CIS Newsletter
No. 246
March 2010
CIS Newsletter celebrates 22 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!
- Editorial
- New ILO SafeWork Director Seiji Machida
- Did you know? Where a listing of ILO and CIS Publications can be found? Here is the answer...
- News, Events from around the World - Australia, Belgium, China, Germany, Italy, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, UK, and USA to name a few!
- OSHE websites to explore
- Diary of Events
The WHO Network of Collaborating Centre Connection (CCC) e-newsletter:
ILO CIS Network Newsletters:
The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE from the UK. The CIS Newsletter is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.
Greetings to all Readers
Hope you have had a successful month since the last CIS Newsletter.
New SafeWork Director
Changes continuously happen in our exciting world of occupational, safety and health and you will be pleased to hear that from 1 February 2010 Mr. Seiji Machida has been appointed Director, ILO SafeWork Programme that includes the CIS.
Seiji has been involved in health and safety work for many years as you will see in his biography below in this Newsletter.
On behalf of the CIS Network we congratulate Seiji on his appointment and wish him every success in his role as Director.
Don't forget to continuously promote CIS and the Network!
Many opportunities exist and none more so than the 28 April 2010
World Day of Safety and Health
(see also January 2010 CIS Newsletter for ways of promoting CIS to the world).
The slogan for the World Day in 2010 is Securing the future: emerging risks and new patterns of prevention in a changing world of work
If you are planning any publications, conferences, seminars or training courses, then please send your details to me so that we can share your efforts with others. Don't forget to send me your latest news! It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world.
Publicity... tell them, tell them and tell them again...
Remember that CIS Newsletters electronic archive going back nearly 7 years is available on
Thanks for the publications, emails and news - these are always gratefully received.
Will you be Surviving in 2010?... perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!
Use the CIS Logo on your web site and publications!
All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues
Sheila Pantry, OBE
Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd, 85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829
ILO SAFEWORK has a new Director
Many Congratulations to Seiji Machida on his appointment as Director of the ILO SafeWork from 1 February 2010.
Personal History
1. Name: Seiji MACHIDA
2. Nationality: Japanese
3. Education: Master of Engineering (Chemical Engineering), Kyoto University, Japan
4. Work Experience:
- February 2010: Director, SafeWork, ILO Geneva
- 2001-2009: Coordinator, Occupational Safety and Management Systems, SafeWork, ILO Geneva
- 1999-2001: Senior Specialist on Occupational Safety and Health, SafeWork, ILO Geneva
- 1993-1999: Senior Specialist on Occupational Safety and Health, ILO Bangkok
- 1989-1993: Chemical Safety Engineer, Occupational Safety and Health Branch, ILO Geneva
- 1979-1989: Technical Officer, OSH Department, Ministry of Labour, Japan
5. Major Work undertaken for the ILO (Papers, publications and participation in conferences and workshops):
- Development of Major Industrial Accidents Prevention Convention (No. 174), Protocol of 2002 to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, Occupational Disease Recommendation (No. 194), Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention (No. 187) and Recommendation (No. 197)
- Development and Implementation of ILO Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health (ILO-OSH 2001), Code of practice on prevention of major industrial accidents (1991), Code of practice on safety in the use of chemicals (1993)
- Technical Advisory missions to Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam
- Presentation of papers at the World Congresses on Occupational Safety and Health held in 1996, 1999, 2005, 2008
- Technical advisory missions to Malaysia in support of preparation of national OSH programme under the ILO/UNDP project (2001- 2004)
- Technical advisory missions to China in support of preparation of national OSH profile (2001-2004)
- Organization of a number of national and regional workshops on OSH in Asia (1993 - 1999)
Other advisory reports and publications available at include:
- Programme of action for OSH in Thailand towards the 21 Century
- Preventing major industrial accidents in Asia: A guide
- Preventive Measures in Hazardous Occupations
- Protecting and Saving Lives at Work: The emerging challenge in Asia
- China: promoting safety and health in township and village and enterprises
News from CIS
Report of the 47th Annual Meeting - 2009 of the CIS Centres
You should have receive from the CIS Secretariat your Report of the 47th Annual Meeting of the CIS Centres held in Geneva (Switzerland) on 22-23 October 2009 in association with the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the creation of CIS and a list of those attending.
CIS also sent in the message as well a CIS bibliography entitled: "OSH Aspects of Nanotechnology. A CIS Bibliography".
If you wish to continue to update this bibliography you may wish to check out OSH UPDATE - a unique collection of over 803,000 full text and bibliographic records
All services are available for a 15-day free trial.
For your information, the Power Point presentations by ILO, SafeWork and CIS staff, as well as presentations made by the participants during the CIS Meeting are available on the CIS Web page at the following address:
Did you know?
That there is a list of ILO Publications available on the SafeWork website
In the last months of working at the ILO, Andras Szucs was given the unenviable task of supervising the transfer of CIS and SafeWork web pages into the new, ILO-mandated, Web Content Management system (WCMS).
Last month you were sign-posted to the CIS Databases... this month we look at the ILO publications that are available on a wide range of subjects. They are listed in reverse chronological order...
Look at - look at the left hand of your screen and you will find quick links to the publications section
More information next month!
Did you know?
That the World Day for Safety and Health is on 28 April 2010 - not a long time left to make your plans for events, seminars, activities and publicity
The annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April 2010 promotes the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally. It is an awareness-raising campaign intended to focus international attention on the magnitude of the problem and on how promoting and creating a safety and health culture can help reduce the number of work-related deaths and injuries.
Each of us is responsible for stopping deaths and injuries on the job. As governments we are responsible for providing the infrastructure - laws and services - necessary to ensure that workers remain employable and that enterprises flourish; this includes the development of a national policy and programme and a system of inspection to enforce compliance with occupational safety and health legislation and policy. As employers we are responsible for ensuring that the working environment is safe and healthy. As workers we are responsible to work safely and to protect ourselves and not to endanger others, to know our rights and to participate in the implementation of preventive measures.
You are invited to join the ILO and other organisations around the world in promoting this important day.
The slogan for the ILO World Day in 2010 is Emerging risks and new patterns of prevention in a changing world of work
News from around the World
News from Australia
Safe Work Australia identifies key themes for next three years
The Safe Work Australia Members met following a full-day strategic planning workshop held on 18 February 2010. The strategic planning workshop, led by Dr Keith Suter, brought Members together to discuss key themes, priorities and challenges for Safe Work Australia over the next three years.
In the spirit of national coordination, Members agreed on broad themes to underpin the Safe Work Australia strategic plan 2010-2013.
These themes will form the basis of the strategic plan, which will go to the Workplace Relations Ministers' Council (WRMC) for endorsement.
Communique - Safe Work Australia
News from Belgium
Prevent - Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Prevent is a multidisciplinary institute which seeks to minimise occupational risks by promoting the quality of working conditions and by improving work organisation.
Prevent is also the CIS National Centre for Belgium.
The institute is active in research and supports, advises and informs companies and institutions, as well as workplace-accident insurance companies, external occupational prevention and protection services, professional associations, the social partners, authorities and other stakeholders. Its national and international training activities are organised through the Prevent Academy for Working Life.
Prevent is dedicated to the development, collection and mobilisation of knowledge about occupational health and safety. Its activities are mainly directed towards gathering, developing and transferring knowledge in the field of occupational safety, health and well-being at work. To this end, the institute carries out research activities and surveys that are focused on actual practice. It collects information and documentation from all over the world.
Research, policy and practice
Focussing on policy, research and implementation, Prevents research centre sets up study projects or participates in national and international research projects. The institute is also firmly rooted in practice, keeping its finger on the pulse and passing on knowledge and information to those who need to turn it into reality: employers, employees and experts. Prevent also has a societal and policy-supporting function. The institute supports European, federal and regional governments, has contacts with the social partners and takes account of the collective dimension of OSH policy.
Stakeholders at national level
Prevent cooperates with the Federal Public Service for Employment, Work and Social Dialogue, with employers' and workers' organisations and with other specialised occupational health and safety organisations. Prevent is a member of the Belgian Council for Occupational Safety and Health and Wellbeing at Work; this council is an advisory body to the Minister of Work. Prevent has developed a successful partnership with the occupational accident insurance companies.
