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Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd


Editorial Archive

Remember to keep up-to-date with the latest Safety, Health and Fire information at Work – use OSH UPDATE + FIRE

May 2014
Sheila Pantry OBE

On 28 April 2014 we remember all those who have been made ill or suffered fatal injury in the workplace and resolve to make extra efforts to improve the standards of health and safety. One certain way is to ensure that you and your organisation has the latest information on all aspects of keeping the workplace and the workers safe and healthy.

This task can be easily be done by accessing OSH UPDATE + FIRE – arguably the largest electronic collection of safety, health and fire information in the world, that has 26 databases containing over 1,114,000 records including over 90,000 full text documents. Many people, organisations, inspectors, information specialists, students and lecturers in many parts of the world are finding OSH UPDATE + FIRE an essential tool in their daily work. User friendly and certainly budget friendly!

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This month’s OSHWORLD FOCUS looks at Looking back and learning for the future: History of Occupational Health and Safety website launched.

OSHWORLD – your portal to some of the best OSH web sites in the world

It is always good to review health, safety, chemical, fire and environment procedures on a regular basis. It is also important that the practices and systems in the workplace are constantly reviewed and if necessary, improved. This review may also indicate training requirements and updates and re-thinking how systems and services can be improved. This is where the free-of-charge OSHWORLD can help you.

In these days of tighter budgets perhaps training may be put on the “back-burner” – but think again how you can keep up with the latest techniques and training opportunities. So look at the latest additions to the Diary of Events and you will see plans have been made already worldwide up to the end of 2015 and beyond to have training courses, symposiums and conferences in many places in the world on a wide range of subjects.

Remember that even if you cannot attend these many events, speakers and organisers are often willing to share their knowledge. Look at the details – where possible, we add in the web sites of these events so you can request further information. And do let me know if you are organising any OSHE events so that I can add them to the Diary.


In addition to the above we hope that you find the information in OSHWORLD useful in your daily work. Globally there are continually new titles, news items, new products so remember to look at the News to find the latest information from a number of worldwide sources.

Use OSHWORLD as your portal to many hundreds of validated and authoritative web sites that you can find in the Country and Subject links we offer. New subject topics are constantly brought together on web sites, e.g. nanotechnology and the workplace.

Most information services have a reference shelf where you can quickly check the reference sources – so OSHWORLD brings you a collection of Reference sources and also teaches you how to Search the Internet.

Visit the various Bookshops to order any new document as they are being published. Many of these Bookshops have a constant stream of new titles available.

Please send any suggestions or comments about OSHWORLD – your portal to validated and authoritative information. Remember also to look at our other really useful sites – and why not make a free entry about your company’s products in

Don’t forget to learn from history see

Don’t work harder – work smarter! Be ahead of the game.

Well did you have a zero accident, incident-free and healthy year in 2013 in your workplace? Some would argue that this is not possible! But keep on trying again in 2014!

And do continue to make plans for your campaigns for 2014 and beyond!