CIS Newsletter

No. 238
July 2009

CIS Newsletter celebrates 21 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!


  1. Editorial - Are you celebrating 50 years of CIS?
  2. News and OSH Briefs from around the World - Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Netherlands, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Macedonia, Spain, Switzerland, UK and the USA to name a few! Plus news on PEROSH.
  3. OSHE websites to explore
  4. Diary of Events

The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE. The CIS Newsletter is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.


Dear CIS Colleagues

Greetings - I do hope that you are celebrating this very special year - the 50th anniversary of the CIS network. The network has grown from the 11 founding members to over 154 National, Collaborating and Regional centres!

Do you have any comments, recollections etc that can be added into your CIS Newsletter?

Many thanks to those who wrote to say how much they enjoyed last month's CIS Newsletter - June 2009 edition which contains many articles on the subject. If you did not get a chance to read it - all the news is still there -

Thanks for all the publications, emails and news - these are always gratefully received and are used as soon as possible.

Remember any news you send gets an amazing further publicity as much of the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world. Take advantage of free publicity! Remember you can see CIS Newsletters on the web site where back issues are stored.

Are you making plans to go to Geneva in October 2009 ... details of the 2009 CIS meeting in Geneva in October 2009 are in the CIS Newsletter May 2009 edition.

Make my day ... please send your news items to your Editor!

Remember... Publicity is the key ... tell them, tell them and tell them again...

All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues.

Sheila Pantry, OBE

Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd, 85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829

Urgent request from Prevent in Belgium

Technical Assistance for Development of Regional Laboratories of Occupational Health Safety Center (ISGÜM) in Turkey

Dear colleague,

Prevent, Institute for OSH is shortlisted in a consortium with the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), Kooperationsstelle Hamburg (KOOP), ROMTENS Foundation and IVME Management Consultancy Training and Trade Ltd in an EC-funded project "Technical Assistance for Development of Regional Laboratories of Occupational Health Safety Center (ISGÜM)" in Turkey.

The purpose of the project is to train and support ISGÜM (the OSH center in Turkey) regional laboratories in helping enterprises, especially SMEs, to apply the harmonised EU OHS legislation. The main requirement for supporting the role of ISGÜM is providing adequate and specialised training to technical staff from sampling to analysis, and the establishment of a quality assurance system in terms of standardised international sampling and analytical methods.

The project starts in October 2009 and the period of execution is planned over 24 months.

As a next step we are urgently looking for key experts to collaborate in the project. More specifically we are looking for the following experts:

If you are interested in collaboration in the project, we like to invite you to send your CV as soon as possible to my attention at the address below. If you are not available to participate in this project, we would appreciate if you could forward the request to colleagues of if you could send us contact details of other potential candidates,

Thank you very much for your kind collaboration,

Veronique De Broeck, Public Affairs Director, Prevent, Rue Gachard 88 | B-1050 Brussels | Tel: +32 26434444 | Fax: +32 26434440 | Email: |

News from Belgium

Scientific Hearing on Risk Assessment of Nanotechnologies, Brussels, 10 September 2009

Venue: Centre de Conference A. Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels

On 10 September 2009, the European Commission (DG Health and Consumers) is organising in Brussels a Scientific Hearing on the risk assessment of nanotechnologies.

The main objectives of this Hearing are to identify:

Draft Programme of the Scientific Hearing:

Please register online via the registration form on

As space at the venue is limited, the registration is password-protected. The user name and the password, as well as any further clarification regarding this hearing, can be obtained by contacting the following e-mail address:

Deadline for registration is: 25 July 2009

News from IALI

IALI and their future direction

The International Association of Labour Inspection (IALI) is the global professional association for labour inspection. It was established in 1972, and currently has over 100 members worldwide.

IALI has issued two important documents:

News from Canada

IRSST guide

Heavy vehicles tyre blowout and explosion - IRSST guide

A new guide published by the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST) discusses the phenomenon of mechanical blowout of heavy vehicle tires mounted on wheels, and the process and events that lead to tire blowout or explosion as a result of heat build-up.

