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Getting Results with Time Management

Ailsa Masterton


Library Association Publishing





ISBN 1 85604 237 5


Time management can help reduce stress and improve achievement. This book is designed to offer LIS professionals a step-by-step guide to building time management techniques into their daily routines. It looks at:

  • time planning;
  • reading and paperwork;
  • getting the most from meetings;
  • time stealers;
  • time management systems and good practice; and
  • avoiding crises.

It offers all levels of library and information professional, including those working outside organizations in freelance or portfolio careers, a guide to better time management.


‘This is a very practical book which could be extremely useful for an LIS professional with less time than tasks to do.’

Library Management

Are meetings becoming the practical alternative to work? Does your office space resemble the BLDSC? Are you not waving but drowning in oceans of paperwork? Warning! You may have a time management problem.

But take heart – help is at hand in the shape of this practical (and affordable) guide to managing your workload in an age where tasks and problems multiply faster than one can say “transactional analysis”.

Like all the titles in this series, this book is not merely another management guide, but draws directly on the problems and experiences of library and information professionals for both its analysis of time management, and for the examples and case studies quoted in explanation and support. This ensures that the proffered advice is immediately relevant.

This book can be read by those with some understanding of the principles involved, as well as by those for whom ‘time management’ has a vague connection with punctuality. It is well planned, with each chapter preceded by a boxed summary of contents, and the textual lay enables the important points to stand out from the main text.

Not only did I recognise my own problems and failings within the first couple of chapters, but I felt sufficiently motivated to act on the suggestions. But be warned – getting to grips with time management means being prepared for ruthless action – “No!” is a word which figures highly in this book’s vocabulary. Wonder why I agreed to find time to write this review…?

A highly recommended title – if your staff library won’t buy a copy, invest in one of your own.

Marian Carey, Community Care Librarian, Leicester City Libraries
Community LIBRARIAN, Spring 1998, No. 20, p. 24

Available at a 20% discount to Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals members.
Remember to quote your Membership Number if claiming the discount.
Facet Publishing, 7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E 7AE, UK

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