanism of change
- The interplay between physical activity at work and during leisure time - Risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality in middle-aged Caucasian men
- Interventions for preventing back pain among office workers - a systematic review and network meta-analysis
- Intervention to diminish dehydration and kidney damage among sugarcane workers
- Interventions to reduce sedentary behavior and increase physical activity during productive work: A systematic review
- Is job strain associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus? A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
- Is objectively measured sitting at work associated with low-back pain? A cross sectional study in the DPhacto cohort
- Is perception of safety climate a relevant predictor for occupational accidents? A prospective cohort study among blue-collar workers
- Is retirement beneficial or harmful to mental health?
- Is self-reported time spent sedentary and in physical activity differentially biased by age, gender, body mass index, and low-back pain?
- Is temporary employment a risk factor for work disability due to depressive disorders and delayed return to work? The Finnish Public Sector Study
- Is the association between poor job control and common mental disorder explained by general perceptions of control? Findings from an Australian longitudinal cohort
- Job demands and alcohol use: Testing a moderated mediation model
- Job dissatisfaction as a predictor of poor health among middle-aged workers: A 14-wave mixed model analysis in Japan
- Job strain and effort-reward imbalance as risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies
- Job strain and informal caregiving as predictors of long-term sickness absence: A longitudinal multi-cohort study
- Joint association of multimorbidity and work ability with risk of long-term sickness absence: A prospective cohort study with register follow-up
- Joint association of sleep problems and psychosocial working conditions with registered long-term sickness absence. A Danish cohort study
- Labor market affiliation after deployment: Danish soldiers fare well, but face increased risk of long-term sickness absence when returning from Afghanistan
- The labor market costs of work-related stress: A longitudinal study of 52 763 Danish employees using multi-state modeling
- Labor markets and health: an integrated life course perspective
- The law, the researcher, and occupational health
- Legislative change enabling use of early part-time sick leave enhanced return to work and work participation in Finland
- Length of sickness absence and sustained return-to-work in mental disorders and musculoskeletal diseases: A cohort study of public sector employees
- Let's study how worker health affects the psychosocial work environment
- Letter to the editor: Are there too many "times-to-pregnancy"?
- Letter to the editor: Collegium Ramazzini response to 'Asbestos, asbestosis, and cancer, the Helsinki criteria for diagnosis and attribution 2014: Recommendations'
- Letter to the Editor: Comments on a recent case-control study of malignant mesothelioma of the pericardium and the tunica vaginalis testis
- Letter to the editor: Excuse me, but did the IPD-Work Consortium just "falsify" the job-strain model?
- Letter to the editor: Methodological and conceptual issues regarding occupational psychosocial coronary heart disease epidemiology
- Letter to the editor: Response by the organizers of the Helsinki criteria updates 2014: Criteria for asbestos-related diseases need periodic updates
- Letter to the Editor: A silent epidemic - Occupational exposure limits are insufficiently protecting individual worker health
- Letter to the editor: What is needed to make research on the psychosocial work environment and health more meaningful? Reflections and missed opportunities in IPD debates
- Lifestyle-focused interventions at the workplace to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease - A systematic review
- Long working hours and use of psychotropic medicine: a follow-up study with register linkage
- Long-term effectiveness of an educational and physical intervention for preventing low-back pain recurrence: a randomized controlled trial
- Long-term effects of biomechanical exposure on severe shoulder pain in the Gazel cohort
- Long working hours and all-cause mortality in China: A 26-year follow-up study
- Long working hours and depressive symptoms: Systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data
- Long working hours and psychiatric treatment: A Danish follow-up study
- Longitudinal associations between organizational change, work-unit social capital, and employee exit from the work unit among public healthcare workers: A mediation analysis
- Longitudinal changes in proportionate mortality due to COVID-19 by occupation in England and Wales
- A longitudinal study of changes in interactional justice and subsequent short-term sickness absence among municipal employees
- A longitudinal study on the association between quick returns and occupational accidents
- A longitudinal study on risk factors for neck and shoulder pain among young adults in the transition from technical school to working life
- Low-quality employment trajectories and the risk of common mental health disorders among individuals with Swedish and foreign background - a register-based cohort study
- Low-quality employment trajectories and risk of common mental disorders, substance use disorders and suicide attempt: A longitudinal study of the Swedish workforce
- Lung cancer among coal miners, ore miners and quarrymen: smoking-adjusted risk estimates from the synergy pooled analysis of case-control studies
- Lung cancer incidence among workers biologically monitored for occupational exposure to lead: A cohort study
- Maternal occupational exposure and congenital heart defects in offspring
- Mechanical and psychosocial work exposures: The construction and evaluation of a gender-specific job exposure matrix (JEM)
- The mediating effect of work-life interference on the relationship between work-time control and depressive and musculoskeletal symptoms
- The mediating role of sleep, physical activity, and diet in the association between shift work and respiratory infections
- Medication use as an outcome variable in environmental (noise) epidemiology
- Mental retirement? Trajectories of work engagement preceding retirement among older workers
- A meta-analysis of health effects of randomized controlled worksite interventions: Does social stratification matter?
