CIS Newsletter

No. 250
July 2010

CIS Newsletter celebrates 22 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!

The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE from the UK. The CIS Newsletter is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.


  1. Editorial
  2. CIS Annual Meeting 2010 in Beijing, China
  3. News from Geneva
  4. News, Events and ideas from around the World - Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Republic of Srpska, Spain, Switzerland, UAE, UK, and USA to name a few!
  5. OSHE websites to explore
  6. Diary of Events

The WHO Network of Collaborating Centre Connection (CCC) e-newsletter:

ILO CIS Network Newsletters:



The year moves on at a pace with many people hoping to see occupational health and safety getting higher on the worldwide political agenda and actions to prevent the high numbers of deaths, accidents and work-related diseases.

The CIS Newsletter this month contains a range of information received from many parts of the OSH World - for which many thanks.

There is a reminder and update regarding the CIS Annual Meeting 2010 in China and do please let CIS HQ know urgently if you intend attending.

If you are planning any publications, conferences, seminars or training courses, then please send your details to me so that we can share your efforts with others. Don't forget to send me your latest news! It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world.

Any views you have on CIS and its work send into CIS HQ.

There is so much occupational safety and health information around the world - but do remember that any information that you use must be validated and authoritative and up- to-date.

Don't forget to continuously promote CIS and the Network! USE IT OR LOSE IT!

Keep up your Publicity... tell them, tell them and tell them again...

Remember that CIS Newsletters electronic archive going back nearly 7 years is available on

Thanks for the publications, emails and news - these are always gratefully received.

Will you be Surviving in 2010?... perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!

Use the CIS Logo on your web site and publications!

All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues
Sheila Pantry, OBE

Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd,
85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829

News from CIS regarding the Forum after the 2010 Annual Meeting

Gábor Sándi, CIS Co-ordinator writes

Dear Colleagues,

As a follow-up to our invitation to the 48th National, Collaborating and Regional Meeting of CIS Centres, we are pleased to announce that, after consultations with the Chinese partners, an agreement has been reached with the organizers of the 5th China International Forum on Work Safety to cover the registration fees of CIS Meeting participants with a view to encourage their participation in the Forum. As you know, the Forum will be held on 31 August - 2 September. We strongly encourage all participants of the CIS Meeting to extend their stay in Beijing so that they can attend the Forum. We look forward to receiving your confirmation of participating in both Meetings.

Yours sincerely,

Gábor Sándi
CIS Coordinator
International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS)

The 5th China International Forum on Safety at Work will take place after the CIS Meeting, on 31 August - 2 September 2010. More information on this Meeting can be found here:

News from CIS

Two more Virtual Bulletins will shortly go upon the web site.

The CISDOC database will be transferred to the new ILO software.

For those who use CISDOC within OSH UPDATE this will make no difference to OSH UPDATE - we handle/receive 19 different software systems from the different worldwide information providers e.g. US NIOSH and UK HSELINE. We make them all searchable together from one software.

News from the ILO Conference held June 2010

The annual Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) concluded its 2010 session on 18 June 2010 with a strong call for placing employment and social protection at the centre of recovery policies. "We must get the right balance of policies to secure strong, sustainable and balanced growth," said conference delegates.

Meeting in the run-up to the G20 leaders summit in Toronto, representatives of the "real economy" - government, employer and worker delegates from the ILO's 183 member States - expressed broad concern that the global economic recovery remained "fragile and unevenly distributed, and many labour markets are yet to see jobs recovery match economic recovery."

"It is urgent to adopt policies putting employment at the centre of economic policies" said Mr. Shigeru Nakajima, workers representative, Japan.

"Here at the ILO, we have reinforced this concept: the only real recovery is a recovery without social deficit" said ILO Director-General Juan Somavia in a message to the closing plenary of the Conference.

"Quality jobs at the heart of the recovery" was a key message from Pittsburgh last September. "This remains more relevant than ever" said Mr. Somavia.

Delegates called for action to apply the ILO's Global Jobs Pact. The Pact was adopted at a crisis summit held during last year's International Labour Conference and received strong support during the G20 summit in Pittsburgh last September.

Speakers also backed Mr. Somavia's call for a "balanced" policy strategy aimed at securing a "jobs-rich" economic recovery, and his warning that recent deficit reduction measures, mainly in social spending, could "directly affect jobs and salaries" at a time of weak economic recovery and continued high levels of unemployment. The employer representative from the United States, Ms. Ronnie Goldberg, called for "an effective employment policy to help ensure that growth translates into actual sustainable jobs"

The Conference reiterated its call to the ILO to place full and productive employment and decent work at the centre of economic and social policies to strengthen the social dimension of globalization. "It is urgent for the ILO to play its full role in the challenges posed by globalisation", said Mr. Gilles de Robien, France, President of the Conference.

Conference delegates called on the ILO to enhance its collaboration with the multi-lateral institutions, particularly the United Nations, the IMF and the World Bank, strengthening policy coherence across financial, economic, trade, employment, social and environmental policies.