Prevent has built up an extensive network of partner organisations and belongs to all relevant major European and international networks. PreventLux, Centre de promotion du bien-être au travail, is the regional branch of Prevent, which is operational in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Contact: Veronique De Broeck, Public Affairs Coordinator, Prevent, Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Rue Gachard 88/4, B - 1050 Brussels, Belgium | Tel.+ 32 2 643 44 44 | Fax + 32 2 643 44 40 | |
News from the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) invites nominations for the tenth European Good Practice Awards in occupational health and safety.
The 2010-11 award scheme will recognise companies or organisations that have made outstanding and innovative contributions to promote an integrated management approach to safe maintenance.
Call for nominations in all EU languages
News from the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
European Outlook: New and emerging risks in occupational safety and health
The safety and health of EU workers is affected by changing demographic structures, new technologies and the increasing shift in employment towards the service sector.
The occupational safety and health status of the EU workforce is affected by many factors, not least its changing demographic structure, the spread of new technologies and a reduction in the importance of economic sectors that previously dominated, such as industry and mining. This is bringing about changes not only in the numbers of jobs in each sector, but also the types of jobs that are available. The age profile of the workforce is changing. New technologies are creating new categories of employment.
Globalisation means that health threats that were once distant easily spread around the world in a short period of time. If the EU is to preserve the health of its workforce and maintain its economic strength and its competitiveness, it needs to meet these challenges proactively. This Outlook offers an overview of the present and future trends of relevance to occupational health, the main workplace risks and their prevention.
This Outlook offers an overview of the present and future trends of relevance to occupational health, the main workplace risks and their prevention. Outlook is available in 22 languages.
Current issue of Outlook:
European Risk Observatory:
News from the European Commission
EU - new website by social partners in agriculture on prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
This website is part of the project "Good practices in agriculture: social partners participation in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders" funded by the European Commission. The project run from December 2008 till December 2009.
Goal of the project was to implement the European social partners' agreement of GEOPA-COPA and EFFAT by developing prevention policies and good practices to reduce musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in agriculture and to disseminate the results. Project partners: IDEWE (Belgium), University of Loughborough (UK), CIOP (Poland), Swedish University of Agriculture and GEOPA-COPA.
For specific tasks in the agricultural sector such as milking cows, tractor driving, ground level manual crops, pruning, sorting, grading and packaging, and harvesting good practices to reduce MSDs were collected.
Musculoskeletal problems in Agriculture
Visit the EU-OSHA section on MSD's
News from Germany
The IPAF Safety Experience comes to Bauma 2010, Germany
The IPAF Safety Experience at the bauma 2010 construction show 19 - 25 April 2010 will feature a lively, dynamic, walk-through learning experience on what powered access is and how to use it safely and effectively. The IPAF display of about 800 square metres, made possible with the support of the bauma organisers, is in the Outdoor Area F10, Stand N1016/1 at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre. It will feature various demonstrations built around the themes of safety and best practice.
"In many parts of Europe, for example in Germany, powered access is still under-utilised," said IPAF managing director Tim Whiteman. "Falls from height are still the biggest single cause of fatal accidents in the construction sector - powered access is a good way of solving this problem. The IPAF stand at bauma will make clear the benefits of powered access and how to use such equipment safely."
Themes to be featured at the IPAF Safety Experience at bauma are:
- "No ladders": MEWPs are safer, more productive and more economical to use
- Why use ladders and traditional methods of access, when MEWPs offer a safe and economical way to work at height? Professional animateurs will illustrate this in a lively show. The IPAF stand will also highlight the results of a comprehensive study by a major contractor.
- Ground conditions: Why should spreader plates be used?
- In a simple yet effective sketch, actors will make clear why it is vital to check ground conditions before starting work and how spreader plates should be used.
- Click Clack: "Only dummies don't wear harnesses on booms"
- An IPAF Design Prize will be awarded to the best-designed harness for female operators. This is an ongoing competition and all entries must be received by 15 March 2010. Entries should be submitted in English on the official entry form available at
- PAL Card goes smart
- How can site managers ensure that platform operators have actually been trained to operate the categories of machine they are using? Find out how information technology makes machine access and site checks more efficient.
- Rescue at height
- Trained and qualified personnel will demonstrate emergency escape from a large vehicle-mounted platform through abseiling.
IPAF's training programme for operators of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) is certified by TÜV as conforming to ISO 18878. Through a worldwide network of over 330 IPAF-approved training centres, more than 80,000 people are trained each year to work safely and effectively with platforms.
Those who successfully complete training are awarded a safety guide, a log book, a certificate and a PAL Card (Powered Access Licence). The PAL Card is valid for five years from the date of training and shows the equipment categories that the holder has been trained to operate. The PAL Card is recognised across industries and in many countries as proof that the holder has been trained to work with platforms safely.
Visitors can also find out more about IPAF at the stand of the Berufsgenossenschaft (German professional safety body).
The IPAF Manufacturers' Technical Committee will meet on 21 April 2010 at 14:00 at the IPAF stand. All IPAF events around bauma, including the IPAF Press Conference and Stand Reception, will be listed at
IPAF is a not-for-profit members' organisation that promotes the safe and effective use of powered access equipment worldwide. Members include manufacturers, distributors, users, rental and training companies.
Further information can be found at
News from Spain
4th Europlatform conference to be held in Madrid on 16 September 2010
Europlatform, the conference for European access professionals, will be held on 16 September 2010 at the Hotel Eurostars Madrid Tower in Spain. The conference will take the theme of "Renting Smart".
The one-day conference is dedicated to access rental management issues and is targeted at senior management. It is jointly organised by the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) and its official magazine Access International.
Those interested in speaking at the conference or in sponsorship opportunities should contact Murray Pollok, managing editor of Access International (
The conference will be held in English, with simultaneous translation in Spanish. A reception will take place on the evening of 16 September, immediately after the conference. Details on registration and getting to the venue are at
The Europlatform conference precedes the ELEVarte show taking place from 17 to 18 September in Madrid near the Europlatform venue. ELEVarte is a new initiative with the aim of letting visitors experience powered access in a relaxed environment.
IPAF is a not-for-profit members' organisation that promotes the safe and effective use of powered access equipment. More information is at
News from the UK
Lessons for the UK at RoSPA'S 75th Road Safety Congress
The UK's road safety community met on 22 - 24 February 2010 to seek international lessons about how to further reduce the number of people killed and injured in road accidents.
RoSPA's 75th Road Safety Congress, that took place in Stratford-upon-Avon featured speakers from as far afield as the USA, Canada and Australia , as well as a host of European speakers.
Paul Clark MP, parliamentary under-secretary of state at the Department for Transport, gave the opening address.
Among other presentations was an introduction to Sweden's approach to road safety, which focuses on achieving a complete eradication of road deaths. A speaker from the Netherlands National Police Agency outlined drug-driving as an emerging threat to road safety in Europe.
Alongside the international speakers, a presentation from the UK Department for Transport on its vision for Britain to have the safest roads in the world and from the Scottish Government on Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2020.
The Driving Standards Agency provided an update on the ongoing work to reform the way drivers are trained and tested.
Involving children and young people in the prevention of road accidents was the theme of a series of presentations on Tuesday morning. Managing occupational road risk featured on the programme on Wednesday morning, with a presentation about international driving from the Ministry of Defence and an update on RoSPA's Young Drivers at Work project.
The Britax-sponsored event was attended by more than 200 people, including road safety officers, representatives of the police, fire and rescue services and armed forces, highways engineers and driver trainers.
Kevin Clinton, RoSPA's head of road safety, said: "Later this year, Britain will be leaving its current road safety strategy and target period which began in 2000 and entering a new one, with fresh updated priority areas and new ambitious casualty reduction targets.
"As the country prepares for this change, our 75th Road Safety Congress provided a timely insight into how other countries are addressing the same problem of too many people being killed and injured on the roads. Although the UK is a world leader in terms of road safety, we can still learn a lot from international experience."
See for more information about RoSPA's Road Safety Congress, including a full programme.
News from the UK
TUC issues new 'fit notes' guide
The UK Trades Union Congress (TUC) has called on employers to work closely with unions to ensure that the Government's soon to be introduced 'fit notes' work to the benefit of the thousands of workers in the UK who are made ill or injured every year as a result of their jobs.
The challenge to employers comes as the TUC publishes a guide to the new method for reporting sickness, which will see changes to the current system of issuing sick notes. From 6 April 2010 GPs will be able to assess an individual worker's suitability to return to work, and where appropriate, suggest a return to a certain type of work, even if it's not to do their original job.
Commenting on the new guide called Changes to the Medical Certificate, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: 'Good employers already assist their workers who are on long-term sick leave to return to work on a phased or a supported basis. The new 'fit note' arrangements will hopefully lead to more workers being given the support they need to return after an illness or injury.
'But GPs may not have a detailed enough knowledge of where someone works to be able to make realistic recommendations for changes to an individual's workplace or duties to allow the worker to have the confidence to return before they are able.
'Similarly many employers lack the occupational advice support needed to act on a doctor's recommendations. That's why we've produced this guide to get employers and unions working together to get round any problems the changes could create.
'If employers use the additional information on the revised medical certificate to work with individuals who want to get back to work, and give them the support they need, this could help reduce sickness absence. But if employers see the changes as a green light to force workers back to work before they are well enough to return, in the long run, it will only lead to increased sickness absence and unnecessary conflict.'
The TUC advice was issued to complement guidance to employers published by the Department for Work and Pensions today.
Changes to the Medical Certificate is available at
UK Department of Works and Pensions guidance:
News from the UK
HSE guidance to baggage handling industry
The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) works alongside the aviation industry to help develop and provide guidance on baggage handling, and continues to stress the need for increased mechanical support.
Through HSE's continued involvement with the airlines and ground handling companies, we were successful in convincing the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to introduce the new lower recommended individual bag weight of 23-25 kilos, introduced in the 2009 edition of the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM).
HSE recognises that the weight of a load is only one risk factor in manual handling and other factors should also be taken into consideration to reduce risks, including work systems and frequency of manual handling.
Head of HSE's Transportation and Safety Unit, Nick Ratty said: "This is an ongoing international issue and HSE has always said that manual handling should be avoided altogether where practicable.
"Basic handling equipment can help reduce the need for manual handling, however HSE is aware of reports of such equipment not being used due to cost issues, or in-hold equipment being removed from aircraft due to its weight and size.
"New technology includes more sophisticated extending belt loaders, which convey bags right into the aircraft hold and would significantly reduce MSD risks. HSE will continue to work with the industry and others to reduce the risks to workers."
Freely-available help and guidance is available on HSE's website at
HSE supported the principles of UNITE's 'Lighten Up' campaign and will continue to support any industry efforts to reduce risks in baggage handling.
HSE wants airports, airlines and handlers to take other steps to reduce risks, such as using improved technology and handling aids which are now available and coming into use both in this country and elsewhere in Europe.
HSE has guidance on manual handling (, including a hierarchy of action:
- avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable;
- make a suitable and sufficient assessment of any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided; and
- reduce the risk of injury from those operations so far as is reasonably practicable
News from the USA
American Society of Safety Engineers, Technical Report
The American Society of Safety Engineers has developed a technical report,
Guidelines for Addressing Occupational Risks in Design and Redesign Processes.
This report provides guidance on including prevention through design concepts and
processes as a specifically identified element in a safety and health management system so
that decisions pertaining to occupational risks are incorporated into the design and
redesign processes, including consideration of the life cycle of facilities, materials,
and equipment
Major NIOSH Finding Featured in Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) scientists published a
major finding in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) journal
Emerging Infectious Diseases on the relationship between silicosis and pulmonary
mycosis. Silicosis is a work-related disease caused by exposure to respirable silica dust.
Pulmonary mycosis is a serious, irreversible but preventable disease caused by fungal
infection. Scientists linked the two and found that some workers may be at risk for
job-related co-exposure to silica dust and fungi.
Workplace Safety and Health Training Positively Impacts Workers
Occupational health and safety (OHS) training is an important part of managing workplace
hazards and risks. A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Training & Education
for the Protection of Workers reports on a study conducted by the Institute for
Work and Health and NIOSH to determine whether OHS training and education programs have a
beneficial effect on workers and firms. To read the full report go to or go to the
NIOSH Science Blog to provide comments:
Don't just pass the parcel: Accidents that would not have occurred if those involved had talked together by Trevor A. Kletz
In many design organisations responsibility for a project is passed on from one group of people to another. The research chemists develop a process and then pass it on to the process design group who blame the chemists for their ignorance of what is practicable. The project is then passed to the mechanical engineering group who develop the detailed design while the electrical, instrument and other specialized groups add their contributions. The project then passes to the construction team and finally to the team who will start up and operate the plant. These different groups may be in different buildings or places and may rarely or never speak to each other. Many accidents and operating problems have arisen as a result of such "pass the parcel" organisation. Some are described. To avoid these problems representatives of all the various groups should meet regularly as the project progresses. Each group is then able to suggest changes that will make the design easier for them and can comment on features which will increase their costs. Everyone will gain some knowledge of other groups' problems.
In Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Nov. 2009, vol. 22, issue 6.
p. 667-671
ISSN 0950-4230
New Book: What went wrong? Case studies of process plant disasters and how they could have been avoided, 5th edition, by Trevor A. Kletz
What went wrong? has revolutionised the way industry views safety. The new edition continues and extends the wisdom, innovations and strategies of previous editions, by introducing new material on recent incidents, and adding an extensive new section that shows how many accidents occur through simple miscommunications within the organisation, and how straightforward changes in design can often remove or reduce opportunities for human errors. Kletz's approach to learning as deeply as possible from previous experiences is made yet more valuable in this new edition, which for the first time brings together the approaches and cases of What went wrong? with the managerially focussed material previously published in Still going wrong. Updated and supplemented with new cases and analysis, this fifth edition is the ultimate resource of experienced based analysis and guidance for the safety and loss prevention professionals.
What went wrong? Case studies of process plant disasters and how they could have
been avoided, 5th edition, by Trevor A. Kletz
Butterworth Heinemann/IChemE series,
2009, 5th edition
ISBN 9781856175319
Available through IChemE to order: Institution of Chemical Engineers Davis Building, Railway Terrace, Rugby, CV21 3HQ, UK Tel: +44 (0)1788 578214 Fax: +44 (0)1788 560833 | Email: |
WHO Meeting Presentations Available
Presentations from the 8th Meeting of the Global Network of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centers in Occupational Health and the Joint ILO CIS-CC Meeting held in October 2009 are now posted on the NIOSH Web page at
Singapore Ministry of Manpower Publications
The Ministry offers a number of guidelines under the following headings:
- Managing Workplace Hazards
- Lessons Learnt from Accidents
- Good Practices in Health Hazards Control
- Reports and Statistics
OSHE web sites to explore
We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we look at a variety of websites from Sweden.
Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.
If we do not have your web site listed please send it to me
Universities worldwide, listed country by country. Useful for finding those offering
occupational health, safety and environment training.
Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety IFCS SWITZERLAND
Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety IFCS is concerned with chemical safety issues
and has information about national focal points, meetings including regional meetings. It
also has links to other worldwide organisations in industry and non-governmental
International Association of Labour Inspection SWITZERLAND
International Association of Labour Inspection is a non-governmental international
organisation recognised by the International Labour Office in Geneva, Switzerland. Founded
in 1972 in order to provide a professional forum for the exchange of information and
experience about the work of Labour inspection and to promote closer cooperation between
authorities and institutions concerned with such work. Disseminates information through
its congress, symposia and workshops in collaboration with the national government of the
country in which they take place.
International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) SWITZERLAND
International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) represents the collective interests of 25
million metalworkers in more than 200 unions in 100 countries. The IMF is a federation of
national unions - a union of unions - in the metal industry at world level. The IMF head
office is in Geneva, Switzerland, where worldwide activities are coordinated with a
network of regional offices. Web site give details of publications, education, events and
International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centres CIS
International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centres (CIS) and its National
and Collaborating Centres which are located all over the world. The goal of this Network
is to help its members and the rest of the world to find information from the
participating countries on subjects related to occupational safety and health (OSH). The
CIS Centres Information Network can be accessed in three languages (English, French and
International Programme on Chemical Safety IPCS SWITZERLAND
International Programme on Chemical Safety programme of three co-operating organisations,
UNEP, ILO and WHO implementing activities relating to chemical safety. The main role of
International Programme on Chemical Safety is to establish the scientific basis for the
safe use of chemicals and to strengthen national capabilities and capacities for chemical
safety. Links to other information.
International Programme on Chemical Safety IPCS INCHEM
International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) and the Canadian Centre for Occupational
Health and Safety (CCOHS) IPCS INCHEM resources are produced through cooperation between
the two organisations. IPCS INCHEM directly responds to one of the Intergovernmental Forum
on Chemical Safety (IFCS) priority actions to consolidate current, internationally
peer-reviewed chemical safety-related publications and database records from international
bodies, for public access. IPCS INCHEM offers quick and easy electronic access to
thousands of searchable full-text documents on chemical risks and the sound management of
chemicals, environmental health criteria, health and safety guides, The International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) summaries and evaluations and also the International
Chemical Cards (ICSCs).
Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals IOMC
Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals consists of a number of
major organisations such as the UNEP, FAI, ILO, WHO, UNIDO, UNITAR and OECD committed to
improving knowledge about chemicals. There are also links to all the major organisations
sites and information.
International Standards Organisation SWITZERLAND
International Standards Organisation useful for checking for latest standards information.
Gives details of the membership, how standards are made, and the Catalogue of ISO
UNEP Chemicals is the centre for all chemicals-related activities of the United Nations
Environment Programme. The goal is to make the world a safer place from toxic chemicals.
UNEP do this by helping governments take needed global actions for the sound management of
chemicals, by promoting the exchange of information on chemicals, and by helping to build
the capacities of countries around the world to use chemicals safely. The IRPTC database
and information is in this collection.
National Occupational Health and Safety SWITZERLAND
National Occupational Health and Safety site contains a wealth of information including an
overview of the occupational health and safety regulatory system in Switzerland, provides
access to up-to-date national OSH information on legislation and regulations, good
practice solutions to workplace safety problems, research, statistics, training and other
SUVA was formed in 1918, Suva has a total workforce of around 2,900 employees, who work at
its head office in Lucerne, at its 2 rehabilitation clinics in Bellikon and Sion and at
its 19 agencies throughout Switzerland. A financially independent body incorporated under
public law, Suva insures around 110,000 companies and 2 million employees and unemployed
people respectively against the consequences of accidents and occupational diseases. It is
also responsible for military insurance by government mandate. Its range of services
encompasses prevention, insurance and rehabilitation. Generating premiums to the
approximate amount of CHF 4.4 bn, Suva is self-supporting, operates without any state
subsidies and its profits go to the benefit of its insurees in the form of lower premiums.
Suva's social partners - employers and employees - are represented on the Board of
Directors, as is the Swiss federal government. Suva's three core business areas are
prevention, insurance and rehabilitation. For the purpose of rehabilitation, Suva has its
own clinics in Bellikon and
Swiss Institute of Safety & Security SWITZERLAND
Swiss Institute of Safety & Security for risk management and corporate safety and
security, works hand in hand with the business world, insurance companies and the
authorities for the purpose of loss prevention. The objective is to promote safety and
security, fire and explosion protection, process safety, occupational safety,
environmental protection, intruder protection) in industrial, commercial and service
sector operations in all fields of business. The Swiss Institute cooperates closely with
various research bodies and trade and professional organizations, and constantly exchanges
information with numerous international safety and security organizations.
United Nations SWITZERLAND
Access to other United Nations' environment sites and links to a wide range of other sites
around the world.
United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG) and on
the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (GHS)
United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG) and on the
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (GHS) gives details of
publications, bodies and committees e.g. ECOSOC and links.
United Nations Environment Programme: Chemicals SWITZERLAND
United Nations Environment Programme Internet Guide finding information on chemicals.
World Fire Statistics Centre SWITZERLAND
World Fire Statistics Centre is Geneva, Switzerland based and publishes annually the World
Fire Statistics Newsletter. This newsletter presents statistics on national fire costs
from over 20 leading countries in an effort to persuade governments to adopt strategies
aimed at reducing the cost of fire. It has been published since March 1984.
World Health Organisation SWITZERLAND
World Health Organisation provides information on the organization's programme, reports,
statistical information, publications, and health advice.
World Health Organization WHO: Air Quality and Health
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe on air quality and health. Contains
details of scientific evidence, publications, news and events and related links.
World Health Organization WHO: Avian influenza SWITZERLAND
World Health Organisation avian influenza guidance, advice, assessment of risk to human
health, frequently asked questions, factsheet and information on pandemic preparation.
More websites from Switzerland next month!
Make my day ... please send your news items to your Editor!
Diary of Events
These events may inspire you and your organisation to offer similar type of events.
If you have a seminar, conference or exhibition that you would like to promote - please
send details to your Editor.
Also look in that is constantly being updated.
13-15 April 2010 - American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN) 2010
Annual Conference
Anaheim, CA, USA
Sponsor: American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN)
Contact: AAOHN National Office, 7794 Grow Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, USA | Tel: +1 850
474 6963 or +1 800 241-8014 |
2-5 May 2010 - The American Industrial Hygiene Association Conference
Dallas TX, USA
Contact: The American Industrial Hygiene Association |
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:
10-13 May 2010 - IFSEC 2010
Halls 3a, 4 and 5, National Exhibition Centre (NEC), Birmingham B40 1NT, UK
Contact: IFSEC 2010 | Tel: +44 (0) 121 780 4141 | Fax: +44 (0) 121 767 3825 |
10 -13 May 2010 - RoSPA Occupational Safety and Health Conference
Birmingham, UK
Contact: Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), Birmingham, UK | Tel: +44
(0) 121 248 2120 | Email: |
Readers may also like to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:
12-13 May 2010 - 2010 Liftex Exhibition: The Event for The Lift and Escalator Industry
ExCeL Exhibition Centre, London, UK
Contact: Bob Hudson, Room 13 Limited, 2A The White House, Sevenoaks Road, Borough Green,
Kent, TN15 8BB, UK | Tel: +44 (0) 1732 886716 | Fax: +44 (0) 1732 886280 | Email: |
16-21 May 2010 - PPEPPD 2010: 12th International Conference on Properties and Phase
Equilibiria for Product and Process Design
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
Contact: Professor Xiaohua Lu, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing
University of Technology, No. 5 Xinmofan Road Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu, China |
22-27 May 2010 - The American Society of Safety Engineers
Denver CO, USA
Contact: American Society of Safety Engineers |
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE and FIREINF:
June 2010
6-9 June 2010 - ESCAPE 20: 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Ischia Island, Gulf of Naples, Italy
Contact: ESCAPE 20 Secretariat, c/o AIDIC, Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A, 20133 Milano, Italy
| Tel: +39-02-70608276 | Fax: +39-02-59610042 | Email: |
6-9 June 2010 - 13th International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in
the Process Industries
Brugge, Belgium
7-8 June 2010 - 3rd International Summer School "Occupational Health Crossing Borders"
Munich, Germany
Contact: Stella Huber | E-mail:
For further information see
and Prof. Dr. Katja Radon, MSc, Head of the Unit for Occupational and Environmental
Epidemiology & NetTeaching, Institute for Occupational- and Environmental Medicine
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Ziemssenstr. 1 - D-80336 Munich, Germany | Tel.:
+49-89-51602485 | Fax: +49-89-51604954 | E-mail:
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:
13-15 June 2010 - Nanotech 2010
Baltimore MD, USA
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:
5-7 July 2010 - The Interflam 2010: 12th International Conference on Fire Science and
East Midlands Conference Centre - University of Nottingham, UK
Contact: Interflam Secretariat, Interscience Communications Ltd West Yard House, Guildford
Grove, Greenwich, London, SE10 8JT, UK | Tel: +44 (0) 208 692 5050 | Fax: +44 (0) 208 692
5155 | Email:
2-page Abstract (min 600 words) will be required for review by 1st November 2009. One
author per technical paper will be entitled to register for the conference at a highly
subsidised rate. For further information visit:
Readers may also like to take a free trial of FIREINF