Based on current knowledge, preventive measures are suggested. It must be emphasized that the best-known preventive measures are those aimed in particular at personnel who repair and maintain the tires on heavy trucks. In the case of drivers, the information is rather limited because there are no objective criteria and very little knowledge about how to identify the hazards, and even less knowledge about the level of risk. The precaution principle applies at all times.

To download the document:

News from Germany

The latest edition of KANBRIEF no. 2/09 presents New KAN studies

KAN - Kommission Arbeitsschutz und Normung's latest edition of KANBrief No. 2/09 has recently been published. KAN endeavours to exert influence upon standardization activity at the earliest possible opportunity. For this purpose, it commissions studies and expert reports in the run-up to standardisation activity proper that provides guidance during subsequent technical work.

This latest issue of KANBrief contains amongst other items information on

KANBRIEF is available on the web

KANBRIEF is published quarterly in English, French and German

Contact: Werner Sterk, Alte Heerstr.111. D-53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany | Tel: +49 (0) 2241 231 3463 | Fax: +49 (0) 2241 231 3464 | Email: |

News from Macedonia

Dear Colleagues,

Below you will find the link to the English version of Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association (MOSHA) web page where you can see the newest video related to the celebration of the World Safety Day in Macedonia.

All the best,


Ljupco Kocovski, ILO/CIS Center coordinator, Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association, 29 Noemvri 50, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia | +389 (0)2 2774 868 | +389 (0)75 432 051 |

News from Pakistan

The Centre for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment Lahore (CIWCE) and the Industrial Relations Institute Lahore, Pakistan Annual Report of Activities 2008 is available in English and shows a wealth of activities. The Centre is the focal training, advisory and information-providing institution. It is the only institution of its kind in the country. The contents highlight the range of research, training and education courses, monitoring work, publications and responses to the Centre. CIWCE has introduced low cost innovations to combat hazardous child labour in the glass bangle manufacturing.

Saeed Awan, CIWCE, Lahore, Pakistan

Centre for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment | CIS Unit, Civic Centre Township (Near Chandni Chowk), LAHORE | Tel: +92 42 515 0042 | Fax: +92 42 512 3537 | Email: |

CIS Centre since 1997

News from the European Agency

European Agency publishes review of studies on worker exposure to nanoparticles

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has published a literature review of studies into the impact of workplace exposure to nanoparticles. The work follows the identification by a group of experts of nanoparticles as one of the strongest emerging risks faced by workers. The report notes several statutory instruments are in place to ensure an appropriate level of protection of workers.

It suggests a number of topics for future action, including:

News from the UK

Buncefield Explosion Mechanism Phase 1 (Volumes 1 and 2)

The Buncefield explosion (11 December 2005) resulted in tremendous damage to the outlying area and huge fires involving 23 large oil fuel tanks. One important aspect of the incident was the severity of the explosion, which would not have been anticipated in any major hazard assessment of the oil storage depot before the incident.

The Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board (MIIB) invited explosion experts from academia and industry to form an Advisory Group to advise on the work that would be required to explain the severity of the Buncefield explosion.

The UK Health and Safety Executive have released the Phase 1 Report on the Explosion Mechanism Work.

This can be downloaded from their website from the following address:

News from the UK

HSE launches New Strategy for a common sense approach to risk at work and New research shows surprising attitudes towards health and safety

Workplace deaths and injuries have fallen over the past thirty years but thousands still die every year as a result of work-related accidents and ill health.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) launched a new strategy, Be Part of the Solution, on 3 June 2009 designed to reduce the number of workplace accidents and take a common sense approach to ensuring that risk management is an enabler for business not a burden.

New research published on Wednesday, 3 June 2009 demonstrates that employers and workers alike both recognise overwhelmingly that providing a safe workplace makes sound commercial sense. Nearly 90 per cent of business leaders say that people are their organisation's most important asset. In addition to preventing accidents, 65 per cent of employees say that good health and safety practices make them feel valued.