The Conference took place against a backdrop of new concern over the continuing global jobs crisis, that has elevated global unemployment to more than 210 million, or its highest level ever recorded, according to the Director-General's report "Recovery and Growth with Decent Work,". Mr. Somavia noted that the ILO had seen no significant indications of a reduction in the global rate of unemployment this year, despite signs of an economic recovery.

Speakers from governments, employers and workers alike noted that the continuing lack of a jobs recovery placed a "terrible burden" on the unemployed, while at the same time hindered efforts to create "the right environment for enterprises to create employment." Others cautioned again premature exit from stimulus packages, which "simply were going to make matters worse."

"The message of this Conference is very clear - put jobs at the centre of the recovery. In terms of the G20 meeting in Toronto this means keeping the Leaders' commitment, under the chairmanship of President Obama, in Pittsburgh to put quality jobs at the heart of the recovery" Mr. Somavia said.

News from around the World...

News from Canada

OEESC 2011 -Toronto, Canada from 5 - 8 June 2011

5th International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Exposures of Skin to Chemicals

The Occupational and Environmental Exposures of Skin to Chemicals (OEESC) Conference has become the premier forum for presenting new research on the current challenges in the prevention of occupational and environmental dermal exposures.

The OEESC meeting is unique because it brings together experts in dermal exposure assessment, clinical dermatology, and skin toxicology with policy-makers as well as health, safety and environment professionals interested in increasing their knowledge of dermal exposure issues.

The focus of OEESC has, and continues to be, the science of skin exposure to chemicals. This includes the measurement and modeling of exposure, as well as uptake and absorption of chemicals with a focus on identifying knowledge gaps, future challenges and implications for policy initiatives that will better control exposures.

On behalf of the OEESC 2011 Organizing and Scientific Committees and our Supporters, we extend an invitation for you to join us in Toronto, Canada from June 5-8, 2011.

About OEESC 2011

Since 2002, when the first OEESC was held in Washington, D.C., there has been significant advancement in the knowledge and awareness of occupational and environmental dermal exposures. The OEESC conferences, with their multidisciplinary approach and international perspectives, have contributed substantially to knowledge exchange between researchers and practitioners around the world.

As noted at the last OEESC 2009 in Edinburgh, Scotland, the OEESC conferences have helped to foster discussion and promulgate the science associated with occupational and environmental exposure of skin to chemicals.

A significant majority of our discussion and debates have been centered on the mechanisms associated with skin disease development, hazard identification, risk assessment, exposure measurement and exposure modeling. Participants at OEESC 2009 suggested that the time was right to increase the focus on exposure control, early detection of skin diseases and workplace management of existing disease that arises from occupational and environmental exposure of skin to chemicals.

In addition to the core themes, areas for discussion identified at OEESC 2009 in Edinburgh included:

Approaches for stopping the contaminant spread away from the source (e.g. key controls at source including the normalization of "Safe Working Distance: (SWD), practical methods for behavioural changes, visual indicators for spread, etc.)

Research and development of skin exposure control measures other than gloves

Approaches for effective delivery of control messages (e.g. maximizing control information on material safety data sheets, explicit inclusion in law, similar to inhalation exposure control, improving knowledge transfer etc.)

An Emerging Theme ...

Many allergens in the workplace continue to cause both allergic contact dermatitis (OACD) and occupational allergic asthma (OAA). In order to prevent OACD and OAA we need to understand both the host factors and environmental factors that lead to their development. Traditionally, research related to OACD and OAA has been done in organ system silos, with the work focusing on either lung disease or skin disease, but rarely the two together. Further, the research that has been done has tended to focus on causative agents, diagnosis and outcomes of these diseases. Less emphasis has been placed on prevention strategies and activities that are needed if the incidence of these occupational allergic diseases is to be significantly reduced. With OEESC 2011, we see an exciting opportunity to blur the organ system boundaries and examine host and environmental factors that may lead to both OACD and OAA with the ultimate aim of improved prevention strategies. In addition, cancers related to occupational and environmental exposures to the skin are also an area of interest.

In summary, OEESC 2011 will provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners and trainees from around the world to share recent findings and exchange accumulated knowledge in the field.

The call for abstracts will open in the early fall 2010, once the conference themes have been confirmed.

If you want to be notified when more information becomes available, please enter your name and email in the boxes see

We look forward to seeing you in Toronto, Canada in June 2011!

News from Canada

New Guide Prepares for Upcoming Changes to WHMIS

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is working towards adopting the new Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has created a new guide to introduce Canadians to GHS and to help prepare workplaces for potential changes.

The goal of GHS is to have the same set of rules for classifying hazards and the same format and content for labels and safety data sheets (SDS) adopted and used around the world. WHMIS After GHS: Preparing for Change will help guide organizations through the anticipated changes, assist in the understanding of the new requirements and facilitate a successful transition to "WHMIS After GHS".

While exact details of the revised legislation will not be known when it is published in the Canada Gazette II, sufficient information is known to encourage workplaces to begin preparing for changes. This overview covers the basics of classification, safety data sheets, symbols and pictograms, labels, hazard statements and precautionary statements.

CCOHS publications are unique in that they are developed by experts in the field and reviewed by representatives from labour, employers and government to ensure the content and approach are unbiased and credible.

For more information about WHMIS After GHS: Preparing for Change, please visit

News from Canada

Latest Issue - INFO IRSST

Electronic newsletter from the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Pleasant reading!

Jacques Millette, Communications Director, IRSST, 505, De Maisonneuve blvd. West, Montréal (Québec), Canada H3A 3C2 | |

Verifying the content of lockout programs - IRSST technical data sheet

The IRSST has just published a technical data sheet that provides companies with a mean of verifying the content of a lockout program.

Lockout is defined in CSA Z460-05 as the placement of a lock or tag on an energy-isolating device in accordance with an established procedure, indicating that the energy-isolating device is not to be operated until removal of the lock or tag in accordance with an established procedure.

A lockout program should provide guidance to supervisors and employees on what is expected of them. A written program establishes the company's general policies and procedures for implementing lockout as well as sets specific performance requirements for employees. It also provides the mechanism for regulatory compliance. The written program addresses the program's purpose, scope and application, defines key terms, prescribes the responsibilities of managers, supervisors and employees for implementing the program elements and outlines general lockout rules and procedures.

This technical data sheet presents the major themes of a lockout program; however, when it is used it is important to consider all the major themes presented in and to carry out a procedure based on the company's reality to determine whether the presented points are adapted to the context.

To download the document, please visit:

News from the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work

New publications from the Agency including guidance to support the new campaign on Maintenance

European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER)
June 2010; 156 pages; ISBN-13: 9789291913275
The European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) asks managers and workers' health and safety representatives about how health and safety risks are managed at their workplace, with a particular focus on the newer 'psychosocial risks', such as work-related stress, violence and harassment. This report presents an overview of the results from a first analysis of the data, which is drawn from 36,000 interviews carried out in 31 countries.

European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) - Summary
June 2010; 16 pages; ISBN-13: 9789291913275
The European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) asks managers and workers' health and safety representatives about how health and safety risks are managed at their workplace, with a particular focus on the newer 'psychosocial risks', such as work-related stress, violence and harassment. This report presents an overview of the results from a first analysis of the data, which is drawn from 36,000 interviews carried out in 31 countries.

OSH in figures: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the EU - Facts and figures.
TERO09009ENC; 4 May 2010; 180 pages; ISBN-13 9789291912612
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) remain the most common occupational disease in the European Union and workers in all sectors and occupations can be affected. Recent figures, for example from Austria, Germany or France, also demonstrate an increasing impact of musculoskeletal disorders on costs. This latest report, following on from the Agency's previous research, aims to give an updated overview of the current European situation as regards musculoskeletal disorders, the trends over the years since the first campaign in 2000, and a detailed insight into the causes and circumstances behind MSDs. The report highlights the main issues and aims to provide a well-founded evidence base, helping policy makers, actors at enterprise and sector level, as well as researchers and those who record, prevent and compensate occupational diseases in the European Union to set the agenda for the next years.

Factsheet 88 Safe maintenance - safe workers
2010; 2 pages; ISSN 1681-2123; Factsheet
Maintenance is carried out in every workplace and in all industry sectors. It is included in the everyday duties of most workers, not just maintenance technicians and engineers. Workers involved in maintenance operations are exposed to many hazards; therefore the employer must conduct a risk assessment for the operation, and involve workers in this process. The results of the risk assessment should be communicated to everybody concerned. Safe systems of work need to be followed even when there is time pressure.

Factsheet 89 - Safe maintenance - For employers Safe workers - Save money
February 2010; 2 pages; ISSN 1681-2123; Factsheet
Maintenance is carried out in every workplace and in all industry sectors. Considering the wide range of hazards and risks associated with maintenance, it may be necessary to include it in the comprehensive management system of the company. Allocating sufficient time and resources, ensuring training and competence of the maintenance staff, putting in place safe systems of work based on an appropriate risk assessment, effective communication between production and maintenance staff are key issues.

Factsheet 90 - Maintenance and OSH - a statistical picture
2010; 2 pages; ISSN 1681-2123; Factsheet
Occupational diseases and work-related health problems (such as asbestosis, cancer, hearing problems, and musculoskeletal disorders) are prevalent among workers involved in maintenance activities. Maintenance workers are also at risk of all types of accidents. EUROSTAT data from five EU countries indicate that at least 15-20% of all accidents and 10-15% of all fatal accidents are related to maintenance operations (in 2006). It is essential to implement appropriate risk assessment procedures for maintenance operations, as well as employing adequate preventive measures to ensure the safety and health of workers involved in maintenance activities.

E-fact 49: Safe maintenance - quarrying sector
2010; 2 pages
Quarrying is one of the most dangerous industries to work in: quarry workers are twice as likely to be killed in an accident at work as construction workers, and 13 times more likely to die at work as those in manufacturing industries. The use of large earth-moving vehicles and machines, the handling of explosives and heavy loads, ever-present airborne dust, and simply working on dangerous sites are all aspects of quarrying that increase the risk of both accidents and occupational diseases. A significant proportion of fatalities in the quarrying sector are associated with maintenance work, the use of vehicles and fixed machinery, and falls from height. Many accidents happen during maintenance work and these might affect not only maintenance staff but also other workers on site.

E-fact 48: Safe maintenance - asbestos in building maintenance
26 April 2010; 12 pages
Asbestos is the collective name for several naturally occurring fibrous silicate minerals that can be separated into thin, durable threads. It was once widely used because of its properties: it is heat resistant, withstands acids and other chemicals, and it is a good insulator. Although the use of asbestos has been banned in EU, millions of cubic metres of materials containing asbestos are still in place in existing buildings. Building maintenance workers are at a high risk of coming into contact with asbestos when working on insulations in buildings and industrial installations such as pipes, roofs, walls etc. This E-fact will help building maintenance companies and workers become more aware of the risks of asbestos, and develop the knowledge and skills to avoid exposure to the hazardous fibres.

News from Finland

Midsummer greetings from the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health

Attached is the latest issue, part II of a theme issue on the economics of occupational safety and health at work. The articles in the theme are "unlocked" articles.

Don't forget to visit for:

We are happy to announce our 2009 impact factor is 2.307 and our 5-year impact factor is 3.141. We maintain our position in the top 34% of Public, Environmental and Occupational Health 122 journals. A big "Thank You" to our Associate Editors, referees, authors and you, our readers, for your ongoing support.

Current Contents - volume 36, no 4, 2010

How do we know if monetary incentives are effective and efficient for controlling health and safety risks at work?
Verbeek J
Economic evaluations of occupational health interventions from a corporate perspective - a systematic review of methodological quality
Uegaki K, de Bruijne MC, Lambeek L, Anema JR, van der Beek AJ, van Mechelen W, van Tulder MW
A review of case studies evaluating economic incentives to promote occupational safety and health
Elsler D, Treutlein D, Rydlewska I, Frusteri L, Krüger H, Veerman T, Eeckelaert L, Roskams N, Van Den Broek K, Taylor TN
Original article
Modeling the cost-benefit of nerve conduction studies in pre-employment screening for carpal tunnel syndrome
Evanoff G, Kymes S
Transferring results of occupational safety and health cost-effectiveness studies from one country to another - a case study
Verbeek J, Pulliainen M, Kankaanpää E, Taimela S
Discussion paper
Developing guidelines for good practice in the economic evaluation of occupational safety and health interventions
Tompa E, Verbeek J, van Tulder M, de Boer A
Economic incentives as a policy tool to promote safety and health at work
Factors influencing the transferability of occupational safety and health economic incentive schemes between different countries
Elsler D, Eeckelaert L
Original article
Sociodemographic, clinical, and work characteristics associated with return-to-work outcomes following surgery for work-related knee injury
Fan JK, McLeod CB, Koehoorn M
Trends and priorities in occupational health research and knowledge transfer in Italy
Rondinone BM, Boccuni F, Iavicoli S

Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health is published by:

Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health -

To subscribe to the email alert service,

Print ISSN: 0355-3140
Electronic ISSN: 1795-990X
Copyright © Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health

News from Finland

The Barents Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety

Has been published since 1998 and it provides information to occupational health and safety experts in the countries of the Barents region. The newsletter comes out three times a year. It is published in English and Russian.

The Barents Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety is published by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. In case you are interested in contributing, please contact the Editor in Chief for more information.

Themes for 2010

News from Ireland

New publications from Ireland's Health and Safety Authority (CIS National Centre)

Guidelines for safe working near overhead electricity lines in Agriculture
2010; 28 pages; ISBN 9781844961368; HSA 0342

Code of Practice for the Design and Installation of Anchors
2010; 97 pages; ISBN 9781844961265; HSA 0333

Code of Practice for Working in Confined Spaces
2010; 4 pages; ISBN 9781844961351; HSA 0341

News from the ITUC

The Global Trade Union Alliance to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking Launches New Report

A new ITUC publication released mid June 2010 details the extent of slavery and other forms of forced labour around the world, and sets out practical steps that trade unions can take to boost the global drive to help the more than 12 million people trapped in the different kinds of forced labour.

The publication, "How to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking", gives examples of some of the most prevalent and severe forms of the practice, ranging from bonded labour in Nepal, child trafficking in West Africa, severe exploitation of farm workers in Italy through to organising indigenous workers in the wood industry in Peru to free them from forced labour. It points to the hidden and isolated nature of the work done by those affected, and the ease with which many of those responsible are able to get avoid detection and prosecution. It also highlights the situation of many domestic workers in particular, showing how trade unions can help to protect them through lobbying, advocacy and awareness raising and campaigning, and by offering services and assistance and organising domestic workers into trade unions.

A "world forced-labour map" produced with the report shows the state of ratification of ILO Conventions 29 and 105 on forced labour, explains the most prevalent issues per region and highlights some of the trade union activities already undertaken to fight forced labour. The Global Trade Union Alliance, which is hosted by the ITUC, also provides quarterly updates on trade union activities on the issue through a newsletter which is available to those who sign up to receive it.

"Globalisation and the growing gap between rich and poor countries have boosted migration for work, and with restrictive migration regulations in place, much of it is clandestine and abusive. During centuries past, European ships provided colonial settlements in the Americas with African slaves. Today there are labour brokers who are supplying industrialised labour markets with workers from the developing world who are forced to accept any terms and conditions of transportation and work. Trafficking of workers is the third biggest business for organised crime after the drugs and arms trade," explains ITUC General Secretary Guy Ryder.

"The international trade union movement has had an historic role in combating forced labour through abolitionist legislation and international law, organising, social dialogue, and direct assistance. In practice, even though the numbers of forced labourers have significantly decreased, the ending of slavery is still not a reality. The entire global community needs to do much more," he added.

The ITUC represents 176 million workers in 155 countries and territories and has 312 national affiliates. and

News from the Maquiladora Health and Safety Support Network

Health and safety of electronics workers in China and Korea

This information alert went out to the members of the Maquiladora Health and Safety Support Network, in case you are not already familiar with the growing controversy about working conditions in the electronics industry's global supply chain.

There are two new web pages on the MHSSN website with information about two important campaigns to protect the health and safety of electronics workers in China and Korea.

The web pages contain hyper-links to reports, articles and organizations related to the growing concern about working conditions in the electronics industry's global supply chain. In addition to the background information, there are links for specific actions we can take as part of these campaigns - on-line petitions, letters to the international brands and industry association, and limited consumer boycotts.

The two campaigns are focused on:

In addition to the key items listed on our website there are many more resources about both campaigns available on the web from news media sources and campaign organizations. Please take a look at what we have posted and get involved.

Garrett Brown, MHSSN Coordinator | Email:

News from Morocco

International Conference on Pollution, Environmental Health and Sustainable Development, 8 - 11 November 2010

Lyoussi Badiaa writes:

Dear colleague

It's a great honour for me to announce to you that the International Conference on Pollution, Environmental Health and Sustainable Development will be held from 8 - 11 November 2010 in Fez, Morocco.

Looking forward to your reply.

Pr. Lyoussi Badiaa
Director UFR: Physiology-Pharmacology
President Deputy of Arab Union of Pharmacology
Head of Physiology-Pharmacology and environmental Health Laboratory

University of Fez, P.O. BOX: 1796 Fez Atlas, Fez, Morocco | Fax: + 212 | Tel: + 212 | Email:

News from Republika Srpska

"PREVENTION - RISK MANAGEMENT - SOCIAL SECURITY - Strategies for Better Health and Safety at Work"

Regional Conference with international participation was held in Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 17 - 18 May 2010

Organised in cooperation with international partners. On behalf of Republika Srpska, organizers were the Ministry of Labour and Veterans and Republika Srpska Inspectorate.

The Conference was opened by Vice President of the Republika Srpska Government Anton Kasipovic, and chaired by Ministar of Labour and Veterans Rade Ristovic.

Over 130 of participants from Azerbaijan, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, France, Macedonia, Germany, Iran, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Korea, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Switzerland, Tunisia and United Kingdom attended the Conference. Representatives of the Labour and OSH Inspection, employers, workers and other social partners from our country were able to hear about best practices in organizing modern prevention in the area of safety and health at work.

The Conference also promoted the Seoul Declaration on Health and Safety at Work both on the regional and national levels and it was officially supported by signatures of all Conference participants.

Based on the Seoul Declaration, an appropriate OSH Regional Action Plan was developed in a form of a Statement by the Conference Participants for members of the Regional Alliance of Labour Inspectorates of Southeast Europe, Azerbaijan and Ukraine (RALI), with Republika Srpska Inspectorate as one of the members. The Action Plan involves exchange of data in order to improve occupational accidents and diseases insurance system, improvement of labour inspection system through training of inspectors and promoting integrity and professionalism, development of network of OSH experts in enterprises and sectors of industry both at national and regional level, and support to Guidelines and Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The Conference also officially marked the end of the four-year mission of the USAID ELMO Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina and emphasized important achievements within this project, one of them being the Republika Srpska Inspection Management System.

On this occasion President of the Republika Srpska Government Milorad Dodik received members of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Labour Inspection (IALI) who held their regular meeting after the Conference.

The Conference was organized with the support of the International Association of Labour Inspection (IALI), Mining Section of the International Social Security Association, USAID ELMO Project and the Regional Alliance of Labour Inspectorates (RALI).

Contact: Igor Milunović, Deputy General Director, Republic of Srpska, Republic Administration for Inspection Activities, Republic of Srpska Inspectorate, 78000 Banja Luka, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 103 | Tel: +387 51 217 951 | Fax: +387 51 213 734 | Email:

News from Switzerland

Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems (ILO-OSH 2001)

At the onset of the twenty-first century, a heavy human and economic toll is still exacted by work-related injuries, ill health, diseases, incidents and deaths. These Guidelines call for coherent policies to protect workers from occupational hazards and risks while improving productivity. They present practical approaches and tools for assisting organizations, competent national institutions, employers, workers and other social partners in establishing, implementing and improving occupational safety and health management systems, with the aim of reducing work-related injuries, ill health, diseases, incidents and deaths.

The guidelines may be applied on two levels - national and organizational. At the national level, they provide for the establishment of a national framework for occupational safety and health (OSH) management systems, preferably supported by national laws and regulations. They also provide precise information on developing voluntary arrangements to strengthen compliance with regulations and standards, which, in turn, lead to continual improvement of OSH performance.

At the organizational level, the Guidelines encourage the integration of OSH management system elements as an important component of overall policy and management arrangements. Organizations, employers, owners, managerial staff, workers and their representatives are motivated in applying appropriate OSH management principles and methods to improve OSH performance.

Employers and competent national institutions are accountable for and have a duty to organize measures designed to ensure occupational safety and health. The implementation of these ILO Guidelines is one useful approach to fulfilling this responsibility.

ISBN 9221116344

Full content and more information:

News from the USA

LHSFNA's Schneider Wins Steiger Award

Recognising the Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America (LHSFNA) Scott Schneider, Occupational Safety and Health Division Director, for his professional contributions to the advancement of workplace safety and health, the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) honored him with its William Steiger Memorial Award on May 23 at its national conference and expo in Denver.

The Steiger Award is given each year to an individual "from the social/political sphere whose efforts have contributed to the advancement of occupational safety and health." This Award is named after William A. Steiger (1938 - 1978), the Republican Congressman from Wisconsin who wrote the Occupational Safety and Health Act that created OSHA in 1970.

Schneider has served as Director of the LHSFNA's Occupational Safety and Health Division since 2001. Previously, from 1993 to 1998, he directed the Ergonomics Program at CPWR - the Center to Protect Workers' Rights, and he was a staff industrial hygienist at the Occupational Health Foundation/Workers Institute for Safety and Health from 1987 to 1993.

Noting his commitment to workers and his long service to Laborers in particular, LIUNA General Secretary Treasurer and LHSFNA Labor Co-Chairman Armand E. Sabitoni said, "Scott Schneider is the consummate professional. His lifelong commitment to workplace safety and health is truly admirable. Scott is always looking for a fresh approach to educate our members, contractors and the public with regard to the newest advancements in the field. This award is certainly well deserved. All of LIUNA can be proud to call him brother and friend."

In a professional career so far spanning 29 years, Schneider has advanced the cause of workplace safety and health on many fronts. He is perhaps best known for his efforts to end the scourge of hearing loss among construction workers. He is also among the nation's leading proponents of ergonomic innovation to curtail the sprain and strain injuries that are, aggregately, the most costly in American industries. Early in his career, he authored the Model Asbestos Standard submitted to OSHA by the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO and provided testimony before the Environmental Protection Agency on asbestos dangers. Following a similar line of analysis, Schneider has made alleviating silica exposures a consistent focus of his work. He has testified before OSHA on a variety of other hazard topics, including benzene, formaldehyde, wood dust, permissible exposure limits, motor vehicle safety, respirator protection and recordkeeping.

Segueing from an early interest in life science that produced a B.S. in biology from the State University of New York (Stony Brook) and an M.S. in zoology from the University of Michigan, Schneider earned his M.S. in industrial hygiene from the University of Pittsburgh in 1980. He was certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene in 1989.

An active member of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, he led the development of its annual Upton Sinclair Memorial Lecture. He has chaired several workgroups of the OSHA Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH) as well as two American National Standards Institute (ANSI) construction subcommittees. He was the main author of ANSI's Reduction of Musculoskeletal Problems in Construction standard. He also serves on the NIOSH National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Construction Sector Research Council.

The Steiger Award was established in 1979. Previous winners include Senator Robert Byrd, AFL-CIO Safety & Health Director Margaret Seminario, New York State Health & Safety Trust Fund Administrator and LHSFNA Research Division Director Dr. James Melius, NIOSH Director John Howard, Congressman George Miller and photographer Earl Dotter.

Scott Schneider, CIH, is division director of Occupational Health and Safety for the Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America. For the past 19 years, Schneider has been doing occupational safety and health work for the Labor Movement, including 5 years as ergonomics program director for the AFL-CIO's Center to Protect Workers' Rights.

News from the USA

NIOSH Focusing on Oil Clean-Up Workers
NIOSH is providing technical assistance to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, other divisions of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and others responding to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. NIOSH is implementing a system for compiling a roster of workers involved in the clean-up effort, with basic identifier information for each worker, job duties and locations, training, and personal protective equipment used. NIOSH oil spill response resources are available at

New Screening Tool to Protect Workers from Skin Allergies
NIOSH Scientists and colleagues reported the development of a simple, rapid, inexpensive test for chemicals that can cause allergic contact dermatitis. The new test has potential for use as a preliminary screening tool to determine whether chemicals used in consumer products and at workplaces might cause skin allergies in people. The full article is available at

Protecting Healthcare Staff from Risks Associated with Disinfectants and Cleaners
Disinfectants and cleaners are essential products for preventing disease transmission in healthcare facilities, but they pose risks for work-related eye and respiratory irritation, sensitization, asthma-like symptoms, and respiratory distress for workers. A NIOSH study published in the May 14 Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report provides the first multistate report on work-related symptoms among healthcare staff in three states, with recommendations for preventing illness and injury.

Asthma and Asthma-Like Symptoms among Soy Processing Workers
Workers at a soy processing plant showed a higher-than-expected rate of asthma and asthma-like symptoms compared with the general population, a study by NIOSH researchers found. Asthma outcomes were significantly associated with immune reactivity to soy. The findings strengthen the association found in past studies between workplace exposures in soy processing and risk of occupational asthma and asthma-like effects and suggest that a precautionary approach should be followed in controlling exposures. The article was published online April 22 before print by the European Respiratory Journal.

NIOSH, UNITAR Agree to Expand Collaboration
On April 30, NIOSH Director John Howard, M.D., and Craig Boljkovac, manager of chemicals and waste management for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), signed an agreement to expand and formalize collaboration between the two groups. UNITAR gains access to NIOSH resources and world-class expertise in the area of occupational safety and health of nanotechnology, while NIOSH utilizes UNITAR's access to safety and health professionals in developing countries, achieving NIOSH's third strategic goal of enhancing international workplace safety and health through global collaborations.

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International Trade Union Confederation Spotlight interview with Abdelaziz Mountassir (SNE-Morocco) on "How to motivate teachers to fight against child labour"

Keeping children in school is the best way to stop their exploitation as child labour. On the eve of World Day Against Child Labour, Abdelaziz Mountassir, vice president of Morocco's national teachers' union SNE, explains how a project in the Fez region is helping to reduce school dropout rates at the same time as benefiting the union.

Around 400,000 children drop out of school every year in Morocco, almost 250,000 of whom are still at primary level. That means 250,000 illiterate and uneducated families in the future. It's a handicap for both the country's economic and democratic development. We came up with actions to tackle this problem within the framework of cooperation between the SNE and the Dutch teachers' union AOB. Our task is usually to defend teachers' interests, but we decided to look into how to motivate teachers to get involved in the fight against child labour.

To read more on this interview


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The US magazine EHS Today cites the 50 most influential EHS leaders

In the International list:

See full list in

OSHE web sites to explore...

We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we continue to look at a variety of websites from the UK.

Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.

If we do not have your web site listed please send it to me

British Medical Journal   BMJ
British Medical Journal details of news, articles and publications.

British Occupational Health Research Foundation   BOHRF
British Occupational Health Research Foundation (BOHRF) is a non-profit making, grant awarding charity established in 1991 to contribute to the best possible physical and mental well-being of employees. BOHRF mission is to bring employers and researchers together to produce robust science and evidence based work of practical value whose application will contribute to the right of people at work to be 'healthy, motivated and at work'. Topics include mild and moderate mental ill-health at work; asthma, hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVs), workplace trauma' destructive interpersonal workplace conflict, detergent enzyme sensitisation and asthma at work and managing attendance at work.

British Occupational Health Research Foundation   BOHRF: Asthma
British Occupational Health Research Foundation (BOHRF) website on occupational asthma, its identification, management and prevention includes evidence based review and guidelines.

British Occupational Hygiene Society   BOHS
British Occupational Hygiene Society is a multidisciplinary learned society, which has members in over 30 countries. Details of activities and events.

British Pyrotechnists Association (BPA) and CBI Explosive Industry Group (EIG)
British Pyrotechnists Association (BPA) and CBI Explosive Industry Group (EIG) together represent the majority of established firework manufactures and importers in the UK, the larger companies belong to both organisations. The two bodies are similar but distinct, and both provide a focus for dissemination of information. The BPA and EIG have jointly produced the guide "Firework safety Handbook". Copies are available from either organisation, and an electronic version is available here in PDF (Acrobat) format.

British Red Cross
The British Red Cross website offers customers 'real time' information for those booking first aid courses for the workplace - the only organisation to offer this facility. The new website aims to provide customers with easier and more convenient way to book first aid courses. It gives users up-to-date information on the availability and location of courses throughout the UK. It allows customers to take a 'shopping basket' approach, selecting appropriate courses before 'checking out' using the automated payment process. The Red Cross is one of the UK's leading providers of first aid training. It has 175 centres across the country running 800 courses a month. The British Red Cross trains 120,000 people in first aid for the workplace. Money raised through this activity is used to continue the humanitarian work of the Red Cross in the UK and overseas.

British Safety Council
British Safety Council offer a wide range of activities, training courses and publications including the monthly magazine Safety Management.

British Safety Industry Federation   BSIF
British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) website is designed to give members and non-members of the Federation access to a wide range of useful information. In it you will find details on the BSIF, its structure and activities. There are also useful links to other safety related sites and a full listing of member companies with links to individual company websites where these are available.

British Security Industry Association   BSIA
British Security Industry Association BSIA is the trade association for the professional security industry in the UK. Its members provide over 70% of UK security products and services and adhere to strict quality standards.

British Standards Institution   BSI
British Standards Institution specifications and other information and can be found on the web site. The full text of standards are available on payment for downloading.

British Thoracic Society   BTS
Provides advice, the site has a number of topics including respiratory subjects, control and prevention of tuberculosis and managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. News, events, publications and links are also provided.

British Tinnitus Association   BTA
Tinnitus is described as a ringing, whistling, buzzing or humming sound. It is a sensation of hearing a noise in the absence of any external sound. British Tinnitus Association can provide you with information sheets and booklets on various subjects on hearing and noise, including research, local support, training, events and links to other sources.

Building Research Establishment Ltd
The BRE Group is a world leading research, consultancy, training, testing and certification organisation delivering sustainability and innovation across the built environment and beyond. The Building Research Fire testing, research and consultancy offer world class fire consultancy, research and testing services. Through the sister company LPCB they can provide third party certification on fire products and services - see for details on this. With the most extensive laboratories in the world, a highly qualified team of expert scientists and engineers are able to deliver practical solutions, technical advice and a bespoke service to a wide range of clients.

Building Services Research and Information Association
BSRIA offers services, products, bookshop, research programme information, news and links.

Buncefield Oil depot explosion
A dedicated website of interest to those looking at the outcomes of the investigation into the UK Buncefield Oil depot explosion. Contains progress reports, impressive images and links to key agencies involved.

Call Centre Management Association
The Call Centre Management Association brings together guidance and advice from a wide range of industry experts, government bodies, workers' rights and call centre organisations. The website offers easy access to information and links to other similar organisations. Also give downloadable examples of the noise that constitutes acoustic shock.

Cancer Prevention and Education Society
Cancer Prevention and Education Society aims are to reduce the current epidemic levels of cancer by reducing human exposure to carcinogens, particularly those of man-made origin. Unlike other cancer charities, our primary purpose is to prevent people from getting cancer in the first place.

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health   CIEH
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health extensive information sources covering publications, events, seminars and exhibitions, training services and details on how to become an environmental health officer. List related organisations and activities.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development   CIPD: Absence measurement and management
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) information, guidance, practical advice, guidance, surveys, tools on alcohol and drugs.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development   CIPD: Alcohol and drugs
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) information, guidance, practical advice, guidance, surveys, tools on alcohol and drugs.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development   CIPD: Occupational Health
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) information, guidance, practical advice, guidance, surveys, tools on occupational health.

Chemical Hazards Communications Society   CHCS
Chemical Hazards Communications Society is a very active group which holds meetings, shares information and produces a Newsletter. The site is growing and has many useful links, including a list of relevant European Union Directives.

Chemical Incidents Hotline
Chemical Incidents Hotline aims to provide a 24 hour, 365 day a year service to receive notification of incidents in the UK and to provide a contact point for Government. This site also aims to alert officials at the Departments of Health for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales to public health aspects of chemical incidents and to provide information on such incidents.

Chemical Industries Association   CIA
The Chemical Industries Association website contains new, information, details of the CIA, membership details, responsible care and also information about the chemical industry.

Chemistry and Industry   CI
Chemistry and Industry Magazine linked with the Society of Chemistry and Industry. Gives details of new editions and also other useful chemical information.

Please Do Not Forget... Make my day ... please send your news items to your Editor!

Diary of Events

These events may inspire you and your organisation to offer similar type of events.

If you have a seminar, conference or exhibition that you would like to promote - please send details to your Editor.
Keep on training staff - this is essential to ensure safe and healthy workplaces.

Also look in that is constantly being updated.

4-7 July 2010 - Fourth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis
Churchill College, Cambridge, UK
Contact: for full details.

6-9 August 2010 - ICOHN and ACOHN Joint Conference 2010
Yokohama, Japan
Contact: Etsuko Takahashi, Conference Secretariat: ICOHN & ACOHN Joint Conference 2010
Yokkaichi Nursing and Medical Care University, 1200 Kayou-cho, Yokkaichi, Mie 512-8045 Japan |
Tel: +81-59-340-0739 | Fax: +81-59-361-1401 | Email: |

19-22 September 2010 - 2nd Annual Process Safety Management Summit
Venue to be Confirmed, Dubai, UAE

28-29 September 2010 - Tank Storage Canada Conference
The Coast Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre, Calgary, Canada
Contact: Margaret Garn | email: | Tel: +44 (0)208 687 4126 |

13-15 October 2010 - Flexicurity and occupational health (6011)
Vilvorde Kursuscenter, Charlottenlund, Denmark
Contact: Contact: NIVA, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A 00250 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 30 4741 | Fax: +358 30 474 2497 | Email: |

20-22 October 2010 - ICAP2010: 1st International Conference on Accident Prevention ICAP2010
Organized by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) and Korean Society of Safety (KOSOS)
Westin Chosun Hotel, Busan, Korea
Contact: KOSHA, 34-4 Gusan-dong Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, 403-711, Korea | Tel: +82-32-5100-636 or 742 | Fax: +82-32-502-7199 | Email: |

1-2 November 2010 - 2010 Home Safety Congress
Glasgow Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow, UK
Contact: RoSPA, Edgbaston Park, 353 Bristol Road, Birmingham, B5 7ST, UK | Email: |

10-12 November 2010 - IAQ 2010: Airborne Infection Control - Ventilation, IAQ & Energy
Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
Contact: CIBSE and ISAQ | Email: |
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7-11 March 2011 - 7th International course on safety research (6005) - Part 2 (5 days). NB Part 1 is held on 7-11 June 2010
Hotel Urku, Kangasala, Finland
Contact: NIVA, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A 00250 Helsinki, FINLAND | Tel: +358 30 4741 | Fax: +358 30 474 2497 | Email: |

18-23 March 2012 - International Congress on Occupational Health
Monterrey, Mexico
Contact: Bob Orford MD, ICOH National Secretary for USA, International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) |

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