- Meta-synthesis of qualitative research on return to work among employees with common mental disorders
- Metabolic syndrome - a risk factor for all-cause disability pension: A prospective study based on the Swedish WOLF cohort
- Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for premature employment exit: A longitudinal study among 60 427 middle-aged and older workers from the Lifelines Cohort Study and Biobank
- Metalworking fluids and cancer mortality in a US autoworker cohort (1941-2015)
- Miscarriage and occupational activity: A systematic review and meta-analysis regarding shift work, working hours, lifting, standing, and physical workload
- Modeling the cost-benefit of nerve conduction studies in pre-employment screening for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Monitoring trends in psychosocial and physical working conditions: Challenges and suggestions for the 21st century
- Mortality attributable to occupational exposure in Sweden
- The mortality of shift workers
- Multidimensional employment precariousness mediates the association between low educational attainment and poor subjective well-being: Results from a nationwide cross-sectional study in South Korea
- Multi-wave cohort study of sedentary work and risk of ischemic heart disease
- A multi-wave study of organizational justice at work and long-term sickness absence among employees with depressive symptoms
- Musculoskeletal pain in Europe: The role of personal, occupational, and social risk factors
- National variations in back pain: Ecological fallacy or cultural differences?
- The need for novel strategies to analyze the dynamic pattern of worker's health over time and the consequences for sustained employability
- Negative social acts and pain: Evidence of a workplace bullying and 5-HTT genotype interaction
- Neurocognitive function in relation to blood lead among young men prior to chronic occupational exposure
- Neurodevelopmental disorders among young adults and the risk of sickness absence and disability pension: A nationwide register linkage study
- Neurological outcomes associated with low-level manganese exposure in an inception cohort of asymptomatic welding trainees
- Neurosensory and vascular function after 14 months of military training comprising cold winter conditions
- New year, new publisher - Nordic occupational health association takes over reins of Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health
- Night and evening shifts and risk of calling in sick within the next two days - a case-crossover study design based on day-to-day payroll data
- Night and rotational work exposure within the last 12 months and risk of incident hypertension
- Night and shift work and incidence of cerebrovascular disease - a prospective cohort study of healthcare employees in Stockholm
- Night and shift work characteristics and incident ischemic heart disease and atrial fibrillation among healthcare employees - a prospective cohort study
- Night and shift work patterns and incidence of type 2 diabetes and hypertension in a prospective cohort study of healthcare employees
- Night work, mortality, and the link to occupational group and sex
- Night work and breast cancer estrogen receptor status - Results from the German GENICA study
- Night work and breast cancer - results from the German GENICA study
- Night-shift work and breast cancer - A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Night shift work and cardiovascular diseases among employees in Germany: Five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study
- Night shift work and other determinants of estradiol, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate among middle-aged nurses and midwives
- Night-shift work and psychiatric treatment. A follow-up study among employees in Denmark
- Night-shift work is associated with increased pain perception
- Night shift work and cardiovascular diseases among employees in Germany: Five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study
- Night work and postpartum depression: A national register-based cohort study
- Night work and risk of common mental disorders: Analyzing observational data as a non-randomized pseudo trial
- Night work, long work weeks, and risk of accidental injuries. A register-based study
- N-nitrosamines are associated with shorter telomere length
- Noise and ischemic heart disease
- Non-occupational exposure to asbestos is the main cause of malignant mesothelioma in women in North Jutland, Denmark
- Non-standard employment and mortality in Belgian workers: A census-based investigation
- Not just a research method: If used with caution, can job-exposure matrices be a useful tool in the practice of occupational medicine and public health?
- Notification of occupational disease and risk of work disability - Authors' response to commentaries
- Notification of occupational disease and risk of work disability - How concerned should we be?
- The obesity epidemic in the occupational health context
- Objectively measured physical activity of hospital shift workers
- Occupation and SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among 108 960 workers during the first pandemic wave in Germany
- Occupation and SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among workers during the first pandemic wave in Germany: Potential for bias
- Occupational and leisure-time physical activity differentially predict 6-year incidence of stroke and transient ischemic attack in women
- Occupational asthma caused by inhalation of surfactant composed of amines
- Occupational biomechanical risk factors for surgically treated ulnar nerve entrapment in a prospective study of male construction workers
- Occupational chemical exposures in pregnancy and fetal growth: Evidence from the Born in Bradford Study
- Occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic literature review
- Occupational class and working beyond the retirement age: A cohort study
- Occupational demands associated with rotator cuff disease surgery in the UK Biobank
- Occupational exposure and incidence of respiratory disorders in a general population
- An occupational exposure limit for welding fumes is urgently needed
- Occupational exposure to benzene and mortality risk of lymphohaematopoietic cancers in the Swiss National Cohort
- Occupational exposure to noise in relation to pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders and diabetes
- Occupational exposure to organic dust and risk of lymphoma subtypes in the EPILYMPH case-control study
- Occupational exposure to organic solvents and the risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors (TESTIS study): Effect of combined exposure assessment on risk estimation
- Occupational exposure to silica dust in France: An ongoing concern
- Occupational lifting during pregnancy and child's birth size in a large cohort study
- Occupational mechanical exposures as risk factor for chronic low-back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Occupational noise exposure, social class, and risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality - a 16-year follow-up in the Copenhagen Male Study
- Occupational psychosocial exposures and chronic low-back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Occupational risk of COVID-19 across pandemic waves: A two-year national follow-up study of hospital admissions
- Occupational risk of COVID-19 related hospital admission in Denmark 2020-2021: A follow-up study
- Occupational risks associated with severe COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 infection - a Swedish national case-control study conducted from October 2020 to December 2021
- The occupational safety and health scorecard - A business case example for strategic management
- Occupational sitting time and risk of all-cause mortality among Japanese workers
- Occupational stress and pregnancy-related hypertension and diabetes: Results from a nationwide prospective cohort
- Occupational trajectories of working conditions in Sweden: Development trends in the workforce, 1997-2015
- Occurrence of delayed-onset post-traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies
- Office design and occupational health - has research been left behind?
- Office design as a risk factor for disability retirement: A prospective registry study of Norwegian employees
- Office design, telework from home, and self-certified sickness absence: A cross-sectional study of main and moderating effects in a nationally representative sample
- On endocrine disruption at the workplace - how to get from suggestive to conclusive evidence?
- On the scarring effects of job insecurity (and how they can be explained)
- Organizational change and employee mental health: A prospective multilevel study of the associations between organizational changes and clinically relevant mental distress
- Organizational stress management interventions: Is it the singer not the song?
- Otoacoustic emissions versus audiometry in monitoring hearing loss after long-term noise exposure - a systematic review
- Overqualification at work and risk of hospitalization for psychiatric and somatic diseases among immigrants in Sweden - a prospective register-based study
- Parental occupational exposure to solvents and heavy metals and risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors in sons (NORD-TEST Denmark)
- Parental occupational exposure to solvents and risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors among sons: A French nationwide case-control study (TESTIS study)
- Parkinson's disease and occupational exposure to organic solvents in Finland: a nationwide case-control study
- Parkinson's disease and occupational exposures: A systematic literature review and meta-analyses
- Participatory organizational intervention for improved use of assistive devices in patient transfer: A single-blinded cluster randomized controlled trial
- Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (PEROSH) - Celebrating 20 years of collaboration
- Patient handling and risk for developing persistent low-back pain among female healthcare workers
- Patient transfers and assistive devices: Prospective cohort study on the risk for occupational back injury among healthcare workers
- Patterns of working hour characteristics and risk of sickness absence among shift-working hospital employees: A data-mining cohort study
- Perceived job insecurity and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: A study of men and women in the Swedish working population
- Perceived work stressors and the transition to burnout among nurses in response to the pandemic: Implications for healthcare organizations
- Periodic self-rostering in shift work: Correspondence between objective work hours, work hour preferences (personal fit), and work schedule satisfaction
- Persistent and changing job strain and risk of coronary heart disease. A population-based cohort study of 1.6 million employees in Denmark
- Person-related work and incident use of antidepressants: relations and mediating factors from the Danish work environment cohort study
- Personal light-at-night exposures and components of variability in two common shift work industries: Uses and implications for future research
- Psychosocial working conditions and sickness absence among younger employees in Denmark: A register-based cohort study using job exposure matrices
- Physical activity and cardiovascular mortality - disentangling the roles of work, fitness, and leisure
- Physical activity at work may not be health enhancing. A systematic review with meta-analysis on the association between occupational physical activity and cardiovascular disease mortality covering 23 studies with 655 892 participants
- Physical and cognitive capability in mid-adulthood as determinants of retirement and extended working life in a British cohort study
- Physical capability in midlife and risk of disability pension and long-term sickness absence: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up
- Physical demands at work, physical fitness, and 30-year ischaemic heart disease and all-cause mortality in the Copenhagen Male Study
- Physical exposures in the work environment during pregnancy - a challenge for risk assessment
- Physical work demands and expected labor market affiliation (ELMA): Prospective cohort with register-follow-up among 46 169 employees
- Physical work demands, hypertension status, and risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality in the Copenhagen Male Study
- Physical workload - A risk factor for miscarriage?
- The placebo effect revisited
- The placebo effect revisited - author response
- Poor health, unhealthy behaviors, and unfavorable work characteristics influence pathways of exit from paid employment among older workers in Europe: A four year follow-up study
- Post-COVID condition or "long COVID", return-to work, and occupational health research
- Precarious employment and mental health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
- Precarious employment and migrant workers' mental health: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies
- Precarious employment and occupational accidents and injuries - a systematic review
- Precarious employment and occupational injuries in the digital age - where should we go from here?
- Precarious employment at a young age and labor-market marginalization during middle-adulthood: A register-linked cohort study
- Precarious employment in occupational health - an OMEGA-NET working group position paper
- Predicting long-term sickness absence among retail workers after four days of sick-listing
- Predicting long-term sickness absence with employee questionnaires and administrative records: A prospective cohort study of hospital employees
- Predicting residential radon concentrations in Finland: Model development, validation, and application to childhood leukemia
- Prediction of long-term absence due to sickness in employees: Development and validation of a multifactorial risk score in two cohort studies
- Prediction of objectively measured physical activity and sedentariness among blue-collar workers using survey questionnaires
- Predictors of employment among cancer survivors after medical rehabilitation - A prospective study
- Predictors of sickness absence related to musculoskeletal pain: A two-year follow-up study of workers in municipal kitchens
- Pregnancy outcomes among female dental personnel - A registry-based retrospective cohort study
- Prevalence and incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in US working populations: Pooled analysis of six prospective studies
- Prevention at work needed to curb the worldwide strong increase in knee replacement surgery for working-age osteoarthritis patients
- Prevention in dangerous industries: Does safety certification prevent tree-faller injuries?
- Prevention strategies for sickness absence: sick individuals or sick populations?
- Process variables in organizational stress management intervention evaluation research: A systematic review
- Professional cleaning and risk of asthma - a Danish nationwide register-based study
- Prognosis of ulnar neuropathy and ulnar neuropathy-like symptoms in relation to occupational biomechanical exposures and lifestyle
- Prognostic factors for long-term sickness absence among employees with neck-shoulder and low-back pain
- Prognostic value of self-reported work ability and performance-based lifting tests for sustainable return to work among construction workers
- Prolonged sitting at work is associated with a favorable time course of low-back pain among blue-collar workers: A prospective study in the DPhacto cohort
- Promoting health and physical capacity during productive work: The Goldilocks Principle
- A prospective cohort study investigating an exposure-response relationship among vibration-exposed male workers with numbness of the hands
- A prospective cohort study of low-back outcomes and alternative measures of cumulative external and internal vibration load on the lumbar spine of professional drivers
- Psychosocial effects of workplace exercise - A systematic review
- Psychosocial factors at work, long work hours, and obesity: A systematic review
- Psychosocial job strain and polypharmacy: A national cohort study
- Psychosocial job stressors and risk of suicidal behavior - an observational study among Swedish men
- Psychosocial work characteristics and sleep - a well-known but poorly understood association
- Psychosocial work characteristics and sleep quality: A systematic review of longitudinal and intervention research
- Psychosocial work exposures and health outcomes: A meta-review of 72 literature reviews with meta-analysis
- Psychosocial work exposures of the job strain model and cardiovascular mortality in France: results from the STRESSJEM prospective study
- Psychosocial work stressors and risk of all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Psychosocial working characteristics before retirement and depressive symptoms across the retirement transition: A longitudinal latent class analysis
- Public health and evidence-informed policy-making: The case of a commonly used herbicide
- Pupils with special educational needs in basic education schools and teachers' sickness absences - A register-linkage study
- Quality improvement activity in occupational healthcare associated with reduced need for disability retirement: A Bayesian mixed effects modelling study in Finland
- Quality of life of patients with asthma related to damp and moldy work environments
- Quality of working life and organizational performance - Two sides of the same coin?
- A randomized controlled multicenter trial of individual placement and support for patients with moderate-to-severe mental illness
- Randomized controlled trials are needed to close the evidence gap in the prevention of preterm birth
- A reciprocal interplay between psychosocial job stressors and worker well-being? A systematic review of the "reversed" effect
- Recommendations for individual participant data meta-analyses on work stressors and health outcomes: comments on IPD-Work Consortium papers
- Reducing employee turnover in hospitals: Estimating the effects of hypothetical improvements in the psychosocial work environment
- The relationship between office type and job satisfaction: Testing a multiple mediation model through ease of interaction and well-being
- The relationship between chronic conditions and absenteeism and associated costs in Canada
- The relationship between current and former shift work and the metabolic syndrome
- Relationship between long working hours and smoking behaviors: Evidence from population-based cohort studies in Korea
- Relationships of neurosensory disorders and reduced work ability to alternative frequency weightings of hand-transmitted vibration
- A research framework for the development and implementation of interventions preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders
- Research strategies for precarious employment
- Respirable crystalline silica and lung cancer in community-based studies: Impact of job-exposure matrix specifications on exposure-response relationships
- Respiratory health effects of the fiberglass-reinforced plastic lamination process in the yacht-building industry
- Rest breaks - a countermeasure for work-related injuries?
- Results of a feasibility study: Barriers and facilitators in implementing the Sherbrooke model in France
- Return to work after early part-time sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders: A randomized controlled trial
- Return to work after work-related stress: A randomized controlled trial of a work-focused cognitive behavioral intervention
- Return-to-work, disabilities and occupational health in the age of COVID-19 - Letter to the Editor
- Return to work and job retention - increasingly important outcomes in occupational health research
- Return to work following disabling occupational injury - facilitators of employment continuation
- Return-to-work rates and predictors of absence duration after COVID-19 over the course of the pandemic
- A review of case studies evaluating economic incentives to promote occupational safety and health
- Risk and prognosis of inguinal hernia in relation to occupational mechanical exposures - A systematic review of the epidemiologic evidence
- Risk and rate advancement periods of total hip replacement due to primary osteoarthritis in relation to cumulative physical workload
- Risk factors for incidence of rotator cuff syndrome in a large working population
- The risk of cataract in relation to metal arc welding
- Risk factors of hospitalization for carpal tunnel syndrome among the general working population
- Risk of being granted disability pension among incident cancer patients before and after a structural pension reform: A Danish population-based, matched cohort study
- Risk of cryptorchidism among sons of horticultural workers and farmers in Denmark
- Risk of cryptorchidism and hypospadias among boys of maternal hairdressers - A Danish population-based cohort study
- Risk of injury after evening and night work - findings from the Danish Working Hour Database
- Risk of work-related hand eczema in relation to wet work exposure
- The role of ability, motivation, and opportunity to work in the transition from work to early retirement - testing and optimizing the Early Retirement Model
- The role of assessment of biomechanical exposure at the workplace in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
- The role of occupational class on the association between sickness absence and disability pension: A Swedish register-based twin study
- The role of work in suicidal behavior - uncovering priorities for research and prevention
- The role of working conditions in educational differences in all-cause and ischemic heart disease mortality among Swedish men
- Rotating-shift nurses after a day off: Peripheral clock gene expression, urinary melatonin, and serum 17-ß-estradiol levels
- Safety incidents associated with extended working hours. A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health: 40 years of innovative research with societal impact in the field of occupational health
- Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health goes full open access
- Scientific basis of ISO standards on biomechanical risk factors
- Scientific challenges of studying shift schedule design
- Screening for cognitive impairment among patients with work-related stress complaints in Denmark: Validation and evaluation of objective and self-report tools
- A screening tool for the risk of disability retirement due to musculoskeletal disorders
- Sedentary work and risk of venous thromboembolism
- Self-reported occupational physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness: Importance for cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality
- Self-reported or register-based? A comparison of sickness absence data among 8110 public and private employees in Denmark
- Self-reported skin problems and the healthy worker effect in the general working population of Norway: A three-year prospective study
- Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, Part 1: Historical exposure reconstruction
- Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, Part 2: Validation of historical exposures
- Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, Part 3: Exposure-response among short-term workers
- Sexual and gender harassment in Swedish workplaces: A prospective cohort study on implications for long-term sickness absence
- Shift and night work and long working hours - a systematic review of safety implications
- Shift work and cancer - considerations on rationale, mechanisms, and epidemiology
- Shift work and cardiovascular disease - do the new studies add to our knowledge?
- Shift work and cardiovascular disease - pathways from circadian stress to morbidity
- Shift work and cognitive aging: A longitudinal study
- Shift work and health - How to Proceed?
- Shift work and overall and cause-specific mortality in the Danish nurse cohort
- Shift work and physical inactivity: Findings from the Finnish Public Sector Study with objective working hour data
- Shift work and the risk of cardiovascular disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis including dose-response relationship
- Shift work and use of psychotropic medicine: A follow-up study with register linkage
- Shift work relationships with same- and subsequent-day empty calorie food and beverage consumption
- Shift work, sleep, and sleepiness - differences between shift schedules and systems
- Shift work, work time control, and informal caregiving as risk factors for sleep disturbances in an ageing municipal workforce
- Shift workers have a similar diet quality but higher energy intake than day workers
- Short and long-term associations between serum proteins linked to cardiovascular disease and particle exposure among constructions workers
- Short-term effectiveness of face-to-face periodic occupational health screening versus electronic screening with targeted follow-up: Results from a quasi-randomized controlled trial in four Belgian hospitals
- Short-term exposure to stone minerals used in asphalt affect lung function and promote pulmonary inflammation among healthy adults
- Short time between shifts and risk of injury among Danish hospital workers: A register-based cohort study
- Should construction workers work harder to improve their health?
- Sickness absence and return to work among employees with knee osteoarthritis with and without total knee arthroplasty: A prospective register linkage study among Finnish public sector employees
- Sickness absence after carpal tunnel release: A systematic review of the literature
- Sickness absence associated with shared and open-plan offices - a national cross sectional questionnaire survey
- Sickness absence, office types, and advances in absenteeism research
- Sleep disturbance and the older worker: Findings from the Health and Employment after Fifty study
- Sleep duration and ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality: Prospective cohort study on effects of tranquilizers/hypnotics and perceived stress
- Smoking and sickness absence: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Social inequalities in early exit from employment in Germany: A causal mediation analysis on the role of work, health, and work ability
- Socioeconomic position and low-back pain - The role of biomechanical strains and psychosocial work factors in the GAZEL cohort
- Status incongruence in human service occupations and implications for mild-to-severe depressive symptoms and register-based sickness absence: A prospective cohort study
- Stress at work - a risk factor for depression?
- Studying the effect of the psychosocial work environment on risk of ill-health: towards a more comprehensive assessment of working conditions
- Successful prevention of organic solvent induced disorders: History and lessons
- Suicide among transport industry workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Supporting workers with mental health problems at work: Challenges and avenues
- Surgery for subacromial impingement syndrome and occupational biomechanical risk factors in a 16-year prospective study among male construction workers
- Sustainable employability - definition, conceptualization, and implications: A perspective based on the capability approach
- The "sweet- and sour-spot" of occupational physical activity for back pain: A prospective accelerometer study among eldercare workers
- Synthesizing study results in a systematic review
- Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at work
- Systematic literature review on the effects of occupational safety and health (OSH) interventions at the workplace
- Systematic review of biochemical biomarkers for neck and upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders
- A systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of worksite physical activity and/or nutrition programs
- A systematic review of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety training
- A systematic review of occupational safety and health business cases
- Systematic review of qualitative literature on occupational health and safety legislation and regulatory enforcement planning and implementation
- A systematic review of the sleep, sleepiness, and performance implications of limited wake shift work schedules
- Systematic review on the association between employee worktime control and work-non-work balance, health and well-being, and job-related outcomes
- Targeting workload to ameliorate risk of heat stress in industrial sugarcane workers
- Temporal relationships between job strain and low-back pain
- Time course of neck-shoulder pain among workers: A longitudinal latent class growth analysis
- Time takes us all? A two-wave observational study of age and time effects on sustainable employability
- Time trends in occupational exposure to chemicals in Sweden: Proportion exposed, distribution across demographic and labor market strata, and exposure levels
- To RCT or not to RCT: Evidence on effectiveness of return-to-work interventions
- Towards a better understanding of work participation among employees with common mental health problems: A systematic realist review
- Trajectories and predictors of return to work after traumatic limb injury - a 2-year follow-up study
- Trajectories of disability throughout early life and labor force status as a young adult: Results from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
- Trajectories of marginal part-time work and risk of depression. Does job or income insecurity mediate the relation?
- Trajectories of mental health before and after old-age and disability retirement: a register-based study on purchases of psychotropic drugs
- Trajectories of productivity loss over a 20-year period: An analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
- Trajectories of psychosocial working conditions and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: A Swedish register-based cohort study
- Transferring results of occupational safety and health cost-effectiveness studies from one country to another - A case study
- Transient risk factors of acute occupational injuries: A case-crossover study in two Danish emergency departments
- Transitions between sickness absence, work, unemployment, and disability in Denmark 2004-2008
- Trends and success stories in research on occupational and environmental health
- A two-year follow-up study of risk of depression according to work-unit measures of psychological demands and decision latitude
- Two-year neurocognitive responses to first occupational lead exposure
- Understanding mechanisms: Opening the "black box" in observational studies
- Understanding the causal relations between psychosocial factors at work and health - A circular process
- Understanding the impact of psychosocial working conditions on workers' health: We have come a long way, but are we there yet?
- Understanding the role of work in socioeconomic health inequalities
- Unnecessary work tasks and mental health: A prospective analysis of Danish human service workers
- Unrecognized risks of nickel-related respiratory cancer among Canadian electrolysis workers
- Upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders: How many cases can be prevented? Estimates from the COSALI cohort
- Validity of self-reported night shift work among women with and without breast cancer
- Walks4Work: Assessing the role of the natural environment in a workplace physical activity intervention
- Water, rest, shade: Can simple actions stop an epidemic of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology among farm workers in Central America?
- Ways to study changes in psychosocial work factors
- What are the economic costs of a poor work environment?
- What constitutes an unsafe work schedule?
- What do employers spend to protect the health of workers?
- What have we learned about risk assessment and interventions to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders and support work participation?
- What is next for occupational cancer epidemiology?
- What is a psychosocial work environment?
- What is precarious employment? A systematic review of definitions and operationalizations from quantitative and qualitative studies
- What promotes sustained return to work of employees on long-term sick leave? Perspectives of vocational rehabilitation professionals
- Who is the expert for the evaluation of work ability?
- Why do we know so little about return to work after carpal tunnel release?
- The work ability index and single-item question: associations with sick leave, symptoms, and health - A prospective study of women on long-term sick leave
- Work ability as prognostic risk marker of disability pension: Single-item work ability score versus multi-item work ability index
- Work ability index and perceived work ability as predictors of disability pension: A prospective study among Finnish municipal employees
- Work and mental health: What do we know and how can we intervene?
- Work at night and breast cancer - report on evidence-based options for preventive actions
- Work characteristics and health: How to analyze change
- Work factors facilitating working beyond state pension age: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up
- Work modification as a treatment for low-back pain
- Work strain in midlife and 28-year work ability trajectories
- Workers' psychological distress, depression, and burnout symptoms: Associations with diurnal cortisol profiles
- Work-family conflict and depressive complaints among Dutch employees: Examining reciprocal associations in a longitudinal study
- Working at home and expectations of being available: Effects on perceived work environment, turnover intentions, and health
- Working conditions and health behavior as causes of educational inequalities in self-rated health: An inverse odds weighting approach
- Working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic and its longitudinal association with physical activity and sedentary behavior
- Working from home: Mismatch between access and need in relation to work-home interference and fatigue
- Working hours and cardiovascular disease
- Working hours and depressive symptomatology among full-time employees: Results from the fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2007-2009)
- Working hours and health - key research topics in the past and future
- Working life expectancies among individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes over a 30-year period
- Working life expectancy and working years lost among users of part- and full-time sickness absence in Finland
- Working life, health and well-being of parents: A joint effort to uncover hidden treasures in European birth cohorts
- Workplace bullying and mental distress - A prospective study of Norwegian employees
- Workplace bullying and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: A register-based prospective cohort study of 98 330 participants in Denmark
- Workplace bullying and sickness absence: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the research literature
- Workplace bullying, symptoms of anxiety and the interaction with leadership quality - a longitudinal study using dynamic panel models with fixed effects
- Workplace environment around physicians' burnout: A qualitative study in French hospitals
- Workplace interventions: A challenge for promoting long-term health among shift workers
- Workplace psychosocial resources and risk of cardiovascular disease among employees: A multi-cohort study of 135 669 participants
- Workplace strength training prevents deterioration of work ability among workers with chronic pain and work disability: A randomized controlled trial
- Work-related exposure to violence or threats and risk of mental disorders and symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Work-related gender differences in physician-certified sick leave: A prospective study of the general working population in Norway
- Work-related psychosocial and mechanical risk factors for work disability: A 3-year follow-up study of the general working population in Norway
- Work-related risk factors for incidence of lateral epicondylitis in a large working population
- Work-related sexual and gender harassment: Conceptual challenges and the need for evidence-based prevention
- Worktime control: Theoretical conceptualization, current empirical knowledge, and research agenda
environmental-expert.com Publications
John M. Campbell Publications
British Approvals for Fire Equipment (BAFE) Publications
UK Engineering Council Publications
London Fire Brigade Publications
- Fire Facts: Fires in Greater London 1966-2014
- Fire Safety Guidance Note: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- Fridge freezer delay putting lives at risk
- London Fire Brigade: Our Performance 2015/16
- Report on auditing of Care Homes by London Fire Brigade
- Think sprinkler
- Waking Watch / Common Fire Alarm: Guidance to support a temporary simultaneous evacuation strategy in a purpose-built block of flats
Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (PEROSH) Publications
- New EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work
- PEROSH Newsletter 5/2011
- Prolonging Working Life - Overview of studies about prolonging working life across the PEROSH institutes
- Sustainable workplaces of the future - European Research Challenges for occupational safety and health
UK Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) Publications
- Developing and maintaining staff competence
- Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) Health and Safety Report 2011
- Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) Health and safety report 2013-14
- Office of Rail and Road - Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17
- Office of Rail and Road - Annual Report and Accounts 2017-18
- Office of Rail and Road - Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19
- Office of Rail and Road - Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20
- Office of Rail and Road - Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21
- Office of Rail and Road - Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22
- Office of Rail and Road - Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23
- ORR position paper on work related stress in the rail industry 2014
- ORR's Annual Health and Safety Report of Performance on Britain's Railways 2015-2016
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013: Guidance for railways, tramways and other guided transport systems
Environmental Health Perspectives Articles
International Atomic Energy Agency Publications
- Ageing Management for Nuclear Power Plants: International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (IGALL)
- Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2014
- Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), Proceedings of an International Conference, Paris, France, 4-7 March 2013 - Volume 1
- Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), Proceedings of an International Conference, Paris, France, 4-7 March 2013 - Volume 2
- Leadership, Human Performance and Internal Communication in Nuclear Emergencies
- Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors: Proceedings of an International Conference held in Vienna, Austria, 31 May - 4 June 2010
- Manual for First Responders to a Radiological Emergency
- Nuclear Power Reactors in the World: 2015 Edition
- The Radiological Accident in Chilca, Peru
- The Radiological Accident in Lia, Georgia
- The Radiological Accident in Ventanilla
- The Radiological Incident in Hueypoxtla
- Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources: Maintaining Continuous Global Control of Sources throughout Their Life Cycle - Proceedings of an International Conference, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 27-31 October 2013
National Water Safety Forum Publications
- Base Level Skills and Competences for Coasteering Guides
- Best Practice Safety Guidance for Coasteering Providers
Safety Assessment Federation (SAFed) Publications
Associazione Italiana Di Ingegneria Chimica (Italian Association of Chemical Engineering) Publications
International Social Security Association (ISSA) Publications
- The return on prevention: Calculating the costs and benefits of investments in occupational safety and health in companies - Summary of results
- Risks in Modern Society: Executive Summary
Southwest Research and Information Center (US) Publications
Reuters Articles
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Publications
- Geological Disposal: An introduction to the Derived Inventory
- Geological Disposal: An introduction to the Disposal System Specification
- Geological Disposal: An introduction to the generic Disposal System Safety Case
- Geological Disposal: An overview of the generic Disposal System Safety Case
- Geological Disposal: Generic Environmental Safety Case - Executive Summary
- Geological Disposal: Generic Environmental Safety Case - Main report
- Geological Disposal: Generic Operational Safety Case - Executive Summary
- Geological Disposal: Generic Operational Safety Case - Main Report
- Geological Disposal: Generic Transport Safety Case - Executive Summary
- Geological Disposal: Generic Transport Safety Case - Main Report
- Interim Storage of Higher Activity Waste Packages - Extended Summary
- UK Radioactive Waste Inventory 2019
- UK Radioactive Material Inventory 2019
Cardiff University Publications
Centre for Mental Health Publications
- Barriers to Employment: What works for people with mental health problems
- Managing Presenteeism: A discussion paper
- Mental health at work: The business costs ten years on
- Preventing prison suicide: Staff perspectives
- Risk, Safety and Recovery
- Supporting carers: Mental health carers' assessments in policy and practice
Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC) Publications
- Cadmium and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Information Note
- Lung Cancer and Foundry Workers
- Lymphatic and haematopoietic cancers and work involving exposure to trichloroethylene
- Non-melanoma skin cancer and occupational exposure to (natural) UV radiation: IIAC information note
- Renal cancer and occupational exposure to trichloroethylene
- Testicular Cancer in Fire Fighters
- Trichloroethylene and Cervical Cancer: Information Note
Prefabricated Access Suppliers' and Manufacturers' Association (PASMA) Publications
Royal College of Nursing Publications
- The selection and use of disinfectant wipes
- Tools of the Trade: Guidance for health care staff on glove use and the prevention of contact dermatitis
Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) Publications
- Annual Safety Performance Report 2010/11
- Applying Risk Triggered Commentary to Train Dispatch - A staff booklet
- Competence Development Guide for Dispatchers and Guards
- Guidance for Responding to Potentially Traumatic Incidents in Rail: Trauma Management Recommendations
- Half-year Safety Performance Report 2011/12
- Managing alcohol risks to personal safety and security on the railway: A good practice guide
- RSSB 2018-19 Business Plan
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Publications
House of Commons Publications
- The Coastguard, Emergency Towing Vessels and the Maritime Incident Response Group: Sixth Report of Session 2010-12 - Volume I
- Controlling dangerous dogs - Ninth Report of Session 2017-19
- The Forensic Science Service: Seventh Report of Session 2010-12 - Volume I: Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
- High heels and workplace dress codes
- Marine Pilotage: Ninth Report of Session 2012-13
- Plastic bottles: Turning Back the Plastic Tide - First Report of Session 2017-19
- Potential risk of fire spread in buildings via external cladding systems
- Smoke Alarms, Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Legionella: Landlords' Responsibilities
- Written evidence submitted by Mental Health and Smoking Partnership
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Publications
- Airport accessibility report 2018/19
- Airport accessibility report 2019/20
- Interim airport accessibility report (1 April to 31 October 2022)
- Airport accessibility report - 2022/23
- Occupational Health and Safety on-board Aircraft: Guidance on Good Practice
Electrical Safety First / The Electrical Safety Council (ESC) Publications
- Downlighter Safety - Quick Reference Guide
- A shocking rip off: The true cost of counterfeit electrical products
International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) Publications
- The effect of visible light on human health and implications for the work environment
- Occupational Exposure Limits - Do They Have a Future?
The Institute of Risk Management Publications
Finland Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) Publications
Fire Risk Assessment Competency Council Publications
Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA) Publications
- Best Practice Guide for ignition testing regarding the UK Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 amended 1989, 1993 and 2010
- Fire safety of furniture and furnishings in the home - A Guide to the UK Regulations
International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) Publications
Occupational Medicine Journal Articles
- Health surveillance for occupational asthma in the UK
- Occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A standard of care
- Psychosocial factors and economic recession: the Stormont Study
The Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors (SLIC) Publications
Association of British Insurers (ABI) Publications
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) Publications
- Emergency Response Management in Today's Complex Society
- Silo Fires: Fire extinguishing and preventive and preparatory measures
International Federation of Journalists Publications
British Journal of Cancer Articles
BMC International Health and Human Rights Articles
Milbank Quarterly Articles
Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Publications
European Process Safety Centre Publications
European Forum Publications
Peter Waterhouse Publications
Belgian Safe Work Information Center (BeSWIC) Publications
British Glass Manufacturers' Confederation Publications
British Retail Consortium (BRC) Publications
Farming and Countryside Education (FACE) Publications
Oil and Gas UK Publications
- Oil and Gas UK - Health and Safety Report 2012
- Oil and Gas UK - Health and Safety Report 2013
- Oil and Gas UK - Health and Safety Report 2014
- Oil and Gas UK - Health and Safety Report 2015
- Oil and Gas UK - Health and Safety Report 2016
- Oil and Gas UK - Health and Safety Report 2017
- Oil and Gas UK - Health and Safety Report 2018
- Strengthening UK Prevention and Response: Final Report
- UK Oil and Gas Industry Association - Health and Safety Report 2021
- UK Oil and Gas Industry Association - Health and Safety Report 2022
- UK Oil and Gas Industry Association - Health and Safety Report 2023
The Royal Academy of Engineering Publications
- Establishing high-level evidence for the safety and efficacy of medical devices and systems
- Shale gas extraction in the UK: A review of hydraulic fracturing
Hillsborough Independent Panel Publications
The Lancet Articles
- Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: An analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy
- Health and climate change: Policy responses to protect public health
- Long COVID guidelines need to reflect lived experience
- Long COVID: Tackling a multifaceted condition requires a multidisciplinary approach
- Patterns of mortality by occupation in the UK, 1991-2011: A comparative analysis of linked census and mortality records
- Physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection for prevention of COVID-19
- Work stress and risk of death in men and women with and without cardiometabolic disease: A multicohort study
The UK NanoSafety Partnership Group (UKNSPG) Publications
Centre for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment (CIWCE) Publications
- Annual Report of Activities 2002
- Annual Report of Activities 2003
- Annual Report of Activities 2004
- Annual Report of Activities 2005
- Annual Report of Activities 2006
- Annual Report of Activities 2007
- Annual Report of Activities 2008
- Annual Report of Activities 2009
- Annual Report of Activities 2010
- Annual Report of Activities 2011