The recession could make some workplaces more dangerous, as more than a quarter of business leaders say that that their organisation will face pressure to cut spending on health and safety this year. This is not only potentially dangerous but could also be bad for business; nearly eight in ten business leaders acknowledge that good health and safety standards are beneficial. In part this is because the cost of preventing accidents is almost always less than the costs associated with an accident once it happens.

Almost half of Britain's workers know someone who has been injured at work, yet the actual rate of deaths and serious injuries is greatly underestimated. On average, employees think that 3,000 people were killed or seriously injured at work last year, but the true number is 137,000 - more than 45 times higher.

Too often health and safety is seen as trivial or the preserve of 'jobsworths', rather than preventing tragedy. A third of employees wrongly think that HSE bans wearing flip-flops at work or children playing with conkers. In fact, HSE is focused on real risks and preventing the serious harm that dangerous workplaces can cause.

The most effective way to improve health and safety practices is for senior management to show leadership on the issue. HSE is thus calling on leaders today to sign a pledge to 'Be Part of the Solution' and improve health and safety standards.

Judith Hackitt, Chair of HSE said:

"HSE is not, and never will be, 'the fun police.' Our new strategy shows the way towards a common sense attitude to health and safety. As regulators, our approach to businesses will be proportionate to the risk they present and their approach to managing it. We are calling on employers and business owners to take the lead themselves in preventing the thousands of deaths every year which are caused by work - it is their moral and legal duty and it is good for the business."

The strategy was launched on Wednesday 3 June 2009.

HSE's mission is to prevent death, injury and ill health in Great Britain's workplaces. It does so through research, information and advice, promoting training, new or revised regulations and codes of practice and, working with local authority partners, by inspection, investigation and enforcement.

HSE ran a three month consultation on the new strategy, and invited a wide range of stakeholders to take part. Further information on the consultation can be found at

The Be Part of the Solution pledge can be found here

Business leaders are invited to sign up online to show their commitment to keeping workplaces safe.

News from the USA

US President's Budget Request for Financial Year 2010 - NIOSH research programme to benefit

The President's budget for fiscal year 2010 proposes $424 million for NIOSH - an $8 million increase over FY09 funding. The proposed increase includes $5 million for NIOSH's strategic research program on the occupational health and safety implications and applications of nanotechnology. More information can be found on page 36 of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Fiscal Year 2010 Budget in Brief at

News from the USA

New HHE publications from NIOSH

The HHE Program evaluated ongoing concerns about a possible high rate of cancer among current and former employees in two office buildings at an aeronautics research center. Investigators found that 20 different types of cancer were diagnosed among the employees of the two buildings, but the different types of cancers did not suggest a common workplace exposure among those diagnosed.

The HHE Program evaluated potential exposures at a college's sculpture studios. Investigators recommended that managers correct safety hazards in the studios and substitute a less toxic plastics adhesive that does not contain methylene chloride. To reduce exposure to welding fumes, it was recommended that adequate outdoor and replacement air be supplied to the sculpture studios and local exhaust ventilation be installed in the metalworking studio.

The HHE Program evaluated potential exposures to flour dust at a bakery. Investigators recommended that the facility use local exhaust or general ventilation to lower dust levels in the bakery and that employees use slow, smooth movements when handling powdered ingredients to keep dust levels low. Investigators also recommended that a vacuum or wet wash method be used to clean up powder used in the bakery.


PEROSH - Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health

The Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (PEROSH) was established in 2003. The national occupational safety and health institutes from Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain and UK signed a framework agreement in order to cooperate and coordinate their research and development efforts for a healthier, longer and more productive working life. Furthermore, they aim to cooperate with the EU and the national authorities of Europe in order to support the OSH policy development and enforcement.

The objectives should be achieved through different activities: pooling of resources, knowledge sharing, cooperation in and development of joint research and development (R&D) projects, collaboration on European R&D projects and programmes as well as cooperation with external research centres and OSH-related institutions and networks. Despite that close cooperation, the PEROSH member institutes remain independent.

In 2008, the PEROSH agreement was renewed. Hereafter, a PEROSH coordinator was appointed to establish and support the above mentioned activities.

Partner institutes:


Use the CIS LOGO

CIS Logo

Remember >>>> Please Use the CIS Logo on your web site and publications!

Remember that your News in the CIS Newsletter goes to over 154 countries and gets re-used in other magazines and websites. Also there are many people who are not CIS Members who receive the CIS Newsletters. And through its presence on the web many people are getting to know more about the CIS Network. So with many thousands of web hits per month... send your news to me and get even more publicity for your Information services!

I keep asking the question... Will you be Surviving in 2010? ...perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!

Your Editor
Sheila Pantry

OSHE web sites to explore...

We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we look at a variety of websites.

Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.

If we do not have your web site please send it to me


EDEXIM ONLINE-INFO gives information about exports and imports of certain dangerous chemicals. These are chemicals subject to notification according to European Council Regulation EEC 2455/92. The data includes information on Banned Or Severely Restricted BOSR substances, classification and labelling, including risk and safety phrases: chemicals subject to Prior Informed Consent PIC according to the UNEP/FAO PIC procedure, as well as a list of Designated National Authorities involved.

European Training Foundation of the European Commission   ITALY

European Training Foundation of the European Commission supports vocational training reform in central and Eastern Europe. Based in Turin, Italy.

Health Documentation Centre - Centro Documentazione per la Salute   ITALY

Health Documentation Centre - Centro Documentazione per la Salute contains information on services, products, events, publications, contacts and links.

Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzine e la Sicurezza del Lavoro   ITALY

Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzine e la Sicurezza del Lavoro contains extensive information, research results, publications, legislation, information. The Information Centre is part of the International Labour Office CIS Network of Health and Safety Information Centres.

Major Accident Hazards Bureau   MAHB   ITALY

Major Accident Hazards Bureau gives support to the Directorate-General XI Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection of the European Commission for the implementation of the Directive on Major Accident Hazards of Certain Industrial Activities Seveso-Directive 96/82/EEC concerning the processing and storage of hazardous substances. Gives legal framework, activities, MARS Data, SPIRS Data, CDCIR Data, new products, national authorities, other links and related projects.


Japan Advanced Information Center of Safety and Health   JAISH   JAPAN

Japan Advanced Information Center of Safety and Health widely supports safety and health promotion activities at the workplace by providing a range of information on its website including free leaflets on a range of subject topics such as comfortable workplace examples, material safety datasheets, news, events, videos and links to other sources.

Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association   JISHA   JAPAN

Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association aims, objectives, activities and training. JISHA is also the International Labour Office Health and Safety National Centre.

Japan International Center for Occupational Safety and Health   JICOSH   JAPAN

Japan International Center for Occupational Safety and Health offers a range of safety and health information sources including the English version of Japanese Industrial Safety and Health Law. It also offers OSH videos online.

National Institute of Health Sciences   JAPAN

National Institute of Health Sciences includes chemical information sources on the GINC database, health information, and information about the Institute and its activities. Extensive links to Japanese sites including universities, and also to international sites.

Radiation Effects Research Foundation   JAPAN

Radiation Effects Research Foundation gives details of activities and research


Jersey States Government Health and Safety JERSEY

Jersey States Government Health and Safety advice or guidance about food hygiene, road safety, or being safe in the home, you can find it in this section. You can also learn about fire regulations and the use of smoke detectors, dealing with hazardous substances and maintaining safety in the community.

Diary of Events

These events may inspire you and your organisation to offer similar type of events.
If you have a seminar, conference or exhibition that you would like to promote - please send details to your Editor. Also look in that is constantly being updated.

October 2009

13-14 October 2009 - The Amsterdam Process Safety Seminar Series - Making Changes Safely and Effectively: Management of Change
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contact: For further details and brochure
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:

15 October 2009 - EMC Measurement Techniques
ERA Technology, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7SA, UK
Contact: Katie Taylor, Events Organiser, AccessERA, ERA Technology, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SA, UK | Tel: +44 (0) 1372 367 439 | Fax: +44 (0) 1372 367 009 | Email: |

18-21 October 2009 - Ventilation 2009, the 9th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation: Clean Industrial Air Technology Systems for Improved Products and Healthy Environments
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

20-23 October 2009 International Conference USE 2009: Understanding small enterprises
Elsinore (Helsingør), Denmark
Organized by the Centre for Research in Production, Management and Working Environment in Small Enterprises, and the National Research Centre for the Working Environment
Theme: A healthy working life in a healthy business
Contact: Centre for Research in Production, Management and Working Environment in Small Enterprises, and the National Research Centre for the Working Environment | Email: |
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:

21-27 October 2009 Introduction to Occupational Epidemiology (4911)
Hotel Gentofte, Gentofte (Copenhagen), Denmark
Contact: Zsuzsanna Renkó-Michelsén , NIVA ,Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A 'FI-00250 Helsinki, FINLAND | Tel: +358 30 474 2498 | Fax +358 30 474 2497 | Email: |
Readers may also like to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE

26-28 October 2009 - Health People in a Healthy Environment: 2009 National Environment Public Health Conference
Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Contact: for conference details
Readers may also like to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE

27-30 October 2009 - APOSHO 25 Conference & Exhibition
SMS Convention Center, Seashell Drive, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City, Philippines
Organized by the Asia-Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organization (APOSHO)
Theme: Regional Strengths, Strategies and Challenges of the New Safety Dimension
Contact: Asia-Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organization (APOSHO) | Email: |
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:

November 2009

November 2009 - Nordic Tour on Ageing: Does Age Matter more than Work Ability (4914)
Nordic country see programme
Contact: Siv Jansson, NIVA, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A, FI-00250 Helsinki, Finland | Tel: +358 30 474 2488 | Fax +358 30 474 2497 | Email: |
Readers may also like to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE

November 2009 - 2009 RoSPA National Water Safety Congress
Cardiff, UK
Contact: RoSPA, Birmingham, UK | Congress Booking Hotline: +44 (0)121 248 2120 | Email: |

3-6 November 2009 - A+A 2009
Dusseldorf, Germany
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:

5-8 November 2009 - The 8th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health
San Juan, Puerto Rica
Note: Organized by the American Psychological Association, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Society for Occupational Health Psychology
Themes: Job stress, risk factors, and interventions in developing countries; emergent concerns in developed regions; prevention and educational initiatives by governmental agencies and NGOs around the world; national policies and guidelines affecting work, stress, and health; etc.
Contact: 2009 American Psychological Association, Public Interest Directorate, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC, 20002-4242, United States. | Tel: +1 202 336 6050 | Fax: +1 202 336 6040 | Email: |
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:

7-11 November 2009 - 137th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA)
Philadelphia, PA., USA
Contact: |

9-11 November 2009 - 9th International Work Congress: organised by the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board in association with the Institute for Work & Health
Toronto, Canada
Contact: (Conference registration will open in early 2009)

10-13 November 2009 - Fire Systems Integrity Assurance (FSIA) in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Sectors - Training Workshop
Holiday Inn Hotel, Aston Clinton Road, Aylesbury, UK
Contact: Resource Protection International, Walker House, George Street, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 2JH, UK | Email |
Readers may also like to take a free trial of FIREINF

20 November 2009 - SERTUC - HSE Safety Conference - The Healthy Workplace
TUC Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS UK
Contact: Conference Organiser, TUC Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS UK | Register online: | Tel: +44 (0)20 7467 1220
Readers may also like to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE

23-25 November 2009 - XXIXth International Symposium of the ISSA Construction Section on Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry
Brussels, Belgium
Organized by the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the National Committee of Action for Security and Health in Construction (Comité National d'Action pour la Sécurité et l'Hygiène dans la Construction (CNAC))
Theme: Ageing and globalization in construction
Contact: ISSA | Email: |
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE:

23-29 November 2009 - UK Road Safety Week 2009: Drink-and-drug-drivers
Contact: contains lots of information about the theme for Road Safety Week 2009 and how you can get involved.
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of OSH UPDATE: