CIS Newsletter

No. 261
June 2011

CIS Newsletter celebrates 23 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!

The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE from the UK. The CIS Newsletter is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.


  1. Editorial
  2. News from CIS HQ
  3. Reports on 28 April 2011 - Workers Memorial Day worldwide
  4. News, Events and ideas from around the World from Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, Israel, Macedonia, Pakistan, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and USA to name a few!
  5. Did you know?
  6. OSHE websites to explore
  7. Diary of Events

CIS Members' links:


Dear Colleagues

Midway through 2011 already - but still lots of things to achieve in this occupational safety and health world of ours! Unfortunately accidents and ill health from workplace activities still happen.

Many countries around the World respectfully marked 28 April - and again this year we remember those who have died from workplace activities. In this June edition of the CIS Newsletter you can read reports sent in by CIS Centres about the various activities that have taken place in various countries. Remember the slogan for World Day in 2011 - is OSH management system: A tool for continual improvement

Look also at the UK Workers Memorial website - you may wish to collect similar data for your own country.

There is much to look forward to in our OSH World in the remaining half of 2011, especially the 11-15 September 2011 - XIXth World Congress on Safety and Health at Work that will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. This organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Security Information: (Venue) Haliç Congress Centre, Istanbul, Turkey | Phone: (+90) 312 215 80 86 | Fax: (+90) 312 215 50 27 | Email: |

There is also on 11-15 September 2011 - the opportunity to Participate at the International Film and Multimedia Festival on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) will take place during the XIX World Congress on OSH in Istanbul. Contact: Veronique De Broeck, Secretary General, ISSA, Information Section, Prevent, Gachardstraat 88, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium | Tel: +32 2 643 44 92 | Fax: +32 2 643 44 40 | Email:

Many thanks to all who have sent in news for the CIS Newsletter which contains a roundup of information received from many parts of the OSH World.

Please continue to send your News - whatever you are planning - any publications, conferences, seminars or training courses, then please send the details to me so that we can share your efforts with others. Don't forget to send me your latest news! It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world.

Remember that whilst there is so much occupational safety and health information around the world not all will be trustworthy. Make sure that any information that you use is validated and authoritative and up-to-date.


Don't forget to continuously promote CIS and the Network!

Do add the CIS logo on the front page of your website would be a good first start. (Checked recently and only a few CIS Centres websites have the logo or links to CIS website).

Please do add the CIS logo on all your publications.

Any views you have on CIS and its work please send into CIS HQ - to Roman Litvyakov and Seiji Machida

If you are in contact with other CIS Centres and they do not receive the CIS Newsletter alerts then ask them to send me their email and I will include them in them in the monthly alerts.

I am still making BIG PLEA to find out where all the missing people from CIS Centres are now... we need to know when people are leaving their jobs and very importantly who is going to take over!!! PLEASE HELP!

Will you be Surviving by the end of 2011?... perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!

All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues
Sheila Pantry, OBE

Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd
85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829

News from CIS HQ

The ILO is organising a Meeting of Experts on the Code of Practice on Safety in the Use of Machinery to be held in Geneva, 29 November-7 December 2011.

The Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health adopted by the 91st Session of the International Labour Conference (2003) called for the development of a code of practice in this area. At its 306th Session (November 2009), the Governing Body of the ILO approved the funding of a meeting of experts, on the basis of a proposed composition of eight Government, eight Employer and eight Worker experts. It is now proposed that the Meeting be held from 29 November to 7 December, 2011.

The purpose of the Meeting is to examine and adopt a code of practice on safety in the use of machinery.

XIX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work will take place in Istanbul from 11 to 15 September 2011 - please note that the 2nd announcement is available on the Congress website at:

The preliminary programme is being prepared and should be available on line soon. It will contain detailed information on the various sessions, including for example on Technical sessions (title of presentations and names of speakers).

We hope that you will go in numbers to the Istanbul World Congress and also that you will attend the Annual Meeting of CIS Centres due to take place on 11 September from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm in Room Kaghitane 1.

The CIS will pay for the World Congress registration fees for participants in the CIS Centres Meeting.

The New SOLVE: Addressing Psychosocial Factors through Health Promotion in the Workplace - ILO Course from 16 to 20 May 2011

The overall objectives of this course is to develop knowledge and skills that will lead to the integration of the psychosocial and health promotion issues into a comprehensive enterprise policy and establish a framework for preventative action.

Further information on this course organized by the ILO in the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, Italy is available at:

More news sent in by Roman...

1. ENCYCLOPAEDIA of Safety and Health

All the content of the current (4th) edition is in the new environment now. The next step will be updating process, but before we organise beta testing where some colleagues will be invited.

2. CIS WEB site

The process of REALLY changing the WEB site will start in a few weeks. Not only the CIS WEB site will be changed. It will be complex solution - Safework and CIS sites together. The new site should be logical and my idea is clearly separate "political information" from "technical information". All the ILO Technical information will be well accessible. CIS WEB site will deal with International information. I hope we will be able to start to implement "country related approach" there. It means that every country in the future should have its own OSH page with some "country OSH profile", if this idea is approved.


The work on the new software is nearly finished. The new user interface will be available in June. (Hopefully!)

4. CIS Centres and the World Congress and CIS Meeting

CIS HQ is going to send one more invitation which will be prepared as an official letter, not just an email to invite Centres and also to request Centres to send back lots of feedback.

Safework and CIS are going to present some new ideas, projects and approaches in Istanbul meeting.

5. ICSC International Chemical Safety Cards

The Peer Review Meeting for ICSC will take place on the 6 - 9 June 2011 in the WHO, Geneva. Compilers and translators from many countries are invited for the meeting. A new translation system and new software will be presented in the meeting. ALL the cards in all available languages will be located in the ILO WEB server. The new UPDATED Cards in English in HTML format should be ready before the meeting. The final version of the translation module will be available in the end of the year. All the resources will be ON LINE.

Some new countries are invited by the WHO to the meeting in this year as temporary advisers. We hope that in the future they will participate in the translation process. I will also take part to understand the whole picture of the Project.

Your help is needed...

CIS is collecting information about using of these cards in different countries... This is quite complicated and CIS requests CIS Members to share the information about the use of these cards with them. CIS HQ has put a questionnaire on the ICSC WEB page, but would like to have more feedback please. This is quite important now for us and for the WHO to promote this important project.

News from around the World

News from Australia and Europe

ECHA and NICNAS start working together

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the Australian Government's National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS), Department of Health and Ageing, are strengthening their relationship in the area of chemicals safety.

In line with the shared commitment to improve chemical safety, ECHA and NICNAS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance co-operation.

The aim is to strengthen the scientific dialogue between the European Union and Australia and to increase co-operation on technical matters and other issues of common interest including the hazards and emerging risks of chemical substances, risk management tools, scientific collaboration and information exchange.

One of the anticipated areas of collaboration will be exchange of information. For example, the Memorandum of Understanding will promote the exchange of non-confidential information on hazards, uses and identity of chemical substances between ECHA and NICNAS. The agencies will also be sharing information on ways to more efficiently address chemicals of concern.

When signing the Memorandum Geert Dancet, Executive Director of ECHA said: "This Memorandum of Understanding will lead the way to a closer co-operation between both regulatory authorities to the benefit of companies and citizens on both sides of globe".

Marion Healy, Director of NICNAS said she saw the signing as a significant step. "It links our activities in Australia to a range of scientific work within ECHA in a way that will benefit both the agencies and their stakeholders, reduce duplication of effort and benefit health and safety", Dr Healy said.

Further Information

Memorandum of Understanding:


News from Canada

Free E-Course Helps Healthcare Providers Recognize and Prevent Occupational Cancer

People from all over the world encounter carcinogens in their workplace or environment, and sometimes this exposure will cause cancer. To help teach primary health care providers how to recognize and respond to these cancers, an e-course was developed by the National Committee on Environment and Occupational Exposures and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

Occupational and Environmental Cancer: Recognition and Prevention teaches participants in English, French or Spanish, which agents cause cancer and what can be done to recognize occupational or environmental cancer in a person with past exposures. More importantly, advice is provided on how to prevent cancer in those with current or ongoing exposures. Healthcare providers will learn how to conduct and interpret an exposure history, and follow up on their conclusions.

This course contains authoritative lists of these cancer-causing substances, accessible by chemical, by occupation or by cancer location. This course also includes case studies about people who were exposed to radon or asbestos.

Occupational and Environmental Cancer: Recognition and Prevention is intended for doctors, medical specialists, nurses, nurse practitioners and other healthcare providers, or anyone with an interest in recognizing and preventing occupational and environmental cancer.

This e-course is a collaborative project of the National Committee on Environment and Occupational Exposures and CCOHS; and was funded by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer through the Primary Prevention Action Group. It is offered free of charge and is available in English, French and Spanish. The Spanish version was developed by the Pan American Health Organization and contains additional information relevant to Latin American countries.

This e-course meets the same strict standards as all CCOHS courses. Representatives from labour, business and government have ensured the content and approach are unbiased, credible and technically accurate.

For more information on Occupational and Environmental Cancer: Recognition and Prevention, in any of its language formats, please visit the CCOHS website.

Contact: Eleanor Westwood, Manager - Communications
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) | Tel: (905) 572-2981, ext. 4408 | E-mail: |

Wendy Stewart, Communications Officer
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) | Tel: (905) 572-2981, ext. 4443 | E-mail: |

News from Europe

Special Eurobarometer report published on the consumer perception of chemicals

Eurobarometer findings show that most people in the EU are unable to identify everyday household chemicals as potentially hazardous and rarely follow safety instructions. The understanding of chemical products and public awareness of how to use these safely varies considerably from one country to another.

EU citizens are generally more inclined to characterise chemical products as 'dangerous' or 'harmful to the environment' rather than 'useful' or 'innovative'. While the majority say that they have used chemical products at work, a large number of people are unable to identify everyday household chemicals as "chemical products". Many read safety instructions before using household chemicals but the attention paid to such instructions is higher only for certain types of products like pesticides and detergents. The level of understanding about chemical products differs considerably from country to country.

These findings were published today in a 'Special Eurobarometer' survey report which has assessed consumers' perception of chemical products, and judged how those perceptions differ when people are in regular contact with them. The survey also looked at people's attitudes in dealing with safety instructions and illustrated their understanding of the hazard symbols and safety language (as provided by the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP Regulation) which entered into force on 20 January 2009).

This survey has been conducted for the first time in Europe and is part of a project conceived by ECHA to implement the requirement in the CLP Regulation on carrying out the communication study (Article 34). ECHA has joined forces with DG Joint Research Centre - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (JRC) to prepare this special Eurobarometer Survey undertaken by TNS Opinion & Social Network for DG Communication of the European Commission.

The second and final part of the project is a piece of qualitative research to examine consumers' opinions and behaviours related to chemicals outlined in the Eurobarometer Survey results in more detail.

ECHA will submit the final report of the study to the European Commission by January 2012 and will provide recommendations on how to further improve hazard communication on chemicals aimed at the general public.

Further Information

News from Ireland

NEW From EssentialSkillz - 20 H&S and HR E-Learning Courses

Six courses just added! This is one of the most comprehensive libraries of online Health & Safety and HR training available. You can trial any of our courses by clicking on the button on the right.

We have 20 off the shelf courses, covering the essential training areas you and your staff need. All courses are fully editable, by you. You can include your own policies and procedures, or simply edit the courses to make them more specific to your own organisation.

Learning from EssentialSkillz is the most effective method of rolling out Health and Safety training across your workforce. It is quick and easy to push the training out to employees and has powerful reporting to ensure you know who has and more importantly, who has not, completed their training.

Affordable and editable - there is no other system available that offers the flexibility that you get from EssentialSkillz. Why not find out how little it could cost to start training your staff using our comprehensive library?

For a FREE trial or for a no obligation quote, please email or call +44 0844 448 4414.

News from Israel

World Day for Safety and Health at Work Marked in Israel

Like in the preceding years, Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene (IIOSH) has joined OSH institutions all over the world in marking the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April 2011:

Michael Chereisky, Head of Information and Web Center, Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene |

News from Macedonia

Event organized by MOSHA (this year in cooperation with ILO office in Macedonia) and dedicated to the Safe Day 2011

The Minister of Labour, Director of SLI, representatives from all organisations of employers and employees, OSH specialists, Labour medicine representatives, ILO representatives (from Budapest office) and MOSHA staff were present at the event.

All of the participants received the translated version of the ILO report, as well as translated version of ILO OSH MS 2001. At the end of the event, the MOSHA annual report on accidents was presented.

Ljupco Kocovski, ILO/CIS Centre coordinator, Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association, 29 Noemvri 50, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia | Tel/fax: + 389 (0)2 2774 868, +389 (0)75 432 051 | | Email:

News from the Netherlands

Research Findings Confirm Ergonomics Recommendations for Shift Workers Scientific Investigation Earns Award from Liberty Mutual Group and Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors

Researchers from the Netherlands received the 2011 Liberty Mutual Award for their scientific paper, "Effects of the New Fast Forward Rotating Five-Shift Roster at a Dutch Steel Company." The paper, published in Ergonomics (Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 727-738, June 2010), discusses a scientific field study of a shift roster change at a large Dutch steel producer. The winning researchers include John Klein Hesselink, Ph.D., of TNO; Jan de Leede, Ph.D., of the University of Twente, Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies, and ModernWorkx; and Anneke Goudswaard, Ph.D., also of TNO. The award was presented at the recent Annual Conference of the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors held at the Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom.

The winning study investigated the effects of shift systems on worker health and safety. Researchers examined a new five-shift roster at Corus Steel (The Netherlands). The company previously used a backward rotating roster (three night shifts, two days off, three evening shifts, two days off, three morning shifts, and two days off). However, due to health risks in this roster, the company's medical department proposed a new forward rotating roster (shifts that rotate from mornings into evening). In the new roster, employees worked successively four (two morning, two evening) and two (night) consecutive shifts; whereas, the old roster used a three-shift format. Further, the old roster had only two days off following the night shifts versus three days off in the new roster.

The investigation included more than 4,600 shift workers, primarily men (more than 97% male workers) with an average age of 45 years. Almost all of the workers were full-time. The study examined data on reported accidents and absenteeism (due to sickness), as well as information from the health interviews. Researchers compared the data obtained from one year after the new roster implementation to that of the prior year. Further, the researchers evaluated the data of the experimental group (the five-shift workers) with the data of the day workers to control for general company developments.

The researchers found a 0.6% decrease in absence figures, particularly in mid-term sickness absence. Further, the study revealed improvements in health indicators, such as fatigue, musculoskeletal complaints, relationship of work and health, and workload in the year after implementation of the new roster. These positive effects were also stronger for older workers (50+ years old). The results were significantly more positive for the shift workers compared with the control group.

"We are honored to win this award," says Dr. de Leede, the study's corresponding author. "Our findings confirm the current ergonomics shift-work recommendations. The results are especially meaningful for older workers. Given the aging workforce, it is one of the measures for older workers to stay fit. It was a satisfying experience to conduct this study within a real-life context and to see the process of changing a shift system involving more than 4,600 people that had been in place for 25 years."

The Best Paper Award promotes excellence in safety and health research. The annual Award, established in 2005 by the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety and the UK Institute for Ergonomics and Human Factors (formerly the Ergonomics Society), recognizes the paper published in the journal Ergonomics that best contributes to the advancement of ergonomics. The editors of Ergonomics, in conjunction with the Institute's Honors Committee, select the winner from all of the papers published in the journal over the given year. All papers published in the journal are considered.

"The Liberty Mutual Award celebrates the best research published in Ergonomics," says Roger Haslam, coordinating editor of Ergonomics. "I am pleased to congratulate Jan De Leede and his colleagues on winning the award. Their paper presents the findings of a major field study, with a large population of workers. We were impressed with its scope, scale, and outcomes. It is an excellent demonstration of the positive impact of ergonomics."

Liberty Mutual Group ( employs over 45,000 people in more than 900 offices throughout the world.

News from Pakistan

World day on Safety and Health on 28 April 2011 in Lahore Pakistan

A seminar was held by Working Conditions & Environment (CIWCE) on the occasion of World day on Safety and Health on 28 April 2011 in Lahore Pakistan. Approximately 300 managers, workers representatives and EHS professionals from all over the country participated in the event, which included a seminar addressed by eminent professionals from all over the country as well as an expo of service and equipment providers in EHS field.

The event was widely reported in the electronic and print media. A technical report of the event will be available at our website shortly.

We invite you to visit our website that has recently been upgraded and contains lot of information in the form of awareness materials and research studies.

Saeed Awan, Director Centre for the Improvement of Working Conditions & Environment (CIWCE) Township, Lahore-Pakistan | Tel: +92-42 99262145 | Fax: +92 42 99262146 | Email: |

News from Poland

News from the Polish National CIS Centre - CIOP-PIB - Important monograph on OSH

A new monograph on OSH was published In English: Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health, by CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, USA. This handbook is edited by Professor Danuta Koradecka, PhD, D.Med.Sc., director of the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) in Warsaw, Poland. The chapters of the book are mostly written by the specialists from this Institute.

The book is a compendium of interdisciplinary knowledge, presenting the scientific bases for each OSH topics, followed by well illustrated case studies to demonstrate the concepts and theories and their application in real-world situations. The information is based on the results of international research.

Part one of the book deals with legal labour protection. In part two psychophysical capabilities of humans in the working environment are described. It deals with the physiology of work, occupational biomechanics, psychosocial risk and physiology of stress.

The third part contains information on basic hazards in the work environment as: harmful chemical agents, dusts, vibroacoustic, electromagnetic, mechanical and biological hazards, static electricity, electric current, laser, ionizing and noncoherent optical radiation, thermal loads and atmospheric pressure. In part four the effects of hazards on work processes are described. Occupational diseases and accidents, and major industrial accidents are included.

In the last part of the book basic directions for shaping occupational safety and ergonomics were evaluated. Occupational risk assessment is described as well as assessment of work-related activities, shift work, personal protective equipment, safety and ergonomics of machinery in the process of design and use, principles for protective equipment application, OSH management systems and education in occupational safety and ergonomics.

All chapters contain tables, figures as well as extensive lists of references, that allows the readers to widen their knowledge in these subjects. The monograph provides the tools to create a safety culture at the enterprise level to the individual employee.

Rapid growth of world production and its fast globalisation, new complicated work processes which bring new hazards, and it is essential that occupational safety and ergonomics knowledge become more and more important for societies and the need of good handbooks and other aids are very important

News from Poland

An information source of Polish OSH literature in English: Database OSH-BHP

For specialists who are interested in Polish OSH literature and information on latest solutions in theory and practice it is worth looking at the English language database "OSH-BHP".

This database has been in existence since 2005 and is produced by the Polish National CIS Centre, which is part of the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) in Warsaw.

The aim of this project is to help English speaking OSH specialists in any country become acquainted with Polish achievements in the occupational: health and safety, ergonomics, law, psychology, sociology and many other disciplines connected with protection of people in the workplace.

The data base OSH-BHP contains descriptions of books, journal articles, reports, legal documents, handbooks, bibliographies and other information sources produced by mainly Polish authors and published in Poland since 1983, but the majority of these have been published since 2000. Most of the documents are in Polish language, but a number, especially the articles are in English.

The descriptions of the documents are in the form of informative abstracts, which contains the bibliographical data such as authors, title in Polish and English, publisher, date of publishing, name and issue number of the journal if an article. The description also contains information about the content of the document in 2 forms - the descriptive abstract and the key significant words - subject descriptors from the Thesaurus. In the abstract there is also the URL address of the full text of the document, if it exists on the Internet.

All information about the document are in English, but descriptors informing on the content of the document could be in English, Polish, French and Spanish.

The data base OSH-BHP is held in the ALEPH computer software system, as are other databases of the Library and Information Centre of CIOP-PIB.

To broaden its accessibility to anyone interested in Polish OSH subjects this database is available via the Internet. It is accessible free of charge and is on the portal of the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) by:

We encourage you to use this database if you need Polish OSH information.

More information on OSH-BHP database and other activities of Polish National CIS Centre - Contact: Barbara Szczepanowska | | Tel: (+48) 22 623-36-89

News from Poland

A new issue (no 1, 2011) of the journal: "Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment" has been published by CIOP-PIB, Warsaw, Poland (ISSN 1231-868X)

Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment is a publication of the Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment. It has been published since 1958 and at first it was a non-periodical publication; since 2000 it has been a quarterly.

The journal publishes articles on specific problems. It also publishes complete documentations - developed on the basis of Polish and foreign research results - on the adverse effect of specific chemical agents and physical factors on the human body. The values suggested and accepted in Poland as Maximal Admissible Concentrations (MAC) and Maximal Admissible Intensities (MAI) are justified and the methods of determining them in the working environment are discussed.

This publication is indispensable in assessing hazards present in the working environment and in determining the best medical, organizational and technical prevention. It is aimed at employers and services responsible for prevention and for remaining within the MAC and MAI limits in the working environment.

Since issue 22, tables of contents, abstracts of manuscripts, documentations and methods are published in English, too. Since 2000, every issue contains information (in Polish and in English) on the contents of the previous four issues.

The latest issue of the journal contains the article on metal concentrations in dust fractions emitted at industrial workplaces, 22 descriptions of determination methods of different chemicals and information on activities of the Polish Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment in 2010.

"Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment" is indexed in several databases, e.g. CISDOC, OSH UPDATE, Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Copernicus.

Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Danuta Koradecka, Ph.D., D.Med.Sc. Director of CIOP-PIB.

Publisher: the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute, ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa, Poland | Tel: + 48 22 623-36-98, + 22 623-36-82 | Fax: + 48 22 6233693 |

News from Poland

14-17 June, 2011, ITM Poland - (Innovationa, Technologies, Machines) Fair of Modern Industrial Technologies in Poznań, Poland

It is the largest fair of modern technologies for industry in Poland.

This Fair helps to reach thousands of business owners interested in the promotion of modern technology, to promote own novelties and show products at special exhibitions opened in the frame of this Fair, as:

ITM Poland is THE FAIR for any kind of professionals, with over 50% of the visitors being decision makers.

More information on these events:

News from Poland

"Work Safety in Industry" exhibition, ITM Poland, Poznan, 14-17 June, 2011

For OSH specialists could be interested the exhibition "Work Safety in Industry".

The Polish market of work health and safety equipment and protection systems is very large. Employers pay attention to OSH regulations and are very much interested among others in improving working conditions, because it leads to greater productivity and work efficiency. Polish market is open to new work protection offers and it is worth presenting products and solutions at this most important industrial trade fair.

The "Work Safety in Industry" exposition covers the following themes:

Work Safety in Industry exhibition creates an opportunity to present company products to a special audience - not only to work health and safety specialist, distributors and wholesalers, but also to exhibitors and visitors of ITM Poland exhibition that represent the following sectors:

The presence among so many industrial specialists is a great opportunity to establish many fruitful contacts, find prospective clients and partners. It is even more probable because, as our research shows, over 50% of ITM Poland visitors are decision-makers - owners and co-owners of companies, presidents, managers and company directors.

More information on this exhibition:

News from Poland

The conference: "Safe Maintenance", ITM, Poznan, 16 June, 2011

For OSH specialists could also be interested the conference:"Safe Maintenance", which will take part among other events in the framework of ITM Fair in Poznan.

It is organised by the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) in cooperation with National Labour Inspection (PIP) and Office of Technical Inspection. The conference is a part of the European Information Campaign 2010 - 2011: "Healthy Workplace. Good for You. Good for Business" of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. The experts from CIOP-PIB, National Labour Inspection, Office of Technical Inspection and business will talk about the accidents during servicing, cleaning and repairing the machines and the ways of their safety using.

More information: | Tel. (+48 22) 690637 | Fax: (+48 22) 6906760

News from Poland

CIOP-PIB competition of OSH posters "Maintenance" 2011, Poland

Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute together with Faculty of Industrial Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Lódź and Warszawa organises every year the international competition of posters on occupational safety and health.

This year the subject is "Maintenance" - Safe maintenance of machinery, equipment and buildings. It is organized under the patronage of Minister of Labour and Social Policy and Chief Labour Inspector.

A very important factor in eliminating hazards in the workplace and creating a safe working environment is safe maintenance of machinery, equipment and buildings. This applies both to steps taken in the event of a failure (repair) as well as those taken in advance, in order to prevent failures (proper technical servicing of equipment).

It is estimated that approximately 15-20% of all accidents are directly related to carrying out servicing and repair works. Many accidents occur both as a result of improper execution or management of servicing works, as well as because of their absence. Lack of due attention at the workplace, both to equipment and to the working environment, can also be one of the causes of occupational diseases.

For example, during maintenance works performed in old buildings or industrial facilities, emissions of pathogenic asbestos fibres, dust or biological agents (bacteria, viruses, mould and fungi) or chemical agents may take place. Workers performing technical service, repairs and maintenance checks are also exposed to physical hazards, including electromagnetic radiation, noise, vibrations, adverse weather conditions (e.g. during the servicing of roads, tunnels and bridges).

The key principles that allow one to better understand what safe maintenance of machinery, equipment or buildings consists of are:

The purpose of this competition is to obtain original designs of posters promoting occupational safety and health, protection of man in the working environment in a modern way. The participants are artists, members of artists groups, unions, graduates and students of academies of fine arts in Poland and abroad.

Designs should be sent or delivered in person by 27 June 2011 to the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute, Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa, Poland.

There will be a post-competition exhibition and a catalogue will be published composed with 50 best works.

For more information please contact the curator of the competition, Marta Derlicka, Central Institute for Labour Protection, National Research Institute, Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa, Poland | Tel: (48 22) 623 36 86 | Fax: (48 22) 623 32 64 | E-mail:

News from Singapore

Launch of health and safety branch in Singapore marks International Workers' Memorial Day

The world's largest organisation for occupational health and safety professionals marked International Workers' Memorial Day on 28 April 2011 by launching a branch in Singapore.

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has created a branch in Singapore to serve its growing number of members in the Asia-Pacific region and to support the area's occupational health and safety sector.

IOSH President Steve Granger officially opened the new branch at the Spring Singapore Auditorium, where local health and safety professional Harry Ho was inaugurated as Chair and the branch committee members announced.

Harry Ho said: "At last, all of our hard work to establish an IOSH branch in Singapore has paid off.

"For Singapore it is the right time for a reputable internationally-recognised OSH (occupational safety and health) organisation, like IOSH, to establish itself. There are already more than 80 members of IOSH here in Singapore and now that the branch has launched we expect may more local health and safety professionals to join rank.

"I hope that the creation of the branch will provide the opportunity for more interaction and learning between local and overseas OSH professionals. We are looking forward to working with local OSH bodies, businesses and the general public to help raise the standard of Singapore's OSH record."

Following the official launch of the branch are a series of seminars which will take place today and tomorrow. The seminars have been designed to share best practice techniques amongst health and safety professionals in Singapore, Hong King, Europe and the Middle East.

Mr Granger said: "International Workers' Memorial Day is about remembering those who have died or been injured in the workplace.

"The last statistics show that one worker dies every 15 seconds worldwide. By launching the sixth international branch of IOSH here in Singapore today we are another step closer to reducing fatalities and accidents in the workplace - creating a world of work that is safe, healthy and sustainable.

"To become a member of the health and safety community in Singapore is an honour and a privilege. And we hope we can do our bit to help protect people working in this wonderful part of the world."

As a charity, IOSH offers its knowledge and expertise in occupational safety and health to those who need it around the world, including governments, other professional bodies, businesses and the general public.

Attendees at the launch of the Singapore branch not only included IOSH members and occupational health and safety professionals but officials from the Ministry of Manpower and Workplace Health and Safety Council.

News from Spain

Focus on risk prevention! EU-OSHA launches second pan-European photo competition on safe and healthy workplaces

Following the success of its 2009 competition, which received over 1600 entries, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has launched its second photo competition to raise awareness of safety and health at work.

The competition calls for entries on the theme of 'safety and health in the workplace', with a special focus on risk prevention, to show how employers and employees can work together to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses. All photographers - professional or amateur - are invited to submit their entries before 31 August 2011, via the website:

An international jury of professional photographers and health and safety experts will select the best entries, with a first prize of €3,000 to be awarded to the winner. Second and third placed entries will win €2,000 and €1,000 respectively. This year, for the first time, a youth prize of €1,000 will also be awarded to the best entrant aged under-21.

"Over recent years, there has been an increased awareness of occupational safety and health in the EU," says Dr Jukka Takala, Director of EU-OSHA. "Nonetheless, there is still more to be done to ensure that workers across Europe are protected against workplace risks. In launching the second edition of the competition this year, we are looking to get a true picture of how occupational safety and health is seen across Europe. The addition of a youth prize is intended to spread the message of workplace safety to the next generation of Europe's employees to help keep them safe from occupational risks in years to come."

The competition is open to entrants from across the 27 EU countries, plus the EFTA (Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) and six candidate and potential candidate countries (Croatia, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, FYROM and Albania). Winners will be selected in September 2011 and announced at the Healthy Workplaces Campaign closing event to be held in Bilbao in November 2011.

News from Spain

OSH in figures: occupational safety and health in the European transport sector - an overview

According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work report the transport sector is one of the growing sectors in the European economy and highly affected by change: a growing proportion of women, migrant and part-time workers, rapid ageing of the workforce and many technological innovations. Transport workers are exposed to multiple physical risks, suffer violence, and many have unusual working times and repetitive and monotonous work.

The consequences are high accident rates, musculoskeletal disorders, stress and fatigue. This report reviews the OSH risks of a wide variety of transport occupations, by analysing statistics and studies, and through selected case examples of prevention. The report has a broad scope: it covers all transport subsectors (rail, water, air and road) and is intended for both those working in the sector and policymakers.

OSH in figures: occupational safety and health in the transport sector - an overview
Schneider, Elke; Irastorza, Xabier; Copsey, Sarah
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, TER010001EN C, 28 March 2011, 260 pages
ISBN: 9789291914067, ISSN 1830-5946

News from Spain

EU-OSHA teams up with the UN's Decade of Action on Road Safety to reduce risks to drivers

People working in the road transport sector face many more risks than just the danger of having a collision - that is the message of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), which is today launching a new website to help keep drivers safe. Coinciding with the launch of the United Nation's (UN) Decade of Action on Road Safety 2011-2020, EU-OSHA provides access to a series of reports and other resources to help meet the challenges of managing health and safety in the road transport sector.

In 2009 more than a thousand lorry drivers died in crashes in Europe, 60% of them were light duty lorry drivers [1]. Bicycle and motorcycle couriers, van and lorry drivers, chauffeurs, and bus and coach drivers are particularly at risk of dying in a road accident or suffering non-fatal injuries. As well as death and injury in collisions, these workers face serious risks from handling loads, slips and falls from vehicles, exposure to vibration, and robbery and violence, among others.

Yet making drivers in the road transport sector aware of the risks they face, and what they can do about them, can be challenging. Drivers generally operate alone, and they are often used to very independent ways of working. Most companies in the sector are small enterprises employing fewer than ten workers, and many drivers are self-employed.

EU-OSHA's new web section gives access to a wide range of resources, covering the risks faced by workers in the road transport sector, and practical examples, from across Europe and beyond, of campaigns and initiatives that have improved occupational safety and health (OSH) among drivers. Some of the material deals with the issues facing specific groups within the sector, such as delivery and despatch riders, taxi drivers, and drivers in road haulage and passenger transport.

Successful OSH initiatives in road transport are generally those that take account of how the sector operates in practice. Advice and solutions need to be based on drivers' practical experience if they are to tackle the real problems effectively and engage drivers, including solutions that are developed by drivers for drivers. Working in partnership with employers, managers, vehicle operators, loading staff, and receivers and dispatchers of goods, as well as with the social partners and road safety organisations, has also proven itself effective.

As EU-OSHA Director Jukka Takala points out, 'with the right approach, it is possible to raise awareness of risk and promote good practice in the road transport sector. And quite apart from reducing the human cost of accident and injury, this can bring financial benefits to businesses, no matter what their size - with fewer days lost to injury, fewer vehicles off the road for repair, fewer missed orders, and less time and paper work to investigate and follow-up accidents. I am sure that the materials on our new website will provide support and inspiration to everyone who is looking to improve safety and health in road transport.'

The reports include a review of programmes and campaigns to reach and influence the road transport sector on OSH matters, case studies of prevention practices covering road haulage and bus passenger transport, reviews of good practice guidance available for the taxi sector and courier activities by motorcycle and bicycle, and a review of road transport accidents.

Two factsheets on campaigning and managing risks to drivers are available in 24 languages at An OSH in figures report that covers all transport sectors (rail, water, air and road) was published in March 2011.

[1] DG Transport (MOVE), Road safety, CARE database - reports - Road:

News from the UK

A Century of health and safety Science and more...

2011 is a landmark year for the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Hearty congratulations to all the scientists and engineers, past and present, who have contributed in so many ways to make life in the workplace safer and healthier. Here's to the next 100 years!

As HSL celebrates the 100th birthday a potted history below shows how it has developed over the century.

Founded in 1911 as an experimental station in Cumberland for the investigation of explosions in coal mines, HSL has become an internationally renowned, leading, scientific health and safety facility.


Government agrees to fund an experimental station at Eskmeals in Cumberland for the investigation of explosions in coal mines


Establishment of the Safety in Mines Research Board


Acquisition of the Harpur Hill, Buxton site for mining safety work on a large scale


Opening of central laboratories in Portobello Street, Sheffield


Formation of the Safety in Mines Research Establishment (SMRE) as part of the Ministry of Fuel and Power bringing together the work at Sheffield and Buxton


Opening of new laboratory in Red Hill, Sheffield to house engineering and metallurgical work


Formation of Occupational Medicine Laboratory (OML), located in Central London


Opening of second laboratory in Red Hill, Sheffield with provision for breathing apparatus studies, general laboratories, library and conference facilities


Formation of Occupational Hygiene Laboratory (OHL) by the Factory Inspectorate, located in Central London


Relocation of the Occupational Medicine Laboratory and Occupational Hygiene Laboratory to Cricklewood, North London


On formation of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), SMRE, OHL and OML merged to form HSE's Research and Laboratory Services Division (RLSD) to cover work across a wide range of industrial health and safety topics, RLSD adopts a three laboratory structure:

  • The Occupational Medicine and Hygiene Laboratory (OMHL) at Cricklewood, North London
  • The Safety Engineering Laboratory (SEL) (at Sheffield and Buxton)
  • The Explosion and Flame Laboratory (EFL) (at Buxton)


Transfer of OMHL from Cricklewood to the purpose-built Robens Building in Sheffield


The restructuring of the three laboratories into single integrated laboratory, the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL). The laboratory becomes an Agency of HSE.

November 2004

Move to a new, state-of-the-art laboratory on a single site in Buxton.

More information on the work and results:

News from the UK

Leadership guidance

The UK Health and Safety Executive has produced a range of leadership guidance for all directors, governors, trustees, officers and their equivalents in the private, public and third sectors.

It applies to organisations of all sizes; small businesses and major hazard industries.

Health and safety leadership checklist
Legal obligations
SME Advice
Benefits and Costs

News from the UK

HSE introduces new arrangements for online reporting of injuries and incidents

Businesses will still be able to notify fatal and major incidents and injuries by phone following changes to reporting arrangements, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) confirmed.

From 12 September 2011, all other reportable work-related injuries and incidents under RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995) will move to a predominantly online system, with a suite of seven forms available on HSE's website to make the statutory reporting process quick and easy.

Said Trevor Carlile, HSE's Director of Strategy:

"More than half of reportable injuries are already notified to HSE through the website and this proportion has been increasing steadily over the past seven years. Taking advantage of the growing use of the internet allows HSE to be more efficient in the way it works. We do recognise, however, that people reporting a traumatic event still need that personal interaction so the notification of fatal and major incidents and injuries will still take place by phone."

In a move to improve efficiency further and deliver value for taxpayers, HSE's Infoline telephone service, which currently provides a basic information service to callers, will end on 30 September 2011.

Businesses and members of the public seeking information and official guidance on health and safety can use HSE's website - a huge knowledge bank where people can access and download information free of charge and use interactive web tools.

The HSE website features information on the most frequent health and safety enquiries such as those on RIDDOR reporting, First Aid and the health and safety responsibilities of new businesses. It currently receives 26 million visits every year and is regularly updated and improved to help businesses and members of the public quickly access the information they need.

HSE's website:

HSE continues to provide information and guidance to employers and workers in a range of other ways: through direct work with organisations and trade associations, face-to-face at workshops and safety training days and via books and e-bulletins. A comprehensive suite of health and safety advice is also available via the Government's website for businesses "", and DirectGov.

A Q&A on the changes is available at

The seven online RIDDOR reporting forms will be:

News from the UK

The British Occupational Hygiene Society is hosting the 7th International Conference on the Science of Exposure Assessment (X2012) in Edinburgh, Scotland on 2 - 5 July 2012.

The first in the series of the "X" conferences was held in 1988 in Woods Hole, USA, followed by conferences in Leesburg, USA (1990); Lyon, France (1994); Gothenburg, Sweden (2001); Utrecht, The Netherlands (2004); and Boston, USA (2009). This conference series has been very influential in the development of the science of exposure assessment, in particular in the field of occupational exposure assessment.

Bookmark the website... You can also remain informed by joining the X2012 groups on LinkedIn and Facebook.

The UKOH list is provided by the British Occupational Hygiene Society.

You can join BOHS by visiting where there is an online application form and details of membership benefits.

News from the USA

US NIOSH Director Dr John Howard receives New Occupational Health Awareness Award

On 2 May 2011, The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Director Dr. John Howard was presented with the first "Always & 4ever CHAMPION" award in the field of occupational health and safety.

This innovative award was presented during 2nd Annual Occupational Health Awareness (OHA) Week ceremony in Albany New York. It the highest honour awarded by the OHA founding members.

More information is available at

News from the USA

Workers Memorial Day 2011 - from Dr John Howard NIOSH Director, USA

Work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths have devastating consequences. This terrible toll is perhaps most visible to the general public in the aftermath of large-scale disasters that claim multiple lives. Workers Memorial Day, April 28, reminds us that the tragedies of work-related death, disability, impairment, and pain also occur, and indeed more commonly occur, outside the daily headlines and hourly news feeds. It reminds us to pay tribute to those who needlessly have lost lives or livelihoods. It reminds us of our shared duty to keep workers from harm.

This year, Workers Memorial Day also marks the 40th Anniversary of NIOSH and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. While significant progress has occurred since 1971, much more remains to be made. Even as we continue efforts to eliminate the legacy hazards of the 20th Century, we are also called to address the emerging challenges of the 21st Century economy, including:

The fact that we must meet these challenges as we also rebuild our economy means that we do not have the luxury of the resources that come with "flush times," to use Mark Twain's phrase. Consequently, we have to pursue our mission strategically and collaboratively. At the same time, economic recovery also offers the opportunity to demonstrate that good health and safety practices benefit industry and society economically. By reducing the toll of injury and illness, businesses can reduce the costs of workers' compensation, disability, hours of work missed, and other losses that amount nationally to billions of dollars every year.

On Workers Memorial Day 2011, we look forward to a future in which every job is a safe job, and no one comes to harm at work.

John Howard, MD

Dr. Howard is the Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Did you know?

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA is a federal public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ATSDR serves the public by using the best science, taking responsive public health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and diseases related to toxic substances.

Some of the most viewed substances are

To see the whole list of substances click onto

Did you know?

That 22-28 May 2011 was the US National Hurricane Preparedness Week. The CDC along with other federal and public health partners is raising awareness about the importance of taking steps to protect your health and safety during hurricane season. CDC and other partners offer resources to help you stay safe and healthy throughout the season.

For additional tips, fact sheets, and social media tools, see CDC's Hurricanes website

Learning lessons from disasters

Disasters seem to be around us more and more - we constantly hear, via the various media formats, about fires, explosions, chemical and nuclear leaks, accidents and incidents, tornados and structural collapses are all included. So are events that are less high-profile but nevertheless offer important information for improving future risk management. Some events thankfully kill no-one but cost millions to put right. Others, such as asbestos, crept up on unsuspecting workers, causing fatal diseases many years after exposure. Other disasters such explosions at fuel stores; environmental pollution; accidents with high explosives; shipwrecks; offshore oil disasters; air crashes; accidents in space; mining accidents; railway collisions; crowd crushes; stadium tragedies; human factor; floods; silent killers - carcinogens and public and animal health present challenges for everyone. Learning to reduce hazards, risks, knowing about the politics of disaster and establishing a culture of safety all takes time and experience.

This is why so many opportunities for learning are missed. It is worth spending time reading reports and other publications and putting into action, and constantly updating safer and healthier procedures in all workplaces. You will find many such pieces of advice and guidance in OSH UPDATE and in FIREINF

The electronic services OSH UPDATE and FIREINF will help you and your organisation to keep up-to-date. These services continue to bring you the latest information on health, safety, environment, fire and other subjects that you will find useful in your daily work.

OSH UPDATE and FIREINF services contain both full text and bibliographic information are continuously enlarged as new information is published. These services are used by organisations, universities and companies worldwide.

For a 15 DAY FREE NO OBLIGATION TRIAL contact: Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd | email: | or fill in the Interest form

Don't re-invent the wheel ... learn from others!

News from the USA

Dear Colleague:

The May issue of LIFELINES ONLINE (Vol. VII, No. 12) is available at the LHSFNA website. These are some of the headlines:

To view the stories and access our website, click

Also, please note that back issues of LIFELINES ONLINE -- as well as our print magazine, LIFELINES -- are posted for online viewing. The LIFELINES ONLINE archive and LIFELINES archive are fully searchable, so you can find the articles that relate to your topic of interest.

As always, we look forward to your feedback and comments on our website and LIFELINES ONLINE.

Steve Clark, Communications Manager, Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America, 905 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006

OSHE web sites to explore...

We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we look at a variety of websites from the USA.

Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.

This collection of authoritative and validated organisations' websites are listed first alphabetically under country name and then alphabetically under the first word of the organisation. The subject index expands the information of these websites, especially where there are many important sources of information which may not be apparent from a first look at a particular web site.

If you have a favourite site which should be included in this list please email details to:

And if we do not have your web site listed please send it to me


Material Safety Datasheets information, includes 'What is a MSDS', glossary, software, links to other governmental agencies and useful sites.

Indoor Air Quality Association   IAQA   USA

Indoor Air Quality Association is a non profit organisation dedicated to promoting the exchange of indoor environmental information.

International Council on Nanotechnology ICON   USA

The International Council on Nanotechnology (ICON) is an organization whose activities are broadly supported by industry, non-profit foundations, and governments. Based at Rice University, USA, the ICON is a currently an affiliates program of the United States National Science Foundation's Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology. ICON has launched an online database of scientific findings related to the benefits and risks of nanotechnology. The ICON Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) database contains summaries (abstracts) and citations for research papers related to the EHS implications of nanoscale materials. The ICON has issued a request for proposals for best practices for nanotechnology safety.

International Ergonomics Association   IEA   USA

International Ergonomics Association has some useful easy-to-understand information, including 'What is ergonomics'. Links to all the major ergonomics societies and other sites.

International Fire Chiefs Association   USA

Conferences, media information, common questions, online databases, member services and links.

International Nuclear Safety Center   INSC   USA
International Safety Center, US Department of Energy DOE includes information about INSC partners, nuclear plants, materials properties, what's new, research projects, current activities, other information sources and databases, including audio-visual materials.

International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neutronal Interactions ISMNI   USA

International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neutronal Interactions ISMNI covers conferences, publications, ISMNI Journal and links to other information.

Job Stress Network   USA

The US Job Stress Network's website of the Center for Social Epidemiology provides a primary source for relevant information on job stress, gives advice on risk factors, prevention, news, research and further references.

Liberty Mutual Research Center for Safety and Health   USA

Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety has helped to improve the occupational safety and health of millions of workers for more than 50 years. Through laboratory and field-based investigations, the Research Institute seeks to advance scientific, business-relevant knowledge in workplace and highway safety, and work disability. Research findings are shared with the worldwide health and safety community through peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations. Ultimately, these findings are used to develop recommendations, guidelines, and interventions that help reduce risk and control costs.

Mesothelioma Web   MW  USA

Mesothelioma Web is dedicated to consolidating mesothelioma information in one place. Also has contacts, common questions, treatment options, details of centres, clinical trials asbestos exposure, medical journals and news articles and important links.

Mine Safety and Health Administration Health MSHA   USA

Mine Safety and Health Administration Health list individual sections of the Noise Control Manual - Surface Mining Noise Control Manual for those looking for control recommendations for specific pieces of equipment such as drills, graders, scrapers, front end loaders, stone saws and shovels.

MSDSONLINE is a pioneer in the Internet distribution and electronic management of Material Safety Data Sheets. Gives details of the most requested ones and top companies. List also events, other sites, magazines and news.

National Association of Fire Investigators   NAFI   USA

National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI) offers membership, conferences, seminars, training, articles and more.

National Center for Infectious Diseases NCIDOD: Viral Hepatitis   USA

The US National Center for Infectious Diseases site offers brochures, publications, posters, slide sets, glossary and links to other relevant sources. There is also information in languages other than English.

National Fire Protection Association   NFPA   USA

National Fire Protection Association offers a wide range of information.

National Fire Sprinkler Association   NFSA   USA

National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA) offers membership, workshops, seminars, training, publications and more.

National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders NIDCD   USA

National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders is one of the Institutes that comprise the National Institute of Health NIH and offers a collection of information on noise-induced hearing loss NIHL, explaining what sounds cause NIHL, what are the effects, symptoms, who is affected, can it be prevented, what research is being done and where to get additional information. Also has a campaign called WISE EARS which has a web site This national campaign to prevent noise-induced hearing loss has special information for Kids and Teachers, Parents, Public, Media and also a Directory of Organisations.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS   USA

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is one of the Institutes that comprise the National Institute of Health NIH and offers a collection of information.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS: Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)   USA

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences EMF Rapid web site gives an overview of the Research Programme, reports, symposium and meetings and other external resources.

National Institutes of Health   USA

National Institutes of Health website provided about the various Institutes and their work. Wealth information resources, including: health information, scientific resources, grants and funding, news and events. A-Z index of NIH health resources, clinical trials, health hotlines, MEDLINEplus, drug information.

Diary of Events

These events may inspire you to create similar training courses and conferences/seminars in your own country.

These are taken from the OSHWORLD Diary of Events see which is intended as a guide to the wide range of Health, Safety, Fire, Chemical, Environment events, conferences, seminars, training courses and other related activities worldwide. It is updated during the first week of the month, and includes validated Internet links to further information. If you cannot attend these events the organisers are usually willing to let you have papers and other information, if you contact them

25-30 July 2011 - 5 Day Conference 'The Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems'
University of California, Irvine, California, USA
Contact: |

6-8 September 2011 - OSH Expo Africa 2011
Johannesburg, South Africa
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of FIREINF and OSH UPDATE

7-9 September 2011 - EPICOH 2011 - 22nd International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health
Oxford, UK

11-15 September 2011 - XIXth World Congress on Safety and Health at Work
Note: Organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Information: (Venue) Haliç Congress Centre, Istanbul, Turkey | Phone: (+90) 312 215 80 86 | Fax: (+90) 312 215 50 27 | Email: |

11-15 September 2011 - Participation at the International Film and Multimedia Festival on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) will take place during the XIX World Congress on OSH in Istanbul
Invitation to submit an entry has been extended to 28 February 2011

Istanbul, Turkey
Contact: Veronique De Broeck, Secretary General, ISSA, Information Section, Prevent, Gachardstraat 88, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium | Tel: +32 2 643 44 92 | Fax: +32 2 643 44 40 | Email: | You can use the online entry form at

15-16 September 2011 - HSE, Risk Management and Process Safety in Oil and Gas 2011
Houston TX, USA

6 October 2011 - Health and Safety Training for Managers and Supervisors in the Canadian Federal Jurisdiction
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Contact: Escalade Services Group Inc., 320 Hawkcliff Way NW, Calgary AB T3G 2E7, Canada | Tel: + 1 403 818 8118 or +1 866 374 1766 | Fax: +1 866 831 9645 | Email: |

9-14 October 2011 - The Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene 2011: Sanitation and Hygiene in Developing Countries
Mumbai, India
Contact: For more information, or to join the mailing list for regular updates, visit
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of FIREINF and OSH UPDATE

18-20 October 2011 - Healthcare Canada Conference & Exhibition
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Contact: Diversified Business Communications - Canada, 110 Cochrane Drive, Unit 1, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9S1, UK | Tel +1 905 948 0470 | Fax: +1 905 479 1364 |

18-21 October 2011 - A+A 2011
Düsseldorf, Germany
Contact: i. A. Martin-Ulf Koch, G2-PR/ Presseabteilung - Press Department | Tel: +49 (0) 211 4560 444 | Fax: +49 (0) 211 4560 8548 | Email: |

26-29 October 2011 - First International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering
Beijing, China
The symposium is authorized by the State Administration of Work Safety and is sponsored by China Academy of Safety Science & Technology (CASST), China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) (CUMTB), McGill University (Canada) and University of Wollongong (Australia) with participation from several other universities from round the world, research institutes, professional associations and large enterprises.
Contact: Tel: +86-10-84911521-805 or +86-10-82375620 | Email: |

27 October 2011 - Leading Performance Conference 2011: Bridging People, Safety and Profits
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Contact: FIOSA-MIOSA Safety Alliance of BC, 106-8615 Young Road, Chilliwack, BC. V2P 4P3 Canada | Tel: + 1604.701.0261 | Fax: +1 604.701.0262 | Email: |

30 October - 4 November 2011 - National Safety Council (NSC) 2011 Congress & Expo
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA