CIS Newsletter

No. 233
February 2009

CIS Newsletter celebrates 21 years & still going strong!
Bringing news from Members to Members in over 154 countries in the CIS Network!


  1. Editorial
  2. News and OSH Briefs from around the World - Canada, Finland, France, Germany, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the USA
  3. OSHE websites to explore
  4. Diary of Events

The CIS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres and is edited by Sheila Pantry OBE. The CIS Newsletter is NOT an official publication of the ILO but a newsletter containing information from Members in CIS Centres and other sources and is intended to be shared by anyone who finds the data contained useful. Users are free to use and reuse the data in these newsletters.


Dear CIS Colleagues

Thanks for all the publications, emails and news - these are always gratefully received and are used as soon as possible.

50th Anniversary of CIS

The Year ahead is already looking very busy as we plan for the 50th Anniversary in 2009 of the formation of the CIS Network. No doubt you are thinking about this major event and how news of CIS and its activities can be broadcasted around the World. We will not get such a chance for another 50 years!!! I will, in these newsletters, put some notes regarding my recollections of 30 years of being associated with the CIS Network and its activities. It is a wonderful network of people willing to help others in so many ways.

CIS Meeting 2009

Perhaps some news about the CIS meeting will be sent shortly, but in these turbulent times perhaps you need to make sure that some budget is earmarked so that you can attend this special meeting.



I am collecting information together to produce a Special Edition of the CIS Newsletter that will be published in June 2009.

If anyone would like to contribute a piece to this Special Edition it will be most welcomed.

If you have any special memories of meetings, conferences, training workshops held over the years I will be pleased to receive your contribution. CIS means so many things to many people... it is a unique network!

I need the information by Mid May 2009 please!

I have already been in touch with a number of people who have worked in the CIS Network over the years and it looks as if we will have a very interesting Special Edition.


Remember... Publicity... tell them, tell them and tell them again...

You know I welcome ideas for inclusion in the future editions of this Newsletter. Let me know if there are any areas you would wish to see covered in future. It is amazing how much the CIS Newsletter content gets re-used around the world. Take advantage of free publicity! Remember you can see CIS Newsletter on the web site where back issues are stored.

Some of you may have changed your email number and addresses in recent months, please let CIS Headquarters know your new email/address and also let me know as well - otherwise you will not get the CIS Newsletter or other news.

Remember >>>>

Use the CIS Logo on your web site and publications!

Thriving in 2009... Keep promoting and telling the World at large that CIS and its network exists! And start preparations for 28 April 2009 - World Day for Safety and Health at Work!

Remember that your News in the CIS Newsletter goes to over 154 countries and gets re-used in other magazines and websites. Also there are many people who are not CIS Members who receive the CIS Newsletters. And through its presence on the web many people are getting to know more about the CIS Network. So with many thousands of web hits per month... send your news to me and get even more publicity for your Information services!

I keep asking the question...Will you be Surviving in 2009?... perhaps you will if you make efforts in promotion, publicity and telling the World that CIS and its network exists!

All good wishes to you, your families and your colleagues.

Sheila Pantry, OBE

Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd, 85 The Meadows, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1JG, UK
Tel: +44 1909 771024
Fax: +44 1909 772829

Please consider the environment before printing this Newsletter

Feel free to use this Newsletter on your own web site/pages/e-news

News from Geneva

Françoise Riette

Françoise Riette, long time ILO CIS Staff member retired in December 2008 and CIS members worldwide send her good wishes for a long, happy and healthy retirement and offer her our very many thanks for all the excellent work she has put into CIS over the years.

Françoise worked very hard at our CIS meetings and training courses ensuring that everyone had all the right papers and information that was required.

Françoise Riette joined the ILO in October 1990. She started to work for the project translating the Encyclopaedia into French on 1 January 1998, since when she has worked continuously for either the Encyclopaedia or directly for CIS.

Françoise has always very helpful, prompt in replies to emails, and meticulous in her work. We know that she does not want any fuss but could not let this occasion pass without sending our many thanks...

We may even see Françoise when there is next a meeting in Geneva.

News from Canada

Bioaerosols in dental offices: IRSST

The Canadian Quebec Occupational Health and Safety Research Institute (IRSST) has just published a brochure informing on respiratory protection against bio-aerosols in dental offices.

Produced to help prevention activities, this brochure offers general and practical information on respiratory protective equipment. To insure effective protection of workers, the choice of mask, the correct fit, and the frequency of replacement are crucial factors to consider.

To download the brochure, please visit:

News from the European Community

Control of major-accident hazards

Commission Decision 2009/10/EC of 2 December 2008 establishing a major accident report form pursuant to Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances
Brussels, Official Journal of the European Union; L 6/64 10 January 2009 15 pages

More News from Europe

Relaunch of PEROSH (Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health)

In November 2008, representatives of thirteen European occupational safety and health (OSH) institutions met in Dublin in order to discuss the new objectives of cooperation with the Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (PEROSH), originally established in 2003. This partnership includes 14 European institutions from 13 countries: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany (2 institutions), Hungary, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. The statutes of association signed at this meeting establish clear cooperation objectives with the purpose of improving research in OSH-related matters and of furthering collaboration among member institutions. In order to meet these objectives, the network will recruit in 2009 a coordinator of its activities, to be based in Brussels. PEROSH's main activities involve the study of future risks in OSH and of the means of preventing their impact. Specific research areas it conducts include nanotechnology and the promotion of a healthy work environment.

The current president of PEROSH is Mr Palle Ørbæk of the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark. Mr Didier Baptiste, Scientific Director of INRS will be the organization's Vice President for a period of two years (2009-2010). For more information, please consult PEROSH's web site:

The PEROSH group consists of a Steering Committee and currently four scientific pillars.

The Steering Committee consists of 15 national institute representatives (directors). It deals with the strategic management of PEROSH. In biannual meetings the directors discuss inter alia the inclusion of new members, the establishment of "scientific pillars", the promotion of joint research and development projects and the promotion of specific knowledge.

Scientific pillars within PEROSH are working groups with special tasks. At the moment there are four scientific pillars. These pillars are:

Emerging issues

Keywords like employment, early retirement, globalisation, absenteeism and prevention are only a small part of the issues discussed in this scientific pillar. Important topics are future risks (time frame 10 and more years) in occupational safety and health and how to deal with these impacts. The main objective is rather the assessment of the emerging issues than the problem solving.

Work organisation and psychosocial factors

The pillar "Work organisation and psychosocial factors" relates to the question of how the organisation of work (division of labour, content of tasks/jobs, working procedures, leadership styles and related behaviour) affects OSH, in particular accidents, musculo-skeletal-disorders (MSD) and psychological stress.

Promoting a healthy workplace

In the context of occupational safety and health, the establishment and promotion of healthy workplaces is only one part. The scientific pillar "Promoting a healthy workplace" also introduces health assessment on individual and company level, intervention and evaluation . Impacts like lifestyle factors and / or ageing must be included into the promotion of health. Especially the transfer of knowledge to SMEs is a delicate issue. Results of discussions might be research- or application-oriented.

Nanotechnology and Nanoparticles

New technologies comprise new risks and problems. Research is especially needed in dustiness / aerosol behaviour, respiratory and dermal uptake of nanoparticles and toxicology (new health effects, new exposure limits). The scientific pillar "Nanotechnology & Nanoparticles" was established in 2005.

The changing world of work brings up new challenges for companies and employees to protect health, to improve well-being of the workforce and, as a result, increase economic performance in Europe. Evidence based strategies and methods to cope with new, more complex and changing demands require increased capacity for research of the highest quality.

PEROSH - the mission

Research for a better and sustainable working life in changing societies and the changing world of work to strengthen well-being for the workforce and productivity of companies.

Read the Framework Agreement on the foundation of PEROSH.

The added value of PEROSH

Strengthening and coordinating European Research in Occupational Safety and Health by collaboration on projects, sharing of results and pooling of experts.
While questions arising in the working life area are on the rise and are become increasingly complex, human and financial resources and expertise for problem solving remain limited. Concentration of efforts is the only adequate strategy to overcome these limitations.
Promotion of knowledge dissemination
Customer oriented knowledge promotion is a critical factor. Today, access to valid research results is often hindered by an overflow of information. PEROSH-members will promote verified and applicable up-to-date knowledge, not only for the researcher but also for politicians / decision makers and the interested public in the European countries.
Strengthening the social dialogue in occupational health matters in Europe
PEROSH will establish expert fora in specific areas in OSH research for the identification of problems in OSH, the development of mitigating strategies including specific proposals for research and its application. These fora also have the potential to give input into the social dialogue on an European level.

Current chairman:

Dr. Palle Orbaek, National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NRCWE), Denmark

Former chairmen:

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Bieneck, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Germany (2005-2006)

Dr. Frank Pot, TNO Arbeid, The Netherlands (2003-2004)

News from France

INRS publishes a new bilingual international newsletter

The aim of "OSH at a glance" is to make the work and activities of INRS better known with its partners, with its counterparts, and with European and international institutions.

The newsletter will be published every two months - in English and in French.

See the first edition December 2008 at:$File/OshAtGlance.pdf

For any queries regarding the newsletter email

INRS New BAOBAB database on biological agents

This new database contains information on nearly 400 infectious biological agents.

To consult the database go to

News from Germany

The latest edition of KANBRIEF no. 4/08 contains news of the European dialogue between OSH experts

KAN - Kommission Arbeitsschutz und Normung's latest edition of KANbrief has recently been published. KAN endeavours to exert influence upon standardization activity at the earliest possible opportunity. For this purpose, it commissions studies and expert reports in the run-up to standardisation activity proper that provides guidance during subsequent technical work.

This edition of KANBrief contains amongst other articles, a report on the European dialogue between OSH experts. On 11 and 12 September 2008, 160 experts from 22 countries met in Cracow at the 3rd European Conference on standardization, testing and certification to discuss the subject of "Safer products for competitive workplaces". Like the two preceding events, in Dresden (2001) and Paris (2005), this conference was organized by EUROSHNET.

It also contains an interview with Dr Joachim Lambert entitled "Using good standards to build the house of Europe together". Dr Lambert has been Head of the Commission for OHS and Standardization (KAN) since January 2000 and retired at the end of November 2008.

Dr Lambert has been succeeded by Werner Sterk.

KANBRIEF is available on the web:

KANBRIEF is published quarterly.

News from Ireland

Code of Practice for Access and Working Scaffolds from Ireland

Ireland's Health and Safety Authority has produced a 124 page Code of practice covering all aspects for safe access and working scaffolds.

The aim of this Code of Practice is to provide practical guidance to scaffold erectors, contractors and users of scaffolding on the requirements and prohibitions set out in the relevant statutory provisions. The information will be very useful to those working with scaffolds.

Details include safe systems of work, management, control of scaffolding, layout, design, erection, maintenance, materials, foundations, ground surface, working platforms, decking, toe-boards, guard rails, cantilever platform, falling object protection, brick guards, sheeting, fans, ladder access, dismantling, inspection handover, use and much more including a checklist.

To download go to:

News from the UK

Risks to airport workers from loading baggage - new UK research report

A new Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) Research Report that has just been published is based on the findings of a collaborative project at East Midlands Airport, UK.

The research project explores the health risks associated with manual loading of bags into the holds of narrow bodied aircraft. The report also examines the effectiveness of new technology, Extending Belt Loaders (EBL), and provides an update on previous research and studies.

The research was a collaborative project carried out with the co-operation of the airport, airlines, ground handlers, manufacturers of ground support equipment and workers' representatives, with the aim of improving understanding of the risks and developing agreement on good practice.

"It was important that we had a good spread of organisations in the group so the ideas and views of both the industry and employee representatives could be shared, and we could get agreement between all the industry players on implementing improvements" said Christine Barringer, Head of Transportation Section, Services, Transportation & Safety Unit of the Health and Safety Executive.

The research into this report was carried out at East Midlands Airport in 2007 with a view to clarifying the real risks involved, and reducing the risk of injury and ill health to baggage handlers. The report provides a strong case for the task and some current work practices to be re-designed to reduce the risks. Evidence is also drawn from previous work by the HSE, (a report by Tapley & Riley, 2005).

Some key findings are:

  1. The task of baggage handling should be mechanised as much as possible.
  2. Baggage handlers should avoid lifting bags to/from low level (from ankle height) and to/from a high level, (above shoulder height).
  3. All organisations involved in the baggage handling process - the airport, the carriers, the handlers and the Ground Service Equipment (GSE) manufacturers - must learn to co-operate and communicate with one another to achieve the necessary standards.

Working together and communicating more regularly are identified as key to progress this particular area of risk reduction. Were organisations able to better collaborate, says the report, identifying and implementing ways of improving baggage handlers' physical safety would be facilitated.

As well as the HSE, staff from Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL), East Midlands Airport (EMA), Menzies Aviation, Servisair, EasyJet, BMI Baby and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) formed a collaborative working group to take this work forward.

The reports can be found at:

News from the UK

The Health and Safety Offences Act 2008: HSE Chair Judith Hackitt welcomes tougher penalties

The UK Health and Safety Offences Act 2008 comes into force on Friday, 16 January 2009. This new Act will increase penalties and provide courts with greater sentencing powers for those who break health and safety law, and is being welcomed by the Chair of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Judith Hackitt said:

"This Act gives lower courts the power to impose higher fines for some health and safety offences. It is right that there should be a real deterrent to those businesses and individuals that do not take their health and safety responsibilities seriously. Everyone has the right to work in an environment where risks to their health and safety are properly managed, and employers have a duty in law to deliver this.

"Our message to the many employers who do manage health and safety well is that they have nothing to fear from this change in law. There are no new duties on employers or businesses, and HSE is not changing its approach to how it enforces health and safety law. We will retain the important safeguards that ensure that our inspectors use their powers sensibly and proportionately. We will continue to target those who knowingly cut corners, put lives at risk and who gain commercial advantage over competitors by failing to comply with the law".

Following its successful Third Reading in the House of Lords on 10 October, the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008 received Royal Assent on 16 October and comes into force on 16 January 2009. The Act fulfils a longstanding Government and HSE commitment to provide the courts with greater sentencing powers for health and safety crimes. The effect of the Act is to:

The full text of the Act can be found at:

The Health and Safety Offences Act 2008 was introduced as a Private Members Bill and piloted through the House of Commons by the Rt Hon Keith Hill MP and by the Rt Hon Lord Bruce Grocott in the House of Lords.

The HSE Board has overall responsibility for occupational health and safety regulations in Great Britain, and HSE and Local Authorities are the enforcing authorities that work in support of the Board. For more information on health and safety at work visit Information on worker involvement can be found at

HSE's enforcement policy can be viewed at:

The new penalties in the Act are not retrospective and will not apply to offences committed before it comes into force i.e. offences before 16 January 2009.

More News from the UK

Fire Risk Assessment for Small Businesses - Guide for simple premises

This simple guide offers small businesses all the information they need to comply with fire safety legislation. Aimed at companies operating in simple premises, it offers guidance on how to conduct a fire risk assessment, prepare an emergency plan and keep a fire safety log.

Contact: The Fire Protection Association, London Road, Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire, GL56 0RH, UK | Tel: +44 (0)1608 812 500 | Fax: +44 (0)1608 812 501 | Email: | Order online:

News from the USA

Four New US NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Reports Now Available

The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has published the following Health Hazard Evaluation Reports.

Potential musculoskeletal hazards at a postal processing and distribution center were evaluated by the HHE Program
Investigators recommended that the shelving in the sorting area be moved to make space for empty containers and that the tray management system conveyor is moved in front of the sorters; both changes would eliminate 180° lifts. Investigators also recommended that the number of workers in the loading and sorting areas be increased to allow for job rotation.

Contact dermatitis at an automotive parts manufacturing facility was evaluated by the HHE Program
Investigators recommended that machines be cleaned before metal working fluids (MWFs) are added and that machines that leak hydraulic oil be fixed to prevent MWF contamination. Investigators also recommended that MWFs and biocides be replaced with less sensitizing materials. Investigators recommended that a comprehensive MWF maintenance program and personal protective equipment program be implemented.

The effectiveness of using gaseous chlorine dioxide to kill mold during urban rehabilitation projects was evaluated by the HHE Program
Investigators recommended that additional clean-up techniques, such as the use of high efficiency particle air filter vacuums, be used to reduce concentrations of spores and microbial components before re-occupancy is permitted in previously contaminated structures.

Respiratory and dermal conditions at an aluminum wheel production facility were evaluated by the HHE Program
Investigators recommended that the facility conduct environmental monitoring for metal working fluids (MWFs) and install local exhaust ventilation to machines using MWFs. Investigators also recommended that personal protective equipment and training be provided to employees who work with MWFs.

OSH BRIEFS - European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Safety with a smile - NAPO faces workplace risks and shows good practice

On his own website, the famous animated character NAPO tackles workplace risks and shows - in a universal language - how to deal with musculoskeletal diseases and noise, gives advice to young workers, builders and cleaning workers and explains safety signs.

All stories have an educational value and can be used to encourage discussions on health and safety topics.

Find out more about the NAPO films:

OSH BRIEFS - European Community

European Community Statistics on Health and Safety At Work

Regulation (EC) No 1338/2008 of 16 December 2008 on Community statistics on public health and health and safety at work

See Official Journal of the EU (OJ L354, 31/12/08)

OSH BRIEFS - European Community

European Community Labelling and Packaging of Chemicals

Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (1355 pp)

See Official Journal of the EU (OJ L353, 31/12/08)

OSH BRIEFS - European Community

Control of major-accident hazards

Commission Decision 2009/10/EC of 2 December 2008 establishing a major accident report form pursuant to Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances

Brussels, Official Journal of the European Union; L 6/64 10 January 2009 15 pages


Revised chainsaws leaflet

Newly revised Aboriculture and Forestry Advisory Group leaflet (AFAG) 308 entitled
Top-handled chainsaws. (PDF)

OSHE web sites to explore...

We look at websites in different parts of the world that are offering quality information. This month we look at some Germany based websites.

Also look in for hundreds of links to authoritative and validated web sites... constantly updated.


Arbeitschutz in Hessen
Arbeitschutz in Hessen, Social Labour Inspectorate website gives details of the activities, guidance and advice.

ASW - Arbeitgemeinschaft fur Sichergeit der Wirtschaft e.V. (Association for Safety and Security of Trade and Industry)
ASW - Arbeitgemeinschaft fur Sichergeit der Wirtschaft e.V. (Association for Safety and Security of Trade and Industry) is a central organization of trade and industry in questions of safety and security. It was founded by associations of trade and industry and the associations for safety and security of the federal states. The ASW looks after the safety and security interests of trade and industry against political and administrative authorities and supports the active cooperation between organizations of trade and industry and the government.

Berufsgenossenschaften HVBG
Berufsgenossenschaften HVBG Site contains information on news, benefits, costs, international aspects, research, services, products, events, publications, contacts and links.

Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut fuer Arbeitsschutz (BGIA, BG-Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institute fur Arbeitssicherheit site contains various GESTIS databases on hazardous substances and complete reports on up-to-date research topics "BGIA reports", a number of these are in English. They provide results of the German BGs (institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention). Reports can be downloaded or ordered free of charge via the BGIA's publication database.

Bundessanstalt fur Arbeitsschutz BAuA
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health FIOSH
Bundessanstalt fur Arbeitsschutz BAuA or Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health FIOSH as it is known in English is the major OSH institute, site covers research results, databases on research, reports and projects. Practical solutions, applications, publications, details about the Notification Unit to the Chemicals Act and European Network Workplace Health Promotion. Partly available in English language.

Bundessanstalt fur Arbeitsschutz BAuA: Biological Agents
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health FIOSH
Bundessanstalt fur Arbeitsschutz BAuA or Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health FIOSH as it is known in English is the major OSH institute, site covers research results, databases on research, reports and projects. Practical solutions, applications, publications, details about the Notification Unit to the Chemicals Act and European Network Workplace Health Promotion. Partly available in English language. This section describes the health and safety regime covering work with biological agents. The main piece of legislation that applies to infections at work is The Ordinance on Safety and Health Protection at Work involving Biological Agents. Micro-organisms are covered in this ordinance by the term biological agents. Biological agents shall mean micro-organisms, including those which have been genetically modified, cell cultures and humanopathogenous endoparasites, which may be able to provoke any infection, sensitizing or toxic effects in human beings. Here you find some Technical Rules for Biological Agents (TRBA) established by the Committee for Biological Agents (ABAS).

Deutsche Bauchemie e.V.
Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. is the central association in Germany for manufacturers of modern chemical products that are used in the building industry. It forms the interface between member companies and politics, authorities, the building industry, standards institutes as well as research and teaching on a national and European level. Includes details of members, publications and press releases and events.

European Aviation Safety Agency
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) now provides direct online access to all European Union (EU) Airworthiness Directives (AD). EASA issues these to the holders of aircraft type certificates whenever design-related safety problems with aircraft in Europe has been identified.

European Committee of the Manufacturers of Fire Protection Equipment and Fire Fighting Vehicles EUROFEU
European Committee of the Manufacturers of Fire Protection Equipment and Fire Fighting Vehicles (EUROFEU) site. Through the CEN Committees Eurofeu works to establish common high standards of fire safety for the protection of life (including that of the fire fighter), public and private assets and the environment. To enable a growing European market where member's products are tested once to a commonly accepted standard and listed in each appropriate country without duplication of costs. EUROFEU aims to be considered by all appropriate authorities as the voice of influence that is consulted on important European wide fire protection issues.

European Network for Workplace Health Promotion ENWHP
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion ENWHP recognises that working in a highly competitive business environment and at a time of increasing pressure on the labour market, many employers in Europe are aware of the need to implement measures to improve productivity and efficiency and at the same time enhance the working environment and culture. Workplace health promotion has been shown to make a major contribution to the achievement of these outcomes. The ENWHP promotes good practice in workplace health promotion and advocates the adoption of such practice in all European workplaces.

European Occupational Safety and Health Network - EUROSHNET
European Occupational Safety and Health Network - EUROSHNET is a network of European occupational safety and health experts active in standardisation, testing, certification or applied research. The purpose is to facilitate contact and exchange of information between occupational safety and health experts.

Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung -Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing is a senior scientific and technical Federal Institute with responsibility to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). The technological productivity of the Federal Republic of Germany is based on competitive high-quality products, which are to ensure by innovative measurement and testing technology. BAM has its responsibility in development of safety and reliability in chemistry and materials technologies, physical and chemical inspections of materials and plants including supply of reference methods and reference materials, collaboration in developing legal regulations like on safety standards and threshold values and consulting on safety aspects of materials technology for the Federal Government and industry. BAM is the successor of the Public Materials Testing Office ("Staatliches Materialprüfungsamt") founded in 1871 and of the Chemical-Technical State Institute ("Chemisch-Technische Reichsanstalt") set up in 1920.

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health offers selected information on a number fields of safety and health, e.g. noise/vibrations, work-related diseases, occupational health protection etc.

Diary of Events

If you have a seminar, conference or exhibition that you would like to promote - please send details to your Editor. Also look in

2-3 March 2009 - The National Safety Council's 2009 Texas Safety Conference and Expo (TSCE)
The Woodlands, Texas, USA
Contact: Ms Hilda Koskiewicz, Conference Planner, National Safety Council, 1121 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL 60143, United States | Tel: + 1 630 775 2037 | Fax: +1 +630 285 0798 | Email: |

9 March 2009 - Health and Safety Training for Managers and Supervisors in the Canadian Federal Jurisdiction
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Contact: Irene Brelsforth, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety (CCOHS), 135 Hunter Street East Hamilton ON L8N 1M5, Canada | Tel: + 1 905 572 2981 x 4467 | Fax: +1 905 572 2206 | Email: |

10-12 March 2009 - The Cleaning Show 2009
National Exhibition Centre (NEC), Birmingham, UK
Contact: BCCE Ltd |

10-12 March 2009 - National Traffic Management & Work Zone Safety Conference
Orlando, Florida, USA
Contact: American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) | | |

17 March 2009 - IOSH 09 Conference and exhibition
BT Convention Centre, Liverpool, UK
Contact: IOSH, Wigston, Leicestershire, UK |

22-27 March 2009 - 29th International Congress on Occupational Health: A Basic Right at Work - An Asset to Society
Cape Town, South Africa
Contact: International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) 2009 Congress, PO Box 16179, Lyttelton 0140, South Africa | Tel: +27 (0)12-667-5160 | Fax: +27 (0)11-507-5085 | Email:

25-27 March 2009 - Safety Services Nova Scotia 27th Annual Health and Safety Conference
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Contact: Safety Services Nova Scotia (SSNS), 110 Chain Lake Drive, Unit 3F, Vantage Point 3, Halifax, NS B3S 1A9, Canada | Tel: +1 902 454 9621 | Fax: +1 902 454 6027 | Email: |

26-28 March 2009 - Risk Management Seminar for Health and Safety 2009
Organized by The Union of Risks Management for Preventive Medicine (URMPM)
Contact: Union of Risks Management for Preventive Medicine (URMPM Head Office), 4-7-12-102 Hongo, Bunkyoku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan | Tel: + 81 3 3817 7010 | Fax: +81 3 3817 6770 | Email: |

30 March - 2 April 2009 - 23rd Fire Science and Fire Investigation Course
School of Engineering and Electronics, Fire Safety Group, University of Edinburgh, UK
Contact: Office of Lifelong Learning, The University of Edinburgh, 11 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, UK | Tel: +44 (0)131 651 1189 | Fax: +44 (0)131 651 1746 | Email: |
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of FIREINF

6-7 April 2009 - Western Conference on Safety
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Contact: Pacific Safety Center, 3235 21331 Gordon Way, Richmond BC V6W 1J9, Canada | Tel: +1 604 233 1842 | Fax: 604-233-1942 | Email: |

6-8 April 2009 - Fire Dynamics and Fire Safety Engineering Design
School of Engineering and Electronics, Fire Safety Group, University of Edinburgh, UK
Contact: Office of Lifelong Learning, The University of Edinburgh, 11 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, UK | Tel: +44 (0)131 651 1189 | Fax: +44 (0)131 651 1746 | Email: |
Readers may also wish to take a free trial of FIREINF

17-23 April 2009 - American Association of Occupational Health Nurses 2009 Symposium and Expo
Orlando, Florida, USA

20-22 April 2009 - Health & Safety Canada 2009 IAPA Conference & Trade Show
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Contact: IAPA, 5110 Creekbank Rd, Suite 300, Mississauga ON L4W 0A1, Canada | Tel: 1-800-406-4272 or 905-614-4272 ext. 2424 | Fax: 1 800-316-4272 or 905-614-1420 | Email: |

27 April - 1 May 2009 - 12th World Congress on Public Health
Education in Public Health for 21st Century, Global Public Health Workforce, Public Health & Health Services Research & Technology, Global Governance, Health and Development, Comparative Analysis of Health Systems, Strengthening Global Public Health Systems, Financing Global Public Health, Environmental Safety & Stewardship, Health, Geopolitics & Public Diplomacy, Public Health, Political Will & the Public Good

Organized by the World Federation of Public Health Associations and the Turkish Public Health Association
Istanbul, Turkey
Contact: Turkish Public Health Association (TPHA), Mithatpasa Cad. No. 52, 7 Kizilay-Ankara, Turkey | Tel: +90 312 285 31 00 / 230, 231 | Fax: + 90 312 284 00 70 | Email: |

11-14 May 2009 - Occupational hazards and reproductive health (4902)
SPA Hotel, Naantali, Finland
Contact: Gunilla Rasi, NIVA Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A 00250 Helsinki, FINLAND | Tel: +358 30 474 2498 | Fax: +358 30 474 2497 | Email: |