CIS Newsletter
No. 256
January 2011
CIS Newsletter celebrates 23 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!
The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE from the UK. The CIS Newsletter is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.
- Editorial
- CIS Regional Meeting in London 23-24 November 2010
- Is your CIS Information Centre at Risk - how well is it doing?
- News, Events and ideas from around the World including "Do you know", Canada, Chile, Dubai, Finland, France, Germany Ireland, Korea, Macedonia, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, UK and USA to name a few!
- OSHE websites to explore
- Diary of Events
CIS Members' links:
- The WHO Network of Collaborating Centre Connection (CCC) e-newsletter:
- ILO CIS Network Newsletters:
Wishing all readers a Very Happy and Successful 2011!
A New Year AHEAD, and lots of challenges for those working in our Occupational Safety and Health World!
The Newsletter contains a link to the official CIS report of the 23-24 November 2010 Regional Meeting of CIS National and Collaborating Centres in European and Central Asian Countries held in London. This was a very important and encouraging meeting for the future of CIS - see the report to whet your appetite! There is much to look forward to in our OSH World in 2011!
Good news continues with the appointment of Roman Litvyakov on a short term contract on 1 February 2011 in the position Senior specialist on OSH information management to take over from Gabor Sandi when Gabor retires at the end of February 2011. A very warm welcome to Roman and every success in his new job.
Meanwhile, as usual the CIS Newsletter which incidentally is now moving into its 23rd year of publication contains a roundup of information received from many parts of the OSH World - for which many thanks.
It also contains my article entitled Is your CIS Information Centre at Risk - how well is it doing? Please take time to read it - it may stop you from being another statistic!
Please send your News
Whatever you are planning - any publications, conferences, seminars or training courses, then please send the details to me so that we can share your efforts with others. Don't forget to send me your latest news! It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world.
Remember that whilst there is so much occupational safety and health information around the world not all will be trustworthy. Make sure that any information that you use is validated and authoritative and up-to-date.
Don't forget to continuously promote CIS and the Network!
Do add the CIS logo on the front page of your website would be a good first start. (Checked recently and only a few CIS Centres websites have the logo or links to CIS website). Please do add the CIS logo on all your publications.
Any views you have on CIS and its work please send into CIS HQ - to Gabor Sandi and Seiji Machida
Will you be Surviving in 2011?... perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!
All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues
Sheila Pantry, OBE
Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd,
85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829
News from the London Meeting 2010
Regional Meeting of CIS National and Collaborating Centres in European and Central Asian Countries held in London 22-24 November 2010
Further to a report in the December 2010 CIS Newsletter there is now an official report of the meeting with photograph of those attending see and also
Please do take time to read this important report - the recommendations are far reaching and will impact on your own Centre's activities.
Is your CIS Information Centre at Risk - how well is it doing?
By Sheila Pantry OBE
During the past few years and particularly during the last 12 months we have seen CIS Centres being closed down, when staff leave we note that they are not replaced, budget cuts are impacting on the services offered - smaller acquisition budgets for new stock, and there is little innovation because there are not enough staff members to develop new products and services.
The following questions will help you identify whether your CIS Centre's Information Services are likely candidates for staff and resource reduction as your organisation faces financial and other challenges.
Your business relationships and priorities
- Do you fully understand your employer's sector, their business vision and strategic goals, and the areas identified as risks to success?
- Do you work actively with a set of identified stakeholders as partners and meet regularly with senior business staff to keep in touch with the business and to identify better opportunities for exploitation of information skills. Does the head of the organisation know you by name? Are you tuned into the business?
- Is your immediate boss an active champion of your activities? Do they have influence with senior stakeholders? Do they identify opportunities?
- Are you and Centre staff perceived as natural members of your organisation's social networks?
Resource planning
- Are all your resources directed to creating value for your end customer - your organisation
- Do you take a zero-based approach to justifying your annual budget thus demonstrating your ability to control and direct costs, to identify new opportunities and to change the service portfolio?
- When challenged on service value do you instinctively protect your patch - or engage in mature discussion of options for change?
- If you needed to cut your resources by 40 % do you know what you would stop?
Measuring impact
- Have you agreed a set of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) with the business that directly relate to the organisation's KPIs?
- Do you assess the Centre's performance by trends in service use or by business impact delivered i.e. the impact on the bottom line and the success of the organisation?
- Is the performance of the Centre's function regularly assessed and reviewed with senior staff or stakeholders; do they recognise the contribution of Centre to their business goals and agree service priorities with you?
- Are your Centre's objectives expressed in terms of their impact and potential value to the organisation?
- Have you segmented your market with products and services matching critical business needs in important areas of your organisation or are you aiming to ensure that all customers receive a common level of service?
- Are any of your services and/or staff embedded directly in the organisation's business processes?
Are You at Risk?
- Is your Centre's function known as innovative? Have you initiated a new opportunity in the last 12 months?
- Are any of your routine processes still capable of being streamlined through IT or other route e.g. outsourcing?
- Have you documented a strategic plan for your CIS Information service?
Promotion and communication
- How many library and information terms feature in your current publicity material? Is it jargon free and expressed in terminology of your organisation?
- Have you developed a "one minute message" that captures the your CIS Centres value to your organisation which all the team can use with conviction? If not, why not?
- Does your promotional material focus on direct contribution to the organisation or - the support you can provide?
News from around the World...
News from Canada
Maureen Shaw ex CEO IAPA writes:
"If you are sending anything to our CIS colleagues I would very much appreciate you sending my warmest wishes to them all. I would very much like to stay in touch and if there is something I can do to support and assist I would be pleased to do so. I so very much found great value in the relationships developed with our colleagues in the network. It is in fact one of the leading values - the network having personal relations with so many talented connected people is invaluable to any organization in the pursuit of excellence in prevention. So, friends may the joys of the season celebrated by so many, in many different ways be with you all."
Maureen's email is
News from Canada
Latest Issue - Info IRSST Vol. 8, No. 5, 2010
Electronic newsletter from the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail
Best wishes for the Holiday Season. May the year 2011 bring you health, happiness and prosperity.
Linda Savoie, Information Officer - webmaster, IRSST, 505, De Maisonneuve Blvd West, Montréal (Québec), Canada H3A 3C2 | Email: |
News from Finland
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
The Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health (SJWEH) is an international scientific occupational safety and health (OSH) periodical that was formed from the fusion of the publications known formerly as Work-Environment-Health and Nordisk Hygienisk Tidskrift.
The Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health is published by the Finnish Institutional of Occupational Health, the Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment, and the Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health. It is published in English and began publication on 1 January 1975.
SJWEH is an internationally renowned periodical in the top 18% of Public, Environmental and Occupational Health 95 journals in the 2009 Journal Citation Report social science edition and in the top 34% of the science edition's compilation of 122 journals. SJWEH 2009 impact factor is 2.307; our 5-year impact factor is 3.141.
For current and issues back to 1975 see
There are over 6,400 articles from Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health indexed into OSH UPDATE
News from France
INRS Occupational risks associated to nanomaterials
A new brochure from INRS summarizes current knowledge about occupational health and safety risks associated to nanomaterials and the prevention measures that should be implemented in industry and research laboratories. In addition, a humorous animation presenting the main prevention measures can be downloaded.
The huge budgets and almost unlimited expectations placed in the production and use of nano-objects and nanomaterials in a wide range of industry sectors have already resulted in many industrial achievements, demonstrating that occupational exposure to nano-objects is today a reality. Because of the many uncertainties relating to these novel chemical products, to their potential health effects and to the difficulties encountered in characterising exposure, quantitative risk assessment turns out, in the majority of work environments, to be difficult to implement. It is therefore advisable, in all occupational environments making use of nanomaterials (businesses, research laboratories, universities, etc) and all the way through the life cycle of products, to develop best practices for safe handling and set up specific risk prevention procedures.
This new brochure sets out to review the characteristics and applications of nanomaterials, current toxicological knowledge, tools for characterising occupational exposure, and lastly, applicable risk control measures.
English version:$File/ed6050bis.pdf
News from Ireland
European Working conditions slow to improve
The working conditions of Europeans have not - overall - dramatically changed over the last decade, according to the first findings from Eurofound's fifth European Working Conditions Survey, released at a joint conference with the Belgian EU Presidency on 16-17 November 2010.
For instance, work intensity remains at a high level for many, the extent to which workers can make their own decisions about how they do their job has not improved (leaving a large number of workers ill-equipped to deal with work's demands) and European workers remain as exposed to physical hazards as they did 20 years ago.
However, in 2010 in the EU15, training paid for by employers was at its highest level since 1995 for the EU15, with 34% of workers receiving training in the last 12 months. And around 60% of workers feel that they would be able to do their current job at the age of 60, a marginal increase since 2000.
More on the survey's findings:
News from Korea
The Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) won the bid for the 2015 International Congress on Occupational Health.
The International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) holds the triennial Congress, which is recognized as the largest global gathering in the field of occupational health. The vote to decide the host ended on March, 26th, 2009 following the fierce competition with other candidates.
KOSHA will use its best endeavours to successfully hold the 31st ICOH Congress in 2015. We believe that the ICOH Congress will elevate the international status of not only KOSHA but also Korea on the whole as the Seoul World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health did in 2008.
In addition, Director General Kang Seong-kyu of the Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute became the first Korean ICOH board member. He will serve for the next three years.
Background of ICOH Congress and ICOH
The International Congress on Occupational Health is a triennial event held by the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH). The Congress aims to build a healthy work environment for all by promoting exchange of experiences and information on occupational health and preventive measures.
- The International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) is an international non-governmental professional society whose aims are to foster the scientific progress, knowledge and development of occupational health and safety in all aspects. It was founded in 1906 in Milan as the Permanent Commission on Occupational Health. Today, ICOH is the world's leading international scientific society in the field of occupational health with a membership of 2,000 professionals from 93 countries. Dr. Kazutaka Kogi of Japan has recently been elected as President.
- There are approximately ten Korean members of the Commission.
- ICOH conducts R&D and develops technology in various fields of occupational health ranging from chemical-induced illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, toxicology, and atypical workers. The Commission has 35 Scientific Committees.
- The 29th ICOH Congress was held in Cape Town, South Africa from 20th to 27th, March, 2009 with the theme - Occupational Health, a Basic Right and a Valuable Asset to Society. Occupational health professionals around the world shared their knowledge and expertise at various seminars and sessions. The 30th Congress is scheduled to take place in Monterrey, Mexico in 2012.
- ICOH official web site:
News from Macedonia
First International OSH MS Conference in Macedonia.
Below you can find the link to the web page of the First International OSH MS Conference in Macedonia.
You are all more than welcome to spread the news to all interested people in OSH.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me for any question, suggestion, clarification...
Ljupco Kocovski, ILO/CIS Center coordinator, Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association, 29 Noemvri 50, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia | Tel/Fax: +389 (0)2 2774 868 | Cell: +389 (0)75 432 051 |
News from Poland
Do you know JOSE - the quarterly the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics published by CIOP
The Central Institute for Labour Protection (CIOP) - National Research Institute publishes an English-language scientific quarterly the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) with results of research studies from various countries as well as reviews of books, and information about seminars and conferences organised in Poland and abroad.
The journal maintains its high quality by having all submissions reviewed by members of the International Editorial Board (50 members from 22 countries). JOSE is a delayed Open Access journal with articles more than 2 years old available free of charge.
Chief Editor is Danuta Koradecka, Director of CIOP
For more details about International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) see
News from the UK
Health and Safety for young learners and occupational Long Latency Diseases (LLD)
A number of industries are known to be at high risk from occupational Long Latency Diseases (LLD), including construction, engineering, plumbing, stonemasonry, quarry and foundry work.
Recognising that the learners of today are the workers of tomorrow, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has identified young learners in Vocational Education and Training (VET) as a key target group for reducing the incidence of LLD in some of these industries.
The purpose of this research was to help the HSE improve its communications with relevant young learners to help raise awareness of risks, change attitudes and behaviours and to embed good practice about appropriate control measures.
While young learners recognise the importance of Health and Safety (H&S) information, there are a number of challenges around successfully communicating the risks of LLD. These include the complexity of LLD and a wide lack of clarity about what constitutes LLD and how they can be prevented.
There are also challenges with translating what young learners learn in the classroom into practice on site because of the influence of more experienced colleagues and the pressures of resources and time. Communicating H&S messages more effectively will require greater clarity among wider stakeholders about the nature and risks of LLD. Communications could also be aided by clear, concise, visually engaging communication tools. The delivery of H&S messages by trusted messengers with experience in a young learner's chosen vocation is beneficial as is focusing information towards more junior or 'new' learners not yet overwhelmed by detail on Health and Safety.
Contact Details: Alice Mowlam, Martin Mitchell, Naomi Jones, Harriet Ludford, National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), 35 Northampton Square, London EC1V 0AX
The full report is available for free downloading from the HSE web site
Electrostatic risks associated with plastic containers
This report, sponsored by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) contains an assessment of the electrostatic risks associated with a selection of commonly available plastic containers ranging in size from 50 ml bottles to 1000 l Intermediate Bulk Containers, and manufactured from a variety of materials.
The containers are assessed by measuring the amount of charge transferred from their surfaces in an electrostatic discharge, after being charged by rubbing with the most suitable materials for optimum charging. The charge transfer values obtained can then be compared to maximum permitted values for different gas groups contained in EN13463-1: 2001.
Incendivity tests were also conducted on the discharges from the containers, which give an indication of typical amounts of charge transfer actually required for ignition in a practical situation, as a guide for incident ignition assessments.
A description of the types and purposes of most of the various designs of IBC currently available is included, in particular those designed for zone 1 and zone 2 usages.
Contact Details: D Bennett, Health and Safety Laboratory, Harpur Hill, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9JN, UK
The full report is available for free downloading from the HSE web site
Other recent HSE/HSL Research Projects Update
- JN3218 - Investigation of potential for exposure to carcinogens during thermal processing of plastics
- JN4486 - A study of Respiratory Protective Equipment use in industry
- JN3830 - Prevalence of ill health in the waste and recycling industry
Health and Safety Executive, Corporate Science Unit, Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS, UK
Search all HSE Research Projects:
News from the OECD
A new version of the OECD eChemPortal is now online
A new version of the eChemPortal has been launched yesterday by OECD. It provides free public access to information on more than 600 000 records on chemical substances.
By launching the new eChemPortal, the OECD has reached a new milestone in the long-standing international commitment to making publicly available information on chemical properties. This entirely revamped eChemPortal adds new useful features that enhance users' search functionalities.
Improvements include a search by chemical property, in addition to a search by substance name and identification number. For the first time, users can search for chemical using properties criteria such as physical chemical properties, environmental fate and behaviour, ecotoxicity and toxicity in the participating databases that can offer direct searching of endpoint data. All participating databases offer direct searching by substance identification. The information on existing chemicals, new industrial chemicals, pesticides and biocides is being made available by 19 participating databases gathering information prepared for government chemical review programmes at national, regional, and international levels.
Some of these, such as the ECHA dissemination database, US EPA Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource (ACToR), the United Kingdom Coordinated Chemicals Risk Management Programme Publications (UK CCRMP Outputs) and US Environmental Protection Agency Integrated Risk Information System (US EPA IRIS) have only recently adhered to this project.
New web links allow users to retrieve also information according to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). This includes the GHS classification of approximately 1,500 chemicals stored by the Japanese government.
The new eChemPortal is a project developed by OECD in collaboration with ECHA.
This project is funded and hosted by ECHA.
Further Information
Link to eChemPortal:
Help on how to use the eChemPortal:
New book
Loss Prevention and Safety Control: Terms and Definitions
by Dennis P. Nolan
CRC Press Inc - Taylor & Francis Inc, 2 November 2010, 324 pages, ISBN 9781439833636
Addressing the present need for an overall reference book that provides a complete and sufficient description of the terminology used in the safety/loss prevention field, this text is an encyclopaedic A-Z listing of terminology. This text covers background, meanings, and descriptions of terms. It presents terminology in alphabetical order for ease of search and contains supplemental appendices of safety organizations, common safety standards, and acronyms. Two-paragraph descriptions of terms, photographs, diagrams, graphs, and tables are included to aid understanding of the subject, making it accessible to professionals and students.
International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC)
ICSC provide essential health and safety information on chemicals. The primary aim of the Cards is to promote the safe use of chemicals in the workplace and the main target users are therefore workers and those responsible for health and safety in the workplace.
For more information see
News from the USA
Third International Certificate Program in Occupational Health Practice Sep 2011 - May 2012
The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) announces its Third "International Certificate Program in Occupational Health Practice" that starts in Sep 2011.
It is designed as a strong introduction to Occupational Health for company health professionals (doctors and nurses) worldwide who work in companies and organisations in developing countries or remote areas and do not have a formal academic training in OSH.
It is open for other professionals such as engineers, technicians or managers who want to strengthen their competencies in occupational health.
- It is 100% online and no travels are required
- Focuses on practical and evidence-based occupational health interventions
- Teaching is in English but assignments can be sent back in five languages: English, French, German, Spanish and (limited) in Arabic.
- Instructors are an international group of faculty with overseas experience
- Teaching is instructor-led with individual feedbacks for an intensive learning experience
- Courses can be taken individually
- Discount options for institutions/companies with multiple participants are available
The Program offers three courses during a nine month period (about 340 total hours):
- Foundations in Occupational Health Practice (10 weeks) Sep - Nov 2011
- Clinical Occupational Medicine and Medical Surveillance (8 weeks) Jan - Mar 2012
- Management in Occupational Health Practice (8 weeks) Apr - May 2012
Participants come from companies and organizations around the world, for instance from China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan, Nigeria, Botswana, Kenya, South Africa, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, or Chile.
Details available at and program brochure at
For questions please contact: Dr. Norbert Wagner MD, PhD, Director, International Certificate Program in Occupational Health Practice, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) | Email:
News from the USA
The December issue of LIFELINES ONLINE (Vol. VII, No. 7) is available at the LHSFNA website.
These are the headlines:
- Got a Female Construction Worker on Your Shopping List?
- CPR Procedures Revised
- Guidance for H&W Funds: Request Annual Limits Waiver Now
- Boots on the Ground: Who's Your Competent Person?
- Type 2 Diabetes: Out of Control, Easily Prevented
- Cooling Weather is Hazard for Laborers
- Washington Voters Shun Workers' Comp Privatization
- CSB Offers Compelling Analysis of Workplace Catastrophes
- Health Care Reform Updates
To view the stories and access our website, click
Also, please note that back issues of LIFELINES ONLINE - as well as our print magazine, LIFELINES - are posted for online viewing. The LIFELINES ONLINE archive and LIFELINES archive are fully searchable, so you can find the articles that relate to your topic of interest.
As always, we look forward to your feedback and comments on our website and LIFELINES ONLINE.
Steve Clark, Communications Manager. Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America, 905 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006
News from the USA
New Technology for Reducing Ladder Slips
Ladder slips account for more than one third of all ladder-related fall incidents. US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is collaborating with SRI International, an independent non-profit research and development institute, to develop a prototype device that will enhance extension ladder stability.
The device will use an innovative electroadhesion technology invented and developed at SRI. Electroadhesion provides a means to electrically attach a ladder to a variety of building surfaces using considerable force, thereby providing increased traction and resistance to slip. Applying electroadhesion technology to ladders has the potential to improve their stability on variety of materials with smooth, rough, and dusty surfaces.
More information is available at or contact Peter Simeonov
OSHE web sites to explore...
We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we continue to look at a variety of websites from the UK.
Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.
If we do not have your web site listed please send it to me
Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) UK
Access to the Royal Society of Medicine Library Catalogue, publications, Diary of Events
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) UK
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has a wide range of services, publications
and training courses for safety and health at work, water and leisure, education and at
home. RoSPA Information Services database is available in OSH UPDATE
Safety Health and Environment Buyers Guide (SHEBuyersGuide) UK
Safety Health and Environment Buyers Guide is an online service for practitioners who need
safety, health, environment, fire, chemicals, protective equipment and other products.
Contains two major sources of information - alphabetical list of suppliers and list of
Sheffield Occupational Health and Safety Association (SOHSA) UK
Sheffield Occupational Health and Safety Association (SOHSA) UK mission is to protect
people's health and safety by ensuring risks in the changing workplace are properly
controlled. They look after health and safety in nuclear installations and mines,
factories, farms, hospitals and schools, offshore gas and oil installations, the safety of
the gas grid and the movement of dangerous goods and substances, railway safety, and many
other aspects of the protection both of workers and the public. The Sheffield Occupational
Health & Safety Association, established in 1922, are committed to helping businesses, and
individuals involved in health and safety, to achieve a level of knowledge and awareness,
which will enable them to improve their health and safety performance.
Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) UK
Society of Occupational Medicine is a forum for its membership and aims to stimulate
interest, research and education in occupational medicine. It has wide-ranging contacts
with government departments and professional bodies and responds with the Society's view
to consultative documents and topics of interest. The site contains glossary, links,
publications, news and Newsletter.
Sprinkler Engineers Society (SES) UK
The Sprinkler Engineers Society SES is a society for individuals from any fire related
industry/company, it provides many unique opportunities to become more aware of products,
issues, new developments in products, legislation, compliances, and technology. It
provides a forum for views and opinions and for informal conversation with suppliers,
insurers, and fire protection contractors.
The Stationery Office Ltd (TSO) UK
The Stationery Office Ltd is a private company publishing UK Government information. This
site provides a wide variety of information about UK Government publishing services, and
also an online bookshop.
Steel Construction Institute (SCI) UK
Steel Construction Institute information can help construction industry practitioners,
also publications, courses and membership details
Toxic Substances Bulletin (TSB) UK
Contains copies of the UK Health and Safety Executive's Toxic Substances Bulletin. TSB
covers the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations COSHH, new exposure
limits, Chemicals Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply Regulations; developments in
European Directives concerned with worker protection and news of new publications.
Trades Union Congress (TUC) UK
Trade Union Congress offer a good range of information including office hazards.
University of Liverpool Chemical Information Service UK
University of Liverpool Chemical Information Service contains extensive information,
material safety datasheets MSDS, journals, and many links to other useful chemical sources
of information. Provides an excellent gateway to quality environmental engineering
University of Oxford Material Safety Datasheets (MSDS) Service UK
University of Oxford Material Safety Datasheets MSDS Service extensive site covering
carcinogens, Chemical Abstracts Service CAS numbers, flash points low, highly toxic
compounds, Hazard Codes UN, gases, glove materials, maximum exposure limits, foreign
languages databases, MSDS, peroxides, risk and safety phrases, shock sensitive materials,
chemical synonyms, teratogens, toxicity abbreviations.
University of Sheffield CHEMDEX UK
University of Sheffield extensive chemical source containing CHEMDEX, a well organised
list of chemistry sites.
Workers Memorial Day UK
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) National Occupational Safety and
Health Committee (NOSHC) initiated the creation of an online hub, designed to provide
detailed information about dozens of memorial sites across the UK. The first official
Workers' Memorial Day was marked with a website dedicated to thousands of people who never
returned home from work. Wednesday, 28 April 2010, gave the UK's workforce a chance to
reflect on the many people who are killed, seriously injured or made ill while doing their
job. Compiled by health and safety information expert Sheila Pantry, the regularly updated
electronic guide includes locations of everything from plaques to pillars, as well as
photographs, details of temporary commemorative sites, links to other sources and a diary
of events. Among the many permanent memorials listed are those dedicated to victims of
disasters at the Piper Alpha oilrig near Aberdeen, the Flixborough chemical plant in
Lincolnshire and the Senghenydd mine in Wales. Yet for every catastrophe involving
multiple fatalities, there are hundreds more accidents for which there is no memorial and
which can only be remembered quietly by grieving families, colleagues and employers.
Workers Web site UK
Workers Web pages launched by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is intended to give
employees access to information about workplace health and safety. Covers roles and
responsibilities of workers and employers regarding health and safety. The web site
includes many HSE information leaflets that can be printed from the site.
Diary of Events
These events may inspire you to create similar training courses and conferences/seminars in your own country.
These are taken from the OSHWORLD Diary of Events which is intended as a guide to the wide range of Health, Safety, Fire, Chemical, Environment events, conferences, seminars, training courses and other related activities worldwide. It is updated during the first week of the month, and includes validated Internet links to further information. If you cannot attend these events the organisers are usually willing to let you have papers and other information, if you contact them
16-18 January 2011 - Intersec Trade Fair and Conference
Dubai International Exhibition Centre
Contact: Epoc Messe Frankfurt GmbH, P.O. Box 26761, Dubai, UAE | Tel: 971 4 3380102 | Fax:
971 4 3380041 | Email: |
17-21 January 2011 - "Summer in January" Global Health Course
School of Public Health, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
Contact: Emily Seiter, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine | University of Chile,
Independencia 939, Santiago, Chile | Email:
19-20 January 2011 - Safety Services Occupational Health and Safety Conference
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Contact: Safety Services Manitoba (SSM), 3-1680 Notre Dame, Winnipeg MB R3H 1H6 | Tel: +1
204-4949-1085 | Fax: +1 204-949-2897 | Email: |
1-2 February 2011 - 22nd Annual Manitoba Construction Conference
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Contact: Conference Co-chair, Construction Safety Association of Manitoba (CSAM), 290
Burnell St, Winnipeg MB R3G 2A7, Canada | Tel: +1 204-775-3171 | Fax: +1 204-783-6446 |
Email: |
3-4 February 2011 - 2nd Strategy Conference: Five Pillars - Strategies on Safety and
Health at Work
DGUV Academy Dresden, Germany
Contact: DGUV Academy Dresden, Germany |
7-9 February 2011 - Saskatchewan Safety Council 2011 Industrial Safety Seminar
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Contact: Saskatchewan Safety Council, 445 Hoffer Drive, Regina, SK S4N 6E2, Canada | Tel:
+ 1 306 757 3197 | Fax: +1 306 569 1907 | Email:
10-11 February 2011 - Musculoskeletal Disorders and Chronic Pain: Evidence-based
Approaches for Clinical Care, Disability Prevention and Claims Management
Los Angeles, California, USA
Contact: Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability, 204 - 916 West Broadway
Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K7 Canada | Tel: +1 604-684-4148 or 1-800-872-3105 | Fax: +1
604-684-6247 | Email: |
7-10 March 2011 - IOSH Managing Safely
Radisson Edwardian Vanderbilt Hotel, London, UK
Customer Services, Croner Training, 7th Floor, Elizabeth House, York Road, London SE1 7NQ,
UK | Tel: +44 (0)845 082 1170 | Fax: +44 (0) 845 120 9612 | Email: |
7-11 March 2011 - 7th International course on safety research (6005) - Part 2 (5 days).
NB Part 1 is held on 7-11 June 2010
Hotel Urku, Kangasala, Finland
Contact: NIVA, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A 00250
Helsinki, FINLAND | Tel: +358 30 4741 | Fax: +358 30 474 2497 | Email: |
13-16 March 2011 - 7th Global Congress on Process Safety
Chicago, IL, USA
13-16 March 2011 - Protex Event (Fire, Safety and Protection)
Jeddah Centre for Forums & Events, Saudi Arabia
18-23 March 2012 - 30th International Congress on Occupational Health
Monterrey, Mexico
Contact: Bob Orford MD, ICOH National Secretary for USA, International Commission on
Occupational Health (ICOH) | |
21-25 March 2011 - 3rd International course on Occupational exposure to electromagnetic
fields and optical radiation (6102)
Lapland Hotel Riekonlinna, Saariselkä, Finland
Contact: Annika Bärlund, NIVA, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A, 00250, Helsinki, Finland | Tel:
+358 30 474 2333 | E-mail:
21-26 March 2011 - Fire Department Instructors Conference
Indian Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, USA
22-24 March 2011 - The Storage Terminal Operators' Conference & Exhibition (StocExpo)
Ahoy Expo, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Contact: StocExpo |
23 March 2011 - Croner Training 10th Annual Update on Fitness for work 2010
Rubens Hotel. London, UK
Customer Services, Croner Training, 7th Floor, Elizabeth House, York Road, London SE1 7NQ,
UK | Tel: +44 (0)845 082 1170 | Fax: +44 (0) 845 120 9612 | Email: |
23-25 March 2011 - Nova Scotia Safety Council 29th Annual Health and Safety Conference
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Contact: Nova Scotia Safety Council, 2786 Agricola Street, Suite 207, Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3K 4E1 | Tel: +1 902 454 9621 | Fax: +1 902 454 6027 |